November 2014 Amarillo, Texas Ceta Canyon Men’s #242

November 2014
Amarillo, Texas
Men’s Walk #242~
Ceta Canyon
Ceta Canyon
Men’s #242
November 6-9, 2014
Lay Director:
Tim Spiva
Spiritual Director:
Jim Wilhite
November 13, 2014
Fellowship Church
4607 Coke
Vega, Texas
5:30 4th Day Meeting
6:00 Sponsor Training
Dinner PotluckPlease bring food to share!
7:30 Praise and Worship
Come and join us!
Thursday-Send Off-Pilgrims arrive at
Ceta Canyon @ 7:00 PM. (No later-we
can’t start until everyone is present!)
Sponsor's Hour-Immediately after Send
Saturday-Candlelight-Arrive after 7:00,
Worship begins @ 8:00 PM. Pilgrims
come in @ 9:30 PM
Sunday-Closing-Arrive after 3:00.
Bring food for closing feast. Pilgrims
come in @4:00pm
From the Board
2015 Board of Directors
Election Ballot
November Community-Come and join us
on this special night as we welcome those
attending Community for the first time
since their Walk.
Meal-Potluck Meal. Bring food to share
with everyone!
4th Day Follow Up Meeting-Sponsors
please remember to bring your Pilgrims to
this important meeting where they will
have the chance to share their 4th Day
experiences with the Walk Team and other Community members. We will also explain the importance of becoming involved in a Reunion or other type of Accountability Group, and will have representatives available to help get them
plugged into a group if they want to do
It's that time of year for elections
for the Emmaus Board of Directors. Five persons are to be
elected from the slate of candidates. Because the Golden
Spread Emmaus Community
follows a policy of maintaining
gender balance in its makeup,
this year’s ballot will result in the
election of three (3) men and
two (2) women to the
Board. Voting in this election is
restricted to members of the
Golden Spread Emmaus Community and Chrysalis Community. Please review the candidates, their bio’s, then prayerfully select your candidates for the
upcoming year. All this information can be found on
the Emmaus Web site: at www Deadline
to vote is November 15, 2014.
Walk #242
Confirmed Pilgrims
Please keep these Men in your prayers
John Bowling, Canyon
Chris Campbell, Amarillo
Monty Denney, Amarillo
Daryl Dickey, Dumas
Cody Farley, Hedley
Lewayne Foshee, McLean
Drew Gambrel, Amarillo
Kent Gilbert, Amarillo
Chris Groneman, Vega
Brad Harper, Amarillo
Johnny Harris, Amarillo
Dennis Hart, Amarillo
Robert Hayes, Amarillo
Michael Hebert, Memphis
Scott Hill, Memphis
Scott Keesee, Amarillo
Michael Langford, Amarillo
Matt Mardis, Mangum Ok.
Roberto Martinez, Canyon
Ryan Neusch, Amarillo
Chip Nicholson, Sulphur Springs
Al Ratcliff, McLean
Robby Rogers, Amarillo
Brandon Smith, Amarillo
Gary Smith, Amarillo
David Owens, Amarillo
Steve Metzger, Amarillo
Michael Owings, Valle De Oro
Don Schwindt, Amarillo
Jimmy Simeon, Memphis
Mark Smothermon, Amarillo
Luke Stanley, Amarillo
Conference Room Team
Please keep these servants in your prayers this weekend.
Ray Bell
Gregg Bynum
Danny Richburg
Ben Moore
Robert Huddleston
Scott Jesko
Carl Sjogren
John Chandler
Clayton Watkins
Jeff Roller
Cody Spiva
Willis Duggan
Joe Morrison
Matt Harris
Ken Haney
John Abbott
Roger Dean
Ed Jones
Ken Cole
Earl Burkholder
Lynn House
Tim Spiva
Jim Wilhite
Brian Thomas
Sponsor a Pilgrim!
Have you EVER sponsored a pilgrim? How long has it been
since YOU sponsored a pilgrim? Make it a goal to sponsor at
least one man and one woman this year and every year on
the Walk. This is how we spread the word of our community! It
is up to you, the ones who have been on a walk, to take the
reigns and bless someone else with the same AGAPE love
you felt on your walk. Print off some applications and invite
someone today! If you need more info, contact a board
member or check out our website. It’s TIME.
Check us out on
Golden Spread Emmaus
From Our Community Lay Director
Golden Spread Emmaus Community,
web site and pull up the signup sheets for each walk and
sign up for helping on the walks. You will also be able to
I want to take a moment and thank the community for alsign up for the prayer vigil on the web site. Please, if you
lowing me to serve as your Community Lay Director this
sign up to help for a walk, take a prayer slot, and sign up
year. I am very humbled and honored to serve the Commu- for agape or anything else for the weekend, make sure you
nity. Thank you for your support for the Community and
honor your commitment to the team and the pilgrims of that
your service to the Community and the Pilgrims over the
walk. I also want to challenge you to sponsor someone on
past year. We have one more walk scheduled for this year the walk. If you know someone that has not gone let’s get
which is November the 6th through the 9th. Please begin to them sponsored. Don’t wait for someone else to do it, and
pray for the Pilgrims and the team for this walk. I want to
bless someone the way you were blessed when you attend
encourage all of you to attend candle light and closing if
the Walk to Emmaus. As this year comes to a close I want
possible to show the pilgrims our love and support. I also
to wish all of you a Happy Thanksgiving and a Merry
want to encourage all of you to attend the community meet- Christmas. May God bless you and again thank you for
ing on the 13th. Let us continue to support each other
your support and allowing me to serve as your Lay Directhrough attending the Community meetings and being
tor for 2014.
involved in the walks and other events. We are now
asking you to vote on your next year’s new board of
Directors. Please take a moment and go to the web
site and vote. Next year we will be changing the way
Mitch Woodard
you sign up to work and serve the walks. The sign up
will be on the web site. You will be able to go to the
Important Info about Agape and Prayer Vigil for Walks
We have developed new electronic sign in sheets for Agape and Prayer Vigil for
each Emmaus walk that are now available on our website at
Just look for the Volunteer Spot logo on our home page, click on it, and it will open the Volunteer Opportunity Sign Up Sheets.
You will need to list your email address in order to sign in.
Just click on either the Agape or Prayer Vigil link for each walk. The links will open all the agape needs that
are required for each walk and the number of items for each listing. The Prayer Vigil will open up each of
the 30 minute slots for prayer.
We have chosen this automated system as the Lay Director books that we generally pass around at Candlelight
and Community have become more and more difficult to manage with filling slots, reading handwriting, emails
and phone numbers. We also learned that some members are not able to make it to some of the community
events to sign the book. By putting the sign up sheets on the web site, you may sign up for agape and prayer
slots for each walk for the entire year of 2015. This makes it much more convenient if you enjoy providing a certain type of agape consistently, have favorite prayer slots, or you want to order specific agape for a certain walk.
The sign up sheets are available on line for all the walks in 2015. Each BST (Behind the Scenes) Coordinator's name, email and cell phone are listed with each walk so if you have any questions about agape or prayer slots, please contact the specific BST Coordinator for each walk.
The best thing about this new system is that it will send you a confirmation email as soon as you sign up for
something and you have the capability to add it to your electronic calendar if you choose. You will also get a
reminder of what you signed up to bring or your prayer slots 10 days prior to each walk.
We would also
appreciate your feedback on the new internet system of Volunteer Spot. Please email your
comments (positive or negative) to Carolyn Hurt at the email address
2014 WALKS at Ceta Canyon
Men #242
November 6-9
Tim Spiva & Jim Wilhite
2015 WALKS at Ceta Canyon
Women #243
Men #244
Women #245
Men #246
Women #247
Men #248
February 19-22
March 12-15
April 9-12
August 20-23
October 15-18
November 19-22
Tammy Laughlin & Stan Erwin
Tom Parr & Rick Chadick
Janet Bileau & Ken Haney
Scott Brittain & Earl Burkholder
Pamela Sirmon & Natalie Lowe
Richard Smith & Randy Srader
Text Message Sign-up
Want to get important reminders and info about Emmaus? Sign-up for texts.
Create a new message to:
And type: GSEMMAUS
Community Events:
November 13 Vega
Christ Community Fellowship (Bring potluck)
Walk #241-Letter from Brenda Wilhite
For the “Joy” of our Lord is our strength. Nehemiah 8:10b
It is the Lord's joy that is our strength. It is his rejoicing that gives reason to rejoice. It is his joy that fills us with hope. It is his
joyous wish to save me just as I am, in spite of all my sins. It is God's joy to stand me back upon my feet and strengthen my feeble
legs and wobbly knees so that I might discover his joy as my strength. It is truly a sacred day in heaven when a sinner discovers that
"the joy of the Lord is his strength." As I have studied I have found out that: Joy in the Hebrew is chedvah; meaning rejoicing, gladness, joy. In Greek it is chara: cheerfulness, i.e. calm delight :From the beginning to the end, Walk # 241 has been bathed in joy. Joy
that can only be explained by servants of the Lord called to be working side by side with Him. From the first Team meeting there was
nothing but ‘Joy” on each face. Joyful anticipation of what we would do together for His Kingdom. Sweet Jim Watkins poured joyously
into us the word of God and asked for Him to rain down from heaven his Holy Spirit. The clergy team had the joy of love for our Savior
shining out of them. They had his eyes and ears for the lost and hurting. The BST Team and all of the people who came to help get
ready for the walk had joy in their hearts and on their faces, even as they trudged up and down stairs with heavy boxes. Roger Radney
had joy on his face, even after we changed pilgrims 4 times, which meant 4 changes in every name list. God definitely wanted four
other people on this walk.! The “Joy” was evident on each lovely pilgrim’s face as they came to the canyon to meet their Savior and to
spend time with Him. They came expecting to meet Him more personally and He showed up in a BIG WAY! The music Team of Eloise
and Leann brought our worship time to joy with Him. Each speaker was on fire for Him with his words and message. The joy was all
over their faces as they talked. The community responded with “Joy” for Him and for all of us in your prayers and agape. You too had
joy on your faces when you lifted your candles at candle light. Art Owen played joyfully for us at dinner and for the community at praise
and worship before candlelight. The St. Stephens reunion group had joy all over their faces as they served all of us at closing. As I
look back on the victories for these ladies over their hurts, pain, fears, and baggage that they carried before the cross, I think of their
beautiful joy filled faces later. The Bible says: These are the things that God has called us to do, and these are the things that as
Christians we are anointed to do. The same anointing that was on Christ is on us. We are to bring the good news of the gospel to heal
the brokenhearted, to set people free from bondage, to comfort those who mourn, and to bring the oil of joy, the Holy Spirit to replace
despair so the people can put on the garment of praise to God. All these things delight and glorify God. The glory of the Lord is the
manifestation and revelation of His love to people, ( Isaiah 61:1-3) “The spirit of the Lord is upon me, Because the Lord has anointed
me to preach good tidings to the poor, He has sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening
of prison to those who are bound. To proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord, and the day of vengeance of our God; to give them
beauty for ashes, he oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; that they may be called trees of righteousness, the planting of the Lord, that He may be glorified.”
Joy is a characteristic of God’s Love from His Holy Spirit. (Galatians 5:22-25 NKJV) But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy,
peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, {23} gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law. {24} And those who
are Christ's have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. {25} If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.(Acts 13:52
NKJV) And the disciples were filled with joy and with the Holy Spirit. God has created us to enjoy loving and giving to others. Love is
what we were born for and what we live for! Loving God and loving others is our life . . . and our JOY. As the followers of Jesus have
been given lavish gifts from God, but most of us open the ones we need most and too many of us leave the gift of joy unwrapped or
still in the box. Joy was created in the character of God. Joy was born in the person of Jesus Christ. The word Gospel even means
“message bringing joy.”
I can say this without any hesitation that Team #241 brought the message of joy and love to the lovely ladies
of Walk#241. You sisters of our hearts brought joy to our souls. We are forever touched by your love of our Savior, your
transparency, your love, and joy you returned to all of us. Our souls and spirits are forever knit together. My prayer will
always be: That he will fill your mouth with laughter and your lips with shouts of joy. Job: 8:21
I thank the community for the privilege and honor of working on this walk. My heart is so full of memories, and
I saw the Spirit of God working miracles in His daughter’s lives.
De Colores, Brenda Wilhite
Community NEWS
Community should be prepared for the pilgrims to arrive at the following times:
9:30pm for Candlelight and
4:00pm for Closing.
The Behind-the-Scenes Support Team provides each
walk with a team of anonymous servants who serve in
the agape room organizing &
distributing agape, overseeing the prayer room, providing support to the conference
room team, coordinating the
Agape Snack, and helping
keep the weekend flowing
smoothly. Each team is led
by coordinators who stay for
the weekend to oversee the
support activities. Additional
team members serve the
entire weekend and pay the
walk fee, or can potentially
work shorter time periods,
come and go from home, and
pay only for meals eaten. If
you have a heart for anonymous servanthood and are
interested in being a part of a
Behind-the-Scenes Support
Team or a coordinator for
future walks, please contact
P a m
S t o r k
a t
A Walk consists of 36 pilgrims (sometimes 37) and
Emmaus conference room
teams consist of 26 members. Please plan agape for
the pilgrims & team (65 to be
safe). Please be aware that
"copyrighted" material cannot
be duplicated and used as
Agape Gifts.� This includes
but is not limited to:� Music,
Tapes, CD's, Poems, etc.�
Remember that to sponsor
pilgrims on walks, you
must attend sponsorship
training. Sponsorship is a
great privilege and serious
responsibility that requires
commitment to not only
prepare your pilgrim for
this life-changing experience, but also to love and
support your pilgrim’s family while their loved one is
away for their weekend
with our Lord. Also, if
you’ve signed up to bring
agape to the walk, make
sure you understand exactly what you’ve signed up to
bring. If you have questions, ask experienced
community members or
those in your reunion
group who have helped
with many walks.
Upcoming Sponsor’s
at Community
each Month
Want to Work a Walk?
Send a new YES sheet to:
Men send to Roger Radney
Women send to Carolyn Hurt
Please enclose $8 for tag and postage
Make checks payable to
Golden Spread Emmaus Community
Please include your Name, Address, Phone #,
Walk # and Church Name
Mail To: Kenna Borum, 3616 Lamar, Amarillo, TX 79109
Adults EMMAUS $225
Servants, including clergy, who work a walk pay
the same fee as pilgrims.
Lay Director
Mitch Woodard
Spiritual Director Donnie Allred
David Dzik
Natalie Lowe
Board Secretary Carolyn Hurt
6905 Vision
PO Box 475
5015 Wesley Rd.
8609 Wilshire Dr.
6503 Cheshire
Amarillo, TX 79119
Vega, TX 79092
Amarillo, TX 79119
Amarillo, TX 79110
Amarillo, TX 79109
MAIL APPLICATION OF Pilgrim and Sponsor to:
Men’s Registrar
Roger Radney
9811 Besetzny Lane
Women’s Registrar
Carolyn Hurt
6503 Cheshire
Amarillo, TX 79119
Amarillo, TX 79109