Issue 13 Newsletter Date: November 2014 Mr. John Ross Community Affairs Director What’s Happening in Community Affairs BIRTHDAYS Donald Gordon Ronald Smith Reggie Eleam Larry Blunt Amos Brown Delles Howell Jr. Henry Beaver Roy Shelling Our mission is to enhance the quality of life for our citizens and visitors by presenting a variety of diverse entertainment, leisure activities, outreach and educational programs as provided by our various divisions. We are many communities, but one city, with one future and we are MONROE PROUD. PARKS & REC Parks & Recreation Division Highlights for November '2014: Monroe Parks & Recreation Division Flag & Tackle Football Leagues end on Saturday, November 22, 2014 and for further information please contact Mr. Sam Tennessee, Center Supervisor @ Henrietta Johnson Community Center @ (318) 329-2448 or Bruce Watson, Director, Parks & Recreation Division @ (318) 329-2523. Completion of Lida Benton Playground Equipment & Pavilions Installation by the City of Monroe's Public Works Department Ongoing Construction of the six (6) new outdoor restrooms @ Saul Adler, Henrietta Johnson, Liller Maddox Marbles, Harvey H. Benoit, Mt. Nebo Playground Park & Lida Benton Neighborhood Park Ongoing Construction of re-roofing @ Henrietta Johnson, Liller Maddox Marbles & Harvey H. Benoit Community Centers Ongoing Construction (Limited Renovations) to restrooms & showers @ Monroe Civic Center & Community Centers except B. J. Washington Community Center Ouachita Valley Road Runners Half-Marathon @ Forsythe Park around the old Swayze Natatorium on Saturday, November 1, 2014 Alzheimer Association 2 Mile Walk @ Forsythe Park's Bandstand Area on Saturday, November 8, 2014 from 7:00 A. M. - 12:00 P. M. Salvation Army 5K Race @ Forsythe Park's Bandstand Area on Saturday, November 15, 2014 from 7:30 A. M. 1:00 P. M. American Heart Association HeartWalk @ Forsythe Park's Bandstand Area on Saturday, November 22, 2014 from 6:00 A. M. - 11:00 A. M. Cyclocross Bike Race @ Forsythe Point Recreation Area on Sunday, November 16, 2014 from 9:00 A. M. - 3:00 P. M. Bass Master Nation Fishing Tournament @ Forsythe Point Recreation Area Boat Dock & Ouachita River with weigh-in each day @ 3:30 P. M. and fishing from 6:00 A. M. - 6:00 P. M. from October 31 - November 8, 2014 Division Parks & Rec. Employee of the Month Seletta McClinton Civic Center Ronald Smith Zoo Kim Dooley Mr. James Mayo Mayor I s s u e 1 3 P a g e 2 Monroe Civic Center-Charles Thomas, Director, emailto:, 318-329-2225 We open the month with a busy weekend. We have the "Powerhouse Tumble & Cheer Workout for St. Jude," we will have girls and boys from every end of the state. Then Heritage of India takes over the Banquet Hall, such beautiful colors, and the Les Martinique Tea. The month stays busy the next week with meetings and training classes. Before you know it, the "Comedy Train, Super Show, Laugh till you Cry," wonders into the Theatre. The second weekend brings in the "CVB Bass Master’s Banquet," don’t miss these Don’t forget to go out and vote on November 4. You can’t complain about how the government is run if you don’t vote. November 11 is Veteran’s Day and we here at the Civic Center celebrate this holiday for all the veteran’s out there that have fought for our freedom. We will be closed in their honor. We will have the "Annual Delta Waterfowl Banquet" on Thursday, November 13. They will fill up the Banquet Hall with their celebrations. National Recycling Day is Saturday, November 15, PARTICIPATE. The Chamber Accent on Excellence is scheduled for November 19, 7:30am. We go into the third week with several local meetings filling up the civic center. The week of "Thanksgiving," will offer us time to do some much needed spring cleaning at the Civic Center and then we will be home with our families and friends on Thanksgiving Day celebrating everything we are thankful for. We wish each and every one of you the best of the holidays and have a "Happy Thanksgiving." You can always visit our Facebook page,, for any information you may need or comments you want to leave. Employee of the Quarter: Ronald Smith He has been with the Civic Center for over five years. He is always at work on schedule, an employee that takes pride in his work. He has been an asset to the Civic Center. Congratulations Ronald Smith!!! We have the following employee celebrating their birthdays in the month of November: REGGIE ELEAM ROY HUBBARD LARRY BLUNT DONALD GORDON NOVEMBER 1 POWERHOUSE TUMBLE & CHEER SAT: 12:00PM ARENA THU: 5:30PM CONFERENCE HALL SAT: 9:00AM – 1:00PM PARKING LOT FOR INFORMATION: 318-387-2626 13 LOUISIANA DELTA WATERFOWL FOR INFORMATION: 318-361-4728 15 NATIONAL RECYCLING DAY KEEP MONROE BEAUTIFUL FOR INFORMATION: 318-329-4983 NOVEMBER 27 MONROE ROTARY CLUB THURSDAYS @ NOON P a g e 4 Chennault Golf Course Prices Weekday Riding Prices Regular 18 holes-$26.00 9 holes-$19.50 Weekday Riding Senior Prices 18 holes $23.00 9 Holes 15.00 Weekend Riding Prices Regular 18 holes-$35.00 9 holes-$21.75 Weekend Senior Prices 18 holes $29.00 9 holes $18.00 Weekday Walking Prices 18 holes-$17.75 9 holes-$10.50 Weekday Walking Senior Prices 18 holes $11.00 9 holes$11.00 Weekend Walking Prices Regular 18 holes-$20.00 9 holes-$12.75 Public Safety Prices 18 holes $15.00 9 Holes $9.00 Shelter Prices Small Shelter $25.00 Large Shelter $50.00 Deposits Prices for all shelters $75.00 Which will be refunded to you after your event? (Please allow 2-3 weeks for refund to come) Hours of Operations Monday- Friday 7:30a.m – 7:00p.m Saturday – Sunday 7:00a.m – 7:00p.m P a g e 5 I s s u e T h e 1 3 3 P a g e r d F a l l S e a s o n o f t h e D o w n t o w n f u l l s w i n g ! ! ! R i v e r M a r k e t i s 6 i n The RiverMarket has a lot of great activities this fall. This weekend’s “DanceFest” event includes: The RiverMarket is extremely excited to introduce our first annual “DanceFest” this weekend. We have all types of genres of dance from hip-hop and jazz to square dancing and belly dancing. Performances from local middle school, high school, and college dance teams include St. Frederick’s High School Showstoppers, the ULM Hawkline, and Richwood Middle School Rubies. Performances from local dance studios and companies include Delta Blue Dance Company, Debbie’s School of Dance, Dee Dee’s Dance Studio, Twin City Ballet, and Carolyn’s Dance Land. Social dance performances by Mike Sullivan with the Waltz, Mary Kate and Harvey’s with country line dances, and Southern Sass will fill the market. The market also welcomes a solo by the beautiful and talented Ms. Madison Underwood and belly dancing performances by Megan Flemming. At 11am the RiverMarket’s Fall Fashion Show will begin. This season’s fashion show will include stylish purses, accessories, jewelry and clothes from local boutiques and vendors. These participants include Rustic Rose, The Fleurty Ginger, Maison Couture, M&K House, Rustico, Dusty & Co, Bent Oaks, The Spotted Giraffe and more. Come join us & DO IT IN DoMo! The RiverMarket would like to partner with businesses, organizations, churches, and civic clubs as volunteers to work the market on Saturdays. Volunteers can work shifts from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. and the organizations volunteering will be highlighted for their throughout that day. Non-profit and civic clubs can also use this opportunity to promote their current events. Want to know what’s going on at the RiverMarket? Log on to to find out, and don’t forget to subscribe to the RiverMarket news- As fall rolls around the zoo slows down, kinda. Our core duties at the zoo are fairly consistent year round, most animals need as much feeding and cleaning in November as they do in March (some like the big cats actually need extra food in the winter to stay warm). In fact as regular visitors to the zoo see we actually have additional animals that come and spend the winter with us rather than endure the snows in the Northern United States. This year as you prepare for the winter and notably for the new year we will ask you to include the zoo in your plans. If you own a business we could use your support. We know that many business budget monies for community enrichment and we would like to ask you to consider the zoo. There are a variety of ways that you can help including in kind donation, donations of special skills, or financial donation. I would like to throw out one way you could help and it would not cost you a cent. We have begun a program called Christmas for the Animals where we place Christmas trees at businesses and high traffic locations within the community. These trees are decorated with ornaments depicting animals on the front and items that the zoo needs on the back. These items range from as small as a can of tuns fish all the way up to golf carts and lawn mowers. If a visitor to your location would like to donate they can either take the ornament or just bring an item back and place it under the tree. When you have as many items as you feel comfortable dealing with you call us and we will pick them up. We can set up either two or three dimensional trees. If you would like to sponsor a Christmas tree or would like more information please call 318-329-2400 and ask for Joe.
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