Research Bulletin > Information for Swinburne Researchers > Swinburne Research > Swinburne University of Technology Skip to Content Home About Our university Faculties and vocational education (TAFE) The Vice-Chancellor Jobs at Swinburne Contacts & Campuses Contact us Campuses Staff directory Media enquiries Staff Current Students Study at Swinburne Research Business & Partnerships International Search... Research Home go Our Research Industry Partnerships Research Students For Researchers Ethics Grants and Contracts Contact Us Information for Researchers Information for researchers Measuring research performance Excellence in Research Australia (ERA) HERDC publication collection HERDC income collection Sustainable Research Excellence The Research Bulletin Managing research data Resources for researchers Research technology information Media training Research Classification codes ARC College nominations LAP publishing FAQ Forms Researcher induction Research training Research brochures file:///C|/Users/sfried/Documents/Research/researchers/bulletin/2014/bulletin.php.html[6/11/2014 10:58:56 AM] Search Site Search Research Search Swinburne Research Bulletin > Information for Swinburne Researchers > Swinburne Research > Swinburne University of Technology > Research > Information for Researchers > The Research Bulletin Print this page: Issue No. 286 - 6 November 2014 Top of the News Australian Research Council (ARC) Major Grants Awards Announced Successful projects within the ARC Discovery Program, Early Career Researcher Awards (DECRA, Discovery Early Career Researcher Awards) and for research infrastructure (LIEF, Linkage Infrastructure, Equipment and Facilities) were announced yesterday. (Last year’s announcement included Future Fellowships which, this year, were announced back in August). Swinburne received just shy of $5 million dollars ($4,941,180) compared to $3.5 million dollars ($3,549,153) last year. Adding the $2.5 million in Future Fellowships announced back in August, this is a total of $7.5 million ($7,459,852) or a 32% increase over 2013. This is a very pleasing result given the extremely competitive research funding environment where organisations like the ARC have less funding to share across an increased research base in Australian universities. We are also aware of several other grants on which our Swinburne researchers collaborated. Congratulations to all those who were successful this year. These outcomes represent a great deal of dedication and skill. To those who were unsuccessful, our commiserations and thanks for all the time and effort involved. file:///C|/Users/sfried/Documents/Research/researchers/bulletin/2014/bulletin.php.html[6/11/2014 10:58:56 AM] Research Bulletin > Information for Swinburne Researchers > Swinburne Research > Swinburne University of Technology Swinburne Research will be in further communication with all new grantees when further details arrive from the ARC. Feedback as provided from the ARC will be forwarded to unsuccessful applicants in due course. Results in detail Discovery Early Career Researcher Awards (DECRAs) Swinburne was awarded four Discovery Early Career Researcher Awards with total funding of $1,368,000. Of the eight institutions that submitted DECRA applications in Victoria, Swinburne was ranked 1st in terms of success rate. Whilst the average national success rate was 14.3%, Swinburne's success rate was 25% - the second highest in the country. Dr Xiangping Li from the Centre for Micro-Photonics will develop 3D opto-magnetic data storage technologies to address the data storage challenges of big data centres ($345,000) Dr Ramon Lobato from the Swinburne Institute for Social Research will investigate how geoblocking by content providers, and its circumvention by consumers. is shaping digital media consumption in Australia ($348,000) Dr George Wang from Industrial Research Institute Swinburne will use nanotopography to improve the efficiency of generating induced Pluripotent Stem Cells (iPSCs) on biomaterial surfaces. iPSCs have enormous potential in stem cell therapy, regenerative medicine, and disease-specific treatment ($360,000) Dr Yun Li, currently at the Università di Trento in Italy, will join the Centre for Quantum and Optical Science to explore the exotic quantum states emerging in ultracold atomic gases with artificially engineered gauge fields ($315,000) Discovery Projects Seven successful Discovery Projects grants were awarded to Swinburne with total funding of $2,443,180. The average national success rate in the number of Discovery Projects was 18% (compared to 19.9% in the last round). Swinburne's success rate was 12.7%. In the Centre for Astrophysics and Supercomputing, Dr Barbara Catinella, Dr Luca Cortese, Professor Romeel Dave and Dr Amelie Saintonge will use very sensitive measurements of atomic and molecular hydrogen gas and numerical simulations to better understand the evolution of galaxies in groups ($325,500) In the same centre, Associate Professor Darren Croton, Dr Emma Ryan-Weber and Dr Arm Hassan, will combine supercomputer simulations and Keck observations of distant cosmic gas and galaxies to better understand the reionisation that occurred in the very early universe ($350,482) Professor David Crewther, from the Centre for Human Psychopharmacology will investigate the perception of colour, motion and form in the human vision system ($379,700) In the Swinburne Institute for Social Research, Professor Jock Given, Professor Martin Cave and Professor Erik Bohlin, will reconsider the management of the radiofrequency spectrum, previously y regarded as a scarce resource, in the light of emerging technologies that enable spectrum sharing and refarming ($360,598) Associate Professor Baohua Jia from the Centre for Micro-Photonics will investigate super-resolution direct laser printing and simultaneous dopant activation of graphene oxide thin films for smart solar-powered on-chip power systems for portable optoelectronic devices ($375,100) Dr Justin Leontini, Professor John Sheridan and Dr David Lo Jacono from the School of Engineering will investigate the flow-induced vibration of slender structures such as marine oil risers chimneys and bridges and control mechanisms to maximise energy-generation ($355,900) Professor Yun Yang from the Centre for Computing and Engineering Software Systems will develop smart quality management tools for cloud-based software services ($295,900) Linkage Infrastructure Equipment and Facilities Two successful Linkage Infrastructure Equipment and Facilities grants were awarded to Swinburne with total funding of $1,130,000. This scheme enjoyed a 41.5% national success rate. Two of Swinburne's three file:///C|/Users/sfried/Documents/Research/researchers/bulletin/2014/bulletin.php.html[6/11/2014 10:58:56 AM] Research Bulletin > Information for Swinburne Researchers > Swinburne Research > Swinburne University of Technology applications submitted were successful i.e. 66.7% success rate. Matthew Bailes and Willem van Straten will lead the construction of a ultra-wide-band receiver and signal processing system for the Parkes 64-metre radio telescope. The collaboration also involves University of Sydney, University of Melbourne, Curtin University of Technology, Monash University, University of Western Australia, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy and National Astronomical Observatories Chinese Academy of Sciences ($370,000) Jeremy Mould and Karl Glazebrook will lead the Kunlun Infrared Sky Survey, the first exploration of the time varying universe in the infrared. The collaboration also involves University of New South Wales, Australian Astronomical Observatory, Purple Mountain Observatory China, University of Sydney, Australian National University, California Institute of Technology and Texas A&M University ($760,000) Back Special Announcements ARC NHMRC NHMRC: RGMS - Version Upgrade Researchers are reminded that NHMRC’s Research Grants Management System (RGMS) is offline until 15 November 2014 while NHMRC upgrades the system. NHMRC has extended the test and preview period for the upgraded version until 14 November. Updated RGMS user guides and eLearning courses are also available for users to trial during this period - log into using your current RGMS details. NHMRC - Summary of Changes to Grant Variations and Transfers (website) NHMRC is simplifying the way some variations and transfers between institutions are managed. These changes will take effect from 14 November. View a summary of the changes and new instructions for variations online. NHMRC - NHMRC Research Funding Facts Book 2013 (website) NHMRC has released the 2013 edition of the funding facts book which features statistics on the outcomes of the 2013 NHMRC application rounds, as well as historical statistical information. NHMRC - Website Improvements (website) NHMRC will release improvements to the NHMRC website on 6 November. The changes address feedback from researchers and health professionals and include streamlined navigation and an improved search function. Other News CRC Programme Review (website) file:///C|/Users/sfried/Documents/Research/researchers/bulletin/2014/bulletin.php.html[6/11/2014 10:58:56 AM] Research Bulletin > Information for Swinburne Researchers > Swinburne Research > Swinburne University of Technology On 16 September 2014 the Minister for Industry announced a review of the CRC programme, to be led by Mr David Miles AM, and released the Terms of Reference for the review. A Discussion Paper was released on 21 October, with responses to the Discussion Paper due on Tuesday 11 November. It is expected that the review will be completed by early 2015. VicHealth - 2014 Innovation Research Grants VicHealth is calling for applications from researchers to undertake a two-year innovative research project that has the potential to generate large health gains for Victorian population groups. Research proposals must respond to one of VicHealth’s Research Priorities: Healthy eating Physical activity Tobacco Alcohol Mental wellbeing For more information, please see the item in the Grants section of this edition of the Research Bulletin. Reminder: Women's Development Group Information Session (website) The Women's Development Group information session will be held Wednesday 19 November from 12.30 2.00pm. It will explain the purpose and workings of the Women's Development Group. For more information, please see the Swinburne Research website. Vote for Arul Arulrajah and Mahdi Miri Disfani in The Australian Innovation Challenge Awards! (website) Congratulations to Associate Professor Arul Arulrajah and Dr Mahdi Miri Disfani from the Centre for Sustainable Infrastructure who have been made finalists in The Australian Innovation Challenge Awards for their work on the use of reclaimed demolition materials, such as glass and bricks, to make 'green' roads and footpaths! Members of the public are allowed to vote for their favourite nominee - please cast a vote for Arul and Mahdi! Award winners will be announced November. The Awards aim to recognise great ideas that could help Australia grasp opportunities or steel us against future economic or environmental shocks and are helping drive some of the nation’s best ideas to commercialisation or adoption. 2014 Swinburne Innovation Cup (website) The 2014 Swinburne Innovation Cup final presentations, and awards ceremony was held on Thursday 23 October in the AGSE Foyer. The competition was a rousing success with 13 teams registering. The research competition aims to identify and acknowledge research innovation by educating Swinburne researchers and research students, and equipping them with engagement skills. This year’s winners were: Winning Project ($10,000 towards the project) Nathan Kotlarewski - Faculty of Health, Arts and Design. Title: New Product Development for Papua New Guinea Balsawood file:///C|/Users/sfried/Documents/Research/researchers/bulletin/2014/bulletin.php.html[6/11/2014 10:58:56 AM] Research Bulletin > Information for Swinburne Researchers > Swinburne Research > Swinburne University of Technology Griffith Hack IP Prize ($5,000 of in kind services) Reza Emdad - Faculty of Science, Engineering and Technology Title: Crack Repair of Metallic Structures National Drug Law Enforcement Research Fund (NDLERF) (website) The National Drug Law Enforcement Research Fund (NDLERF) has advised that it will not be undertaking a grant funding round for 2014/15. This decision has been made by the NDLERF Board due to the limited funding currently available. The Commonwealth Department of Health has advised the Australian Institute of Criminology and NDLERF Board of its decision to discontinue funding of NDLERF beyond 2014 - 15. This decision does not affect the funding of any projects currently funded. Respect Research Forum (website) The Respect Research Forum is a public forum taking place this Thursday 6 November. It has been organised by Respect Research - a campaign that believes the current government's cuts to research funding is counter-productive and against the country’s long-term interests. The Respect Research Forum panel will discuss these challenges, how the campaign to respect research can be progressed, and how to grow an economy that drives innovation. The forum will run from 5.30 - 7.30pm at the Melbourne Brain Centre, Parkville - attendees are asked to RSVP. Australian Synchrotron – 2014 User Meeting and New User Symposium (website) The Australian Synchrotron is holding its 2014 User Meeting 20 – 21 November and its 2014 New User Symposium 19 November. Registration for both events closes 10 November – please note both events will be held at the Australian Synchrotron. The Australian Synchrotron's annual User Meeting showcases some of the best research and investigations undertaken at the facility, and provides its user community with updates on the latest developments and technical advances in synchrotron science, both at home and at its sister light sources overseas. The New User Symposium offers an introduction to the services offered across the facilities under the operation of ANSTO, including synchrotron, accelerator, and neutron based techniques. The annual one-day event is tailored to novice potential users of these techniques, and is to be held this year at the Australian Synchrotron’s National Centre for Synchrotron Science (NCSS). Aspects of the event include access arrangements, including available support, and some of the typical applications of techniques across biomedical research, materials and physical sciences, and environmental fields. Australian Academy of the Humanities and the Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia – Mapping the Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences in Australia (website) The Australian Academy of the Humanities and the Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia recently released a major new report - Mapping the Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences in Australia. The report provides the most comprehensive account of student enrolments, teaching, and research in the humanities, arts, and social sciences (HASS) sector to date. It is a collaboration between the Australian Academy of the Humanities and the Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia, with support from the Department of Industry and the Office of the Chief Scientist. Victorian Endowment for Science, Knowledge and Innovation (veski) - Inspiring Women Professional Development and Networking Event (website) The Victorian Endowment for Science, Knowledge and Innovation (veski) is holding its inaugural professional development and networking event for early-to-mid career researchers as part of its Inspiring Women program file:///C|/Users/sfried/Documents/Research/researchers/bulletin/2014/bulletin.php.html[6/11/2014 10:58:56 AM] Research Bulletin > Information for Swinburne Researchers > Swinburne Research > Swinburne University of Technology Monday 8 December 2014. Keep an eye on the Research Bulletin for further information! CRC for Polymers 16th Australasian Polymer Summer School (16APSS) (website) Registrations are now open for the 16th Australasian Polymer Summer School (16APSS) being held from February 3 - 5 2015, at Monash University. The 16APSS is jointly funded by the CRC for Polymers and the Royal Australian Chemical Institute (RACI) Polymer Division and provides an excellent opportunity to gain an overview of important developments in polymer science and engineering from experts in their field. The Polymer Summer School is relevant for: Students enrolled in higher degrees; Undergraduate engineering and science students; Post-doctoral fellows; Anyone with a technical interest in polymers and polymer research Update on the Implementation of the Defence Trade Controls Act (website) The Chief Scientist, Professor Ian Chubb AC, Chair of the Defence Export Controls Steering Group, has released a statement providing an update of the implementation of the Defence Trade Controls Act. Research Library News Research in education: specialist databases at Swinburne Library Are you doing research in education? Browse the Library's suite of specialist educational databases. ERIC (Educational Resources Research Center) ERIC is the premier source of educational literature with over 100,000 full text documents. ERIC includes journal articles, books, technical reports, policy papers, dissertations and conference papers. ERIC is also searchable via EBSCO. Education Research Complete (EBSCO) Education Research Complete covers all levels of education from early childhood to higher education, and all educational specialties, such as STEM education, educational technologies, blended learning, testing and curriculum as well as administration, policy, funding and related social issues. A + Education (Informit) A+ Education is produced in partnership with the Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER), Australia’s peak educational body. The database covers all aspects of learning and teaching with contributions from leading researchers in teacher training and articles on policy, curriculum and pedagogical developments. It has 67, 000+ full text articles with substantial Australian content. EdITLib Digital Library EdITLib includes peer-reviewed papers on research developments and applications related to all aspects of educational technology and e-learning. It is produced by the Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education. See also our subject guides, where you'll find key journals, ebooks and more. STEM education research Educational technologies file:///C|/Users/sfried/Documents/Research/researchers/bulletin/2014/bulletin.php.html[6/11/2014 10:58:56 AM] Research Bulletin > Information for Swinburne Researchers > Swinburne Research > Swinburne University of Technology Back Ethics New Ethics Announcements SHESC and SUHREC Appraisal Deadlines - For current deadlines please visit the Swinburne Research ethics website. Human Ethics Application Deadlines (website) The next deadline for applications for SHESC review is Monday 17 November. The next deadline for applications for SUHREC review is Friday 28 November. Membership Call for Subcommittees of Swinburne's Human Research Ethics Committee (SUHREC) Expressions of interest are invited from Swinburne academic staff to serve as members on Subcommittees (SHESCs) of Swinburne's Human Research Ethics Committee (SUHREC). Membership can be sought and/or offered as either regular or alternate/additional appointments. A regular Subcommittee meets 6-9 times per annum depending on the number of ethics clearance applications received. Current membership comprises academic members from diverse disciplines and backgrounds including the following academic/research areas: qualitative research; behavioural sciences, preferably psychology; and business/management disciplines, etc. Confidential expressions of interest should include a short CV and explanation relevant to the preferred criteria and brief duties of membership statement. The membership statement is available from the Research Ethics Officer. As these positions carry significant responsibility and commitment, applications should include the support of their Dean or equivalent. Applications should be sent c/- Research Ethics Officer, Swinburne Research (H68) or to as soon as practicable, preferably no later than Friday 28 November 2014. Subcommittee appointments are made by SUHREC. Enquiries on research ethics administration can be directed to Dr Astrid Nordmann, Research Ethics Officer on ext 3845. Back ARC, NHMRC & Other Major Initiatives There are no new ARC, NHMRC or other major initiatives advertised in this edition of the Swinburne Research Bulletin. Back file:///C|/Users/sfried/Documents/Research/researchers/bulletin/2014/bulletin.php.html[6/11/2014 10:58:56 AM] Research Bulletin > Information for Swinburne Researchers > Swinburne Research > Swinburne University of Technology Grants Swinburne Research has specific procedures that relate to the review and submission of research grant applications. Please visit the Swinburne Research website for more information. Generally, research income other than donations and income from schemes listed on the Australian Competitive Grants Register will incur a levy. Please refer to the 'Divisional Overhead Recovery' policy for more information on this levy, including the definition of 'donation' in this context and further instances of levy-applicable/levy-exempt funding. Please note that Research funds are assessed for inclusion in the annual HERDC research data collection only where funds are lodged in a research account opened by Swinburne Research as part of the funds acceptance process. All new funding applications submitted to Swinburne Research must be accompanied by an Application Coversheet. Please visit the Swinburne Research website to download the Coversheet. Search the full list of current opportunities in the funding opportunities database Fund Name Fund Type Closing Date Details *external closing date Victorian Life Sciences Computation Initiative (VLSCI) - 2015 Resource Allocation Scheme (RAS) Round Grants 9 November 2014 * More VicHealth - 2014 Innovation Research Grants Expressions of Interest Grants 10 November 2014 More Climate & Development Knowledge Network (CDKN) - Pakistan Low Carbon Scenario Analysis Invitation to Tender Grants 11 November 2014 More Australasian Sarcoma Study Group - Johanna Sewell Sarcoma Research Grant Grants 13 November 2014 More Australasian Sarcoma Study Group - Leon Stone Sarcoma Research Grant Grants 13 November 2014 More Perpetual - IMPACT Philanthropy Expressions of Interest Grants 18 November 2014 More Emergency Medicine Foundation - National Research Project Grants Grants 20 November 2014 More SeaWorld & Busch Gardens Conservation Fund - Grants Grants 20 November 2014 More Bupa Health Foundation - Expressions of Interest Grants 5 December 2014 More Grants 15 December 2014 More Hans Rausing Endangered Languages Project Endangered Languages Documentation Programme (ELDP) Small Grants Grants 7 January 2015 More Hans Rausing Endangered Languages Project Endangered Languages Documentation Programme (ELDP) Major Documentation Project (MDP) Grants 7 January 2015 More Fritz Thyssen Foundation - Project Grants Grants 15 January More Allen Foundation - Grants file:///C|/Users/sfried/Documents/Research/researchers/bulletin/2014/bulletin.php.html[6/11/2014 10:58:56 AM] Research Bulletin > Information for Swinburne Researchers > Swinburne Research > Swinburne University of Technology 2015 Grants 21 January 2015 More Grants 21 January 2015 More Percy Sladen Memorial Fund - Grants Grants 21 January 2015 More Culture & Animals Foundation (CAF) - Grants Grants 21 January 2015 More International Progressive MS Alliance Collaborative Network Awards Grants 21 January 2015 More Victorian Life Sciences Computation Initiative (VLSCI) - Start-up Grants Grants Ongoing * More National Foundation for Medical Research and Innovation (NFMRI) - Portfolio 3 Expressions of Interest Grants Ongoing More Horowitz Foundation for Social Policy - Grants Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR)/UK Department for International Development (DFID) Private Enterprise Development in Low-Income Countries (PEDL) Exploratory Research Grants Back Fellowships Search the full list of current opportunities in the funding opportunities database Fund Name Fund Type Closing Date Details *external closing date Parkinson's Disease Foundation (PDF) - Postdoctoral Fellowships for Basic Scientists Letters of Intent Fellowships 21 November 2014 More State Library of Victoria - AGL Shaw Summer Research Fellowships Fellowships 26 November 2014 * More Animals and Society Institute/Wesleyan Animal Studies - Human-Animal Studies Fellowship Fellowships 30 November 2014 * More National Sporting Library & Museum (NSLM) John H. Daniels Fellowship Fellowships 1 January 2015 * More American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS) The Robert H. N. Ho Family Foundation Distinguished Visiting Professorships in Buddhist Studies Fellowships 6 January 2015 More Hans Rausing Endangered Languages Project Endangered Languages Documentation Programme (ELDP) Individual Post-doctoral Fellowship (IPF) Fellowships 7 January 2015 More Back file:///C|/Users/sfried/Documents/Research/researchers/bulletin/2014/bulletin.php.html[6/11/2014 10:58:56 AM] Research Bulletin > Information for Swinburne Researchers > Swinburne Research > Swinburne University of Technology Travel There are no new Travel grants advertised in this edition of the Swinburne Research Bulletin. Back Scholarships Search the full list of current opportunities in the funding opportunities database Fund Name Fund Type Closing Date Details *external closing date Australian Consortium for Social and Political Research Incorporated (ACSPRI) - Indigenous HDR Scholarship 19 November 2014 * More Australian Meat Processor Corporation (AMPC) - Scholarships 20 November Postgraduate Program 2014 More 2015 Victoria India Doctoral Scholarships (VIDS) Expressions of Interest More Scholarships Scholarships 25 November 2014 Hans Rausing Endangered Languages Project Endangered Languages Documentation Programme Scholarships (ELDP) Individual Graduate Scholarships (IGS) 7 January 2015 More Back Prizes & Awards Search the full list of current opportunities in the funding opportunities database Fund Name Fund Type Closing Date Details *external closing date Agricultural Institute of Canada (AIC) International Recognition Award Prizes and Awards 15 January 2015 * More Heart Foundation - Research Medal for Lifetime Contribution to Cardiovascular Research Prizes and Awards 30 January 2015 * More Back file:///C|/Users/sfried/Documents/Research/researchers/bulletin/2014/bulletin.php.html[6/11/2014 10:58:56 AM] Research Bulletin > Information for Swinburne Researchers > Swinburne Research > Swinburne University of Technology Other Funding Resources Websites Previous issues of The Research Bulletin Research Professional a comprehensive funding opportunities database, with all funding opportunities eligibility verified for Australian researchers. Philanthropy Australia Victorian Government Tender Site databases JASON (Joint Academic Scholarships On-line Network) Swinburne Business and Industry Publications held in the Swinburne library to assist researchers in the grant application process The below links will take you to a list of library resources that have relevance to the following key words: Grant Funding Philanthropy Australia Research Grants Philanthropy Grants Proposal Writing Back © Swinburne CRICOS number 00111D Contact Us Copyright and disclaimer Privacy Feedback Accessibility Information Index Last updated: Thursday, 06-Nov-2014 10:52:43 AEDT Maintained by: Elizabeth Authorised by: Professor George file:///C|/Users/sfried/Documents/Research/researchers/bulletin/2014/bulletin.php.html[6/11/2014 10:58:56 AM]
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