Sandbach The Methodist S 9

The Methodist Church, Sandbach
Wesley Avenue, Sandbach, Cheshire, CW11 1DG
Minister: Rev’d Kim Stilwell
Telephone: 01270 762074
Online at:
9:30am Rev’d Kim Stilwell ~ Holy Communion. The communion offering will be for
All We Can. The Door Welcomers are John and Margaret Middleton, the
Reader is Cynthia Kelly, the Flowers have been given by Margaret
Ashmore and the Organist is Rob Glassonbury. There is no Tea / Coffee
after the service today.
3:30pm Rev’d Kim Stilwell ~ Messy Church.
This week, in our groups, meetings and homes, we pray for all those who face or flee
violence; and our partners, as they seek to be instruments of God’s peace. [From the
Christian Aid Prayer Diary.]
We pray also for June Davies’ pastoral group: David and Carole Barringer;
Jacqueline, Calum and Shannon Bradley; Philip Bradley; George, Debbie and Jennifer
Cooper; Anne Curzon; David, Teresa, Michael and Gemma Pleavin; Derek and Wendy
Sadler. Amen.
Mon 10 Nov 6:30pm to 8:00pm Drop-In Cool Zone ~ for young people aged 7 to 12.
Tue 11 Nov 1:30pm to 3:30pm Indoor Bowls.
Wed 12 Nov 2:00pm Knit and Natter. Do you like to knit (or any other handicrafts)?
Do you like to natter? If so, please come to Knit and Natter.
7:30pm Ladies’ Friendship Circle ~ “Trains and Boats and Planes –
Calgary to Alaska” with David Till. All are welcome.
Thu 13 Nov 9:45am Midweek Morning Worship ~ led by Bryan Glassonbury.
Fri 14 Nov
1:30pm to 2:45pm ‘Stepping Stones’ Mother & Toddler Group.
7:30pm Wesley Guild ~ Literary evening ~ Play Reading.
Sat 15 Nov 9:30am Mission Area Prayer Meeting ~ at Wheelock.
10:00am to noon Coffee Morning and Christmas Sale. Items required
for the stalls. Christmas Stall (red, green, silver, gold items to
Margaret Ashmore or Jean Smith). Christmas tree with prize for
everyone (see Lu Burnand for details). Also cakes, bric-a-brac,
books and refreshments. Sign on list at coffee if you can help
for half an hour to serve tea and coffee at the sale. Thanks. On
Friday 14th November it will necessary to set up stalls for the
Christmas Sale before the guild play reading which is also
taking place in the hall at 7:30pm (everyone welcome to come
for this Guild meeting, even if you don't normally come, as it
should be a very light hearted evening when Mismatch will be
performed!). We suggest 6:15pm to set the stalls up for the
Sale. See also overleaf regarding a prospective new minister.
7:30pm Born Beautiful. An enjoyable event for all women … looking at
beauty ~ with dinner, quiz, jewellery and discussion. Tickets
are £5, available from Deborah Darnes. Please see the poster.
The dinner will be Chicken casserole or Chilli (both gluten free)
with baked potatoes, salad and french bread. There is a
vegetarian option of Vegetable Lasagne. The dessert is a
‘surprise’ but will be gluten free and served with fruit for any
From the rosters for next Sunday::Cleaning .Saturday coffee .Next
Tim Cooke (vestry) and Gordon Wright (door).
Karen Foster.
Stan Hall.
Door welcomers Tom and Margaret Cooke.
Tim Walmsley.
Offertory counters Tim Cooke and Stuart Blackwell.
Tom and Margaret Cooke, Jean Ford and Deborah Darnes.
10:30am Mr Bryan Glassonbury.
Wed 19 Nov 7:30pm Start of Advent Course ~ at 16 Park House Drive (the home of
Patrick and Deborah Darnes) ~ please see the poster.
Fri 21 Nov
6:30pm Climate Change: are we having an impact? Come along and
enjoy Fish and Chips before discussing whether the human
race has impacted our climate. Please let Karen have your fish
and chip order. In Room 1.
Sat 22 Nov 7:30pm Concert with Sandbach Ladies Choir. Tickets £5 (includes
refreshments) from Lu Burnand on 750377 or Valetta Cranmer
on 765553. Please see the poster.
Sun 23 Nov 10:30am Our annual Toy Service lead by Kim in the Wesley Centre.
Please bring new unwrapped toys – especially needed are gifts
for babies and teenagers, for which there is always a shortfall.
Toys will be donated to the Salvation Army in Crewe. Any
cash donations will be used by the Salvation Army to buy
vouchers for older teenagers. For more details see the Crewe
press or Google the Salvation Army Toy appeal. The Salvation
Army are always appreciative of contributions which they
forward to local children in South Cheshire.
Sun 7 Dec
Christmas Lunch ~ £12 ~ tickets now available from Sue and
Peter Hitchinson at Sunday coffee ~ Melon – Turkey with
seasonal vegetables – Home-made sweets – Cheese and
biscuits – Tea/coffee/mints.
We will be having a visit from a prospective new minister next Saturday
morning (15th November). From 10:00am Rev’d Jeremy Tresise will be at
the sale/coffee and I would encourage anyone who would like to meet him to come
along then.
Hope that those of you who were there enjoyed the Midweek Lunch last
Thursday. Thanks to everyone who helped in all the tasks to be done and for the
support of the diners. The amount of £412∙69 was the surplus after expenses.
The current Sunday Coffee Rota runs out in the New Year and hopefully the
present teams are all happy to continue. If you are not on the present rota and
would like to offer help on the next one (which involves serving tea/coffee after the
service about four times a year) could you please have a word with Barbara before
she goes to print. Thanks in anticipation.
Shoe Boxes for the children’s Christmas presents for Operation Christmas
Child should be forwarded to Margaret or Stuart Blackwell as per the details on
the poster. Today is the last Sunday for giving the boxes. If you need a box (and
don’t want to buy a pair of shoes) please see Andrew or Norma Stolworthy.
Items for next week’s news sheet to Andrew Stolworthy by 7:00pm Friday please
12 Park House Drive, Sandbach CW11 1YW 01270 767660