I WAS HUNGRY & YOU FED ME November 2014

November 2014
PO Box 431
Union Gospel Mission of Salem
Salem Oregon 97308
Michael developed
community. Recently he made lengua (beef tongue) taa passion for food
cos - a meal that was a first for him. “To me the guests
when, as a young
(who come to UGM for a meal) are the most important
child, his grandpeople in the world. I want every plate to be as it’s supmother taught him
posed to be, no matter who I’m cooking for.”
how to cook. As
an adult, Michael
Michael is inspired by Colossians 3:23, “Whatever you do,
worked for over fifwork at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not
teen years in the food
for human masters.” He remarks, “I start every day like I’m
industry, catering for
working for the Lord. When I’m cracking eggs, I’m talking
notable groups that
to Jesus. When I’m grilling, it’s like He and I are doing it
included politicians
celebrities. During these years, Michael was
As a result of your generous giving and sup“I
also a highly functional addict. However, his
port, men and women, like Michael, are exaddictions eventually took over, and, within BE AS IT’S SUPPOSED TO periencing the life-changing power of Jesus
three years, he lost everything.
BE, NO MATTER WHO Christ. Your partnership creates a dramatic
impact on the lives of hungry, hurting and
Jobless and homeless, but determined to
homeless men, women and children in our
make a change; Michael found his way to
community. Thank you for giving food and
UGM of Salem. “I felt that I had a choice in my life . . . I was
hope this Thanksgiving.
standing out in the front of the mission and realized that
I needed to surrender. I was ready to let Christ do with
To read more inspiring stories, like Michael’s, visit www.ugmsalem.org.
me whatever he wanted.” Soon after he entered through
the doors, Michael made a decision to join the New Life
Fellowship recovery program. Through his involvement
in the NLF, he has begun to understand and experience
the love of the Lord. “I never really accepted or understood that I’m one of His children. It’s a very uncondiThe Mission
tional love. Even in my bad moments, He still loves me.”
The NLF program has a work therapy component which
helps men and women gain skills and practice healthy
work habits. Michael’s work therapy context is the
food service department. He enjoys the opportunity to
cook food which has been generously donated by our
is serving
over 600
meals a day!
Financed entirely through the generous and caring gifts of individuals, churches, foundations and other organizations.
November 2014
I Was Hungry & You Fed Me
Read about Michael, a New Life Fellowship
program participant, and how God is using
his passion for cooking.
Give Thanks to the Lord for He is Good
Mike Rideout, President and CEO, shares
about UGM leading into the Thanksgiving
Thankful For You
Kyle Dickinson, VP of Advancement, shares
the results of UGM’s recent Harvest Dessert.
Community in Action
Incredible things are happening every
month at Union Gospel Mission. Learn more
about how others are getting involved and
discover how you too can partner with UGM.
Ways to Get Involved
View current volunteer opportunities and
mission needs. See how lives are being
changed at Union Gospel Mission.
Memorials & Honorariums
Store Coupon
The Mission is serving
over 600 meals a day!
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November 2014
Michael J. Rideout // President/CEO
“For I was hungry, and you fed me. I was thirsty, and you gave me a drink.”
Matthew 25:35a (NLT)
As we come to this season of Thanksgiving, when many of us are able to join with family
and friends and give thanks to the Lord for His love and all He has done for us, we need
to remember the poor, the hungry, hurting and homeless in our community. We need
to remember the words of Jesus in Luke 14:13-14, “. . . invite the poor, the crippled, the
lame, and the blind. Then at the resurrection of the righteous, God will reward you for
inviting those who could not repay you.” (NLT)
Many times it is simply a nutritious meal, a safe, warm place to sleep, someone who
cares – that is the first step to understanding the love of Christ and the hope that can be
found in knowing Him. Such was the experience of Michael as you read in our feature
article. As a participant in our New Life Fellowship program, he knows the importance
of that first contact with a guest. Many times that first contact is a meal, that why Michael says, “It’s the cooking I like the best. To me the guests are the most important
people in the world.”
Your financial support and prayers help us make the Thanksgiving season a time for
“restoring hope and restoring lives” as we provide hot, nourishing meals and a warm,
safe place to sleep for the hundreds who will walk through our doors. Pray with us that
they will be ready to hear the Good News and begin their journey of transformation as
they learn to follow Christ.
“Restoring Hope . . .
Restoring Lives”
“Restoring Hope . . . Restoring Lives”
Mission & Purpose
Union Gospel Mission, a Christ-centered ministry
demonstrating God’s love by meeting physical, mental and spiritual needs of men, women and children
in crisis. Proclaiming the Gospel of Christ in word and
Partnering with churches, individuals and organizations to maximize our effectiveness, we help
the neediest of our community break the cycle of
homelessness, addiction and incarceration as men
and women experience dynamic transformation in
following Christ, and become contributing members
of our community.
Core Values
Christ-Centered —
He is the Alpha and the Omega—the beginning and
the end. Everything that we are and do is measured by
knowing Him, sharing Him and growing in our
relationship with Him.
Galatians 2:20; Colossians 1:25, 28
Client-Focused —
By our faith in Jesus Christ, we are called to demonstrate love, grace and compassion as we serve and
enrich the lives of others.
Galatians 5:14; Romans 5:8; Mark 6:34
Community-Connected —
Transformation and growth happen in community
and in collaboration with others.
Jeremiah 29:7; 1 Corinthians 12:12; Ephesians 4:3
Programs and Services
New Life Fellowship Celebration
Thursday, November 6, 2014 • Dinner & Program at 5:30 pm
First Church of the Nazarene
1550 Market Street NE, Salem
*RSVP to Kathy by
noon on 11/4/2014
at 503-362-7487 or
*RSVP required
Meals, Emergency Shelter, Clothing
Assessment & Referral Services
Addiction Recovery Services
Chapel Services and Bible Studies
Individual & Group Counseling
Adult Education
Employment Services
Dental Clinic
Thrift Store
Community Outreach
Transitional Housing
Board of Directors
Lee Klampe, Chairman
Lon Huff, Vice Chairman
Mike Roberson, Secretary
Bob Thompson, Treasurer
Jay Campbell
Candi Hughes
Daniel Schanz
Michael Rideout, President/CEO
www.ugmsalem.org | 3
Kyle Dickinson // Vice President of Advancement
The 2014 Harvest Dessert was a great success! There were
Hancock Real Estate, Capital Manor, Rich Duncan Construcstories shared about how God has brought various people
tion, Huggins Insurance and Collier Law. Thank you to evinto service of UGM, the stories of Jonathan and Alvin and
eryone who promoted the event, invited their friends and
their mentors, outstanding music from Logan Martin, and dehosted a table. Finally, we were blessed to have an outstandlicious desserts provided by Loustic Catering.
ing team of volunteers who helped set up the
Because of your prayers and your support, you
room, checked in guests as they arrived, and
share in the UGM story – a story of redemption
PRAYERS AND SUPPORT, helped clean up at the conclusion of the event.
happening to us and being extended through
The Harvest Dessert raised over $44,000 which
us. Thank you for sharing in our story!
will provide over 22,900 holiday season meals.
There are many people to thank for helping
As we approach the Thanksgiving holiday, I am
thankful for you and your partnership in the work and ministo put on this event. First of all, I would like to thank our
try of restoring hope and restoring lives. Happy Thanksgivsponsors: Doneth Wealth Management, Mountain West Ining!
vestments, Drs. Bud and Selma Pierce, Dalke Construction,
“Restoring Hope . . .
Restoring Lives”
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November 2014
In October, PPG Industries collected over 335 pounds of food in a food drive project for UGM.
On October 10, UGM hosted the annual Harvest Dessert at the Keizer Civic Center. This year’s event was a great success as we raised over $44,000 to provide 22,900
meals and care for those who come to the mission in need during the holiday season. Thank you for being a part of our shared story! To view the featured videos
from this years’ event, visit www.ugmsalem.org.
Find out how you can join
with UGM to offer help and hope
to hungry, hurting and homeless
men, women and children.
Call 503.967.6388 for
more information.
Recently, West Salem High School’s Volleyball
team volunteered at UGM’s Simonka Place for
Women and Children by performing yard maintenance.
Tokyo International University served at UGM’s
ROC Outreach Center and Mission Store by helping to organize donated clothing and other products.
www.ugmsalem.org | 5
volunteer opportunities
Men’s Mission
Barbers (men or women) provide basic haircuts for mission guests.
Current openings include Mondays from 9-11am.
Welcome Center assistants (men) answer and direct phone calls,
greet guests and answer questions at the front desk. Current weekday
openings are available 11:30am-3 pm.
Learning Center
Learning Center teachers and tutors lead New Life Fellowship program participants in writing, math, GED or computer classes. Hours
are once or twice a week on weekdays from 9-11am or 12-2pm. We
are currently looking for an experienced computers teacher at the
Men’s Mission.
Administrative Office
Find out how you can lend a hand to the many men, women and children in
need who come for help at Union Gospel Mission each day. Please call Sharalyn at 503-967-6388 ext. 102 or email her at sbechtel@ugmsalem.org to find out
how you can help meet the need.
Simonka Place
Receptionists answer and direct phone calls, greet visitors and help
with other office duties, typically in four-hour shifts weekly or monthly. Current opportunities include evenings on Wednesdays, Thursdays
and Saturdays from 5-9 pm.
Children’s chapel leaders bring a Bible story and games, crafts and/
or songs for the children of Simonka Place guests. Openings are available throughout the month, from 6:30-7pm each evening.
Mission Store and
Donation Warehouse
Production volunteers sort, clean, price and arrange donated
merchandise. Current positions include one- to four-hour shifts
between 10am and 4pm on weekdays.
Office attendants provide administrative support to our gift processing staff. Our current opening is a short-term opportunity during the
holiday season through January 15, on Fridays from 9:30-11:30am.
Office assistants provide administrative support in the management
office once or twice a week. Current openings include one- to fourhour shifts between 10am and 4pm on Wednesdays and Thursdays.
Restoration House
Floor volunteers arrange displays, organize clothing on racks and
serve as dressing room attendants. Current openings include one- to
four-hour shifts between 10am and 4pm on weekdays.
Cooks (adults only) prepare and serve dinner for the residents (about
40 men total) one- to four-times per week from 2-5pm. Volunteers are
also invited to eat with residents if they wish. Current openings are
Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays.
Shuttle drivers (adults only) transport residents one- to five-times
per week to volunteer positions in Salem. Hours are 8-9:30am and/or
4-5:30pm Monday-Friday.
mission needs
Food Needs
Turkeys (whole frozen)
Ground Beef
Juices (Orange, Apple)
Cold & Hot Cereal
Cooking Oils
Peanut Butter
Canned Cream Soups
Pancake Mix or Flour
Pasta / Noodles
Coffee Creamer
Mission Needs
Toilet Paper
Bar Soap
Bath/Hand Towels & Wash Cloths
Disposable Razors
Twin-Size Bedding
Men’s New Socks & Underwear
Women’s Pajama Pants
Tylenol, Ibuprofen - non alcohol
cold/flu meds
Food Needs may be dropped off at UGM Men’s Mission (345 Commercial St NE).
Mission Needs may be dropped off at the UGM Donation Center (901 Front Street
NE) on Monday—Saturday from 9:00 am to 4:30 pm.
Your donation helps to serve hungry, hurting and homeless men, women and
children at UGM’s Men’s Mission, Simonka Place for Women and Children, Grear Street
Transitional Housing, the R.O.C. and Restoration House.
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Union Gospel Mission of Salem relies on the compassionate generosity of our donors and volunteers. There are many needs and
countless ways you can be a part of Restoring Hope and Restoring Lives. Let’s do it together! Here are a few of the current needs:
November 2014
R.O.C. Outreach Center
Personal shoppers organize donated clothing and household goods,
and they help clients find the items they need. Current opportunities
include two- to six-hour shifts on Mondays and Fridays between 9am
and 3pm.
changed lives
Fiscal Year to Date (Sept. 2014)
Meals Served............................................................................19,365
Nights of Shelter........................................................................9,140
Chapel Services...............................................................................94
Chapel Attendance..................................................................2,307
Counseling Sessions..............................................................1,341
Learning Center Hours................................................................807
Free Clothing Distributed
Number Helped......................................................................788
Items of Clothing................................................................4,999
Men Entering Program.................................................................13
Women Entering Program...........................................................15
Program Graduates..........................................................................2
Placed in Employment....................................................................9
Placed in Housing...........................................................................18
Decisions for Christ........................................................................18
in memory of
Orpha Alrick
Janice Culp
Michael Arnot
Marilyn Chandler
Ron Bates
Margaret Bates
My mother, Helen Baumann
Thomas C Baumann
Ann Blaisdell
Charles Blaisdell
My grandma, Lydia Bloecher
Brenda M Lee
Anna Bohm
Maria Bohm
Susa Charpilloz
Norman & Kathy Charpilloz
Clarence Clapp
Jack & Marcine Hancock
Donald & Ann Louise Peters
Bernard & Joanne Pietrok
Edmund Collar
Anisha Mae McLoud
Harold Comstock
Isabel M Comstock
Florence Craft
Ron & Patty Radigan
David Deis
Donna L Walborn
Dennis Erickson
Richard Scott Frey
Joyce Erler
Karen & David Lee
Leonard & Marie Fisher
Patrick J Fisher
Walter T Garland
Jane Garland
Rob Gerig
Bob & Marlene Gerig
Daniel & Charlene Haury
Sylvia Gerig
Ben & June Craig
Randy & Diane Crisell
Brad & Mary Lou Eggen
Don & Joan Joy
Ruth R Morgan
Marvin Glaser
John & Verna Halsted
Johnson Glaze & Co
John A Goffrier
Betty G Goffrier
Robert Guerin
Robert & Darlene Fuls
Irene Hands
C J Kerrigone
Aaron Harman
Fred & Carol Harman
Benny Harrington
Wanda Kenyon
Pat Henjum
Howard & Lucille Hatteberg
Richard ‘Dick’ Henry
Bonita G Colony
Arnie & Janie DeRuyter
Richard ‘Dick’ Henry (cont’d)
Hospitality Club of
Petrecia Hovey
Myrl Hines
Ardice J Hines
Myrtle Howard
Carol Lais
Daniel E D Iaconi
Mildred F Di Iaconi
Doris Johnson
Bettie L Munger-Johnson
Marion Kamstra
Daniel & Charlene Haury
Bart King
Doris J King
Brian King
Doris J King
Leota Klein
Keith & Virginia Klein
Ronna Knight
Stuart & Mary McNeil
Tonya’s Father
Ronald L & Janet M Lee
Richard Loy
Marilyn Loy
Viola Martin Maas
Judith A Mears
Jim Mann
Ardice J Hines
Harold F Martin
Larre F Martin
Mike McCandles
Norman & Kathy Charpilloz
Leland Mebine
Debra Anne Simonetta
Larry Morgan
Judy Payton
Jim Neidig
Providence Homes
Bob Cavell
Olaf Paulson
Richard & Alice Barnes
William Russell Pease Jr
Bill & Betty McKinney
Frank ‘Pete’ Peterson
Carol A Peterson
Ed Pfau
Kenneth & Karen Friesen
Alicia Phillips
Patricia L Veer
My wife, Betty Propeck
Larry Propeck
Ruth Rae
Patty S Edinger
Raymond Rathkey
Terry & Melissa Simons
Al & Virginia Reagan
Karen McDonnell
Bonnie Reagan
Karen McDonnell
Almaria Reiter
Robert & Sharon Pearsall
Eleanor Richard
James A Richard
Dan Ritter
The Ritter Family
Tom Roberts
Bill & Margaret Armstrong
Harold ‘Hal’ Scheyer
Wray & Barbara Hawkins
Ruth S Roberts
Gerald Sheehan
Dolores R Sheehan
Maurita Silbernagel
Delores Anderson
Bernice Smith
Josie & Homer Rice
Clyde J Speakes
Donna L Speakes
Eugene Sperle
Patrick J Fisher
Bryan Tate
Robert & Sharon Pearsall
Dorothy Elaine VonHoldt
Janet K Opdahl
Cassandra Wagner
Doris Rickard
Roger P Weathers
Janet K Opdahl
Carol Ann Welch
Korin Sanders
Jim & Curly Wilson
Jason Withers
Patricia Preuit-Morley
Gordon Young
Joe & Lorraine Hay
in honor of
Charlie & Corkie Buren
Theresa A Foley
Delbert & Inez Kennedy
Delores & Billy Martin
William & Sharon Stutzman
People Who are in a Bad Way
Jerry Don Freeman
Polly Hare
Alex M Fielding
John on his Birthday
Carol Leventhal
Joe Riley
Jerry Don Freeman
Henry & Verna Roth
Joe & Diana Couey
Salem 1st Church of the Nazarene
Jane Garland
St Jude
Patricia A Steele
Bonnie Vibbard
www.ugmsalem.org | 7
Support UGM by shopping with your Fred Meyer Rewards Card!
Here’s how it works:
• Sign up for the Community Rewards program by linking your Fred Meyer Rewards Card to
UGM at www.fredmeyer.com/communityrewards. You can search for us by our name or by
our nonprofit number (86982).
• Then, every time you shop and use your Rewards Card, you are helping UGM earn a
• You still earn your Reward Points, Fuel Points and Rebates, just as you do today.
• If you do not have a Rewards Card, they are available at the Customer Service desk at any
Fred Meyer location.
Holiday Food Needs
This fall, UGM expects to serve over
55,000 meals to hungry, hurting and
homeless men, women and children
in our community. Now is a great
time to donate frozen turkeys, ham
and eggs to help meet the increasing
need. With Thanksgiving and Christmas right around the corner, we want
to be prepared to provide a memorable and nutritious meal for our hungry neighbors in need. You can deliver food items today to the downtown
Men’s Mission at 345 Commercial
Street NE. Thank you for partnering
with us to restore hope and restore
Buy One, Get One Free
UGM Mission Store
885 Commercial Street NE
Monday - Saturday: 9:30 am to 7 pm
Store: 503-375-2511 // Donation Pickup: 503-763-0219
Limit one coupon per person. Coupon expires 11/30/14
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November 2014
Gloves, scarves & Hats
Valid on Tuesdays, Wednesdays
and Thursdays.