PSAS Events For parents, educators, mental-health professionals, students, and other people interested in human relationships and human well-being. October 2014 – January 2015 Please see the schedule on the following pages. The science of the mind can only have for its proper goal the understanding of human nature by every human being . . . and peace for every human soul. Alfred Adler, MD In this spirit, PSAS offers free First Friday Forums, free, grant- or donation-funded Positive Discipline and Disciplina Positiva parenting courses, and other educational events for everyone who is intrigued with human nature and its evolution. At quarterly First Friday Forums, Stephen A. Maybell, PhD, presents Clinical Conversations, with participation by interested forum attendees. Steve is Director of the Student Counseling Center and Professor of Marriage and Family Therapy at Seattle Pacific University. Other First Friday Forums, with various presenters, address subjects of interest to mental-health professionals, educators, parents, and others. All are welcome. We are sad to say that our Professional Development Seminars for mental-health professionals and graduate students have been suspended because of the passing of Robert L. Powers, one of our presenters. Stephanie Cross, our long-time presenter for Sanity Circus, our parenting course for 30 years, has retired. Thanks to a new grant from the Horizons Foundation, and to generous donors to the Sanity Circus Fund (now the Pay-It-Forward Fund), PSAS is continuing to co-sponsor several free Positive Discipline and Disciplina Positiva courses with other nonprofit organizations. We are delighted that Anita Garcia Morales is now the presenter for these courses. (She is now also a Board member and is the Parent Education Coordinator for PSAS.) We also hope to be offering the course Active Parenting of Teens shortly. With Sound Discipline and the Positive Discipline Association, we co-sponsor Teaching Parenting the Positive Discipline Way and Positive Discipline in the Classroom. With Sound Discipline, we also co-sponsor the new course Positive Discipline in the Early Childhood Classroom. CE hours for licensed mental-health professionals, and OSPI-approved clock hours for educators and school counselors, are available at PSAS events. The fee for CE hours is $10 per hour for PSAS members, and $15 per hour for others. The fee for clock hours is $4 per hour for PSAS members, and $6 per hour for others. To join the PSAS “Friends” email list for event notices, or for further information, please email us at To become a member of PSAS, please see To suggest a topic or presenter for a First Friday Forum, please call us at 206-527-2566. Our mission is to nurture dignity for all by encouraging democratic relationships and a sense of belonging. 1 Seven Thursdays, Oct. 16 – Dec. 4, 2014, 5:30 – 7:30 p.m. (skipping Thanksgiving) Positive Discipline ~ Being Kind & Firm at the Same Time Anita Garcia Morales This free, grant-funded parenting course will be presented in Kent, co-sponsored with the South King County Family Resource Center of Children’s Home Society. A light dinner is provided at 5:15, and childcare is included. For information or to register, call Gail at the Center, 253-850-2558, or Anita at 206-409-2120. Six Wednesdays, Oct. 29 – Dec. 10, 2014, 6:00 – 8:30 p.m. (No class Nov. 5. Class members have the option of skipping Nov. 26 and extending the course to Dec. 17) Positive Discipline ~ Being Kind & Firm at the Same Time Anita Garcia Morales This free, grant-funded parenting course will be presented in Rainier Beach, co-sponsored with the Atlantic Street Family Center. Childcare is provided. For information or to register, call Sue at the Center, 206-723-1301, or Anita at 206-409-2120. Friday, Nov. 7, 2014 PSAS Board Meeting, 6:15 - 7:15 p.m. First Friday Forum: Let’s Get Physical~ Using Physical Movement to Enhance Adlerian Principles in Therapy Sessions Danáe Ashley 7:30 - 9:30 p.m., at St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church, 4805 N.E. 45th St., Laurelhurst RSVP,, 206-527-2566 Danáe will share some basic physical movements to enhance Adlerian principles such as trust, encouragement, and social interest in therapy. Participants will be able to practice these movements and discuss the process. The presentation will be filmed and sent to the Adler Graduate School to complete Danáe's Master's Project. A native of Spokane, Danáe has served churches and led discernment and spiritual retreats across the country. Her love of officiating at weddings put her on the path of becoming a Prepare/Enrich facilitator in 2008. Doing pre-marital or marriage enrichment coaching with couples is a passion of hers. While serving a church in Minneapolis, Danáe became a student at Adler Graduate School. She will be finishing her M.A. in Marriage and Family Therapy and Individual Psychology in December. Adler's holistic perspective and focus on encouragement are two of many aspects of Individual Psychology that she especially enjoys in her work. Growing up, Danáe was a Highland dancer (Scottish) and finds work with the body vital as part of a holistic view in therapy. You can learn more about her at Educational Objectives (for CE hours): Participants will gain knowledge of the historic background of Blanche Evan and Liljan Espenak, Adlerians who used their Adlerian training and dance background in their therapeutic process that pioneered what became Dance/Movement Therapy. Participants will be given some basic physical movement techniques to utilize in their practice with individuals, couples, and groups to enhance Adlerian principles such as trust, encouragement, early recollections, and social interest that will help clients therapeutically. Participants will come away with information and praxis for considering the whole person -- especially integration of the body -- in therapy. 2 Friday, Dec. 5, 2014 PSAS Board Meeting, 6:15 - 7:15 p.m. First Friday Forum: Clinical Conversations ~ Re-membering: Helping Clients Choose Who and What Is Inside of Them, 7:30 - 9:30 p.m. Steven A. Maybell, PhD 7:30 - 9:30 p.m., northeast Seattle For the address and to RSVP, please email or call 206-527-2566. With over 40 years of experience in mental-health counseling and therapy, Steve Maybell is deeply devoted to Adlerian Psychology and its application to his work and his life. He is dedicated to “a model of therapy that emphasizes mutual respect, collaboration, tapping the wisdom within each client, contributing to the client's sense that they matter, that they make sense, and that there are new possibilities available for them to live a life of greater quality.” He also practices reprocessing therapy (Lifespan Integration and EMDR), which he sees as powerful tools to assist clients in moving beyond trauma and discouraging experiences in their past. Steve is Director of the Student Counseling Center and Adjunct Professor of Marriage and Family Therapy at Seattle Pacific University. He was recently recognized as Supervisor of the Year for the Washington Association of Marriage and Family Therapy, and Supervisor of the Year for the UW School of Social Work. He also holds Diplomate standing with the North American Society of Adlerian Psychology in Adlerian Psychology, Clinical Social Work, and Professional Psychotherapy, is a Clinical Fellow and Approved Supervisor of the American Association of Marriage and Family Therapy, and teaches certificate programs in Adlerian Psychology. Educational Objectives (for CE hours): Participants will learn from discussion of examples how Adlerian Psychology can apply in specific cases and situations. Participants will learn more of the process of relating to others, including clients, with mutual respect, collaboration, and awareness of new possibilities. Six Wednesdays, Jan. 7 – 28, 2015, & 1 Thursday, Feb. 19, 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. (tentative) Positive Discipline ~ Being Kind & Firm at the Same Time Anita Garcia Morales This free, grant-funded parenting course will be presented in West Seattle, co-sponsored with the STEM K-5 School and Arbor Heights School, now both at the Boren School building. Childcare is provided. For more information or to register, call Anita at 206-409-2120. 3
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