Re-Create Afterschool--Winter Cycle 2014-15 11/7/2014 10:05:02 AM Registration Procedures for Re-Create Afterschool Cycle Start Dates: Winter Cycle 2014-15 will begin Monday, December 8, 2014 and go through Friday, March 13th. Classes at PS 9 from 4:30 to 5:50 Monday-Friday: Success Academy scholars are welcome to attend classes five days a week from 4:30 to 5:50 at PS 9. All of these classes with grade levels are listed below. Re-create staff sign the children out from Success Academy at pick-up time (4 p.m. or 4:30 p.m. depending on your child’s grade) and walk them to PS 9 directly across the street. Pick-up following these classes will take place at PS 9 by 6:00 PM. Featured Classes: Our most popular classes include Cooking, Chess Team, Yoga, Fencing, Computer Animation, Lego Mindstorms, Mandarin Chinese, Web Design, Arts and Crafts, and Inline Skating/Skateboarding. Login Information: All registration will take place online using your unique account name and password. To request a password, please email Neil Fitzgerald at and include your name, your child’s name, your child’s grade, and your phone number. Registration Procedures: You will be sent an email containing your login information as well as instructions for using the online registration system. To register you will go to: and click on the tab for Registration. Once at the registration page, you can review registration materials and procedures and register for the cycle. After you enter your account name and password, the system will guide you through the process of updating contact information, selecting classes, and making payments. Complete Class Offerings from 4:30 to 5:50 PM Monday 02 MONDAY LATE 4:30-5:50 Tuesday 04 TUESDAY LATE 4:30-5:50 Wednesday 06 WEDNESDAY LATE 4:30-5:50 Thursday 08 THURSDAY LATE 4:30-5:50 Friday 10 FRIDAY LATE 4:30-5:50 gr K-5 Homework U Monday Late gr K-5 Homework U Tuesday Late gr K-5 Homework U Wednesday Late gr K-5 Homework U1 Thursday Late gr K-5 Homework U Friday Late gr K-1 Cooking--Breakfasts gr K-1 Soccer w Angie B gr K-2 Art Start w Jillian gr K+ Ms. Padilla’s Crafts--World of Crafts gr K-5 Inline Skating/Skateboarding gr K-2 Ms. Padilla’s Craft Workshop gr K-1 Tuesday Fun gr K-5 Mandarin Chinese 9 gr 2-5 Tae Kwon Do II gr 2-5 Magic B gr 1-3 Tennis B gr K-1 Yoga for Kids I gr 1+ Chess Team B gr 3-5 Web Design w Ms. Jones gr 3-5 Tiny Furniture w Jillian gr 1+ Chess Team A gr 2-5 Gaga w Ethel! gr 3-5 Quidditch w Ms. Warren gr 4-5 Lego Mindstorms w Ms. Chambers gr 3-5 Creative Writing gr 2-5 Ms. Padilla’s Sewing gr 3-5 Lego Robotics w Mr. Wilson gr 2-8 Fencing B gr 3-5 Cooking--Delicious Dinners gr 3+ Animation w Mr. Barry For additional information about the program you can visit the after school website: or call Neil Fitzgerald at 917-279-7345. You can also email
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