W E D N E S D AY 2 6 TH & T H U R S D AY 2 7 TH NOVEMBER 2014 D I G I TA L B U S I N E S S T R A N S F O R M AT I O N W H AT I S AT S TA K E F O R T H E C I O ? The European CIO Conference THE HOTEL BRUSSELS BOARD OF DIRECTORS* Jan Boll Péter Braun Bruno Brocheton Gianluigi Castelli SHELL Downstream CIO OTP Bank Chief IT Advisor to the President CIGREF (**) Vice President and member of the Board ENI Executive Vice President, CIO Joss Delissen Thomas Endres Michael Gorriz Ali Malaz POSTNORD Senior Vice President, CIO VOICE E.V. President DAIMLER Group CIO TUBYÏAD Chairman of the Board Michalis Moraitis Christian Pagel Dario Scrosoppi THEOCARAKIS GROUP CIO THYSSENKRUPP INDUSTRIAL SOLUTIONS Vice President, CIO GENERALI Head of IT Strategy (*) Not inclusive (**) CIGREF is associate partner of EuroCIO Dear fellow CIO, On behalf of the Board of the European CIO Association, I am delighted to invite you to the 14th edition of EuroCIO Annual Conference, on the 26th and 27th of November in Brussels. Freddy Van den Wyngaert, Chairman of the Board, European CIO Association Vice President, CIO, Agfa-Gevaert The two-day meeting is the yearly flagship event of the European CIO Association. The EuroCIO provides a peer-level, year-round platform for communication and exchange between European CIO’s as well as close interaction with institutions such as the European Commission, regulatory bodies and the wider ICT community. A key feature of the EuroCIO event set up is that the agenda is always designed by CIOs for CIOs, and this year’s edition will be no exception. The event programme has been put together by the Board of Directors of the association, made up of CIOs from leading European organizations. In addition to the workshops, the plenary sessions will feature toplevel speakers and peer testimonials such as Yves Caseau, Head of Digital Agency at AXA, and Bruno Ménard, Group CIO at SANOFI. They will share with you their views and insights on the “Digital Business Transformation: What is at stake for the CIO?”, this year the main theme for the Annual Conference. I am convinced this years’ conference will meet any CIO’s expectations in terms of topics, inspiration, and face-to-face networking, and hope you will join us. Last but not least I would like to take this opportunity to thank our sponsors and the FINAKI team who are making this event each year more enlightening, enriched and enjoyable. I look forward to meeting you in Brussels Freddy Van den Wyngaert AGENDA WED. 26th NOV. 08:15 – 09:45 ASSOCIATION’S GENERAL ASSEMBLY (members only) 09:00 – 10:00 WELCOMING OF PARTICIPANTS 10:00 – 10:20 Registration, information, handouts, coffee service WORD OF WELCOME AND INTRODUCTION Peter Hagedoorn, Secretary General, European CIO Association OPENING ADDRESS Freddy Van den Wyngaert, CIO Agfa-Gevaert, Chairman of the Board, European CIO Association 10:20 – 11:25 CIO TESTIMONIAL: BRUNO MÉNARD Group CIO, Sanofi 11:25 – 11:50 CIO CASE STUDY: JORG LEENAARDS 11:50 – 12:55 PARALLEL WORKSHOP SESSIONS Introduced by Helmut Reisinger, Orange Business Services Introduction and Warm-up • Workshop 1: Mobility • W orkshop 2: Moving organisations into cloud-enabled environments •W orkshop 3: Driving Innovation in fast-paced and challenging environments • Workshop 4: Is Security as a Service the path forward in our digitized world? • Workshop 5: e-Leadership journey 12:55 – 14:30 LUNCH 14:30 – 17:00 PARALLEL WORKSHOPS SESSIONS (cont’d) 17:00 – 17:30 COFFEE BREAK 17:30 – 17:45 E-COMPETENCES FOR THE DIGITAL WORLD 17:45 – 18:00 INNOVATIVE SOLUTIONS BY UROS 18:00 – 18:15 SOFTWARE ASSET MANAGEMENT: MANAGING EXPECTATIONS Paul Costelloe Ton Arrachart, CIO Van Oord 20:00 – 20:30 COCKTAIL HOUR 20:30 – 23:00 GALA DINNER & SHOW THU. 27th NOV. 07:30 – 08:30 BREAKFAST 09:00 – 10:00 TESTIMONIAL: DR. YVES CASEAU Member of the French National Academy of Technology 10:00 – 10:25 CIO CASE STUDY : DAVID REID, LEADING EDGE FORUM 10:25 – 10:45 COFFEE BREAK 10:45 – 12:45 WORKSHOPS’ SYNTHESIS Head of Digital Agency, AXA Introduced by Pierre Bruno, CSC 12:45 – 14:15 LUNCH 14:15 – 15:10 15:10 – 16:00 CIO TESTIMONIAL: CHRISTIAN PAGEL CIO, ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions CIO TESTIMONIAL: JAN BOLL CIO, Shell Downstream 16:00 – 16:15 CONCLUSION AND CLOSE OF CONFERENCE Chairman of the Board, European CIO Association Freddy Van den Wyngaert, CIO Agfa-Gevaert, WORKSHOPS Digital Business Transformation: What is at stake for the CIO? Businesses and IT organisations are being overwhelmed by digital waves; these represent huge opportunities, but also threats to the success of the business if they are not identified and addressed in a timely and effective way. How do your current organization and resources fit with the digital business? Chief Information Officers are certainly the best positioned to translate technology into business value.The 2014 EuroCIO Annual Conference invites you to a Digital Reality Check on the building blocks of digital growth and digital leadership. W1 MOBILITY: CREATING AND MEASURING ADDED VALUE CHAIR: ARTHUR DIJKSTRA, FORMER CIO, DAVITA Mobile usages not only constitute a massive change agent but also a new way to create value. Mobility should now be considered as a structural business component, driving infrastructures and sourcing, and reshaping the digital workplace. But it also comes with string attached: security, resiliency, services availability and ubiquity. • What are the impacts on the enterprise architecture(s)? •H ow to reap-off the promise of mobility in terms of productivity? Customer experience? Business value? • Is there any good option to develop, deploy and manage applications on multiple OS and formats? And how to assess these? • Setting policies and mobile framework • Is MDM a must have? W2 THE CIO’S ROLE IN TRANSFORMING BUSINESSES MOVING ORGANISATIONS INTO CLOUD-ENABLED ENVIRONMENTS CHAIR: ELIE HADAYA, HEAD OF STRATEGY & STRATEGIC PROGRAMS IT TELSTRA This workshop will give insight into what needs to be considered when moving a global business into a cloud based environment : •W hat does the CIO role mean today if many of the decision to use Cloud/IT technologies are influenced by other departments and stakeholders inside and outside an organization • The rise of “Shadow IT” and its impact in Data Centre operations • The “broker for IT” as a new role of IT professionals • T he new skills: knowing the critical architectural and capability skills their staff or contractors need to have to ensure new technology in big data, Cloud, mobility and social are not misaligned and become over-complex •W hat impact on contracts and security governance is needed to contain and liberate employees, partnerships as well as control performance and compliance risks and cyber threats? W3 DRIVING INNOVATION IN FAST-PACED AND CHALLENGING ENVIRONMENTS CHAIR: GIOVANNI PEPICELLI, HEAD OF IT INNOVATION, ENEL CIO-as-chief-innovator role is trending up. More CIOs are leading boardroom discussions about using smart computing (cloud, mobile, social, big data) to drive new product development, online marketing and other customer-facing initiatives or proposing initiatives to streamline internal processes doing that in a new way, always with the use of new technologies. • Fostering innovation: who are the key team players? • What are the frameworks that work best? How to make them widely accepted? • Identifying and promoting a culture for innovation: is open innovation the best paradigm? • What kind of governance for innovation? • IP rights: how do you make sure you fully draw the benefits from your innovative achievements? • How do you manage the (most likely) required dual mindsets: traditional IT (build/run/process/BI) and the ones linked to innovation? W4 CYBERSECURITY : SECURE YOUR OPERATING RISKS CHAIR: EDWIN D’HONDT, VP ENTERPRISE ARCHITECTURE & INFRASTRUCTURE, UMICORE Our evolving digitized world increases the pressure on the IT security. Organizations need to continuously adapt to the landscape in which the business operates. Yet numerous solutions leverage on cloud computing model to deliver security solutions: the promises are economies of scale and streamlined deployment. Prior to evaluating adequacy between SaaS and business needs, this workshop will look at the cyber security checklist for the CIO. •W hat should be on the cyber-security menu? •W hich processes and techniques should be activated to support operations? •R aising User Awareness, behavior and mindsets • Management of threats and digital crime • Data Privacy, Data Protection Regulation: operating in compliance • Benchmarking the company security (maturity and capability) W5 E-LEADERSHIP JOURNEY: HOW TO ACCELERATE YOUR TRANSFORMATION TO DIGITAL? CHAIR: JEAN-MARC GUIOL, HR IS MANAGER, TOTAL As digital tools become more ubiquitous – and the enterprise opportunities larger – it will be critical to be conversant in digital technologies. Digital performance requires new skill sets, competencies and profiles. Addressing talent and culture considerations requires broad measures that both address general digital literacy and facility with technology, as well as specific, targeted up-skilling. • Assessing the maturity of your organisation and your positioning in the CIO magic quadrant • With an ubiquitous IT, are there any IT specific soft-skills? And are they translatable into business functions? • Which tools can you use to assess current readiness? • How do you articulate the value, and bring the discussion from the back office to the boardroom? KEYNOTE SPEAKERS YVES CASEAU Head of Digital Agency, AXA and Member of the French National Academy of Technology Yves Caseau joined AXA on April 3rd, 2014, as Head of the Digital Agency of the Group. Yves Caseau reports both to the Group CMO and the Group CIO; he is responsible for driving the priorities of AXA’s Digital Agency, which are to foster innovation throughout AXA and to accelerate the development of digital products and services, especially on mobile. He also works to increase digital technology synergies along with the IT teams. Dr. Yves Caseau was, until February 2014, Bouygues Telecom’s Executive Vice-President in charge of New Products and Innovation. His key responsibility was to design and to build “triple play” products (internet gateways and TV set top boxes). His role included the development of new mobile, fixed and convergent services – from telecommunication to “digital life” –, research & development and innovation management. Previously, he has been Bouygues Telecom’s Chief Information Officer (CIO) from 2001 until 2006. Yves Caseau started his career as a research scientist in the fields of software engineering and object-oriented programming at Alcatel’s research lab. He then turned to operations research, while he was working for Bellcore (USA) and then as research director for the Bouygues Group. Yves Caseau graduated from the Ecole Normale Superieure (Paris), holds a PhD in computer science and a MBA from the «College des Ingénieurs». He is a member of the National Academy of Technologies and the author of books about information systems, lean management and enterprise organization. BRUNO MÉNARD CIO SANOFI Bruno Ménard graduated from a French business school (Ecole Supérieure de Commerce de Lille). He holds a Master degree in Finance from the University of Lille and a professional degree in Accounting. Bruno Ménard began his career at Sanofi in 1987. He served in a variety of financial positions in France and the United States, became General Manager first in Singapore in 1994, then in the Philippines in 1995. In 1998, he joined Sanofi Winthrop France as Director of Resources. In 2001, Bruno Ménard was appointed Director, Information Systems for Sanofi-Synthelabo, then Vice President, Information Systems for Sanofi-Aventis in 2004. He was appointed in his present position in August, 2011. CHRISTIAN PAGEL CIO THYSSENKRUPP INDUSTRIAL SOLUTIONS Since March 1, 2014 Christian Pagel has worked as Head of Information Technology Management/CIO at TK Industrial Solutions AG in Essen. In this function he – together with a team of approx. 480 other people worldwide – is responsible for the commercial and technical operation and development of IT systems, applications and processes. In his previous career he filled different management positions at various companies. Before he joined TK Industrial Solutions AG, he had worked since 2004 as Vice President Corporate Business Systems/ CIO for SGL Carbon SE. Further positions of his previous career are: • Head of Information Technology and Organisation at SGL Acotec GmbH • Managing Director at edding Informationstechnologie GmbH • Head of SAP R/3 Competence Center at Coca Cola Erfrischungsgetränke AG • Group Project Coordinator SAP R/3 at Berentzen Gruppe AG • Senior Consultant at Deloitte & Touche Germany. Christian Pagel is 49 years old and lives with his family in Bonn. JAN BOLL CIO SHELL DOWNSTREAM Jan Boll is the Chief Information Officer for Shell Downstream, being responsible for all IT on a global basis in the Downstream businesses : Global Commercial, Chemicals, Manufacturing, Supply& Distribution, Retail, Alternative Fuels and Downstream Functions. He joined Shell at the end of 2006 as CIO Global Functions (HR, Finance, CP, IT, Legal, Health Services, Real Estate, Tax, Treasury, etc.) Jan has more than 25 years experience in supply chain management and IT in various sectors, including aspects of consultancy, operations and information management. Jan joined Philips in 1989 as Supply Chain Manager of the Product Division Components. Later he became IT and Customer Service Manager Components and Supply Chain Manager/Chief Information Officer of the Product Division Consumer Electronics. Latterly he became the CEO of Philips Business Application Services and Chief Information Officer Corporate Functions in Philips International. Prior to joining Philips Jan was employed at one of the bigger Dutch Food Retailers. He was responsible for managing the logistic chain with focus on planning and execution in warehousing and transport. Preceding that he worked in the former Dutch Aircraft Company Fokker, where he was the Business Unit Manager of the plant that manufactured aircraft fuselages and components. He was formally the logistics manager in the operational execution responsible for planning and material management. He also worked within one of the major global consultancy firms (KPMG) responsible for the Dutch practice in logistics. There he was engaged in many different industries to improve logistic operations and the implementation of ERP systems. Jan is very fond of his classic MG TD, which he only takes out of the garage when the weather is bright and sunny. That is then in competition with his other leisure activities, running and playing golf. ORGANISED BY FINAKI FOR THE EUROPEAN CIO ASSOCIATION The concept emerged from discussions at the founding event in 2001, where CIOs in attendance expressed the desire to have a stress-free non-competitive environment – created by CIOs for CIOs – which would allow them to maintain close links all year round. The vision which emerged was one of a user-side pan-European CIO Network which would provide a much needed platform for exchanges not only between members but also between members and their business partners. THE TWO FOUNDING ORGANIZATIONS • CIGREF (Club Informatique des Grandes Entreprises Françaises), a French CIO body representing over 150 major French companies from all industry sectors, whose aim is to promote the use of information systems as a means of generating value (www.cigref.fr). • FINAKI , the technology events specialist, pioneer and leader in France, Germany and Italy for the past 25 years. (www.finaki.com). have transferred in 2012 the structure to the European CIO Association, a not for profit, international association incorporated under Belgian law. The association brings together individual members and national CIO bodies: NATIONAL CIO BODIES AICA (Italy) CIO Platform (The Netherlands) Hellenic CIO Forum (Greece) TUBIYAD (Turkey) CIOforum Belgian Business (Belgium) VOICE e.V. (Germany) CIO Forum (Sweden) VISZ (Hungary) The aim of the European CIO Association is to provide CIOs of Europe’s largest companies with the means of sharing their experience and to allow them to raise awareness of key IT issues. It also provides a mouthpiece for users vis-à-vis suppliers, institutions and regulatory authorities, thus enabling them to voice the collective position of European CIOs. The association encompasses the differences that define European CIOs. The network’s strength lies in its ability to learn from these very differences, to develop beyond national boundaries and to offer a multi-dimensional approach to the issues CIOs all face. The association is governed by a Board of Directors, representing the National CIO Bodies, as well as the members. The mission of the Board is to define the Association’s strategy and to make sure the structure and original goals prevail. An operating team is in charge of managing the Association and its services on a day-to-day basis, under the oversight of Peter Hagedoorn, the Association’s Secretary General. www.eurocio.org Date Wednesday 26th - Thursday 27th November 2014 Fees €1,650 (including registration, admission, food and accommodation). Complimen- tary for EuroCIO members. Discount of 40% for members of the National CIO organizations that are members of the European CIO Association. Cancellations Should you be unable to attend, you may designate a substitute delegate, whose presence at EuroCIO will be subject to the approval of the organisers. There will be no charge for cancellations up to and including Monday 10th November 2014. A 30 per cent refund will be provided for cancellations received after Monday 10th November 2014. Venue The Hotel Boulevard de Waterloo 38 B-1000 Brussels, Belgium Phone: +32 2 504 11 11 Dinner The Gala Dinner will feature, as every year, a world class artist on stage Language English Dress Dinner: Business Conference: Business Casual In par tner ship with : FINAKI/EUROCIO 23 rue Colbert - 78885 St-Quentin-en-Yvelines, France Tel: +33 1 30 57 56 56 - Fax: +33 1 30 64 40 10 www. euro ci o. org
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