“The Trumpeter” The Newsletter of the W.T. Woodson Band Patrons November 2014 Contents President’s Notes ..................................................................................................................................................... 2 Band Director’s Notes ............................................................................................................................................. 3 Uniform Information ............................................................................................................................................... 5 Hospitality .................................................................................................................................................................. 6 Concessions ................................................................................................................................................................ 6 VBODA Snacks .......................................................................................................................................................... 6 Citrus Sales................................................................................................................................................................ 6 Holiday Tunes For Tots Concerts ......................................................................................................................... 7 Barnes & Noble Book Fair ....................................................................................................................................... 7 Sign-Up Genius .......................................................................................................................................................... 7 Did You Know? ........................................................................................................................................................... 8 SCRIP! ......................................................................................................................................................................... 9 Committee Chairs .................................................................................................................................................... 11 November Highlights November 5-19 November 7 November 12 November 14 November 22 December 2 December 3-4 December 6 Fall Auditions Fruit Sale Ends Fall Awards Night District Band Audition Form and Payment Due Marching Band Party Tiny Tots Rehearsal in the Auditorium Tiny Tots Concerts Barnes & Noble Book Fair See Director’s Notes Put in Band Room Mailbox 7:30 pm in Café A Put in Band Room Mailbox Truro Clubhouse 6-9 pm 2:30 – 4:30 pm See Director’s Notes 1 – 5 pm 1 _____________________________________________________________________________ ************************************************************************************* President’s Notes Dear Patrons, I hope everyone had an opportunity to see the band perform at one of the home football games, at a competition or at the VBODA assessment. Congratulations to the entire band on a Superior rating at the assessment and on winning the competition in Newport News. The concert season has also started with a great Frost Woodson concert which was held this week. A big thank you goes to all the volunteers who help to make our Marching Band a great success. It takes the collective effort of many of our committees including Marching Band uniforms, Chaperones, Concessions, Equipment/Pit Crew, First Aid and Trip Coordination to handle all the tasks that are required for our Marching Band program. Thanks to everyone who makes all this possible. Please join us at the next Band Patrons meeting on November 20th. We will discuss upcoming events including Tiny Tots, the Band Winter concert and District Band. We will meet in the band room starting at 7:30. This will be our last meeting in 2014 since we normally don’t meet during December. We have several Committee chairs whose band members will graduate this year and we want to identify their successors now in order to allow an easy transition. We are looking for committee chairs for our PTSO representative and Vehicle Donations. Please contact me if you could help to chair a Committee. Our fruit sales fundraiser has started. Please support your student’s efforts on the fruit sales. Our success on this fundraiser will help to lower the cost for everyone on the spring trip. Thanks for everyone’s support for the Band. Please come see your student at their next performances and don’t forget to attend the Marching Band Awards night on November 12th. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me. Jim McDonald President (703) 764-3279 home 2 _____________________________________________________________________________ ************************************************************************************* Band Director’s Notes From the Director: Congratulations to the Marching Cavaliers for earning a superior rating at the VBODA State Marching Band Assessment. We are halfway to Honor Band!!!! A BIG thank you to all of the band parents who have tirelessly worked on uniforms, chaperones and pit this season. We could not have done this without you. I also would like to thank Jim McDonald for putting together the snack bags for the kids after VBODA. Fall Auditions: These begin on 11/5. The schedule may be viewed at www.woodsonband.org Students should remember that auditions are a grade and that you should work hard to prepare for them. Audition Schedule: Trumpet Clarinets Oboe Horns Trombone Weds, 11/5 Thurs, 11/6 Fri, 11/ 7 Mon, 11/10 Tues, 11/11 Flute Sax (Alto) Sax (Tenor/Bari) Bsn/B. Cl Euph/Tuba Weds 11/12 Thurs 11/13 Mon 11/17 Tues 11/18 Weds 11/19 District Band! District Band auditions are January 10, 2014 at Robinson Secondary. Students wishing to audition should turn in $7.00 (cash or check) to Mrs. Hall by 11/14/14. If a check, make it payable to: W.T. Woodson Band Patrons. All payments should be put in an envelope with your name on it. There will be NO late registration this year. Woodson has many talented musicians and you should all be going out for this. Prepared pieces have already been made available. The registration form is attached and can also be found on the WTW Band website. -----------------------------------------Detach here----------------------------------------------------------- All-District Band Auditions 2015 Last Name First Name Instrument Grade: Home Phone: Include cash or check for $7.00 made payable to W.T. Woodson Band Patrons. Payments go in the “Black Box” and must be in an envelope. Due: Friday, 11/14 3 Fall Awards Night Wednesday, November 12th 7:30 p.m. Marching Band party – Truro clubhouse Saturday, November 22nd 6-9 p.m. Barnes and Noble Fundraiser Saturday, December 6th 1-5 p.m. We need student performers for this event. Last year we earned some money for the band fund from this and it is wonderful community outreach as well!!! W.T. WOODSON BAND - COMING UP!!! November December 5 6 7 Trumpet Auditions Clarinet Auditions Last day to turn in fruit orders!! Oboe Auditions 10 Horn Auditions 11 Trombone Auditions 12 Flute Auditions Marching Band Awards night Dessert Café “A” 13 Alto Sax Auditions 13-15 Senior Regional Orchestra @ Herndon HS 14 District Band Registration form and fee due! 17 Tenor and Bari Sax auditions 18 Bassoon/Bass Clarinet auditions Jazz Band Auditions – Trumpets and Saxes 19 Euphonium/Tuba auditions 20 Jazz Band Auditions – Trombones and Rhythm 22 All-State Jazz Concert – Norfolk, VA Marching Band Party – Truro Clubhouse 2 3 3 4 6 8 9 11 15 16 17 17 Tiny Tots rehearsal (auditorium) Tiny Tots Rehearsal and Concert (Main Gym) Tiny Tots Concert (auditorium) Tiny Tots Concert (Main Gym) Barnes & Noble Book Fair Fruit Delivery Symphonic Full Band Concert Full Band Symphonic Full Band Symphonic Full Band Concert Full Band Concert Full Band Band Winter Concert (auditorium) 2:30pm 2:30pm 2:30pm 2:30pm 2:30pm 2:30pm 7:30pm 2:30pm 2:30pm 2:30pm 2:30pm 2:30pm 2:30pm 1:00pm 6-9pm 2:30-4:30 8:00am 7:00pm 10:00am 1-5pm 2:30pm 5th return 6th Return 2:30-4:00 2:30-4:00 2:30-3:30 8th Return 7:30pm 4 Fruit Sale Each student is asked to sell at least five boxes. Hit up your teachers, neighbors, friends, relatives and co-workers. The fruit sale ends on Friday, 11/7. If you are wondering why you should sell fruit, here is a list of things that the profits from the fruit sale will help to finance: The overall cost of the spring trip for everyone (This is a biggie!!!) New music and new equipment Clinicians that we use throughout the year Social events: Senior party, pool party, spring awards banquet Senior gifts at the end of the year Awards 2015 Spring Trip is to Atlanta, GA April 23-26 More information on this trip will be coming out soon. Please note that we are happy to try and accommodate families with financial concerns but we need to be notified ASAP if help is needed or a payment will be late. Remember that we have many students in the band program and it is difficult to meet our payment deadlines when parents and students don’t meet theirs. Please keep the lines of communication open on this! _____________________________________________________________________________ ************************************************************************************* Uniform Information Marching Band Uniforms… Thank you… Uniform volunteers and washers for all you did to get the kids ready for their marching performances. It was intense and back to back, but you jumped in and helped the team and the kids looked really great. I got lots of compliments and that is a true testament to how great our parent volunteers are. THANK YOU! Chrissy Rabayda, Izumi Fothergill and Joan Tury Marching Uniform Team Concert Band Uniforms… Concert season has started! The Frost Woodson concert is done and we are looking forward to Tiny Tots and the Winter Concert in December. If you have a freshman or new student in Concert Band I will be delivering tuxedo shirts and girls concert shoes. Please have them try them on to make sure they fit. We will need volunteers before and after concerts and that I may need some help with washing dresses periodically. If you have any questions or problems please contact Beth Crake bcrake@earthlink.com or Tu'lann von Christierson tulannvonc@cox.net 5 _____________________________________________________________________________ ************************************************************************************* Hospitality Marching Band Awards Night Please come and enjoy an evening of appetizers and desserts as we celebrate another successful marching band season on Wednesday November 12th 7:30 pm in Cafeteria A. Food assignments are: A-L: Appetizer/fruit and M-Z: Dessert. Volunteers are needed for set-up and clean-up - please check sign-up genius for details. For any questions, please contact Debbie Rooney at debrooney@hotmail.com. _____________________________________________________________________________ ************************************************************************************* Concessions A BIG Thank you to all the baggers, poppers, runners, singers and especially the ones that "pop" in to see if we need a hand. You all are great and I appreciate everything you did to help at the stands this season. Thanks! Shannon _____________________________________________________________________________ ************************************************************************************* VBODA Snacks THANK YOU! To Mr. and Mrs. And Grandma McDonald for getting all the stuff and making us all bagged snacks at VBODA Saturday night. Mr. McDonald got a deal on the apples at the farmer’s market and they were yummy! Thanks for taking care of us J _____________________________________________________________________________ ************************************************************************************* Citrus Sales We hope you are selling lots of delicious, healthy citrus to family, friends & neighbors and encouraging your co-workers to give holiday citrus gifts. You can also help others who have less by buying a case to donate to a local food pantry (we deliver to the pantry). You have until Nov 7 to work toward our goal of $20,000. Delivery day is Mon, Dec 8. We need you to pick up and deliver to your customers THAT DAY, and lots of volunteers at the back Kiss n' Ride (go to sign up genius) to off-load the truck and give boxes to band parents. Your sales support band programs and give you a chance to WIN Chipotle gift cards. 6 _____________________________________________________________________________ ************************************************************************************* Holiday Tunes For Tots Concerts It’s that Holiday time of year! Please join the WTWoodson Band for the annual Holiday Tunes performances. The Holiday Tunes for Tots concerts consist of holiday music performed by the symphonic band, while concert band students join in as costumed holiday and all-around favorite characters. There are three performances - two during the school day for a mostly pre-school audience and one in the evening for scouts, families, retirees, and anyone else interested. Show times are on Wednesday, December 3rd at 10am and 7pm, and Thursday, December 4th at 10am. Parent volunteers are needed to help with set-up, uniforms, costuming and make-up, ticket sales, audience seating, timing directions, chaperones, and clean-up. There are some time crossovers - but please feel free to sign-up for more than one slot & we'll work it out! If you can help, please sign up at http://www.signupgenius.com/go/4090e44acae2fa02-tiny3 — if you’d like to attend and enjoy the fun, admission is $3.00. _____________________________________________________________________________ ************************************************************************************* Barnes & Noble Book Fair Our Barnes and Noble Book fair fundraiser is coming up on December 6th at the Barnes and Noble in Fair Lakes. The Fair is from 1-5 PM. We need a parent who is willing to volunteer as a book fair point of contact person on the day of the fair. The job is quite easy. Just show up at the fair, walk around the store and make sure each station has enough book fair vouchers. You will work with Marta, our in store contact, to make sure everything is going smoothly. If you are able to do this, please contact Mindi Maline at either m_maline@yahoo.com or 703 425-0484. _____________________________________________________________________________ ************************************************************************************* Sign-Up Genius For volunteer opportunities please go to the band website at www.woodsonband.org and click on the big Sign-Up Genius button or you can go to www.signupgenius.com and search under the email wtwbandsignup@gmail.com. You can get information on each event here. If details for the event change, an email will be sent to you once you have signed up. For those of you with younger children, sometimes you can bring them along when you volunteer. Please contact the chairperson (listed on the Sign-Up Genius) to find out if it might be ok. 7 Once you have volunteered, if you can’t complete your shift, please delete your name from the sign-up as soon as possible AND email the chair person for that committee (listed here in the Trumpeter and also in Sign-Up Genius). The sign up administrator does not check the gmail account. Questions regarding Sign-Up Genius? Contact Chrissy Rabayda at rabayda@verizon.net or call at 703-785-9937. (click on the link below to see everything currently listed now.) _____________________________________________________________________________ ************************************************************************************ Did You Know? There are lots and lots of great pictures posted on the WTW Band Patrons Web Site taken by our band director’s husband, Mr. Gary Hall (also our web master). Here’s a sample of some of his great shots: 8 _____________________________________________________________________________ ************************************************************************************* SCRIP! Take Care of Your Holiday Shopping and Support Woodson Bands! What is “scrip” and how does it help Woodson Bands? “Scrip” is, essentially, gift cards. You purchase cards for your favorite stores, restaurants, and service providers – where you shop every day – and the Band Patrons receive a percent (ranging from 1% to as high as 18% or more) of your card purchase as income to offset expenses. There is no additional cost to you, and you get the full value of your gift card. Buy them for your ongoing, regular purchases, or keep some on hand for birthday or thank you gifts. 9 Great Lakes Scrip (hundreds of cards available, including Shoppers, Safeway and Giant!) Grocery Scrip (Giant and Safeway) Available at www.shopwithscrip.com Register a new account (use our enrollment code, 787DC8EF2145) or log in to order. Available from: You can set up a PrestoPay™ account to pay for your order online, or you can pay by check when you receive your cards. Melissa Hochberg mashfive@verizon.net Orders will be processed after 8am on Tuesday, November 11th and will be available later in the month from the scrip coordinator. Select gift cards will also be sold at the Awards Night. “Shoppers” gift cards are now only available online, through Great Lakes Scrip! (see box to the left for ordering info) Questions: Debbie Stoss adstoss@cox.net Make checks payable to “WTW Band Patrons” 10 _____________________________________________________________________________ ************************************************************************************* Committee Chairs Committee Awards Brochure Band Buddies Book Fair Car Wash Cavalier Cards Chaperones Concert Uniforms Chairs Pam McKeta Melissa Hochberg Mindi Maline Lloyd Cochran Concessions Equipment First Aid *Fruit Sales Great Lakes Scrip Grocery Scrip Hospitality Marching Uniforms Shannon Ries Jack Friel Jean Boyle Carol Davis Debbie Stoss Melissa Hochberg Debbie Rooney Chrissy Rabayda and Izumi Fothergill PTSO Rep Publicity Spirit Wear TAG Day Tiny Tots Trip Coordinator Trumpeter *Vehicle Donations *looking for a new cochair TBD (looking for a new chair) Sharon Larson Brenda McDonald Izumi Fothergill Laura Damian Vella Bloom Kimberly Yeo Stefan Schwarz Contact Info pmcketa@gmail.com mashfive@verizon.net m_maline@yahoo.com lcochran@tenacitysolutions.com Lucy Caldwell and Lisa Murphy murphys1993@verizon.net Tammy Freeman and Mindi Maline wtwbandchaperones@gmail.com Beth Crake and Tu’lann Von Christerson Bcrake@earthlink.net tulannvonc@cox.net msjmries@gmail.com, JFriel68@gmail.com jeanboyle188@hotmail.com carol.garydavis@yahoo.com adstoss@cox.net mashfive@verizon.net debrooney@hotmail.com rabayda@verizon.net ifothergill@hotmail.com TBD sharon.larson@tma.osd.mil brendamcdonald@erols.com woodsonbandtagday@gmail.com LPDAMIAN@verizon.net CAVCHLOE@aol.com wtwbandnews@gmail.com SSchwarz13@gmail.com 11
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