L November Newsletter

Lake City Secondary
November Newsletter
Williams Lake Campus (Gr. 10-12)
640 Carson Drive
Williams Lake, BC
V2G 1T3
Ph: 250.392.6284
Fax: 250.392.3362
Columneetza Campus (Gr.7-9)
1045 Western Avenue
Williams Lake, BC
V2G 2J8
Ph: 250.392.4158
Fax: 250.392.3952
Principal: Gregg Gaylord
Vice Principals: Williams Lake Campus- Ken Lucks and Curt Levens
Columneetza Campus- Grant Gustafson and Craig Munroe
Counsellors: Williams Lake Campus – Jennifer Ives and Kim Nowotny
Columneetza Campus – Tara Burtenshaw and Dave Julius
First Nation Student Support: Williams Lake Campus: Patsy Grinder, Elannie Hunlin, Virginia
Robbins, Mike Archie
Columneetza Campus: Susan Hance, George Fraser
Dear Parents/Guardians and Students:
With winter weather approaching, the possibility of buses not running in all or part
of the District is always a possibility. Please listen to the local radio station in the
mornings for busing notices or check the School District website at www.sd27.bc.ca
for urgent busing notices. Urgent website notices will always appear at the top of the
home page. We are working to ensure these notices appear on the website between
6:00 and 7:00 am when necessary.
Lock Down Drills
Over the course of the year we will be doing Lockdown drills to help students understand what
they need to do in case of an emergency. These drills will be announced over the PA by an
administrator and students will be expected to be in a classroom with a supervising teacher until
the drill has ended. Any questions or concerns please contact one of the school’s principals.
In order to keep you informed of our plans and activities at Lake City Secondary, we will be
posting a monthly newsletter on our new school website www.lakecitysecondary.com
Paper copies can be picked up in the office at both campuses.
First Nations Education Department:
If you have identified your student(s) as having First Nations Ancestry and do not wish for your
student(s) to be involved in the First Nations support program, we will need a written letter from
you, requesting the your student(s) not be involved. Please go to our school district website
www.lakecitysecondary.com to print the letter. Thank you.
Let the school know as soon as possible if your child has a severe medical issue like anaphylaxis,
seizures, diabetes or a heart condition. Parents/guardians will need to complete a medical alert
form for the school. Students with severe allergies (anaphylaxis) are also required to provide two
doses of epinephrine (e.g. Epi pen); one to be kept in the office and one to be kept with the child.
Please contact the school if you have any questions.
Dropping off Students:
Columneetza Campus:
Please do not pick up or drop off students in the top parking lot. Please use the pull out on
Western Avenue or the back parking lot to avoid congestion or an accident. Thank you.
Williams Lake Campus:
Please avoid picking up or dropping students off on Comer St. Hill. Thank you.
PE Department
If any parents that have old skates, X-Country Skis, snow shoes or weight room equipment,
Columneetza PE Department would gladly accept any donations. Please email Tim Hurley @
TIMD.HURLEY@SD27.BC.CA for arrangements for pick up.
Sports Teams:
Our rugby, soccer, cross country running and volleyball teams have begun practising.
Thank you to all the coaches for helping our athletes with enhancing their skills on and
off the field or court. Students are encouraged to listen to announcements regarding
lunch hour activities and events.
Bottle Drive:
If you have any extra bottles please take to Amanda Enterprises and donate to school sports team
or club; make sure to be specific what team/club and campus. Amanda Enterprise will then issue
a cheque to the school for the various team/club.
Junior Curling Club:
All students 8 years and older welcome! Starting October 27th - ending just before spring break,
Every Monday 3:30pm to5pm at the Williams Lake Curling Club; Cost is $110 for the year.
Students will need clean runners, warm clothes and gloves, a snack will be provided. For more
information please check the web page www.williamslakecurling.com or by phone 250-3924636.
Lake City Secondary Band:
Winter Concerts:
Columneetza (gr.7-9) Tuesday, Dec. 16th 7:00pm in the gym, Admission by donation
WL Campus (gr.10-12) Thursday, Dec. 11th 7:00pm in the commons, admission by donation
LCS Band program is fundraising for trips to Europe and BC festivals this year. Please email
dena.baumann@sd27.bc.ca or laura.eilers@sd27.bc.ca if you'd like to order Save on Foods gift
cards to help them meet their fundraising goals. Thank you!
Overdue textbooks and library books:
We are missing a number of text and library books from last year. If you could please return to
the school any Columneetza books that you find at home, it would be much appreciated!
Thank you!
Cafeteria: (Columneetza Campus)
The Cafeteria is up and running!! A variety of healthy lunches are being served daily.
Cafeteria Lunch cards can be purchased at Columneetza Campus in the main office. Any
questions please call Lynn at 250-392-4158.
Breakfast for Learning:
Our school’s nutrition program is proudly funded by Breakfast for Learning and served by
our teachers. Breakfast is provided daily from 8am to 8:30am. Everyone is welcome 
Fruit and Vegetable Program:
Again this year both campuses are enrolled in the BC School Fruit & Vegetable Nutrition
Program. The program provides fresh (local) fruits or vegetables 13 times in the school year.
If you do not wish to have your child participate in the free program, please send a written note
to the school indicating your choice.
Medieval Market:
The Medieval Market will be moving to the Williams Lake Campus this year! More space; less
crowded! November 22 and 23, 10am-4pm, $3 entry for live entertainment all weekend and a
one of a kind shopping experience. Over 50 artisans from around BC will be offering quality
handmade wares. Farmer’s market, Medieval concession, door prizes, all proceeds go the SD#27
students and programs.
Talent Show:
Talent Show at LCSS- WL Campus in the Commons. Any students grade 7-12 interested please
see Mrs. Fofonoff at WL Campus and Mr. Hanley at Columneetza Campus.
Date: Nov 27th, 6:30pm to 9pm Admission: Canned food item or donation.
All proceeds go to the Salvation Army Food Bank.
Winter Formal:
WINTER FORMAL DINNER AND DANCE: For Grade 11 & 12 students only
DATE: December 10th DRESS CODE: Semi-Formal DINNER: Catered
COST: $25 Per Person, TICKETS: On sale Nov 17th to Dec 5th
TIME: Doors open @ 5pm; Dinner @ 6:00pm; Dance to follow.
Tickets are limited, make sure to get one!
Leaves and Snow:
Greeting from the Alternate Program at Columneetza Campus. Giving back to the community as
well as getting out and being physically active are two important aspects of our program. With
the leaves already falling and the snow soon to come, we are offering the community close to the
school a leaf-raking and snow-shovelling service. We will provide the labour if you provide the
tools! If anyone (you or someone you know) living close to our campus would like some
youthful assistance with the yard work, please contact Brent Morton, Alternate teacher, at 250392-6170 during school hours, or call the school at 250-392-4158.
Parent Advisory Council:
All parents are invited to attend Lake City Secondary PAC meetings. The meetings
are held at 6:00 p.m. on the 3rd Thursday of each month.
NEXT MEETING - November 20th @ Columneetza Library
Columneetza Greenologists: It can be easy being green!
We are a group who enjoy exploring the outdoors and care for the environment.
Last year, we:
· Tree Planted at Scout Island.
· Netted Chinook on the Quesnel River.
· Overnighted at Gavin Lake and Tatla Lake.
· Picked through and measured the school garbage.
· Worked on a school recycling program.
· Started a school composting program.
· Raised and sold plants in the greenhouse.
· Scoured local thrift shops and the share shed to upcycle items.
We're sure that you will want to start some of your OWN projects! Bring some ideas to our next
WHO can join?
Anyone! All Grades Welcome!! Students interested in getting outside more, working with
experts in the field, and working towards a more sustainable future.
Dairy Fields Project:
Our group has chosen to work with other community groups to clean up and map the Dairy
Fields. This is a large greenspace at the end of Western Avenue and is accessible to three local
Lead by Scout Island Education Coordinator, Sue Hemphill, the students will be leaders in
cleaning, marking, mapping, and advertising. The goal is to create a manageable trail system
that can be used by classroom teachers as well as the public.
Counsellor’s Corner: We hope that all of our students have a successful and happy school
Please contact the counseling department if we can help in any way
Tips for helping your child manage anxiety
Taken from: http://keltymentalhealth.ca/education
Have a regular routine (mornings, school, homework, bedtime)
Give clear expectations, limits, and consequences that are realistic for the child’s age.
Pay attention to your child’s feelings, and help them to identify their emotions.
Stay calm when your child is anxious
Give praise and reward even for small accomplishments
Plan for times that may be difficult (getting to school, returning to school after breaks)
Show the ways you identify your own feelings and solve problems
Model and encourage healthy living habits, including
- regular physical activity
- a healthy and balanced diet
- getting a good night’s sleep
- stress management and relaxation
- healthy relationships
- community involvement
- social support
If you are at all concerned about the level of anxiety your child is experiencing at school, please
feel free to contact a school counselor.
Provincial Exams:
Any student who would like to re-write or missed writing their Provincial Exams in June, please
see Sue in the office at Williams Lake Campus. Re-write days are November 3rd and 4th.
Grade 12’s
How to Find the LCSS Scholarship Newsletter on the Lake City Secondary Webpage:
1. Go to http://www.lakecitysecondary.com/
2. Click on Carson Campus, Students, Graduation, and Scholarship Information
3. Read the LCSS Scholarship Newsletters (pages and pages of exciting and enlightening
information) and investigate further those scholarships and/or bursaries that interest you!
4. If you have any questions, please see Ms. Gobolos in room #110.
5. Please check the website periodically for further updates!
Graduation Transitions:
As of Friday, Oct 17th your son/daughter has met with Ms. Thomson about Grad Transitions and
their Application for Work Experience should now be complete and signed by a parent to hand
into the Career Centre for processing. Ms. Kraus or Ms. Hall will be printing out their
paperwork for each to complete.
The next two sections: Who AM I and Healthy Living sections, are to be complete and handed in
by November 21. All sections may be completed prior to their due dates, we strongly encourage
this practice.
Dry Grad:
Any grads or parents looking for information please check out the Dry Grad website:
www.wldrygrad.ca or Face book; Williams Lake Dry Grad 2015.
Please contact Marilyn Strohschein by email marilyn.strohschein@sd27.bc.ca if you are willing
to volunteer with this year’s dry Grad.
Calendar Update:
November 3rd - 4th- Provincial Exam Re-write days
November 7th – Remembrance Day Assembly WL Campus Block C/Columneetza Block B
November 10th -14th – Fall Break (No School)
November 20th – Pac Meeting @ Columneetza Library
November 22nd-23rd- Medieval Market 10am to 4pm – Williams Lake Campus
November 27th- Talent Show 6:30pm @ WL Campus
December 4th- Report Cards go home
December 8th- Parent/Teacher Interviews 5-7pm @ Columneetza and Williams Lake Campuses
December 10th- Winter Formal @ WL Campus Doors open 5pm
December 11th – Winter Band Concert 7pm @ Williams Lake Campus
December 16th- Winter Band Concert 7pm @ Columneetza Campus
December 22nd -Jan 4th – Winter Break
If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me at the school.
Yours in education,
Gregg Gaylord
Lake City Secondary