TECHNICAL BRIEFING “STRENGTHENING CLIMATE ADAPTATION AND PREPAREDNESS FOR EL NIÑO AND ITS IMPACTS: ENHANCING CLIMATE SERVICES THROUGH IMPROVED MONITORING AND PREDICTION OF EL NIÑO” El Niño affects regional climates worldwide, particularly in the tropics and sub-tropical zones. Its effects can include drought and flooding in some areas This technical briefing will review (a) the current status of predictability science of El Niño, (b) the development of related climate services to convey this information to a broader set of stakeholders, and (c) national strategies and local interventions for risk management and adaptation to better cope with climate variability in a context of a changing climate. Particular attention will be paid to the impacts of El Niño on food security (fisheries and agriculture). Thursday 4 December, 13h15 - 14h45, Room Machu-Picchu Moderator: Maxx Dilley, Director, Climate Prediction and Adaptation Branch, WMO Opening Chair, Jerry Lengoasa, Deputy Secretary-General, World Meteorological Organization (WMO) Informing on El Niño and the role of climate services Maxx Dilley, Director, Climate Prediction and Adaptation Branch, WMO Progress in the science of El Niño and the role of regional climate information Daniel Pabon, Director, Centro Internacional para la Investigación del Fenómeno de El Niño (CIIFEN) The Tropical Pacific and global ocean observations Cesar Toro, Secretary, IOC Sub-Commission for the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions (IOCARIBE) The impacts of El Niño on fisheries, aquaculture and agriculture Ms Cassandra DeYoung, Fisheries and Aquaculture Department, Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) Innovative climate risk management and information tools and systems Richard Choularton, Chief, Climate Resilience for Food Security, World Food Programme (WFP) Strategies and information tools on the impacts of El Niño on Peruvian fisheries Juan Carlos Requejo Alemán, Vice-Minister of Fisheries, Ministry of Production, Peru Climate services and drought management to address the impacts of El Niño Andi Eka Sakya, President, Meteorological, Climatological and Geophysical Agency (BMKG), Indonesia Interactive Discussions and Wrap Up
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