A Great Place to Call Homer THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCIL MEMBERS, CITY MANAGER, DEPARTMENT HEADS, AND ALL INTERESTED PARTIES This notice shall serve as your formal and official notification of the REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING to be held on MONDAY, November 10, 2014, AT 7:00 PM, in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Civic Center, 6000 Middlebelt Road, Garden City, Michigan 48135; (734) 793-1660. REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA I. OPENING CEREMONIES 2. CALL TO ORDER 3. ROLL CALL 4. APPROVAL OF AGENDA 5. COMMUNITY EVENTS 6. COMMENTS FROM STATE AND COUNTY OFFICIALS 7. PETITIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS 8. PUBLIC HEARINGS 9. ITEMS FOR CONSIDERATION A. Consent Agenda 1. Approve Minutes of Regular City Council Meeting of October 27, 2014 2. Receive, Note and File Garden City Parks & Recreation Commission Meeting Minutes of 10/28/2014 B. Study Session 1. Supplemental Appropriation Council Sound System C. Action Items (transferred from Study Session) 10. PUBLIC COMMENT - GENERAL (non-agenda items only) 11. REPORT FROM CITY MANAGER 12. CITY COUNCIL COMMENTS 13. CLOSED SESSION • Labor Contract Negotiations 14. OTHER BUSINESS 15. ADJOURNMENT Allyson M. Bettis City Clerk-Treasurer ADA Accommodation. The City of Garden City will provide necessary auxiliary aids and services (such as signers and audio tapes) to individuals with disabilities attending meetings or hearings. A two-week notice Is required. For assistance, please contact the Administration office at (734) 793-1660. Public Participation at Meetings. Members of the public shall speak only when recognized by the presiding officer. Members of the public shall be limited to speaking only during the "Public Comment — General" for issues not on the meeting agenda and following city council discussion on each agenda Item prior to a vote by the city council on that item. Each speaker shall be limited to three (3) minutes unless the rules are waived by a majority vote of the city council. Prior to addressing the city council, members of the public shall register with the city clerk on a form provided by the clerk and shall identify themselves by name and city of residence at the podium prior to speaking. The city clerk shall record In the meeting minutes the name, city of residence, and/or organizational affiliation of persons addressing the city council and the topic to which they speak. A person shall not be excluded from a meeting that is otherwise open to the public except for a breach of the peace actually committed at the meeting. Disorderly Conduct at Meetings Prohibited. The presiding officer may call to order any person who is breaching the peace or being disorderly by speaking without recognition, engaging in booing or catcalls, applauding, failing to be germane to the topic or issue being considered, speaking longer than the allotted time, speaking vulgarities, name calling, personal attacks, or engaging in other conduct which is determined by the presiding officer to be disruptive to the meeting. Any person so disrupting a lawful public meeting of the city council may be removed or excluded from a meeting that is otherwise open to the public in accordance with the Michigan Open Meetings Act and shall be guilty of a misdemeanor pursuant to state statute, being MCI. 750.170 et seq, and 9131.03(B) of the city code of ordinances. The chief of police or his designate shall serve as the sergeantat-arms at council meetings for purposes of enforcement of the rules under this section. CITY OF GARDEN CITY REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES October 27, 2014 • A Great Place to Call Home! The Mayor and Council of the City of Garden City met in Public Hearing and Regular Session on Monday, October 27, 2014, at 6:58p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Civic Center, 6000 Middlebelt, Garden City, Michigan. PUBLIC HEARING Present were Mayor Walker, Councilmembers Lynch, King, Squires, Kerwin, McKarge, and Arnoske. The Mayor announced it was time for public comments on the proposed Zoning Map Amendment: Rezoning from C-2, Community Business to C-3, General Business for property commonly known as 30247 and 30259 Ford Road. There being no comments, the public hearing Was then closed. REGULAR MEETING Present were Mayor Walker, Councilmembers Lynch, King, Squires, Kerwin, McKarge, and Arnoske. Also present were City Manager Muery, Clerk/Treasurer Bettis, DPS Director Roney, and Fire Chief Harman. • Item #14-10-184- Moved by Lynch; supported by Squires: RESOLVED: To approve the meeting agenda, as presented. AYES: Unanimous. ABSENT: None. Community Announcements, Comments from State & County Officials, and Petitions & Communications • • • • • • Pastor Bob McDonald blessed the new Council Chamber table. Cable Consultant Dan York gave the history and implementation of the Council Chamber table installation. He showed video of the process, and introduced and recognized the staff that designed, built, and installed the table. Dr. Stanley Szczotka, Garden City Schools, discussed the Sinking Fund Millage Proposal on the November ballot before the electorate. Mayor Walker presented proceeds of the Garden Chili Cook-Off event donated to the Mayors' Underprivileged Children's Fund, the Garden City Goodfellows, Friends of the Garden City Historical Museum, and United Needy Families. Lisa Watts, Senior Activities Coordinator, recognized the donation offitness equipment by the Garden City Rotary Club. Catherine Harman, Fire Chief, thanked all volunteers and participants for their support of the Fire Department Open House event. City of Garden City, MI October 27, 2014 Council Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 8 ❖ Item #14-10-185 - Moved by Lynch; supported by Arnoske: RESOLVED: To approve the consent agenda, as follows: 1. Approve Minutes of Regular City Council Meeting of October 6, 2014 2. Approve Minutes of Closed Session of City Council Meeting of October 6, 2014 3. Receive, Note and File Garden City Parks & Recreation Commission Meeting Minutes of September 23, 2014 4. Receive, Note and File Accounts Payable Report 9/17/2014 — 10/17/2014 5. Receive, Note and File Financial Report Month Ending September 30, 2014 6. Receive, Note and File Quarterly Investment Report Ending September 30, 2014 Unanimous. None. AYES: ABSENT: The following items were discussed by Council as a whole: 1. Zoning Map Amendment: Request to amend Zoning Map from C-2 Community Business to C-3 General Business 30247 and 30259 Ford Rd. 2. Housing Rehabilitation Bid Awards a. Project #11-01-002 b. Project #09-01-020 c. Project #13-01-002 3. Garden City Goodfellows Annual Newspaper Street Sales 4. American Legion Riders Poppy Street Sales on November 1 & 2, 2014 5. Water Main Abandonment Procedures Resolution 6. DPS Equipment Purchases a. Supplemental Appropriation - Vermeer Chipper b. Vermeer Chipper c. Supplemental Appropriation — One-ton Dump Truck d. One-ton Dump Truck • Item #14 10 186 Moved by Arnoske; supported by Kerwin: RESOLVED: To adopt an ordinance to amend the official zoning map of the City of - - - Garden City rezoning from C-2 (Community Business) to C-3 (General Business) for property identified as parcels 35-016-01-0002-000 and 35-01601-001-003, more commonly known as 30247 and 30259 Ford Road PROPOSED ORDINANCE # 14-004 AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP OF THE CITY OF GARDEN CITY. THE ORDINANCE INVOLVES A REZONING FROM C-2 COMMUNITY BUSINESS TO C-3 GENERAL BUSINESS FOR PROPERTY IDENTIFIED AS PARCELS 35-016-01-0002-000 AND 35-016-01-0001-003 MORE COMMONLY KNOWN AS 30247 AND 30259 FORD ROAD. WHEREAS, the Michigan Zoning Enabling Act, P.A. 110 of 2006, as amended, authorizes a City Council to adopt and amend zoning ordinances that regulate the public health, safety and general welfare of persons and property; and City of Garden City, MI October 27, 2014 Council Meeting Minutes Page 3 of 8 WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of Garden City held a public hearing on September 25, 2014 to consider an amendment to the Zoning Map of Garden City. WHEREAS, the Planning Commission transmitted a summary of the comments received at the public hearing and its recommendation of approval to the City Council; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined at its meeting of October 27, 2014 that enacting said Zoning Ordinance map amendment is in the best interests of the public health, safety and welfare of the City residents: THE CITY OF GARDEN CITY HEREBY ORDAINS: THAT THE ZONING ORDINANCE FOR THE CITY OF GARDEN CITY, SPECIFICALLY THE ZONING MAP OF THE CITY WITH RESPECT TO THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF THE PROPERTY IDENTIFIED AS PARCELS 35-01601-0002-000 AND 35-016-01-0001-003 MORE COMMONLY KNOWN AS 30247 AND 30259 FORD ROAD FROM C-2 COMMUNITY BUSINESS DISTRICT TO C-3 GENERAL BUSINESS DISTRICT REPEAL: All ordinances or parts of other ordinances in conflict herewith are and the same hereby are repealed. SEVERABILITY: This ordinance and the various parts, sentences, paragraphs, sections, and clauses it contains are hereby declared to be severable. Should any part, sentence, paragraph, section, or clause be adjudged unconstitutional or invalid by any court for any reason, such judgment shall not affect the validity of this Ordinance as a whole or any part thereof, other than the part so declared to be unconstitutional or invalid. Furthermore, should the application of any provision of this Ordinance to a particular property, building, or structure be adjudged invalid by any court, such judgment shall not affect the application of said provision to any other property, building, or structure in the City, unless otherwise stated in the judgment. EFFECTIVE DATE: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication according to law. AYES: ABSENT: Unanimous. None. Item #14-10-187 - Moved by Lynch; supported by Squires: RESOLVED: To award the contract for Housing Rehabilitation project 11-01-002 to DMC Consultants in accordance with the posted Bid Packet using CDBG/HOME funds, and to authorize the City Manager to enter into a contract with DMC Consultants in the amount of $16,560. AYES: ABSENT: Unanimous. None. ❖ Item #14-10-188 - Moved by Lynch; supported by King: City of Garden City, MI October 27, 2014 Council Meeting Minutes Page 4 of 8 RESOLVED: To award the contract for Housing Rehabilitation project 09-01-020 to Joseph Home Improvement in accordance with the posted Bid Packet using CDBG/ HOME funds, and to authorize the City Manager to enter into a contract in the amount of $24,790. AYES: ABSENT: Unanimous. None. • Item #14-10-189 - Moved by Lynch; supported by Arnoske: RESOLVED: To award the contract for Housing Rehabilitation project 13-01-002 to DMC Consultants in accordance with the posted Bid Packet using CDBG/ HOME funds, and to authorize the City Manager to enter into a contract with DMC Consultants in the amount of $17,505. AYES: ABSENT: • Unanimous. None. Item #14-10-190 - Moved by Arnoske; supported by McKarge: RESOLVED: To grant permission to the Garden City Goodfellows to hold their annual Newspaper Street Sales on November 21, 22 & 28, 29, 30, 2014. Sales would take place at the following intersections: Ford Rd. & Middlebelt, Middlebelt & Warren, Inkster & Ford, Ford & Merriman, Merriman & Cherry Hill, and Ford Rd & Venoy, subject to receipt of valid hold harmless agreement by each participant in accordance with the City policy of on street solicitation. AYES: ABSENT: Unanimous. None. •. Item #14-10-191 - Moved by Kerwin; supported by Arnoske: RESOLVED: To grant permission to the American Legion Riders to conduct on-street sales for their annual Poppy fundraiser on November 1-2, 2014, contingent upon receipt of a hold harmless agreement from each participant and an indemnifying Certificate of Insurance, in accordance with City policy on AYES: ABSENT: street sales. Unanimous. None. •• Item #1410-192 - Moved by King; supported by Lynch: RESOLVED: To approve the following Resolution regarding water main abandonment procedures, and long term record keeping of abandoned water mains in County Road right-of-way for 2014 Water Main Replacement Contract. RESOLUTION TO PERMIT THE ABANDONMENT OF THE EXISTING WATER MAIN AS PART OF THE 2014 WATER MAIN REPLACEMENT PROGRAM TO REPLACE WATER MAIN CROSSINGS UNDER MERRIMAN ROAD WHEREAS, the City of Garden City wishes to abandon the existing water main at seven (7) locations along Merriman Road where water main crossings exist being at the intersections of Florence Avenue, Rosslyn Avenue, Council Meeting Minutes Page 5 of 8 City of Garden City, MI October 27, 2014 Sheridan Avenue, Barton Avenue, Marquette Avenue, Maplewood Avenue and Windsor Avenue as part of the 2014 Water Main Replacement Program; WHEREAS, application for the 2014 Water Main Replacement Program approval has been submitted and tentatively approved to Wayne County and assigned permit review number R14-295. WHEREAS, Rule 4.26 of the Wayne County Permit Manual allows abandonment of water main in lieu of removal under the following conditions: • The City shall maintain ownership and responsibility of the abandoned water facilities. • At the discretion of Wayne County, the City may be required to remove their abandoned water main in a timely manner and restore the area at their cost to conditions satisfactory to Wayne County. • All abandoned water main pipes, structures, or conduits shall be filled with flowable fill material. The City shall maintain detailed records of the abandoned water main facilities including, but not limited to, location, depth, size, and type of material. A copy of these record drawings shall be submitted to the Wayne County DPS Permit Office. • WHEREAS, the City of Garden City has agreed to abandon the existing water main under the conditions set forth as referenced above in Rule 4.26 of the Wayne County Permit Manual; WHEREAS, the City of Garden City has submitted the water main plans to Wayne County entitled 2014 Water Main Replacement Program which has been tentatively approved by the County pending issuance of this resolution and acceptance by the City of Garden City; and NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Garden City agree to abandon the existing water main at the seven (7) locations noted above as part of the 2014 Water Main Replacement Program and abide by the conditions set forth in Rule 4.26 of the Wayne County Permit Manual, as stated above. AYES: ABSENT: ❖ Unanimous. None. Item #14-10-193 - Moved by King; supported by Arnoske: RESOLVED: To approve the following supplemental appropriation for the Major and Local Street Funds 202 and 203, increasing revenues and expenditures in the amount of $49,264.00. SUPPLEMENTAL APPROPRIATION Ordinance No. A14-011 WHEREAS, the City Manager has certified that there is available for appropriation, monies in excess of those in the current budget, and WHEREAS, additional monies are needed in various accounts, and WHEREAS, Section 5.03 of the City Charter exempts ordinances dealing with the budget, appropriations, and the levy of taxes from the requirements of other legislative enactments, and WHEREAS, these specific enactments under Section 6.09(A) are not permanent in nature and need not be compiled in the City Code: City of Garden City, MI October 27, 2014 Council Meeting Minutes Page 6 of 8 NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED, that the City Council of the City of Garden City hereby adopts the following form for this supplemental appropriation and also for the passage of those ordinances exempt from the requirements of Section 5.03 of the City Charter: THE CITY COUNCIL OF GARDEN CITY HEREBY ORDAINS: The FY14/15 budget is hereby supplemented by appropriating the amount of $49,264 and authorizing the expenditure of that money in the following departments, office and agencies listed: ACCOUNT NAME AMOUNT ACCOUNT# Revenue: 202-202-190.000 203-203-190.000 Major Street: Use of Fund Balance Local Street: Use of Fund Balance $ 9,853 $39,411 Expenditure 202-202-977.000 203-203-977.000 Major Street: Capital Outlay Local Street: Capital Outlay $9,853 $39,411 AYES: ABSENT: Unanimous. None. + Item #14-10-194 - Moved by Lynch; supported by King: RESOLVED: To authorize the purchase of a Vermeer Chipper, in an amount not to exceed $49,264.00, in accordance with proposal dated September 19, 2014 from Vermeer of Michigan, Inc. and bid to the National Joint Powers Alliance. AYES: ABSENT: Unanimous. None. + Item #14-10-195 - Moved by King; supported by Lynch: RESOLVED: To approve the following supplemental appropriation for the Major and Local Street Funds 202 and 203 and the Water Fund 592, increasing revenues and expenditures in the amount of $53,071.00. SUPPLEMENTAL APPROPRIATION Ordinance No. A14-012 WHEREAS, the City Manager has certified that there is available for appropriation, monies in excess of those in the current budget, and WHEREAS, additional monies are needed in various accounts, and Council Meeting Minutes Page 7 of 8 City of Garden City, MI October 27, 2014 WHEREAS, Section 5.03 of the City Charter exempts ordinances dealing with the budget, appropriations, and the levy of taxes from the requirements of other legislative enactments, and WHEREAS, these specific enactments under Section 6.09(A) are not permanent in nature and need not be compiled in the City Code: NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED, that the City Council of the City of Garden City hereby adopts the following form for this supplemental appropriation and also for the passage of those ordinances exempt from the requirements of Section 5.03 of the City Charter: THE CITY COUNCIL OF GARDEN CITY HEREBY ORDAINS: The F114/15 budget is hereby supplemented by appropriating the amount of $53,071 and authorizing the expenditure of that money in the following departments, office and agencies listed: ACCOUNT NAME AMOUNT ACCOUNT# Revenue: 592-592-676.000 202-202-190.000 203-203-190.000 Water Fund-Decrease Retained Earnings Major Street-Use of Fund Balance Local Sheet-Use of Fund Balance $15,250 $7,564 $30,257 Expenditure 592-593-977.000 592-594-977.000 202-202-977.000 203-203-977.000 Water-Cap Outlay-Equipment Sewer-Cap Outlay-Equipment Major Street-Cap Outlay-Equipment Local Street-Cap Outlay-Equipment $7,625 $7,625 $7,564 $30,257 AYES: ABSENT: Unanimous. None. • Item #14-10-196 - Moved by Squires; supported by Arnoske: RESOLVED: To utilize the State of Michigan bids and approve the purchase of a 2014 Ford F550 Chassis 4x4 1-Ton dump truck from Gorno Ford of Woodhaven, MI in the amount of $53,071.00. AYES: ABSENT: Unanimous. None. Mayor Walker announced it was time for public comment. • Wayne County Commissioner Richard LeBlanc announced Make a Senior Smile day and encouraged volunteers. • Consultant Ryan Kern, Hennessey Engineering, gave an update on the Florence Reconstruction project. There being no further business before Council, the meeting was then adjourned. City of Garden City, MI October 27, 2014 Council Meeting Minutes Page 8 of 8 ALLYSON M. BETTIS City Clerk/Treasurer Garden City Park and Recreation Commission Meeting Notes Tuesday October 28, 2014 A. In Attendance: Dennis Kapelanski, Dan Plamondon, Dawn Frey, Pat McKarge, Michelle Bosen, John Jones and Kathy Deron B. Motion to Begin: Made by Dawn, Second by Dan. ( Start Time: 7:05 pm) C. Motion to Approve Minutes: Made by Dennis, Second by Dawn. D. Opening Remarks 1. Dan apologized to commission members for not sending out information packets prior to meeting. 2. Briefly recapped Monica's role. E. Financial Reports 1. Payments plans have been put into place for some time. This allows revenue to continue to come in. Financial report in some areas will run 4-6 weeks behind due to payment plans. New billing statements went out Oct. 1st. 2. The snack bar has been generating 100 dollars a day on average. This is a new and welcoming revenue. Cappuccino was frequently being requested, so a Keurig machine was purchase to make cappuccino. In just days upwards of 25 cups have been sold producing a profit. Handy Mart is offering submarine sandwiches for the snack bar for a dollar less than the current cost of stocking them. Details aren't clear yet but it seems that Handy Marty has offered to allow the use of a heating appliance for the snack bar. Further details to come. Dan underscored the importance of foods that have a long shelf life and fit into the grab and go concept. Commission members questioned if the best deals were being sought after to stock the snack bar. Dan affirmed this by giving examples of bargains that have been found and locations where purchases have been made. Open to other suggestion, 3 members shared ideas. 20% off coupons at Bed Bath and Beyond for Keurig "single cups" for hot beverages. Sam's Club, and Gordon Foods for other purchases. The possibility was suggested to get employees involved with the rewards program Gordon's offers with purchases. 3. Eighty-six % of the budget funded the scoreboard and snack bar construction materials and labor that could not be completed by D.P.S. 4. Six contractors showed up for a walk through for the City Park restrooms (pool house) to assess cost for a renovation. Some heavy duty grade materials had been purchased prior to the walk through. A one year extension has been granted by the C.D.B.G. The C.D.B.G. monies will not cover the cost of the roof or the exterior. Bids should be coming in soon. Shooting for a winter start. 5. Planning on pre bids for arena locker-rooms to start soon. Previous bids were too high during summer months. Looking for competitive bids during the winter months with the hope of the demand on construction being lower. F. Program/Facility Reports Softball 1. Fall softball league wrapped up. 34 teams competed this season. 186 games were played. Prior to this season there was single elimination in the playoffs. This season tried a double elimination. Players enjoyed the change. Plan on doing the same next season. Ice Arena 2. The Crestwood Hockey League buying ice time for practices. Looking at the possibility of them buying ice time for games. Fitting them into the schedule prove to be successful. Pucks and Sticks and figure skating lost only half hour total each. Garden City Park and Recreation Commission Meeting Notes Tuesday October 28, 2014 3. Hockey tournament included players between the ages of 16-18 which is not a common occurrence. Younger skaters are generally the norm. There were concerns with the use of the locker room with this age group. All went well. Skaters were from throughout the U.S. Notably spectators were attentive and serious about game play. 4. Girls skate tryouts not as successful as hoped. 10 girls showed up. 5. Westland Fire Dept. purchased ice time for Sunday mornings. This is unexpected revenue. No ice time available in Westland is what brought them to G.C. 6. Free style skate is subsidized it could use better attendance. 7. Figure skating is now paying for ice time on Saturdays. 8. Drop in and Glow Skate has been slow. Did have to cancel a Glow Skate session due to tournament. 9. Learn to skate open house had a turnout of 50 kids 10 in which signed up. 10. Party room now available for rent for 25 an hour. Room currently rented for an up and coming birthday party. Room available is the room used for commission meetings. Skating group rates available. 11. Trying some new things like chuck and puck, mini mites and coach games during programs as well as free skating during sign ups is being considered. Pavilions 12. September pavilion rentals were strong this year. Commission member asked, how did last year's pavilion rentals compare to this year? Reply was about the same but stronger in the fall than before. Member asked if rentals were listed on the website. It was stated in fact it is listed. Commission member suggested notices go out to companies and organizations well in advance to see if interested in early bird special to book pavilion time. It was indicated that was already being done and included ice time as well. The possibility of moving this early bird date back from February to November was briefly mentioned due to the demand in Feb. Dan stated other cities have begun doing this. Dance 13. Attention was brought to the location of the dance and exercising programs within the packet. Still handled by Lori. Commission member asked if Young Champions are included in programing at Maplewood. Dan was unsure. Basketball 14. Afterschool basketball program registration had a slow start but a strong finish. It will be held at the middle school. An agreement is in place to allow basketball equipment to be borrowed. G. Old Business 1. In Dec. or Jan. there should be bids for locker rooms. 2. Outfield #2 is done. Mixed grass is growing. Should be good to go for the spring. May need to fill low spots or holes with dirt. Will assess in the spring. 3. Millage for 400,000 for parking lot repairs. Looking at bonding and or possible funding as a possibility. Three parking lots in needed would be Arena lot, Maplewood C.C. lot and City Hall lot. 4. Request for bids on the electrical park identification sign will be going out soon. Commission member asked, what entrance will receive the sign? Dan replied, the entrance off Cherry Hill has electricity running to it while Merrimen does not. Commission member felt Merriman road would attract more attention because it runs north and south catching traffic traveling to the airport and Livonia. Another member agreed pointing out it could be seen from the intersection better there as well. - it Garden City Park and Recreation Commission Meeting Notes Tuesday October 28, 2014 H. New Business 1. The Olympia zamboni is in Canada being fixed. The front end surprisingly went out a few weeks back. Parts were shipped and repairs were done at the cost of the city. A week later the rear went out. The zamboni had less than a 100 miles on it and was still under warranty. It was shipped to Canada. Requesting an extension of the warranty. Requesting reimbursement for labor on the repairs done to the front end. Requesting a tire wash be added onto the zamboni to keep the tires free of debris before entering the ice. Results to come. Zamboni should be back in a week. 2. Soccer grant could be becoming available through the resourcefulness of Monica. Consideration is for lights or artificial turf at one of the soccer fields. A commission member wanted Rotatory Park to be considered. Another member pointed out a field should be protected from someone being able to drive onto it. Three members brought up concerns about artificial turf. Stating that cancer has been linked to soccer players playing on artificial turf primarily goalies. 5 members spoke in agreement the lighting would be better. One member thought it would allow for extended play. Another remarked it would be safer. Another posed, would a neighborhood would allow it? Lights can be an annoyance. 3. Skate and play hockey being presented to Lathers Elementary. Saundra in the office interested in discussing the possibility with the principal. Could result in a field trip. Commission member asked is there enough skates for the children. Dan affirmed there was plenty giving an account to the number and sizes that would be needed for that age group. A member pointed out they would need helmets. Dan explain students would be required to wear bicycle helmets. I. Llo and Coming Events 1. Guns and Hoses Charity Game Dec. 13th 4-7pm 2. Hour free skate while signups are going on after the Figure Skating Christmas program. 3. Commission member asked if park and rec. was interested in allowing a local scout an opportunity to complete an Eagle Scout project. In addition the member noticed a need to cut down a small tree growing into the fence and replace or repair the fencing surrounding the dumpster at Maplewood C.C. Dan stated scout would need to contact him or Monica to see what the scout was interested in and or what could be done at either location. Another commission member was interested in recruiting help from the scouts in the spring to weed flower bed in a local park. Commission member agreed to get pack and troop numbers to her. 4. Tuesday before Thanksgiving we will be meeting at Sports Venue or Albert's on the Alley. To be announced. We will not be meeting in Dec. Will resume in Jan. J. Motion to Adiourn: Made by John, Seconded by Kathy (End time: 8:08 pm) CITY OF GARDEN CITY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM A Great Place to Call Hamel Submitted To: Mayor and Council Submitted By: Dan York Date: 11/5/14 ON BID/CONTRACT BOARD APPOINTMENT CEREMONIAL EXECUTE AGREEMENT FEE WAIVER LIQUOR LICENSE NEW/AMENDED ORDINANCE ON-STREET SALES OTHER OFFICE USE ONLY ITEM # Council Meeting of DATE: 11/10/2014 1 VESTED : PERMIT PD CHANGE OF USE PD SITE PLAN PRESENTATION PROCLAMATION RESOLUTION REZONING SUPP/TRF APPROPRIATION PUB HEARING REQUIRED X titirt FR NCE,CITE TITLE/(IIAPTER/SECTION(S)) Supplemental Appropriation for the Council Sound System To approve the following supplemental appropriation for the cable PEG fund (235) increasing revenues and expenditures in the amount of $42,000. Fiscal Year See Attached G/L Acct. Number Amount VIEW CHECKLIST DEPARTMENT(S): FINANCIAL: COMMISSION(S): CITY ATTORNEY: CITY MANAGER: DATE: DATE: DATE: DATE: DATE: PO# (if existing) Date: October 29, 2014 To: Robert Muery, City Manager From: Dan York Subject: Supplemental Appropriation Attached please find a proposed ordinance for a supplemental appropriation for the purchase and installation of the new Council/Court sound system as well as a future purchase of a Ultra Nexus HD playback system for GCTV. The sound system is self-explanatory, while the playback system is a continuation of our migration to high definition and will result in an improved video signal, even with our standard def cable channels. That purchased is scheduled for February of 2015. The sound system cost is $21,745, while the playback unit is expected to run approximately $20,000 with accessories. The supplemental appropriation uses PEG fund balance. The City receives PEG funds from its three cable television providers. Those funds can only be used for cable television related matters. Those funds are in addition to the five percent franchise fees that do go directly to the City's general fund in the amount of approximately $400,000 per year Per the City's purchasing policy I am asking for approval from the Mayor and Council to make this supplemental appropriation on behalf of the City. SUPPLEMENTAL APPROPRIATION Ordinance No. A14- WHEREAS, the City Manager has certified that there is available for appropriation, monies in excess of those in the current budget, and WHEREAS, additional monies are needed in various accounts, and WHEREAS, Section 5.03 of the City Charter exempts ordinances dealing with the budget, appropriations, and the levy of taxes from the requirements of other legislative enactments, and WHEREAS, these specific enactments under Section 6.09(A) are not permanent in nature and need not be compiled in the City Code: NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED, that the City Council of the City of Garden City hereby adopts the following form for this supplemental appropriation and also for the passage of those ordinances exempt from the requirements of Section 5.03 of the City Charter: THE CITY COUNCIL OF GARDEN CITY HEREBY ORDAINS: The EY10. ,42,000 _ J1 5 budget is hereby supplemented by appropriating the amount of $7 and authorizing the expenditure of that money in the following departments, office and agencies listed: ACCOUNT# ACCOUNT NAME AMOUNT Revenue: Use of Fund Balance $ 42,000 Expenditures $ 42,000 Expenditure 235.235.337.000 Randy Walker Allyson M. Bettis Mayor Treasurer/City Clerk ADOPTED: Resolution#:
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