For the attention of all Primary and Infant schools EYFS Profile Assessment and Moderation Arrangements 2014-15 Bath and North East Somerset LA is required to moderate schools’ assessment annually. This booklet is updated with new information every year and has been produced to clarify the arrangements we have made for 2014-2015. This document should be shared with YR teachers, Y1 teachers and assessment co-ordinators. Bath and North East Somerset -The place to live work and visit EYFS Moderation & Assessment Arrangements 2015 Page no. Contents Overview and Key Dates 3 Information for Practitioners Working with Children in the Academic Year in which they are 5 4 Updates 5 Statutory Moderation Arrangements 6-8 Training Overview 9 What to Bring to Clusters 10 Moderation Visits 11 The Moderation Team 12 Data Collection 12-13 Appeals Procedure – Appendix 1 14-16 Example Visit Note – Appendix 2 17-20 Cluster Moderation Process – Appendix 3 21 For any questions or comments related to the content of this booklet, please contact Julie Eden at or 01225 394486 -2- EYFS Moderation & Assessment Arrangements 2015 Overview & Key Dates Date November (expected) Event EY ARA published October /November 25.09.14 New to the EYFS Profile training 24.10.14 18.11.14 February 2015 April 2015 2.5.15 May 2014 8.5.15 w/b 19.5.15 and w/b 9.6.15 17.6.15 1-4pm June 25th (tbc) End June/July w/b 7.6.15 Submit on entry data Who? HT, Assessment Leaders, YR Teachers Teachers and TAs new to YR, Y1 teachers, SMT, Governors All schools EYFS Autumn Cluster Training am or pm Optional clusters : 4-5pm Southdown Infants 10.2.15; Keynsham new council office 11.2.15 PSJ Primary 12.2.15 Schools informed about moderation visits Deadline for Interim data to be submitted by schools receiving a visit Visit dates set Moderation Clusters. Compulsory for schools not receiving a visit. Optional but recommended for others All schools: YR and Y1 teachers, Assessment leads, TAs, SMT All schools: YR and Y1 teachers, TAs Moderation manger contacts school by email Moderators contact schools to make arrangements See EYFS CPD booklet on The Hub for booking details Moderation Visits HT, YR (TA, Y1 optional) Final Moderation Surgery. Book a slot for discussion with a moderator Teachers contact donna_biddlecombe& to book a 30 min slot Data submitted to the LA following final Quality Assurance in schools by Head teachers LA Quality Assure the data and raise any queries with schools Moderators may ask to visit / revisit schools where there are data queries All amendments are made and signed off by the end of term. -3- All schools Moderation Manager Moderators/schools EYFS Moderation & Assessment Arrangements 2015 Information for practitioners working with children in the academic year in which they will be 5 years old The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) is the statutory framework published in 2012 by the Department for Education that sets the standards for the development, learning and care of children from birth to five. The Childcare Act Section 39(1)(a) 2006 stipulates that Early Years providers must ensure that their provision meets the learning and development requirements as specified in the EYFS (Learning and Development Requirements) Order 2007 (amended in 2012). The Act states that this Order can specify the arrangements which are required for assessing children for the purpose of ascertaining what they have achieved in relation to the early learning goals (ELGs). (p4 EYFS Profile Handbook) The information in this booklet will help you to prepare for the formal moderation events in the academic year 2013-14 and to inform you of the support available. It should be read in conjunction with: The EYFS Profile Handbook (2014) This details the purposes principles and processes of the Profile; Inclusion information; how to complete the Profile; how to use the exemplification of expected descriptors; moderation expectations; responsibilities for quality assuring the Profile 2015 EYFS Assessment and Reporting. This details the statutory requirements of schools and the local authority, data specifications, exemptions; children transferring between schools and use of the assessments The exemplification materials. These exemplify the standard required to be assessed as meeting the expectations of the Early learning Goal (ELG) Early Years Foundation Stage Guidance – statutory guidance for the EYFS Development Matters in the EYFS (non- statutory guidance around observing and supporting children by overlapping age and stage of development bands birth – 60 months. The DfE has placed on its website a new document called ‘Early Years Outcomes’ as a non-statutory aide to support practitioners. It can be used by childminders, nurseries and others, such as Ofsted inspectors, as a guide to making best-fit judgements about whether a child is showing typical development for their age, may be at risk of delay or is ahead for their age. This is based upon one aspect of Development Matters. Practitioners will need to be aware of this new document but may prefer to continue to use the fuller information provided in Development Matters. All documents may be found on the website -4- EYFS Moderation & Assessment Arrangements 2015 Updates The training focus for 2014-15 will be Physical Development, Understanding the World and Expressive Arts and Design Please ensure that you have a copy of the 2014 Handbook as amendments were made to the 2013 version The explanatory note was been removed from the Exemplification materials and the Handbook in 2013. Schools may not wish to reprint this document as it is costly and further changes are likely in the future. The key changes are the removal of the explanatory note, the removal of page 11 from ELG 03 and an additional page added to each ELG as follows: Exemplification of expected descriptors This document demonstrates national standards for one of the 17 Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Profile Early Learning Goals (ELGs). It shows the level of learning and development expected at the end of the EYFS. The collection of evidence in this document illustrates the ‘expected’ descriptor. No one piece of evidence meets the ELG as a standalone item; together they illustrate the pitch and breadth of a particular ‘expected’ level of learning and development. This document illustrates how information can be gathered to support EYFS Profile judgements using a variety of evidence and forms of presentation. However there is no prescribed method of gathering evidence, nor any expectation that it should be recorded as shown in this document. The exemplification is not intended to be an exhaustive list for schools to follow. The examples in this collection include ‘one off’ observations, samples of children’s work, photographs and contributions from parents. Many methods of recording a child’s attainment are not included in this exemplification for practical reasons (for example video recordings). Practitioners will also build up a significant professional knowledge of each child which will not be recorded but which must be considered when EYFS Profile judgements are made. When completing an EYFS Profile, practitioners should make a best-fit judgement for each ELG. Practitioners must consider the entirety of each ELG, taking an holistic view of the descriptor in order to create the most accurate picture of the child’s overall embedded learning. Sections of each descriptor must not been seen in isolation. Exemplification material should always be viewed in the context of a specific aspect of learning in order to retain an accurate focus. However, practitioners should be aware that a child’s learning and development are not compartmentalised. Focussing on one aspect of learning will shed light on several other related areas. The information in this document should not be regarded as either exclusive or inclusive of any child, no matter what their background or family circumstances. It is intended to be used without bias, preference or discrimination and schools and practitioners must ensure that they operate within all aspects of the statutory EYFS framework. -5- EYFS Moderation & Assessment Arrangements 2015 Statutory Moderation Arrangements Bath and North East Somerset is committed to: enabling schools to access training, advice and consultancy appropriate to their needs to help secure the highest standards of assessment, recording and reporting at the end of the EYFS moderating assessment arrangements in an accurate, consistent and fair manner for all schools and pupils; conducted by moderators with significant experience and expertise in assessment, and who have been trained in the process in accordance with the ARA and relevant Moderation Requirements booklet providing information, documentation and telephone support in a prompt and courteous manner ensuring schools have an appropriate system to record and process data using electronic means processing end of key stage assessment results and returning them promptly, and providing aggregated statistics at a later date keeping confidential all information about individual schools and pupils collect assessment results, quality assure and submit to DFE in the required format by the due date ensuring schools are aware of the need to store tests and task materials responsibly Local Authority requirement for moderation Section 13 of the Childcare Act 2006 requires local authorities to secure the provision of information, advice and training, whether delivered by themselves or by others, to meet the needs of local providers and support the sufficiency of childcare provision. Regulations made under this section include ensuring that: training in EYFS assessment and the completion of the EYFS Profile summaries is offered to all providers who require it; EYFS Profile assessment judgements are moderated; local authorities appoint and train moderators with appropriate experience of the EYFS and the ELGs to secure consistent standards in assessment judgements; and all providers are visited regularly as part of a cycle of moderation visits, and notified about whether the EYFS Profile assessment is being carried out in accordance with requirements. Where the local authority moderator judges that the assessment is not in line with the exemplified standards, the local authority can require the provider to arrange for the practitioner to participate in further training or moderation activities, and to reconsider their assessments as advised by the moderator. -6- EYFS Moderation & Assessment Arrangements 2015 Moderation focuses on a professional dialogue between moderators and practitioners in order to ensure that practitioner judgements are consistent with the national exemplification of standards, and that the assessment of attainment is reliable, accurate and secure. Local authorities must moderate all 17 ELGs annually in a minimum of 25 per cent of all settings which implement the EYFS Profile. Local authority moderation consists of the validation of practitioner judgements within visits carried out by a suitably experienced and trained moderator external to the setting. All practitioners implementing the EYFS Profile are required to take part in either a moderation visit or EYFS Profile training (including agreement trialling activities) each year. Visits will take place on a four year cycle within each local authority. Specific guidance about moderation measurements, including the requirements for Academies and Free Schools, can be found in the EYFS ARA which is available from November on the Department’s website at Local authorities should inform settings that are to receive an EYFS Profile moderation visit at the end of the spring term. For moderation purposes, these settings will need to complete interim judgements against all the ELGs at the beginning of May for children in the final year of the EYFS. Individual settings can be added to the local authority sample after this date, if particular issues arise. A moderator will work with the Data Team to check the schools’ submissions to the LA to ensure that final assessments made by the school fully reflect the moderated view. The Headteacher and Governing body have specific duties: Headteachers All headteachers and managers of EYFS provision have a duty to implement the EYFS. They must ensure their schools and settings comply with the learning and development requirements of the EYFS, including completing the EYFS Profile and involvement in local authority moderation activities. Headteachers must: ensure an EYFS Profile is completed for all eligible children and that data is quality assured; ensure provision is made to meet the requirements of all children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND); take responsibility for the reliability of their EYFS Profile outcomes and ensure that the data accurately reflects the level of attainment of the current cohort of children; ensure teacher judgements are monitored; ensure EYFS Profile data is returned to the local authority in accordance with the table in section 3.2.1; -7- EYFS Moderation & Assessment Arrangements 2015 provide EYFS Profile assessments to their school’s governing body to enable it to comply with national data submission requirements and report to parents; provide parents with a written report of the child’s progress against the EYFS ELGs and the opportunity for discussion; where a parent requests it, provide a copy of the EYFS Profile report on their child’s progress, free of charge; and ensure the statutory requirements for the transfer of records between providers are fulfilled, including the completion of the common transfer file. Local authorities Local authorities must: ensure that schools and other EYFS providers understand and follow the requirements set out in the ARA; provide schools and other EYFS providers with training (including agreement 2 trialling ); provide advice on all aspects of assessment at EYFS; ensure the accuracy and consistency of the assessments made by Early Years providers in their geographical area by ensuring moderation of the EYFS Profile is carried out in all schools, academies and other settings, as specified in the ARA and section 6.3 of the EYFS Profile Handbook; ensure schools have an electronic system to submit EYFS Profile data; ensure all other EYFS providers have appropriate means by which to accurately record EYFS Profile results and submit data to their local authority if requested (see the table in section 3.2.1 for EYFS Profile data submission requirements collect EYFS Profile data, and quality assure and submit it to the Department in the required format by the due dates (see the table in section 3.2.1 for EYFS Profile data submission requirements); and Accurate assessments take account of contributions from a range of perspectives including the child, their parents and other relevant adults. inform STA without delay of any irregularities in their assessment arrangements. -8- EYFS Moderation & Assessment Arrangements 2015 Training Overview A selection of training events being offered by the Early Years Foundation Stage Team to help practitioners to support children to reach expected levels of development and to support accurate assessment EYFS CPD opportunities Autumn /Spring 2014 2 nd October th Celebrating Difference- the key to preventing prejudice and promoting self-esteem EY -1014-T006 16 October Observation training – Tuning into Children EY-1014-T004 October –May Early Years Maths practice development group for YR teachers 4 linked sessions October 1st 3.15 – 5.45 hosted by Southdown Infants School, Mount Road, Bath -FULL December 3rd 3.15 – 5.45 Venue tbc- any offers of a venue most welcome February 25th t 3.15 – 5.45 Venue tbc any offers of a venue most welcome May 13th 3.15 – 5.45 Venue tbc any offers of a venue most welcome th 7 November th 11 November evening th 12 November am th 20 November th th 4 and 11 December th Numbers Count!: supporting children in their Reception year to reach expected outcomes in number by the end of the year EY-1114-T007 Confident , creative, Capable Boys: Enabling our boys to flourish (while not forgetting our girls!) Choice of 2 sessions: Evening EY—1114-T004 Morning EY-1114-T003 Calculating and Confidence: Exploring practical strategies to make calculating meaningful and interesting to children in their Reception year EY-1114-T008 Emotion Coaching –A different approach to managing behaviour 2 part course EY-1214-T002 14 Jan all day Talking Space Shape and Measure: supporting children in their Reception year to reach expected mathematical outcomes by the end of the EYFS EY-0115-T002 5th February EY Conference: Powerful Environments for Early Learning Keeping children’s well-being and involvement at the heart of everything we do. Professor Dr Ferre Laevers. Soon to be added to the Hub th 4 March Learning and Playing outdoors – A forest school approach taster EY-0315-T003 To book a place on any of the above, please use the EYFS page on The HUB For administration queries please contact: -9- EYFS Moderation & Assessment Arrangements 2015 What to bring to moderation clusters You will always be required to bring your EYFSP Handbook, Exemplification materials, Development Matters and evidence for 3 children at varying ages and stages of learning and development. Where there is a job-share both teachers are expected to attend statutory moderation events All other materials for the Moderation Events will be supplied by moderators who will organise and monitor the activities to ensure consistency of moderated judgements. Statutory Cluster in May This cluster is compulsory for the schools who will not be receiving a moderation visit in 2014. All schools however are welcome to attend and usually do as it is an opportunity to moderate with colleagues from across the LA. Attendance is highly recommended. An example of the paperwork used in 2013 is in Appendix 3 - 10 - EYFS Moderation & Assessment Arrangements 2015 Full Moderation Visits Schools to be fully moderated this year will be visited by one or two members of the moderation team for up to three hours (more if there are more than 2 classes) during the two weeks beginning 18th May and 1st June. The moderator/s will require time with the Reception teacher(s) away from the classroom so cover will be required. Teachers may be moderated separately or together if both work with the same children. TAs, Y1 teachers and SMT are welcome to contribute or observe Headteachers should ensure that all teacher assessment judgements have been moderated, standardised and confirmed within the school before the visit. A copy of the written record of the visit will be left with the school and feedback will be given to the headteacher by the moderator before they leave. Example: Approximate Timetable for a 1 class entry school (for an 8.30am start) 8.30 9.00 10.45 11.00 11.30 Arrival & Welcomes Moderators explain the process and give the names of the children to be discussed Teacher/s has/have time to collect any evidence and key documents together Dialogue Moderate Profile judgements already made – 17 ELGs to be moderates across 5 children in the Reception year Child 1: Discuss the characteristics of effective learning to get a picture of the child. What are their strengths/ areas that are less developed? Look at selected judgements made and discuss supporting evidence, both documented and from teacher knowledge. Reference the exemplification materials to clarify discussion. Moderator to assess and feedback on accuracy of practitioner judgements and note any judgements disagreed. Repeat process with second focus child. Cover any remaining ELGs with the next 3 children Moderator completes the report Feedback to the teacher Meet with HeadTeacher 30 mins (40-60 mins) 15 mins 30 mins 15 mins If there is more than 1 class then the timetable can be adjusted accordingly. 2 classes can usually be accommodated in a morning session but 3 may require cover for some of the afternoon as well. The moderator will discuss this when organising the visit. - 11 - EYFS Moderation & Assessment Arrangements 2015 Schools to be fully moderated in 2014 Bath and North East Somerset is required to fully moderate a minimum of 25% of eligible schools to ensure that assessment arrangements are undertaken in an accurate, consistent and fair manner for all schools and pupils and that assessment levels are applied consistently in line with national standards. In line with STA requirements, schools to be fully moderated will not be notified until May at which point they will be given a few weeks to submit their interim data for the whole cohort. It is acknowledged that this data may change by the end of June and that teachers may wish to update this prior to the visit at the end of May/beginning of June. The Moderation Team The moderation team consists of members of the EYFS Advisory Team and three schoolbased moderators. Throughout the school year, the moderators will provide you with guidance to help you understand the profile statements and answer any questions you might have about the moderation process. LA Julie 01225 394486 Eden Jane 01225 394377 Southwell Angela Horn 01225 394042 Gail Gammage Julia Battersby Catherine Able 01225 394042 01761 432311 01225 424950 For general queries please contact Julie or Jane. Data Collection The EYFS results data for 2014/15 will be submitted to the LA via a Common Transfer File (CTF) produced by the schools Capita SIMS system. Guidance on entering the attainment data into the SIMs system and how to produce the CTF file is provided by the Schools ICT support Team at the LA and published on the Schools ICT Support Team website. Once the results file has been produced it will be transferred to the Data and Performance Team - 12 - EYFS Moderation & Assessment Arrangements 2015 at the LA via the secure School to School (S2S) DFE website. The Performance Data Team will then upload the file to the DFE on the schools behalf. Should there be any changes to this process such as the introduction of new software or a variation in guidance from the DFE then both the Data and Performance Team and the SIMs Team will be in touch. LA DATA SUBMISSION DEADLINE 2014 EYFS: 26th June (to be confirmed) Contact information: Data and Performance Team email address: Schools ICT Support Team website address: - 13 - EYFS Moderation & Assessment Arrangements 2015 Appendix 1 Bath & North East Somerset EYFS Profile Moderation Protocol and Appeals process Protocol for Moderation Visit To help ensure that the Early Years Foundation Stage Profile (EYFSP) moderation process runs smoothly and fairly, the following protocols should be observed The Moderators When visiting schools moderators will Keep to the agreed timetable for the visit Discuss assessments and evidence with each YR teacher and other school representatives Explain any judgements they reach which differ form that made by the school and attempt to reach agreement Provide a verbal and written visit note to the head teacher The School Schools being visited will: Keep to the agreed timetable for the visit Ensure that the appropriate teachers are available to meet the moderator Ensure that the teacher provides, prior to the meeting, an overview of class attainment and has access to any supporting evidence kept Arrange for assessments to be reconsidered in the rare cases where the moderator determines that the assessment is insecure or not in line with national standards and no agreement is reached during the visit Procedure and grounds for appeal Every attempt needs to be made on the day of visit to reach a positive outcome. If judgements are deemed to be inaccurate the moderator should: Discuss with the Head teacher and Practitioner why the judgements are inaccurate Agree an action plan which the school can implement to redress the inaccuracies e.g. in school moderation meeting with a EYFS staff, the assessment coordinator as head teacher E.g. support visit from the EY Consultant/ moderator and ensure there is a follow up moderation visit to review the data. Longer term support may also be organised if necessary Record the dialogue on a visit record Inform the moderation manager immediately The moderation manager should contact the school and arrange a follow up visit to review the updated judgements prior to submission to the LA - 14 - EYFS Moderation & Assessment Arrangements 2015 If agreement cannot be reached then more formal appeals procedures should be followed: An appeal must be made in writing by the head teacher outlining in detail the nature of the appeal All appeals must be made within 7 days of the moderation visit All appeals must be addressed to the LA EYFS Profile Moderation manager Julie Eden All appeals will be acknowledged upon receipt Administration of appeals The appeal will be checked to ascertain which criteria have been judged not to have been met and the basis on which the judgement was made The preliminary stage will be completed within 7 days The EYFS Profile moderation appeal panel will meet in person to consider the appeal within 14 days of the end of the preliminary stage The EYFS Profile moderation appeals panel will consist of 4 people, the moderation manager, a LA moderator/EY Consultant, the moderator involved in the dispute and chaired by the EY Service Manager The EYFS profile moderation panel will offer the school an opportunity to present their case in person All decisions made by the panel will be final and no further correspondence will be entered into The school will be informed in writing of the decision made on appeal Procedures and information to be considered during appeals The chair of the EYFS Profile Moderation panel must make sure that the panel; is quorate |The chair must name the school making the appeal and ask the members of the panel to declare any conflict of interest If a conflict of interest becomes evident then the member concerned must be required to stand down. If the remaining members do not represent a quorum the char must appoint some other person and reconvene the meeting The Chair must ensure that all information relevant to the appeal is presented to the panel and must include: o A copy of the EYFS Profile handbook o A copy of the original school moderation evidence towards the judgements o A copy of the letter identifying in detail which scales were not in line with national exemplification materials and why o The original letter of appeal from the school A report on the proceedings and outcome will be made and approved by the chair Notification of the decision should be sent to the school within 2 days of the meeting of the appeals panel. - 15 - EYFS Moderation & Assessment Arrangements 2015 Actions available to the EYFS Profile moderation appeal panel: 1. Reject the appeal where the panel feels that the appeal is unjustified and the original decision remains 2. Accept the appeal and confirm that the practitioner judgements are accurate In the event of a school not wishing to go to appeal and not meeting the LA’s request to amend their assessments the LA will need to continue to support the school and be aware that the data is likely to be inaccurate. SIPs will be informed. Confidentiality All materials relating to the appeal will be provided to the members of the panel on the day of the meeting and collected at the end of the meeting The appeal panel will be given time to read the materials and consider the appeal All materials relating to the appeal will be marked Confidential and retained by the chair Under the Data Protection Act 1998 the school making the appeal has the right to see any papers relating to the appeal The decision of the appeal panel and the overall justification for the decision will be recorded in the report on the proceedings No discussion will be recorded. - 16 - EYFS Moderation & Assessment Arrangements 2015 Appendix 2 Example of Early Years Foundation Stage Moderation Visit Note Name of School/Setting Headteacher/Manager Date of Visit Term Duration of Visit Moderator(s) Name Practitioner Name(s) Experience Experience NQT or New to Reception or Years of Experience Experience Overview of Early Years Foundation Stage Profile data for the whole cohort is available Yes/No Characteristics of Learning The characteristics of learning describe factors which play a central role in a child’s learning and in becoming an effective learner. The characteristics of learning run through and underpin all seven areas of learning and development, representing processes rather than outcomes. (EYFSP Handbook p19) 1. Playing and Exploring – Engagement. 2. Active Learning – Motivation. 3. Creating and Thinking Critically. Child 1 ( Child’s initials) Child 2 Child 3 Child 4 Child 5 - 17 - EYFS Moderation & Assessment Arrangements 2015 The moderator must ensure that practitioner judgements for all 17 ELGs are moderated. This will be across all 5 children and not per child. Judgements will be moderated from any of the three outcome bands (emerging, expected, exceeding). Practitioner judgements should be recorded on the log below. For each ELG the moderator will establish whether the EYFS profile assessment is being carried out in accordance with statutory requirements and whether practitioner judgements are accurate. The report will be annotated accordingly, putting any moderated judgements in brackets. Moderators: Please indicate below which ELG and level of development were moderated for each of the sampled profiles. Emerging = 1. Expected = 2. Exceeding = 3. Where practitioner judgements could not be validated for any ELG, please annotate the form and record the detail in the outcomes box. (P38 EYFS profile handbook 2013) Area of Learning Communication and Language Physical Development Personal, Social and Emotional Development Literacy Mathematics Understanding the World Expressive Arts and Design Early Learning Goal (ELG) ELG 01 Listening and Attention ELG 02 Understanding ELG 03 Speaking ELG 04 Moving and Handling ELG 05 Health and Self-Care ELG 06 Self-Confidence and Self-Awareness ELG 07 Managing Feelings and Behaviour ELG 08 Making Relationships ELG 09 Reading ELG 10 Writing ELG 11 Numbers ELG 12 Shapes, Space and Measures ELG 13 People and Communities ELG 14 The World ELG 15 Technology ELG 16 Exploring and Using Media and Materials ELG 17 Being Imaginative Child 1 - 18 - Child 2 Child 3 Child 4 Child 5 EYFS Moderation & Assessment Arrangements A Good Level of Development The GLD measure is to achieve the ‘expected’ level in the 3 Prime areas of Learning and Development together with the specific areas of Mathematics and Literacy All areas of the EYFS are important. There will also be a measure of the average attainment of children across the ELGs 2015 It is estimated that ________% of children will reach a good level of development at the end of the EYFS. Estimated % of children in receipt of FSM reaching a GLD________ (This may change by the end of the year) Contributors to the Process Who contributes to the children’s profiles within the school/setting? How are parents’ contributions valued and included within their child’s profile assessments? How are the children’s contributions represented in the profiles? EYFS Profile Judgements Practitioner knowledge of the children? Does practitioner feel confident making Best Fit judgements? Does the majority of evidence come from observations of child initiated activity? Does the judgement reflect embedded learning? Agreement trialling Internal moderation/linking with other schools/settings? Moderation with Y1 teachers is planned for? Transition to Year 1 How and when will the EYFSP be shared with Year 1 practitioners so that they can plan an effective, responsive and appropriate curriculum to meet the needs of all children? Quality Assurance Headteachers are expected to quality assure the data prior to submitting to the LA. They will be asked to sign a declaration to this effect which will be sent by email. Overall Outcome - 19 - EYFS Moderation & Assessment Arrangements 2015 Practitioner judgements are ACCURATE in line with exemplification? YES NO PARTIALLY Detail (if NOT ACCURATE): Is further action required: An email has been sent to schools detailing the appeals process. If you require a further copy please email the contact below or ask your moderator Signatures Headteacher(s) Moderator(s) Practitioner(s) LA Moderation Manager Contact Details: Julie Eden Early Years Foundation Stage Team Floor 1 Riverside, Temple Street, Keynsham BS31 1LA 01225 394486 We will leave an evaluation form and would appreciate it if you could complete this and return via internal mail to Julie Eden or give to your moderator. An email version was sent to schools in April. - 20 - EYFS Moderation & Assessment Arrangements 2015 Appendix 3 Example of Cluster Moderation - Process for moderating judgements Work in groups of 3 with colleagues from different schools Write names of moderators on the bottom of each practitioner’s sheet Each practitioner to ensure that judgements for the 3 focus children are recorded prior to moderation on the cluster moderation log Take it in turns to share evidence and moderate judgements covering the ELGs aspects given on the day. Round 1: Round 2: Round 3: Round 4: Round 5: Expected in Writing Expected in Listening and attention Emerging in Understanding the World Emerging in Numbers Exceeding in an area agreed by the group If judgements are agreed initial comments box. If judgements are disagreed please circle the judgment and write the reason in the comments box Please add the final agreed judgement in brackets. Please remember to refer to the exemplification materials and the best fit descriptor A3 sheet Thank you and enjoy your discussions - 21 - EYFS Moderation & Assessment Arrangements 2015 Example of EYFS Profile moderation Cluster moderation format Name of practitioner: Child A Age in months: Gender: Characteristics of effective learning Playing and exploring Setting: Target group? Active learning Creativity and Critical thinking Child B Age in months: Gender: Characteristics of effective learning Playing and exploring Target group? Active learning Creativity and Critical thinking Child C: Age in months: Gender: Characteristics of effective learning Playing and exploring Target group? Active learning Creativity and Critical thinking Names of peer moderators Schools 1. 2. - 22 - 3. EYFS Moderation & Assessment Arrangements 2015 EXAMPLE of paperwork (final copy will be for 3 children and sent into schools prior to moderation cluster) Please record prior to arrival at cluster: Area of learning Communication and Language EL G 1 2 3 Physical Development 4 5 PSED 6 Understanding the World Expressive arts and design Listening & Attention Understandin g Speaking Moving a& Handling Health & SC 9 10 Writing 11 Numbers 12 14 Shape, space & Measures People and Comms. The World 15 Technology 16 Expl. & using m&m Being Imaginative 8 Mathematics Child 1 Self Care & Self Awareness Managing Feelings & behaviour Making relationships Reading 7 Literacy Aspect 13 17 Emerging =1, Expected =2, Exceeding =3 - 23 - Peer Comments Child 2 Peer Comments
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