Waverly Middle~High School Newsletter November 2014 MESSAGE FROM MR. ZOLTOWSKI The first two months of the school year are already over as the fall has quickly come and partially gone! We are approaching the end of the first marking period and grades for that quarter will be done. It is an excellent time to take advantage of the parent conference days scheduled for Monday and Tuesday afternoon of Thanksgiving week-November 24th and 25th. Parents Conferences are from 12:30 to 3:00. Good communications between teachers and parents can help students adjust their efforts identify strength and weaknesses and work towards success through the remainder of the school years. We encourage you to call the school and make an appointment with your child’s teachers, regardless of their performance level. For the past several weeks the administration has been meeting with groups of teachers, support staff, students and parents. The intent of these meetings is to develop a focused and comprehensive plan to drive and improved achievement. We are doing well in many areas and we know we need to improve in many others. The input we have gather thus far has been valuable in helping us determine both positives and growth areas. When this process is done we will be publishing our plan so all stakeholders in the Waverly School District are aware of which we are doing to make the Waverly High School everything you want it to be. Again, please contact us for parents’ conference days and enjoy the remaining fall days. MESSAGE FROM OFFICER WEST This is a reminder that the speed limit on Frederick Street is 15mph during school/activity hours and the speed limit through the loop in front of the school is 5 mph. Use of cell phones while driving is prohibited and seat belts must be worn at all times, NO EXCEPTIONS. Please be sure and drop your students off in the loop in front of the school, NOT IN THE PARKING LOT. There have been several close calls, so we are asking that unless you are leaving your vehicle, please use the loop. ANYONE STUDENT CAUGHT WITH CHEWING TOBACCO WILL BE ARRESTED. IT IS A STATE LAW, WHEN YOU SEE FLASHING LIGHTS ON A BUS YOU NEED TO STOP! STUDENT DRIVERS Student drivers are reminded that if they are driving to school, they may only park in the third and fourth rows of the parking lot. CELL PHONES, I-PODS, ETC. A reminder to all parents and students: Use of cell phones (and all other electronic devices) is restricted to use before and after school, outside of the school building. Students who bring such devices onto the school property must turn them off and secure them in their hall locker throughout the day. Students found in violation may face suspension. Waverly School District is not responsible for lost or stolen items. WAVERLY MIDDLE-HIGH SCHOOL PARTICIPATION POLICY All students must be in good standing with grades, attendance and behavior in order to participate in athletics, cocurricular activities and events. Students who are not in good standing must work with administration and guidance to improve their standing. The following would indicate a concern with a student’s standing in school: one or more failing grades, missing 10% of any class, more than four (4) tardies to school and disciplinary referrals to the office. An improvement plan will be implemented with students who are in need of assistance. Students who are putting forth satisfactory effort with their improvement plan will be allowed to participate with permission from administration. If students do not follow through with their improvement plan, they may be limited or prohibited from participation in athletics, club activities, dances and other school related activities. ABSENCE FROM SCHOOL If your child is absent from school, we would appreciate a call by 9:00am to our Attendance Office at 565-8101 ext. 1002. Homework may be requested at the time of the call and available for pickup after 3:15 daily. Upon the student’s return to school, please send a handwritten note stating the reason for the absence, date(s) of the absence(s) and signed by the parent/guardian. DRESS STANDARDS The Waverly School District requires all students and visitors to conform to our Dress Code. The District is clearly empowered by law to regulate dress where the health and safety of students is involved. State Education Law indicates that cleanliness and decency in clothing can and should be required for everyone on our school campuses and any school function, including staff, students and visitors. Items of attire or costumes can be banned on the basis of their disruptive effect. Parents are requested to encourage reasonable standards of attire (as printed in the District’s 2013-2014 Family Calendar and Policy Handbook). Administrative Guidelines: A Student’s clothing shall be: Their size (ie: Pants must be worn at the waist). Appropriate for the weather. Covering their stomach, chest and back. (ie: extremely short shorts/skirts, see through garments, midriff revealing clothing, spaghetti strap tops). Footwear of the correct size and appropriate for the activity. Should not include hats or scarves inside the school except for medical or religious reasons. Deemed appropriate with regards to pictures, symbols and /or words. Must not be disruptive in the classrooms. NO pajama bottoms, pajama tops or slippers. Not include jewelry or other accessories which are a safety hazard to the wearer and others (ie: wallet chains, spiked rings, etc.). Any clothing in question will be referred to the building principal. He/She will inform students and parents of the “Student Dress Code” at the beginning of the school year and any changes made during the course of the year. BOOK BAGS/BACK PACKS Students may only carry book bags/back packs to and from school. They may NOT carry them to/from classes. This is to ensure the safety of all students during the school day. ANIMAL/PET POLICY All domestic animals/pets are banned from the grounds of all Waverly Central School District properties for safety and health reasons. Guide dogs and animals/pets on the property for specific educational purposes are allowed, with permission. PARENTS AND STUDENTS: JUST A REMINDER. STUDENT ARRIVAL IS 15 MINUTES EARLIER THIS YEAR. AT 7:50 A.M. OUR A.M. BUS SCHEDULE WILL BE 15‐20 MINUTES AHEAD. SO PLEASE AJUST YOUR TIME FOR STUDENTS TO BE AT THEIR DESIGNATED STOPS FOR PICKUP. THANK YOU!! WAVERLY TRANSPORTATION A note from your School Counselors: We are very pleased to welcome you back to school! As many of you know, Ms. Lauper retired this past June. We are extremely excited to introduce Miss Kari Eiklor as Waverly’s new school counselor! Miss Eiklor comes to us from Candor, NY. She went to Marywood University in Scranton, Pennsylvania and received her bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education and her master’s degree in School Counseling. She’s very excited to be a part of our community and to get to know you and your families! Here are some of the upcoming events/dates that we are excited to share with you: Middle School Each month we will be presenting to students in grades 6-8 regarding a different character education trait. September: Meet your School Counselor October: Respect November: Responsibility December: Citizenship January: Trustworthiness February: Caring High School 9th Graders: Welcome to the high school! Now is the time when you start your four year plan and begin to fill your transcript. 10th Graders: Sophomore year is a great time to focus on academics, volunteering and continued interests. 8th Grade Parent Conferences As the year quickly passes, the time to schedule your annual Parent/Teacher Conference has arrived. The 8th Grade will be holding conferences on Monday, November 24, 2014 from Noon-3 p.m. and 5-7 p.m., and on Tuesday, November 25, 2014 from Noon-3 p.m. Conferences will be scheduled every 15 minutes and there is a limited number of conference times available. In order to schedule a conference, please the following of your child's teachers at your earliest convenience: Lynne Nemeth, Math Carrie Woodford, English lnemeth@gstboces.org cwoodford@gstboces.org We look forward to seeing you at the conferences. (607) 565-8101 x1216 (607) 565-8101 x1215 T R R F C C Students can use this acronym to help them remember that people with good character are terrific: T rustworthiness R espect R esponsibility F airness C aring C itizenship Trustworthiness Be honest • Don’t deceive, cheat, or steal • Be reliable — do what you say you’ll do • Have the courage to do the right thing • Build a good reputation • Be loyal — stand by your family, friends, and country Respect Treat others with respect; follow the Golden Rule • Be tolerant and accepting of differences • Use good manners, not bad language • Be considerate of the feelings of others • Don’t threaten, hit or hurt anyone • Deal peacefully with anger, insults, and disagreements Responsibility Do what you are supposed to do • Plan ahead • Persevere: keep on trying! • Always do your best • Use self-control • Be self-disciplined • Think before you consider the consequences • Be accountable for your words, actions, and attitudes • Set a good example for others Fairness Play by the rules • Take turns and share • Be open-minded; listen to others • Don’t take advantage of others • Don’t blame others carelessly • Treat all people fairly Caring Be kind • Be compassionate and show you care • Express gratitude • Forgive others • Help people in need Citizenship Do your share to make your school and community better • Cooperate • Get involved in community affairs • Stay informed; vote • Be a good neighbor • Obey laws and rules • Respect authority • Protect the environment • Volunteer Six Pillars of COLOR SCHEME Trustworthiness : blue Think "true blue" Respect : yellow/gold Think the Golden Rule Responsibility : green Think being responsible for a garden or finances; or as in being solid and reliable like an oak Fairness : orange Think of dividing an orange into equal sections to share fairly with friends Caring : red Think of a heart Citizenship : purple Think regal purple as representing the state The Food Bank of the Southern Tier once again has made it possible for those receiving free or reduced lunch to have nutritious food over the weekends and during holiday breaks! The BackPack Program provides children who are at risk of hunger with a bag of nutritious food each Friday throughout the school year. If you feel that this program would benefit your child, please contact Kelly Goodwin, BackPack School Coordinator, at kgoodwin@gstboces.org or by calling the Waverly High School at 607-565-8101. Spots are limited, but we do maintain a waiting list. Please start saving your Box Tops for Education. There will be a competition coming soon! Get a head start and you could help your class win! The School Store is opened daily! Students can purchase school supplies and snacks! It’s a great place to stop by before your afternoon sports practice or game! . October has been a busy month for the senior class with the sale of the lottery tickets, homecoming, the powder puff game. Congratulations to the homecoming Queen Tori Pritchard and King Brandon Bostwick. The powder puff game was a huge success with the Senior Victorious. Parents remember the first installment for the senior trip is due on November 14, 2014. If you can dream it, you can do it. – Walt Disney Here are some of the upcoming events/dates that we are excited to share with you: Middle School We just wrapped up our first ICE Character Education Lesson “Meet your School Counselor” with grades 6-8. Students completed hands-on activities that helped them learn what School Counselors do. -Connect students to each other, teachers and community agencies. -Collaborate with teachers, administration, parents and agencies. -Group, individual and crisis counseling. -Establish trust with students. We are looking forward to next months lesson on RESPECT! High School In the month of October students will be receiving their 5 week reports. If your child is struggling, please feel free to contact us. Important dates in October: - October 15th PSAT ( Juniors) - Juniors & Seniors: sign up for job shadows with Mrs. Horton on Tuesdays in the Library. - Seniors: If you haven’t had your senior meeting, please sign up with your school counselor ASAP. -Seniors: Upcoming college visits will be announced the morning of each visit, so please listen for them. Dream it… Believe it… and Achieve it… As always, we would like to remind you and your child that if they are experiencing any concerns or have any questions regarding academics, career education and social/emotional development that our doors are always open. Kari Eiklor Last Names A-L Grades 6-12 KEiklor@gstboces.org (607) 565-8101 ext. 1009 Lindsay Rapp Last Names M-Z Grades 6-12 LRapp@gstboces.org (607) 565-8101 ext. 1008 FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY… 2015 YEARBOOKS ARE $50 (PLUS TAX). SUBMIT THIS FORM BY DECEMBER 1, 2014 FOR THIS SPECIAL PRICE!!! Waverly High School 1 Frederick Street Waverly, NY 14892 (607) 565-8101 2015 Waverly Central Schools Yearbooks Order Form Submit this form with your payment to Mr. Rogan (Advisor). All checks should be made out to Waverly Yearbook Club. Yes, I would like to purchase a 2015 Waverly Central Schools yearbook for the price of $50.00, plus $4.00 for state-mandated sales tax, for a total of $54.00. Date: _________ Form of payment: cash or check: check # _____) Consumer: ________________________ Homeroom: _________ Senior Photos for the 2015 yearbook are due to Brian Rogan no later than November 12th. Photos should be e-mailed to brogan@gstboces.org as an attachment in jpeg. This is Matt Reedy and Michaela Moore with the recent speaker, Jared Campbell, who spoke on bullying The Athenians from Greece and Mr. Greg Stone with students during spirit week.
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