Multi-Stage Key Exchange and the Case of Google’s QUIC Protocol Marc Fischlin and Felix Günther Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany November 6th, 2014 | ACM CCS 2014, Scottsdale, Arizona, USA | Felix Günther (TU Darmstadt) | 1 Key Exchange so far. . . corruption key reveal eavesdroppig active attacks pkB , skA pkA , skB KE BR ’93 $ ??? test K BFWW @CCS’11 K secure composition Channel Thanks to Giorgia Azzurra Marson for the drawings. November 6th, 2014 | ACM CCS 2014, Scottsdale, Arizona, USA | Felix Günther (TU Darmstadt) | 2 But what if. . . ? pkB , skA pkA , skB KE K1 K1 Channel(K1 ) “multi-stage KE” K2 K2 Channel(K2 ) ... I I I key exchange establishes more than one key? . . . even uses the intermediary keys within the key exchange or channel? not covered by KE models so far November 6th, 2014 | ACM CCS 2014, Scottsdale, Arizona, USA | Felix Günther (TU Darmstadt) | 3 Should we care? I QUIC (“Quick UDP Internet Connections”, Google 2013) I I I I I “low-latency transport protocol with security equivalent to TLS” Diffie–Hellman-based key agreement aims at 0-RTT, i.e., immediately encrypts under intermediate key K1 later rekeys to forward-secure K2 intermediate key K1 used to establish K2 (i.e., in KE part) Client C knows server’s pkS ephemeral eskC , epkC K1 = DH(eskC , pkS ) K2 = DH(eskC , epkS ) Server S skS epkC {data}K1 {epkS }K1 {data}K2 Stage 1 K1 = DH(epkC , skS ) ephemeral eskS , epkS K2 = DH(epkC , eskS ) November 6th, 2014 | ACM CCS 2014, Scottsdale, Arizona, USA | Felix Günther (TU Darmstadt) | 4 Stage 2 Should we care? I QUIC (“Quick UDP Internet Connections”, Google 2013) I I I I I I “low-latency transport protocol with security equivalent to TLS” Diffie–Hellman-based key agreement aims at 0-RTT, i.e., immediately encrypts under intermediate key K1 later rekeys to forward-secure K2 intermediate key K1 used to establish K2 (i.e., in KE part) TLS with session resumption I I I I I client and server already established session and hold master key client resumes session later new session key is derived using (old) master key and fresh nonces can also be though of as a multi-stage key exchange (keeps state) related: TLS renegotiation considered as phases (GKS @ CCS’13) but renegotiation is new key exchange, not reusing the master key November 6th, 2014 | ACM CCS 2014, Scottsdale, Arizona, USA | Felix Günther (TU Darmstadt) | 4 Model for Multi-Stage Key Exchange corruption key Ki reveal eavesdroppig pkB , skA active attacks pkA , skB KE ??? K1 $ K1 test Ki K2 ... November 6th, 2014 | ACM CCS 2014, Scottsdale, Arizona, USA | Felix Günther (TU Darmstadt) | 5 K2 That’s it? Model for Multi-Stage Key Exchange Security Aspects to consider I (Session-)Key Dependence I multi-stage ⇒ derived keys might build upon each other I we have to disallow trivial reveal queries ex: QUIC Client C ephemeral eskC , epkC K1 = DH(eskC , pkS ) Server S epkC {epkS }K1 K2 = DH(eskC , epkS ) K1 = DH(epkC , skS ) ephemeral eskS , epkS K2 = DH(epkC , eskS ) disclosure of K1 compromises K2 November 6th, 2014 | ACM CCS 2014, Scottsdale, Arizona, USA | Felix Günther (TU Darmstadt) | 6 Model for Multi-Stage Key Exchange Security Aspects to consider I (Session-)Key Dependence I multi-stage ⇒ derived keys might build upon each other I we have to disallow trivial reveal queries I I key-dependent KE: disclosure of Ki before acceptance of Ki+1 compromises Ki+1 key-independent KE: disclosure of Ki before acceptance of Ki+1 without harm I Note: revealing Ki after acceptance of Ki+1 is okay (even with testing Ki+1 ) state of execution K1 K1 K2 K2 K3 K3 key dependence reveal K2 key dependence November 6th, 2014 | ACM CCS 2014, Scottsdale, Arizona, USA | Felix Günther (TU Darmstadt) | 6 Model for Multi-Stage Key Exchange Security Aspects to consider (cont’d) I Forward Security I multi-stage ⇒ forward security might kick in only at some stage j I has to be considered in case of corruptions I non-forward-secure KE: all session keys compromised by corruption stage-j-forward-secure KE: accepted keys at stages i ≥ j remain secure ex: QUIC aims at stage-2 forward security I I Unilateral Authentication I I I I (independent of multi-stage setting) distinguish one side authenticated vs. both sides authenticated unilateral authentication: only one side authenticated (here: responder) mutual authentication: both sides authenticated November 6th, 2014 | ACM CCS 2014, Scottsdale, Arizona, USA | Felix Günther (TU Darmstadt) | 7 Model for Multi-Stage Key Exchange Let’s talk about security. . . Multi-Stage Security I Bellare–Rogaway-like key secrecy in the multi-stage setting I adversary has to distinguish real from random keys I adversary must not reveal and test same key (in single or partnered sessions) I Flavors + + key-dependent non-forward-secure unilateral authentication or or or November 6th, 2014 | ACM CCS 2014, Scottsdale, Arizona, USA | Felix Günther (TU Darmstadt) | 8 key-independent stage-j-forward-secure mutual authentication Model for Multi-Stage Key Exchange Multi-Stage Security Flavors I key dependence, forward security, unilateral authentication are orthogonal I in principle one can think of any combination I combinations form an ordered hierarchy KD,1-FS,M KD,M-FS,M KD,2-FS,M KD,1-FS,U KI,NFS,U KI,M-FS,U KI,2-FS,U KI,1-FS,U KI,NFS,M KI,M-FS,M KI,2-FS,M KI,1-FS,M KD,2-FS,U KD,NFS,M KD,M-FS,U KD,NFS,U key-dependent (KD), stage-2-forward-secure (2-FS), unilateral authentication (U) November 6th, 2014 | ACM CCS 2014, Scottsdale, Arizona, USA | Felix Günther (TU Darmstadt) | 9 Model for Multi-Stage Key Exchange pkB , skA pkA , skB KE ??? K1 K1 K2 K2 $ Channel November 6th, 2014 | ACM CCS 2014, Scottsdale, Arizona, USA | Felix Günther (TU Darmstadt) | 10 What about composition? Composition recap: BR-secure KE + symmetric-key protocol = secure composition (BFWW’11) can we have the same for multi-stage key exchange? Goal I secure multi-stage key exchange (with some properties. . . ) I + symmetric-key protocol using keys of stage i I = secure composition November 6th, 2014 | ACM CCS 2014, Scottsdale, Arizona, USA | Felix Günther (TU Darmstadt) | 11 Composition Our Composition Result Take I secure multi-stage key exchange protocol I I I I I key-independent stage-j-forward-secure mutual authentication (extension to unilateral case possible) efficient session matching (BFWW’11) symmetric-key protocol I secure w.r.t. some security notion session partnering deducible from adversary communication Then composition is secure for forward-secure stages (i ≥ j). November 6th, 2014 | ACM CCS 2014, Scottsdale, Arizona, USA | Felix Günther (TU Darmstadt) | 12 Composition Proof idea (similar to BR-secure composition) protocol1 ($) 1. key replacement I I protocol2 ($) gradually replace session keys Ki by random values (hybrid) A distinguishes ⇒ we break Multi-Stage security ... protocolλ ($) protocolλ+1 (K) ... 2. reduction to protocol security I all keys random ⇒ independent of KE I breaking is equivalent to breaking protocol security directly composition November 6th, 2014 | ACM CCS 2014, Scottsdale, Arizona, USA | Felix Günther (TU Darmstadt) | 13 protocol Composition Proof ingredient example: key independence I guarantees that compromising (reveal) Ki 0 (i 0 < i) doesn’t affect stage-i keys I otherwise replacing Ki with random key can be inconsistent ... reveal Ki 0 ... Ki 0 Ki 0 Ki $ key dependence hybrid proof step November 6th, 2014 | ACM CCS 2014, Scottsdale, Arizona, USA | Felix Günther (TU Darmstadt) | 14 Google’s Quick UDP Internet Connections UDP (+ handling) Client C knows server’s pkS ephemeral eskC , epkC K1 = KDF (DH(n, eskC , pkS )) K2 = KDF (DH(n, eskC , epkS )) public scfg (certified) inchoate hello scfg, [nonceS ] strike register Server S skS KE nonceC , epkC {data}K1 {epkS }K1 {data}K2 K1 = KDF (DH(n, epkC , skS )) ephemeral eskS , epkS K2 = KDF (DH(n, epkC , eskS )) AEAD: AES-GCM, Salsa20/Poly1305 November 6th, 2014 | ACM CCS 2014, Scottsdale, Arizona, USA | Felix Günther (TU Darmstadt) | 15 Google’s QUIC Client C ephemeral eskC , epkC K1 = KDF (DH(n, eskC , pkS )) Server S nonceC , epkC {epkS }K1 K2 = KDF (DH(n, eskC , epkS )) K1 = KDF (DH(n, epkC , skS )) ephemeral eskS , epkS K2 = KDF (DH(n, epkC , eskS )) Our (Multi-Stage) Security Result for QUIC’s 0-RTT Key Exchange I key-dependent I stage-2-forward-secure I (responder-authenticated) unilateral assuming I I I Gap-Diffie-Hellman is hard authenticated channel for 2nd message {epkS }K1 (HMAC-based) key derivation function: extraction, expansion = random oracles November 6th, 2014 | ACM CCS 2014, Scottsdale, Arizona, USA | Felix Günther (TU Darmstadt) | 16 Google’s QUIC What about Composition? I requirements: I I I key independence stage-j forward security mutual authentication November 6th, 2014 | ACM CCS 2014, Scottsdale, Arizona, USA | Felix Günther (TU Darmstadt) | 17 Google’s QUIC What about Composition? I what QUIC achieves: I I I I 7 3 (3) but QUIC can be easily turned into a key-independent variant QUICi: I I I key independence stage-2 forward security unilateral authentication TLS-like idea: keep some (master) secret not exposed in Reveals let an additional secret value from KDF in stage 1 enter KDF in stage 2 QUICi + composition result ⇒ (forward-)secure channels from stage 2 November 6th, 2014 | ACM CCS 2014, Scottsdale, Arizona, USA | Felix Günther (TU Darmstadt) | 17 Summary So far, KE models could not capture protocols that establish more than one key. We I I I propose a model for multi-stage key exchange give composition results under certain conditions (session-key independence matters!) show that Google’s QUIC is multi-stage secure (key-dependent, stage-2-forward-secure, unilateral) for our composition: add key-independence Thank You! November 6th, 2014 | ACM CCS 2014, Scottsdale, Arizona, USA | Felix Günther (TU Darmstadt) | 18 K1 K1 K2 K2 K3 K3 composition Client C ephemeral eskC , epkC K1 = DH(eskC , pkS ) protocol Server S epkC {epkS }K1 K2 = DH(eskC , epkS ) Reveal K1 = DH(epkC , skS ) ephemeral eskS , epkS K2 = DH(epkC , eskS )
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