Rockwood United Methodist Church 17805 SE Stark St. Portland, OR 97233 The Good News from Rockwood & Cherry Park Our mission is to GATHER as God’s people, GROW in faith, and GO into today’s world as disciples of Christ. Nov. 2014 Advent Study Join us for our Advent Study. This is a study and video series by Adam Hamilton called “Not a Silent Night.” We will have one class at Rockwood UMC on Tuesday afternoons at 1:00 pm beginning November 25th and a 2nd class Wednesday afternoons at Cherry Park at 3:00 pm. This is a five week study dealing with the life of Mary and the life of Jesus, from birth and crucifixion. You can order your own study book, or sign up to order your book through the church. A sign-up list for your book order will be available on Sunday, November 2nd and Sunday November 9th. Upcoming Church Meetings To get ready for the annual charge conference we have several committees that need to meet and get to work. Rockwood’s Committee on Lay Leadership will meet in the office after worship on Sunday, Nov. 2nd. Cherry Park’s Committee on Lay Leadership will meet Saturday Nov. 8th at 10 am at CP. Rockwood’s Ad Council will meet on Sunday, Nov. 9th at 12:30 pm in the Fireside Room. Fall Charge Conference Members of the Cherry Park and Rockwood United Methodist Administrative Board will be hosting our Charge Conference on Saturday, November 15th, at Rockwood United Methodist Church in the Fireside Room. We will meet in the Fireside Room at 12 pm for a potluck meal, followed with our Charge Conference Business for both congregations. November Worship November 2 21st Sunday after Pentecost Communion service “Servant of All” Matthew 23: 1 - 12 November 9 22nd Sunday after Pentecost “The Unexpected” Unexpected” Psalm 78: 1 - 7 , Matthew 25: 1-13 November 16 23rd Sunday after Pentecost “The Kingdom of Heaven is… Up to you?” Psalm 123, Matthew 25: 14-30, November 23 Christ the King Sunday “Giving Thanks” Thanks” Psalm 100, Matthew 25: 31-46 November 30 1st Sunday of Advent “Signs of the Times” Times” Mark 13: 23-37 Sunday Worship— Worship—RUMC -11 am CPUMC - 9:30 am RUMC Adult Sunday School - 10 am Visions Counting Your Blessing In my opinion Thanksgiving is the best National Holiday on our Calendar. It is a National Holiday for giving thanks! No matter what religious tradition you are from, we all benefit from giving thanks. I’m reminded during this season of an old hymn we used to sing at church camp when I was a young child. This song was often sung when the whole camp would gather together for worship. It’s called “When upon life’s billows you are tempest tossed”. It was composed in 1897. You might remember it as Count Your Blessings, Count them One by One. The lyrics were written by Johnson Oatman Jr. The music was written by Edwin Othello Excell. At the age of 19 Johnson Oatman began his carrier as a licensed Methodist preacher, but soon found that he was not suited to the calling. He discovered a new interpretation of his calling, that of writing hymns. Through his sermon in song he has reached millions of people. In 1892 he began composing hymns. Some lyrics were to his own music and others were to other tunes. He wrote “On Higher Ground” in 1898. On average he wrote 200 songs or hymns per year for 25 years. The lyrics for this hymn were set to Edwin Othello Excell’s music, E.O. Excell was another Methodist Composer. “When upon life’s billows you are tempest tossed”, When upon life’s billows you are tempest tossed, When you are discouraged, thinking all is lost, Count your many blessings name them one by one, And it will surprise you what the Lord hath done. Count your blessings, name them one by one; Count your blessings, see what God hath done; Count your blessings, name them one by one, And it will surprise you what the Lord hath done. Are you ever burdened with a load of care? Does the cross seem heavy you are called to bear? Count your many blessings, every doubt will fly, And you will be singing as the days go by. When you look at others with their lands and gold, Think that Christ has promised you His wealth untold. Count your many blessings, money cannot buy Your reward in heaven, nor your Lord on high. So amid the conflict, whether great or small, Do not be discouraged, God is over all; Count your many blessings, angels will attend, Help and comfort give you to your journey’s end. Remember to count your many blessings this year… and you too will find yourself singing as the days go by! Rev. Myers For Your Information Rockwood Church address: 17805 SE Stark Street Portland, OR 97230 e-mail: Website: Rockwood Office: 503-665-8764 Cherry Park Church address: 1736 SE 106th Ave. Portland, OR 97216 e-mail: Website: Cherry Park Office: 503-253-2386 Pastor: Rev. Ted Myers 503-267-6057 .Outreach Opportunities Nov. 8 - Free Community Meal Rockwood UMC, 9 - 1 pm To volunteer, please call Alita Dougherty 503-667-9288 Food Distribution at Earl Boyles Nov. 7 (and possibly Nov. 21st, please let Ted or Shawnie know if you are interested) -Earl Boyles School disturbing meal boxes 3:30 to 5:30 pm at 10822 SE Bush St. Thanksgiving Day Meal, November 27th @ Rockwood UMC. Please register to volunteer with Bruce Montgomery (see information in this newsletter). Christmas Food Box for Church Members in Need (Rockwood UMC). Contact the office if you would like to be on the team, purchasing, coordinating, making & distributing boxes. .Committee Meetings Meetings at Cherry Park: Committee on Lay Leadership, Saturday, November 8 at 10:00 am. (old CLD committee). Committee Meetings at Rockwood UMC: Committee on Lay Leadership, Sunday, November 1 at 12:30, Church Office. Rockwood Ad-council meeting, Sunday, November 9, at 12:30 in the fireside room. Charge Conference for Rockwood and Cherry Park UMC, Saturday, November 15th, noon potluck followed by meetings at Rockwood UMC. Fireside room. We will faithfully participate in the ministries of our church... Rockwood...By our presence Attendance for Sept. was 181. More “Quilting Ladies” need to be thanked for the $500 donation to Memorial music Fund that was reported last month. They are; Ruth Ladd, Faye Hogensen and Wilma Sanderson. Thank you! ...By our Service, To: Carlotta Allin &Lois Jenness for folding Oct. Newsletters. To: Cathey Scott who keeps us well Stocked! To: Carolyn McKone for filing, straightening and cataloging all the choir music. To: Mike McKone for moving the choir file cabinets. To: Dan Kaiser for getting the outside lights fixed. To: Dan Kaiser & Dave Wilmarth for getting up and blowing out the projector in the loft. Helen Kirkpatrick took a fall and broke her clavicle in August. She thanks everyone for the cards and prayers. Each one made her smile. She is healed now but has decided to move into the Clester’s home. Her new address is 550 SE 155th, Portland, OR 97233. Phone 503-254-5893 Bill Rowe has a new phone number 503680-3324. It is his cell phone, he no longer has a house phone. Rockwood...By our gifts ...By our prayers Donna Chalmers , Alice Clements, Fran Kuskie, Joan & Gene Davidson, Keith Borjes, Mary Beth Krum, Muriel Fiztpatrick Our finances for the month of Sept. 2014 year to date Income $ 11,479.58 $ 120,147.98 Expenses $ 9,722.15 $ 99,988.22 1,757.43 20,159.76 United Methodist Women Church Women United Church Women United will meet on Friday Nov. 7th at 10 am at Lynchwood Christian Church. Program: Through God our Hands can Heal. World Community Day. Mission focus is Meals on Wheels. Lunch is provided following the program. Thank you -- the phrase is simple and the words are few, but behind them lies a world of appreciation. Rockwood, special people like you make the world a brighter place. Care giving for dementia is a lonely spot… Thank you for remembering us. Joan Davidson SnowCap We collected 166 pounds of food, clothing, and recyclables during Oct. For Nov/Dec we are collecting Stove Top Dressing, Instant mashed potatoes & Cranberry sauce. Susanna Wesley Circle NEW DAY! SAME TIME & PLACE Thursday, Nov. 13th -10 am, Fireside Room United Methodist Women are finishing their discussion of the 2015 budget, making plans for the Christmas dessert and December Bake sale. Come be a part of the planning. Sharing the Choir Rockwood has been sharing the choir with Cherry Park since we started sharing a Pastor. The Choir sings at Cherry Park on the second Sunday of each month. They sing all other Sundays at Rockwood. In addition, this year our new Choir Director, Steve Kloser has asked the Choir to sing at both churches on the 4th Sunday of each month. Cherry Park is sharing this expense with Rockwood and the choir members are willing to share their talents with both churches. Help Wanted A big thank you to Lois Jenness who has organized communion Sundays, changed altar cloths and banners for the last several years. She needs to let this job go. We are looking for someone to take over the job. Are you the one?? Please let Ted or Shawnie know if you can help. Both Magruder and Suttle Lake Meet Their Gray Foundation Goals! Recognizing that camps hosting outdoor education programs for 6th graders have ongoing maintenance needs that outdoor school camp fees cannot cover, the Gray Family Foundation awarded $35,000 2-for-1 matching grants to several Oregon camps including our own Camp Magruder and Suttle Lake Camp. Both sites succeeded because of your generosity, at Magruder grant funds are being used to upgrade the electrical service in Carrier Lodge (built in 1947), replace the worn out steam kettle with a new steamer in the kitchen, replace worn out bunk beds and mattresses, torn padded chairs, and old appliances with new, and re-set dock pilings and replace saturated dock flotation to enable students to perform pond studies. Here in Southeast Portland we created a challenge between Cherry Park and Rockwood to each raise $1000. Then a 2nd challenge was issued to Cherry Park from Joan and Gary Richardson. If Cherry Park met their goal of $1000 they would add an extra $500. The competition was on with the lead changing back and forth. At the end Rockwood came in with the most at $1831. Cherry Park, with a big thank you to Joan and Gary Richardson, donated a respectable $1527. Congratulations to both churches for rising to the challenge and to the real winners Camp Magruder and Suttle Lake. Getting this money to do maintenance helps them continue to do a great camping ministry. Stewardship Sundays Stewardship Breakfast & Worship at Cherry Park Sunday, November 16 following worship, plan to stay for a celebration breakfast for the culmination of our 2015 Stewardship Drive. Breakfast will begin at 10:30 am. Jim Spainhower will chair this event, but he will need volunteers to help bring it all together. Sign up today. • 3 more people to help cook pancakes • 1 person to help cook eggs & ham • 4 more people to help serve • 5 more people to help with clean up Harvest Dinner at Rockwood After Church on Sunday, November 23 Join us for our harvest dinner after worship on Sunday, November 23rd. Where we will have a report on our 2015 Stewardship Drive. Lonnie Clester will chair this event but he will need volunteers to help bring it all together. • 5 people to prep on Saturday, 10 am • 3 people to set tables on Saturday, 10 am • 5 people to cook turkeys • Clean -up people (as many as possible so we get it done quickly) • Every Family to bring a pie or salad to share. A sign up Sheet will be in the lobby. Community Thanksgiving Dinner Served in Fellowship Hall Plan to come to Rockwood on Saturday, Nov. 29th at 10 am to decorate the church for Christmas. We will bring out the Christmas decorations, hang wreathes and garlands, put out the poinsettias and put up the nativity set. We Will Deck the Halls just in time for the first Sunday of Advent. Many hands make short work so everyone is welcome to come and help. On Thanksgiving Day (Nov. 27th) from noon to 2 pm, Rockwood’s kitchen and Fellowship Hall will once again be used to serve a turkey dinner to the community. Last year they served over 350 people. This annual event is sponsored by SnowCap and local churches. Retired Pastor Bruce Montgomery organizes all the donations and volunteers. He is asking us to prepare 12 - 20# turkeys and to volunteer to help setup, serve or cleanup. Call Bruce (503-618-7514) or sign up at Rockwood if you want to help. Daylight Savings time Ends November 2nd Rockwood UMC Recurring Weekly Sunday Sun 10 Bible Study 11 UMC Worship 2:30 -8:30 pm CdM -all church Tuesday 3:00 UMC Bible Study @ Cherry Park 6:30 pm CdM - San 6:30 p - Choir -FS 6:30 p - Bells Thursday 5:30 p CFS - FS & N Wed 2 3 4 Thu 5 6 Pastor Fund Offering Daylight savings time ends 9 10 11 Second Sunday Stewardship Campaign 12 Bible Study 3:00 @ Cherry Park Friday 13 7 14 10 am Susanna Wesley 6:30 pm CdM FS 16 23 Harvest Dinner & Stewardship Celebration at Rockwood 7 -Ayden Hancox 8 -Alita Dougherty 9 -Corinne Cumming 13 -Marion Ford 21 -Dan Kaiser 23 -Bunnie Guerin 24—Kamal Smith 26- Nancy Dotterer 17 18 Third Sunday Stewardship Campaign 30 Advent Starts 24 25 Bible Study 1:00 @ Rockwood UMC 19 20 Bible Study 3:00 @ Cherry Park Newsletter Deadline 26 27 8 Free Community Meal 15 Charge Conference @ 12 pm; potluck Rockwood UMC 6:30 - CdM Bible Study -FS & N 6:30 GS - FH Saturday Sat 1 10 am Church Women United @ Lynchwood Christian Bible Study “The Way” 3:00 @ Cherry Park Chapter 6 Stewardship Kickoff Fri FS - Fireside Room GS - Girl Scouts N—Nursery MC - Rockwood UMC CdM - Centro de Milagros CFS - Center for Family Success FH - Fellowship Hall S - Sanctuary Monday Wednesday Tue Key to abbreviations: 1 p CFS- FS 6:30 GS - FH 5:30 p CFS - FS & N 6:30 GS - FH Mon 21 22 28 29 Office Closed No Bible Study Dinner 12-2 pm 10 am Cherry Park UMC Liturgist November 2 Mary Crump November 9 Mary Williams Sun November 16 Adrienne Jerman Mon Tue Wed Thu Weekly Meetings: 6:45 pm Co- Dependents Anonymous (CODA) November 30 Mary Crump Wednesday: 1 12 pm - Brown Sack Lunch Conversations 6:30 pm - Adult Children of Alcoholics 2 3 4 5 6 Pastor Fund Offering November 9 Lousie Varley & Barb Ritchart November 16 Pancake Breakfast Stewardship Kickoff Daylight savings time ends 9 10 11 Second Sunday Stewardship Campaign 12 Bible Study 3:00 @ Cherry Park 16 17 10:30 Stewardship Breakfast at Cherry Park Ushers November 2 Ann Weathersbee 23 25 30 Advent Starts 14 10 am Susanna Wesley 20 Bible Study 3:00 @ Cherry Park Newsletter Deadline 26 27 3- Robert Taylor 3- Diana Trujillo 6- Darlene Clarridge 6- Dorine Overton 7- Milt Stout 16- Neal Callahan Free Community Meal 15 21 22 28 29 Office Closed Dinner 12-2 pm 8 Charge Conference @ 12 pm; potluck Rockwood UMC 10 am Svc @ Cherrywood 19 No Bible Study November 23 ??? November 30 Darlene Clarridge & Mary Jane McCollum 24 13 Bible Study 1:00 @ Rockwood UMC November 9 Darlene Clarridge & Mary Jane McCollum November 16 Ann Weathersbee & Millie Maier 18 Bible Study 1:00 @ Rockwood UMC Third Sunday Stewardship Campaign 7 10 am Church Women United @ Lynchwood Christian Bible Study “The Way” 3:00 @ Cherry Park Chapter 6 November 23 ??? November 30 Millie Maier Sat Monday & Thursday November 23 Sue Chun Flower/ Coffee host November 2 Betty Spainhower Fri Rockwood Volunteers Please wear your name tags. November 2 Cathey Scott & Marlene Spady November 9 Alita Dougherty & Jim Beekman November 16 Bev & Don Camp November 23 Mary McLeod & Esther Rucker November 2 Tom Morris & Alita Dougherty November 30 Debra Buckhout & Yvonne Hodge November 9 Betty & Ron Christensen November 16 Gretta Bjorklund & Marilyn Smith November 23 Yvonne Hodge & Cathey Scott November 30 Carlotta Allin & Esther Rucker Hosted by: November 2 ??? Liturgists November 2 Shawn Clester November 9 Esther Rucker November 16 Tom Morris November 23 ??? November 30 Joe Serroels November 9 Susanna Wesley Circle Carlotta Allin & ??? November 16 Gretta Bjorklumd & Alita Dougherty November 2 -23 Harvest Altar in honor of God’s bounty November 23 Harvest Dinner November 30 Christmas Poinsettias November 30 ???
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