November 2014
• Calendar.........................2
• Living Green...................4
• News from City Hall........5
• Projects Update..............6
• Venice for Families.........7
• App for Public Works......7
• Development Update.....8
• History..........................10
• Utilities News...............11
• Photo Album................12
• Bulletin Board...............16
John Holic
Vice Mayor
Emilio Carlesimo
Council Members
Jim Bennett
Bob Daniels
Kit McKeon
Jeanette Gates
Dave Sherman
Left, the coral clad wall in the lobby
climbs to the second-story balcony in
the Venice Performing Arts Center.
Above, the stage includes an orchestra
pit, movable acoustical shell, and other
stage accoutrements.
Nov 6 at 6 p.m.
Grand Opening and
Ribbon Cutting
at the new state-of-the-art
Venice Performing Arts Center
1 Indian Ave.
Take the backstage tour, celebrate a new era
in the Venice arts and culture
The public will have a rare opportunity to tour backstage at the new Venice Performing Arts Center, Nov. 6
at 6 p.m. at the facility’s grand opening and ribbon cutting.
The $15 million performing arts center was paid for by the Sarasota County School Board and City of Venice.
It is a state-of-the-art performance hall, meticulously acousticized and professionally equipped with high-tech sound
and lighting. It will serve as the performance home for the Venice Symphony, Venice Concert Band and Exsultate!
Chorus, as well as the theater and music students at Venice High School. The 1,070-seat facility can be rented for
other performances, as well.
VPAC director is VHS theater teacher Miles Mowry. Cassandra Trascik is the VPAC manager.
For more information, see
Charter Officers
City Manager Edward Lavallee
City Clerk Lori Stelzer
City Attorney David Persson
For questions, or to be placed on the newsletter distribution list,
call Marketing and Communications Officer Pam Johnson:(941)
486-2626, ext. 24005 or
November 2014
Venice City E-News
• Special Government Meetings
• Holidays
• Special Events
All city meetings take place in Council Chambers at Venice City Hall, unless
otherwise stated. All activities are subject to change. To verify a meeting or
event, call (941) 486-2626.
Several special events
this month require road
closures. Please use caution when driving.
2 Daylight Saving Time
Venice MainStreet Art Fest
downtown, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.
(No Farmers Market today.)
Howlin’ Halloween Pet Parade in
Blalock Park, 9 a.m. - noon
4 Election Day
Venice MainStreet Art Fest,
downtown, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.
11 Veterans Day
REV3 Triathlon, Maxine
Barritt Park
Chalk Festival, Airport Festi- City Hall closed, Garbage, yard
val Grounds and downtown, waste and recycling collected City Council, 9 a.m.
as usual. Ceremony, Patriots
all day
Park, 9 - 11 a.m.
Chalk Festival
Chalk Festival
Parks and Recreation
Advisory Board, 3 p.m.
Planning Commission,
1:30 p.m.
City Council Certification
of Election and Swearing
In, 11 a.m.
Economic Development
Advisory Board, 3:30 p.m
City Council, 9 a.m.
Venice Farmers Market
200 W. Tampa Ave.
8 a.m. - noon
REV3 Triathlon, Maxine Barritt
Review Board, 9 a.m
Friday Night Live free concert
by Steve Arvey, Centennial
Park, 7 p.m
Progressive Dinner, see P. 13
Venice Farmers Market
200 W. Tampa Ave.
8 a.m. - noon
Venice MainStreet Blues
Fest, Maxine Barritt Park,
11 a.m. - 7 p.m.
Chalk Festival
Chalk Festival
Chalk Festival
Chalk Festival
Chalk Festival
Code Enforcement Board,
Venice Performing Arts
Center Grand Opening and
Ribbon Cutting, 6 p.m.
Planning Commission,
1:30 p.m.
Ends, turn clocks back one
hour and replace batteries
in smoke detectors.
Venice Farmers Market
200 W. Tampa Ave.
Preservation Board, 9 a.m. 8 a.m. - noon
28 Friday Night Live free 29
concert by Larry & Taylor, Venice Farmers Market
200 W. Tampa Ave.
City Hall closed. Garbage, yard Centennial Park, 7 p.m
8 a.m. - noon
Thanksgiving Day
waste and recycling will not be
collected until the next regular City Hall closed in observance
Annual Holiday Parade,
collection day.
of the Thanksgiving holiday.
Garbage, yard waste and re- downtown, 7 p.m. with
preparade activities at 5
cycling collected as usual.
Venice City E-News
• Special Government Meetings
• Holidays
• Special Events
All city meetings take place in Council Chambers at Venice City Hall, unless
otherwise stated. All activities are subject to change. To verify a meeting or
event, call (941) 486-2626.
Planning Commission,
1:30 p.m.
Environmental Advisory
Board, 2:30 p.m.
Municipal Code Enforcement
Board, 9 a.m
Downtown Christmas Walk,
5 - 8 p.m.
6 Venice Farmers Market
200 W. Tampa Ave.
8 a.m. - noon
Christmas Boat Parade, Along
the ICW, 6 p.m.
City Council, 9 a.m.
Public Art Advisory Board,
3:30 p.m
Architectural Review Board,
9 a.m.
Friday Night Live free concert
by Karen Klarich at Centennial
Park, 7 p.m.
Venice Farmers Market
200 W. Tampa Ave.
8 a.m. - noon
Christmas Tree Lighting in
Blalock Park and Venice Museum Open House, 6 p.m.
Historic Preservation Board,
9 a.m.
Venice Farmers Market, 200
W. Tampa Ave., 8 a.m. - noon
Parks and Recreation Advisory Planning Commission,
1:30 p.m.
3 p.m
City Council, canceled
City Hall closed in observance
of the Christmas holiday.
Garbage, yard waste and recycling collected as usual.
City Hall closed in observance
of the Christmas holiday.
Garbage, yard waste and recycling will not be collected.
January 1
New Year’s Eve
City Hall closed in observance
Garbage, yard waste and recy- of New Year’s Day. Garbage,
cling collected as usual.
yard waste and recycling will
not be collected.
Venice Farmers Market, 200
W. Tampa Ave., 8 a.m. - noon
November 2014
Venice City E-News
Projects improve the way we live
Working toward better water quality
A water quality improvement project
will begin in November at Outfalls 1 and 2. Rain
water will be routed into an underground exfiltration trench and then to an open vegetated
swale within the existing beach dune system.
This will allow the stormwater to be absorbed
into the ground, treating it for pollutants and
bacteria before entering the recreational waters
of the Gulf of Mexico. Some of it will percolate
through the sand to help fill the aquifer.
Outfall 1 is located at Venice Beach,
while Outfall 2 is located near the end of Alhambra Road.
The $542,255 project, constructed by
Quality Enterprises USA Inc., is overseen by the
Engineering Department.
Sharrows make biking safer
Sharrows will be painted on The Esplanade, Tarpon Center Drive, Bayshore Drive
and Laguna Drive this month.
Sharrows are markings on the pavement
that provide notice to drivers that bicyclists are
sharing the lane with vehicles. Drivers should
expect to see bicycle riders and wait for a safe
opportunity to pass them.
Sharrows are being used nationwide as
a safety enhancement for bicyclists and to promote awareness to drivers.
Vehicle drivers should always maintain
a minimum of 3 feet of safe distance from bicycles on all roads, regardless of whether sharrows are painted on the pavement.
Green Tip: Always clean up after your pet. Pet waste, as well as grass clippings, fertilizers, pesticides and chemicals that get
into storm drains go straight to the beautiful waters of the Gulf of Mexico. Not only do they pollute the natural environment,
but some items can block the flow of stormwater and cause flooding. If you see someone placing something in a stormwater
management conveyance--that’s a ditch, stormwater drain or any natural body of water--call Stormwater Engineer James
Clinch, (941) 486-2626, ext. 25002.
November 2014
Venice City E-News
News from City Hall
Citizens serve their community
Joe Dalton and Jim Kraut were reappointed to the Venice Housing Authority to serve
until Sept. 30, 2018.
Jean Trammell and Leah Sherman, reappointed to the Public Art Advisory Board to serve
until Oct. 31, 2017.
Alicia Scarpellini reappointed to the Historic Preservation Board to serve until Oct. 31,
Douglas Roach reappointed to the Venice
Housing Authority to serve until Oct. 31, 2018.
Jack Robson nominated to serve as city
representative to the Sarasota/Manatee Metropolitan Planning Organization Citizen Advisory
Committee for three years.
Volunteers needed
Venice Museum and Archives is looking
for volunteers to perform the several tasks at the
local history museum.
• Computer literate volunteers, who are
detail oriented and comfortable talking to people,
are needed to answer phones, greet visitors, give
tours, assist with clerical and other miscellaneous
tasks, and manage gift shop sales during museum
Volunteers would be expected to work
one day a week, Monday through Wednesday, for
3 hours at a time, either 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. or 1 p.m.
– 4 p.m. There are also opportunities on the first
and third Saturdays of the month, from 10:45
a.m. – 3 p.m. through April 4. Both seasonal and
full-time residents are welcome.
• Volunteers are needed to help with special
events, including set up, break down and staffing
during the event.
• Those who like to work outdoors are
needed to perform light weeding and checking for
potential structural improvements on the museum grounds.
Volunteer applications are available at the
museum, 351 S. Nassau St. Applicants whose
skills, experience and availability match the museum needs will be contacted for an interview. For
more information, call (941) 486-2487.
Road closures
Several roads will be closed to vehicular
traffic this month due to special events:
• Nov. 1 and 2 - West Venice Avenue, due to
Venice Art Fest.
• Nov. 9 - South Harbor Drive, from Airport Avenue, and intermittent lane closures throughout
the area due to the REV 3 bicycle competition.
• Nov. 10 - 17 - 200 block of West Miami Avenue
due to the Sarasota Chalk Festival.
• Saturdays (except. Nov. 1), 6 a.m. - 1 p.m., 200
block of West Tampa Ave., due to Venice Farmers
If you wish to receive emails about lane
and road closures as they are happening, send
your name and email address with the request to
be added to the Traffic Advisory distribution list.
When we learn of a local road project, we will
share it with you.
Have a question or a concern and don’t know
who to call? Call the Venice Helpline (941) 9991415, or Marketing and Communications Officer
Pam Johnson, (941) 486-2626, ext. 24005, or
City of Venice
Mission Statement
To provide exceptional
municipal services
through a financially and
sustainable city
with engaged citizens.
Venice is a vibrant, charming, historical
community in which to live, learn,
work and play.
Follow city meetings
To access meeting agendas, visit
On the left of this page, click on meetings,
then click on Meetings-Granicus, find the
meeting you want to view, look to the right
of it and click on Agenda, click open, and
To listen to live audio of meetings, or to
watch city council meeting live videos, after
clicking on Agenda and the meeting of interest, click on video.
The meetings are also aired on Comcast
Channel 19 and Verizon Channel 32. Check for the schedule.
November 2014
Venice City E-News
U.S. 41 Bypass widening project
• January - Florida Department of Transportation to bid contract.
• April - Physical construction of the
project to begin from Bird Bay Drive to Gulf
Coast Boulevard including improvements to the
Venice Avenue intersection.
• After completion of Phase I, the area
between Gulf Coast Boulevard and Center Road
will be constructed. This phase is not funded at
this time, but expected to be funded for 2018.
• Background: The project eliminates
the bottle neck of one of the area’s major hurricane evacuation routes. It was first requested
in 1989, but was put on hold until after the U.S.
41 Business corridor was widened and able to
accommodate the additional temporary traffic
construction on the bypass would create. There
will always be access to the road throughout
Beach Renourishment
• December or January- Army Corps of
Engineers will begin the project. Great Lakes
Dredge & Dock began staging equipment last
month. Flamingo Ditch will be demolished Dec.
• Background: This is the third restoration of Venice Beach since 1996 in accordance
with the city’s agreement with the corps to renourish every 10 years for 50 years. The original
nourishment in 1994 and 1996 added 250 feet
of sand seaward of the high water line and what
then was a minimal stretch of beach due to erosion. The restored beach serves to preserve natural and manmade infrastructure from erosion
and tropical storms and hurricanes. It also
serves to provide more sand for endangered
sea turtles, which normally nest on the same
beach where they hatched, to find sufficient
areas for nesting. Several species of shorebirds
also nest along the beach.
And, of course, the beach is essential to
the area’s greatest economic driver, tourism.
• Sand: A dredge will bring sand close to
the shore from a borrow site about 8 - 12 miles
offshore, then pump it through submerged
pipes onto the beach. Special screens filter unwanted materials at the dredge and again at the
end of the pipe. Once the sand is on the beach,
heavy equipment is used to spread it to fill in
the beach template. Surveyors and inspectors will
monitor the sand and its
placement to ensure it
meets specific standards
for Venice Beach.
• Where will sand
go? About 3.2 miles of shoreline will receive
around 791,000 cubic yards of sand, starting at
the north end, near the South Jetty.
• When will the work take place? The
work will take place 24 hours a day, seven days
a week in order to expedite the project, which
is expected to be complete in three months,
barring unforeseen delays.
• Noise: There will be noise from
pumps, the use of heavy equipment and backup
alarms. The direction of the wind and other factors may influence the way in which the noise
is perceived.
• Watching the action: The process of
renourishment is actually quite interesting to
many people. It is important that people respect the signs and markings designating safe
areas from which to watch the activities in the
work zone. Boaters should also refrain from entering the work zone in the water.
• Protecting the environment: The City
of Venice will monitor sea turtles and shore
birds for their safety during the
project. The hopper dredge will use
a deflector to protect sea turtles
from harm. Coral and other bottom
sea life will be surveyed and photographed in advance of the project and dredging and piping will be
done with consideration for these
environmental areas.
The city will provide information frequently once these projects get started. For
questions or concerns, call Marketing and Communications Officer Pam Johnson, (941) 4862626, ext. 24005.
November 2014
Venice City E-News
Venice: Great place to raise a family
Nerd Wallet named Venice the 13th best place in Florida to
raise a family. The selection was based on quality of schools, home
affordability, growth and prosperity, and median income. The article
may be seen at
County offers health opportunities
Florida Health Department employees in Sarasota County's
Health In Motion Mobile Medical Unit will provide free and low-cost
health services at several sites and two special events around the
county during November. Credit and debit cards are accepted.
The services offered through the mobile unit include diabetes
education and screening, blood pressure tests, pregnancy testing, HIV
testing, body mass index (BMI) measurement, health education and
adult immunizations.
A number of adult immunizations including flu shots, the
human papillomavirus vaccine, tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis vaccine, and Hepatitis A and B vaccines are now being offered.
No appointment is needed. Some services are free, including
HIV rapid testing with results in 20 minutes and tobacco cessation referrals to any of the three no-cost options offered by Tobacco Free
Florida's 3 Ways to Quit. Other services are provided on a sliding-fee
scale based on income. A registered nurse is available at all sites.
The following take place in Venice:
• Fall Wellness Fair, Wednesday, Nov. 5, 9 a.m.-1 p.m., Venice Community Center, 326 Nokomis Ave. S.
• Health in Motion, Wednesday, Nov. 12, 9:30-3 p.m., Salvation
Army Family Store, 1160 U.S. 41 Bypass South.
Did you know? If you are expecting a city inspector to come to your home, you may call the Building Department at (941) 486-2626 for a 2-hour window of the
inspector’s expected arrival time. Be sure to coordinate this information with the contractor who obtained the permit and did the work on your property.
November 2014
Venice City E-News
The following map depicts recent and current development activity in the downtown and surrounding area of the City of Venice.
November 2014
Venice City E-News
The following map depicts current or recent development in North Venice.
November 2014
Venice City E-News
The Past Connects the Future
Celebrate the circus with style
and benefit the train depot
Celebrate Circus, commemorating the 65th
anniversary of the Sailor Circus, Sarasota County’s
circus education program for teenagers, will be the
theme of the Venice Area Historical Society’s ninth
annual style show. The event takes place Thursday,
Dec. 11, 11 a.m., at the Plantation Golf and Country
Club, 500 Rockley Blvd.
Pedro Reis and Dolly Jacobs, world famous
circus aerialists and leaders of the Circus Arts Conservatory, umbrella organization to the Sailor Circus,
will be honored.
The society’s past president, Sue Chapman,
is chairing this popular sell-out event. Vee ChilulliGarry will coordinate an array of “what to wear to
the circus” fashions in circus colors of red, yellow,
and blue, from Venice MainStreet shops. There will
be basket and 50/50 raffles.
Tickets are $40, a portion of which is tax-deductible, and will be available at Sandy’s Designer
Clothing, J & G Jewelers, Collectors’ Gallery and
Venice Stationers.
This year, the event proceeds will benefit the
Venice Area Historical Society’s “Preserve the Venice
Depot’s Circus Train Heritage” project, with a goal of
completing the railroad car exhibit at the historic
depot campus with a circus performers’ coach car.
For more information email:
or leave a message at (941) 412-0151.
News from Venice Museum
and Archives
The Venice Museum and Archives in the historic Triangle Inn, 351 S.
Nassau Street, is open Monday through Wednesday, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.; the first and third
Saturday of the month, 11 a.m. - 3 p.m. until April 4; or at other times by appointment. For
information, call (941) 486-2487.
The current display, “Journey into the Wild Frontier,” continues through Jan.21.
Learn about the first settlers who came to the area.
While at the Triangle Inn, visit the gift shop for interesting books, trinkets and collectors’
items, such as the limited number of decks of playing cards featuring area historic photos,
available for $15.
To learn about the history of Venice, visit the web site:
Like us on Facebook: Venice Museum and Archives
Historic Train Depot open for tours
Venice Area Historical
Society docents provide free tours of the
1927 Historic Venice
Train Depot and red caboose, 303 E. Venice
Ave., Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.;
and Saturdays, 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. The red caboose is
open Saturdays. To arrange a tour for a group of 10
or more, or for more information, call (941) 412-0151.
The organization meets Nov. 18 at 7 p.m. in the
Renaissance Room, Mark Manor Building, Village on
the Isle, 920 Tamiami Trail S. The program will be
about the Civil War.
Dine at DQ Grill and Chill, 1465 E. Venice
Ave., Nov. 12,
from 5 - 8 p.m.,
and 10 percent of
your bill will be
contributed to
the restoration of
November 2014
Venice City E-News
News from the Utilities Department
New pipes will provide better service
Water main replacement, Phase I
The first phase of the water main replacement program is near completion. Old deteriorated water mains are no longer in use in
rear lots in this phase. New water service lines
and meters were installed in front of the homes
where the work was done.
Property and road restoration is estimated to be complete by the end of November.
Benefits of this project include elimination of rear lot entry for maintenance or repairs,
increased water pressure, with improved and
additional fire protection.
Water main replacement, Phase 2
Preconstruction activity is taking place
on most of the west side of the island, from
Roberts Bay to Gulf Manor Drive. Bordering the
east side of the work area will be Osprey Street,
Madrid Avenue, Narvaezi Street, North Park
Boulevard, Avenue des Parques, and South Park
Water main replacement, Phase 3
Preconstruction activity is also taking
place in the area bordered by Nokomis Avenue
on the west, Firenze Avenue on the north, Base
Avenue on the south, and Davis Street to the
Pipe repair
The Utilities Department had the city’s
entire sanitary sewer system inspected by video
camera to identify areas needing rehabilitation,
such as cleaning, relining, excavation and repair.
A sewer line on Sleepy Hollow Road in Pinebrook
South was repaired in mid-summer. This sewer
line caused significant flow restriction due to the
internal condition of the pipe.
The road is located between two bodies of
water, which flow underneath it. Three concrete
stormwater pipes are directly above the sewer
The sewer line was in immediate need of
repair to protect the lake, road and surrounding
homes. Given the depth of the line and constraints of the work area, the project went
smoothly. The department extends its appreciation to city customers for their support and
good will during the process.
To stay informed with all the utility projects from design through construction; please
visit the website: and click
on Departments, Utilities, Projects, Projects Status Report or copy and paste this link:
Above, Sleepy Hollow Road is located between
two bodies of water which flow underneath the
In the area between the lakes, a large conflict box
protects the waterway, stormwater pipes and
workers while the sewer line is repaired in Pinebrook South.
Information compiled by Cynthia Hogan
November 2014
Venice City E-News
Mayor John Holic proclaims November Domestic Violence Awareness Month to
Susan Towsley, representing Safe Place and Rape Crisis Center (SPARCC).
Mayor John Holic
puts on a mask
and lets a Southeastern Guide Dog
take him around
the park on White
Cane Day to get a
feel for what it is
like to be blind.
Members of the Venice Area Historical Society wear clown bow ties and
show off the railcars of the model circus train to highlight the upcoming
style show, "Celebrate Circus." For more information, go to or call (941) 412-0151 and your call will
be returned. From left, front, are Jane Gill and Penny Phelps; back row,
Edy Browne, Janie Ewell and Jeana Hilligoss. See Page 9 for more information.
State Sen. Nancy Detert
holds a replica of the new
KMI Bridge sign at a ceremony celebrating the
change in the name of the
north bridge from Hatchett
Creek Bridge on Oct. 17.
November 2014
Venice City E-News
Pictured above are some of the scouts from Boy Scout Troop 77 who will be collecting
food at the Venice Holiday Parade, Nov. 29 to give to people in need. Parade viewers
are asked to bring canned goods to the parade. The boy scouts will be in the front of
the parade collecting the contributions, which will be given to the All Faith’s Food
Bank. Pre-parade entertainment begins at 5 p.m., with the parade beginning at 6 p.m.
It will follow West Venice Avenue from The Esplanade to Nokomis Avenue, where it
will turn south, terminating at the Venice Community Center. Chairs may be placed
along the parade route after 6 p.m. on Wednesday, Nov. 26. Chairs placed before that
time may be subject to confiscation.
Bob Vedder, member of Venice Area Beautification Inc.
who spearheaded the Venice participation in the America
in Bloom competition, presents the recognition for Venice
for its community involvement. The winners this year
were Arroyo Grande, Calif., Washington, Mo.; Gallipis,
Ohio; Pella, Iowa; Holland, Mich. and Madisonville, Ky.
Vedder plans to spearhead another competition entry
next year.
November 2014
Venice City E-News
Left, Beverly Alden’s Venice High School class
participated in Make a Difference Day in Blalock
Park where they installed mulch and did other
projects to enhance the beauty of the park.
Below, a group of volunteers from Grace United
Methodist Church worked in Venezia Park.
OCTOBER 25, 2014
November 2014
Venice City E-News
Above, among the nearly 500 people working in the parks on a
beautiful Saturday morning in October, this group painted the
wall of the chiller plant at City Hall, while, below, another group
painted the kiosk in Centennial Park.
Sertoma Club members gathered at Service Club Park - one the club helped build - to remove invasive
species of plants, such as Brazilian pepper trees and the poisonous rosary pea, a vine that looks like a fern
and has small poisonous red berries.
November 2014
Venice City E-News
Bulletin Board
If you haven’t signed up for CodeRED, you’ll
want to go to, scroll
down to the bottom, click on the CodeRED
icon, and fill out the form. The CodeRED system will alert residents about impending
projects in their neighborhoods, water outages, and of course, hurricane information.
November 2014
Venice City E-News
Bulletin Board
REV3 takes place Nov. 8 and 9, headquartered at Maxine Barritt Park, 1800 S.
Harbor Drive. The following is where the bicycle events will take place. Please
drive with care and avoid these areas as much as possible. Below is a map of the
Kids Triathlon on Saturday, and below that the HalfRev bike schedule.
Sunday, November 9, HalfRev and OlympicRev Triathlons, traffic areas to be
impacted as follows:
Harbor Drive, from Venice Avenue to Caspersen Beach, 5 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Venice Avenue and U.S. 41 Business and Bypass intersections, 7:30 - 9:30 a.m.
Venice Avenue, from Harbor Drive to Jacaranda Boulevard 7:30 - 10 a.m.
Pinebrook Road, from Center Road to Edmondson Road.7:30 -11:30 a.m.
Center Road, from Pinebrook Road to Stoneybrook, 7:30 - 10 a.m.
Jacaranda Boulevard, from Center Road northbound to Laurel Road,
8 -11 a.m.
Edmondson and Border roads, Forbes Trail 8:30-11 a.m.
Albee Farm Road, from Colonia Lane to Laurel Road, 8:30 a.m. - noon
Laurel Road, from Albee Farm Road to the eastern end, 8:30 a.m - noon
U.S. 41 southbound, from Colonia Lane to Tampa Avenue, 9 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.
Northern Venice Island roads (Tarpon, St. Augustine, Laguna, The Esplanade),
9 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
November 2014
Venice City E-News
Bulletin Board
Pancake Breakfast every first and third Saturday through
April, 8 - 10 a.m. at Grace
United Methodist Church,
400 Field Avenue East. Includes plain and blueberry
pancakes, scrambled eggs,
gravy, peaches, orange juice
and coffee, $6.
November 2014
Venice City E-News
Other performers:
Kat Riggins
R J Howson
The Florida Blues Brothers
Luca Sestak
Tickets are $20 in advance and
$25 at the door. For more information call Venice MainStreet (941) 484-6722 or see
November 2014
Venice City E-News
Venice Theatre
140 W. Tampa Ave.
(941) 488-1115
Box Office: Monday - Friday,
10 a.m. - 5 p.m.
and one hour before the show
Venice Art Center
390 S. Nokomis Ave.
(941) 485-7136
Monday - Friday
9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
“Maxi & Mini - Members Show”
Oct. 10 - Nov. 6
“The Full Monty “
Nov. 4 - 30
“Late Nite Catechism “
Nov. 9 & 10
“God of Carnage”
Nov. 13 - 30
“Reimagining Venice, Chalk and Pastel Show”
Nov. 11 - 21
November 2014
Venice City E-News
The Venice Symphony and Exsultate! chorus perform their joint inaugural concert in the new Venice
Performing Arts Center, Nov. 21 and 22. Imre Pallo,
who has conducted orchestras around the world,
will be a guest conductor. For more information, see
November 2014
Venice City E-News
City of Venice residents are permitted to irrigate lawns one day
per week:
Even addresses on Tuesdays
Odd addresses on Thursdays
Before 8 a.m. and after 6 p.m.
Hand watering hot spots and micro-irrigation of other plants is allowed on any day at any time.
There are no restrictions on car washing, pressure washing, use of
fountains, or use of reuse or reclaimed water. A shut-off nozzle on
hoses should be used for car washing and hand watering of garden
plants. Conservation is encouraged.
Like us on Facebook: Venice, Florida Municipal Government
November 2014
Venice City E-News
Bulletin Board
Mayor John Holic presents the Award for Outstanding Achievement in Popular Annual Financial Reporting for 2013 from the Government Finance Officers Association to Finance Director Jeff Snyder.
Daylight Saving Time ends Sunday, Nov. 2. Turn
clocks back one hour. The Venice Fire Department reminds you it’s time to replace batteries
in smoke detectors.