אוניברסיטת אורגון,סמינר עם פרופ' מרק שלוסברג הטכניון, הפקולטה לאדריכלות ותכנון ערים,פרופסור אורח פולברייט ארה"ב 17:30-16:00 | 30.12.2015 יום רביעי 250 חדר72 בניין. חדר סמינרים,המחלקה לגאוגרפיה ופיתוח סביבתי It’s time to rethink the street. Streets can to do more than just move cars - they move people on foot, on bikes, and on transit and they are public places where people meet, sit and socialize, conduct business, wander about, play, and more. This presentation will highlight examples and findings from the book, Rethinking Streets, which uses evidence from completed street projects from around the United States in order to help communities imagine alternative futures for their streets. The book does not show hypothetical street re-designs, but actual examples from typical communities to show how they did what they did and see what resulted from the change. Marc Schlossberg is a Professor of City and Regional Planning and co-director of the Sustainable Cities Initiative (SCI) at the University of Oregon. His teaching, research, and community engagement focus on sustainable transportation, livable community design, and the processes that can accelerate implementation of more sustainable policy and practice. He is currently in Israel as a United States Fulbright Scholar, his second Fulbright, and based at the Technion in Haifa. He holds a PhD in urban planning from the University of Michigan.
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