A Publication of Ponte Vecchio West Homeowner’s Association Paradise a view from Volume 14 November, 2014 Number 3 Photo: PVW Outdoor Pool Bernie Finvar BETHESDA HOSPITAL WEST Your , state-of-the-art hospital. community $OO3ULYDWH5RRPV 5RRP6HUYLFH'LQLQJ &RPSUHKHQVLYH0HGLFDO 6XUJLFDODQG,QWHQVLYH&DUH &RQYHQLHQW2XWSDWLHQW6HUYLFHV +RXU(PHUJHQF\'HSDUWPHQWand 24-Hour Children’s Emergency Department Located on the northeast corner of Boynton Beach Blvd. and US-441 :%R\QWRQ%HDFK%RXOHYDUG %R\QWRQ%HDFK)ORULGD 2 ZZZ%HWKHVGD:HVWRUJ PRESIDENT’S ARTICLE By Bob Kirsten CLUBHOUSE of Ponte Vecchio West, a sincere thank you to Carol Garfield, Chairperson, Barbara Appel, Helene Barnett, Tina DiMare, Susan Goldstein, Janet Macklin and Shellie Rubin. After well over a year of extensive legwork and research, including visits to numerous communities that have completed their clubhouse renovation, interviewing many interior designers, analyzing and comparing proposals and observing their work, the Interior Design Subcommittee of the Clubhouse Modernization Committee has selected D&B Interiors to provide interior design services for the modernization of our Ponte Vecchio West clubhouse. The Clubhouse Modernization Committee, through its various other subcommittees, studied and rejected several proposals and agreed that several other issues that came before the Committee are not properly the responsibility of the Modernization Committee. The only subcommittee that, as of this writing, has not completed its work is the Audio – Visual Subcommittee which is awaiting proposals from several vendors. Once this committee has selected a vendor, their proposal will be reviewed by the Interior Design Subcommittee in order to integrate Audio – Visual with Interior Design. After this is completed the Board will finalize the Clubhouse Modernization project, consider the recommendation of the Finance Committee as to funding and, finally, bring the project to a community vote. M O D E R N I Z AT I O N Carol Garfield has arranged for D&B Interiors to provide a visual presentation of the modernization proposal at our clubhouse. The presentation will be at 7:00 PM, Monday November 10, 2014 in our Social Hall. I urge all residents to attend. This has been a long and exhaustive process for the Interior Design subcommittee and, on behalf ',5(&725< +RPHRZQHUV¶$VVRFLDWLRQ SYZKRD#SYZRQOLQHFRP 3UHVLGHQW 9LFH3UHVLGHQW 6HFUHWDU\ 7UHDVXUHU 'LUHFWRU 'LUHFWRU 'LUHFWRU &OXEV$FWLYLWLHV %RRN&OXE6KHOO\(KUHQEHUJ %RZOLQJ/HDJXH±6WHYH0HGRII 3DXO6DEDWLQR %ULGJH&OXE(YHO\Q%URGNLQ 0DUOHQH/LWPDQ &LQHPD&OXE1HDO(KUHQEHUJ &236KHULII9ROXQWHHU+DUROG*ROGVWHLQ *ROIʹ1HDO(KUHQEHUJ *RRG:HOIDUH±6KHLOD6WHLQEHUJ 'HEUD+DXW 0HQ¶V&OXE:DOWHU.DOH\ 7KH3$3&RUSV&DQFHU5HVHDUFK &R&KDLUV3DXOD%URVQDQ =HOGD6WRQH 3RRO5RRP&OXE+RZDUG5XELQ 6LQJOHV&OXE'HEELH-DFREV :H&DUH%DUEDUD6SHDUV :RPHQ¶V&OXE+DUULHW6LOYHUVWHLQ <LGGLVK&OXE 0DUYLQ)ULHGPDQ &OXEKRXVH0DQDJHU6RFLDO'LUHFWRU 6DQG\2VWURZVN\ )D[ (PDLOSYZRIILFH#JPDLOFRP *DWHKRXVH &DPSEHOO3URSHUW\0DQDJHPHQW &DOO+HUH)LUVW 'HGHH:HVWED\ (PDLOGZHVWED\#FDPSEHOOSUREHUW\FRP A View From Paradise (GLWRUV6WDII 1HDO(KUHQEHUJ0DQDJLQJ(GLWRU ,ULV*ROGKDEHU&RPPXQLW\1HZV FRPPXQLW\#SYZRQOLQHFRP 1HDO(KUHQEHUJ*UDSKLFV JUDSKLFV#SYZRQOLQHFRP $GYHUWLVLQJ $QQH1HJURQ DGV#SYZRQOLQHFRP 3URRIUHDGLQJ &DURO*DUILHOG SURRI#SYZRQOLQHFRP 3XEOLVKHU5HODWLRQV (OOHQ0DUDQV %RE.LUVWHQ 0HO2VWURZVN\ 1RUP,VOHU -HUU\2OVHQ +DUYH\%UDQGQHU %HUQLH.OHLQ %RE6LOYHUVWHLQ &RPPLWWHHV $5&±1RUP,VOHU/LDLVRQ 0DQQ\6DQWRV&KDLU &OXEKRXVH±%RE6LOYHUVWHLQ/LDLVRQ -LP5RGULJXH]&KDLU &2%:5$±'HOHJDWH3DXO)DVV $OWHUQDWH+DUYH\%UDQGQHU QG$OWHUQDWH±*DEH1HPHWK &RPPRQ*URXQGV0DLQWHQDQFH5HSDLUV %HUQLH.OHLQ &RPPXQLFDWLRQV 1HDO(KUHQEHUJ&KDLU (QWHUWDLQPHQW±%RE6LOYHUVWHLQ/LDLVRQ 6DQG\2VWURZVN\ %HUQLH)LVKHU&KDLU )LQDQFH±-HUU\2OVHQ/LDLVRQ 1RUP,VOHU&KDLU *ULHYDQFH/LQGD%HUJHU&KDLU *URXS3XUFKDVLQJ +DUYH\%UDQGQHU/LDLVRQ /DQGVFDSLQJ/DNHV-HUU\2OVHQ/LDLVRQ 0XUU\%URG\&KDLU 0RGHUQL]DWLRQ±+DUYH\%UDQGQHU/LDLVRQ 6DP7DQQHQEDXP&KDLU 3ODQQLQJ±+DUYH\%UDQGQHU/LDLVRQ +HOHQH%DUQHWW&KDLU 6DIHW\6HFXULW\0HO2VWURZVN\/LDLVRQ 0RUH6WDII1(('('±3OHDVH+HOS +DUROG*ROGVWHLQ&KDLU 2XU(PDLO$GGUHVVDYLHZ#SYZRQOLQHFRP IN THIS ISSUE ARTICLE PAGE Birthdays & Anniversaries. . . . . 11 Calendar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Cinema Club. . . . . . . . . . . . 36,37 COBRWA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Fire Rescue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Men’s Club . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Monday Book Club . . . . . . . . . . 26 Knitters Corner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 2XWVLGH7KH2I¿FH. . . . . . . . . . 24 PAP. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13,19 Pool Room Club . . . . . . . . . . . 25 President’s Message . . . . . . . . . 3 Property Matters . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Rubin’s Roost . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Security Tips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Singles Club . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Staff Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Sunshine News. . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 That’s Entertainment . . . . . 17,29 34,35 We Care . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Women’s Club . . . . . . . . . . . 9 ,12 Yiddish Club . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 3 3RQWH9HFFKLR:HVW 1RYHPEHU 0HQ¶V&OXE 1RUWRQ0XVHXP 'LQHU SP 0HQ¶V&OXE 7H[DV+ROG¶HP DP 0HQ¶V&OXE %UHDNIDVW DP <LGGLVK&OXE %UHDNIDVW DP+ROH *ROIDW2VSUH\3W DP:RPHQ¶V *ROI/DNHYLHZ /XQFK *LQ&OXE +2$ %XGJHW:RUNVKRS DP :DWHU9ROOH\EDOO *LQ*URXS SP0HQ¶V%G SP(YHQLQJ %ULGJH DP*ROIDW 3DUN5LGJH DP3$3 %RDUG0WJ SP6LQJOHV &RDOLWLRQ .QLWWLQJ DP'LVFXVVLRQ SP%RZOLQJ &LQHPD&OE ³7KH%RRN 7KLHI´ DP7HQQLV 5RXQG5RELQ DP+ROH *ROIDW2VSUH\3W DP:RPHQ¶V *ROI/DNHYLHZ /XQFK *LQ&OXE <LGGLVK&O%G +2$ :RUNVKRS DP DP*ROIDW :DWHU9ROOH\EDOO 3DUN5LGJH *LQ*URXS 9HWHUDQ¶V'D\ DP3$3 &RQFHUW+RWGRJ 0DK-RQJJ &RRNRXW &DUG3DUW\ 7ULYLD*DPH ,QGLDQ6SULQJV .QLWWLQJ DP 'LVFXVVLRQ*US SP%RZOLQJ *UHHQDFUHV%RZO DP7HQQLV 5RXQG5RELQ DP+ROH *ROIDW2VSUH\3W DP:RPHQ¶V *ROI/DNHYLHZ /XQFK *LQ&OXE +2$%G0W 3RRO5P0W DP :DWHU9ROOH\EDOO *LQ*URXS SP(YHQLQJ %ULGJH DP*ROIDW 3DUN5LGJH :RPHQ¶V&OXE *XOIVWUHDP 7ULS .QLWWLQJ &23 DP'LVFXVVLRQ SP%RZOLQJ &LQHPD&OE ³<RX:LOO%H 0\6RQ´ DP+ROH *ROIDW2VSUH\3W DP:RPHQ¶V *ROI/DNHYLHZ /XQFK *LQ&OXE DP :DWHU9ROOH\EDOO *LQ*URXS SP(YHQLQJ %ULGJH DP*ROIDW 3DUN5LGJH Bridge (Thursday a.m.) - Sandy Siegel Bridge (Tuesday p.m.) - Marlene Litman Ceramics—Fred Sorg Discussion Group—Howard Rubin 18-Hole Golf—Neal Ehrenberg 4 +DSS\ 7KDQNVJLYLQJ DP&HUDPLFV DP,WDOLDQ )UHQFK&ODVV DP&HUDPLFV DP,WDOLDQ )UHQFK&ODVV DP7HQQLV 5RXQG5RELQ DP&HUDPLFV DP,WDOLDQ )UHQFK&ODVV DP7HQQLV 5RXQG5RELQ DP&HUDPLFV DP,WDOLDQ )UHQFK&ODVV Men’s Tennis—Robert Garfinkel Round Robin—Wendy Eiser Water Volleyball—Joan Garfinkel Women’s Golf—Shelly Ehrenberg Women’s Tennis—Carol Garfield SP6KRZWLPH 7KH7KUHH /DWLQ7HQRUV YIDDISH CLUB NEWS Marvin Friedman, President Once more, A Happy, Healthy NewYear to all. Personally, I’m happy the holidays are over – fasting is getting more difficult for me every year. How about you? I’ve received excellent reviews from the members who attended our Break Fast dinner. The effort put forth by Barbara Wiles, Eric Gottlieb, Iris Goldhaber, Joel Garfield, Esther Feldman, Arnie Kaufman and yours truly were very much appreciated by our guests. Thanks to all of you for your hard work. Friday, November 14th. We hope to see you all there. Save the Date - Friday, December 19th, please join us as we celebrate Hanukkah. More information will follow shortly. Till next time, stay well. We are preparing for our Sunday, November 23rd breakfast. The cut-off date for reservations is 5 SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISERS THEY SUPPORT US PLEASE TELL OUR ADVERTISERS WHERE YOU SAW THEIR AD We Knit, We Share, We Laugh 6 STAFF REPORT Last month Men’s Club, PAP, Women’s Club and Yiddish Club participated in A View from Paradise’s Green experiment. They agreed to publish half-page flyers which contained every piece of information their flyers always contained except the tear-offs. All the tearoffs appeared on a separate two page Tear-off insert. These clubs saved the world from the destruction of trees and pollution in the publication of 7 pages printed on glossy paper with colored inks. The clubs and Entertainment have indicated their intent to continue this experiment and to try to curtail the home delivery of flyers. It is hoped, that those who only receive community information by having flyers stuffed in their doors check the clubhouse regularly for current information or ask their neighbors to tell them about communications they missed. Those who have email addresses they do not share with the community, can enroll in Constant Contact directly and not have their address published in the directory. For the first time in its history, A View from Paradise will pay a publishing company to provide both layout and printing. The staff has been soliciting and receiving proposals from several companies in the area that can provide both services. The proposals for combined services are within a competitive price range. The additional cost for the layout and design will be approximately $250.00 per month. The View is a self-sustaining publication which will continue to make a profit. The staff is confident that our community will continue to enjoy receiving our new A View from Paradise. Our advertiser base must remain strong and grow for us to continue to make a profit. When you use the services of an advertiser, please, stress that you saw their ad in A View from Paradise. If you use the services of someone who doesn’t advertise, please ask them if they would like to place an ad in our magazine. Every additional bit of profit we can make for the community means less maintenance you have to pay. 7 is your knee is your knee hurting your lifestyle? hurting your lifestyle? Delray Medical Center has received: Named as one of the Top 125 Hospitals with Great Orthopaedic Programs by Becker’s Hospital Review 20 14 HE ALT HGRADE S AWA R D S Delray Medical Center has received: Surgery Healthgrades Orthopaedic 201 4 HEALT HGR ADES AWAR DS Excellence Award™ Healthgrades Orthopaedic Surgery Award™ for 3 years in a Excellence row (2012-2014) for 3 years in a row (2012-2014) Top 5% in the nation ranking for Overall Top 5% in the nation rankingOrthopaedic for Overall Orthopaedic Services Services for in 3 years in a row (2012-2014) for 3 Years a row (2012-2014) Five-star for Total Knee Replacement Five-star recipientrecipient for Total Knee Replacement for 5 years a row (2010-2014) for in 5 years in a row (2010-2014) Whether your knee pain is caused by arthritis or is the result of an injury, it can have a debilitating effect on how you live your life. That’s where the team at Delray Medical Center can help. Our board certified orthopaedic surgeons and highly skilled nurses and therapists are specially trained to evaluate knee problems so that we can relieve your pain, restore your mobility and enhance your freedom of movement. We offer minimally invasive knee replacements which can result in less scarring and a faster recovery. We 5352 Linton Boulevard | Delray Beach DelrayMedicalCtr.com also provide comprehensive rehab services. So stop suffering and start living again with the talented team at Delray Medical Center. Call today for more information on our upcoming orthopedic lectures or to find a doctor — and receive your FREE Smartphone Sports Armband! nd! Call 8 1.866.495.BONE 9 10 November Birthdays November 3 Carol Garfield November 6 Linda Fisher November 7 Carol Stein November 8 Mark Miller November 9 Barbara Shapiro November 11 Gail Nash November 11 Michele Shapiro November Anniversaries November 5 Louise & Scott Sundermeier November 8 Doris & Lionel Smith November 8 Marge & Allan Mittelmark November 9 Temi & Jonah Shorr November 13 Peachy & Manny Santos November 17 Barbara & Herb Jacoby November 12 Joe Garfield November 18 Iris & Howard Senatore November 13 Charles Cesarini November 22 Regina & Yackov Berger November 13 Barbara Tesoriero November 22 Harriet & Robert Silverstein November 15 Sandra Siegel November 22 Eileen & Ivan Rubin November 16 Alvaro Afonso November 23 Shellie & Stan Rubin November 16 Teddy Peck November 25 Phyllis & Gino Raspanti November 22 Ellen Goldberg November 26 Maryann & Bill Hyatt November 23 Rona Rod November 26 Wendy & Barry Eiser November 23 Helene Barnett November 26 Arleen & Larry Greenwood November 24 Louis Amato November 27 Lona & Lenny Mandel November 25 Harvey Joress November 27 Jackie & Paul Fass November 26 Evelyn Alderoty November 30 Lynn & Gil Trauman November 29 Lawrence Lambelet December 3 Barbara & Joel Shapiro November 29 Linda Koshel December 4 Julie & Rudolph Lopez November 30 Amy Hauptman November 30 Jerold Stelzer December 1 Jim Stein December 3 Noel Franco December 3 Walter O'Leary December 3 Nancie Eizen If your birthday and/or anniversary is missing or incorrect, please contact Shelly Ehrenberg @ 736-3282 11 12 13 3 SINGLES CLUB The PVW Singles Club is happy to begin its 2014-1015 season. By this reading we will have had our Sunday Brunch at Village Tavern to jump start the year. Information about future events will be posted on the Club Bulletin Board in the clubhouse. A “Save the Dates” notice will also go out by email and snail mail as soon as it is complete and up-to-date. We'd like to welcome all the new singles who have become PVW residents since last season. For those of you who would like to join the club, membership forms are available in the clubhouse, or you can give me a call and I'll be happy to send you one. Membership dues remain at only $10 for the season. Non-residents must be sponsored by a dues paying PVW Singles Club member who is a community resident. A guest may participate in one event each season as a non-member when invited by a member of the Club. Membership in the PVW Singles Club also entitles you to participate in activities of the Palm Beach County Singles Coalition. Flyers for Coalition events are in a folder in our mailbox, in Sandy's office. We extend an enthusiastic welcome to our new members and look forward to seeing all of our members at our brunch on October 19th . Debbie Jacobs, President 14 WE CARE WE CARE is based on the concept of neighbors helping neighbors here in Ponte Vecchio West. Our services (for which there is no charge) include: 1. 2. 3. 4. Providing wheelchairs, walkers and canes for your short-term use When you have no other reasonable option, arranging a ride for you to a local doctor or hospital (advance notice is necessary) Picking up a prescription from a local pharmacy Filling a small grocery order Should you find yourself in need of one of these services, please call me at 742-5599. We have a small group of volunteers to help with these services. Should you wish to add your name to the list, please contact me. Barbara Spears 15 16 THAT’S ENTERTAINMENT Saturday, November 8th at 8:00pm is a show of a lifetime with The Three Latin Tenors. Warren Tesh, Lievens Castillo, and Eduardo San Emeterio will take your breath away performing arias from the most famous operas you know. Since you will be exhausted from this powerful show, you will be treated to a secret late night snack along with the sweets & coffee. Theater Style Seating. $20.00 p.p. Wednesday, December 3rd at 7:30 p.m. we host the very engaging & informative lecturer, Dr. Robert Watson. After presenting his topic entitled “Champions of Israel in the White House” a history of U.S.-Israeli relations, he will allow a generous amount of time for Q & A. Dr. Watson is a professor, author, media commentator, and community activist who has published 30 books and hundreds of chapters, articles, and essays on American politics and history, and been interviewed by local, national, and international television, radio, and print media outlets. $10.00 p.p. Theater Style Open Seating. Refreshments will be served. It’s a New Year’s Eve Party, Wednesday, December 31st at 8:30 pm. We are going to celebrate Ponte Vecchio West style with a wine reception, lots of hor d’oeuvres from around the world, dancing, dessert & coffee, and a midnight countdown & champagne toast. We were fortunate to get the same group from last year, one of Florida’s top party bands, Easy Livin’ Band! B.Y.O.B. $45.00 p.p. Tables may be reserved. On Friday, January 9th one of our very talented residents, Jon, The Doo-Wop Don, (John Dimare) will delight us by performing all of your favorite music. The show begins at 8 p.m. Coffee & Dessert will be served. $7.50 p.p. Theater Style Seating. Friday, January 30th at 8:00 p.m. marks the return of the hilarious comedian, Jim David. He is the “Southern Boy with a Northern Attitude” that brought the house down last spring. We just had to bring him back for more fun with his fresh & hysterically funny material. The Saladino Dancers, Rome Saladino and Marina Putane, will OPEN the show. This husband and wife team both have toured the world together as a dance couple and separately in their own endeavors with 40 years combined experience on stage, theaters, cruise ships and dance productions. Audiences are buzzing about their energetic tapping and breath-taking ballets. $20.00 p.p. Theater Style Seating. See you at the box office! Sandy Ostrowsky 17 CONFUSED ABOUT FUNERAL ARRANGEMENTS? LET US HELP YOU SIMPLIFY IT Pre-Need is Not Only Owning Cemetery Property By Considering Pre-Need – Save Now - Spend in The Future Call: Normand Argo For: Office Appointment In-Home Consultation Available Your Ponte Vecchio West Neighbor 58%,1 0HPRULDO&KDSHO %R\QWRQ%HDFK%RXOHYDUG%R\QWRQ%HDFK)ORULGD +RPH3KRQH&HOO3KRQH Normand Argo Pre-Need Counselor Why Choose Dr. Pearlman? — Personalized 21st Century eye care.The Choice is clear Peter Pearlman, M.D. Board-Certified Ophthalmologist rd-Certified Ophthalmologis Servedd as Delray Medical Center Chief of Surgery & Staff Member-American er-American Academy of Ophthalmology & American can Society of Cataract and Refractive ctive Surgery RESPECT. EXPERIENCE. RESULTS. Respected by peers Over 25 years of experience Results unsurpassed by any other eye surgeon rgeon STATE OF THE ART EYE CARE Specializing in Premium Cataract Surgery Crystalens® ReSTOR® Toric® Trulign™ 561.738.2228 561.495.0808 10075 Jog Road, Ste 203 Boynton Beach 5258 Linton Boulevard, Ste 204 Delray Beach (SW corner of Boynton Beach Blvd.& Jog Rd.) (Just west of Military Trail) 18 PearlmanEye.com 19 20 & SECURITY SAFETY New Front Gate Access System On September 15, 2014, the PVW Board of Directors authorized the purchase and installation of a new gate access system based upon the electronic reading of a transponder. The transponder will be placed on the windshield inside of each authorized vehicle. Each transponder will be activated (or deactivated if needed) through the system computer and cannot be transferred from one vehicle to another, as the circuitry is destroyed once removed from the windshield. period during which homeowners may purchase the new transponders, at a cost of $6.00 each, and have them installed by HOA volunteers. A schedule for the sale and installation of the transponders will be established and distributed to the community. Both during the system installation and startup period, the existing gate access system will continue to operate as usual. However, once this transition period is complete, a date will be established after which your clickers and proximity cards will no longer be able to open our front gates. We will try to make this changeover as easy as possible and we would appreciate your cooperation. Installation and testing of the system will begin during the month of November. There will then be a startup Remember to check: CHANNEL 63 FOR ALL YOUR PVW NEWS ALTERNATE SIDE OF THE STREET PARKING NOVEMBER IS AN ODD MONTH PLEASE PARK ON THE ODD SIDE OF THE STREET ONLY. PARKING ON THE GRASS OR ACROSS SIDEWALKS IS PROHIBITED. PLEASE REMIND YOUR GUESTS 21 Find Out What Your House Is Really Worth Before You List )ORULGD&HUWL¿HG*HQHUDO5HDO(VWDWH$SSUDLVHU5= Ken Rossman - Year Round Ponte Vecchio West Resident $SSUDLVLQJDOOW\SHVRI5HDO3URSHUW\IRURYHU\HDUV $OVR)RU(VWDWHV'LYRUFH3DUWQHUVKLS'LVVROXWLRQ*LIW7D[ %DQNUXSWF\/LIH(VWDWHVHWF &DSULR'ULYH%R\QWRQ%HDFK)/ Phone: Toll Free: EmailNHQU#FRPFDVWQHW KWWSZZZHDSSUDLVHUZV :KHUH<RXU&RPSOHWH6DWLVIDFWLRQ,V7KH5HDO9DOXH 22 P MEN'SV CLUB W MEN'S CLUB Walter Kaley, President Walter Kaley, President On Sunday evening, November 9, 2014, the PVW Men’s Club will sponsor another in its series of Texas Hold ’Em Tournaments. Games begin at 7:00 pm, but please plan to be there at 6:45 pm. All residents, family and friends are welcome. The tournament buy-in is $30.00 cash at the door. Coffee and cake will be served. Any questions, call Norm Argo 752-4885. On Sunday morning, November 16th, at 9:30 am, The PVW MC will host a representative from the law firm of Shalloway & Shalloway who will present the Veterans Administration Aid and Attendance Program. This presentation is just as important to women as it is to men, so all are welcome. It is a bagels and lox breakfast/ meeting, free to members and $5.00 pp to guests. Also, at this meeting first nominations for several available positions on our board of directors will be held. We invite all members, both new and old, to step up to the plate and make a difference. Second nominations and elections will be held at our Sunday, December 21st breakfast/ meeting. It is time to pay your annual dues of $20 pp. Our term of membership is from January 1, 2015 to December 31, 2015. Please place your check in our box in Sandy’s office. Most months we meet on the third Sunday, at 9:30 am, to share a complimentary bagels and lox breakfast, enjoy some camaraderie, laughs, and a chance to make new friendships. In addition, at most breakfast/meetings we have a speaker or some form of entertainment. We also sponsor events, both on and off-site. Any questions, please call Walter Kaley at 733-2467. 23 :KDW¶V2XWVLGHWKH2I¿FH" All original club flyers are poster on this board. If you want to know what is going on in PVW, just check here. On this board is where you will find copies of all flyers and tear off sheets. Feel free to take one and join many of the events here at PVW 24 25 M O N DAY BOOK CLUB Anthony Doerr (born 1973) is an American fiction writer, known for his novels and short stories. His first novel, About Grace, was published in 2004. In a 2004 online interview for the Washington Post, Doerr mentioned that his next work may involve occupied France during World War II and their subversive use of radios against the Nazis. The struggles in writing this book are documented in his non-fiction memoir entitled Four Seasons in Rome: On Twins, Insomnia, and the Biggest Funeral in the History of the World. After ten years of research, he finally published All the Light We Cannot See in 2014. He gained widespread recognition for this novel, which happens to be our discussion book for November. Marie Laure lives with her father in Paris within walking distance of the Museum of Natural History where he works as the master of the locks (there are thousands of locks in the museum). When she is six, she goes blind, and her father builds her a model of their neighborhood, every house, every manhole, so she can memorize it with her fingers and navigate the real streets with her feet and cane. When the Germans occupy Paris, father and daughter flee 26 to Saint-Malo on the Brittany coast, where MarieLaure’s agoraphobic great uncle lives in a tall, narrow house by the sea wall. In another world in Germany, an orphan boy, Werner, grows up with his younger sister, Jutta, both enchanted by a crude radio Werner finds. He becomes a master at building and fixing radios, a talent that wins him a place at an elite and brutal military academy and, ultimately, makes him a highly specialized tracker of the Resistance. Werner travels through the heart of Hitler Youth to the far-flung outskirts of Russia, and finally into Saint-Malo, where his path converges with Marie-Laure. How these two young people get together and find what they have in common will keep you turning pages. This is a very different view of World War II. If you want to join our discussion at any time, please send your e-mail address to me: shelly@shellyandneal. com. I will add your name to our mailing list and you will be informed of the date and the location. The Monday Book Club meets on the second or third Monday of each month. by: Shelly Enhrenberg PVW SUNSHINE NEWS by Sheila Steinberg GET WELL WISHES WERE SENT TO: Joy Rose and Marlene Friedman Special get-well wishes to several of our neighbors who currently are in rehab, undergoing radiation, chemotherapy, dialysis, and other procedures, or who have a chronic illness. Our thoughts are with you. BEST WISHES TO: Lona & Lenny Mandel on the birth of their twin grandsons, Alex & Zack (A to Z). Please stop by and welcome all our new neighbors to our beautiful community. Do you know of a neighbor who might appreciate a hot meal upon returning from the hospital, or during bereavement? Be it a chicken dinner, deli, brisket, Italian, Chinese, or anything else you would like, please call Sheila at 738-1216. We’re here to help. You also can call any of the members of our Sunshine Committee (Sheila Andrade, Eileen & David Feldman, Sandy Brandner, and Kathy Berkowitz) if you have news you want printed in the bulletin. They will pass it on to the steering committee. But you have to let us know! The sooner you tell us, the sooner we can help out. And don’t forget to pass on your GOOD news! Your Sunshine Steering Committee members: Debra Haut at 843-4553 (debracerahaut@aol.com), Rosemary Lambelet (September thru April) at 731-0235 (Rlambel@mindspring.com), Sheila Steinberg at 738-1216 (ssteinb@bellsouth.net), or Ina Yelner at 739-6080. Just a reminder – Due to Paradise deadlines, we list Get Wells for the previous month (or two). We certainly hope all our neighbors have recovered by the time you read this! NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS Just a few words to say a great big thank you to the Sunshine Committee, my friends and neighbors, who sent food, cards, donations, called me with many kind and warm wishes after surgery and during rehab. All of your caring and support is deeply appreciated. You are the greatest!!! Thanks again, Tobie Nemeth NOTE: All thank you's and Neighborhood News can be sent to Sheila directly at ssteinb@ bellsouth.net before the 10h of November for inclusion in the December 1st issue. Any received after that date will be placed in the January 1, 2015 issue. 27 RUBIN’S ROOST by Howard Rubin To coin a phrase, reports of the demise of this column have been greatly exaggerated. Columns written for any local journal are usually opinion pieces. This column, which is my opinion, is designed not to offend anyone, particularly those who have a different opinion. I respect other points of view and invite any resident to submit a piece of contrasting opinion that follows the editorial rules of the View From Paradise. I firmly believe that my column follows those rules. This month I would like to discuss my interpretation of the supposed need for a 2/3 vote for any expenditure over $5,000.00. There are some members of our community who insist that all such expenditures made by the board require a 2/3 vote of all homeowners. Let us look at what the documents say about this. Article IX, Section 1, Paragraph I, states, 28 “The Association, by action of the Board, may make minor and insubstantial alterations and improvements to the Association Property having a cost not in excess of FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS ($5,000). All other alterations and improvements must be approved by at least twothirds (2/3) of all Owners represented in person or by proxy.....” That seems clear enough if you stop reading at that point. But the next paragraph, on the next page of my copy of the Declarations, Paragraph J, goes on to state, “All expenses incurred by the Association in connection with the services and maintenance described in foregoing Paragraphs A through H, inclusive, are Operating Expenses.” So my interpretation of the 2/3rd vote paragraph is that it only applies to money in the Operating Fund not money in the Reserve Fund. If the board has to replace an airconditioner that is no longer working, and the cost will be more than $5,000.00, money can be taken from the Reserve Fund to pay for that expense without the need to go to the community for a 2/3 approval vote. Please do not confuse the Reserve Fund with the Operating Fund. Most of our monthly PVW maintenance bill goes to replenish the Operating Fund. But the first HOA board established a Reserve Fund to pay for replacement of items like expensive air-conditioners. Over the thirteen years of HOA business, boards who needed to replace costly items have never gone to the community for a vote of approval. Things that needed to be replaced, like the social hall chairs, the pool furniture and the gym equipment were purchased without a 2/3 vote. Enjoy your Thanksgiving holiday and let us all be thankful for the truly wonderful life we have here in Ponte Vecchio West. )ULGD\-DQXDU\WKDWSP SS 7KHDWHU6W\OH6HDWLQJ 5HIUHVKPHQWV6HUYHG 29 &2%:5$'(/(*$7(60((7,1* Highlights October 15, 2014 – Palm Isles WELCOME ƔPalm Isle delegate and former COBWRA President 6DQG\ *UHHQEHUJ and Daniel Cohen, President of the Palm Isles Master Board, welcomed the delegates to the community. PROCLAMATION PRESENTATION 6WDWH6HQDWRU-RVHSK$EUX]]R presented COBWRA President Myrna Rosoff with the following formal PROCLAMATION recognizing COBWRA’s efforts and support in making the Yellow Dot Program state law: WHEREAS, the Yellow Dot Program was initiated in Connecticut in 2002 to assist First Responders in handling emergency situations safely and effectively and has subsequently expanded to more than 20 states, in Florida and WHEREAS, the Yellow Dot Program allows an individual to place a yellow decal on the bottom of the vehicle’s rear window indicating to emergency first responders that the individual’s contact and medical information can be found in a yellow booklet in the glove compartment and WHEREAS, the Yellow Dot Program has proven beneficial in cases where serious life-threatening accidents physically impair an individual or leave him or her unable to communicate necessary information due to medical distress, and WHEREAS, COBWRA has performed a great public service in offering the Yellow Dot Program at no cost to participants, NOW, THEREFORE, I, Senator Joseph Abruzzo, of Florida State Senate District 25, do hereby recognize COBWRA for encouraging participation in the life-saving Yellow Dot Program. FIRST RESPONDERS REPORTS ƔPalm Beach County Fire Rescue Chief Doug 0F*O\QQ reported that most fire stations will have the Yellow Dot Program packets available after December 1, 2014. The packets can be obtained currently by going online to pbcyellowdot.com. Ɣ&DSWDLQ &KULV .HDne, PBSO District 6, reported that auto burglaries are an ongoing issue and 65% of auto burglaries are due to unlocked vehicles. 30 ELECTED OFFICIALS REPORTS Ɣ6WDWH 5HSUHVHQWDWLYH /RUL %HUPDQ reported the success of the Farm Share Program held this past Saturday and thanked the First Responders for their contributions to the success of the event. Rep. Berman announced that she is the new Chairperson of the Palm Beach Legislative Delegation. ƔCounty Commissioner Mary Lou Berger reported that she was thrilled to cut the ribbon on the new Pickleball Courts at Valencia Isles. Ɣ6FKRRO %RDUG 0HPEHU Karen Brill reported that the Palm Beach County School Board members are working with other school boards to address the issues associated with testing. She emphasized the importance of renewing the funding for non-charter District schools for arts, music, physical education programs, career and academic programs as proposed in Ballot Referendum #2. Ɣ6WDWH $WWRUQH\ 'DYH $URQEHUJ announced that October has been designated Domestic Violence Awareness Month and that his office is working with various law enforcement agencies to find answers to this very complex issue. MEET THE CANDIDATES FORUM COBWRA First Vice President *OHQ+DUYLHchaired the Meet the Candidate Forum. Each candidate was allotted three minutes for an opening statement and one minute to respond to questions posed by the COBWRA delegates. 3DUWLFLSDWLQJ Candidates: CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: Will Rankin (D); HOUSE DISTRI&7: Lois Frankel (D); 67$7(6(1$7(',675,&7: Maria Lorts Sachs (D) & Ellyn Bogdanoff (R); SCHOOL BOARD ',675,&7 Erica Whitfield & Thomas Sutterfield; COUNTY COMMISSION DIST5,&7 : 6WHYHQ $EUDPV (R) & $QG\2¶%ULHQ (D). ƔThe candidates fielded questions on: Citizen’s Insurance issues, Sober Homes, the rejection of Medicaid funding, the construction of a new West Boynton park, Common Core Curriculum and standardized testing, the minimum wage, the COBWRA Ag Reserve proposal, charter schools and women’s health care decisions. ƔPBC Legislative Affairs Director Todd Bonlarron reviewed the three Ballot Amendments: 1) Water and Land Conservation, 2) Medical Marijuana and 3) Judicial Appointments and the two Palm Beach County referenda: 1) the reauthorization of Children’s Services Council funding and 2) the continued funding for Music, Physical Education and Arts in Education programs in the Palm Beach County noncharter schools. By Bruce Brodsky Dear Friend, November is a wonderful time for all of us in South Florida with celebrations and remembrances from Veterans Day to Thanksgiving. For property owners, November also marks the beginning of property tax season and is the busiest month at our agency. In this edition, I’m sharing the options to help you save money and time. Why ePay is the best way Save Money Money on Save on Property PropertyTaxes Taxes Question: Are there any options to make my property taxes cheaper? Here are three options that could help you save on your property tax bill: Pay early. 2014 Property taxes are payable November 1, 2014 – March 31, 2015. You can take advantage of our early payment discounts. November: 4% discount December: 3% discount January: 2% discount February: 1% discount March: no discount Pay in smaller installments instead of one lump sum. Our Installment Payment Plan divides your property taxes into four payments: June, September, December, and March. If you use this plan, you receive a discount slightly under 4%. For more information and to sign up for the 2015 property tax season, visit pbctax.com. Applications must be received by 5 p.m. April 30, 2015. Dispute your property tax valuation. Taxpayers may file a petition with the Value Adjustment Board to challenge the Property Appraiser’s assessment, classification, or exemption status. Once a petition is filed, the taxpayer must pay at least 75% of the Ad-Valorem taxes and 100% of the Non-Ad Valorem taxes before April 1. You may already know that paying your property taxes online is fast, easy, and secure. There are several other reasons you may want to make the switch the ePay. E-Checks are free. There is no charge to pay by E-Check. Credit card companies charge a convenience fee. This fee is not retained by our agency. Easy Financial Records. After submitting a payment, you will receive a transaction notice email for your records indicating that a payment is pending. Online payments typically clear financial institutions within 7 – 10 business days. To ePay 2014 property taxes, visit the Online Search & Payment Center at pbctax.com. We will accept payments online beginning November 1. Avoiding the pay-by-mail pitfalls If you submit your payment by mail, do not fold, staple, paper clip, write on, or mark on the payment stub. Also, make sure that you sign your check. Property taxes fund everything from roads to schools and law enforcement to libraries. That’s why I work so hard to collect every dollar owed. Sincerely, Anne Anne M. Gannon Constitutional Tax Collector Scan code with your smart device to view live wait times at any of our eight convenient locations. 31 Fire-Rescue FAST Facts “Sound the ALARM! The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) has declared the 2014 theme for Fire Prevention Week, which runs from October 5-11 this year. The theme is “Working Smoke Alarms Save Lives. Test Yours Every Month!” Firefighters are urging residents to check their smoke alarms and to make sure the batteries are fresh. According to the NFPA, having a working smoke alarm in the home cuts the risk of dying in a fire in half. On average, each year three out of five home fire deaths result from fires where there is either no smoke alarm or no working smoke alarm. The NFPA recommends: r r r r r )BWJOHBTNPLFBMBSNJOTJEFFWFSZCFESPPN )BWFBTNPLFBMBSNPVUTJEFFBDITMFFQJOHBSFB 5FTUTNPLFBMBSNTFWFSZNPOUICZVTJOHUIFUFTUCVUUPO 3FQMBDFBMMTNPLFBMBSNTFWFSZZFBSTPSTPPOFSJGUIFZEPOUSFTQPOEQSPQFSMZ XIFOUFTUFEPSUIFNBOVGBDUVSFSTEBUFTIPXTUIBUJUJTFYQJSFE 'JSF1SFWFOUJPO8FFLPDDVSTBOOVBMMZJO0DUPCFSEVSJOHUIFXFFLJOXIJDI October 9 falls to commemorate the Great Chicago Fire of 1871, however Fire 1SFWFOUJPO1SBDUJDFTBOE4BGFUZ1SFTFOUBUJPOTUZQJDBMMZDPOUJOVFEVSJOHUIFFOUJSF month of October of each year. What about smoke alarms for the hearing impaired? Are there special products available for that? 4NPLFBMBSNTBOEBMFSUEFWJDFTDBMMFEBDDFTTPSJFTBSFBWBJMBCMFGPSQFPQMFXIPBSFIFBSJOH JNQBJSFEThese alert devices include: r High Density Strobe lights throughout the home that are activated by smoke alarms r 1JMMPXPSCFETIBLFSTZTUFNUIBUJTBDUJWBUFECZTNPLFBMBSNTGPSXIFOZPVBSF TMFFQJOHXJUIZPVSIFBSJOHBJETJUUJOHPOUIFOJHIUTUBOE r 4NPLFBMBSNBMFSUEFWJDFTDBMMFEBDDFTTPSJFTQSPEVDFBMPVENJYFEMPXQJUDIFE sound. 3FDFOUSFTFBSDIIBTTIPXOUIBUBMPVENJYFEMPXQJUDIFETPVOEJTNPSFFGGFDUJWFGPSXBLJOHQFPQMF PGBMMBHFTUIBOUIFMPVEIJHIQJUDIFETPVOEPGBUSBEJUJPOBMTNPLFBMBSN"TQFPQMFBHFUIFBCJMJUZ UPIFBSBOEQSPDFTTIJHIGSFRVFODZUPOFTEFUFSJPSBUFTBTUIFIBJSDFMMTJOZPVSNJEEMFFBSEFHFOFSBUF over time. Take the How Old Are Your Ears? QUIZ through this interactive video: IUUQZPVUVCF7YDCQQ$93L Please share this information with your community and neighbors because together, we can make a EJGGFSFODF6OUJMOFYUUJNFUFTUZPVSTNPLFBMBSNTSFQMBDFZPVSCBUUFSJFTBOENPTUPGBMMwUBLFDBSF of each other. Doug McGlynn Professional Firefighters/Paramedics of Palm Beach County HOA Community Coordinator dmcglynn@iaff2928.com (561) 969-0729 – O 32 33 Dr. Robert Watson Wednesday, December 3rd 2014 At 7:30 PM $10.00 p.p. After presenting his topic entitled “Champions of Israel in the White House” a history of U.S.-Israeli relations, Dr. Watson will allow a generous amount of time for Q & A. Dr. Watson is a Professor of American Studies at Lynn University, author, media commentator & community activists who has published over 30 books. Make checks payable to: PVW HOA. Outside guests welcome. Theater style open seating. 34 <28$5( +(5( Let’s Ring in the New Year Together with Hor d’oeuvres From Different World Cuisines, Wine, Dancing, and Dessert! Music is Provided by the Easy Livin’ Band. Tables of 8 or More May be Reserved or You Will be Assigned a Table. Outside Guests Welcome. B.Y.O.B. 35 MarkYourMonthlyCalendar Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday First Thursday &LQHPD&OXE 30 Week2 Third Thursday &LQHPD&OXE 30 &LQHPD&OXE)HDWXUHVIRU1RYHPEHU Thursday, November 6th – 8:00 PM Thursday, November 20th – 8:00 PM dŚĞŽŽŬdŚŝĞĨpresentsaglimpseof NaziGermany and the war from the uniquely innocent view of an adolescent girl, Liesel (Sophie Nélisse). Liesel lives with her foster parents Hans (Geoffrey Rush) and Rosa(EmilyWatson)Hubermann.Whenshe'steased atschoolforbeingilliterate,Hansmakesafunproject of teaching her to read. At a Nazi book burning a horrified Liesel surreptitiously snatches a random volume from the flames. The wife of the local Bürgermeisteristheonlyonewhonotices,andshe compassionatelyallowsLieseltovisitherdeadson's library. Liesel makes two friends ͲͲher thoughtful, rebelliousneighborRudy,andMax,theJewishsonof amantowhomHansoweshislife.TheHubermanns riskeverythingbyhidingMax.Liesel'snewfoundlove of literature forms her actions as more is revealed about the Hubermanns and the toll of wartime as villagelifebecomesmoredesperate. TheFrenchtaketheirwineǀĞƌLJseriously!zŽƵtŝůůĞ DLJ ^ŽŶ focuses on the problematic relationship betweenPaulMarseul,ownerofaprestigiousvineyard in Saint Emilion and his son, Martin, who works with him on the family estate. Paul is a demanding and passionate wineͲmaker. He is also a domineering father. He has no faith in his son, Martin, and is not happythathissonmayonedaysucceedhim.Hehopes that the great tradition of wineͲmaking for which the estateisknownwillbecarriedon.Hedreamsofason who is more talented, more charismatic and more in line with his own aspirations — a harderͲworking, successful son. One day this dream seemingly materializes whenPaulmeetsPhilippe,thesonofhis dying estate manager. Can Paul turn against his own blood and turn Philippe into the rightful heir of his familyestate? BackbyPopularDemand– –TheDate:December4! Reservationsarebeacceptednow!LookfortheAdinthisissue. 36 DINNER MOVIE AND A dŚƵƌƐĚĂLJ͕ĞĐĞŵďĞƌϰ͕ϮϬϭϰ BACK AGAIN WITH SOMETHING DIFFERENT! TO WELCOME AS MANY OF OUR LARGE MEMBERSHIP (150) AS POSSIBLE AND KEEP OUR DINING EXPERIENCE RELATED TO OUR CINEMA EXPERIENCE, WE’RE OFFERING: of DHOUD\ BHDFK BoFD RDWoQ BHVW 4XDOLW\ KoVKHUSW\OH FooGV SLQFH 1 BOX DINNERS SHUYHG Wo OUGHU LQ WKH PVW SoFLDO HDOO ŝŶŶĞƌŝƐ^ĞƌǀĞĚĂƚϲ͗ϯϬWD CKoLFH of: CKoLFH of: CoUQHG BHHf TXUNH\ PDVWUDPL RoDVW BHHf Bo[ LQFOXGHV: PoWDWo SDODG SKULPS SDODG TXQD SDODG BDNHG SDOPoQ SDODG EJJ SDODG Bo[ LQFOXGHV: PoWDWo SDODG CoOH SODZ PLFNOHV UWHQVLOV MXVWDUG MD\o R\H oU RoOO CoOH SODZ LHWWXFH ToPDWo UWHQVLOV R\H oU RoOO Every DLQQer IQFOXGeV SofW DrLQNV WDWer CoffeeTeD DeVVerWV DQG CDNeV dŚĞDŽǀŝĞĞŐŝŶƐĂƚϴ͗ϬϬ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ŝŶĞŵĂůƵďŝŶŶĞƌĂŶĚĂDŽǀŝĞ DĞŵďĞƌƐ͗ΨϭϬEŽŶͲDĞŵďĞƌƐ͗Ψϭϱ ZĞƐĞƌǀĂƚŝŽŶ&ŽƌŵƐĂƌĞŶŽǁĂǀĂŝůĂďůĞƚŽDĞŵďĞƌƐ͘ EŽŶͲDĞŵďĞƌƌĞƐĞƌǀĂƚŝŽŶƐǁŝůůďĞĂĐĐĞƉƚĞĚĂĨƚĞƌEŽǀĞŵďĞƌϭϱŝĨƐƉĂĐĞŝƐĂǀĂŝůĂďůĞ͘ 37 The Ponte Vecchio West Homeowners Association bears no responsibility for opinions stated within this newsletter, they are solely that of the author and do not UHÀHFWWKDWRIWKH$VVRFLDWLRQ 38 Looking To Sell Your Home In Ponte Vecchio West? #1 Top Realtor of Keyes Boynton Beach in 2011 SOLD 25+ MILLION 2011-2013 561-350-9625 Laura Casa, PA, Realtor® Award Winning Top Producer! Top 1% of all Keyes Individual Sales Associates SOLD 28 Homes in 2013 Laura’s Exclusive 2013 Boynton Beach listings: Sol8d/13 Sol2d/13 10/0 Sol8d/13 11/2 CONTRACT IN 6 DAYS Sol5d/13 02/2 CONTRACT 7 DAYS IN Sol2d/13 10/2 IN 8 DAYS Sol5d/13 CONTRACT IN 8 DAYS IN 15 DAYS Sol3d/13 IN 24 DAYS FULL PRICE CASH OFFER CONTRACT 16 DAYS 14 DAYS IN 19 DAYS REALTOR FOR BUYER & SELLER Sol0d/13 12/2 CONTRACT ALLOW IN Sol0d/13 09/0 IN 05/1 CONTRACT OVER ASKING PRICE CONTRACT Sol7d/13 03/1 CONTRACT 7 DAYS 08/3 Sol9d/13 11/2 IN Sol0d/13 03/2 CONTRACT CONTRACT 04/3 CONTRACT IN 26 DAYS OVER ASKING PRICE 50K OVER APPRAISED VALUE! ME TO ADD YOUR HOME TO OUR SUCCESSES. lauracasa@keyes.comLauraCasa.Keyes.com Interested in Valencia Cove? Let me show you the advantages of working with me! 39
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