Per-Erik NILSSON, PhD The Impact of Religion Research Program Uppsala University +46 (0)70-328 27 27 Research Fellow (2014-2018) CHERPA Sciences Po Aix +33 (0) A. CV 1. Higher Education Degrees Degree of Master of Science: Political Science, 2012. Department of Political Science, Stockholm University Degree of Master of Arts: Major in History of Religions, 2007. Department of Theology, Uppsala University. 2. Doctoral Degree Doctor of Philosophy, 2012. Faculty of Theology, Uppsala University, Sweden. Dissertation: “Everybody Welcome to France”: Secularism, Governmentality, and Fantasy in the French Republic 2003-2011. Supervisor: Mattias Gardell, Professor in Comparative Religion, Uppsala University. Opponent: Joan W. Scott, Harold F. Linder Professor, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton. 3. Current position Postdoctoral Research fellow, 2013/08-. The Research Program the Impact of Religion, Uppsala University. Researcher, 100% research. Financed by the Swedish Research Council. Part-time Lecturer, 2011-. Department of Theology, Uppsala University. Teacher and course administrator. 4. Previous Employment Postdoctoral Research fellow, 2013/02-2013/05. The Research Program the Impact of Religion, Uppsala University. Financed by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences (4 months), 100% research. Freelance writer, 2008-2012. Tasks: Writing and photography for news-press and traveling guides. !1 PhD-Candidate, 2007-2012. Department of Theology, Uppsala University. Tasks (besides studies and research): Teaching (20%) and department secretary (2007, 10%). 5. International Networks and Exchanges Visiting scholar, CUNY Graduate Center, Sociology, New York, USA, 2014/10. Associated scholar, CHERPA, Sciences Po Aix, France, 2014-2018. Associated scholar, The Critical Religion Association, UK, 2010-. Visiting scholar, GSRL, l'École Pratique des Hautes Études, France, 2008. Erasmus student, Department of Political Science, l'Université de Paris 8, France, 2004-2005. 6. Other Information a. Language skills Swedish: mother tongue. English and French: fluent. Turkish, Spanish, and Italian: basic/intermediate. b. Extracurricular Activities Member of the Swedish Research Institute in Istanbul's Board of Researchers, 2013-. Chairperson of the board of Swedish University Teacher’s Union (SULF), Uppsala University, Uppsala, 2011. Chair of the board of PhD-students, Faculty of Theology, Uppsala University, Uppsala, 20072008. c. Received Grants and Scholarships (in selection). Riksbankens Jubileumsfond research initiation grant, 15 000 euro, 2014. The Swedish Research Council's International Postdoc, 3 year grant 100% research, 350 000 euro, 2014-2017. Riksbankens Jubileumsfond's Nils Eric Svensson's Research Grant, for fieldwork in France, 11 000 euro, 2014. Åke Wiberg's Research Grant, for fieldwork in France, 6 000 euro, 2014. PE Lindahls Fond distributed by the the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. 4 months research grant for fieldwork in Istanbul,Turkey, 11000 euro, 2012. !2 The Swedish Research Institute in Istanbul’s “Stora stipendiet“, Istanbul, Turkey: 5 months pre-post-doctoral research grant, 4 500 euro, 2012. The Donner Institute for Research in Religious and Cultural History, Åbo University, Åbo: 6 months research grant, 7 800 euro , 2011. Carl Gustaf & Carl Cervin’s Research Grant, Smålands nation (student organization), Uppsala: 6 months research grant, 4 000 euro, 2011. Anna Maria Lundin’s Traveling Scholarship, Smålands nation (student organization), Uppsala: 3 months research grant for field work in France, 6 000 euro, 2011. Anna Maria Lundin’s Traveling Scholarship, Smålands nation (student organization), Uppsala: 3 months research grant for field work in France, 8 000 euro, 2010. Swedish Institute, Stockholm & French Government: 6 months research grant for field work in France, 5 000 euro, 2008. B. Publications 1. Books “Everybody Welcome to France”: Secularism, Islam, and Postpolitics in Contemporary France, Brill, Leiden [under contract]. Barbarernas leende: Manlig hjältekultur och våldsideologi i amerikansk populärkultur, Carlsson Förlag, Stockholm, 2011. 2. Book Chapters and Articles “Who is Madame M?”, in Timothy Fitzgerald, Trevor Stack & Naomi Goldenberg (eds.), Religion as a Category of Government and Sovereignty, Brill, Leiden, 2015 [in print]. “‘Secular Retaliation’. A Case Study of Integralist Populism, Anti-Muslim Discourse, and (Il)liberal Discourse on Secularism in Contemporary France”, Politics, Religion and Ideology, vol°16, n°1, 2015 [in print]. “The Discourse on Good and Bad Secularism in France”, blog-article at The Critical Religion Association, 2014. “How Many Times Can Secularism Be Rethought”, blog-article at The Critical Religion Association, 2013. “Sitt ner! En essä om geziprotesterna, motstånd och AKP”, in Dragomanen, The Swedish Research Institute, Istanbul, 2013. “Världens mest sekulariserade land”, epilogue in Joan Wallach Scott (2007), Slöjans Politik, Tankekraft förlag, Stockholm, 2010. !3 “Solidaritet, dadlar och havregryn”, chapter in Jenny Berglund and Simon Sorgenfrei (eds.),‘Ramadan: En svensk tradition’, Arcus Förlag, Stockholm, 2009. “Politik och Islam: Kollisionskurs västlig riktning?”, Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift, n°4, 2007. 3. Book-Reviews Book review: John Bowen, Can Islam be French?, Princeton University Press, Princeton, 2010, in Temenos, 2011. Book review: Joan Wallach Scott, The Politics of the Veil, Princeton University Press, Princeton, 2007, in Environment and Planning: Society and Space, 2009. Book review of Charles Taylor, A Secular Age, Belknapp Press, 2007, Cambridge, in Svensk kyrkotidning, 2009. Book review: John Bowen, Why the French Don’t Like Headscarves: Religion, Islam, and the Public Space, Princeton University Press, Washington, 2007, in Temenos, 2007. 4. Conference Papers “Legalizing Internet Piracy through State-Invented Religion? a Case Study of the Swedish State's Acknowledgement of the Missionary Church of Kopimism As Religion”. Distributed paper at the ISA World Congress of Sociology, 13-19 July 2014. “How Many Times Can Secularism Be Rethought?”. Paper at the conference Impact of Religion: Challenges for Law, Religion, and Society, Uppsala University, Uppsala, 20-22 May 2013. “Hijacked Secularism?”. Paper at the conference EASR: Ends and Beginnings, Södertörn University-College, Stockholm, 23- 26 August 2012. “Turkey, Secularism, Nationalism”. Paper at the conference Changing Notions of Citizenship, Past, Present and Future, Büyükada, Istanbul, 23-25 May 2012. “Who is Madame M?” Plenary speaker at the conference Religious-Secular Distinctions, the Royal British Academy, London, 14-16 January 2010. “Muslims Object(ively)”. Paper at the conference Islam and the Media, Colorado University, Boulder, Colorado, 7-10 October 2010. “Who is Madame M?” Paper at the conference WaVE (Welfare and Values in Europe) 2009, Uppsala University, 25-27 March 2009. “Rethinking Secularization: Links Between Religion and Politics in Contemporary France”. Paper at the conference Secularism and Beyond, Copenhagen University, Denmark, 28/05-02 June 2007. !4 5. Other Publications and Talks “När Charlie Banaliseras”, with Bengt Arnetz, Johan Eddebo, Mattias Gardell and Mia Lövheim, Uppsala Nya Tidning, 9 January 2015. “Attentatet mot Charlie Hebdo utnyttjas av högerextrema”, Sveriges Radio P1, 12 January 2015. “Är ‘vi’ Charlie Hebdo är ‘vi’ också bröderna Kouachi”, Feministiskt perspektiv, 09 January 2015. “Talk on French Secularism?”, University of Ottawa, Canada, 23 October 2015. “Homeland legitimerar kriget mot terrorismen”, SVT Debatt, 1 October 2013. Interview regarding PhD-dissertation in Uppsala Fria Tidning, 10 December 2012. “En bok, en författare”, 3o minutes interview in SVT UR, 5 April 2011. “Den gode torteraren”, interview in ETC, 12 September 2011. “Vetenskapsradion”, interview in SR P1, 8 February 2010. “Republiken och burkan”, essay in Arbetaren: Radar, September 2009. “Konsten att vara (o)demokrat”, essay in Arbetaren: Radar, September 2009. “Tarnac 9”, essay in Arbetaren: Radar, June 2009. “Människor och tro”, 5 minutes intervention in SR P1, 31 July 2008. “Slöjan som stigma”, essay in Arbetaren: Radar, May 2008. Nominated to the prize for best Swedish cultural article of the year. “Konsten att skapa en fiende: islam och muslimer i populärkulturen”. Public Lecture, Stockholm University, 28 October 2008. C. Organized Conferences “Modern Government and the Category of Religion”. International conference, Uppsala University, 7-11 May 2014. !5
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