Child/Adolescent New Client Forms This packet includes the forms listed below for clients under age 18. Bring these completed forms with you to your first appointment at our office. Since your therapist may want some additional information, please arrive 5 minutes early. Although there is no receptionist, any additional forms for you to complete will be on a clipboard marked with your therapist's name and time of your appointment. Page 2 Welcome Pages 3-4 Intake Asks for contact information, some medical and personal background, and family history. Page 5 Office Policies Provides you with an overview of our general office policies and procedures. Page 6 Parent Therapist Agreement Pages 7-8 Privacy Policies Information about beginning therapy. Describes unique aspects of therapy with youth. Gives you information about how the privacy of your health information is maintained. These pages are for you to keep. Page 9 Acknowledgment of Receipt of Privacy Policies Only this page of the Privacy Policies needs to be signed and returned. Page 10 Consent for Therapy/Evaluation Describes how we will work together. Pages 11- 13 Parent/Guardian Concerns: Child/Adolescent Form or Infant/Toddler Form Checklist to let us know about your concerns about your Child/Adolescent or Infant/Toddler. Complete the form based on the age of your child. Developmental History Asks for relevant information concerning the development of your child. Insurance Assignment and Health Insurance Managed Care Release Complete Page 18 and 19 ONLY if our office staff has determined that we participate with your insurance plan. Please be sure to bring your insurance card and a photo ID for your therapist to copy at your initial appointment. At the time of each visit, our office will accept cash, checks, or charge card payments for your co-pays and deductibles. Page 20 explains your co-pay, co-insurance, and deductible obligations Release of Information Optional form. It allows us to coordinate care with your primary care physician, your referring physician, or anyone else you would like to keep informed of your treatment with us. Please complete a separate form for each contact person, providing the name, address, telephone, and fax number for that person. Pages 14-18 Pages 19-21 Page 22 If you bring the completed forms with you to your first appointment, do not complete an extra set in the office. Please check the clipboard in case your therapist left any additional forms for you to complete. intake\formslistminorswebNov14.doc Page 1 Welcome to Associates in Health Psychology. We look forward to helping you and your family find meaningful solutions to the challenges you face. Beginning the important work of therapy is often a difficult decision. Even once your initial appointment has been made, you and your family may feel both eager to begin as well as somewhat uncomfortable about coming in for your first meeting with your therapist. We understand. Many people find the thought of beginning therapy unsettling until they actually start the process. Then they feel more comfortable. Now that you’ve taken the first step toward working on some of the areas of concern in your life, try not to let some initial discomfort keep you and your family from pursuing what you know will be in your best interest. Before your first meeting, you might think about what you hope to gain from therapy and what is most important to you. Then you can discuss these thoughts with your therapist. Some clients have found that jotting down notes about what they want to discuss helps them feel more comfortable. If you have any questions prior to your appointment, please call our office or email us. You may leave a message for our office staff or our therapists 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at 302-428-0205. Our email is: For directions to our locations, see: www/ Location information is also available on our telephone system. Cordially yours, The Therapists at Associates in Health Psychology Forms05\Intake\WelcomeIntroMinorWebJun14.doc J-25 Omega Drive, Newark, DE 19713 • 1521 Concord Pike, Suite 103, Wilmington, DE 19803 (302) 428-0205 • Fax: (302) 428-1123 • Associates in Health Psychology, LLC Child & Adolescent Minor's Name _________________________________________________ (First) (Middle) Date ______________ (Last) Minor’s _____________________________________________ Primary (Address) Residence ________________________________________ Home Phone _____________________ Cell Phone _____________________ Minor’s Date of Birth ____________________________________ Age _______ Sex __________ Minor’s Birthplace ____________________________________________________________________________________ Mother's Name _________________________________ Home Phone _________________________ Address _____________________________________ Cell Phone _________________________ _____________________________________ Work Phone _________________________ Mother's Occupation ____________________________________________________________________ Father's Name _________________________________ Home Phone _________________________ Address _____________________________________ Cell Phone _________________________ _____________________________________ Work Phone _________________________ Father's Occupation ____________________________________________________________________ Parents’ Marital Status ___Married ___Divorced ___Separated ___Never Married Legal Guardian’s Name __________________________ Home Phone ________________________ Address _____________________________________ Cell Phone _________________________ _____________________________________ Work Phone _________________________ Legal Guardian's Occupation ____________________________________________________________ When did symptoms first appear? ______________ Similar symptoms in past? ______________ Referred by _____________________________________________________________________________ Family Doctor ______________________________ Other Doctor(s) _________________________ Minor's Education: Current Grade _________ School __________________________________ Special Education/Tutoring/Support Services? ___________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ FOR OFFICE USE: HA SB SC AD CE SE JF JHC SBJ MK HLS SX HM KP AR MS KTH DU CW LZ ______ DSM-5: _____________________________________________________________________ICD9:______________ ICD10:______________ DSM-5: _____________________________________________________________________ICD9:______________ ICD10:______________ Forms05\Intake\IntakeMinorOct14.doc AHP, LLC Name ________________________________________________________________ PAGE 2 (First) (Middle) (Last) List all current medication, condition for which your child takes the medication and the dosage: Medications /Supplements/Vitamins Condition Treated by whom? Dosage Allergies:________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ Previous Treatment History Therapist(s)/ ___________________________________________________________________________ Psychiatrist(s) (Name) (Facility/Address) (Approx. Dates seen) ___________________________________________________________________________ (Name) (Facility/Address) (Approx. Dates seen) Mental Health/ Substance Abuse Hospitalization __________________________________________________________________________ (Inpatient or (Name of Facility) (Address) (Approx. Dates) Day Treatment) __________________________________________________________________________ (Name of Facility) (Address) (Approx. Dates) Family Information Brothers & Sisters (Names) (Sex) (Age) (Residence) If parents are not living together, what is the custody arrangement for this minor? _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ Forms05\Intake\IntakeMinorOct14.doc OFFICE POLICIES In order to prevent misunderstandings about office policies, please read the following: CONFIDENTIALITY: All information disclosed within sessions and the written records pertaining to those sessions are confidential and may not be revealed to anyone without your written permission, except where disclosure is required by law or by court order. The law requires disclosure where there is a reasonable suspicion of child abuse, elder abuse or neglect; where a client presents a danger to self, to others, or to property; is gravely disabled; or is significantly impaired from drug and/or alcohol use. In these emergency situations, therapists will do whatever they can, within the limits of the law, to prevent clients from injuring self or others and to ensure that clients receive the proper care. Within AHP, therapists share on-call responsibilities. All AHP therapists are legally bound to keep disclosed information confidential. We will maintain client case files for 7 years from the last session date, or until the client becomes 24, whichever is later. TELEPHONE & EMERGENCY PROCEDURES: If you need to reach your (or your child’s) therapist between appointments, you may leave a message 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, on his/her voice mail at (302) 428-0205. If your call is urgent, call (302) 428-0205 and dial extension 9. Inform the office staff or our answering service that your call is urgent. If it is during office hours and the therapist is available, he/she will call you back. After hours, the on-call therapist will call you back as soon as possible. If your call is urgent and a therapist does not call you back immediately, please call the Rockford Center Needs Assessment at (302) 996-5480, Psych Crisis of Christiana Care Health Systems at (302) 428-2118, the Crisis Intervention Services at (302) 577-2484 or (800) 652-2929, or MeadowWood Hospital at (302) 328-3330. If your call is a life threatening emergency, you should go immediately to the closest hospital or call 911. PAYMENTS: At each session, payment is expected for any fees due. Missed appointments will be charged to you at the therapist’s usual and customary rate unless you cancel 24 hours before the scheduled appointment. Monday appointments must be cancelled by the previous Friday. Telephone conversations, site visits, report writing and/or form completion, consultation with other professionals, reading records, longer sessions, and/or travel time will be charged at the therapist’s standard, non-contractual rate. Requests to release your records will be subject to an administrative charge. LITIGATION LIMITATION: Due to the nature of the therapeutic process, which often involves making a full disclosure with regard to many matters that may be of a confidential nature, it is agreed that should there be legal proceedings (such as, but not limited to, divorce and custody disputes, injuries, lawsuits, etc...), neither you nor your attorneys, nor anyone else acting on your behalf, will call on your (or your child’s) therapist to testify in court or at any other proceeding, nor will a disclosure of the psychotherapy records be requested. RECORDING: Video or audio recording of any part of a session by either the therapist or client requires the written consent of both. TERMINATION: After the first one or two meetings, the therapist will assess if he/she can be of benefit to you (or your child). Our therapists accept clients only if, in their opinion, they have the particular skills and experience necessary for treatment. If at any point the therapist assesses that he/she is not effective in helping a client reach the therapeutic goals, the therapist will discuss it with you. If appropriate, treatment will end and you will be given referrals to other treatment providers. You also have the right to terminate services at any time. If you wish to do so, please inform your therapist directly so the necessary steps may be taken to discharge you from care and close your file. If you do not show up for a scheduled appointment and your therapist does not have contact with you for 6 weeks, your therapist will assume that you are terminating services, discharge you from care, and close your file. I have read the Office Policies. I understand them and agree to abide by them. _______________________________________________ ____________________ ____________________________________________________ Signature of Client (or Parent/ Date Client Name (Print) Guardian if Minor) Reviewed during initial meeting: ________________________________________________________________________ forms05\intake\officepoliciesapr14.doc J-25 Omega Drive, Newark, DE 19713 • 1521 Concord Pike, Suite 103, Wilmington, DE 19803 (302) 428-0205 • Fax: (302) 428-1123 • Therapy Agreement between the Parents/Guardians of a Minor and the Therapist Prior to beginning treatment, it is important for you to understand my approach to child therapy and agree to some rules about your child’s confidentiality during the course of his/her treatment. The information herein is in addition to the information contained in the Office Policies and Consent for Treatment. Under HIPAA and my professional ethics code, I am legally and ethically responsible to provide you with informed consent. One risk of child therapy involves disagreement among parents and/or disagreement between parents and therapist regarding the best interests of the child. If such disagreements occur, I will strive to listen carefully so that I can understand your perspectives and fully explain my perspective. We can resolve such disagreements or we can agree to disagree, so long as this enables your child’s therapeutic progress. Ultimately, you will decide whether therapy will continue. If either of you decides that therapy should end, I will honor that decision, however I ask that you allow me the option of having a few closing sessions to appropriately end the treatment relationship. Therapy is most effective when a trusting relationship exists between the therapist and the client. Privacy is especially important in securing and maintaining that trust. One goal of treatment is to promote a stronger and better relationship between children and their parents. However, it is often necessary for children to develop a “zone of privacy” whereby they feel free to discuss personal matters with greater freedom. This is particularly true for adolescents who are naturally developing a greater sense of independence and autonomy. By signing this agreement, you will be waiving your right of access to your child’s treatment records. It is my policy to provide you with general information about treatment status. I will raise issues that may impact your child either inside or outside the home. If it is necessary to refer your child to another mental health professional with more specialized skills, I will share that information with you. I will not share with you what your child has disclosed to me without your child’s consent. I will tell you if your child does not attend sessions. If your child is an adolescent, it is possible that he/she will reveal sensitive information regarding sexual contact, alcohol and drug use, or other potentially problematic behaviors. Sometimes these behaviors are within the range of adolescent experimentation, but at other times they may require parental intervention. We must carefully and directly discuss your feelings and opinions regarding acceptable behavior. If I ever believe that your child is at serious risk of harming him/herself or another, I will inform you. Note that such agreement may not prevent a judge from requiring my testimony, even though I will work to prevent such an event. If I am required to testify, I am ethically bound not to give my opinion about parents’ custody, visitation suitability or their parenting capacity. If the court appoints a custody evaluator, guardian ad litem, or parenting coordinator, I will provide information as needed (if appropriate releases are signed or a court order is provided), but I will not make any recommendation about the final decision. Furthermore, if I am required to appear as a witness, the party responsible for my participation agrees to reimburse me at the rate of $350.00 per hour for time spent traveling, preparing reports, testifying, being in attendance, and any other case-related costs. I have read the Therapy Agreement between the Parents/Guardians of a Minor and the Therapist. I understand them and agree to abide by them. _______________________________________________ Signature of Parent/Guardian _______________________________________________ Signature of Parent/Guardian ____________________ Date ____________________________________________________ Client Name (Print) ____________________ Date Forms05\Intake\ParentTherapistAgrmtApr14.doc J-‐25 Omega Drive, Newark, DE 19713 • 1521 Concord Pike, Suite 103, Wilmington, DE 19803 (302) 428-‐0205 • Fax: (302) 428-‐1123 • Associates in Health Psychology, LLC Notice of Privacy Policies & Practices Your Information. Your Rights. Our Responsibilities. This notice describes how medical information about you may be used and disclosed and how you can get access to this information. Please review it carefully. I. Uses and Disclosures for Treatment, Payment, and Healthcare Operations We may use and disclose your protected health information (PHI) for treatment, payment, and healthcare operations with your consent. To help clarify these terms, here are some definitions. A. “PHI” refers to information in your health record that could identify you. B. “Treatment, Payment and Health Care Operations” – Treatment is providing, coordinating or managing your health care and other services related to your health care. For example, we may use PHI to provide counseling to you. Or, we may disclose your PHI to other health care providers involved in your treatment, such as your family physician or another psychologist. – Payment is obtaining reimbursement for your healthcare. For example, we will disclose your PHI to your health insurer to obtain reimbursement for your health care or to determine eligibility or coverage. – Health Care Operations are activities that relate to the performance and operation of our practice. Examples of health care operations are quality assessment and improvement activities, business-related matters such as audits and administrative services, and case management and care coordination. C. “Use” applies only to activities within Associates in Health Psychology such as sharing, employing, applying, utilizing, examining, and analyzing information that identifies you. D. “Disclosure” applies to activities outside of our practice, such as releasing, transferring, or providing access to information about you to other parties. II. Uses and Disclosures Requiring Your Authorization AHP may use or disclose PHI for purposes outside of treatment, payment, or health care operations when your appropriate authorization is obtained. An “authorization” is written permission above and beyond the general consent that permits only specific disclosures. A. Psychotherapy Notes: Notes recorded by your therapist documenting the contents of a counseling session with you ("Psychotherapy Notes") will be used only by your therapist and will not otherwise be used or disclosed without your written authorization. Psychotherapy Notes are given a greater degree of protection than PHI. B. Other Uses and Disclosures: Uses and disclosures other than those described in Section I. above will only be made with your authorization. For example, you will need to sign an authorization form before AHP can send PHI to your life insurance company, to a school, or to your attorney. You may revoke any such authorization at any time. You may revoke all such authorizations (of PHI or Psychotherapy Notes) at any time, provided each revocation is in writing. You may not revoke an authorization to the extent that (1) we have relied on that authorization; or (2) if the authorization was obtained as a condition of obtaining insurance coverage; the law provides the insurer the right to contest the claim under the policy. III. Uses and Disclosures with Neither Consent nor Authorization Your therapist may use or disclose PHI without your consent or authorization when required or permitted to do so by law. The most common such disclosures are listed below. A. Child Abuse: If a therapist knows or in good faith suspects child abuse or neglect, the therapist is required to report such knowledge or suspicion to the appropriate authority. B. Adult and Domestic Abuse: If a therapist has reasonable cause to believe that an adult person is infirm or incapacitated and in need of protective services, the therapist must report such information to the Delaware Department of Health and Social Services. C. Health Oversight Activities: If the Division of Professional Regulation is investigating our practice, we must comply with any subpoenas issued by the Division. D. Judicial and Administrative Proceedings: If you are involved in a court proceeding and a request is made for information about your diagnosis and treatment and the records thereof, such information is privileged under state law, and AHP will not release information without the written authorization of you or your legally appointed representative or Forms05\HIPPAtx\AHPPrivNoticeSep13 a court order. The privilege does not apply when you are being evaluated for a third party or where the evaluation is court ordered. You will be informed in advance if this is the case. E. Serious Threat to Health or Safety: If you communicate to your therapist an explicit and imminent threat to kill or seriously injure a clearly identified victim or victims, or to commit a specific violent act or to destroy property under circumstances which could easily lead to serious personal injury or death, and you have an apparent intent and ability to carry out the threat, the therapist may disclose information in order to provide protection for the identified victim. If your therapist believes that there is an imminent risk that you will inflict serious physical harm on yourself, the therapist may disclose information in order to protect you. F. Privacy Rule Exceptions: When the use and disclosure without your consent or authorization is allowed under other sections of Section 164.512 of the Privacy Rule and the state’s confidentiality law. This includes certain narrowlydefined disclosures to law enforcement agencies, to a health oversight agency (such as HHS or a state department of health), to a coroner or medical examiner, for public health purposes relating to disease or FDA-regulated products, or for specialized government functions such as fitness for military duties, eligibility for VA benefits, and national security and intelligence. IV. Your Rights A. Right to Restrict Disclosures When You Have Paid for Your Care Out-of-Pocket. You have the right to restrict certain disclosures of PHI to a health plan when you pay out-of-pocket in full for AHP services. B. Right to Request Other Restrictions: You have the right to request other restrictions on certain uses and disclosures of protected health information. However, AHP is not required to agree to your request. C Right to Receive Confidential Communications by Alternative Means and at Alternative Locations: You have the right to request and receive confidential communications of PHI by alternative means and at alternative locations. (For example, you may not want a family member to know that you are seeing a therapist.) On your request, we will send your bills to another address. D. Right to Inspect and Copy: You have the right to inspect or obtain a copy (or both) of PHI in the AHP mental health and billing records used to make decisions about you for as long as the PHI is maintained in the record. AHP may deny your access to PHI under certain circumstances, but in some cases you may have this decision reviewed. If you are a parent or legal guardian of a minor, please note that certain portions of the minor's medical record will not be accessible to you. On your request, the AHP Privacy Officer will discuss with you the details of the request and denial process. E. Right to Request Amendment: You have the right to request an amendment of PHI for as long as the PHI is maintained in the record. Your request must be in writing, and it must explain why the information should be amended. AHP may deny your request under certain circumstances. F. Right to an Accounting: You generally have the right to receive an accounting of disclosures of PHI for purposes other than treatment, payment or health care operations, excluding disclosures made to you or disclosures otherwise authorized by you. On your request, the AHP Privacy Officer will discuss with you the details of the accounting process. G. Right to Be Notified if There is a Breach of Your Unsecured PHI. You have a right to be notified if: (a) there is a breach (a use or disclosure of your PHI in violation of the HIPAA Privacy Rule) involving your PHI; (b) that PHI has not been encrypted to government standards; and (c) my risk assessment fails to determine that there is a low probability that your PHI has been compromised. H. Right to a Paper Copy: You have the right to obtain a paper copy of the AHP Privacy Notice upon request to your therapist or the office staff at any time. I. Questions and Complaints: You may contact the AHP Privacy Officer at Associates in Health Psychology, LLC; 1521 Concord Pike, Suite 103, Wilmington, DE 19803 with questions or complaints. You may also file written complaints with the Director, Office for Civil Rights of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. AHP will not retaliate against you if you file a complaint. V. Effective Date and Changes to this Notice A. Effective Date: The original version was effective on April 14, 2003. This Notice was revised February 8, 2010, and revised again under the “Final Rule” effective September 23, 2013. B. Changes to this Notice: AHP may change the terms of this Notice and the changes will apply retroactively to all PHI we maintain. The revised notice will be available upon request, in our office and on our web site. Forms05\HIPPAtx\AHPPrivNoticeSep13 Associates in Health Psychology, LLC ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF RECEIPT OF NOTICE OF PRIVACY POLICIES & PRACTICES By my signature below I, , acknowledge that I received a copy of the Notice of Privacy Policies & Practices for Associates in Health Psychology, LLC. Signature of client (or personal representative) Date If this acknowledgment is signed by a personal representative on behalf of the client, complete the following: Personal Representative’s Name: Relationship to Client: For Office Use Only I attempted to obtain written acknowledgment of receipt of our Notice of Privacy Policies & Practices, but acknowledgment could not be obtained because: Individual refused to sign Communications barriers prohibited obtaining the acknowledgment An emergency situation prevented us from obtaining acknowledgment Other (Please Specify) This form will be retained in your medical record. Forms05\HIPPAtx\AHPPrivNoticeSep13 CONSENT FOR THERAPY/EVALUATION THE PROCESS OF THERAPY/EVALUATION Psychotherapy is not easily described in general statements. It varies depending on the personalities of the therapist and client and the particular problems you bring forward. There are many different methods that therapists at AHP may use to deal with the problems you hope to address. Psychotherapy is not like a medical doctor visit. Instead, it calls for a very active effort on your part. In order for therapy to be most successful, you will have to work on things talked about in our sessions. Psychotherapy can have benefits and risks. Since therapy sometimes involves discussing unpleasant aspects of your life, you may at times experience uncomfortable feelings such as sadness, guilt, anger, frustration, loneliness, and helplessness. At the same time, psychotherapy has been shown to have many positive benefits for people who go through it. Therapy often leads to better relationships, solutions to specific problems, and significant reductions in feelings of distress. There are no guarantees of what you will experience, however. Attempting to resolve issues that brought you to therapy in the first place, such as personal or interpersonal relationships, may result in changes that were not originally intended. Psychotherapy may result in decisions about changing behaviors, employment, substance use, schooling, housing or relationships. Sometimes a decision that is positive for one family member is viewed quite negatively by another family member. Sometimes change will be easy and swift, but it can also be slow and even frustrating. The first one or two meetings will involve a discussion of your concerns and other important aspects of your life. These meetings allow the therapist to get to know you and to have a context in which to understand your goals. By the end of the evaluation, your therapist will be able to assess if he/she can be of benefit to you. If so, your therapist will give you an initial plan of what your work together will include. During the course of working together, your therapist may ask you for your feedback and views on your therapy, its progress or about other aspects of the therapy. You are encouraged to respond openly and honestly. It is always appropriate for you to ask questions about your therapy and your therapist’s view of your progress. All of the therapists at AHP do their best to create an atmosphere in which you feel safe to disclose your true thoughts and feelings. We look forward to working with you to help you successfully face the challenges in your life. Your signature below indicates that you have read this Consent and understand it. ________________________________________ Client's Signature _________________________________________ Client's Name (please print) ________________________________________ Parent/Guardian's Signature if client is a minor _________________________________________ Date Forms05\Intake\ConsentTherapy&EvalApr14.doc J-25 Omega Drive, Newark, DE 19713 • 1521 Concord Pike, Suite 103, Wilmington, DE 19803 (302) 428-0205 • Fax: (302) 428-1123 • Associates in Health Psychology, LLC Newark & Wilmington __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Concerns about Child or Teen (Ages 4-17) Child’s/Teen’s Name: _____________________________________________ Date of Birth: ______________ Person completing this form: _____________________________________________________ Age: ______ Date: _____________________ For each item on this list, please use the 0-to-3 rating to indicate how much it has concerned you during the past month. Circle the most appropriate number, using these definitions: 0 = Not at all 1 = A little concern 2 = More than a little Arguments, “talking back,” smart-alecky Anxiety, nervousness, often worried, easily frightened Body image issues Bullying behavior: picks on, scares, hurts other children, provokes others Cheating in school Complaining, whining Compulsive behaviors or rituals Computer or electronic games overuse Constipation Cruelty to animals Crying, sadness, feelings are easily hurt Dawdles, wastes time Dependence, “clingy” behavior Difficulties with parent’s new marriage, new partner, or new family Disobedience, uncooperative, refuses, noncompliant, doesn’t follow rules Distractibility, inattentive, daydreams, poor concentration, slow to respond Driving (aggressive, speeding, texting) Drug or alcohol use Eating problems – overeating, undereating, appetite issues, poor manners Failure in school, underachieving Fears Fighting, hitting, violent, aggressive, hostile, threatens, destructive Fire setting Hair pulling, skin picking Hypochondriac, often feels sick, complains of aches and pains with no medical condition Immature, “clowns around,” has mainly younger playmates Inferiority feelings, lack of confidence Interrupts, talks out, yells Jealousy, feeling jealous Learning disability or difficulties Legal difficulties—truancy, vandalism, theft, fighting, drug sales, etc. Low frustration tolerance, irritability Lying Moodiness, mood swings, pouting 3 = A lot of concern 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 0 1 2 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (Adapted from The Paper Office) Forms05/Intake/ParentConcerns Dec13 Associates in Health Psychology, LLC Newark & Wilmington __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Mute, refuses to speak Need for high degree of supervision at home over play/chores/schedule Obsessive worries or thoughts Oppositional, resists, refuses, does not comply, negativism Overactive, restless, hyperactive, noisy, fidgety Perfectionism Pornography Prejudiced, bigoted, insulting, name calling, intolerant of differences Procrastination Recent move, new school, loss of friends Relationship problems with children/teens (fights, competition, teasing/provoking) Rocking or other repetitive movements Running away from home School problems–bad grades, hates homework, too much extracurricular Self-harming behaviors—biting or hitting self, head banging, scratching or cutting self Sensory processing sensitivities (such as textures, sounds, etc.) Sexual—sexual preoccupation, inappropriate sexual behaviors Sleep problems – too much, too little, insomnia, nightmares, won’t sleep alone Social awkwardness Speech/language difficulties Suicide talk or attempt Swearing, blasphemes, bathroom language, foul language Teased, picked on, victimized, bullied Temper tantrums, rages Throwing up Thumb sucking, finger sucking, hair chewing Tics—involuntary rapid movements, noises, or word productions Trauma—experienced or witnessed Truancy, cuts classes, wants to drop out Uncoordinated, accident-prone Underactive, slow-moving or slow-responding, lethargic Weight, diet, and exercise—too much, too little, conflicts over Wetting or soiling the bed or clothes Withdrawal, self-isolation Other concerns: Other concerns: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 0 1 2 3 0 0 0 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 0 1 2 3 0 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 0 1 2 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (Adapted from The Paper Office) Forms05/Intake/ParentConcerns Dec13 Associates in Health Psychology, LLC Newark & Wilmington __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Behavioral History for Infants and Toddlers (Ages 0-3 years) Child’s Name: ___________________________________________________ Date of Birth: ______________ Person completing this form: _____________________________________________________ Age: ______ Date: _____________________ What are some of child’s most likeable qualities? ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ What time does child: Get up in the morning? ______________ Take naps? ________________ Go to bed? ______________ What are the family rules you expect or would you like child to follow? ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ For each item on this list, please use the 0-to-3 codes to indicate how well it describes child. Circle the most appropriate number, using these definitions: 0 = Not at all 1 = Just a little 2 = Pretty much 3 = Very much Fidgets with hands or squirms in seat 0 1 2 3 Enjoys playing with other children 0 1 2 3 Has difficulty remaining seated 0 1 2 3 Is easily distracted 0 1 2 3 Engages in physically dangerous activities 0 1 2 3 Has difficulty awaiting turn in groups 0 1 2 3 Experienced or witnessed trauma 0 1 2 3 Runs about and is “on the go” 0 1 2 3 Has difficulty when a routine is changed 0 1 2 3 Has difficulty minding or following instructions 0 1 2 3 Likes to make believe and pretend during play 0 1 2 3 Has difficulty sustaining attention to tasks 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 Shifts from one uncompleted activity to another Seems interested in a small part of a toy or unusual use of a toy 0 1 2 3 Has temper tantrums 0 1 2 3 Becomes clingy or distressed when separated from caregiver 0 1 2 3 Seems sad or nervous 0 1 2 3 Has little interest in typical play activities 0 1 2 3 Has difficulty maintaining eye contact 0 1 2 3 Interrupts or intrudes on others 0 1 2 3 Repeats some behaviors such as shaking hands, rocking body, or spinning 0 1 2 3 Does not seem to listen 0 1 2 3 Wiggles fingers or walks on toes 0 1 2 3 Is aggressive (hitting, kicking, etc.) 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 Is affectionate 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 Follows simple instructions 0 1 2 3 Has difficulty calming down when upset Has sleep problems – too much, too little, insomnia, nightmares Tries to do things on his/her own 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 Other concerns: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Forms05/Intake/InfantToddler Oct12 Associates in Health Psychology, LLC Newark & Wilmington __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Developmental History Child’s/Teen’s Name: _________________________________________ Date of Birth: ___________________ Person completing this form: ______________________________________________ A. Development Age: ______ Date: ____________________ Please fill in any information you have about the areas listed below. 1. Pregnancy and delivery Mother’s prenatal medical conditions and health care, including smoking, prescribed medicines, and street drugs: _____________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Was birth preterm? ______ If so, how many weeks? _____ Weight and length at birth: _____ lbs, _____oz _____ inches Birth complications, problems, or special treatment: ______________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. The first two years Breast-fed? ______ If so, for how long? ______________ Allergies: ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Sleep/bedtime patterns or problems: __________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Diet or feeding/eating challenges: ____________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Temperament: ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. Milestones: At what age did child do each of these? Sat without support: __________________________ Stayed dry all night: _________________________________ Didn’t soil his or her pants: _____________________ Walked without holding on: ____________________________ Tied shoelaces: _____________________________ Buttoned buttons: ___________________________________ Helped when being dressed: ___________________ Rode a bicycle without training wheels: __________________ Stayed dry all day: ___________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (Adapted from The Paper Office) Forms05/Intake/DevelopHistNov13 Developmental History Associates in Health Psychology, LLC __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4. Speech/language development Age when child said first word understandable to a stranger: ____________ Age when child said first sentence understandable to a stranger: _________ Speech, hearing, or language difficulties or concerns: _____________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ B. Health 1. List all childhood/teenage illnesses, hospitalizations, medications, allergies, head injuries, concussions, important accidents and injuries, surgeries, periods of loss of consciousness, convulsions/seizures, and other medical conditions. Condition 2. Current Height: _______________ Age Treated by whom? Results Weight: ________________ Vision or hearing difficulties: ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Sensory sensitivities (such as textures, clothing, sounds, tastes, etc.): ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ List all past and current medications, vitamins, and supplements: ____________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (Adapted from The Paper Office) Forms05/Intake/DevelopHistNov13 2 Developmental History Associates in Health Psychology, LLC __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ C. Residences 1. Homes Dates From To Location With whom? Reason for moving Problems? 2. Residential placements, institutional placements, or foster care Dates From To Program name or location Reason for placement Problems? D. Schools/Other Education 1. Early intervention services (ages birth through 5 years, either private or through a state agency) Program (name, location) 2. Schools (name, district, phone) (continues next page) Age Grade How well did child do? Age How well did child do? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (Adapted from The Paper Office) Forms05/Intake/DevelopHistNov13 3 Developmental History Associates in Health Psychology, LLC __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Schools, continued (name, district, phone) Grade Age How well did child do? 3. Additional education supports: Other supports received for learning and/or behavior at school (such as a tutor/aide, 504 plan, IEP): _______________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ If special education services were provided, what was the school’s classification for these services (such as Learning Disability)? _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ E. Child’s Hobbies and Special Skills/Talents List hobbies; sports; recreational, musical, and TV preferences; etc. If a child, include toy preferences. ______________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ F. Changes/Loss/Trauma Please indicate critical events that have impacted child/teen such as burglaries, home burning, abuse, etc. ___________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ G. Other What else you would like us to know about this child/teen or family, including religious, ethnic, or cultural background? _________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ For Parents/Guardians of OLDER CHILDREN and TEENS, PLEASE COMPLETE NEXT PAGE ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (Adapted from The Paper Office) Forms05/Intake/DevelopHistNov13 4 Developmental History Associates in Health Psychology, LLC __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ H. For OLDER CHILDREN and TEENS This section helps us to understand overall health issues. 1. Vaccinations: Has teen had Gardasil vaccination? ____________ Has teen had Hepatitis B vaccination? ___________ 2. Body art: Does teen have tatoos? ____________ Does teen have body piercings? ________________ 3. Sleep: Please describe sleep habits, such as time to bed, time wakes up, naps. _______________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4. Mealtime: Please describe mealtime and snack routines, also indicating if you have concerns. ____________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5. Cigarettes: Does teen smoke cigarettes? ________ If so, please indicate start date and how much. ___________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6. Alcohol: Does teen drink alcohol? ________ If so, please indicate start date and how much. ___________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 7. Illicit drugs: Has teen experimented with illicit drugs or currently use any? If so, please complete following: Drug Start Date End Date How much? 8. Sex related: Has teen ever been sexually active (broadly defined)? __________ Treatment received? If so, please indicate related information such as birth control, STDs, contraception and safety measures. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 9. Female only: Age at first period: __________ Please describe how regular period is, problems with heavy bleeding or mood changes, etc. ______________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (Adapted from The Paper Office) Forms05/Intake/DevelopHistNov13 ASSIGNMENT OF INSURANCE BENEFITS You must complete and sign this form in order for us to bill your insurance company. We will also need to copy your insurance card and photo ID at your initial meeting and any time there are changes to your policy. Please note that your insurance will not cover missed sessions and you will be responsible for the fee. It is the policy of Associates in Health Psychology to require 24 hours notice for a missed session. You may leave a message for your therapist 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. I authorize release of all information necessary to process my insurance claims for services received from Associates in Health Psychology, LLC. I assign all medical and/or mental health benefits to which I am entitled for these services to Associates in Health Psychology, LLC. This assignment will remain in effect until revoked by me in writing. A photocopy of this assignment is to be considered as valid as the original. I understand that I am responsible for knowing what my insurance policy covers, and I am financially responsible for paying co-pays, deductibles, and any other balances not paid by my insurance, such as those listed in the AHP Office Policies. I have read this information and understand it. Please print all responses: Insurance Company covering client: Insurance ID# for policy covering client: Name of Policy Holder (if not client): Policy Holder’s Date of Birth: Policy Holder’s Social Security Number: Policy Holder’s Place of Employment: Policy Holder’s relationship to Client: Financially Responsible Party (if not Client): ___________________________________ Client’s Name (please print) _________________ Client’s Date of Birth ___________________________________ Signature of Financially Responsible Party _________________ Date Forms05\Intake\InsurAssignmentApr14.doc J-25 Omega Drive, Newark, DE 19713 • 1521 Concord Pike, Suite 103, Wilmington, DE 19803 (302) 428-0205 • Fax: (302) 428-1123 • Health Insurance and Managed Care Release I have agreed to see you under the terms set by the health insurance/managed care company which oversees your mental health benefits. Managed care means that an outside company selects approved therapists and determines both the need for treatment and the length of time treatment will be provided. The following paragraphs outline some of the general aspects of managed care contracts you should know about. 1) The managed care company may require regular and somewhat detailed reports regarding your symptoms, diagnosis and treatment. There are no restrictions on the type or amount of information they may require. I will be glad to discuss the content of these reports with you. Although my experience is that the information provided has been treated with an appropriate degree of confidentiality, I cannot be responsible in any way for the health insurance/managed care company's use or re-disclosure of the information provided to them. 2) In some instances, the managed care company must approve all sessions in advance. Each company has its own criteria regarding what it considers as a "medical need" for therapy, which may differ from your and my assessment of your need for therapy. I will take responsibility for the timely filing of requests for additional sessions, and I will notify you of the outcome of these requests. However, provided I have met my responsibilities as stated above, you will be financially responsible for direct payment of any charges which are not paid by your insurance. 3) At times, the managed care company may provide us with information concerning your previous mental health history. This may include information on symptoms, diagnosis, and/or treatment. If you have ever had any treatment that included substance abuse issues, provide the name(s) of the treatment facility and/or provider(s) and the dates of treatment. Your initials below give me permission to obtain more information about your prior substance abuse issues and/or related treatment from your managed care company, which in turn will help me to support you more fully. Not applicable _____ Prior Treatment Facility & or Provider Name(s) and Address:____________________________________________ ______________________________Dates of Treatment: Client Initials: ____________ Prior Treatment Facility & or Provider Name(s) and Address:____________________________________________ ______________________________Dates of Treatment: Client Initials: ____________ 4) As explained in our Office Policies, it is our practice to charge for all canceled sessions if at least 24-hours notice is not provided. Monday appointments must be canceled by the previous Friday. Please note that you can leave a message for me 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Insurance companies will not pay for missed sessions. Therefore, you will be responsible for the full fee. You are also responsible for any co-payments and deductibles not covered by your insurance. You may find out what these are by asking your insurance company or I will have information available by your next appointment. I will be glad to answer any questions you may have. Please sign this form indicating that you have read this information and authorize release of information to your managed care company. This release will expire 3 months beyond the period of time that you are in treatment with a behavioral health therapist at Associates in Health Psychology, LLC. _______________________________________________ Client Signature _____________________ Date ____________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature if client is a minor Forms05\Intake\InsManagCare ReleaseApr14.doc J-25 Omega Drive, Newark, DE 19713 • 1521 Concord Pike, Suite 103, Wilmington, DE 19803 (302) 428-0205 • Fax: (302) 428-1123 • CO-PAYS, CO-INSURANCES, and DEDUCTIBLES Due to policy provisions in your contract with your insurance carrier, we are obligated to collect your co-pay, co-insurance, and/or deductible. Payment is expected at each visit. If your insurance policy has provisions such as deductibles, co-insurances, or co-payments, please note that these provisions have been agreed to between you and your carrier. We cannot legally discount fees submitted for services submitted for insurance reimbursement. If our office had verified that your therapist has contracted with your mental health insurance plan, we have additional contractual obligations to collect the balances as outlined by your insurance company. Your out-of-pocket maximum will not be calculated correctly if we do not collect what your insurance company expects us to collect. Furthermore, Associates in Health Psychology’s contract with your carrier will be jeopardized if we do not collect your co-insurance, co-payment, and/or deductible. Additionally, for those Medicare clients who receive services eligible under Medicare, the terms of the anti-kickback laws obligate us to collect the co-insurance, co-payment, and/or deductible. We sincerely regret any inconvenience which might be caused by these regulatory or contractual provisions, but we must be bound by all provisions of insurance policy and federal law. Associates in Health Psychology will be happy to assist you in resolving any issues or concerns regarding your insurance. Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have. Forms05\Intake\Co-payDeductibleApr14.doc J-25 Omega Drive, Newark, DE 19713 • 1521 Concord Pike, Suite 103, Wilmington, DE 19803 (302) 428-0205 • Fax: (302) 428-1123 • AUTHORIZATION TO RELEASE INFORMATION: CHILD & ADOLESCENT The Parent(s)/guardian(s) of__________________________________ Date of birth___________________________ (Minor=s Name) (Minor=s) authorize_____________________________________________________________________________________________, (Name of Provider at AHP) of Associates in Health Psychology, LLC to release/obtain information in this minor=s medical records, to/from :__________________________________________Address:_____________________________________________ (Minor s Therapist, Primary Care Physician, or Specialist) for the purpose of______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________. This information may include diagnoses, treatment information and other notations; substance abuse information; and information on AIDS/HIV status. I understand that this information released by this consent is voluntary and it may be revoked by me in writing at any time. The revocation of this consent will not apply to information released prior to my revoking this consent. This consent if not withdrawn will be valid for the duration of the related treatment and billing requirements. Please note that the released information may not be protected by HIPAA privacy and security rules once it has been forwarded beyond our facility to the intended recipient. You have the right to refuse this disclosure to any outside entity listed above or restrict where information may be sent. Please note your restrictions, or refusal here: ____________________________________________________________________________. Your therapist has the right to refuse your request for restrictions, but if he/she agrees they are bound by that agreement. ________________________________________ Parent or Guardian=s Signature __________________________ Date _________________________________________ Relationship to Client _________________________________________ Therapist's Signature __________________________ Date Forms05\Release\ReleaseMinorApr14.doc J-25 Omega Drive, Newark, DE 19713 • 1521 Concord Pike, Suite 103, Wilmington, DE 19803 (302) 428-0205 • Fax: (302) 428-1123 •
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