OCTOBER 2014 In This Issue: GSHMM Chapter Newsletter Gateway Society of Hazardous Materials Managers — St. Louis, MO Chapter News and Contact Information Corporate Sponsorship Info 2014 Conference and Training Schedule Local Training Events Regulatory Update, Guidance and Enforcement Report from Golf Outing Letter from our Chapter President Visit us at www.gshmm.org GSHMM November Luncheon Meeting (Joint meeting with ASSE) Monday, November 10 Syberg’s at I-270 and Dorsett Doors open at 11 a.m. for registration Buffet lunch at 11:30 Speaker: Bill McDonald, OSHA’s area director Topic: Update on OSHA’s fiscal year results and new/old initiatives Register by email to: meetings@gshmm.org Do you enjoy receiving this newsletter? If you haven’t paid your dues yet for 2014-2015, this is the last newsletter you will receive. So please be sure to pay your GSHMM membership dues for 2014-2015. Dues are only $25/year (same price as 15 years ago!) and this membership includes discounted meeting and seminar attendance, as well as this newsletter. Dues can be paid at any of our general membership meetings. You can also pay by mail using the attached invoice, or pay online at our website: http://www.gshmm.org/merchandise.aspx GSHM M Chapter Newsl etter Page 2 Many thanks to the following 2014 “Gold” sponsors of GSHMM. Your support has helped make GSHMM so successful! GSHMM has entered the social media age! Be sure to ―LIKE‖ us on Facebook and find one more way to keep up with GSHMM. Find us at: www.facebook.com/GSHMM.STL Here’s How to Contact Your Current Local or National Officers (New officers effective July 1, 2014) GSHMM Officers: GSHMM Directors National Contacts: President - Robert Presley BPresley@EagleMgt.com president@gshmm.org Outreach – Mark Brodnicki mark.brodnicki@URS.com outreach@gshmm.org Alliance of Hazardous Materials Professionals (AHMP) www.ahmpnet.org President-Elect - Myron Lewis Lewis0421@sbcglobal.net vpresident@gshmm.org Website – Jennifer Spalding JSpalding@Ameren.com webmaster@gshmm.org AHMP Executive Director Cedric Calhoun CCalhoun@ahmpnet.org Secretary/ Membership – Scott Lemmons SLemmons@LHBindustries.com secretary@gshmm.org Government Affairs – Michelle Cozadd Michelle.Cozadd@Illinois.gov govaffairs@gshmm.org AHMP President James Harless harless@sme-usa.com Treasurer - Shana Lawson Lawson.Shana@CleanHarbors.com treasurer@gshmm.org Communications – Donna Ratkowski Donna.Ratkowski@AftonChemical.com communications@gshmm.org Institute of Hazardous Materials Management (IHMM) www.ihmm.org Past President – Emile Poisson Emile.Poisson@GE.com Meetings – Shaun Ohlms shaun.ohlms@HaasGroupIntl.com meetings@gshmm.org IHMM Executive Director Jeffrey Greenwald jgreenwald@IHMM.org Special Projects - Renee Knoll knollr@SLU.edu IHMM General Information info@IHMM.org GSHM M Chapter Newsl etter Page 3 Coming Events - Local and Regional Events and Conferences October 17, 2014 Metro East Air and Health Forum - Caseyville Community Center (See ad on later page) To register for this free full-day seminar, email kasemanisin@co.madison.il.us or call 618-296-6079 October 20, 2014: Missouri Waste Control Coalition and US EPA Region 7, present: New Way EPA Is Implementing RCRA Correction Action in EPA Region 7 This seminar presents the latest information on RCRA Corrective Action in EPA Region 7. This is an all day seminar with speakers from EPA Region 7 and the Missouri Department of Natural Resources. The registration fee includes continental breakfast, lunch, and handout materials. Missouri Department of Conservation Discovery Center; 4750 Troost, Kansas City, Missouri October 20, 2014 8:30AM-4:30PM Some of the topics that will be discussed are: What is RCRA Corrective Action Partnership with MDNR Brief History with Case Histories New Way EPA Is Implementing the Program Registration is limited to the first 50 people. Registration fee is $30. Parking is free. Online registration: http://mowastecoalition.org/event-1745047 Questions? Call Sandra Sabanske at 913.381.4458 or 913.544.5645 (cell) or email at mwcc@sbcglobal.net. October 21, 2014 Greater St. Louis Safety & Health Conference - St. Louis University (see ad on following page) Register at http://www.stlsafety.org/conference/safetyconference.htm October 29 - 31, 2014 Essentials of Hazardous Materials Management - St. Louis University Complete the on-line registration form at http://ceet.slu.edu no later than October 15th to receive the early registration rate. For information contact Dr. Chris King at SLU; 314-977-3242 November 4, 2014 REGFORM Missouri Hazardous Waste Seminar - Columbia, MO www.regform.org And for those who REALLY plan ahead….. The 2015 AHMP National Conference will be held August 30, 2015 to September 2, 2015 At The Phoenician Hotel and Conference Center, Scottsdale, Arizona So, mark your calendars now, and plan to attend! GSHM M Chapter Newsl etter Page 4 Report from our 2014 Golf Outing The 2014 GSHMM Golf Outing was held on September 8th at Emerald Greens Golf Course in St. Louis County. We had 112 golfers join us this year for an enjoyable round of golf with colleagues and friends. Based on the information I could find that is a record turnout. The generous support of 38 hole sponsors along with donations from 11 corporations allowed for jam packed goodie bags, great attendance prizes and a well received raffle. This year we awarded prizes to two places in three flights. The results are as follows: 1 st Place in A Flight with a score of 60 was the Schiber Truck Company team headed up by Bob Schiber. 2 nd Place in A flight with a score of 61 was the BakerCorp team headed up by Lloyd Duvall. 1st Place in the B flight with a score of 64 was the TekLab Team headed by Dan Thompson. 2nd Place B Flight also at 64 was the Valicor Environmental Team headed up by Erica Hill. 1 st Place in C flight with a score of 70 was the Firmenich Team head up by Troy Ferguson and 2 nd Place C flight with a score of 71 was the XDD, LLC team head up by Mike Marley. In addition to the team awards we also had some individual prizes. Steve Rehagen won the closest to the pin on Hole #3. Toni Paulus won the closest to the pin on Hole #6, John Carrow was closest to the pin on Hole #8, Griffin Berry was closest to the pin on Hole #12, Steve Rehagen closest to the pin on Hole #15 and Tina Lewis was closest to the pin on Hole #17. Toni Paulus won the women’s longest drive and Steve Rehagen won the men’s longest drive. I want to thank Valarie Fleahman for taking all the pictures included in last month’s newsletter. I also want to give a big “AT A BOY” to Jeff Adams, Fred Davidson, Derek Ingram, & Lisa Wells. Thanks to their efforts, and your positive responses to their calls, the outing was a wonderfully enjoyable event. Lastly, I want to take this opportunity to acknowledge each of the hole sponsors. Their finical support is “priceless” BakerCorp Brenntag Bulldog Drilling, Inc. C.L. Smith Clean Harbors (2) Eco-Rental ELM Energy, LLC Environmental Restoration Environtech Veolia Geotechnology, Inc. Heritage Environmental IESI/ Progressive Waste Solu- Illini Environmental The Kiesel Company (2) Midwest Sanitary Services Midwest Service Group Nexeo Solutions NPN Environmental Engi- Packaging Research & De- PDC Labs, Inc. Univar PSC Quality Safety Products, LLC Rain for Rent Republic Services RS Used Oil Schiber Truck Company, Inc. SET Environmental Sunrise Industries Universal Lubes TekLab, Inc. Trinity Consultants Professional Environmental Engineers XDD, LLC Valicor Environmental Services EQ – The Environmental Quality Company Waste Management - Scott Lemmons GSHM M Chapter Newsl etter Page 5 From Your Chapter President For those of you who weren’t able to make it to last week’s meeting, Jonathan Eckles, a past GSHMM President gave an excellent presentation on implementing an effective LDAR program. For those of you who don’t recognize that, it’s short for Leak Detection and Repair, which is required as part of the HON rule, one of many NESHAPs regs. For those of you in the chemical business who weren’t able to make the meeting, I’m sure Jonathan would be willing to supply a copy of his presentation to you. Looking on towards November, we’ve got our joint meeting with ASSE. PLEASE NOTE – it’s on a Monday, NOT our normal Thursday. The time and exact location can be found elsewhere in this newsletter. In December, we’ll be having our Happy Hour get-together at the Hacienda on Manchester Road. We’ve also started work on the Spring Seminar, which will be held in April. If you have any suggestions for TOPICS, please contact Myron Lewis, our Vice President/ President-Elect with your ideas. PLEASE leave the contacting of speakers to Myron once he gets the topics together. We don’t want to be in the situation of having 20 speaker commitments to fill 7 or 8 slots. Also, as I stated at our September Business meeting, WE WOULD REALLY like to engage more students in preparing for their work in the EHS arena. In order to do this, we need the help of members who are willing to reach out to their alma maters to find who is best to disseminate information to at the area colleges/ universities. For those of us “old dogs”, being able to mentor young professionals would be something we could leave behind after we’re long gone. If you’re willing to supply the appropriate contact names, PLEASE contact Mark Brodnicki or Renee Knoll. The BOD will get the outreach effort organized from there. We’re also interested in testing the interest of our members in making presentations at the next National AHMP Convention in Scottsdale, AZ. If there’s an interest, but you don’t think your company would pay for your attendance there, we’d like to know that too. Please let me know if you’re interested in this. Just like our EHS efforts to continually improve safety and compliance, we need to keep pushing forward and not rest on the successes of yesterday. That said, let’s push forward and have a great year! Be S mart A lert F ocused with E yes & ears opened Bob Presley GSHMM Chapter President New CDGP Recertification Handbook Approved by IHMM An updated Certified Dangerous Goods Professional (CDGP) Recertification Handbook has been approved by the IHMM Board of Directors. The CDGP Examination Committee evaluated activities that may be claimed for recertification credit in accordance with IHMM’s policies and procedures and developed the CDGP Recertification Handbook. The IHMM Board of Directors approved on 12 September 2014 the CDGP Recertification Handbook. Examples of qualified recertification activities include: Mentoring Participation in official training or exercise drills Attending seminars or workshops Developing training courses Attending conferences and technical sessions GSHM M Chapter Newsl etter Page 6 GSHM M Chapter Newsl etter Page 7 Register at http://www.stlsafety.org/conference/ GSHM M Chapter Newsl etter 5 will Region y c n e g door tion A l Protec s their in a s t u n c e is m d iron on to s The Env afterno e h t program in y t t li n a e u s q be pre door air and out Page 8 GSHM M Chapter Newsl etter Page 9 Regulatory Update, Guidance, and Enforcement News EPA Effluent Guidelines Program Plans On September 16, 2014, U.S. EPA announced availability of the combined Final 2012 and Preliminary 2014 Effluent Guidelines Program Plans and EPA's 2012 and 2013 Annual Effluent Guidelines Review Reports. This notice solicits public comment and input on the Preliminary 2014 Plan and the 2012 and 2013 Annual Review Reports. Comments are requested and are due by November 17. Submit comments at http://www.regulations.gov Specifically, EPA solicits public comment and stakeholder input, data and information on: (a) Study of Centralized Waste Treatment (``CWT'') facilities accepting oil and gas extraction wastewater. EPA solicits data and information related to the extent to which CWT facilities accept such wastewater, available treatment technologies (and their associated costs), discharge characteristics, financial characteristics of CWT facilities, the environmental impacts of discharges from CWT facilities, as well as any other information believed to be relevant to EPA's study of this issue. (b) Study of Petroleum Refineries (40 CFR Part 419). EPA specifically solicits data and information on the discharge of metals and dioxin from petroleum refineries, including for example, the source(s) of these contaminants, either in crude oil sources or in the refining process, the effects of new air pollution controls on wastewater discharges at refineries, and information on current and future trends in oil refining processes. (c) Preliminary Category Review of the Metal Finishing point source category (40 CFR Part 433). EPA solicits data and information regarding the discharge and treatment of metals, particularly chromium, nickel, and zinc, in addition to cadmium, copper, lead, silver and any others, to publicly owned treatment works (``POTWs'') by metal finishers, as well as any other information believed to be relevant to EPA's review. (d) Nanomaterials manufacturing and formulating. EPA requests public comment and stakeholder input relating to any information or data available on the wastewater hazards and discharges associated with the manufacture of nanomaterials and their use in manufacturing or formulating products, as well as any other information believed to be relevant. See the full Federal Register notice at: www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/FR-2014-09-16/html/2014-22062.htm Change to Title V Permit Compliance Certification Requirements for Illinois Under the current permitting regulations, facilities subject to the Title V operating permit program are required to submit compliance certifications to the U.S. EPA and the state permitting authority. In a September 15 Federal Register notice, EPA provided notice that submittal of Title V compliance certifications to the Region 5 authorized State permitting authorities (which includes all states in Region 5 except Michigan) fulfills the reporting requirements. This eliminates the duplication of paperwork by regulated facilities. Therefore, in plain language -- submitting your annual Compliance Certification to the Illinois EPA now meets this requirement. According to information provided verbally by the IEPA, Title V Compliance Certifications for facilities in Illinois are no longer required to be submitted to the U.S. EPA. This action is effective on September 15, 2014. See the full Federal Register notice at: www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/FR-2014-09-15/html/2014-21943.htm Apply online for RRP Certification Did you know that firms applying for EPA Renovation, Repair and Painting (RRP) certification or recertification can apply online? The process is simple, and processing times are greatly reduced compared to paper applications. Firms are able to complete both the application and payment online. Follow this link to apply online: www2.epa.gov/lead/epa-lead-safe-certification-program RRP Frequent question database EPA maintains an online database of Frequent Questions regarding the Agency's Lead Program. It is constantly being updated to ensure that you have access to the very latest information. When questions come up, EPA recommends that you first go to the FQ Database, then if you cannot find the answer you're looking for, call the National Lead Information Center at 1-800-424-LEAD (1-800-424-5323). Access the database at: toxics.supportportal.com/ics/support/KBList.asp?folderID=614 GSHM M Chapter Newsl etter Page 10 Regulatory Update, Guidance, and Enforcement News CSB warns against use of methanol in laboratory, classroom demonstrations OSHA announces Top Ten violations for FY 2014 On September 15, the Chemical Safety Board (CSB) Chairperson Rafael Moure-Eraso issued the following statement warning against the use of methanol during laboratory and classroom combustion demonstrations in the wake of a museum fire in Reno, Nevada. On September 16, Patrick Kapust, deputy director of OSHA's Directorate of Enforcement Programs, announced the agency's Top 10 list for fiscal year 2014 during a presentation at the National Safety Council Congress & Expo in San Diego, California. "Last week a team of CSB investigators deployed to the [museum] in Reno, Nevada, where a flash fire on September 3 injured children and adults viewing a science demonstration. Nine people - eight of them children were transported to the hospital for evaluation of burn injuries, and one child with more serious burns was admitted to the hospital for treatment. The preliminary figures for OSHA's FY 2014 Top 10 violations: This unfortunate incident is similar to a number of others that have occurred around the country during lab or classroom demonstrations where methanol has been used as a fuel for combustion. In 2006, [a high school student] was severely burned, and others were injured, at an Ohio high school during a similar demonstration of a chemical "rainbow" that involved combusting salts with methanol. [The student's] burns were so serious she had to be placed in a medically induced coma and required multiple skin grafts. [Her] ongoing ordeal was described in a poignant video we released in December 2013, called 'After the Rainbow.' Methanol is an essential chemical and an emerging energy resource with a multitude of important industrial and environmental uses. But in the cautionary words of Greg Dolan, CEO of the Methanol Institute, which represents the manufacturing community, 'Like gasoline, methanol is a toxic and flammable chemical and should only be handled in appropriate settings, and that would certainly not include museums and classrooms.' Today I am calling on all schools, museums, and science educators to discontinue any use of bulk methanol - or other similar flammables - in lab demonstrations that involve combustion, open flames, or ignition sources. There are safer alternative ways to demonstrate the same scientific phenomena, and many teachers are already using them. Any use of methanol or other flammables should be either avoided completely or restricted to minimal amounts, which have been safely dispensed at remote locations. Bulk containers of flammable liquids must never be positioned or handled near viewing audiences, especially when there are potential ignition sources present. “ U.S. EPA takes steps to curb greenhouse gas emissions from refrigeration systems On September 16, EPA announced new steps to curb emissions of hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), potent greenhouse gases used in refrigeration and air conditioning. This new program is a frustrating change for many in industry, who are currently in the process from changing their refrigeration systems from R-12 and R-22 (CFCs regulated as ozone depleting substances) to R-134A (a HFC previously recommended by EPA as a substitute for CFCs). Like the ozone-depleting substances they replace, most HFCs are potent greenhouse gases. For example, the most commonly used HFC, HFC-134a, is 1,430 times more damaging to the climate system than carbon dioxide. Though HFCs represent a small fraction of the current total greenhouse gases, their warming impact is very strong, and their emissions are projected to increase nearly twentyfold in the coming decades due to their increased use as refrigerants. The Federal Register publication can be found at: www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/FR-2014-08-06/pdf/2014-18494.pdf A Fact Sheet on this proposed rule change can be found at: epa.gov/ozone/snap/download/ SAN_5750_SNAP_Status_Change_Rule-FactSheet_080114.pdf EPA guidance on retrofitting from R-12 or R-22 to R-134A: www.epa.gov/ozone/title6/609/technicians/retrguid.html GSHM M Chapter Newsl etter Page 11 Regulatory Update, Guidance, and Enforcement News Accreditation of Environmental Labs EPA Adds Nonyl Phenol to TRI Reporting List ILLINOIS EPA adopted amendments to Accreditation of Environmental Laboratories (35 IAC 186; 38 Ill Reg. 7695), effective 9/1/14, that replace the incorporation by reference of the National Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Conference (NELAC) standard with the TNI standard. Entities affected by this rulemaking include IEPA accredited laboratories or those seeking IEPA accreditation. On September 30, 2014, U.S. EPA added a nonylphenol category to the list of toxic chemicals subject to reporting under section 313 of the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA) of 1986 and section 6607 of the Pollution Prevention Act (PPA) of 1990. EPA is adding this chemical category to the EPCRA section 313 list pursuant to its authority to add chemicals and chemical categories because EPA has determined that this category meets the EPCRA section 313(d)(2)(C) toxicity criterion. This final rule is effective on September 30, 2014, and shall apply for the reporting year beginning January 1, 2015 (reports due July 1, 2016). Questions/requests for copies: Joanne M. Olson, IEPA, 1021 N. Grand Avenue East, PO Box 19276, Springfield, IL 62794-9276, 217/782-5544, e-mail: joanne.olson@illinois.gov. OSHA Expands Requirement for Reporting Fatalities and Severe Injuries A final rule announced Sept. 11 requires employers to notify OSHA when an employee is killed on the job or suffers a work-related hospitalization, amputation or loss of an eye. The rule, which also updates the list of employers partially exempt from OSHA record-keeping requirements, will go into effect on Jan. 1, 2015 for workplaces under federal OSHA jurisdiction. Under the revised rule, employers will be required to notify OSHA of work-related fatalities within eight hours, and work-related in-patient hospitalizations, amputations or losses of an eye within 24 hours. Previously, OSHA's regulations required an employer to report only work-related fatalities and in-patient hospitalizations of three or more employees. Reporting single hospitalizations, amputations or loss of an eye was not required under the previous rule. Employers can report these events by telephone to the nearest OSHA Area Office during normal business hours or the 24-hour OSHA hotline 1-800-321-OSHA [6742], or electronically through a new tool which will be released soon and accessible at www.osha.gov/report_online. In a final rule posted in the Federal Register on Sept. 11, OSHA has also updated the list of industries that, due to relatively low occupational injury and illness rates, are exempt from the requirement to routinely keep injury and illness records. The previous list of exempt industries was based on the old Standard Industrial Classification system and the new rule uses the North American Industry Classification System to classify establishments by industry. The new list is based on updated injury and illness data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. www.osha.gov/recordkeeping2014/NAICSReporting.pdf See the Federal Register notice at: www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/FR-2014-09-30/html/201423255.htm OSHA Extends Compliance Date for Crane Operator Certification Requirements OSHA has issued a final rule extending the deadline for crane operator certification requirements in the Cranes and Derricks in Construction final rule published Aug. 9, 2010 by three years, to Nov. 10, 2017. The rule also extends by three years the employer's responsibility to ensure that crane operators are competent to operate a crane safely. The final rule was published on Sept11. See the rule at: www.osha.gov/pls/oshaweb/owadisp.show_document? p_table=FEDERAL_REGISTER&p_id=24749 Illinois Recycling Grants The Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity’s Bureau of Energy and Recycling is pleased to announce grant opportunities in recycling. The Department is seeking applications from qualified entities for traditional recycling (paper fiber, plastic, metal, and glass) projects. The purpose of this solicitation is to divert recyclable commodities from Illinois landfills by increasing the quantity of materials recycled in Illinois and increasing the selfsufficiency of the recycling industry. Projects that demonstrate public economic benefits, such as job creation, will be given priority. For more information, go to: www.illinoisrecycles.com Gateway Society of Hazardous Materials Managers 2014-15 MEMBERSHIP Invoice Number 2013 - 01 GSHMM Tax ID 43-1739867 Make check payable to GSHMM Send payment to: GSHMM, attn. Scott Lemmons c/o Engineers’ Club of St. Louis 4359 Lindell Blvd. St. Louis, Missouri 63108-2792 Please Print all Information Clearly. Scott’s eyesight isn’t what it used to be... Name: ____________________________________________ Employer: _________________________________________ The information below is not needed unless there has been a change. Address/Phone you want published in the directory (paid members only): Title: _______________________________________________ ___________________________________________ Cell Phone (if you want published)___________________ ___________________________________________ E-mail:_____________________________________________ ___________________________________________ Secondary E-mail:______________________________________________ Committee Interest: Meetings ______ Membership / Outreach _____ Government Affairs ______ Education / Seminar _____ Membership type: Certified Member – CHMM ($25) ______ Affiliate Member ($25) ______ Phone: ______________________________________ Preferred mailing address (U.S. Mail): If different from above: ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ Full Time Student ($15) ______ Non-member but keep me on the mailing list ______ If you are a CHMM, please provide the following: CHMM Number _______________________ Year of certification ____________________ AHMP Member Yes NO NOTE: You may edit ALL information in the directory including the Area of Expertise from the GSHMM website at anytime. If this is your first year as a member your password will be set to “password” until YOU change it.
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