Macro Update Tuesday, November 11, 2014 Analyst Contacts: Contacts: Holly Stewart (713) 393393-4512 Alonso GuerraGuerra-Garcia (713) 393393-4511 •Howard Weil is a division of Scotia Capital (USA) Inc., a member of the Scotiabank group, and represents Scotiabank’s energy equities business in the United States. •For all relevant disclosures and certifications see Appendix A Important Disclosures of this report. Conclusions… Weekly taketake-aways Production – Total U.S. coal production for the week ending November 1 rose ~3% y/y to 19 mm tons. YTD supply is now down 3.6 mm tons. Pricing – Regional Pricing – CAPP and PRB pricing rose ~1.5% and 2.5% to $57.95/st and $12.15/st, respectively. All other tracked pricing regions remained essentially unchanged during the week. International Pricing – The Newcastle thermal price fell ~2% to $61.85/mt, the lowest level since April 2009 and down 27% from year-end 2013. Coal Carloads – Compared to the same week last year, average weekly Eastern carloads were down ~1% and Western carloads increased 3%. Eastern carloads fell ~4.5% from the previous week, while Western volumes were down ~1.5% w/w. CoalCoal-fired vs. GasGas-fired Economics – CAPP coal is out of the money for the fifth consecutive week as the eastern natural gas price trades around $3.65/mcf. The coal-fired fleet burning PRB coal remains economic at current gas prices. Steel Utilization – Domestic steel plant utilization for the week ending November 10 rose ~1.5% to 76.5%. Monthly updates Australian Coal Exports – Total Australian export volumes for the month of September increased ~8% vs. last year to 32.9 mt, though declined ~3% m/m. 2014 YTD volumes are ~9.5% higher than 2013. Met Coal Exports – Australian met coal exports for September rose ~5.5% y/y to 16.2 mt. Additionally, exports increased ~2% from August levels. Thermal Coal Exports – September thermal exports increased to 16.7 mt, up ~11% y/y, but declining ~8% m/m. Page 2 Weekly Updates… Page 3 Domestic Coal Supply Weekly production W ee k ly Pro duction by Re gion ( m m to ns) W ee k 4 4 Regio n Appalachian Interio r 1 -N o v-1 4 4.9 2 -N ov-1 3 4.7 % change 5 -yr avg 5.7 Y /Y 3.0% 5 -yr avg -14.2% 10.6% 3.5 3.4 3.1 3.9% W estern 10.6 10.4 11.1 2.4% -4.3% To tal 1 9 .0 1 8.5 1 9 .9 2 .8 % -4 .8 % YearYear-toto-date production YTD Pro duction by Region (m m to ns) Regio n 2014 To-Date 2013 5 -yr avg Total U.S. coal production for the week ending November 1 rose ~3% y/y to 19 mm tons when compared to the same week last year. % change Y /Y 5 -yr avg Appalachian 227.9 231.0 266.2 -1.4% -14.4% Interio r W estern 156.4 154.8 140.1 1.1% 11.6% 442.6 444.7 472.5 -0.5% -6.3% To tal 8 2 6 .9 8 3 0 .5 8 78 .8 -0 .4 % -5 .9 % 2014 production is 3.6 mm tons below that of 2013. 2013 ended the year with 984 mm tons produced, 32.5 mm tons below that of 2012. Page 4 Coal Pricing…futures picture C APP F utures Pricing - W eek ly C hanges C urrent W eek Previous W eek % C hange 1 Q1 5 $56.15 $55.40 1 .4 % 2 Q1 5 $56.55 $56.15 0 .7 % 3 Q1 5 $56.85 $56.75 0 .2 % 4 Q1 5 $57.45 $57.50 -0 .1 % Average $ 5 6 .7 5 $ 5 6 .4 5 0 .5 % $56.52 PRB F utures Pricing - W eek ly C hanges C urrent W eek Previous W eek % C hange 1 Q1 5 $12.10 $11.70 3 .4 % 2 Q1 5 $12.40 $12.00 3 .3 % 3 Q1 5 $12.90 $12.35 4 .5 % 4 Q1 5 $13.20 $12.95 1 .9 % Average $ 1 2 .6 5 $ 1 2 .2 5 3 .3 % Page 5 Coal Pricing…domestic spot market C APP PRB W estern Bit N APP Illinois Basin W eek ly C om parisons 11/8/2014 11/1/2014 Weekly Change 11/8/2013 Annual Change 12 Month High 12 Month Low $57.95 $57.15 1.4% $61.95 -6.5% $67.75 $55.40 $12.15 $11.85 2.5% $11.00 10.5% $13.60 $11.00 $32.25 $32.25 0.0% $41.00 -21.3% $41.00 $32.25 $60.50 $60.50 0.0% $62.35 -3.0% $62.40 $59.50 $40.85 $40.85 0.0% $39.00 4.7% $46.50 $39.00 Quarterly C om parisons (Avg.) 1Q09 2Q09 3Q09 4Q09 1Q10 2Q10 3Q10 4Q10 1Q11 2Q11 3Q11 4Q11 1Q12 2Q12 $69.35 $57.10 $52.45 $55.30 $58.70 $63.38 $68.45 $71.28 $77.55 $78.83 $80.20 $78.79 $67.53 $63.65 $13.00 $8.77 $8.79 $8.90 $11.28 $12.20 $14.43 $13.59 $13.83 $12.73 $14.42 $13.53 $9.58 $8.30 $73.00 $42.23 $43.62 $39.31 $40.00 $40.00 $40.08 $41.00 $41.00 $41.00 $41.00 $41.00 $41.00 $41.00 $67.13 $45.04 $46.62 $50.97 $59.29 $60.98 $66.44 $69.54 $73.98 $77.70 $77.05 $62.95 $67.13 $60.33 $55.50 $39.46 $38.22 $38.65 $38.63 $39.38 $42.27 $44.54 $45.00 $45.00 $45.00 $48.29 $53.78 $47.53 3Q12 $63.05 $8.99 $41.00 $60.28 $43.58 4Q12 $66.21 $10.09 $41.00 $60.58 $38.57 1Q13 $65.70 $10.37 $41.00 $60.96 $38.85 2Q13 $66.84 $10.67 $41.00 $62.30 $40.06 3Q13 $60.96 $10.87 $41.00 $63.37 $39.22 4Q13 $61.56 $11.01 $40.92 $62.29 $39.20 1Q14 $63.10 $11.61 $40.00 $62.20 $40.98 2Q14 $65.20 $13.22 $37.29 $61.49 $41.70 3Q14 $58.00 $11.68 $32.92 $60.21 $42.05 4Q14 $57.26 $12.01 $32.25 $60.33 $40.75 Q/Q Change (4Q14 vs. 3Q14) -1.3% 2.8% -2.0% 0.2% -3.1% Y/Y Change ('14 vs. '13) -4.5% 13.1% -13.1% -1.9% 5.2% Weekly pricing CAPP and PRB pricing rose ~1.5% and 2.5% to $57.95/st and $12.15/st, respectively. All other tracked pricing regions remained essentially unchanged during the week. Quarterly pricing For the first time in eight consecutive Qs, the PRB saw negative pricing activity in 3Q, down ~12% q/q, while the CAPP and Western Bit moved 11% and ~12% lower, respectively. ILB was the lone gainer at ~1%. Source: Platts Coal Trader Page 6 Spot Pricing…international markets Australia Coal Pricing* $ /m etric tonne $200 Australian spot pricing $150 For the week ending November 1, Newcastle pricing fell ~2% to $61.85/mt. Pricing has continued its downward spiral, with prices averaging their lowest level since April 2009. $100 $50 $0 Source: Bloomberg * Newcastle 6700 kc GAD fob steam coal spot price 2 0 09 $71.12 $66.01 $71.84 $78.55 $ 71 .8 8 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Y ear 2 01 0 $95.05 $99.69 $93.82 $108.26 $9 9 .2 1 20 1 1 $127.72 $119.97 $120.50 $113.93 $1 2 0.5 3 2 0 12 $112.29 $94.49 $86.15 $84.25 $ 94 .2 9 2 01 3 $91.33 $85.38 $77.06 $82.02 $8 3 .9 5 20 1 4 $77.43 $72.73 $67.96 $63.40 % C hange -15.2% -14.8% -11.8% -22.7% We ek End 11/1/2013 11/7/2014 10/31/2014 % Change $80.60 $61.85 $63.00 -2 3 .3 % -1.8% NW Europe Coal Pricing* $ /m etric tonne $225 $175 European spot pricing $125 Spot pricing in NWE declined 2.5% w/w to $72.23/mt. The drop in the European thermal market has been a persistent theme since late 2012. $75 $25 Source: Bloomberg * North West Europe steam coal marker Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Ye ar 2009 $69.85 $65.22 $69.27 $77.24 $ 7 0 .3 9 2010 $78.17 $88.47 $92.66 $109.38 $ 9 2 .1 7 2011 $123.27 $124.33 $124.04 $114.51 $ 1 2 1 .5 4 2012 $100.57 $89.47 $90.93 $88.77 $ 9 2 .4 3 2013 $86.39 $79.87 $76.27 $84.28 $ 8 1 .7 0 2014 $79.00 $74.51 $75.51 $72.77 % C hange -8.5% -6.7% -1.0% -13.7% W ee k End 11/1/2013 11/7/2014 10/31/2014 % C hange $85.66 $72.23 $74.11 -1 5 .7 % -2 .5 % Page 7 Coal vs. Gas Economics Coal vs. Gas Economics Assum ptio ns Power price ($/Mwh) Fuel costs ($/ton) C oal price Transportation cost Total fuel cost Emissions costs SO2 cost NOx cost Total emissions costs Total coal cost (per ton) To tal fue l co st (pe r m m btu) Heat rate of plant (mmbtu/MWh) Total coal cost ($/MWh) Gro ss m argin ($/M W h) Dark Spread C alculatio n PRB C entral App $39.85 $37.10 Spark Spread C alculation PRB C e ntral App $39.85 $37.10 $1 1 .8 5 $25.00 $36.85 $ 5 7.1 5 $12.00 $69.15 $0.01 $0.00 $0.01 $36.86 $ 2 .0 9 10.0 $20.94 $0.01 $0.00 $0.01 $69.16 $2 .8 8 10.0 $28.82 $ 3 .5 7 7.5 $26.78 $ 3 .6 4 7.5 $27.30 $1 8 .9 1 $8 .2 8 $ 1 3 .08 $ 9 .8 0 Source: Platts Coal Trader & Megawatt Daily, Howard Weil, Inc. CAPP coal is out of the money for the fifth consecutive week as the eastern natural gas price trades around $3.65/mcf. The coal-fired fleet burning PRB coal remains economic at current gas prices. Page 8 Coal Carloads (in carloads) W eek ly C o m pariso ns Week 44 - 2014 Week 43 - 2013 Weekly Change Week 44 - 2013 Annual Change 12 Month High 12 Month Low UN P C SX N SC BN I 34,792 34,926 -0.4% 32,731 6.3% 36,369 29,615 21,928 23,772 -7.8% 20,683 6.0% 27,234 14,540 21,047 21,285 -1.1% 22,795 -7.7% 28,234 17,908 44,877 46,008 -2.5% 44,604 0.6% 48,077 36,099 Quarte rly C om parisons (Avg.) 1Q10 2Q10 3Q10 4Q10 1Q11 2Q11 3Q11 4Q11 1Q12 2Q12 3Q12 4Q12 1Q13 2Q13 3Q13 4Q13 1Q14 2Q14 3Q14 4Q14 Q/Q Change (4Q14 vs. 3Q14) Y/Y Change (4Q14 vs. 4Q13) 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Y/Y Change ('13 vs. '12) 39,542 36,376 39,994 38,932 41,245 37,204 43,064 41,723 37,359 31,084 37,576 34,541 30,752 31,203 35,063 30,868 33,016 31,456 34,606 31,456 -9.1% 1.9% 38,155 38,711 40,809 35,140 31,971 -9.0% 28,009 28,714 28,361 27,305 28,315 27,976 27,754 26,772 23,694 23,321 22,990 21,348 21,127 21,885 21,014 20,117 20,999 23,518 22,192 23,518 6.0% 16.9% 28,538 28,098 27,704 22,838 21,036 -7.9% 27,500 28,750 28,856 28,535 30,565 29,288 29,343 29,580 26,309 25,961 25,598 25,839 25,857 25,399 24,982 23,631 22,266 25,952 24,093 25,952 7.7% 9.8% 26,392 28,410 29,694 25,927 24,967 -3.7% 44,532 45,820 47,132 48,313 45,645 41,515 42,273 48,140 43,231 37,676 43,922 42,030 42,276 39,942 46,093 43,080 43,706 42,352 43,121 42,352 -1.8% -1.7% 45,940 46,449 44,393 41,715 42,848 2.7% Eastern Rail Cars (CSX & NSC) Avg. Eastern coal carloads were down ~1% this week compared to the same week last year. Eastern coal carloads fell ~4.5% from last week. Western Rail Cars (BNI & UNP) Compared to the year ago week, avg. Western coal carloads gained 3%. Western coal carloads decreased ~1.5% w/w. Source: Companies & Howard Weil, Inc. Page 9 Steel Plant Utilization Steel Plant Capacity Utilization 100% Domestic Weekly For the week ending November 10, steel plant utilization fell ~1.5% to 76.5%. 75% Avg U.S. Utilization ~78% 50% 25% U.S. Utilization (weekly) Global Utilization (monthly) Source: Bloomberg Dom estic Utilization 20 09 2 010 1Q 42.5% 67.6% 2Q 44.6% 73.2% 3Q 54.2% 71.1% 4Q 62.8% 68.6% 201 1 73.7% 74.7% 76.2% 74.3% 20 12 77.6% 78.7% 75.0% 71.7% 201 3 75.6% 77.9% 77.9% 76.1% Y ea r 7 0.1 % 74 .7% 7 5.7 % 76 .9% 2 010 78.8% 81.7% 74.3% 75.7% 7 7.6 % 201 1 81.1% 82.5% 78.8% 74.0% 79 .1% 20 12 78.5% 80.4% 77.5% 75.5% 7 8.0 % 201 3 79.0% 79.6% 77.2% 75.7% 77 .9% 51 .0% Global Utilization 20 09 1Q 65.0% 2Q 68.0% 3Q 74.7% 4Q 75.4% Y ea r 70 .8% 2 01 4 76.5% 76.4% 78.8% 75.8% 2 01 4 77.2% 78.5% 75.3% % C hange 1.2% -1.8% 1.1% -0.4% % C hange -2.3% -1.4% -2.4% W eek Begin 11/25/2013 11/10/2014 11/3/2014 M onth End 9/30/2013 9/30/2014 8/31/2014 % C hange 77.2% 76.5% 75.5% -0.9% 1 .3% % C hange 79.3% 76.1% 74.2% Global Monthly For the month of September, global utilization increased ~2.5% m/m to a rate of 76.1%. -4.0% 2 .6% Page 10 Freight Rates Today’s freight rates remain relatively low compared to historical levels North American vessels to Europe – For the week ending October 31, the average coal freight rate for three North American ports to Rotterdam was $14.17/ton. The average rate fell ~1.5% w/w and is now ~27% lower compared to last year. Australian shipments – Shipping rates for coal out of Queensland to Rotterdam increased ~0.5% from last week to $13.65/ton. Rates are down ~2% y/y. Coal movement out of Queensland to Japan was $17.25/ton, a gain of ~2% w/w and ~9% lower compared to the previous year. Page 11 Monthly Updates… Page 12 Coal Stockpiles August stockpile drawdown Coal stocks for the month decreased 4.3 mm tons vs. the 5-year average draw of 6.2 mm tons. Inventories of 121 mm tons are now ~26% below an elevated 5-year average. The latest coal consumption and inventory estimates suggest a forward demand cover of 46 days. This is below April 2012’s peak estimate of 119 days of inventory. Page 13 Coal Demand Total U.S. consumption Total coal demand for the month of July decreased ~2% to 86.8 mm tons compared to last year. July consumption was ~7.5% lower compared to the 5-year average for the month. 2014 YTD consumption of 548.2 mm tons is 2.7%, or 14.4 mm tons, higher than the same period in 2013. 2013 total coal consumption ended the year up 3.9% at 925.1 mm tons compared to the same period in 2012. Electric Sector demand August coal consumption at the electric sector declined ~1% y/y to 80.8 mm tons. August demand was 6.5 mm tons or 7.5% below the 5-year average of 87.3 mm tons for the month. 2014 YTD demand of 589.2 mm tons is ~2.5% higher than the 576.1 mm tons in 2013. Total 2013 demand at the electric sector rose nearly 37 mm tons or 4.5% to 856.9 mm tons from 2012 levels. Page 14 Coal Imports & Exports U.S. Coal Exports 14 August U.S. coal exports decreased ~24% y/y to 7.6 mst, and rose 6.5% m/m. YTD exports of 66.8 mst are ~16% lower than the 79.9 mst shipped last year. 12 (m m short tons) U.S. coal imports and exports 10 8 6 Met coal volumes for August declined ~3% y/y to 5.1 mst. Additionally, exports increased ~5% versus July levels. 4 2 0 Thermal volumes fell ~46% y/y to 2.5 mst, and were up ~9.5% m/m. Met Source: McCloskey Steam Full year 2013 exports of 116.7 mm tons were ~6.5% below 2012 volumes. Chinese imports For the month of September, Chinese coal imports declined ~27% y/y to 16.3 mt, though rose ~7.5% from August levels. Coking coal imports decreased ~38% compared to September 2013 to 4.5 mt, though rising ~17.5% m/m. Thermal coal imports moved ~21% lower y/y to 11.8 mt, while gaining 4.5% from August levels. 2014 YTD Chinese coal imports are ~11.5% lower than 2013. Page 15 Exports Continued….Australia Australian Coal Exports 35 million metric tonnes 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Thermal exports Met exports Source: Bloomberg Total Australian exports – Total Australian export volumes for the month of September increased ~8% vs. last year to 32.9 mt, though declined ~3% m/m. 2014 YTD volumes are ~9.5% higher than 2013. Metallurgical coal – Australian met coal exports for September rose ~5.5% y/y to 16.2 mt. Additionally, exports increased ~2% from August levels. Thermal coal – September thermal exports increased to 16.7 mt, up ~11% y/y, but declining ~8% m/m. Page 16 International Steel Production Chinese steel production continues to rise Chinese steel supply for the month of September increased ~3% y/y to 67.5 mt, though down 2% m/m. International steel production (excluding China) declined ~0.5% y/y to 66.9 mt and rose ~1% from August. Page 17 Appendix A: Important Disclosures Important Disclosures We, Alonso Guerra-Garcia and Holly Stewart, certify that the views expressed in this research report accurately reflect our personal views about the subject securities or issuers; and I, Alonso Guerra-Garcia and Holly Stewart, certify that no part of our compensation was, is, or will be directly or indirectly related to the specific recommendation or views contained in this research report Important Disclosures This report was prepared by a Howard Weil Research analyst. Howard Weil is a Division of Scotia Capital (USA) Inc., a US Registered broker-dealer and a member of the New York Stock Exchange and FINRA. Howard Weil Research analysts focus primarily on the US Energy Sector. Scotia Capital (USA) Inc. is a wholly owned subsidiary of Scotia Capital Inc., a Canadian registered investment dealer, and indirectly owned by The Bank of Nova Scotia. Scotiabank, together with “Global Banking and Markets”, is a marketing name for the global corporate and investment banking and capital markets businesses of The Bank of Nova Scotia and certain of its affiliates in the countries where they operate, including Scotia Capital Inc. and Scotia Capital (USA) Inc. In addition to Howard Weil Research, Scotiabank publishes and distributes Scotiabank Global Banking and Markets Equity Research (“Scotiabank Research”), which is a separate research publication. Howard Weil Research Analysts and Scotiabank Research Analysts are independent from one another and their respective coverage of issuers are different. In addition, because they are independent from one another, Howard Weil Research Analysts and Scotiabank Research Analysts may have different opinions on the short-term and longterm outlooks of local and global markets and economies. This report was prepared for general circulation and does not provide investment recommendations specific to individual investors. As such, the financial instruments discussed in this report may not be suitable for all investors and investors must make their own investment decisions based upon their specific investment objectives and financial situation utilizing their own financial advisors as they deem necessary. Investors should consider Howard Weil’s research and/or ratings as only a single factor in making their investment decisions. Past performance of the financial instruments recommended in this report should not be taken as an indication or guarantee of future results. All pricing of securities in reports is based on the closing price of the securities’ principal marketplace on the night before the publication date, unless otherwise explicitly stated. Any prices that are stated in this report are for informational purposes only. Scotiabank, Global Banking and Markets makes no representation that any transaction may be or could have been effected at those prices. The compensation of the research analyst who prepared this report is based on several factors, including but not limited to, the overall profitability of Scotiabank, Global Banking and Markets and the revenues generated from its various departments, including investment banking. Furthermore, the research analyst’s compensation is charged as an expense to various Scotiabank, Global Banking and Markets departments, including investment banking. Research Analysts may not receive compensation from the companies they cover. For Howard Weil Research analyst standards and disclosure policies, please visit Equity research reports published by Howard Weil, Scotiabank, Global Banking and Markets are available electronically via: Bloomberg, Thomson Financial/First Call - Research Direct, Reuters, Capital IQ, and FactSet. Institutional clients with questions regarding distribution of equity research should contact us at 1-800-322-3005. Scotia Capital (USA) Inc. is a multidisciplined financial services firm that regularly intends to seek investment banking business with companies covered in its research reports, and thereby seeks to receive compensation from these companies for services including, but not limited to, acting as an underwriter in an offering or financial advisor in a merger or acquisition, or serving as a placement agent for private transactions. As a result, investors should be aware that the firm may have a conflict of interest that could affect the objectivity of this report. For applicable current disclosures for all covered companies, please write to the Howard Weil Research Department at the following address: Howard Weil Research Department 1100 Poydras Street, Suite 3500 New Orleans, Louisiana 70163 Additional Disclaimers and Disclosures Opinions expressed are subject to change without notice and do not take into account the particular investment objectives, financial situation or needs of individual investors. Employees of Scotia Capital (USA) Inc. or its affiliates may, at times, release written or oral commentary, technical analysis or trading strategies that differ from the opinions expressed within. This report/email may be considered advertising under federal law. If you decide not to receive Howard Weil Research via email, please reply to and ask to be removed. Additional information is available upon request: 1100 Poydras Street, Suite 3500, New Orleans, LA 70163 – 1.800.322.3005 Page 18
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