for the provision of the services of
a Slaughterhouse for Rabbit and Game
1) Introduction and background
The Ministry for Sustainable Development the Environment and Climate Change,
hereinafter referred to as “the Contracting Authority”, is interested in receiving
Expressions of Interest from parties who are willing to operate the site as described
below as a slaughterhouse for rabbit and game.
A sample Expression of Interest in PDF format is available for viewing and/or
downloading on the Ministry for Sustainable Development the Environment and
Climate Change website,
Expression of Interest documents may also be obtained for the Procurement and
Supplies Section, MSDEC, 6, Qormi Road, Sta. Venera SVR 1301 on any working day
from 8.30am and 12.00 noon.
2) Current Situation and Legal Framework
Rabbit slaughter in Malta is presently regulated by the Slaughtering of Lagomorphs for
Human Consumption Regulations of 2011 (L.N. 165 of 2011) which regulations
establish that no person shall slaughter any lagomorph (rabbits and hares) with the
intention for supply for human consumption unless such slaughtering is carried out in an
approved premises approved under the Veterinary Services Act and in compliance with
the provisions of Regulations (EC) 852/2004 and 853/2004 of the European Parliament
and the Council laying down specific hygiene rules for food of animal origin and
subsequent amendments.
However, small scale producers (producers whose holding rears 50 breeding does or
less) are exempt from such onus insofar as they rear and slaughter lagomorphs for direct
supply to the final consumer or to local retail establishments directly supplying such
meat to the final consumer as fresh meat. Such small scale producers are required to be
approved under the Food Safety Act and shall comply at all times with the provisions of
Regulations (EC) 852/2004 and 853/2004 of the European Parliament and the Council
on the hygiene of foodstuffs and subsequent amendments and with guidelines issued by
the Food Safety Commission from time to time.
The said Slaughtering of Lagomorphs for Human Consumption Regulations define
premises as “any slaughtering plant or cutting unit”. Implicitly, the infrastructural
works, materials, equipment and processes used/in use within the premises require
approval as indicated. Without prejudice to the above, including any approval which
may be required from the relevantcompetent authorities, it remains the responsibility of
the premises’ operator to ensure that all the legal requirements emanating from the
Veterinary Services Act, its subsidiary legislation and Regulations (EC) 852/2004 and
853/2004 are properly implemented in order to ensure food safety.
3) The Site
The Contracting Authority has identified a site, presently within the perimeter of the
Public Abattoir in Marsa, which has the possibility to be used as a slaughterhouse for
rabbit and game.
The site is the old Emergency Slaughter Hall within the Public Abattoir, Marsa. A short
description of the site, including its location (marked in red) is included in Annex III.
4) Objective
Through this Expression of Interest, the Contracting Authority is seeking submissions
by interested parties who are/may be willing to enter into an agreement with the said
Contracting Authority to develop and operate the said site as a slaughterhouse for rabbit
and game. In particular the Contracting Authority is requesting interested parties to
supply the information requested in Annex I.
This call for Expressions of Interest should not be regarded as a call for tender.
The Contracting Authority shall not make any award at this stage, but intends to issue a
tender at a later stage. The Contracting Authority shall however be taking into
consideration the information provided through this Expression of Interest to inform any
study and/or the drafting process relative to the said eventual tender.
5) Terms for participation in this Expression of Interest
Interested parties are requested to submit an Expression of Interest and to ensure that
they submit all the minimum information and requirements stipulated in this document,
including any annexes hereto.
All information contained in this document is for reference of interested parties only.
This document does not constitute a warranty, statement or representation, expressed,
implied or imputed by the Government as to the accuracy, reliability or completeness of
the facts contained therein.
Participation in this Expression of Interest is open on equal terms, to all natural and
legal persons of the member States of the European Union, the beneficiary country, and
any other country in accordance with Regulation 76 of the Public Procurement
A natural/legal person may submit an Expression of Interest both individually and as a
partner in a joint venture / consortium. An interested party may submit multiple
Expressions of Interest.
Bidders/parties shall be solely responsible for and shall bear all the fees, costs and
expenses associated with the preparation and submission of the Expression of Interest.
The Contracting Authority shall under no circumstances be liable or be responsible for,
nor make good in whatsoever way for any such fee, costs, expenses, loss or damage
incurred by the parties in connection with the submission process. The Government
shall hold no liability to any interested party/bidder in respect of damages, costs or
claims caused by the use of or reliance on the information contained in this document.
The submission of the proposal shall be taken as an acceptance ipso facto by the
interested party/bidder of the terms and conditions set out in the present document and
any addendum/clarification issued by the Contracting Authority in line with the Section
‘clarifications’ below. Interested parties/bidders are required to ascertain, verify and
certify independently the accuracy, completeness or validity of the information
contained herein and are required to make their own assessment of technical feasibility
and financial viability of their projects.
When making their submission, interested parties/bidders should take into consideration
the parameters as detailed in Annex II under which the Contracting Authority plans to
enter into an agreement with an eventual successful bidder, following a separate
tendering process, to develop and operate the site as a slaughterhouse for rabbit and
game. Without prejudice, the Contracting Authority reserves the right to add, reduce
and change in whatsoever way it deems necessary, such parameters when the eventual
tender is published.
No information contained in this document or in the replies to clarifications should be
deemed by interested parties as a representation, statement or warranty as to the
intentions, policy or action of the Government in future. Such information is to be
utilized by interested parties/bidders to set up their own judgment independently.
The Contracting Authority reserves the right to change, alter, amend, vary all and any
information, terms and conditions of this present document and this without incurring
any form of liability whatsoever from any third party that may have expressed an
interest in the present process or any interested party/bidder.
6) Clarifications and amendments to this call
Parties making enquiries or requiring clarification or interpretations of the Expression of
Interest shall make a request via e-mail (email address: at
least five (5) working days prior to the closing date for receipt of Expression of Interest.
Any request for clarification or interpretation after this date shall not be entertained.
Any clarifications, interpretations, corrections or changes to this call for Expressions of
Interest by the Contracting Authority shall be made by an addendum notified on
Any other clarification, interpretation, correction or change made in a different manner
than as aforestated shall not be valid, and parties shall not rely upon such other
interpretations, corrections and changes.
No clarification, interpretation, correction, change or addenda shall be issued later than
three (3) working days prior to the date of receipt of Expressions of Interest except an
addendum postponing the date for receipt of Expression of Interest or withdrawing the
request for Expression of Interest.
The Contracting Authority may, at its own discretion, extend the deadline for
submission of Expression of Interest to give Parties sufficient time to take clarification
notes into account when preparing their Expressions of Interest.
A clarification meeting/on site visit will be held on Friday 20 June 2014 at 10:00 hours,
to answer any questions on this Expression of Interest. Minutes will be taken during the
meeting, and these (together with any clarifications in response to written requests
which are not addressed during the meeting) will be published and notified on the
website at
7) Submission of Expression of Interest
A written proposal for this call of Expression of Interest shall be submitted in a sealed
envelope marked “Private and Confidential – Expression of Interest for the provision of
the services of a Slaughterhouse for Rabbit and Game”. Such submissions shall be
physically delivered to the Procurement and Supplies Directorate of the Ministry for
Sustainable Development, the Environment and Climate Change, Santa Venera by
Friday 11 July 2014 at 10:00 hours. Expressions of Interest are to be delivered to the
following address:
The Director
Procurement and Supplies
Ministry for Sustainable Development, the Environment and Climate Change
6, Triq Ħal-Qormi, Santa Venera.
All Expressions of Interest submitted, including catalogues, illustrations and literature
shall be bound together as a single set of documents. The submission shall be typed in,
or handwritten in indelible ink and signed by the Person responsible for the Expression
of Interest. The submission shall include indicative internal plans and layout for the site
with an operational plan.
All correspondence and documents related to the Expression of Interest exchanged by
the Parties and the Contracting Authority shall be written in Maltese or English.
Supporting documents and printed literature furnished by the interested parties may be
in another language, provided they are accompanied by an accurate translation into
Maltese or English. For the purposes of interpretation of the Expression of Interest, the
English language version of submissions shall prevail.
All Expressions of Interest received after the deadline for submission specified in the
contract notice or these instructions shall be kept by the Contracting Authority. No
liability shall be accepted for late submission of Expressions of Interest.
Each submission shall include details of the official contact person (who may be the
Person responsible for the Expression of Interest), including name, designation, contact
phone numbers, address and email address. Such Contact Person shall be empowered to
represent the party (including partner undertakings in a joint-venture/consortium) in all
matters relevant to the Expression of Interest.
8) General Conditions
The currency of the Expression of Interest is the Euro (€). All sums indicated, including
any breakdown of the overall rates/price, as applicable, shall be expressed in Euro (€).
The contents of any Submission shall be maintained confidential and intended solely for
the use by the Contracting Authority and shall not be disclosed to any party or any other
person not officially involved in the process unless otherwise permitted or required by
law. For the purpose of clarity it is being declared that the Contracting Authority intends
to and has the right to use the content of submissions that are received for purposes of
formulating any subsequent tender that it may decide to publish in relation to the rabbit
and game slaughterhouse.
Without prejudice to the above, any information and details submitted in this
Expression of Interest shall be processed with the Freedom of Information Act [Chapter
496] of the Laws of Malta and the Data Protection Act [Chapter 440] of the Laws of
The Contracting Authority reserves the right to require clarification in respect of
expressions of interest submitted.
Annex I
List of documents which interested parties making a submission under this Expression
of Interest are requested to provide:
Details (name, surname, I.D., address, contact phone numbers, email address) of
the bidder;
Details of the official contact person (who may be the Person responsible for the
Expression of Interest), including name, designation, contact phone numbers,
address and email address.
Background information on the bidder including relevant experience and technical
capabilities in the proposed activities to be carried out and other related activities;
A description of the infrastructural works which interested parties anticipate that
they would have to carry out in the eventuality that they would be adjudicated an
eventual tender. This shall include two sections:
a section detailing how the bidder would ensure the implementation of the
minimum civil and other works described in Annex III, together with an
estimate of the envisaged related costs as verified by an architect and/or
qualified professional ;
a section on the civil and other infrastructural works, finishing works and
equipment related to the investments which the party intends to make on
the site, together with an estimate of the related costs.
A description of the operations which interested parties anticipate that they would
be carrying out in the eventuality that they would be adjudicated an eventual
tender. This shall include, but shall not be exclusive to, the following:
High-level market assessment of the rabbit/game slaughtering sector in
Malta and the level of activity/capacity anticipated at the indicated
rabbit/game slaughterhouse;
Expected timeframes for obtaining the necessary permits from any
applicable regulatory authority/ies including but not exclusive to MEPA
and the Veterinary regulations Directorate.
Expected timeframes for the commencement of actual slaughtering
Projected turnover on an annual basis;
Projected operating costs before tax on an annual basis;
Projected employment levels on an annual basis;
(vii) Indicative slaughtering fees;
(viii) Projected level/s of increase in activity over a given number of years,
including associated timeframes;
Projected refurbishment costs over the first five (5) years;
Estimated pay-back period;
Plans on the management of animal by-products (including waste) being
produced by the plant.
An indication of the title and period of lease that the potential bidder would expect
to be granted were he/she to be successful in an eventual tender for the leasing of
the property to be used as a rabbit/game slaughterhouse. A reasoned justification
as to the basis for such expectation is also required to be submitted.
Any concerns which interested parties consider that the Contracting Authority
should evaluate and cater for when drafting the tender. Such concerns shall be
raised without prejudice to the right of the Contracting Authority to disregard any
such concern and the Contracting Authority’s absolute right to determine the
terms and parameters of the eventual tender.
Annex II
This Annex contains a number of indicative parameters under which the Contracting
Authority, following a separate tendering procedure, would eventually enter into an
agreement with an eventual successful bidder, to develop and operate the site as a
slaughterhouse for rabbit and game. Without prejudice, the Contracting Authority
reserves the right to add, reduce and change in whatsoever way it deems necessary, such
terms and principles when the eventual tender is published.
The above notwithstanding, interested parties are expected to take such parameters into
consideration when formulating their Expression of Interest.
The parameters under which the site would be granted are:
The site would be allocated tale quale under a lease agreement to an eventual
successful bidder for a period of years which is yet to be determined.
The Slaughterhouse for rabbit and game would be operated as a stand-alone
activity completely independent from the adjacent Public Abattoir and the
leaseholder would assume, amongst others, full responsibility to ensure
independent access to the property as well as all issues related to security.
The leaseholder would be required to ensure that service of rabbit/game
slaughter for human consumption is made available to any producer of rabbit
and game in Malta. For the purpose of clarity this does not mean that this service
may not be provided to other third parties.
The leaseholder would be required to carry out the minimum infrastructural
Works described above inter alia to ensure complete separation from the Public
Abattoir. The leaseholder would be required to access the site only through the
separate and independent road running in parallel with Garrick Street leading to
WasteServ Limited marked ‘A’ in the attached plans at Annex II. The
Leaseholder would be required to make the necessary infrastructural changes to
be able to have access to/from the site through the said separate road. The
Leaseholder would not be granted the right of access to the public areas within
the adjacent Public Abattoir. Additionally the leaseholder would be required to
allow the operator of the adjacent Public Abattoir to open the gate marked ‘x’ in
the said attached plans, and leading from the Public Abattoir to the said separate
and independent road. The Operator of the Public Abattoir would be required to
inform the Leaseholder beforehand as to when access through the separate and
independent road is required;
The leaseholder would be required to undertake to carry out all the alterations
required in order to accommodate the proposed rabbit and game slaughterhouse
and any other investment on the proposed site at its own expense and in
accordance with all indications and instructions delivered by the Veterinary
Regulation Directorate. The leaseholder would also be solely responsible for the
procurement of all necessary MEPA authorisations if /where applicable;
The Leaseholder would be required to invest in and install the necessary
equipment for the slaughtering of rabbits and game on the site in question within
a pre-determined period of time. This would not preclude the leaseholder from
installing additional equipment to offer services ancillary to the slaughtering of
rabbit and game (such as equipment for the processing of the carcass into
finished products and/or equipment for the treatment of animal by-products)
provided all other authorisations required at law are first obtained;
All expenses related to the purchase and installation of the necessary equipment
for the rabbit and game slaughterhouse and any other investment would be
incurred by and at the sole expense of the Leaseholder and no financial
compensation shall be requested from the Contracting Authority or the operator
of the adjacent Public Abattoir for such expenses.
(viii) The Leaseholder would be required to undertake to take charge of the site and be
responsible for the day to day running, maintenance and hygiene in line with all
relevant national and EU legislation;
The maintenance of the site (including equipment) would be carried out by the
Leaseholder and the Leaseholder would be required to endeavour to maintain the
whole structure and building in the best state. The Contracting Authority would
reserve the right to instruct the Leaseholder to carry out any maintenance which
may be deemed necessary at the Leaseholder’s expense, and the Leaseholder
would be required to do so within the shortest reasonable timeframes.
The Contracting Authority would not be responsible for the payment of any bills
related to the electricity and water and any other utilities required in the site and
a new separate electricity and water meter would have to be installed by the
Leaseholder prior to the use of the site;
The Leaseholder would be required to be insured at all times against normal
risks. This would include but not be exclusive to third party liability. The
Contracting Authority would, in no way and under no circumstances, not be held
responsible for any incident or act of God. For the sake of clarity, this would not
preclude the leaseholder from acceding to any assistance provided by the
Ministry and/or any other public authority to assist undertakings in the
eventuality of a major man-made or natural disaster;
The Contracting Authority reserves the right of access to the site in question at
all times and the Leaseholder is to allow access to representatives of the said
Ministry as and when deemed necessary by the Contracting Authority.
(xiii) The Leaseholder would not be allowed to sublet, or under any other way pass on
any rights being given by an eventual agreement, to any other natural or legal
person without the authorisation of the Contracting Authority.
The Leaseholder would be bound to finalize the approval of the slaughterhouse
for rabbit and game in line with the relevant national and EU legislation within a
defined period from the signature of an eventual agreement.
Annex III
1) Description of the Building
The proposed Slaughterhouse for Rabbit and Game at Marsa is to be located in the exemergency slaughter house at the Civil Abattoir Marsa overlooking Garrick Street. The
site shall be physically separated by the proposed construction marked in red on the
attached drawing ABMR-0100.
Figure 1: Former Emergency Slaughter House
The existing structure has a total external area of 618 sq.m and is composed from an
outer skin of masonry stone constructed in three skins up to 25 courses high, a concrete
ground slab as foundations and an overlying sloped roofing structure.
Internally all walls and floors, except those located in the lairage are tiled, and walls are
tiled up to a height of approximately 2.50 metres. The building also contains a monorail
system that leads from the area outside the building up to the chillers. The chillers and
the temperature controlled room are located at the back of the building as per drawing
AMBR-0100. All equipment in place was installed about 20 years ago and has not been
operational for the past three years. All equipment requires servicing and
commissioning to be operated. The building also contains a switch room that operates
the M & E. A changing room facility is located adjacent to the main entrance. All
services on site, mainly electrical, water supply and foul water system are disconnected.
The building is structurally sound and has no structural or superficial damages. The
roofing structure is all in place.
2) Minimum infrastructural works
The building is to be separated from the Civil Abattoir Complex as per attached layout
plan ABMR-0100. The drawing proposes the construction of two boundary walls
referred to as OP5 in the attached ‘Estimate of Civil Works and other works required’
and the formation of two openings in the existing boundary walls to provide access
paths from the private road running in parallel with Garrick Street leading to WasteServ
Limited. Since the road level is further down from the internal path level, the area is to
be excavated to form a loading and unloading bay providing access to the building. A
stairs and a foot path are also to be constructed to provide access for persons entering
the building.
All structural alterations have to be approved by the relevant competent authorities
regulating the use and structure of the building if applicable. It is also deemed very
important to retain the security of the Civil Abattoir that before any works commence
on the openings in the boundary wall the internal physical separation of the building
from the Civil Abattoir Complex is completed.
The building has also to be provided with the connection of all services such as
electrical power, water supply and foul water sewage connection.
Figure 2: Location of the Former Emergency Slaughter House (marked in Red)
Attachment to Annex III
1) Estimate of minimum Civil Works and other works required
The proposed minimum civil and other works for the segregation of the proposed
Slaughterhouse for Rabbit and Game from the rest of the Public Abattoir Complex,
Marsa are estimated in Table 1 below.
Item Description
Quantity Unit
Alteration & Excavation Works
Formation of door openings in existing boundary walls
composed from 2 skin 230mm thick franka blocks. (ref.
OP1 / OP2). Rate includes for the formation of opening
and carting away of material to an approved dumping site,
formation of columns composed from hollow concrete
bricks infilled with concrete grade C20 and plastering of
columns with proprietary mix. - width of opening 4.20m.
Formation of 1.00m wide door in wall composed from 3
skin 230mm thick franka blocks. Rate is to include for
formation of jambs, carting away resulting material and 2
in no. pre-cast concrete lintels and franka stone lintel on
the elevation. (ref. OP3)
Excavation in any type of ground in reducing existing level
to form access from the existing ramp to the proposed
Rabbit Slaughterhouse, and carting away of all material.
(ref. OP4)
Masonry Works
230mm thick franka stone bedded and laid in gauged
mortar in formation of single skin wall in boundary wall
(approx. height 15crs) between the Public Abattoir and the
proposed Rabbit Slaughterhouse. Price is to include the
pointing of the same wall from both sides with stucco
finish (ref. OP5)
Concrete Works
Reinforced Concrete Grade C20 in 100mm thick reinforced
concrete ground slab including one layer of A98 mesh.
Concrete surface is to be perfectly plumb and smooth. (ref:
Reinforced Concrete Grade C20 in In situ concrete in the
formation of stairs and landings structure.
Services Works
Trenching into existing road to connect drainage to main
sewer using 125mm heavy duty pvc pipes. Price to include
the insertion of siphon with cast iron drain cover, and
making good road surface using hot laid tarmac.
Connecting water system to Water Services Corporation
mains. Rate is to include for submission of application to
WSC and all the required ancillary applications to relevant
Connecting main distribution box to electrical supply grid
provided by Enemalta. Rate is to include for submission of
application to Enemalta, warranted engineer endorsement
of system, he required ancillary applications to relevant
Table 1: Estimate of Civil and Other Works required
Table 2 below provides details about the equipment located in the slaughter area. The
equipment was installed circa 20 years ago and requires extensive servicing, testing and
commissioning since it was decommissioned 3 years ago. Parties should take the
existence of such equipment into consideration when formulating their Expression of
Item Description
Quantity Unit
Chillers and Monorail
Existing chillers as per attached layout plan. Approx
headroom of each chiller is 4.00m
Chiller 1 - Dims: 5.50m x 3.70m
Chiller 2 - Dims: 5.30m x 2.30m
Chiller 3 - Dims: 5.30m x 2.30m
Chiller 4 - Dims: 5.30m x 2.30m
Conveyor System - monorail including tracks, brackets,
switch gear and motors.
Monorail length.
Table 2: Equipment on site
What is the projected number of slaughters every week?
Reply: It is up to the eventual operator to determine own levels of operation. In
this regard, the party is invited to refer to Annex 1 of the EOI which states that
“interested parties making a submission under this Expression of Interest are
requested to provide... [inter alia, in Clause 5.0 (i)] High-level market
assessment of the rabbit/game slaughtering sector in Malta and the level of
activity/capacity anticipated at the indicated rabbit/game slaughterhouse”
What is the number of Rabbit and Game livestock in Malta?
Reply: Kindly refer to Annex I of the EOI which states that “interested parties
making a submission under this Expression of Interest are requested to provide...
[inter alia, in Clause 5.0 (i)] High-level market assessment of the rabbit/game
slaughtering sector in Malta and the level of activity/capacity anticipated at the
indicated rabbit/game slaughterhouse”
Who shall make use of the services offered by the slaughterhouse? Will it be
maid compulsory that all rabbit and game livestock are exclusively slaughtered
at this proposed slaughterhouse?
Reply: Kindly refer to Annex II of the EOI which in Clause (iii) states that “the
leaseholder would be required to ensure that service of rabbit/game slaughter for
human consumption is made available to any producer of rabbit and game in
Malta. For the purpose of clarity this does not mean that this service may not be
provided to other third parties.” You may wish to additionally note that in line
with EU regulations it is not possible to legally require exclusive use of any
slaughtering facility. Slaughtering shall continue to be regulated as described in
Section 2 “Current Situation and Legal Framework”.
-What type of traceability system is proposed? Is there an existent system or is
there the need to create a new one?
Reply: It is up to the eventual operator to determine one’s traceability systems,
of course subject to approval by competent authority.
Should the traceability system be connected to the present local system?
Reply: It is up to the eventual operator to determine one’s dedicated systems, of
course subject to approval by competent authority. In this regard, the party may
wish to note that Annex II of the EOI, in Clause (ii) states that “the
Slaughterhouse for rabbit and game would be operated as a stand-alone activity
completely independent from the adjacent Public Abattoir...”
All prospective bidders may wish to know that the closing date for this Expression of
Interest has been extended by one week. Therefore the closing date is Friday 18th
July 2014 at 10am.