Volume 5, Issue 3 • Fall 2014 QT e-News™ QUA NTA T E C HN OLOG Y’S ON LIN E N E WSLE T TER Power Hardware-in-Loop Testing for Smart Inverters By Farid Katiraei, Executive Advisor & Director, Renewables Increased penetration of distributed energy resources (DERs) and interest in improved reliability, power quality and resiliency of the grid have changed the characteristics of distribution systems and the design of the distribution system. Bidirectional power flow and events with fast dynamics are becoming a more common occurrence. Understanding these issues requires a deep knowledge of distribution system dynamic behavior supported by detailed engineering studies and sophisticated testing methods. Figure 1 – Advancement in Testing Methods With the deployment of renewable energy based generation (PV, wind, etc.) and the advent of various advanced automation and smart grid technologies, power distribution companies (utilities) have been experiencing a proliferation of power electronics-based energy conversion devices at medium and low voltages. Power electronics are now regularly used as the interface for solar PV systems (PV Inverters), variable speed wind turbines (Wind Inverters), and battery and flywheel energy storage systems. Continued on Page 3 Inside This Issue: Power Hardware-in-Loop Testing for Smart Inverters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 1 Letter from the President........................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 2 Increased Efficiency of RTDS Testing Due to Automation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 6 Use of High-Voltage Optical Sensors for Field Verification & Performance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 9 International Spotlight .............................. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 11 QUANTA TECHNOLOGY | 4020 WESTCHASE BLVD., SUITE 300 | RALEIGH, NC 27607 | +1 (919) 334-3000 | WWW.QUANTA-TECHNOLOGY.COM Page 2 Q UA NTA T E C HN OLOG Y’S e-N E WS L E T T E R FROM TH E PRESID EN T Strengthen Testing to Strengthen the Grid Dear Colleagues, The electrical power industry is under significant pressure to safeguard the reliability, quality and resiliency of the power grid as industry standards and consumer expectations continue to evolve. A combination of conventional and advanced solutions is essential to meet these challenges. Quanta Technology continues hiring present and future industry leaders to combine its deep knowledge and experience with leading edge, advanced technology to provide solutions for the industry using a holistic, forward-thinking approach to ensure the overall integrity of the power system. This issue of the newsletter highlights how technical advancements in the area of Testing can make a notable and positive contribution to overall system integrity. For example, business models of the energy sector have evolved substantially with the adoption of new grid configurations such as Distributed Energy Resources (DERs) and microgrids. DER interconnection to the distribution grid represents a challenge as, traditionally, the large majority of distribution facilities have been designed to be operated in a radial fashion with unidirectional forward power flows. One of the most prominent efforts to address industry needs is embodied in the IEEE 1547 Series of Interconnection Standards, including voltage regulation and control via DG units, and voltage and frequency ride-through during disturbances. "Smart" inverters are critical to achieve desirable performance and their functionality is addressed by standard revisions. Farid Katiraei writes about how the Power Hardware-in-Loop (PHIL) approach for testing smart in- verters is cost effective and provides more precise performance evaluation results that will, in turn, help with standard updates. As power grids worldwide have become more complex to operate, protection and control applications need to accommodate to grid changes. It is of utmost importance to perform comprehensive, but efficient, automated tests of those applications using state-of-the-art tools so experts can focus on finding and resolving problems. Juergen Holbach and the Automation & Testing team discuss how power system control and protection applications have benefited from using RTDS testing, in that a combination of testing automation and process enhancements can reduce RTDS testing timeframes, while improving the quality of the results. Another important aspect of monitoring, protecting and controlling the grid is achieving high accuracy of measurements, with voltage and current transducers being critical elements in the measurement chain. Farnoosh Rahmatain reviews how the compact size, high accuracy and exceptional isolation ability of optical voltage and current sensors make them ideal for mobile and portable field applications to ensure the integrity of voltage and current measurement devices. The electrical power and energy industry is in a crucial transition, as the initiatives we take today will affect how the grid is operated for years to come. Let's continue our important work for the betterment of utilities and consumers alike. Sincerely, Damir Novosel and the Quanta Technology Team Recent Quanta Technology Presentations & Publications "Planning and Managing Urban Core Power Delivery Systems" by L. Willis – EUCI Course, August 4-5, Baltimore, MD "Accuracy, Calibration & Interfacing of Instrument Transformers with Digital Outputs" by F. Rahmatian, CIGRÉ, August 24-29, Paris, France Keynote address: "Sustainable Energy Trends, Opportunities, and Challenges" by D. Novosel – IEEE T&D Latin America, September 9-13, Medellin, Columbia "Smart Grid Communications" by S. Ward – Disturbance Analysis Conference, September 8-9, Medellin, Colombia "A Methodology Based on Disturbance Analysis for PMU Applications Prioritization in the Colombian Electric Power System" by D. Elizondo – Disturbance Analysis Conference, September 8-9, Medellin, Colombia "Redundancy Considerations for Protective Relaying" by S. Ward – Disturbance Analysis Conference, September8-9, Medellin, Colombia "Hidden Failures in Protection Systems and its Impact in Wide-Area Disturbances" by D. Elizondo – Disturbance Analysis Conference, Sept 8-9, Medellin, Colombia "Application of Robots for Inspection and Maintenance of Transmission Lines" by D. Elizondo – IEEE PES T&D Latin America, September 10-13, Medellin, Colombia Keynote address: "Grid Reliability Improvements with Wide-Area Monitoring, Protection and Control" by D. Novosel – PAC World Americas Conference, September 23-25, Raleigh, NC "SIPS in the Colombian Interconnected Power System - Towards an Improved Definition, Application and Delineation of Roles and Responsibilities" by D. Elizondo, S. Ward, et al – PAC World Americas Conference, September 23-25, Raleigh, NC "Evaluating Relay Performance during Power Swings and Associated Dynamic Events" by A. Gopalakrishnan, B. Gwyn – PAC World Americas Conference, September 23-25, Raleigh, NC "Principles for Practical Wide-Area Backup Protection with Synchrophasor Communications" by E. Udren – PAC World Americas Conference, September 23-25, Raleigh, NC "Supply Chain Management – Sourcing Strategy from a Protective Relay Perspective" by S. Ward – PAC World Americas Conference, September 23-25, Raleigh, NC "Modeling Issues: How to Comply with MOD-026& 27" by A. Schneider – North American Generator Forum, October 8, Atlanta, GA "Roadmap and Lessons in Deploying Large Scale Synchrophasor Systems" by F. Rahmatian, et al. – CIGRÉ Grid of the Future, October 19-21, Houston, TX "Reliability Analysis" by L. Xu – DNV GL International Software Summit, October 27-28, Houston, TX "Time Series Simulation for Slow Dynamic Analysis in Distribution Systems with DERs" by L. Yu and J. Romero Agüero – Cigré Grid of the Future, October 19-21, Houston, TX "Transmission Line Automated Relay Coordination Checking" by S. Alaeddini, et al – Minnesota Power Systems Conference, November 4-6, Minneapolis, MN QUA NTA T E C HN OLOG Y’S e-N E WS Page 3 Power Hardware-in-Loop Testing — Continued from page 1 Power electronic converters are also fundamental building blocks of emerging power conditioning apparatus in distribution systems. They are used in equipment such as static reactive power compensators and voltage regulators (D-STATCOM, DVC, DVAR, etc.), Solid State Transformers (SSTs) and active filters for power quality improvement. To reliably introduce a new power conditioning device or generation facility into the system, a series of resource evaluations and detailed planning studies will be needed to determine possible impact on the system and suggest corrective actions. In addition, extensive field testing and performance analysis during the commissioning period is required to ensure proper integration into the area Electric Power System (EPS). A clear understanding of dynamic performance and the ability to properly model inverters and power electronic apparatus have been the key challenges facing utility engineers and their consultants. To underscore the issue, understanding the expected level of current contribution by PV inverters and modeling their response during faults and typical grid disturbance (e.g., voltage sag initiated through transmission faults) have been a key discussion point between utilities, inverter vendors and facility developers. To effectively study a power electronic device or a generation facility utilizing multiple power Figure 2 – UL1741 Inverter testing method with load banks convertors, information about the control and protection capa- (in the middle) and a voltage source (simulated utility) bilities should be available. The Gaps in Current Testing Practice information should provide detail insights & Certifications into expected dynamic response and the possible interaction with other devices to In the current practice and testing of PV inverters or power electronic converters allow accurately performed impact studies. Such studies should include detailed provided by certification agencies (e.g., UL1741 method shown in Figure 2), a analysis of system faults and voltage power electronic apparatus is tested at a disturbances. Knowing detailed device device level rather than the system level. models and being able to characterize This is accomplished through applying dynamic behavior of power electronic a load bank and a controlled voltage interfaces are expected to become more source that may not reflect effect of any and more critical and raise questions source impedance (infinite bus represenas new smart control functionalities tation), or complex response of nonlinear and combining generation and power loads. The tests are focused on verificaconditioning capabilities are introduced through emerging Smart Inverter technol- tion of certain aspects of control and proogies. Figure 3 – An example of Power Hardware-in-Loop setup for the next generation of testing meth- Continued on page 4 Page 4 QUA NTA T E C HN OLOG Y’S e-N E WS Power Hardware-in-Loop Testing — Continued from page 3 tection design for one device of a specific type. This approach is used even though most utility scale DER installations will include multiple inverters connected in parallel or distributed across an area with connection points on a collector system. Another concern with the device level testing is that they will not be able to characterize typical dynamic interactions and responses seen at primary system level (12 kV or 25 kV feeders). In general, present certification testing practices lack proper focus and examination of the following areas: • No consideration of area EPS characteristics during the test, such as grid impedance, voltage level and stiffness • Gross simplification of the interconnection system configuration, such as step-up transformer topology and grounding practices, as well as vicinity to conventional voltage control devices on distribution systems (e.g., line voltage regulators, shunt capacitors, etc.) • Ignoring the impact of multiple homogeneous or heterogeneous devices operating in parallel or in the vicinity of each other • Ignoring the device operation and controllability through communication schemes Currently, inverter manufacturers do not provide detailed models of their inverter designs and internal control schemes. Without this information, many aspects of the aforementioned system impacts cannot be readily investigated and clearly understood. It is understood that there will always be limitations in how much can be modeled and the fact that transient study approaches may not cover every condition of the system. Nonetheless, new initiatives by the IEEE 1547 working group and several state/federal regulatory agencies are currently in progress to define new testing methodologies and processes that can capture and verify the complex nature of smart inverters in terms of impact on the area EPS and take into account the impact of the communications infrastructure and effect of remotely changing control settings. These efforts are currently in the early stages of development and will require extensive involvement of stakeholders and experts from utilities, industry and vendors to determine appropriate testing methodologies. Until such issues are addressed by the industry, Quanta Technology experts have been focusing on applications and utilizations of real-time hardware-in-loop (HIL) testing approaches for detailed evaluation of intelligent electronic devices and power electronic apparatus involving complex control, protection and fast-acting power electronics. Real-Time Digital Simulation Testing Power hardware-in-loop (PHIL) testing uses real-time digital simulation approaches through RTDS or similar platforms and provides the ability to interface off-the-shelf commercial inverters and power electronic devices for closed loop testing. PHIL allows the creation of conditions which, from the inverter point of view, are indistinguishable from those in the field. This approach allows for an accurate observation of inverter control responses and assessment of impact on the system. A typical PHIL setup for PV inverter testing is shown in Figure 3. In this figure, the device under test (DUT) is a 100 kW PV inverter developed for the North American market, being installed in the field. The inverter comes with an internal 480 V AC isolation transformer. The 480 V threeFigure 4 – PV Inverter currents and voltages for a three phase fault at 12 kV about 2 miles away from POI Continued on page 5 Page 5 QUA NTA T E C HN OLOG Y’S e-N E WS Power Hardware-in-Loop Testing — Continued from page 4 phase connections for the inverter are provided through a grid simulator, carefully sized according to the kVA rating of the inverter under test. In this application, the grid simulator acts as a regenerative, linear power amplifier, receiving low level voltage signals (±10V) from the RTDS and amplifying the signals to the inverter AC voltage range (480V in this case). Using this approach, the grid simulator will be able to sink current Figure 5 – PV Inverter currents and voltages for a line to ground fault at 12 kV about 2 miles away from POI – delta from the DUT (inverter) high side transformer and re-circulate into the To close the loop, the instantaneous aspects of the PV inverters without any main power supply to drastically reduce inverter currents measured at the insimplification. power consumption and any need for verter terminals are monitored by RTDS Conclusion extensive heat dissipation. analog input cards (using measurement PHIL testing which utilizes the approach In the field, the input to the inverter is CTs and linear current/voltage transdescribed above is cost effective and typically generated from several arrays ducers) and injected into the simulated provides precise performance evaluaof PV panels providing up to 600-800 model at the low side of the intercontion results in situations, such as: Volt DC (open-circuit voltage). The spe- nection transformer. Lab tests should cial current-voltage characteristics of PV panels are created by a PV simulator in the laboratory environment. In the PHIL test setup that is used to test inverter impact on area EPS, the grid simulator voltage will be controlled by the RTDS to represent the monitored voltages at the inverter point of interconnection ("POI"). Depending on the tests, a detailed simulated model of the entire area EPS (distribution circuit) at MV level (12 kV, 25 kV, or 35 kV) can be used to capture the voltage variations at POI due to change in loads, operation of voltage control devices and power injection of the PV inverter. The simulated model can also incorporate the interconnection transformer characteristics and topology that is essential in the grid impact evaluation. be designed using special care and consideration to take into account the possible delays and signal conversions within the lab set up. If not, delays in the closed loop or deterioration of the waveform content due to bandwidth limitation of the I/O cards may be introduced. Examples of current and voltage measurements from selected 12 kV fault tests performed on commercial PV inverters with the use of Quanta Technology’s PHIL test setup are shown in figures 4 and 5. The results clearly show the transient behavior of PV inverter currents in response to threephase and single-phase faults applied at 12 kV. Using this approach, Quanta Technology is able to fully represent and evaluate the protection and control • Certification testing of smart inverters and power electronic apparatus, in general • Multiple inverter testing for high penetration of DERs and PV inverter clusters • Integrated testing of devicelevel and/or plant-level control and operation through communications and remote operator commands • Microgrid control/protection scheme tests and islanding capability • Volt/VAR management schemes with power electronics and DERs Page 6 QUA NTA T E C HN OLOG Y’S e-N E WS Increased Efficiency of RTDS Testing Due to Automation By Juergen Holbach, Senior Director & Solveig Ward, Principal Advisor, Automation & Testing; Farid Katiraei, Executive Advisor & Director, Renewables Testing with an RTDS system has shown significant value in testing power system control and protection applications. This is particularly true for complex applications or for new applications where no proven standard solution is available. RTDS testing is able to interact with the system under test in real time and thereby find weaknesses and problems as they would appear in the applications, allowing them to be resolved before they cause any misoperation in the power system. This alone makes a powerful argument for conducting RTDS tests and consequently, generation, transmission and distribution owners, as well as manufacturers, are increasingly using this approach of testing. On the other hand, conducting RTDS testing is a budget and resource commitment which should not be underestimated. Quanta Technology has extensive experience in RTDS testing based on our work with utilities and manufacturers from all over the world. This article describes how we have utilized a combination of testing automation and process enhancements to reduce the time it takes to conduct RTDS testing, while simultaneously improving the quality of the results. Defining Test Plan Test Definition A Typical RTDS Project A typical RTDS project consists of the three major phases: 1- Test Definition The definition of the Test Plan is a key task that influences all the tasks that follow. The test plan should give a detailed description of the power system to be simulated in the RTDS and include a list of all the test scenarios to be conducted. The test plan also describes the hardware under test and how it will be connected to the RTDS, as well as a list of all signals exchanged between the RTDS and the hardware under test. 2- Test Setup The Test Set-Up phase has two major tasks which run in parallel. The first addresses all the programs which need to be developed, while the second deals with the actual hardware setup and wiring. Programming The RTDS programming itself can be split in three different tasks: • • Test Scenarios Hardware/Connections Hardware Software Building Power System Model Test Setup Program Control Elements & Logic Building Hardware Test Setup Program Script Files for Automation Conduct Test Test Run Summarize Test Results Evaluation Figure 1 – Phases of a typical RTDS testing project • Building the power system model - The power system model provided by the customer is programmed into RSCAD to get it into a format usable by the RTDS. The programming of the control element and logic builds the interface to the hardware setup on one side (Which breaker should be operated by which input on the RTDS from a relay under test?) and to the test interface on the other side (How is a fault on location x triggered by a user?) The programming of the Script file is not required, but needed if tests should be automated. Based on the test plan, the script file will use the programmed test interface to activate the test cases as specified. Hardware Setup The hardware setup includes the connection of all hardware components under test to the interfaces of the RTDS (inputs/outputs), as well as the required connections between the hardware components (e.g., simulated Power Line Carrier channel between protection relays). In this phase all hardware components will be configured as planned for the real application. The development of the configuration and settings is normally not part of the RTDS testing, but may be required by the client as part of the RTDS test project. The Test-Setup task is finished after the test system is commissioned. The commissioning requires the testing of the functionality of all signals and interfaces, as well as the verification of the accuracy of the simulation cases using reference fault records or simulation results. Continued on page 7 Page 7 QUA NTA T E C HN OLOG Y’S e-N E WS Increased Efficiency of RTDS Testing — Continued from page 6 3- Test Run The last phase is the actual test run during which the test cases are performed either manually via a graphical user interface or automatically with a script file. The manual method via the graphical interface is useful during the commissioning phase where a detailed review of results after each test is the preferred approach to detect any issues. Once the accuracy of the set-up is verified, an automated test via scripted files is preferred. The evaluation of the test results requires a Subject Matter Expert (SME) to review the performance of the system under test and document the findings. Having a good reporting tool and process is a key element in this phase. RTDS testing is an iterative process and as issues are identified, changes to settings, hardware set-up, power system model and/or test plan are required and followed by re-runs of the tests. The more intelligent the methodology and the more automated the process, the more time the SME can focus on real issues instead of routine evaluations, and the more the overall time to complete the work is reduced. Test Plan Description Script Input File Automated Generation of Script File Script Program File Advanced Automation & Testing Process Used by Quanta Technology Our goal has therefore been to optimize the process to ensure all necessary tests are conducted as efficiently as possible, and we have accomplished this as follows: Reduced number of repetitions stemming from human error The test plan is a key input to most of the tasks that follow. Testing personnel utilize the test plan to assemble and wire the test-setup. Any misinterpretation of the requirements can lead to wiring errors which, if not caught during initial commissioning, will require re-testing. Test Plan Description Figure 2 – Automated script file generation Another source of error is the programming of the script files and as above, misinterpretation of the requirements can lead to scripting errors and subsequent re-testing. Our solution to these problems is to automate the script file generation based on a standard format test plan. Automatic Generated Summary of Test Results Standard RTDS Output → n-COMTRADE Files Hyperlink Functionality for Detailed Review Figure 3 – Automated generation of test results Continued on page 8 Page 8 QUA NTA T E C HN OLOG Y’S e-N E WS Increased Efficiency of RTDS Testing — Continued from page 7 Figure 4 – Evaluation of test results support by Expert System The advantage of this approach is that the interpretation of the test plan is performed by the program and will always be correct as long as the test plan follows the standard defined format. Moreover, the creation of the script file is done instantly, which eliminates an otherwise time consuming and repetitive task. Automated generation of test report The use of script files generates a lot of test results quickly, which then results in a new challenge – how to handle the data overload? It is important to summarize the results in a format that is easy for the Subject Matter Expert to read and analyze, and RTDS provides several documentation formats. Quanta Technology uses the COMTRADE file format for all test results because of the high degree of flexibility offered in the selection of signals needed for the evaluation without requiring any complex programming in the RTDS. We have automated the process of interpreting the COMTRADE files, measuring important values and displaying the results in an agreed upon customer format. The standardized Test Plan description is used to control the content of the test result report. Defining Test Plan Test Definition Test Scenarios Hardware/Connections Hardware Software Building Power System Model Test Setup Program Control Elements & Logic Building Hardware Test Setup Program Script Files for Automation Conduct Test Test Run Summarize Test Results Test result evaluation support by Expert Sytem The evaluation of test results is a task which can never Evaluation Automated be fully automated – the SME is still necessary. However, our experience has shown that in some cases, simple rules can be used to determine the correct and desired Figure 5 – Automated RTDS testing in Quanta Technology operation for a given scenario. This rule engine can be used to quickly flag obvious problems early in the process and Summary speed up the process of evaluating the results. Quanta TechThe test automation we utilize has resulted in much more nology has developed an Expert System that color codes the reefficient use of resources during testing, thereby allowing our sults based on rules entered by the user. Obvious problems are experts to focus on the actual task of finding and resolving flagged in red, while potential problems are identified in yellow. problems. Page 9 QUA NTA T E C HN OLOG Y’S e-N E WS Use of High-Voltage Optical Sensors for Field Verification & Performance Validation By Farnoosh Rahmatian, Senior Director & Executive Advisor, Measurement Devices Optical voltage and current sensors can have many attractive performance features including high accuracy, excellent linearity and wide bandwidth. They also offer compact size and exceptional isolation from high-voltage (HV) conductors. Accordingly, they can be used as portable or mobile sensors measuring and validating the performance of HV instrumentation, measurement, protection and control system. In this article, we will briefly review sample applications of mobile high-voltage optical testing systems, including live 500 kV VT calibration, synchrophasor system calibration and validation, and HV power quality and harmonics measurement. In the transition to a smarter and more accurately monitored and controlled grid, there is a need for calibrating the present voltage and current measurement devices on the grid, as well as validating the performance of the novel protection and control systems driven from these measurement devices. Optical sensors can be connected safely to a live HV line and can be used as transfer standards for calibrating live instrument transformers. Avoiding power outages, otherwise necessary for calibrating HV instrument transformers, provides a significant value for the electric system owners and operators. An example of a portable calibration system, using a reference 550 kV class optical VT (OVT), has been presented in [1] and [2]. This system, in various configurations, can be used for calibrating revenue metering class VTs, as well as validating synchrophasor measurements (and State Estimation applications using synchrophasor data) at up to 550 kV. The OVT has two separate secondary analog outputs: low-energy (<10 V rated) and high-energy (69 V or 115 V rated). The low-energy analog (LEA) output is intended to be used within a synchrophasor Figure 1 – Schematic of a single-phase voltage accuracy verification and calibration system. The optical VT and its associated electronics chassis in the control room serve as a reference standard VT for comparison with the CVT under test. test system for connection to a reference low-voltage phasor measurement device. The high-energy analog (HEA) output is intended for use in calibration of voltage transformers directly (connected to calibration bridges). Both LEA and HEA outputs provide traceable uncertainty of less than 0.1% in amplitude and 1 milliradian in phase. The OVT also has full BIL rating (lightning impulse withstand) for a 550 kV class system at 1800 kV peak and can remain on a 500 kV system for a long time when necessary. Figure 1 shows a schematic of a single-phase voltage accuracy verification and calibration system using the OVT. In its simplest form, the test system provides a reference for comparison (via a traditional balancing bridge) with the secondary signal from the capacitive VT under test. Figure 2 shows a picture of an OVT being connected to a live 550 kV bus without line/bus outage. Figure 3 shows an example of data obtained using the same 550 kV portable optical voltage transformer for on-site measurement of harmonics near a Static VAR Compensator (SVC) substation. In this case, voltages up to the 25th harmonic (1500 Hz) were measured. The LEA output of the OVT was used for the measurement. This testing was part of a commissioning test, to validate if the electronic switching used in the SVC system had proper timing and performance. In this case, switching timing errors would have given rise to significant {6n±1} harmonics (i.e., 5th, 7th, 11th, 13th, 17th, 19th, 23th, and 25th harmonics). The primary voltage and the total harmonic distortion (THD) were also measured over a period of time to validate proper Continued on page 10 Page 10 QUA NTA T E C HN OLOG Y’S e-N E WS Use of High-Voltage Optical Sensors — Continued from page 9 performance of the SVC system, making sure that limits given in standards such IEEE Std. 519, "IEEE Recommended Practice and Requirements for Harmonic Control in Electric Power Systems," weren’t violated. Ultimately, voltage and current measurement devices are the eyes and ears of the electric power grid. Optical voltage and current sensors can provide superior “seeing” and "hearing" capability and, thanks to their light weight and compact size, can be used effectively in the field for observing the performance of various devices, systems and applications. Fiber optic sensors also provide excellent isolation between HV lines and ground, and they can be deployed without noticeably affecting the system they test. As such, they are very suitable for field testing and calibration purposes. Figure 2 – OVT connecting to a live 550 kV bus without line/bus outage [1] References: [1] F. Rahmatian, J. H. Gurney, and J. A. Vandermaar, “Portable 500 kV optical Voltage Transducer for On-site Calibration of HV Voltage Transformers without De-energization," in Proc. CIGRE General Session 41, 2006, paper A3-103. [2] E. Udren, F. Rahmatian, Y. Hu, V. Madani, and D. Novosel "In-Field Synchrophasor System Calibration, Testing, and Application Validation Using High-Voltage Optical Sensors," in Proc. CIGRE General Session 44, 2012, paper A5-111. Figure 3 – Field measurement of voltage harmonics using a 550 kV portable OVT. Values up to the 25th harmonic were measured. The fundamental frequency of the system was 60 Hz. The LEA output of the OVT was used for the measurement. [3] [3] F. Rahmatian and A. Ortega, "Applications of Optical Current and Voltage Sensors in High-Voltage Systems," Proceedings of the IEEE-PES T&D Latin America, Caracas, Venezuela, Aug. 2006, paper 471. QUA NTA T E C HN OLOG Y’S e-N E WS Page 11 INT ER NATION AL SPOTL IG H T Latin America The Quanta team traveled to Ecuador in September to kick-off the (L-R) QT's Dabeginning of a new Protection Auditing project for Centro Nacional de vid Elizondo, Control de Energía (CENACE). Events occurred in the National SysPAC World Edtem of Transmisión (SNT) in 2012 which necessitated a project that itor-in-Chief, would audit the electrical protections, as well as determine a diagnosis Dr. Alex of the present states, and that would allow the implementation of a Apostolov, and QT's Solveig system of management for the information handling, maintenance and Ward after renovation of the systems of protection pertaining to the SNT. presenting During the kick off meeting, Quanta Technology worked with CENACE together in to establish a base understanding of the current state of protections, Medellín, norms and standards of protection, planned expansions, optimal Colombia. protection statuses and finally analyzing ten key past events. The successful execution of this important project will facilitate a more reliable and secure SNT. In September, Quanta supported XM in hosting a Protection conference in Medellin, Colombia. Quanta Technology brought industry leaders like PAC World Editor & Chief Dr. Alex Apostolov, Mohamed Ibrahim and Virginia Tech’s Dr. Jaime De La Ree who all presented at the event, as well as Quanta Technology team members Solveig Ward and David Elizondo. The event was well attended and an exciting step forward in Colombia’s embrace of cutting edge Protection technology and best practices. XM’s own Jorge Vélez wrote to us afterwards in describing the success of the event, "Creo que marcamos un hito en el país." (I think we set a milestone in this country.) Quanta Technology President and IEEE PES President Elect, Dr. Damir Novosel, and QT’s International Director Dr. David Elizondo also attended the 7th edition of the IEEE PES Transmission and Distribution Conference and Exposition – Latin America, which was also held in Medellin, Colombia. This event included presentations and technical papers from recognized Dr. Damir Novosel giving his keynote speech international experts. Dr. Novosel gave the keynote speech on "Opportunities for Sustainable at the IEEE PES T&D Conference in Colombia Power Grid Improvements.” Dr. Elizondo and Quanta Energized Services' Ray Gibler gave in September. a tutorial on "Ground Based Robots & the Future of Applications of Robots for Transmission Line Work." This tutorial highlighted both Quanta's previous extensive work with energized projects and patented technology like the LineMaster™ robotic arm, as well as emerging key technologies such as the increasing use of UAVs (unmanned aerial vehicles). Far East In June, the Quanta team went to Kuching, Malaysia, to perform RTDS testing of Siemens and ABB protection relays in order to test the performance on three different 275kV transmission lines for Sarawak Energy. Quanta Technology was responsible for the development of the power system model, the test plan, development of the protection settings, the test execution, and the test evaluation and documentation. Dr. Juergen Holbach and Solveig Ward (center left) with SEB in the lab in Malaysia and a street view of the New Sarawak State Legislative Assembly building in Kuching. Page 12 QUA NTA T E C HN OLOG Y’S e-N E WS W ELCOME OU R N E W PEOPLE Evan Estes, Business Development Manager, Midwest & South Central Region, has over 12 years of transmission planning and business development experience. Most recently Evan was Development Project Manager with NextEra Energy. He holds a Bachelors in Electrical Engineering from Missouri University of Science & Technology, and will be based in the St. Louis area. Rahul Anilkumar, Engineer, graduated with a Masters in Electrical Power Engineering, May 2014. He has two years of active Research Experience in the fields of transmission and distribution planning, renewable integration and algorithm development, and multiple internships in the fields of data center design, automation and power quality. Xinyu Tony Jiang, PhD, Senior Engineer, Transmission, has several years of experience in power system synchrophasor applications, state estimation methods and electromechanical mode damping analysis. Before joining Quanta Technology, Tony worked as a Graduate Research Assistant at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, where he worked with utility companies to develop new power systems software applications and computation methods. Tony recently earned his PhD. in Electrical Engineering from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, NY. Kathleen (Dalpe) Alcombright, PMP, LEAN Six Sigma Green Belt, Senior Advisor, Asset Management, has over 12 years of energy industry experience in Program and Project Management. Kathleen successfully led the multi-million dollar Smart Grid Investment Grant project with the New York Independent System Operator, Inc. (NYISO) and New York Transmission Owners over the last four years, which focused on implementing synchrophasor technology including smart grid applications, infrastructure, data analysis/storage and the communications network. Want to Receive Our Newsletter? Quanta Technology's e-News online newsletter is published four times per year, in both electronic and printed form, and in special editions for important industry events. If you would like to receive your copy, please contact Lisa Williams at (919) 334-3071 or lwilliams@quanta-technology.com. RECENT & UPCO M ING CO NFER ENCES October 12-15 IEEE Innovative Smart Grid Technologies (Istanbul, Turkey) October 19-21 Grid of the Future (Houston, TX) October 22-23 February 3-5 February 17-20 North American Synchrophasor Initiative (Houston, TX) IEEE PES Conference of ISGT (Washington, DC) DistribuTECH (San Diego, CA) ABOUT QUANTA TECHNOLOGY Quanta Technology is an expertise-based, independent consulting company providing business and technical expertise to the energy and utility industries for deploying holistic and practical solutions that result in improved performance. Quanta Technology has grown to a client base of over 100 companies with an exceptional staff, many of whom are foremost industry experts for serving client needs. We are a subsidiary of Quanta Services, Inc., headquartered in Houston, TX, (NYSE: PWR), member of the S&P 500, with 2012 revenue of $5.9 billion. The company is the largest specialty engineering constructor in North America, serving energy companies and communication utilities, according to McGraw Hill's ECN. More information is available at www.quantaservices.com. www.quanta-technology.com
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