Sharing Capacity to Build Capacity for Quality Graduate training in Agriculture in African Universities (SHARE) “ This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [Communication] reflects the views only of the author, and Commission cannot be held resposible for any use which maybe made of the information contained therein.” About the SHARE Scholarship SHARE is a partnership of 12 African Universities in Eastern, Central, Southern and Western Africa lead by Makerere University in Uganda. The members of the partnership are Stellenbosch University (South Africa), Haramaya University (Ethiopia), Makerere University (Uganda), Eduardo Mondlane University (Mozambique), University of Zambia (Zambia), Gezira University (Sudan), Jomo Kenyatta University of Science and Technology (Kenya), Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural Resources (Malawi), University of Burundi (Burundi), Abomey Calavi University (Benin), and University of Cape Coast (Ghana), University of Port Harcourt (Nigeria). The Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Building in Agriculture (RUFORUM) is an associate partner. The Project is funded by the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency for the European Commission. The project will support 11 staff and 62 students (44 Masters and 18 PhD) exchange in various disciplines of agriculture from within and outside the 12 member countries of the partnership. What the Scholarship Covers Successful candidates will be entitled to the following: 1. Tuition and other university charges (participation costs: EUR 3,500 for Masters and EUR 4,000 for PhD) annually 2. A monthly subsistence allowance of EUR 600 for Masters, EUR 900 for PhD and EUR 1,000 for Staff. 3. Settling in allowance for students worth one months’ stipend. 4. Health Insurance of worth EUR 75 per month 5. A return Air-Ticket 6. A refund to Visa costs For additional Information, please have a look at our website: Programs Sponsored by the SHARE Scholarships Country HEI Language of Instruction Uganda Makerere University English South Africa Stellenbosch University English MSc: Research Methods Kenya English Master of Philosophy in Agricultural Extension Jomo Kenyatta University of Science and Technology (JKUAT) Ghana University of Cape Coast English MSc in Aquaculture and Fisheries Malawi MSc: Agricultural Economics Mozambique MSc in Agrometeorology and Risk Management Ethiopia Haramaya University English MSc in Management of Natural Resources and Bioversity Benin Abomey Calavi University French Programme PhD in Agricultural and Rural Innovation PhD in Plant Breeding and Biotechnology MSc in Plant Breeding and Seed Systems PhD in Agricultural Sciences MSc in Food Science Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural Resources Eduardo Mondlane University English English Eligibility for SHARE Scholarships Target Group One (TG1): Staff and Students currently teaching, enrolled/ registered or recommended by a Partner HEI. Students applying for Postgraduate Scholarships must have completed Bachelor or Masters study (for PhD applicants) in recognized HEI. They must be nationals of the partner country. Target Group Two (TG2): Applicants from an eligible country outside the partner countries. These are nationals and/or residents of other African countries not represented by the SHARE consortium. For additional Information, please have a look at our website: Application for a SHARE Scholarship Applications for SHARE Scholarship will authority) be sent to the SHARE Project Coordi- • Recommendation letter from the part- nator using a standard application form ner HEI (sending institution) is mandato- which can be downloaded from the ry for only TG1. project website (www.africasharecapac- • Academic Testimonials/Transcripts ) indicating grades obtained-in previous Applications for admission will be to the Degrees. respective host universities that offer the • Curriculum Vitae/Resume preferred academic programme. (See • Appointment Letter (applies to Aca- SHARE supported Academic Pro- demic Staff members) grammes). • Certificate of Language proficiency; Application Deadline: Calls for applica- only if the language of instruction in tion will be posted on the project website the programme applied for is different above. Please check the website from that used in your previous studies. regularly. ** Specific universities may require addi- Requirements for Application tional information for Admission. Please • A copy of your Passport data page follow the requirements on the applica- or National ID (issued by a national tion forms for admission. Appeal to the selection decision In case a candidate feels that the decision of the scholarship selection committee is unfair or biased and have sufficient ground to believe so, they can appeal against the decision through the SHARE Secretariat. Procedure for appeal is as follows:• An appeal letter addressed to the SHARE project Coordinator ( copy to The letter should clearly state the grounds for the appeal. No additional submissions will be accepted for the appeal. • SHARE secretariat will forward the appeal to the scholarship award committee for consider ation within a week from the date of receipt of the appeal. • The scholarship award committee will consider the appeal and make a decision within two from date of receipt of the appeal. • The SHARE secretariat will communicate the decision of the scholarship awards committee within two days from the date the decision is made. For additional Information, please have a look at our website: Academic Calendar Academic Calendar Sharing Capacity to Build Capacity for Quality Graduate Training in Agriculture in African Universities University Makerere University Country Uganda Title PhD Agricultural and Rural Innovations PhD Plant Breeding and Biotechnology Close of Start of Admissions application applications February 31st March Start of Program June August 20th February 22nd March 5th April 6th May 8th May 5th June 30th July 2nd September Any time June July MSc Agricultural Economics October December January MSc Aquaculture and Fisheries Science Any time April June 01 March 31 March May -June July September November January 1st April January March MSc Plant Breeding and Seed Systems Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology Haramaya University Eduardo Mondlane University LUANAR Bunda College of Agriculture Stellenbosch University Kenya Ethiopia Mozambique Malawi South Africa MSc Research Methods MSc Agrometeorology and Natural Risk Management PhD Agricultural Sciences September February August MSc Food Science University of d’Abomey Calavi Benin University of Cape Coast Ghana MSc Management of Natural Resources and Biodiversity MPhil Agricultural Extension June/July August For additional Information, please have a look at our website: Life on Campus For information about life on campus, please check the following websites or contact the coordinators of the different host institutions Makerere University Web site: Assoc. Prof. Paul Kibwika Department of Extension and Innovation Studies, College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, P.O. Box 7062 Kampala Tel. +256-712-566952 +256-794-566952 Email: Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology Web site: Prof. Losenge Turoop P.O. Box 203, 01001-Kalimoni, Kenya Tel. +254 723 150 658 Email: Haramaya University Web site: Dr. Lisanework Nigatu Department of Plant Sciences, P.O.Box: 108, Haramaya, Ethiopia Tel. +251-910-105100 Email: Eduardo Mondlane University Web site: Dr. Joao Mutondo Faculty of Agronomy and Forestry Engineering. Main Campus, Building # 1, For additional Information, please have a look at our website: P.O.Box # 257. Maputo, Mozambique. Tel. +258-826617857 Email: Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural Resources Web site: Prof. Jeremiah Kang’ombe Bunda College of Agriculture, Tel. +265 999 330 855 Email: Stellenbosch University Web site: Prof. Linus Opara Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, Private Bag X1, Stellenbosch 7602, South Africa Tel. +27 (0)21 808 4064 Email: University of d’Abomey Calavi Web site: Prof. Assogbadjo Achille FSA-UAC, 05 BP 1752, Cotonou, Republic of Benin Tel. +229 95055975; +229 96687213 Email: University of Cape Coast Web site: Prof. Turkson Paa Kobina Dean’s office, School of Agriculture, Cape Coast Ghana. Tel. +233-332132709 Email: For additional Information, please have a look at our website: For Details Contact: The SHARE Project Coordinator: Assoc. Professor Paul Kibwika Makerere University College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences School of Agricultural Sciences Department of Extension and Innovation Studies Tel: +256 – 712-566 – 952 (cell phone) Fax: +256-414-531641 E-mail:, 5
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