The Tire Kicker *** November 2014 *** Page 1
Volume 41, No. 10
November 2014
Summer is over so we can start preparing for some wintertime weather. I hope we have a nice fall so maybe we
can get our old cars out a few more times.
I was contacted by Barb Hough’s family and they invited
the club to come and wish Barb a VERY HAPPY 90th
BIRTHDAY on November 1 from 1-4pm at her home at
1016 Southwest Dr. I would like for all of our members
to meet near the park across from the industrial park just
south of the train tracks on Southwest Dr. We could
meet at 1:30 pm and drive as a group to her house about
2 pm. Weather permitting, please drive an old car.
On Oct. 5th, nine of our members and guest met at Little America and drove to Laramie and met three of their
members before driving to Woods Landing to view the
changing leaves and EAT. It was a very nice day and I
hope everyone had fun.
Our Nov. 5th meeting will be held at Holy Trinity Catholic Church, 1836 Hot Springs Ave., starting at 6 pm.
Avanties will cater our meal and the cost will be $16 per
person. If you signed up to attend and end up being a
“NO SHOW” and did not contact Carolynn Gavin, you
will need to pay for your meal anyway. Hope to see you
all there.
. . . . . Gerald Blackwell
The Tire Kicker *** November 2014 *** Page 2
High Plains Region officers for 2014
President — Anita Karl
Vice-President — Duaine Warner
Secretary-Treasurer — Barb Harris
Tire Kicker Editor — Carolyn Webber
Board Member — Dale Karl
Oak Spokes officers for 2014
Hi Wheelers officers for 2014
President — Gerald Blackwell
Vice-President — Bob Monger
Recording Sec. — Anita Karl
Corres. Secretary — Barb Hough
Treasurer — Barb Harris
Historian—Mary Wilson
Board Member — Wayne Wheeler
President—Bob Routson
Vice-President—Larry Wester
Treasurer—Travis Wade
Secretary—Kirk Lupton & Sharon Wade
Region tour chairman—Travis Wade
The Tire Kicker
... is published monthly for the members of Hi Wheelers Chapter, Laramie; Oak Spokes Chapter, Cheyenne; and High Plains Region, Antique Automobile Club of America. Newsletter deadline is the 17th of
each month. Editor's phone number (Carolyn Webber) is 634-3606; e-mail address is
The Tire Kicker *** November 2014 *** Page 3
JOHN LUCAS is in the hospital with pneumonia.
Elaine says he was in ICU for several days; he is
progressing slowly but is very weak. Our
thoughts are with you both, John and Elaine.
JACK ALLIS has also been in ICU with a very serious stroke. We wish him a good recovery.
KEN BARROW was in the hospital for two
weeks with cellulitis. He is doing good now.
Anyone hungry for a milk can dinner??
For Sale: 3 milk cans $100 each OBO.
Call Tony Larson at 640-1831.
Announced at the October Oak Spokes meeting:
Dale Stires has a 1930-31 radiator for sale.
Gerald is looking for certain license plates.
Kirk Lupton is looking for ‘49-’53 Dodge pickup
parts. Phone 307-760-4404.
The Tire Kicker *** November 2014 *** Page 4
The Tire Kicker *** November 2014 *** Page 5
(What city was the first to
use parking meters?)
July 16, 1935
The Tire Kicker *** November 2014 *** Page 6
Check the next month’s Tire Kicker for the
answer in case you don’t figure it out!
4—Barbara Hough
5—Marcia Mead
7—Edith Russell
13—Peggy Hayes
15—Rick Knight
15—Janet Young
21—J.J. Johnston
22—Judy Binger
29—Bob Ruegge
30—Lloyd Harris
20—Leone & Ace Brummond
25—Donna & Lloyd Harris
Ken & Shirley McKay
26—Joyce & Chuck Nelson
29—Marilyn & Ron Kisicki
The Tire Kicker *** November 2014 *** Page 7
November 1—Party for Barb Hough’s 90th Birthday (see page 1)
November 5—Oak Spokes meeting at Holy Trinity Catholic Church. Avanti’s will cater.
Cost with tip is $16.00.
November 6—Hi Wheelers chapter meeting, 6:30 pm at Eppson Center
November 27—A special day to be thankful for our blessings!
December 4—Hi Wheelers chapter meeting, 6:30 pm at Eppson Center
December 5—Oak Spokes Christmas Party, 6:00 pm at the Cheyenne Airport Golf Course.
Club will supply friend chicken and ham. A-K bring salads, side dishes;
L-Z bring desserts. Plates, etc. and coffee will be provided.
January 17, 2015—High Plains Installation Lunch at Bunkhouse Bar. Dale Karl and Ken
McKay are in charge of arrangements. Details to follow.
+ + + + + + + +
OAKSPOKES ELECTION OF OFFICERS— Bill Harris is chairman of the Nominating
Committee. He and President Gerald are looking for volunteer nominees — are YOU willing to help Oak Spokes as an officer for 2015???
AACA “ANTIQUE AUTOMOBILE”— In case you have not already noticed, look in the
Sept.-Oct. issue for the 2015 membership renewal form for National AACA, a blue envelope to mail your AACA dues, and a pre-paid postcard to vote for Board of Directors before
Nov. 15.
2015 OAKSPOKES DUES— Dues of $20 per family can be given to Barb Harris, mailed
to her home address, 903 Foyer Ave., 82001, or mailed to the club’s PO Box 3015, 82003.
Mail early & avoid the rush! :)
About The Antique Automobile Club of America
The Antique Automobile Club of America, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation, is
the country's premier resource for the collectible vehicle community. Since its formation in 1935, the Club, through its national office, publications, and membership,
aids individuals, museums, libraries, historians and collectors dedicated to the enjoyment and preservation of automotive history.
For local information, contact Gerald Blackwell, president of Oak Spokes in
Cheyenne, 307/634-6858; or Bob Routson, president of Hi Wheelers in Laramie,
The Tire Kicker *** November 2014 *** Page 8
Look for us at:
Oak Spokes Antique Automobile Club
P.O. Box 3015
Cheyenne, WY 82003