E-RĒĶINU AUTOMĀTISKĀS APMAKSAS LĪGUMS NR. ________ ДОГОВОР АВТОМАТИЧЕСКОЙ ОПЛАТЫ Э-СЧЕТОВ E-INVOICE AUTOMATED PAYMENT AGREEMENT I DAĻA DATUMS ___.___.______. Дата • Date MAKSĀTĀJS • ПЛАТЕЛЬЩИК • PAYER Vārds, uzvārds / nosaukums Personas kods / reģistrācijas Nr. Имя, фамилия/название • Name, Surname Персональный код / регистрационный № • Identification No / registration No Kontaktadrese Адрес • Address Telefons Телефон • Phone E-pasta adrese E-mail TIRGOTĀJA INFORMĀCIJA • ИНФОРМАЦИЯ О ТОРГОВЦЕ • MERCHANT INFORMATION Uzņēmuma nosaukums, reģistrācijas Nr. Название предприятие, регистрационный № • Company name, registration No Pakalpojuma nosaukums/zīmols Название услуги/брэнд • Service name/brand E-RĒĶINA APMAKSAS INFORMĀCIJA • ИНФОРМАЦИЯ ПЛАТЕЖА ПО Э- СЧЕТУ• E-INVOICE PAYMENT INFORMATION Konts Счет • Account Identifikators/i* Идентификатор/ы • Identifier/s Maksājuma diena День платежа • Payment day Mēneša limits (EUR) Daļēja rēķina apmaksa Месячный лимит • Monthly limit Частичная оплата счета • Partial debiting Spēkā no Spēkā līdz В силе с • Valid from В силе до • Valid till Parakstot šo Līgumu, Maksātājs apstiprina, ka ir iepazinies ar E-rēķinu automātiskās apmaksas līguma noteikumiem, „Swedbank” AS Vispārējiem darījumu noteikumiem, piekrīt tiem un apliecina sniegtās informācijas patiesumu. * Līgumā minētie Identifikatori kalpo Tirgotājam kā vienīgie klienta identifikatori. Norādot citas personas Identifikatorus, Maksātājs apzinās un piekrīt, ka viņš dod piekrišanu apmaksāt E-rēķinus par labu citai personai, t.sk., pretrunu gadījumā starp citu šajā pieteikumā norādīto informāciju. By signing this Agreement, the Payer confirms that they have read and agree with the Terms of the E-Invoice Automated payment Agreement, the General Conditions of Swedbank AS and confirms that the provided information is true and correct. * The Identifiers given in the Agreement serve for the Merchant as the only identifiers of the customer. When specifying the Identifier of another person, the Payer is aware and agrees that they give their consent to pay E-Invoices in favour of another person, including, in case of contradiction with other information supplied in this application. Подписав настоящий Договор, Плательщик подтверждает, что ознакомился и согласен с положениями Договора автоматической оплаты Э-счетов, Общими условиями Swedbank AS и заверяет достоверность предоставленной информации. * Упомянутые в Договоре идентификаторы служат для Торговца единственными идентификаторами клиента. Указывая другие идентификаторы личности, Плательщик сознает и согласен, что он дает согласие оплатить Э-счета в пользу другого лица, в т.ч. в случае противоречий с другой указанной в настоящем заявлении информацией. Maksātājs Плательщик • Payer Banka Банк • Bank 2140F, 1.0 01.12.2014 SECTION II TERMS OF E-INVOICE AUTOMATED PAYMENT AGREEMENT 1. DEFINITIONS E-Invoice an electronically prepared invoice for the Merchant's goods or services according to the transaction between the Buyer and the Merchant, or E-Invoice Extract. An E-Invoice may be presented with complete or partial information. Partial information of the Merchant’s invoice (as necessary for payment), or E-Invoice Extract, is prepared upon the Merchant’s instructions if the Payer is not the Buyer or for issuing in cases of absence of a relevant agreement on use of an Electronic Channel suitable for delivery or presentation of E-Invoices. Application an application by a natural person or legal entity for receiving Merchant’s invoices at the Bank in the form of an E-Invoice. An application for E-Invoice may also be made with a Merchant or Operator. Buyer the person or entity that buys goods or receives services from the Merchant. The Buyer and the Payer is not necessarily one and the same person. Payer the person or entity to whom an E-Invoice is presented and who can pay it on their own and who instructs the Bank to pay it on a recurring basis automatically according to this Agreement. The Payer and the Buyer may be one and the same person or entity. Account the Payer’s account at the Bank, as specified in the Agreement, from which E-Invoices are paid. Monitoring 3 (three) calendar days during which the Bank Period checks whether the Account has sufficient funds for making the Payment and for performing the Payer’s obligations. The first Payment Day is also the first day of the Monitoring Period. Monthly Limit the maximum aggregate amount of Payments in a calendar month, up to which the Bank makes Payments for the Merchant’s E-Invoice(s) for the specific Service. Agreement the present E-Invoice Automated Payment Agreement (Section I and Section II thereof) entered into with the Payer regarding automated payment of E-Invoices. Payment E-Invoice payment transaction (a domestic credit transfer) according to the details provided in EInvoices. Payment Day the day when Payment of each E-Invoice is commenced according to the details specified in Section I of the Agreement: (i) the calendar days, specified in Section I, after receipt of E-Invoice at the Bank or (ii) the calendar days, specified in Section I, before the due date stated on the EInvoice, or the due date of the E-Invoice as stated in it. Identifier(s) an indicator set by the Merchant for classification or keeping a record of its customers and Services by the means of which the Merchant identifies the relevant Buyer and/or the Service. There may be one or two identifiers. The Identifiers may serve for the Merchant as the Merchant’s only customer identifiers as a result of which the E-Invoices may be for the services or goods received by a person other than the Payer. Merchant the vendor or service provider the E-Invoices of which are offered by the Bank to pay under the Agreement according to the invoice information provided by the Merchant. Bank Swedbank AS, unified reg. No. 40003074764, BIC/SWIFT: HABALV22, address: Balasta dambis 1a, Riga, LV-1048, e-mail: info@swedbank.lv. Service name / the Merchant’s name or brand of the service for brand which the E-Invoice is prepared and paid under the Agreement. Operator an entity approved by the Bank that acts as an intermediary in the exchange of Merchant’s invoice information with the Bank. 2. OBJECT OF THE AGREEMENT, SUBSCRIBING TO AND SENDING OF E-INVOICES 2.1. This Agreement governs the automated payment of E-Invoices under the Payer’s instructions as set out in the Agreement. 2.2. In order to receive E-Invoices at the Bank, one must have the E-Invoice application set up according to the procedure prescribed by the Bank. An application for E-Invoice may also be made with the Merchant or the Operator according to the procedure in place with that Merchant or Operator 2.3. Upon receiving invoice information from the Merchant, the Bank shall issue an E-Invoice to the Payer according to the information provided by the Merchant by making it available on the Internet Banking site or on other electronic channel determined by the Bank. If the Payer does not have an agreement in force for the relevant service of the Bank, then the Bank shall perform automated payment of the E-Invoice without first issuing the EInvoice or approving the E-Invoice with the Payer, whereas the Payer shall have the right to receive the E-Invoice Extract in person at the Bank’s customer service locations. 2.4. The Bank shall prepare and present the E-Invoice on the Bank’s Internet Banking site in the format agreed between the Bank and the Merchant. The Bank shall not check the E-Invoice details or their correspondence to the received services and shall not ensure invoice information provision regularity checking or and/or requesting thereof. All claims regarding invoice information shall be dealt with between the Merchant, the Buyer and the Payer without the Bank’s involvement or mediation. 2.5. The Bank shall make and keep E-Invoices accessible on the Bank’s Internet Banking site or on other electronic channel available to the Payer for 6 (six) months as from the moment of making the E-Invoice available or until it is deleted by the Payer. 3. PAYMENTS 3.1. If the E-Invoice is received at the Bank in due time, the Bank shall make a Payment to pay the E-Invoice under the Payer’s instructions and pursuant to the Agreement. 3.2. By this Agreement, the Payer authorizes the Bank to make the Payment according to the details stated on the E-Invoice subject to the terms of the Agreement. 3.3. The Bank shall pay only the last prepared E-Invoice for one and the same Service in the relevant payment period before its Payment Day, i.e. in case the Merchant has updated invoice information before its payment. In such an event, several E-Invoices may be displayed for the Payer on the Internet Banking site according to the Merchant’s updated information in place at the time of submitting. 3.4. The Bank shall make the Payment if: 3.4.1. funds in the Account at the time of making the payment are sufficient for payment of the entire Payment amount and applicable fee; 3.4.2. the Payer has permitted Partial Debiting in the Agreement and, at the time of making the Payment during the Monitoring Period, the funds in the Account are sufficient for paying the amount stated on the E-Invoice at least to the extent of 50% (fifty per cent) and for paying all the applicable fees; 3.4.3. the Account is not frozen, payment operations have not been halted, compulsory execution procedures are not enforced against funds in the Account in the events stipulated in applicable legislation of the Republic of Latvia, and there are no other obstacles to using the Account; 3.4.4. the Merchant’s account on the E-Invoice to which the payment is due is with a credit institution of the Republic of Latvia or with other payment institution or credit institution acceptable to the Bank. 3.5. The Payer may set a Monthly Limit on Payments. The Bank shall commence the payment on the Payment Day if the remainder of the Monthly Limit is sufficient for making the Payment and the Account has sufficient funds for paying the E-Invoice as set out in Clause 3.4 above. Other limits in force on the Bank’s services (such as Internet Banking limits) are not taken into account in calculation of the Monthly Limit. 3.6. If the Payer has more than one E-Invoice Automated Payment Agreement in which one and same Payment Day is set, then the sequence of executing Payments shall be selected by the Bank at its sole discretion. 3.7. If funds available in the Account on the Payment Day are not sufficient for making the Payment in the required amount in full, then the Bank shall, for the purposes making the Payment, check availability of funds also during the Monitoring Period. 3.8. The Payer may cancel separate Payments before the Payment Day according to the procedure and in the manner set by the Bank. 3.9. Payments, after they are commenced, are effected pursuant to the Bank’s general procedure for effecting credit transfers. Payments to other banks or payment service providers may be effected on the following business day after the Payment Day or later depending on the terms of execution applicable for credit transfers to that other bank or payment service provider. 4. LIABILITY 6. TERM OF AGREEMENT The liability of the Bank is limited to execution of the Payment in compliance with the terms of the Agreement and applicable legislation in force in the Republic of Latvia. 4.2. The Payer is liable for the accuracy of data provided in the Agreement, for funds in the Account being sufficient to make the Payments and to cover applicable fees, and for sufficiency of the Monthly Limit. 4.3. The Bank shall not be liable: 4.3.1. for the accuracy of details on the E-Invoice; The Bank will not deal with any claims in this regard. The Payer shall direct all such claims to the Merchant; 4.3.2. for failure to pay an E-Invoice or failure to pay an E-Invoice when due or for the resulting late payment fines or any other claims if the Payment has been executed or made in accordance with the Agreement; 4.3.3. for failure to pay an E-Invoice if the Merchant has failed to send the invoice information to the Bank or if it is sent at a time when the Payment cannot be made according to the Agreement; 4.3.4. for a Payment executed in compliance with the Agreement in favour of a third party according to the Identifiers specified in Section I even if the Payer has no relationship with the Buyer and/or the Merchant; 4.3.5. for a Payment executed for an E-Invoice paid in other manner not approved with the Bank. 4.4. The Bank shall have the right to notify the Merchant (and the Operator if such has been appointed) about the reasons of nonpayment of E-Invoices, about Payment cancellations received, and about the fact of entry into or termination of this Agreement, as well as about its conditions and performance. The disclosure of such information to the Merchant or the Operator shall not constitute a breach of secrecy of the Payer’s identity, transactions and deposits. The Agreement shall enter into effect upon mutual signing thereof and shall remain in force for an unlimited period of time unless other start date or an end date of the Agreement is stated in the Agreement. 6.2. If the Agreement is entered into for a fixed time period, then the Agreement shall terminate on the end date stated in the Agreement. After the Agreement end date, the Bank will not make any Payments even if an E-Invoice is unpaid and has been prepared before or on the Agreement end date. 6.3. If the Agreement end date specified by the Payer in the Agreement is a Payment Day, then the Agreement shall be terminated after execution of Payment on the Agreement end date without applying the Monitoring Period. 6.4. If the Payer, upon entry into the Agreement, has not stated any specific duration or end date of the Agreement, then the Bank shall make Payments according to the terms of the Agreement until such time as the Payer duly instructs the Bank to terminate the Agreement. 6.5. The Payer shall have the right to terminate the Agreement at any time by giving a notice thereof to the Bank according to the procedure prescribed by the Bank. 6.6. The Bank may terminate the Agreement subject to a minimum of 2 (two) months’ prior notice thereof to the Payer. The Bank may terminate the Agreement forthwith if the Merchant has not supplied the required E-Invoice information to the Bank for 18 (eighteen) months. 6.7. The termination of the Agreement does not mean that E-Invoice issuing is terminated or discontinued. In order to stop receiving EInvoices, a relevant other request must be submitted to the Bank in compliance with the Bank's requirements. 6.8. The Agreement will terminate forthwith if the Account is closed. 6.9. The Agreement shall terminate forthwith if the agreement or business relationship between the Bank and the Merchant is terminated. 5. The relationship between the Bank and the Payer in the execution of Payments is governed by the Agreement, the General Conditions of the Bank, the terms of the Account Agreement, the agreement between the Bank and the Merchant or between the Bank and the Operator that in such an event represents the Merchant, and by the applicable laws and regulations of the Republic of Latvia. In case discrepancy between other terms of the Bank, the terms of this Agreement shall prevail. 7.2. For performance of the Agreement, the Payer shall pay the Bank fees according to the Bank’s price list which shall be debited by the Bank from the Account. 7.3. Presentation of a written claim to the other party shall be a condition precedent to dispute resolution. If it proves impossible to resolve the dispute by means of negotiation, then it shall be resolved, at the claimant’s option, either at a court of law of the Republic of Latvia in accordance with the applicable legislation of the Republic of Latvia or at the Court of Arbitration of the Association of Commercial Banks of Latvia according to its rules and regulations if the Payer is not a consumer. 4.1. AMENDMENT OF THE AGREEMENT 5.1. The Payer may modify the following terms of the Agreement pursuant to the procedure set forth by the Bank: the Account, Payment Day, Monthly Limit, Partial Debiting, and the Agreement end date. Such changes shall apply to all E-Invoices with the same Identifiers (incl. EInvoices for which Payments have not yet been executed). 5.2. When a new Agreement is set up with the same Identifiers, such a new Agreement shall replace the previous one with the same Identifiers. In case of change of the Merchant (for example, if provision of the service is assigned to other entity), the Bank may change the Merchant's details in the Agreement if requested so by the Merchant. 5.3. Unilateral amendment by the Bank of provisions of the Agreement and of the price list for the Bank’s services shall be subject to no less than 2 (two) months’ prior notice thereof to the Payer. It is the Payer’s right and obligation to follow changes in the Price List. Information on changes in the Price List shall be available at the Bank’s premises during business hours of the Bank, on the website of the Bank www.swedbank.lv and on Bank’s Internet Banking site (in accordance with the Remote Banking Services Agreement). 5.4. If the Payer does not agree to changes in the provisions of the Agreement or the Bank’s price list, the Payer shall have the right to promptly terminate the Agreement by giving a notice thereof to the Bank. 5.5. If the Payer does not give a notice of termination of the Agreement within the time period stated in Clause 5.4, then it will be assumed that the Payer agrees to the amendments. 5.6. The Bank shall notify the Payer of amendment of the provisions of the Agreement on paper or via other means of information (e.g. by email, Internet Banking or text message). The Payer can access information about the Agreement, the Bank’s price list and amendments thereof at the branches of the Bank, on the Bank’s website or in other manner specified in the notice. 6.1. 7. 7.1. MISCELLANEOUS
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