QUEEN ELIZABETH'S GIRLS' SCHOOL www.qegschool.org.uk 7 Nov 2014 Newsletter WELCOME BACK We welcome back everyone after the half term break. I hope that everyone was able to enjoy the unseasonably mild weather and autumn colours. I am pleased to welcome two new staff to the Modern Languages department; they are Mrs Nunez and Ms Alfonso and I hope that they will be very happy here. CHRISTMAS IS COMING…. I am already looking forward to the Christmas Fair, not least because I know that Y7 and 8 are already planning their Apprentice Challenge stalls and I’m keen to know what good fund-raising ideas they have come up with. Everyone in the school community has received raffle tickets – please make sure that you sell them – every £1 earned goes to the school and we want to order our new mini-bus. PS if you have a gift which is too big for the cellophane bag, please send it in—wrapping can be arranged. THE PTA FOR YOUR DAUGHTERS’ SCHOOL PLEASE HELP US TO HELP YOUR DAUGHTER THANK YOU For all the dona ons so far for QEGS Christmas Fair Gi Stall S ll needs more gi s. Please use the cellophane bag to wrap your dona on Thank you CHRISTMAS RAFFLE TICKETS ARE ON SALE Please send your stubs in ASAP 1st prize - Fantas c Christmas Hamper 1st prize - Wonderful Wine Hamper 1st prize – Boun ful Beauty Hamper NEXT QEGSA MEETING REMEMBRANCE As you will all know, 2014 is the 100th anniversary of the beginning of the First World War. We will be marking this in school with our assembly on Monday and we will also be observing the national 2 minute silence at 11am on Tuesday 11 November. Please buy and wear your poppy with pride. Friday 5th December Drop In Session School Canteen 4.30pm – 7.30pm Just stay for 30 minutes and make a difference Please contact us if you can help – Thank you Fiona & Sue Joint Chair QEGSA fiona@fionastephennutri on.co.uk suemoles@mac.com Registered Charity Number 277055 Quite a few local schools have a war memorial Phone: 020 8449 2984 Fax: 020 8441 2322 Email: office@qegschool.org.uk QEGS Radio Station: www.makewav.es/qegsradio PAGE 2 to pupils who died in the First World War. As a girls school, we don’t as we don’t believe that any ex-QE pupils were involved in the war. At the time of the First World War, the only role for women at the Front would have been as nurses and similar roles. We have searched the archives and haven’t found any mention of this. This contrasts with QE Boys’ school which lost just under 50 ex pupils in the First World War. There is a reference to the First World War in ‘A School of Our Own’, the 125th anniversary history of the school written by Mr Kovar and Mrs Johnson, a retired member of staff. This talks about girls contributing to the war effort by ‘making garments for the British Red Cross Society, entertaining wounded soldiers and contributing to war charities, whilst a searchlight detachment took over the art room as an observation post’! There are similar references in other documents in the school archives about how the school knitted, sewed, saved money, sang to troops in the next-door Victoria Hospital (where the swimming pool now is). Reference was made to former pupils who were now working in jobs formerly done by men and some girls were also driving lorries in England and France. What a different place the school must have been then (much smaller of course!). FOODBANK I have recently received a letter of thanks form the Chipping Barnet foodbank based at St John’s Church in New Barnet. It reads: “I am writing to thank you and the children for your donation to our foodbank. We weigh all the food that was donated and your donation weighed 39.8 kg” …In the current climate of austerity and recession it is gratifying to know that groups and individuals are willing to give generously to help local families in crisis when they need it most”. A LEVEL SUPPORT SESSIONS On Thursdays after school, Room 308 is available for all A level maths students to receive support with homework and misconceptions on course content. Mr Greenwood AWARD FOR DISTINGUISHED WORK Congratulations to this week’s winner of an Award, Rena Hoshino of Y8 who has received an Award for her outstanding work in English. Well done! Where are all the other winners? Please bring along your certificates to Mrs Webster! MOBILE PHONE REMINDERS Please remember that if you bring a mobile on to the school premises, it should be neither seen nor heard. This includes the time before and after the school day (when we do not expect to see mobiles until you are off the school premises), as well as breaks and lunch-times. Please follow the rules or your phone is likely to be confiscated! PARENT GOVERNOR We are delighted to welcome Mr Alan Jenner (daughters in Y11 and Y9) as a Parent Governor, following the recent election. He has considerable experience as a former Headteacher so I am sure that he will be a great asset to the governing body. Mrs Webster CONGRATULATIONS, YEAR 7 I would like to thank Miss Robertson and her form (11S) who have organised this collection and Y11 who I believe have been the main contributors. Phone: 020 8449 2984 Thank you so much to everyone who came along to the Big Draw event in the Gym. You were part of an estimated 300,000 people drawing throughout October at 1300 events. The Big Fax: 020 8441 2322 Email: office@qegschool.org.uk QEGS Radio Station: www.makewav.es/qegsradio N EWSLETTER PAGE 3 A ENGLISH KEY STAGE 3 LITERACY FOCUS Week Commencing 10th November Sentences types (simple, complex, compound) Words beginning with H, I and J: FILM CLUB Will not run next Thursday due to Sixth Form Open Evening Spirited Away Will show in two weeks time Happened, height, immediately, interrupt, interested, imaginary, improvise, journey, jealous big well done to all of those who got involved from your form - prizes will be on their way to you shortly! Draw took place in 24 countries from Alaska to Vietnam! Ms Beavis The next event will take place on Wednesday 26th November with the final event on the 18th December. Ensure you get to the courtyard at 1.20pm promptly so that you can get the litter pickers and get going. Miss Kirby HALF PRICE BOOK FAIR REMINDER.. THE BIG TIDY UP! This year at QE Girls' we are running a monthly 'BIG TIDY UP' event where students are invited to take part in a tidy up of the school environment. Well done to all of those who participated in the first of these events on Friday 24th October - over 60 girls in Years 7, 8 and 9 got involved and we even ran out of litter pickers so some girls kindly offered to go and collect litter in the corridors! It was great to see so many students keen to help clean up the school and collected over 40 large green bags of rubbish. The school looked great after it and I had some lovely comments from Miss Webster and Miss Southwell about the positive attitude the girls were showing. The winning forms (those who collected the most rubbish) were: 7N, 8L, 9M Phone: 020 8449 2984 It starts on Monday 24th November, break and Lunch time All Books, stationary & posters 1/2 price!! PAUL CROOKS, AUTHOR AND GENEALOGIST VISIT On Wednesday Paul Crooks came and spoke to 4 Year 9 classes. He has written 2 books; Ancestors, a fictional tale using characters from his own family search. John Alexander Crooks was the boy who came from Ghana (Then called the Gold Coast) and was brought to Jamaica as a slave. His non-fiction book is 'A Tree Without Roots' and is his research into his family tree. Fax: 020 8441 2322 Email: office@qegschool.org.uk QEGS Radio Station: www.makewav.es/qegsradio N EWSLETTER PAGE 4 He was able to bring the story of slavery alive as he used his own family to illustrate how the trade in people began, and was finally abolished in Jamaica. Copies of his book are available to borrow in the LRC. DO YOU SHOP HERE? BOOK CLUB New Graphic novels reviewed by Book Club.. 'Beautiful Creatures' by Garcia & Stohl From the front cover you can see this is simplistic and yet complicated. There is a mythical quality to both the art work and content. The story is told in short sentences, slowly enticing you to read. Different coloured heading set the themes. By Jessica and Libby 8Q Line of Fire: Diary of an unknown soldier This is a diary found by Barroux a French artist and illustrator. A SIMPLE WAY TO HELP YOUR DAUGHTERS’ SCHOOL That does not cost you a penny more!!!!! When doing your online shopping please log on via www.easyfundraising.org.uk/ causes/qegsabarnet The retailer will give a percentage of your purchase to QE Girls’ School We appreciate the heavy shading and dark lines that give The Line of Fire's simplistic illustrations a rough charm. The images are reminiscent of photography of the era, and of Herge's work. The bold front cover makes it's contents clear. YEAR 8 FORMS by Delphi, Sarah & Yasmin These are the numbers of outstanding books; Fish Head Steve by Jamie Smart 8L 11 8M 25 This is bold, colourful and funny. 8N 18 The characters wake up one 8P 19 morning with random objects for 8Q 8 a head, Panic! 8R 22 8S 25 It is written in the form of individual comic strips. This means other students are waiting by Ella, Carina & Amy because you haven't returned your book(s) Some books were borrowed a year ago! Azzi In Between by Sarah Garland Please return your Library books urgently This book is colourful, with speech and thought bubbles. It tells the story of a young girl who leaves her CHAIR DESIGN COMPETITION war torn country to come to Britain. To take part, design a cover for a Library By Zara and Marsha THANK YOU Phone: 020 8449 2984 Fax: 020 8441 2322 Email: office@qegschool.org.uk QEGS Radio Station: www.makewav.es/qegsradio N EWSLETTER PAGE 5 study chair. Be as creative as you like. Things to remember; Collect entry form from LRC Is your design suitable, safe and comfortable? Add your name, from and hand in to Mrs Aldridge Any questions speak to Kosher, Ariane & Emily in 8S (310) Entries will be judged by Mr Petrie and Kosher, Emily & Ariane Competition closes on 10th December Mrs Aldridge CONGRATULATIONS YEAR 10 The Arts Award Moderators came into school Last Thursday, to look at the folders that the current year 10 worked so hard on last year. They were delighted with the range of creativity, individualism and effort they saw. So much so that 161 pupils gained their Bronze Arts award, that’s a whopping 90% of the year. Well Done! Thank you to: Noor Alkhalidi, Hannah Czapnik, Christina Prados, Leila Zebda, Catherine Ley, Jemma Fossey, Georgia Mitchell, Abby Holloran, Amber Pankhurst who bravely came along to take part in a discussion with the moderators from Trinity College. As expected, you were a credit to the school. Ms Beavis The lanyards and cards are given out to girls who are regular viewers each Thursday. There are more in the pipeline as other members are notching up their attendance figures. Well done girls! Ms Beavis Year Group Attendance - 4th Sept 2014 –24th October 2014 Year 7 98.04% Year 8 96.09% Year 9 95.92% Year 10 96.97% Year 11 93.96% Well done to Year 7,8 and 10 who have all kept their attendance above 96% which is excellent. Mrs Parker Diary Dates Wednesday 12th November Y12 Art & D&T trip to Design for Future Event Y12 Media Trip to BFI Southbank Thursday 13th November 6th Form Open Evening Wednesday 26th November KS3 Time4Us 6.30—8.00pm—School Hall Y13 Media Trip to BFI Southbank Thursday 27th November Y13 Parents Evening The first recipients of Film Club Membership Lanyards this year are FILM CLUB 7N - Roberta Paulson, Morgan Thomkins, Iris Baker, Phoebe radley, Rosie Smyth 7S – Isobel Nethercoat, Millie Beavis-Adams 7R – Keyona Fraser, Lorna Reid. 8Q – Marsha Fernando, Ella Ogle and Amy Russell Phone: 020 8449 2984 Fax: 020 8441 2322 Email: office@qegschool.org.uk QEGS Radio Station: www.makewav.es/qegsradio N EWSLETTER PAGE 6 P.E. Extra-Curricular Autumn Term 2014 Monday Tuesday Lunch After school Year 7 active lunch (AB) Rock challenge (CTS) X-C All Years (BD) Year 7 netball – (AB) AS Booster (CTS) Year 8 netball – (LPS) HoD detentions Year 7 active lunch (CTS) Cheerleading Advanced (coach) – invite only Year 9 + Swim (SK) Badminton (LPS) Athletics Satellite club KS3 (coach) * Senior football (coach) Wednesday Year 7 active lunch (SK) Senior netball (coach) Inter-form Football Year 8 (AB) Weak non swimmers (SK) 3.20 – 3.50pm A2 Booster (CTS) Hockey All Years (LPS) GCSE Booster (LPS) Thursday Year 7 active lunch (TP) Fitness club KS4/5 (CTS) Year 7/8 Fun Swim (SK) Year 7-9 football (LPS) KS3 Fitness (CTS) Cheerleading starter KS3 (coach) * Advanced swimmers (SK) 3.20 – 3.50pm Year 9 netball (BD) Friday Year 7 active lunch (SK) Tennis (coach) KS3 fitness (CTS) Year 9/10 Basketball (BD) Phone: 020 8449 2984 Fax: 020 8441 2322 Email: office@qegschool.org.uk QEGS Radio Station: www.makewav.es/qegsradio N EWSLETTER PAGE 7 EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES MONDAY—LUNCHTIME Geography Drop In 1.00pm to 1.50pm in Room 218 open to all Year 11 Geography students Eco council 1.20pm Knitting Club in LRC— MONDAY—AFTER SCHOOL Business Studies Catch Up 3.15pm Room 311 History Catch Up Club for GCSE and A Level students in Room 221 Jazz Band 3.20pm Sociology A2 revision and re-take of AS modules Homework Club in LRC—3.15 - 4.30pm TUESDAY—LUNCHTIME TUESDAY—AFTER SCHOOL Knitting Club in LRC Badminton Club - 1.15pm—1.45pm Homework Club in LRC -3.15 - 4.30pm WEDNESDAY—AFTER SCHOOL WEDNESDAY—LUNCHTIME Whole school choir 1pm to 1.40pm Science Year 7 club in SC2 YEAR 7 Science Club Lab 2 (Week 1) Homework Club in LRC -3.15 - 4.30pm Knitting Club in LRC THURSDAY—LUNCHTIME Knitting Club in LRC— FRIDAY—LUNCHTIME Amnesty International Club in L5 for students in Year 9 - 13 Year 7 Origami club 1:15pm in 310 Knitting Club –in LRC— Phone: 020 8449 2984 Whole school orchestra 3.20pm English homework club 3.15pm Homework Club in LRC -3.15 - 4.30pm Y11 Technology for D & T students THURSDAY—AFTER SCHOOL Business Studies Catch Up 3.15pmTW9 Art GCSE Workshop 3.15pm Film Club 3.30pm in Room 204 RS Catch Up 3.30pm Room 210/211 GCSE Maths Support Club by 6th Formers in Room 310 Maths Support in the LRC 3.15 Film Club 3.30—5.30pm depending on film in 204 Maths Homework Club in LRC -3.15 4.30pm Drama Club—3.15pm Technology—6th Form D&T students Geography—Get your grades up sessions FRIDAY AFTER SCHOOL Yoga 3:30- 4:30 Homework Club in LRC -3.15 4.00pm Fax: 020 8441 2322 Email: office@qegschool.org.uk QEGS Radio Station: www.makewav.es/qegsradio
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