Griffith Park Adult Community Center & Club
November, 2014
Smarter Senior Forum
GPACC will be
closed on Tues.,
Nov. 11th
forVeterans Day
and Thurs. Nov.
27th for
Thanksgiving Day
Wednesday, November 19th, 2014
1:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.
Griffith Park Adult Community Center
Friendship Auditorium
3201 Riverside Drive
Los Angeles, CA 90027
County of Los Angeles
Department of Community
and Senior Services
Happy Thanksgiving
Contractors State License
Listen To Great Presentations On:
Spotting and Avoiding Common Consumer Scams
Recognizing Signs of Physical, Emotional and Financial Elder Abuse
Protecting Yourself when Hiring a Contractor
Long Term Care Facilities
Information: Alex Zepeda, 213-974-9969
Funded by a grant from the County of Los Angeles Department of Community & Senior Services
Vote November 4th
LA City Department of Recreation & Parks,
Griffith Park Adult Community Center (GPACC)
3203 Riverside Drive Los Angeles, CA 90027 323-644-5579
Hours: 9:00 - 4:30, Monday - Friday
Monty Sutherlin, Facility Director
Griffith Park Adult Community Center & Club
November, 2014
Happy Thanksgiving! A great holiday because there is no frantic gift buying, getting stuck in
traffic,no stress , just eating and watching football and eating again. So what if we gain a few
pounds, just come to Griffith Park and run around Mulholland fountain a few times and work it
off. Take a moment to say thanks for our facility here in beautiful GriffithPark, and especially
thanks to Monty and his staff, and to Aghavni and her staff for their service to us.
Dori Joffroy
Effective November 3, 2014, the GPACC facility returns to a one club operation, and GPACC
will not be open on Saturdays until further notice. If there is interest, we will be doing our best to
look for ways to continue those successful Saturday activities within the GPACC facility
programming. Happy Thanksgiving!
Monty Sutherlin
Our “White Elephant “ Sale by Bettie Jean Milbury
The October 24th White Elephant Sale was a total success thanks to everybody who donated their
treasures throughout the year, plus our volunteers who worked tirelessly in set-up, clean-up, and
selling. And a special thanks to George Roqueni who took the time to advertise on Craigslist. They
were some of our best customers. We made $445.40 all in four hours ($100.00 per hour, and that
buys us a lot of peanuts).
The items not sold were donated to Out-of-the-Closet, Women’s Athletic Club of Glendale, the
Los Angeles Garden Club, and the Berda Paradise. It was a real pleasure to work with terrific, hard
working ladies and gentlemen.
Our Volunteers: Ramon Villavicencio, Kurt Schultz, George Roqueni, Kay Zager, Greta Brinck,
Carmen Aguilar, Maria Clink, Rosalie Bennett, Reiko Sonday, Mark Sonday, Frank Ross, Albert
Membership News by Joneen Burrell
Your membership runs from January through December, but we begin taking renewals as of
November 1st for the year 2015. It is still only$15 per person. Please make your check payable to
GPAC Club. Your dues support our monthly newsletter and our fundraising activities to enrich
the environment and the activities of GPACC. If you have a friend or neighbor that would like to
join now, their $15 dues will cover the rest of 2014 and all of 2015. What a deal!
Many of the activities at our center began because someone had an idea and volunteered to bring
it to life. If you have an idea, just talk to Monty, our Facility Director. Although we have space
and scheduling issues, we are always looking for new offerings that GPACC can provide.
We have 117 new members and 469 renewal members for a total of 586 members as of
10/29/2014 and I am holding a few early bird renewals for the 1st of November. Let's beat our
membership totals next year!
Griffith Park Adult Community Center & Club
November, 2014
M A R K Y O U R C A L E N DA R . . .
General Meeting Wednesday, November 19th, 2014, 12:00 - 2:30, Friendship
Remember you can sign up for lunch from 10:30 to 11:30 at GPACC
Friendship Auditorium doors opens at 11:45
Lunch will be served starting at 12:00
Program: Smarter Senior Forum sponsored by LA County Dept. of Consumer Affairs
RSVP at the Center or Call Doris Slater at (323) 667-1879
California State University at Los Angeles Life Learning Classes . . .
Wednesday, November 12 at 2pm: “The Great Books - Why They Are Still Important” ; with
Dr. Peter Brier, Professor Emeritus, English, CSULA Some say we learn more from modern
literature. Are they wrong?
Widow & Widowers “Moving On” Group, Friday, November 14th, 1 pm by Sylvia
The next meeting of the Widow and Widower's Moving On Group will be a Potluck gathering, at
one of our member's home. For more information, call Sylvia McBride at (714) 757-2850.
Tuesday Book Club, Tuesday, November 18th, 10:00 - 11:30 by Joneen Burrell Because GPACC will be closed on our normal meeting day we will meet, for November only,
on the 3rd Tuesday of the month which is November 18th at 10AM in the GPACC library. Be
sure to note your calendars. Our November selection is "Nothing Daunted" by Dorothy
Wickenden. This is a non-fiction account of the author’s sheltered grandmother and her friend leaving East
Coast society pastimes for the wilds of 1916-1917 Colorado to teach homesteader’s children. They
were bored “old maids” at age 29 when the invitation came from a friend of a friend. Accounts
taken from letters back then are supplemented with the author’s research.
Dorothy Wickenden is the New Yorker Magazine executive editor and based this book on a
short story that appeared in the New Yorker.
Mystery Readers Group, November 18th, 1:30 - 3:00 by Joneen Burrell
We decided to read any book by award winning English author P. D. James for our November
discussion. Most of her books feature gentleman detective Adam Dalgliesh of New Scotland
Yard but she has also written mysteries with other characters. If you prefer starting with the
first book in a series then read "Cover Her Face" published in 1962. If you want to read a
mystery set in "Pride and Prejudice" territory read her latest book "Death Comes to
Pemberley" published in 2011. Olivia Headly will resume free Notary Public Service on Tues., January 27th, at 12:30-1:30.
Griffith Park Adult Community Center & Club
November, 2014
The Health Care Committee by Phyllis Esslinger. . .
We’ve had some amazing turn-outs this month—“Senior Living Options” on Oct. 30th presented
by Dr. Marilyn Friedman gave people a view of the different alternatives available for older
adults. .The committee for this month is offering the Chat and Support Cancer Group on
November 7 at 1:30. On November 13 at 12:30 in the nutrition room there will be a
presentation on Mental Health and Cognition provided by Azusa-Pacific University nursing
students, and later on the same day from 2:00 to 4:00 pm there will be a panel discussion by
representatives from United Health Care/AARP, Humana, Kaiser, and Anthem to help you decide
appropriate advantage care plans. This is a great opportunity to learn from the representatives,
directly. The next health committee meeting will be held on November 5th
Health Tip . . .Be aware that is the time you can change your “advantage” health care plan that
accompanies Medicare. This is the one and only window of the year that this can be done. After
December 30, you must wait a whole year to change, starting again in November of 2015.
Our Art Gallery by Sangeeta Levy
For our next exhibit, Pat C. Tom, instructor of our Chinese Brush Painting class will be sharing
her work of handmade paper entitled “Nature Recycled Again.” plus her Chinese Brush Paintings
from her Lotus Pond Collection. Her work will be on display from November 5th to
December 15th
Making Handmade Paper with Pat Tom
Pat creates art to share the unexpected and often overlooked beauty of nature with others. She sees
possibilities in nature that most of us miss and she says, “increasing our appreciation of the things
we take for granted adds a new dimension to our daily lives.”
The uniqueness of Pat’s paper art lies not only in design, but also in the materials used. She creates
handmade papers literally from the ground up. After harvesting sufficient quantities of a plant—
yucca leaves, fig bark, bird of paradise stalks—to name a few, she soaks the plants, and then boils
them to break down the fibers until they can be broken down to a pulp which is dispersed into a
vat of water, and scooped up on a screen to form a piece of paper. No two papers are alike.
To see this process, come to the multipurpose room November 5 between 11:00 and 2:00 pm.
See how paper is made, the old-fashioned way.
How about learning to make Washi Beads for your jewelry?
Would you believe Japan produces elegant and decorative handmade paper made of plants and
horsehair? It is resistant to insects and is durable for 1,000 years. That is WASHI.
In Reiko’s next jewelry class, you will cover wooden beads with this extraordinary paper, apply 6 8 coats of lacquer, and design unique necklaces combining the Washi with regular commercial
beads to make a necklace with an adjustable knot.
Come join the class for 5 Fridays, November 7th - December 12th. 2:00 - 4:30, with the
exception of Nov. 29th. $20 fee.No experience is necessary. Instructor, Reiko Nakano is
assisted by Janice Osumi
Griffith Park Adult Community Center & Club
November 2014
Plein Air Class taught by Kathy Metz
6 weeks, Wednesdays, October 8-November 12, 9:30-11:30
Cost: $60 (Payment made at the first class)
This class will explore the fundamentals of creative and expressive drawing and painting
techniques while on location. Some drawing and painting experience or enrollment in the the
Painting Class is recommended. Sign up in the Lobby.
Students are free to work in any media including pen and ink, charcoal, pencil, watercolor,
acrylics, or oils. The first class will meet in Griffith Park at the Merry-go-round Parking Lot #1.
From GPACC drive into Griffith Park for about a mile and take a left at the Merry-go-round sign.
If this is your first plein air experience, bring a sketch book and sketching tools, a chair and a hat
to the first class. We will be working very close to our cars.
Come join us on the second Friday of each month for our Opera Talk Series with Louis Bernstein.
We start at 9:00 a.m., ending at 10:45 . Coffee and goodies will be available, thanks to our
generous members. On Friday, November 8, 2014, the topic will be Daniel Catan’s opera Il
Postino plus a surprise.
November Films
New Releases Mondays, 1:00
Nov. 3 ENDER’S GAME (2013) 1 hr. 54 min. (PG-13) Harrison Ford, Abigail Breslin, Ben
Kingsley. Director Gavin Hood.
Nov. 10 ENOUGH SAID (2013) 1 hr. 33 min. (PG-13) Julia Louis-Dreyfus, James Gandolfini.
Director Nicole Holofcener.
Nov. 17 THE ROVER (2014) 1 hr. 43 min. ( R ) Guy Pierce, Robert Pattinson. Director
David Michod.
Nov. 24 THE INTERNSHIP (2013) 1 hr. 59 min. (PG-13) Vince Vaughn, Owen Wilson.
Director Shawn Levy.
C L A S S I C S T U E S D AY S , 1 : 0 0 - 4 : 0 0
Mark Johnson, Movie Coordinator
Nov. 4 THE PALM BEACH STORY (1942) 1 hr. 28 min. Claudette Colbert, Joel McCrea,
Mary Astor. Director Preston Sturges. An inventor needs cash to develop his big idea. His wife
decides to raise it by divorcing him and marrying a millionaire.
Nov. 18 SOME LIKE IT HOT (1959) 2 hrs. Marilyn Monroe, Tony Curtis, Jack Lemmon.
Director Billy Wilder. When two musicians witness a mob hit, they flee with an all girl band. . .
in drag.
Nov. 25 WHAT’S UP, DOC? (1972) 1 hr. 34 min. Barbra Streisand, Ryan O’Neal, Madeline
Kahn. Director Peter Bogdanovich. The mixup of four identical plaid overnight cases leads to
comedy gold.
Reminder: The movie starts at 1:00 p.m.
Griffith Park Adult Community Center & Club
November, 2014
Community. . .
People for Parks, a nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting LA City Recreation and
Parks recommends to all those concerned about our parks in LA County to consider the
“Over 20 years ago, a funding mechanism was put in place to ensure LA County and City parks
have what they need to keep serving the public. Measure P makes sure that funding just keeps
on going….it helps ensure the 70 million people who use LA County parks every year don’t miss
a minute in their favorite places, whether that on a beach or a bench, on a trail or in a tree, at
the zoo or in the recreation center your kids visit after school” (that would include senior
Measure P allocates funds across the County, with increased emphasis on projects that enhance
water quality in the LA River, San Gabriel River, creeks, lakes and beaches; projects that protect
water supply sources; projects in park-poor areas; and projects that employ local youth.
Proposition P requires annual independent financial audits and public review of all expenditures.
For more information go to
L E A G U E O F W O M E N V O T E R S R E C O M M E N D AT I O N S F O R 2 P R O P O S I T I O N S
Rainy Day Fund--State Budget Reserves--The LWVC supports Prop 2 because it takes an
important step toward fiscal discipline in our state government. It requires the state to make
contributions to its rainy day reserve fund and pay down debts and liabilities when times are
good, with increased contributions in years when revenues spike upwards. In bad times, those
reserves can be used to reduce cuts in spending on schools, health care, public safety, and other
vital services. Prop 2 requires joint action of the Governor and the Legislature to reduce the
amount put in or to take money out of the rainy day fund.
Safe Neighborhoods and Schools Act--Prop 47 will ensure that prison spending is focused
on violent and serious offenses and will maximize alternatives for non-serious, nonviolent crime.
The savings generated will be invested in prevention and support programs in K-12 schools, victim
services, and mental health and drug treatment. Prop 47 will change low-level nonviolent crimes
such as simple drug possession and petty theft from felonies to misdemeanors; sentences for
people convicted of dangerous crimes like rape, murder, and child molestation will not be
changed. The League believes alternatives to imprisonment should be explored and utilized,
taking into consideration the circumstances and nature of the crime.
Glendale Memorial Hospital-50+Program …We have been invited to attend their Holiday
Luncheon on December 11, 2014, 11:30 - 1:30 at the Embassy Suites, 800 N. Central, Glendale
in the Emerald Room. There will be a special holiday menu, raffle, and entertainment. The
amount is $26, and you must RSVP by November 18th.
If you are interested, call Doris Slater at (323) 667-1879 for more information
Editors: Stephanie Vendig (323) 667-3043 ,Doris Slater (323)667-1879
Griffith Park Adult Community Club
January, 2014 - December, 2014
Membership Form
________Issued Membership Card
Renewal______Please Print
Last Name (1)
First Name
Last Name (2)
First Name
Zip Code
Phone #
Mobile Phone #
E-Mail (1) Please Print
E-Mail (2)
Neighborhood (Circle one) Atwater, Hollywood, Echo Park, Elysian Valley, Franklin Hills, Los Feliz, Silver Lake,
Glendale, Other(specify)
How did You Hear of Us? (Circle) GPACC, Friend/Neighbor, Los Feliz & Silver Lake Community Guide, Chamber
of Commerce Directory, Internet, Los Feliz Ledger, Other: (specifiy)
Interests (Circle all that apply) Fitness Programs, Arts & Crafts, Writing, Trips, Volunteering, Lectures and
Forums, Computers, Table Games, Books, Fund Raising, Event Planning, Gourmet Activities, Other (specify)
Emergency Information:
Contact Name
Pa y m e n t
Contact me in major emergency
Phone #
$ 1 5 / Additional Donation:
Total $
If you have an E-mail Address, you will receive an online copy of your newsletter, unless indicated below. I
want my newsletter mailed to me._______
I will pick up my newsletter at GPACC _________
Make check or money order payable to GPAC Club.
Send Form and Payment to
Joneen Burrell, Membership Chairperson
GPAC Club, 3203 Riverside Dr, Los Angeles, CA 90027
Our Officers and Board Members for 2014 President - Dori Joffroy, Vice President - Victor
Pierce, Secretary - Claire Almeida, Treasurer - Marilyn Friedman, Trips - Doris Slater, Membership
-Joneen Burrell, Stephanie Vendig, Reiko Sonday, Silvio de Oliveira, Roz Bonerz, Jack Tallis,
Bettie Jean Milbury, Phyllis Esslinger, Stephanie Morris, Annemarie Bestor, Sylvia McBride, June
Adhikari, Sangeeta Levy
About Us . . .
TheGriffith Park Adult Community Club (GPAC Club) is housed at the Griffith Park Adult
Community Center (GPACC). The club is affiliated with LA Department of Recreation and
Parks Federation of Senior Citizen Clubs. GPAC Club was set up to partner with the Facility
Director to provide quality programming for the Center. The club is also responsible for fund
raising to support and enrich the activities and environment of the facility, trips, recruitment of
members and volunteers, monthly general meetings, and a monthly newsletter. Dues are: $15/year
January - December.
3203 Riverside Dr.
Los Angeles, CA 90027
GriffithPark Adult Community Center & Club
November, 2014
W E E K LY O N G O I N G A C T I V I T I E S - N OV E M B E R , 2 0 1 4
You may enter and register for LAUSD classes at any time. Material fees are paid directly to the teachers.
For all other class fees, you pay in person at the facility, where you will be given a receipt. Free classes and
computer room access are granted on a first-come, first-served basis with enrollment.. Persons with
disabilities are welcome to participate in our programs. Reasonable accommodations will be made with
prior arrangement.
Activity AM
Hiking Group (moderate )
Gentle Yoga, $25/month
incl. Thursday class
Computer Lab 9:00 - 1:00
Hula Dancing & Stretch 9:30 -11:00
$25 month
Latin Dance & Exercise $20/ 11:00 - 12:00
Computer Lab
Walking Group (Mulholland Ftn.)
Chinese Brush Painting I
Plein Air
10/8 -11/12 $60 fee
Amer. Mah Jongg
9:00 - 10:30
9:30 - 10:30
Beg. Line Dancing $20/mo
Intermed. Line Dancing$20/m0
Latin Dance
Guitar Lessons
Hiking Group (moderate trails )
Computer Lab Basic
Mah Jongg
Music Appreciation $12/mo
Needlework Workshop
Activity PM
Life Story Writing
$30/fall semester
Computer Lab
Tai Chi $20/month
12:15 - 3:30
Poker/Black Jack Lessons
Computer Lab
10/7 - 11/11 $60 fee
Folk Dancing
1:00 - 4:00
1:00 -4:00
1:00 - 4:00
1:30 - 3:30
1:00 - 4:00
1:00 - 4:00
3:00 - 4:00
2:00 - 3:00
Mindfulness Meditation
Rummy Tiles
Computer Lab
Spanish. $5/session
1:00 - 2:15
1:00 - 4:00
2:00 - 4:00
1:00 - 4:00
10:00 - 12:00
1:00 - 4:00
9:00 - 9:45
10:00 - 11:15
11:15 - 12:00
1:00 - 2:00
Computer Lab
Folk Singing $12/mo
Gentle Yoga
Ukulele Lessons $50
10/9 - 11/13
1:00 - 4:00
1:00- 2:30
9:00 - 11:00
9:00 - 1:00
10:00 - 4:00
10:30 - 11:30
10:30 - 4:30
Socrates Cafe/Current Events
Washi Bead-Making Class
11/7 - 12/12 $20 fee
Computer Lab
Rummy Tiles
1:00 - 3:00
2:00 -4:30
9;00 - 1:00
10:00 - 10:30
10:00 - 2:00
9:30 - 11:30
1:00 - 3:00
1:30 - 2:30
2:00 - 4:00
2:45 - 4:00
1:00- 4:00
2:30 - 4:00
The Nutrition Program: Lunch is served 5 days a week at 12 pm. You can come in for coffee and
sign-up at 10:30.The donation is $2 for those over 60 years and $4 for those under 60 years.
Griffith Park Adult Community Center & Club
November, 2014
Scheduled Additional Activities for November, 2014
( Special Events, Once or Twice a month activities, etc.)
closed for
90+ Luncheon 11:00
- 2:00
Board Meeting
Current Events
1:00 - 3:00
Cancer Support
Life Learning Prog.
2:00 - 4:00
Exercising your
Mind & Memory
12:30 - 1:15
Health Insur. Reps
2:00 - 4:00
Opera Series
9:00 - 10:45
Socrates Cafe
1:00 - 3:00
Moving On Group
Potluck 1:00
General Meetings Blood Pressure Check
Smarter Senior
9:30 - 11:00
12:00 - 3:00
Holiday Boutique
Current Events
1:00 - 3:00
Veterans Day
Tuesday Book Club
10:00 - 11:30
Mystery Readers Group
1:30 - 3:00
Socrates Cafe
1:00 - 3:00
GPACC is closed
Thanks giving
Silver Lake Recreation Center, 1850 W. Silver Lake Dr., 90026, (323) 644-3946
Senior Strength Training Maruca
Senior Strength Training Maruca
Gentle Yoga - Susan Quan
1:00 - 3:00 pm
9:00 - 11:00 am
Maruca Medina
Interval Training, Body Sculpture
Tai Chi - Susan Quan
Maruca Medina
11:30-12:30 $2
7:00 -8:30 pm
7:00 - 8:30 pm
9:30 11:30 $7
Painting Group 1:00-3:00 free