REGISTRATION FORM CONFERENCE SCHEDULE Annual Missions Conference 2014 Time 20 Nov (Thu) 21 Nov (Fri) 22 Nov (Sat) 23 Nov (Sun) 8.00 Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast 9.00 Worship Worship Worship 9.30 Missionary testimony Missionary testimony Missionary testimony 9.45 In2HisWord In2HisWord In2HisWord 10.30 Prayer Prayer Holy Communion Tea break Tea break Tea break (Return room key) Workshops Workshops What’s next & Closing 10.45 11.00 12.30 LUNCH & RECHARGE 14.30 NEW* Teh Tarik Session Registration MISSION UN INTERRUPTED Keynote Speaker: Bishop Emeritus Dr Robert Solomon 20-23 November 2014 (Thursday-Sunday) Bayu Beach Resort Port Dickson, Negeri Sembilan 16.30 17.30 Into the Upper Room (Intercession Thematic/Interactive) Rest & Relax Rest & Relax Dinner Dinner Worship Worship 18.30 Dinner 20.00 Worship 20.15 Welcome 20.30 Plenary session 1 Plenary session 2 Plenary session 3 21.30 Goodnight Goodnight Goodnight If you wish to register online, please visit Personal Particulars Full Name: Mr / Mrs / Ms / Rev / Pastor / Dr (pls circle) Preferred Name (for name tag purposes): I.C. No: Email: Fax: Tel: (H) Church/Christian Organisation: School/College/University: Address: (O) Coming as a family? Please provide their details: Spouse / Child’s Name Age Sex (HP) I.C.No / MyKid No Conference Fees (Fees include registration, materials & meals) N E W* The words “teh tarik” most probably conjure images of friends catching up and swapping stories over mugs of teh tarik in a relaxed, leisurely atmosphere. We’ll create this setting at our teh tarik session where you’ll spend an afternoon chatting with individuals, some of whom have changed vocations and lived overseas for some time. Whether married or single, they all have colourful experiences to share. Come and be inspired by their stories. Don’t miss this teh tarik session! OMF International Malaysia, 3A, Jalan Nipah, Taman Ampang Hilir 55000 Kuala Lumpur 03-42574263 Hotel contact 4½ Miles, Jalan Pantai 71050 Port Dickson Negeri Sembilan Darul Khusus Tel: (6) 06-6473 703 Fax: (6) 06-6472 507 Price Per Adult Price Per child 4-12 years (Pls tick appropriate box) Pls tick appropriate box) Quad Sharing 480 nett 335 nett Triple Sharing 510 nett 370 nett Twin Sharing 570 nett 430 nett Single Room 840 nett Total payable (RM): Payable to Overseas Missionary Fellowship Closing date: 8th November 2014 Fullboard Package 4 days/3 nights INFORMATION AND ENQUIRY For more information, please visit us at For enquiries, please contact us at OMF International Malaysia, 3A Jln Nipah, Taman Ampang Hilir, 55000 K.L. Tel: 03-42574263 Fax: 03-42514313 W PLENARY SESSIONS e live in a fast-paced world of ceaseless activities and countless commitments. How then can we stay focused on His Mission? In this conference, we will be reinforced with the biblical basis for living out His Mission instead of “doing missions”, which is often seen as a slice of "pie" squeezed into our busy lifestyles. We will consider too how we can live out His Mission as a daily calling, as opposed to the common perception of calling being a specific area that one is called into. This daily calling is a lifelong attitude with daily actions that produce lasting fruits. Plenary #1: Communicating Cross-culturally Jimmy & Darcy Won Members of OMF since 2000, the Won family hails from Singapore and has been doing community development projects in Asia with a local minority people group. They also run a missional business in their field to encourage nationals to serve with a vocational identity among the minority people group. KEYNOTE SPEAKER Pang Loo Yit Bishop Emeritus Robert Solomon served as Bishop of The Methodist Church in Singapore from 2000-2012. He had worked as a medical doctor, church pastor, principal of Trinity Theological College and president of the National Council of Churches of Singapore. Dr Solomon has degrees in medicine, theology, intercultural studies, and a PhD in pastoral theology from the University of Edinburgh. A prolific writer, he has authored 18 books as well as contributed many articles to other books, theological dictionaries and journals. His books include The Race, The Enduring Word, and The Sermon of Jesus. Currently, he has an active itinerant ministry of preaching and teaching in Singapore and abroad. #1 Internal commission to the mainstream God’s desire and commission is to bring the gospel to all nations – groups bound by ethnicity, culture and religion, not geographical spheres. What are the implications for Malaysians when His commission is both external and internal? #2 Loo Yit hails from Pahang and received her theological education at Singapore Bible College. She did church-planting work in the Philippines for four years before serving in Macau in outreach ministry to mainland Chinese working in the factories and thereafter to local Cantonese youths. Currently, she is involved in outreach work to Vietnamese migrant workers. Serving as Senders Find out what it involves in sending and supporting (not just in finances) those going/serving in the mission field. Connecting with youths on mission Today’s youths have a different value system and the keys to engaging them requires a new mindset without compromising an eternal message. Learn how to get youths excited about missions. #1: Internal commission to the mainstream #2: Connecting with youths on mission #3: Serving as Senders #4: Seeing the ‘Invisibles’ first Plenary #3: Missions with Perseverance Phil & Irene Nicholson Phil & Irene are from Australia, although Irene grew up in Malaysia. They have been serving in Taiwan with OMF since 1992. Phil served with Campus Evangelical Fellowship for 10 years before becoming the OMF Taiwan Field Director in 2005. Irene is currently serving as the field mobiliser. Phil also enjoys preaching, teaching and training people in how to effectively communicate God’s Word. WORKSHOPS #3 21st Nov. (Friday) Please tick one Plenary #2: Mission Unabated Dr Robert Solomon MY CHOICE OF WORKSHOP #4 #7 Seeing the ‘Invisibles’ first The ‘Invisibles’ are everywhere and unless they start communicating, you wouldn’t know they exist because they look like any ordinary person. We’re talking about those who literally can’t see and hear. Find out the challenges and opportunities in communicating the gospel to them and learn several creative ways to connect with them. #5 Headhunter on the loose What do mission/team leaders look for in potential new missionaries? The long and short of exposure trips A husband-wife team will explore the strengths and strains of making cross-cultural trips, long or short. You will get insights on how to better prepare yourself or others, whether in the capacity as goers or senders. #6 We’re just ordinary (lay) people Calling those who are not ‘career missionaries’. You have a regular job but you desire to be actively engaged in God’s mission. This workshop will share some principles and experiences about what it means to be a missionary in your workplace, and how to integrate the Great Commission into every aspect of your life. #8 Evangelism & discipleship Have evangelism and discipleshipmaking become a lost art to believers? Come, let’s recapture the urgency of evangelising lost souls and the supremacy of the discipling ministry exemplified by Christ’s life. 22nd Nov. (Saturday) Please tick one #5: Headhunter on the loose #6: We’re just ordinary (lay) people #7: The long and short of exposure trips #8: Evangelism & discipleship
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