A unique opportunity to strengthen your business around the Mediterranean Sea program Friday, November 7th 2014 Palais de la bourse 9am-12.30pm Simultaneous workshops & B2B meetings 9am-10.30am Workshop 5: Approach to business in the different countries of the Mediterranean Sea Salle des séances Moderator: Mr. Christain APOTHELOZ, General Delegate Finances Conseil Méditerranée Mr. Réda EL BAKI, Managing Director of the Algerian-French Chamber of Commerce and Industry Mr. Alexandre RATLE, President of the Foreign Trade Advisor Section of Tunisia and Managing Director El Moussem Mr. Christian LAPLAUD, President G2C Environnement and Chairman EA Eco Entreprises Mr. Eric FAJOLLE, Managing Directeur, Ubifrance Turkey With testimonies from local companies 10.30-11.00am Networking break 11.00-12.30pm Workshop 6: Developing activities in the Mediterranean Region: legal and financial aspects Salle des séances Moderator: Mr. Emmanuel NOUTARY, General Delegate ANIMA Ms. Fabienne FECHE JUGIAN International Financing Manager CIC Lyonnaise de Banque M. Slaheddine LADJIMI, CEO, Tunisian Foreign Bank Mr. Zakaria FAHIM, Public Accountant at Cabinet BDO (Morocco) Mr. Samir HAMOUDA, Lawyer at the Algiers Bar & Villa méditerranée Palais de la bourse marseille novembER 6&7 2014 > 400 businessmen from Europe and the Mediterranean Area > 20 countries > 10 sectors of activity concerned > plenary session and workshops to target new markets and projects www.medbusinessdays.com Follow us on twitter @MBD_2014 Villa Méditerranée Esplanade du J4 13002 Marseille Palais de la Bourse 9 la Canbière 13001 Marseille Intercontinental Place Daviel 13002 Marseille Avec le soutien de : Program Thursday, November 6th 2014 2.30-6.00pm 7.45am-8.25am 8.30-10.00am Welcome and registration @ Villa Mediterranee 2.30-4pm Opening conference Mr. Michel VAUZELLE, President, Région Provence Alpes Côte d’Azur Interview of the Head of Business Organizations from the Mediterranean Sea by Mr. Olivier MAZEROLLE, Editorialist La Provence Networking break 10.30-12.30am Plenary session: Current situation and perspectives after the Arab springs, key success for doing business in the region Moderator : Mr. Olivier MAZEROLLE, Editorialist La Provence Human Resources and training: Salle des séances International funding for projects in Mediterranean countries Salle Europe Méditerranée Moderator : Mr. Philippe GAUTIER, Deputy Managing Director, MEDEF International Mr. Raphaël BELLO, Director France Board of the European Bank of Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) Ms. Catherine GOUPIL, Deputy Head of Export Finance – Europe, Africa and Structured Trade Société Générale Mr. Henry MARTY-GAUQUIE, Managing Director, European Investment Bank (EIB) Mr. Mustapha MOURAHIB, Managing Director, Clifford Chance Maroc Mr. Karim REFAAT, CEO N’Gage Consulting (Egypt) Networking break 4.30-6.00pm Workshop 3: Workshop 4: New Technologies and Innovations to strengthen the economic integration Salle des séances Transport and logistic around the Mediterranean Sea Salle Europe Méditerranée Moderator : Mr. Jean-Daniel BEURNIER, Chairman and CEO, Avenir Telecom Ms. Céline AUGER, Project Manager Capenergies, in charge of the MARE project Mr. Adel DANISH, Chairman, Smart Villages Company Mr. Mohamed LAKHLIFI, Managing Director, CGI Maroc Mr. Kaïs SELLAMI, President of the Tunisian ITC Federation Transfer to the Palais de la Bourse 2.30-6.00pm Workshop 2: 4.00-4.30pm Mr. Dominique BRUNIN, General Delegate of CCI France International Mr. Philippe DE FONTAINE-VIVE, Co-president OCEMO, Vice-president European Investment Bank (EIB) Mr. Thami GHORFI, President of ESCA School of Management Casablanca and Animator Radio Aswat Mr. Khalil LAABIDI, President ANIMA, Managing Director FIPA (Foreign Investment Promotion Agency) Mr. Jean-Pierre LETARTRE, CEO E&Y France, Luxembourg and Maghreb Mr. Stéphane YRLES, Public Affairs and Institutional Relations Director, Sofiprotéol 12.30am Workshop 1: Moderator: Mr. Paul CHAFFARD, President of the World Trade Center Marseille Provence Mr. Kamel HADDAR, President, ATLAS Algeria and Founder Origin Partners Mr. Loïc MAHERAULT, Managing Director, Ecole Supérieure Algérienne des Affaires Ms. Wafa MAKHLOUF, President of the Young CEO Center and Founder Proclean Mr. Alain MEYSONNIER, Deputy Managing Director Groupe Eaux de Marseille, President of the ProvenceCorse Foreign Trade Advisors Section Mr. Thibault LANXADE, Vice-President MEDEF Mr. Dominique ESTEVE, Chairman, ICC Provence Alpes Côte d’Azur Mr. Jean-Luc CHAUVIN, Chairman, UPE13 10.00-10.30am Simultaneous workshops Lunch @ Palais de la Bourse B2B meetings 8.00pm Moderator : Mr. Jean-Philippe SALDUCCI, President of the Maritime and Fluvial Union Mr. Patrick BARAONA, Head of the Mediterranean Sea Cluster Mr. Stéphane COURQUIN, Vice President Mediterranean Lines, CMA CGM Ms Marie-Christine CABAU-WOEHREL, Chairwoman of the Group Management Board Grand Port Maritime de Marseille Mr. Fabrice EBNER, Head of Commercial & Marketing, Aigle Azur Mr. Marwann EL SAMMAK, President of the Alexandria Businessmen Association, Chairman and CEO Ship and C.R.E.W Mr. Dominique LEBRETON, National Cargo Community System AP+, MGI Cocktail reception at the Intercontinental Hotel
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