Congratulations on beginning your personal training program! I am very delighted you chose Pillars Training as
part of your commitment to health and fitness. With my help as your personal trainer, I will help you improve your
ability to accomplish your training goals faster, safer, and with maximum benefits. In order to maximize progress,
it is important to follow program guidelines during supervised and (if applicable) unsupervised training days.
Remember, exercise and healthy eating are EQUALLY important! The following information will provide you with
important program policies. Before getting started, please read and sign this form to acknowledge that you have
read and understand the following information.
Rele ase o f L i a b i l i t y (Please Read Carefully)
I have enrolled in a program of strenuous physical activity of various conditioning and exercise equipment,
designed, offered, recommended, and/or supervised by Pillars Training. I hereby affirm that I do not suffer from
any disability that would prevent or limit my participation in this program. In consideration of my participation in
the program, I hereby release Pillars Training from any and all claims, demands or causes of action arising from
my participation in the program or from any use of the conditioning and exercise equipment and facilities. I fully
understand that I may suffer injury as a result of my participation in the program and I hereby release Pillars
Training from any and all liability now or in the future, including but not limited to medical expenses, lost wages,
pain and suffering, that may occur by reason of heart attacks, muscle strains, pulls or tears, broken bones, shin
splints, heat prostration, knee/lower back/foot injuries, and any other illness, soreness, or injury, however caused,
whether occurring during or after my participation in the program or use of the conditioning and exercise
equipment and facilities, regardless of fault.
Pers ona l Tra i n i n g
I n f o r m a t i o n
a n d
P olicies
This agreement is made by and between
Client: _____________________________
Date ________________
Trainer: ___________________________
Date ________________
1. Commitment: By purchasing sessions, client is making a commitment to his/her health. Clients should follow
the program and instructions of trainer to the best of their ability to maximize their results and better achieve their
goals. Remember, the ultimate results are up to the client: trainer will show client how to work his muscles
correctly and encourage him/her to go to his/her safe limit, but client is the only one who can make sure he/she
works out consistently, eats properly, gets plenty of sleep, and lives a healthy lifestyle.
2. Specifics: Trainer and client shall agree upon the time, program type, content, and location of personal
training sessions at the rate set forth on the attached rate sheet and detailed below.
3. Length of contract/session: Member/s commit to a three month period of training. At that time trainer
and member will come to a mutual agreement on further sessions.
4. Punctuality: Failure to be prepared to train may result in a shortened workout or possible cancellation if the
client is more than fifteen minutes late (for a 30 min. session) or more than thirty minutes late (for a 60 min.
session). If client anticipates running late, he/she should contact trainer as soon as possible.
5. Stopping Exercises: Client may refuse or stop any exercise for any reason. It is client's responsibility to
notify trainer of any discomfort or pain arising from or during exercise, as well as, any and all other known
limitations client has or experiences so that trainer may accommodate client and substitute another exercise to
work that particular muscle group.
6. Payment: Client acknowledges and agrees that this personal training contract is not transferable or
assignable. Payment must be made in advance of sessions in one lump sum or may be financed through
monthly payment arrange between Pillars Training and the client. Client understands that he/she will not
receive a refund for missed appointments. Payment must be completed for all sessions before any new or
renewal contract may be signed. It is CLIENT'S RESPONSIBILITY to pay his/her bill. If client's payment is more
than one week overdue, trainer may suspend sessions until client's outstanding invoice is current.
7. Cancellation of Individual Sessions: Client acknowledges that appointment times are reserved and
any cancellations or reschedules must be made a minimum of twenty four (24) hours in advance prior to
the start of the scheduled training session. Any and all cancellations with less than twenty four (24) hours notice
will result in forfeiture of the session without refund. If trainer must cancel a session, he will do so, by phone, with
at least twenty four (24) hours notice or client will receive a complimentary session. This complimentary session
must be used within thirty (30) days of the date of the cancelled session. After thirty (30) days, the offer of a
complimentary session will expire.
8. Cancellation of Contract: Once the contract has been signed, it cannot be rescinded. There will be no
cancellation or refund after the signing of the contract. [Client is obligated to pay the full price for the agreed
upon _____months].
9. Client understands this is a legally binding contract, has read the contract, and fully understands its
contents. This contract contains the entire agreement of the parties, and supersedes all prior
negotiations, agreements and understandings with respect hereto.
All sessions are 45 minutes
PACKAGE S Se s sions
Pric e
x $115
S a me day
x 100
m ont hs
x $95
1/2 m ont hs
x $80
m ont hs
G ro up
of 2 o r
m o re w i l l be i nc rease
by addi ng
ha lf o r m ore de pe ndi ng
t he a m ount o f
sessi on
bought . Exa m ple 2 pe rson
buy i ng 10 sessi on
w i l l be 10
x 135
PACKAGE S Se s sions
Pric e
x $100
S a me day
x $80
m ont hs
x $75
3 1 /2 m ont hs
x $70
5 m ont hs
*Half sessions are half the quoted price above for both in home and gym training.
Participant's Name (Print)
Name: ______________________________________________________
Phone: ______________________________________________________
Email: ______________________________________________________
Address: ____________________________________________________________________
Participant's Signature ________________________________
Date: _________________
Trainer's Signature ___________________________________
Date: _________________