I INTORDUCTION Experimental Structural Damage Detection in a biaxial bending torsion coupled multi-span beam using inverse static strain sensitivity Vedhus Hoskere∗ BMS College of Engineering, Bangalore vedhus.hoskere@gmail.com I. Intorduction ull-scale structures ranging from highway bridges to dams are prone to safety hazards, which translates to a critical need to monitor their performance to detect early damage to the structure. This can affect its reliability and render it ineffective. These problems have already been extensively explored.1 The authors developed a baseline finite element model using nondestructive test data that assisted in planning, bridge inspections, routine maintenance decisions, and rehabilitation throughout the life of the building. The stiffness properties of a structure for each component can be quantified by parameter estimation and model updating.w These parameters of the finite-element model can be any appropriate geometric or material property, including cross-sectional properties of the structural components. The parameter estimation results can be used to classify the damage as the major differences between the estimated and expected parameters.3 The nondestructive test data is used to update the parameters of the previous model, the changes in which are indicated in the updated model that may affect a structure’s load carrying capacity. The input for parameter estimation is provided by the response of a structure to loads. In cases that require only element stiffnesses for condition assessment, static load testing can prove simpler and more cost effective than dynamic loading. Also, in many cases static loading is more economical as well as imparts a deeper assessment of the damage. The inverse problem is necessary to detect changes in the system properties and hence considered to be one of the foremost tools in structural health monitoring of a system. Previously, a method based on inverse sensitivity of the singular solutions of a system FRF matrix was proposed which addressed the problem of structural damage detection based on the measured frequency response functions of the structure in its damaged and undamaged states.4 In another work, inverse problems associated with linear dynamical systems are studied where methods based on inverse sensitivity analysis of eigensolutions, is considered.5 Displacement measurements from applied loads are used in the static finite element method, which can be a demanding task, as a frame of reference must be defined. Strain gauges, however, can be used for static strain measurements with higher accuracy than static displacement measurements. Therefore, in this study the strain measurements have been acquired as it is more sensitive to local damage and capture element behavior more efficiently than displacement measurements. F ∗ Vedhus Hoskere, Senior Undergraduate, Civil Engineering, BMSCE 1 II THEORETICAL BACKGROUND The major objective of this paper is to use the static strain measurements for damage detection of a multi-span bending-torsion coupled beam. The static response of the beam was measured, after which an inverse problem was used to compute the damage vector under the application of a series of specified loads. II. Theoretical Background 2.1 Finite element formulation The section undergoes bending in both planes as well as torsion. A 2 noded general 3D beam element with 6 degrees of freedom at each node has been used in the finite element formulation. The elemental stiffness matrices due to twisting, axial deformation, bending in both planes are computed separately and combined into a 12x12 elemental stiffness matrix. The bending in both planes and torsion are uncoupled when the section is oriented such that the forces act along the principal axes. Hence, this orientation is chosen as the local axis system. Figure 1: Global Axis Figure 2: Local Axis We have, the element stiffness matrix AE 0 0 0 0 L 12EIz 0 0 0 0 3 L 12EIy 6EIy 0 0 0 − L2 L3 GJ 0 0 0 0 L 6EIy 4EIy 0 − L2 0 0 L 6EIz 0 0 0 0 2 L k= − AE 0 0 0 0 L 0 12EIz − 0 0 0 L3 12EI 6EI y y 0 0 − L3 0 L2 0 0 0 − GJ 0 L 6EIy 2EIy 0 0 − L2 0 L 6EIz 0 0 0 0 L2 0 6EIz L2 − AE L 0 0 0 0 4EIz L 0 z − 6EI L2 0 0 0 0 AE L 0 0 0 2EIz L 0 z − 12EI L3 0 0 0 z − 6EI L2 0 0 12EIz L3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 z − 6EI L2 0 0 12EI − L3 y 0 0 0 0 0 0 − GJ L 0 0 0 0 12EIy L3 0 0 6EIy L2 0 6EIy L2 0 GJ L 0 0 0 0 6EI − L2 y 0 2EIy L 0 0 0 6EIy L2 0 4EIy L 0 0 6EIz L2 0 0 0 2EIz L 0 6EIz − L2 0 0 0 4EIz L Having formulated the elemental stiffness matrix, it is now required to perform the transformation of the stiffness matrix such that the angle section can now be oriented according to the global axis system as shown in Fig 1. The basic formulation for transformation of stiffness matrix is: K = [ T ]t [k][ T ] Where, [k] is the element stiffness matrix, 2 II T3 0 T= 0 0 0 T3 0 0 0 0 T3 0 0 0 0 T3 THEORETICAL BACKGROUND lu T3 = lv lw mu mv mw nu nv nw Direction cosines in T3 are as follows: lu = cos(u, X ), lv = cos(v, X ), lw = cos(w, X ), mu = cos(u, Y ), mv = cos(v, Y ), mw = cos(w, Y ), nu = cos(u, Z ) nv = cos(v, Z ) nw = cos(w, Z ) The global stiffness matrix thus obtained by assembling all elemental stiffness matrices is used to obtain the response. 2.2 Static loading The response of a structure to static loading provides the input for parameter estimation. Using a finite-element model (FEM) of the structure, measured and analytical responses are compared. [K ] D = F (1) where D is the global nodal displacement vector (consisting of all displacement and rotation values in three dimensions) and F is the global nodal force vector. [ D ] = [ K ] −1 [ F ] (2) The following model was created using a MATLAB code. Responses were compared with those of a similar model created in STAAD Pro 2007 and NISA 17. Figure 3: FE model 2.2.1 Strain displacement relation Sanayei and Salatnik3 derived a method to obtain strains in a general frame element. A mapping matrix [ B] is constituted to transform the displacement vector to a strain vector. An elemental mapping vector is obtained to find elemental strains from elemental displacements. These strains are then transformed and assembled to obtain strains in the global axis system. ¯ n} ε¯ n = { B¯ n }{U (3) ¯ n } to global coordinates, Transforming {U {U¯ n } = {Un }[ T ] 3 II THEORETICAL BACKGROUND Figure 4: Displacements from MATLAB Model, STAAD and NISA where [ T ] is the transformation matrix. Thus, { B¯ n } = { Bn }[ T ] For a system with n elements,the system mapping matrix [ B] is assembled by vertically augmenting system strains and aligning system DOFs horizontally. {ε} = [ B]{U } (4) Now, for bending in z-direction: d2 v (5) dx2 where v is the bending displacement parallel to y-axis and y is the distnce from the neutral axis to the strain measurement surface. The Hermite shape functions are used to model the behaviour. ε = −y 3x2 2x3 2x2 x3 + ; H ( x ) = x − + ; 2 l l2 l3 l2 3x2 2x3 x2 x3 H3 ( x ) = 2 − 3 ; H4 ( x ) = − + 2 ; l l l l Each function represents the bending deformation due to a unit displacement at a given DOF. The entire bending deformation is represented by. H1 ( x ) = 1 − v( x ) = H1 vi + H2 θi + H3 vj + H4 θ j Here, i and j are the node numbers of the element.Hence, equation 3 can be re-written in terms of the shape functions as vi 2 d {H} θvi ε n = −y (6) dx2 vj θvj 4 II THEORETICAL BACKGROUND Figure 5: Strains from MATLAB Model and STAAD {H} = H1 H2 H3 H4 Similarly, for bending in the z direction, it can be found that wi d2 {H} θwi ε n = −z wj dx2 θwj (7) ui −1 uj (8) For axial deformation, 1 εn = 1 L where ui and u j are axial displacements at the ends of each element. From equations 6, 7 and 8, the elemental mapping matrix can be written as { B¯ n } = { −1 L 1 L 6y (2x − l ) l3 6y − 3 (l − 2x ) l − 6z (2x − l ) l3 6z − 3 (l − 2x ) l − 0 0 2y (3x − 2l ) l2 2y − 2 (3x − l ) l − 2z (3x − 2l ) l2 2z − 2 (3x − l )} l − (9) 2.3 Inverse sensitivity analysis Let (min=1 ) denote a set of system parameters that may be associated with mass or stiffness characteristics of the system and Dk (m1 , m2 , .., mn ), k = 1, 2, ..Nk , represent set of response characteristics(static or dynamic) of the system . However let mu = (mui )in=1 represent the system characteristics in reference state. Now, mdi = mui + ∆i represents the system characteristics in the ith system due to occurrence of damage ∆i (change in system parameter). 5 IV EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION Based on these notations and using Taylor’s expansion the following expression can be written : n n n 2 ∂Dk k Dk (mu1 + ∆1 , . ., mun + ∆n ) = Dk (mu1 , .., mun ) + ∑ ∂m ∆i + 21 ∑ ∑ ∂m∂ D ∂m ∆i ∆ j ui i =1 i =1 j =1 ui uj The quantity ∆Dk = Dk (mu1 + ∆1 , mu2 + ∆2 , . ., mun + ∆n ) − Dk (mu1 , mu2 , .., mun ) represents the change in response character due to occurrence of damage and this quantity is expected to be measured based on experiments conducted on the structure in its damaged and reference states. Change in response involving the second order expansion the Taylor series can be written as ∆Dk = n ∂D n 1 n ∂2 D ∑ ∂muik ∆i + 2 ∑ ∑ ∂mui ∂mk uj ∆i ∆ j , k = 1, 2.., n (10) i =1 j =1 i =1 This equation can be solved iteratively as follows ∆Dk = n 1 n n ∂D ∂2 D ∑ ∂muik ∆i {q+1} + 2 ∑ ∑ ∂mui ∂mk uj ∆i ∆ j i =1 i =1 j =1 {q} (11) The above equation is rewritten as { q +1} {∆D } Nk×1 = [S] Nk×n { X } N ×1 + {∆D I I }{q} (12) { X } N ×1 represents the damage vector. The matrix [S] Nk×n is the sensitivity matrix which is to be evaluated for the structure. Thus, { X } N ×1 = [S]+ {∆D } − [S]+ {∆D I I }{q} (13) where + denotes the matrix pseudo-inverse. For a measured response in strain ε, {∆Dk } = {∆ε} the sensitivity matrix with respect to flexural rigidity of the ith zone, Ri is given by {S} = III. ∂ε ∂D = [ B] ∂Ri ∂Ri (14) Numerical simulation 3.1 Numerical simulation The MATLAB model was employed to compute the strain sensitivity matrices with respect to the Young’s modulus of the beam. Strains were synthetically generated for two cases (i)Undamaged state (ii)Damaged state. The difference in these strains was used to update the Young’s modulus in both cases and ascertain damage. It was found that the properties converged to nearly exact values in 8 global iterations. A plot of flexural rigidity values in the damaged beam against the number of global iterations is shown in figure 6. IV. Experimental Investigation 4.1 Experimental setup In this study, the proposed formulation is executed on a multi-span angle section as shown in Fig 7. There are two over-hangs given at each end with values 0.6m and 0.4 m respectively. 6 IV EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION Figure 6: Convergence of EI values with synthetic data The length of remaining spans were 1.2m, 0.8m and 1.0m respectively. The finite element model was divided into equal elements of 0.2m each, resulting in a total of 21 nodes. Static loads of 11.2 kg and 12.6 kg were applied at the last and first node respectively. A third quasi-static third load of 36.58 kg was moved along the span, placing it at 8 points namely nodes 6,7 8,9,12,13,16 and 17. Strain gauges were installed at each of the 6 zones of the beam. Each strain gauge was installed 18.9 mm from the lower inner edge of the angle section on which it was attached in order to coincide with the centre of gravity of the beam. Figure 7: Experimental setup 4.2 Measurements The experiment was designed to calculate the damage vector of the elements of an angle-section on application of loads along the length of the beam. First, the aluminium stiffeners were fastened to the beam as shown in figure 4. This state of the beam is the undamaged state. Quasi-static loads were applied and the resulting strains were measured at eight different points on the beam. The stiffeners were then removed to "damage" the beam and the same exercise was carried out. Below, plots of convergence of young’s modulus are shown for the measured strain values. 7 IV EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION Figure 8: Convergence of Young’s modulus before introducing torsional springs Figure 9: Young’s modulus and strain before introducing torsional springs 8 IV EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION Figure 10: Experimental setup with stiffners in place 4.3 Boundary Conditions The actual beam supports were not perfect hinge supports and had resistance to rotation. Thus, torsional springs of unknown stiffness were included in the FE model to better represent the real beam. The unknown stiffness values were identified through a parametric study on each of the eight springs (2 at each support). Figure 11: Torsional springs of unknown stiffness The stiffness values were chosen to minimize the error in observed and predicted strains. To make an optimal initial choice, a non-dimensional quantity, e is defined n e(K1y , K1z , K2y , ..K4z ) = ∑ i =1 ε i (K1y , ..K4z ) − ε mi (K1y , ..K4z ) ε i (K1y , ..K4z )2 2 (15) 9 IV EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION Here, n is the number of strain readings available. The values of K1y ...K4z are initially chosen to be equal such that e is minimized. Then each parameter is varied, one at a time, to further minimize e. Figure 12: Initial estimate of torsional spring stiffness Figure 13: Variation of parameter e with increase in no. of iterations The values of the spring stiffness estimated was found to be Kyi × 107 Nmm/rad Kzi × 107 Nmm/rad 1 0.5 15.9 2 5.45 0.15 3 7.65 0.0007 4 0.0001 426.34 A similar procedure was followed to update support displacements 10 IV EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION Figure 14: Convergence of Young’s modulus after introducing torsional springs Figure 15: Young’s modulus and strain after introducing torsional springs 11 IV EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION Figure 16: Convergence of Young’s modulus after allowing support displacement Figure 17: Young’s modulus and strain after allowing support displacement 12 V Dyi (mm) Dzi (mm) 1 0.0154 -0.0129 2 -0.00473 -0.0123 3 -0.00175 0.00383 REFERENCES 4 -0.01307 0.00921 Tension Test Figure 18: Tension test on steel coupon The Young’s modulus was found to be 192 GPa Figure 19: Flexural rigidity with stiffeners V. 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