---FOCUS--- BHHS NEWSLETTER VOL.. 26, NO. 3 NOVEMBER 2014 HELPING OUR CHILDREN: THE ROLE OF THE FAMILY IN ADDRESSING MENTAL HEALTH NEEDS On November 13, 2014 the EVƎN program is sponsoring a day of emotional wellness programming for the students of BHHS. The entire student body will participate in events covering a variety of topics ranging from meditation to sleep hygiene to identifying signs and symptoms of mental health issues. Following the day of Wellness, the EVƎN program will host an evening event for parents, educators, mental health professionals and family members. Flyer attached New BobcatTV Shows!! Daylight Savings Time Ends!! November 2: Sunday, November 2nd Daylight Savings Time Ends “Fall Back” November 3: BHHS Stage Collaborations (see attached flyer) Bobcat Boosters @HCC: 6pm November 5: BE SURE TO VOTE End 1st Marking Period ON ELECTION DAY—TUESDAY, November 4 School Counseling Discussion Group: 9am First-Year Transition Program for Freshman Parents: 10am Area All-State Rehearsal @WPHS: 4—9pm C.H.I.L.D Evening Event @ HCC: 7pm NO SCHOOL ON TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 11TH VETERANS’ DAY November 6: Begin 2nd Marking Period Area All-State Rehearsal @SUNY Purchase: 9am—3:30pm Area All-State Concert @SUNY Purchase: 8pm Registration Deadline for 12/6 SAT Reasoning & LOOK FOR THESE ATTACHED FLYERS: Subject Tests November 7: Registration Deadline for 12/13 ACT November 8: SAT Reasoning & Subject Tests November 10: November 11: November 12: November 13: November 14: Varsity Ice Hockey Begins Veteran’s Day: Schools and Offices Closed Winter Varsity/JV Sports Begin Wellness Day BHEF Harlem Wizards: 7pm November Calendar Collaborations (Flyer and Ticket Order Form:) Stage 2015 (Flyer and Ticket Order Form:) Romeo and Juliet EVƎN flyer Senior Group Picture Order Form NYS Department of Health Notice CHILD: Navigating Friendship PleaseUseCautionNearOurSchoolBuses! Schoolbusesarecarryingourmostpreciouscargo.Pleaseremember thatthelawrequiresyoutostopforthebuswhentheredlightsare lashing.Driverswill irstplacetheyellowoverhead lashersonasawarningthattheyare abouttostop.Theredlightindicatesthatthebusdoorisopen.Manybusdrivershavebeen reportingthatdriversarenotrespectingthebus lashersandthepotentialharmthiscould cause.Pleasesharethisinformationathomewithteenagedriversaswell. Bussafetyisourpriority! is a program that cultivates the inherent leadership skills in young people by capitalizing on the best aspects of sport to address social issues. A male and female scholar/athlete team teaches three lessons to the 6th grade health classes. The lessons focus on life skills, sportsmanship/civility and positive and healthy decision making skills. SALT student leaders are empowered to exemplify superior standards in citizenship and decision making skills and to serve as role models to 6th grade students. Applications are available from your guidance counselor. All applications are due November 25th. Senior Class Picture Order in this Issue Please return the order form in this issue to Dr. Abt by Friday, November 7, or send it Island Photography with your payment. I R A D ... ... *A new Athletic Participation form is required for each season Important Information on the Advanced Placement Process for Social Studies The Social Studies Department has worked hard to create a process that allows students, teachers and parents to make a well informed choice regarding their AP placement. This process involves the completion of tiered assignments in the year before a student wishes to take an AP class. The completion of these assignments allow the student to gain insight into the level of achievement required to be successful in an AP class. This also allows the teachers to set common standards and guidelines across the department. The success of this program allows for more accurate scheduling of courses and more appropriate placements for our students. Therefore, it is required that students planning to take any Advanced Placement course in 2015-2016 complete and be successful with the AP level tiered assignments this year. In April, teachers will evaluate the completed work as a whole in order to make the best decision regarding placement for your son or daughter. We encourage you to discuss with your child their interest and readiness to take an Advanced Placement History course in 2015-2016. Please contact your child's teacher or Jen Laden, Department Chairperson, with questions. and can be found on the School District website under "Athletics" Select: Athletic Participation Forms . This form is submitted directly to the high school nurse and should be completed least two weeks before the season begins. The Fall Sports Banquet is scheduled for Sunday, December 7 at 10:00 AM at the Byram Hills High School. Please respect the RSVP deadline for the banquet. Upcoming Dates November 2 November 10 November 12 December 1 Dec. 4, 5, & 6 December 7 Dec. 20 Dec. 22 - 25 Dec. 26 – 31 Jan. 1 Jan. 2-3 January 10 January 16 Feb. 16 - 21 February 23 March 8 March 9 March 15 Daylight Savings Time Ends Varsity Ice Hockey begins Varsity/JV Winter Sports begin Freshman Basketball begins Winter Classic Basketball Tournament Fall Athletic Banquet @ BHHS Regular Athletic Schedule No Athletic Events Regular Athletic Schedule No Athletic Events Regular Athletic Schedule Wrestling Tournament Dance Expo (Snow Date Jan. 17) Regular Athletic Schedule for Varsity Sports Only Pre-Season Meeting for HS Spring sports Daylight Savings Time BeginsVarsity/JV Spring Sports begin Winter Athletic Banquet @ BHHS CUM LAUDE SOCIETY On October 28th, twenty-one seniors were inducted into the Cum Laude Society, the high school’s academic honor society. Cum Laude is modeled on Phi Beta Kappa, as the high school equivalent, to recognize the scholastic achievement of seniors. There are over 350 chapters in the United States. Those seniors who have achieved grade point averages in the top ten percent of their class are selected as members. Mr. Michael Gulino and Mrs. Joanna Lewick gave the Cum Laude addresses. Joanna Lewick and Michael Gulino were elected to faculty membership in the society. The following seniors were inducted: CONGRATULATIONS! Nolan Abramowitz Alison Bidjarano Elise Briody Gregory Carlin Nicholas Contillo Alisia Escobar Katy Gallagher Samantha Gold Eden Gordon Lucy Greenwald Nicole Hoffman Catherine Jankovic Amos Jeng Bessie Jiang Elizabeth Kingsley Payton Levine Guinevere Mesh Brian Schoenfeld Ella Taubenfeld Kyle Vacco Ross Weinfeld Parent&TeacherTrainingForthe BHCSDInterviewCommittee Each year, the Byram Hills Central School District establishes interview teams for the hiring of teachers and adminis‐ trators. The District has been very successful in hiring and retaining excellent teachers and administrators as a result of teacher and parent commi ee par cipa on. Jen Lamia, Assistant to the Superintendent for Human Resources, will be offering two opportuni es for parents and teachers to a end a training session in order to be part of a hiring commi ee in the future. If interested, please e‐mail Mary Jones at majones@byramhills.org with one of the following session dates: Session 1: Thursday, November 20th 3:30 PM to 4:30 PM or Session 2: Thursday, December 1st 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM Both sessions will be held in the District Office Boardroom. PSAT Exam Results Information Juniors took the PSAT on Wednesday, October 15th. The College Board will mail the scores to BHHS at the beginning of December. Once the scores arrive, the staff will mail them to parents. Our school counselors will discuss the PSAT scores with juniors in individual college planning meetings (December and January) and in family college planning meetings (January and February). Lockdown Drill—REMINDER Byram Hills High School will be conducting our annual Lockdown drill on Wednesday, November 7th from 8:40-9:20 AM in coordination with the North Castle Police Department. Parents and visitors will not be permitted to enter or leave the building during the drill. The Lockdown drill is an important part of our emergency preparedness program. All schools in the district will be conducting Lockdown drills on that day. Please contact Chris Walsh or Ken Cotrone if you have any questions about the drill. Join Us! Monday, November 3, 2014 @ 7:00pm Ticket Orders COLLABORATIONS is a Benefit Concert. All tickets are $20.00. All seating is reserved. Proceeds from this event will support the Stage 2015 season: Romeo & Juliet: November 20, 21, 22, 2014 South Pacific: March 5, 6, 7, 2015 Little Shop of Horrors: May 14, 15, 16, 2015 Special Contributions Stage 2015 appreciates donations from Sponsors, Benefactors, Angels and Friends. Donations received by October 29, 2014 will be recognized in the COLLABORATIONS Program. YOUR NAME: __________________________________________________ Email Address/Phone Contact: _____________________________________ Total # Tickets @ $20.00 each: _____ Amount Due with this Order: $______ All tickets will be held in your name at the Box Office. Special Contributions (Select One) _____ _____ _____ _____ Sponsor Donation: $250 or more Benefactor Donation: $100-$249.00 Angel Donation: $50-$99.00 Friend Donation: $25-$49.00 Donors: Please PRINT your name below as you would like it to appear in the Program. _______________________________ Make all checks payable to BHHS Mail to: BHHS Stage 2015, 12 Tripp Lane, Armonk, NY 10504 For additional information call the Stage Ticket Hotline at 914-273-9200, ext. 4550 or send email to: stagetkts@byramhills.org Thank You for supporting BHHS Stage 2015! PO Box 70, Port Washington, NY 11050 516-767-1234 INFORMAL FORMAL Laminate Your Prints! Frame It! Lamination is a durable plastic coating that seals and protects prints Custom frame to display your print: Fully assembled easy back loading for years to come!!! shatter proof plexi glass Packages: Combo Special $35.00 Includes Laminated Formal and Informal Poses Laminated Group & Keychain $26.00 Framed Print $31.00 Laminated Print $21.00 Non-Laminated Print $16.00 5x2.5 Acrylic Keychain $11.00 Giant 12x30 Laminated Poster $35.00 Has both poses!! HOW TO ORDER FILL OUT PERSONAL INFORMATION SECTION ON THIS SIDE OF THE ENVELOPE Insert payment in envelope, keep top portion for your records. Orders will NOT be processed without the $2.00 Postage and Handling Please make checks payable to Island Photography RETURNED CHECK FEE $20 Seal envelope, insert payment, and add postage on opposite side of this envelope Students can also turn in the envelope to the school. Digital images are the property of IP which reserves the right to print and/or display photographs for exhibition & presentations without charge. Island Photography Inc. PO Box 70 Port Washington, NY 11050 516-767-1234 www.islandphoto.com PERSONAL INFORMATION (MUST BE COMPLETE, PLEASE WRITE LEGIBLY) Fill in all blanks - Print CLEARLY _________________________________________________________________________ First Name Last Name E-mail Address _________________________________________________________________________ Address _________________________________________________________________________ City St Zip (___________)_____________________________________________________________ Phone ________________________________________________Class of___________________ School Name We accept cash, checks or money orders payable to Island Photography. Please remember to bring your payment on Photo Day! $ s$ ing COMBO SPECIAL! v Sa 1 Formal & 1 Informal Laminated $$ CLASS PORTRAITS Only $35 Check Here Order Your Prints Below: Formal Informal Framed Print Laminated Print Non-Laminated Print ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ $31.00 $21.00 $16.00 Combo Special ________ ________ $35.00 Laminated Group & Keychain (select group pose) ________ ________ $26.00 5 x 2.5 Acrylic Keychain Has both poses!! ________ ________ $11.00 Giant 12x30 Lam. Poster ________ ________ $35.00 Senior Special Packages: Add Postage & Handling Total Amount Enclosed $ 2.00 $ _________ Dear Colleague, As you know, the problem of heroin and opioid abuse continues to grow at alarming rates both in New York State and throughout the nation. The percentage of New York State high school students who reported using heroin has more than doubled in recent years (Youth Risk Behavior Survey, 2005 and 20111). In 2013, there were 89,269 admissions into treatment facilities for heroin and prescription opioid abuse in New York State alone, an increase from 63,793 in 2004. During this same time period, New Yorkers ages 18 to 24 had the largest increase in such admissions2. This past June, Governor Andrew M. Cuomo signed legislation to develop and conduct a public health awareness campaign to address the dangers of opioid addiction and heroin use. State agencies worked collaboratively to develop a new campaign to raise awareness about the risks, inform individuals about the warning signs and educate the public about resources available to help. The campaign includes public service announcements, a new website, digital (online) ads, social media and print materials, featuring real individuals who have experienced the tragic consequences of opioid and heroin use. We ask you to help raise awareness by sharing and promoting this information with teachers, school staff, students, healthcare professionals, patients, friends and family members, and throughout your community. Visit www.combatheroin.ny.gov to learn more about opioid and heroin abuse. Please also include this link as a resource on your website. New publications and additional resources are available free of charge and can be ordered on the site. Keep in mind, addiction can happen to anyone, to any family, and at any time. We believe by working together everyone can help make a difference, and we urge you to join us in the fight against this growing epidemic. Sincerely, Arlene González-Sánchez, M.S., L.M.S.W. Commissioner New York State Office of Alcoholism & Substance Abuse Services John B. King, Jr Commissioner of Education New York State Education Department Howard A. Zucker, M.D., J.D. Acting Commissioner New York State Health Department 1Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). 1991-2013 High School Youth Risk Behavior Survey Data. Available at http://nccd.cdc.gov/youthonline/. Accessed on April 8, 2014. 2New York State Office of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Services (OASAS) Data Warehouse, April 13, 2014. As a result of the growing concern about the problem of heroin and opioid abuse, New York State has developed a campaign to raise awareness about the risks and warning signs of opioid use and to educate the public about resources available to help. You can visit www.combatheroin.ny.gov to learn more about this. While this current campaign focuses on opiates, young people can also experience problems with alcohol, marijuana and other drugs. Visit the National Institute on Drug Abuse, at www.drugabuse.gov/parents-educators, or www.powertotheparent.org for up to date information for parents and educators. You can find information on how to prevent your child's involvement in alcohol and other drugs and information about how different substances can affect your child. We urge everyone to be informed and join the effort against this growing epidemic of heroin and opioid abuse. We know that addiction can happen to anyone, to any family , in any community, and at any time. If you have any questions or concerns, please call our Student Assistance Counselor, Annie Kelly, LCSW at 914-273-9200 ext. 4943. C.H.I.L.D. Children Having Individual Life Differences Navigating Friendship Across the Ages: What Every Parent Needs to Know Featuring Caren Baruch – Feldman, Ph.D. Wednesday, November 5, 2014 7:00 p.m. HC Crittenden Cafeteria Dr. Baruch-Feldman will advise parents how to help children successfully navigate childhood friendships, including reciprocal friendships and peer pressure for children both with and without special needs. Dr. Caren Baruch-Feldman, Ph.D. is a licensed psychologist and a certified school psychologist. She maintains a private practice in Scarsdale and works part-time as a school psychologist in the Harrison schools in Westchester, New York. Her private practice focuses on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for children and adults and Psycho-Educational Evaluations. Dr. Baruch-Feldman has authored numerous articles and led workshops on topics including cognitive behavioral therapy techniques, helping children and adults with stress and worry, executive functioning, and psychological assessment.. Dr. Baruch-Feldman received her undergraduate degree from Barnard College of ColumbiaUniversity and received her doctorate in Clinical-Child Psychology and School Psychology Certificate from St. John’s University. She did her internship and post doctoral training at Long Island Jewish Medical Center. Dr. Baruch-Feldman trained at the Albert Ellis Institute and is a Fellow and Supervisor in Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT), a type of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Please rsvp to child@bhtsa.org
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