Information to system developers regarding final tests for

September 2015
Information to system developers
regarding final tests for Entry Summary
This information is intended for system developers/system vendors who plan to develop
support systems for sending and receiving electronic messages relating to Entry Summary Declarations (ENS).
Contact EDI test
when testing for approval of an EDI system and
testing a tailor-made system, it is expected that
these final tests are carried out correctly
the number of final tests to be carried out depends on what the system is intended for
final tests may not be older than one month.
Please notify when all
relevant final tests have been performed with the
expected results.
Enter the details of the customs system and
­version, your EORI number and the final tests
linked to the MRN number.
All final tests are checked by Swedish Customs’
function for EDI testing. When they are approved,
the function for EDI authorisations is notified and
will contact you with an approval when all other
conditions are fulfilled.
We reserve the right to make additional requirements, as well as the right to publish new final tests
If you have any questions regarding final tests,
you are welcome to contact the EDI test function,
Final tests – for system vendors, when
testing for approval of an EDI system
System developers who are testing for approval of
a system for AIS must perform final tests number
The final tests can be downloaded from, on EDI testmaterial för import, export
och föranmälan Technical final test ICS IE315
max. filled fields and repetitions 3.0.
The technical final test can be downloaded from, EDI för systemutvecklare.
Final tests – for system developers
of tailor-made systems
An in-house tailor-made or compiled system (unique
for a company) must perform final tests number 1-6.
Other information
Technical specifications
More technical information on electronic documents/messages regarding ENS is available in the
technical specifications, SCTS-AIS, ICS phase 1.
The technical specifications can be downloaded
from, EDI tekniska specifikationer
Information providers who have an approved
EDI-system for ICS need only perform final test
number 1.
Questions or problems?
If you have any questions or problems while testing,
you are welcome to contact the EDI test team on or call +46 771 520 520,
choose Technical support and ask for the EDI test
Box 12854, 112 98 Stockholm
Telefon: 0771- 520 520
Tv 790.90
Final test – for permit-holders with an
approved EDI system