Lincoln County Voters’ Pamphlet Oregon Vote-by-Mail General Election November 4, 2014 Sample Ballot Included Dear Lincoln County Voter: This Voters’ Pamphlet is provided to give you, the voter, additional information on candidates and measures. You will not vote on every office in this pamphlet. Your ballot will contain only those issues for which you are eligible to vote—based on where you live. Each candidate had the opportunity to submit a picture and statement regarding his/her candidacy. This General Election will be held completely by mail. Your ballot will arrive in the mail on or near October 18th. After voting your ballot, you may drop it in the mail or deposit it at one of our drop sites listed on page 21-2 in this pamphlet. And, for your convenience, Official Drive-up Ballot Drop Boxes are now available in Lincoln City, Newport, and Waldport. See page 21-3 for directions. If you have any questions please call our office at (541) 265-4131. Also visit our website: Dana W Jenkins, Lincoln County Clerk Attention This is the beginning of your county voters’ pamphlet. The county portion of this joint voters’ pamphlet is inserted in the center of the state portion. Each page of the county voters’ pamphlet is clearly marked with a gray bar on the outside edge. All information contained in the county portion of this pamphlet has been assembled and printed by your Lincoln County Clerk. Ballot Drop Site Locations You may mail in your ballot or deposit it at any of the drop sites listed below: ★ LINCOLN COUNTY COURTHOUSE 225 W Olive, Room 201; Newport INSIDE BOX: 8:30am to 5pm M-F (September 24 through November 3) November 4 ONLY (Election Day) 7am-8pm OUTSIDE BOX: Drive-up ballot box in rear parking lot—open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week until 8pm on November 4th (beginning September 24) ★ LINCOLN CITY CITY HALL 801 SW Hwy 101; Lincoln City INSIDE BOX: 8am to 5pm M-F (September 24 through November 3) November 4th ONLY (Election Day) 8am-8pm OUTSIDE BOX: Drive-up ballot box in lower parking lot—open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week until 8pm on November 4th (beginning September 24) ★ DEPOE BAY CITY HALL 570 SE Shell; Depoe Bay 8am to 5pm M-F (October 8 through November 3) November 4th ONLY (Election Day) 8am-8pm ★ NEWPORT CITY HALL 169 SW Coast Hwy; Newport 8am to 5pm M-F (October 8 through November 3) November 4th ONLY (Election Day) 8am-8pm TOLEDO CITY HALL 206 N Main; Toledo 8am to 5pm M-Th (October 8 through November 3) November 4th ONLY (Election Day) 8am-8pm SILETZ CITY HALL 215 W Buford; Siletz 9am to 5pm M-F (October 8 through November 3) November 4th ONLY (Election Day) 9am-8pm WALDPORT CITY HALL 125 Alsea Hwy; Waldport INSIDE BOX: 8am to 5pm M-F (September 24 through November 3) (closed 12:30pm to 1:30pm) November 4th ONLY (Election Day) 8am-8pm OUTSIDE BOX: Drive-up ballot box in City Hall parking lot – open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week until 8pm on November 4th (beginning September 24) ★ YACHATS CITY HALL 441 Hwy 101 N; Yachats 8:30am to 4:30pm M-F (October 8 through November 3) November 4th ONLY (Election Day) 8:30am-8pm ★ EDDYVILLE COMMUNITY CHURCH 20742 Hwy 20; Eddyville November 4th ONLY (Election Day) 10am-8pm ★Privacy Booth Available Your ballot must be received at a designated drop site (including the Courthouse) by 8:00pm on November 4th. You may mail it in or take it to a drop site any day before that also. (Postmarks do not count.) POSTAGE IS NOT REQUIRED AT THESE DROP SITES! Contact Lincoln County Elections at 541-265-4131 to request a replacement ballot if: ! Official Lincoln County 2014 General Election Voters’ Pamphlet 21-2 Drop Site Locations Be sure to sign your Return Envelope! ! Drive-Up Ballot Drop Boxes Now Available in Newport, Lincoln City and Waldport Drive-up ballot drop boxes are now available at the Lincoln County Courthouse in Newport, the Lincoln City City Hall in Lincoln City, and the Waldport City Hall in Waldport. These drive-up ballot boxes will be available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week from September 24th through 8:00pm on November 4th. Newport: Lincoln County Courthouse – located in rear parking lot at the east end of the second row of parking. Go west on West Olive Street to 4-way stop by the jail. Turn left onto SW Nye Street. Turn left into second entrance to courthouse rear parking lot. Go all the way to the end of the row and you will see the ballot box on the left side. (It is marked “Official Ballot Drop Site.”) Put your ballot in the box without having to get out of your car! Lincoln City: Lincoln City City Hall – located in the lower parking lot under the City Hall. Turn west at the stop light by the City Hall. (across from Burger King). Enter the one-way entrance to the parking lot under the building. The ballot box is near the elevators next to the water payment box and the book and video drops. (It is marked “Official Ballot Drop Site.”) Put your ballot in the box without having to get out of your car! Waldport: Waldport City Hall – located in the City Hall parking lot at the east exit. Go to City Hall on Highway 34. Turn south between the City Hall and the school. Take an immediate right into the City Hall parking lot. Continue around the island and you will see the ballot box on the left by the exit. (It is marked “Official Ballot Drop Site.”) Put your ballot in the box without having to get out of your car! “Customer Service is our #1 Priority!” Dana W Jenkins Lincoln County Clerk Visit Our Website For More Information Official Lincoln County 2014 General Election Voters’ Pamphlet 21-3 Drive-Up Ballot Drop Boxes Index to Voters’ Pamphlet Measures Page 21-156 Lincoln County Library District............................................................................................................................................ 21-6 Arguments 21-156 Lincoln County Library District................................................................................................................................................ 21-7 Candidates All candidates were invited to participate in this pamphlet. The following candidates submitted information: Page Allen, David N................................................................................................................................................................................... 21-17 Anderson, Dick................................................................................................................................................................................... 21-8 Cutter, Dann..................................................................................................................................................................................... 21-22 Davis, Jim......................................................................................................................................................................................... 21-14 Engler, Wendy C............................................................................................................................................................................... 21-17 Fisher-Brown, Jo G........................................................................................................................................................................... 21-11 Frye, Barbara E................................................................................................................................................................................ 21-23 Grutzmacher, Ralph E...................................................................................................................................................................... 21-19 Hoagland, D Riley............................................................................................................................................................................. 21-14 Holland, Greg................................................................................................................................................................................... 21-22 Jenkins, Dana W................................................................................................................................................................................ 21-9 Long, Nathan.................................................................................................................................................................................... 21-13 Mattila, A J (Jim)............................................................................................................................................................................... 21-10 Reno, Dennis.................................................................................................................................................................................... 21-18 Rockwell, Julie.................................................................................................................................................................................. 21-20 Roumagoux, Sandra N..................................................................................................................................................................... 21-16 Saelens, Mark........................................................................................................................................................................21-9 & 21-18 Sawyer, Dean................................................................................................................................................................................... 21-16 Scott, Greg....................................................................................................................................................................................... 21-23 Seth, Jerry........................................................................................................................................................................................ 21-20 Smith, Billie Jo.................................................................................................................................................................................. 21-19 Sparks, Steve................................................................................................................................................................................... 21-11 Sprague, Roger................................................................................................................................................................................ 21-12 Thompson, Terry N............................................................................................................................................................................. 21-8 Wahlke, Susan................................................................................................................................................................................. 21-13 Ward, Kip G...................................................................................................................................................................................... 21-15 Williams, Don.................................................................................................................................................................................... 21-12 Woodruff, Susan............................................................................................................................................................................... 21-21 Page ............................................................................21-24 thru 21-28 Sample Ballot Drop Sites ............................................................................................... 21-2 Voting Information ............................................................................................... 21-5 Visit Our Website For More Information: Official Lincoln County 2014 General Election Voters’ Pamphlet 21-4 Index Registration and Voting Information Registering to Vote Voting Instructions To be eligible to vote in the November 4, 2014 General Election, a completed voter registration card must be postmarked by October 14, 2014. Check Your Ballot! To Register To Vote In Oregon, You Must Be: A resident of Oregon. To vote you must fill in the oval ( a pencil or pen. ) completely with To write-in a name — Fill in the oval ( ) to the left of the dotted line and write-in the name on the dotted line. A United States citizen. If you vote for more candidates than allowed, or if you vote both Yes and No on a measure, it is called an overvote. At least 18 years old by election day. Your vote will not count for that candidate or measure. You do not have to vote on all contests. Those you do vote on will still be counted. You Must Update Your Registration If: Your residence or mailing address changes. Your name changes. You wish to change your party affiliation. Important Note: If you have moved or your name has changed and you have not yet updated your registration, you are still eligible to vote. Contact the Lincoln County Elections office, 541-265-4131 for further information. Voters With Disabilities: If you are unable to vote your ballot without assistance, contact the Lincoln County Elections office at 541-265-4131. We will provide two persons to assist you in voting. To assure your voted ballot is received by election day, contact the elections office early to arrange for assistance. You may also select someone else of your own choice to assist you. On-line Registration: On-line voter registration is now available. If you go to our website: and go to the bottom of the page, click on “Register to Vote”. Contact Lincoln County Elections office at 541-265-4131 to request a replacement ballot if: ➝ you make a mistake ➝ your ballot is damaged or spoiled ➝ your ballot is lost or for any other reason. 1-866-ORE-VOTES (se habla Español) TTY 1-800-735-2900 Remember, if stated on your ballot, vote both sides of your ballot. After voting—SEAL the ballot in the ballot secrecy envelope. SEAL your BALLOT (enclosed in the secrecy envelope), inside the return envelope, SIGN THE RETURN ENVELOPE in the space provided, and mail it in time to be received in the office of the County Clerk by November 4th, or drop it off at a designated drop site (see drop sites on page 21-2 of this county voters’ pamphlet). Be sure to sign your Return Envelope! REMEMBER! All ballots must be voted and received at a drop site or the Lincoln County Clerk’s Office by no later than 8:00 p.m., November 4, 2014. Official Lincoln County 2014 General Election Voters’ Pamphlet 21-5 Registration and Voting Information Measure 21-156 Lincoln County Library District Ballot Title 21-156 21-156 LOCAL OPTION TAX FOR LIBRARY SERVICES QUESTION: Shall Library District renew levy of 9¢ per $1,000 assessed value for five years, beginning 2015-2016, to fund your library? This measure renews current local option taxes. SUMMARY: This measure will renew the expiring local option tax. Approval of this measure continues providing funding at its present level for the Lincoln County Library District and the funding it provides to libraries in Lincoln City, Newport, Siletz, Toledo and Waldport. It is estimated that this measure would raise approximately $326,281 in tax revenues for 2015-2016, $332,807 in tax revenues for 2016-2017, $339,463 in tax revenues for 20172018, $346,252 in tax revenues for 2018-2019, and $353,177 in tax revenues for 2019-2020. The estimated tax cost for this measure is an ESTIMATE ONLY based on the best information available from the county assessor at the time of the estimate. Explanatory Statement Before the formation of the Lincoln County Library District, people living in unincorporated areas of Lincoln County and Depoe Bay did not have access to a public library without paying for a library card. In 1991 the city libraries of Lincoln City, Newport, Siletz, Toledo and Waldport began contracting with the Library District to receive funds for providing fee free library service to all residents of Lincoln County. In order to continue this service, voters in 2009 approved a local option tax levy at 9¢ per $1000 assessed value which expires in 2014-2015. Approval of this measure will renew the levy for another five years and allow the fee free service to continue. Who votes on this measure? Every voter living outside the city limits of Lincoln City, Newport, Toledo and Yachats. Why is renewal of the 5-year local option tax needed? To ensure that you will continue to have full access to the public libraries in Lincoln City, Newport, Siletz, Toledo and Waldport. The library services include: • Check out books, videos, DVD’s, ebooks and other library materials. • Reserve books, videos, DVD’s and other library materials 24 hours a day through the Internet • Internet access to reference databases • Computer use for Internet access: check e-mail, apply for jobs, information search, etc. • Courier service which brings materials you request from other libraries to your local library • Interlibrary Loan Services – access to materials around the state and around the world What happens if the tax does not pass? Based on current year revenue libraries will lose at least: • Driftwood (Lincoln City) - $56,813 • Newport - $84,423 • Siletz - $17,661 • Toledo - $27,217 • Waldport - $42,594 Official Lincoln County 2014 General Election Voters’ Pamphlet 21-6 Measures Some or all of these things may happen at your local library if tax does not pass: • May require people living outside the city limits of Lincoln City, Newport and Toledo to purchase a library card in order to use these city libraries • Reductions in: Hours of library operation Courier service Interlibrary loans Staffing levels Purchase of books and other materials Library programs and services • Possible changes in agreements for city library usage by Library District residents (This information submitted by Chris D Boyle, President, Board of Directors, Lincoln County Library District.) Measure 21-156 Arguments Argument in Favor Argument in Favor We support our local libraries. Please join us in voting YES on Ballot Measure 21-156 – the RENEWAL of our local option tax for Lincoln County Libraries. Vote YES for Ballot Measure 21-156! Voting YES means that every person in Lincoln County continues to have access to our wonderful libraries with their diverse resources and excellent services. We value and support these critical community institutions. Edward Roesing Scott Pettit Mary Davis Betsy Maxfield Jan Titgen Alice & John O’Brien Bernard A Lynam Barbara Leff Roy & Linda Hageman Linda Rogers Karen Rose Durinda Howard Chris Boyle Blythe Collins M Renée Bellinger Susan Spencer Ginger Gouveia Lorna Davis Frank Geltner Alan Searle Guy DiTorrice Chris Waugh Bobbi Lippman Vickie A Steen Sheryl Eldridge Rebecca Cohen Ted Smith Cecelia M Jensen Louise Hayes David Bigelow Gloria Zirges Pamela Aylmer Dianne Eckstein D Kucha Cynthia Jacobi Billie Jo Smith David Gomberg Rennie Ferris Vicki Dunaway Sharon Cannon Charles & Doris D Moody Gary Lahman Victor & Jill Bucy Linda Welch Saundra Mies-Grantham Patti & Charles P Littlehales Continue support for our local libraries at current tax levels. This measure does NOT increase your taxes. What would we do without our libraries! For less than the cost of one book, we have access to over a quarter of a million books, ebooks, movies, CDs, magazines, newspapers, 24-hour access to online databases, AND MORE. Renewing the local option tax of 9¢ per $1,000 assessed value on your property is only $18 for a $200,000 home. The very services we value are at risk if libraries lose these funds. We especially appreciate these services: • Children and their parents find in their library a place to explore books, magazines and other material. • Students get a head start on early reading success by being given opportunities to attend library story times and other library sponsored programs. • Students who use libraries are more successful in school and often go on to be successful lifelong learners. • We depend on the public library as a place to use critical technology, networking and internet services. • We use library services to find jobs, prepare resumes, to obtain current, factual health information and as a gateway to world-wide library collections. • We communicate with family and friends via e-mail and other social networking tools available through the public library’s free Internet access. • We download best-selling ebooks and set our own due dates. • Trained library staff help us with our wide-ranging interests and needs. Every person in Lincoln County can use the diverse resources of the Driftwood Public Library in Lincoln City, Newport Public Library, Siletz Public Library, Toledo Public Library and Waldport Public Library. The public library is our meeting place. Vote YES to preserve library services. (This information furnished by the People for Lincoln County Libraries, Janet G Webster, Treasurer.) (This information furnished by the People for Lincoln County Libraries, Janet G Webster, Treasurer.) The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorsement by the County of Lincoln, nor does the county warrant the accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument. Official Lincoln County 2014 General Election Voters’ Pamphlet 21-7 Measures The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorsement by the County of Lincoln, nor does the county warrant the accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument. Lincoln County Commissioner, Position 3 Lincoln County Commissioner, Position 3 Dick Anderson Terry N Thompson Nonpartisan Nonpartisan Occupation: Retired Occupational Background: 35 years of management in the financial services industry. Budget management and analysis in both public and private sectors. Educational Background: Pacific University Oregon, graduated, BA; University of Washington, graduated, Certificate, Executive Graduate Management Program; Duke University, graduated, Certificate, Executive Graduate Management Program; Leadership Lincoln, 2010, graduated. Prior Governmental Experience: Mayor, 4 years, City Councilor, 2 years, Planning Commission, Budget Committee. Lincoln County citizens can expect Dick Anderson to listen with an open mind to their issues and assist them in finding practical solutions. It has been over 20 years in North County and over 30 years in South County that someone has been elected County Commissioner. It is time to spread the representation to all corners of the County. Dick Anderson will face Lincoln County issues with a fresh outlook and enthusiasm. Dick Anderson is an active member of: Cascade West Area Commission on Transportation Mid-Willamette Valley Area Commission on Transportation Oregon Coastal Zone Management Association Siletz Tribal Charity Contribution Fund Board Buy-Local Lincoln County Lincoln City Chamber of Commerce Depoe Bay Chamber of Commerce Lincoln City Cultural Center North Lincoln Historical Museum The Junior Golf Program in Lincoln City for 5 years Dick Anderson has chaired numerous non-profit boards and professional associations including serving as a past board member of the Lincoln County Community Development Corp. Dick Anderson has training in dispute resolution which assists him with relationship building and finding common ground. Dick Anderson and his wife, Sue, chose to move to Lincoln County, drawn by the community, the charm and the lifestyle. Dick Anderson is committed to: Fiscally Responsible County Government Family wage jobs Healthcare facilities that support quality of life Relationships that work: state, cities, Tribe, businesses and others Highways, our economic lifeline to the Valley; freight, tourists and commerce Dick Anderson would be honored if you would allow him to represent you as a full time Lincoln County Commissioner. Thank you. Occupation: Lincoln County Commissioner Occupational Background: Commercial Fisherman, 40+ years; Three-term Oregon State Representative; Three-term Lincoln County Commissioner. Educational Background: Newport High School (9th Grade); South Salem High School (High School Diploma, 12th Grade); University of Missouri(Sophomore); Oregon State University (Senior, B.S. Degree) Prior Governmental Experience: State Representative (19952001); Vice-Chair House Natural Resources Committee; House Education Committee; 1996-1997 House Agriculture and Natural Resources Committee, House Education Committee: 1998-1999 House Agricultural and Forestry Committee, House Committee on Human Resources and Education; Ways & Means, Natural Resources; Pacific Fisheries Legislative Task Force; General Government Committee; House Committee on Species Restoration and Stream Recovery; House Business and Consumer Affairs Committee; Governor’s Task Force on Marine Reserve; Member of Cascade Head and Cape Perpetua Community Teams on Marine Reserves; North Coast Commissioner Representative to Ocean Policy Advisory Committee; Interim Joint Committee on Salmon and Stream Enhancement; Speakers Council on Youth Alcohol and Drug Abuse; Interim Committee on Trade and Economic Development; Board of Directors for Oregon Fishermen’s Undersea Cable Committee; Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife Budget Review Committee; Member of Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Oregon Renewable Energy Task Force; Territorial Sea Planning Committee; Chairman of Coastal Marine Experiment Station. Community Service: Newport Middle School Track and Field Volunteer; Member, Newport Chamber of Commerce; Oregon Coast Cultural Coalition past member. Transportation: “I look forward to continuing the fight for transportation dollars to improve our county roads.” Solid Support for Seniors: “I will continue to fight to protect the rights of our county’s senior citizens, to ensure strong community service programs that will protect their quality of life.” Strong Economy: “Lincoln County needs living wage jobs, now more than ever, and I will continue to work to secure state and federal funds to stimulate jobs.” “I will continue to bring people to the same table, to work together on tough issues, in order to find solutions to Lincoln County’s problems.” (This information furnished by Dick Anderson.) (This information furnished by Terry N Thompson.) The above information has not been verified for accuracy by the county. The above information has not been verified for accuracy by the county. Official Lincoln County 2014 General Election Voters’ Pamphlet 21-8 Candidates Lincoln County Clerk Lincoln County Soil and Water Conservation District Director, At Large, Position 2 Dana W Jenkins Mark Saelens Nonpartisan Nonpartisan Occupation: Lincoln County Clerk Occupational Background: Lincoln County Clerk, 1991-Present; Chief Deputy County Clerk, 1987-1991; Clerk/Elections Deputy, 1982-1987; Lincoln County Clerk’s Office, 1982-Present. Educational Background: Graduated from Toledo High School in 1972. Attended Mt. Hood Community College and Oregon State University. Prior Governmental Experience: County Clerk, 1991-Present; Deputy County Clerk, 1982-1991 • • Occupation: Lincoln County Solid Waste Program Manager and Sustainability Coordinator Occupational Background: As a state and county government employee I worked tirelessly to protect our natural resources while carefully considering the social and economic needs of communities that rely on those resources. I developed unique approaches to solving environmental issues and I have found effective ways to work with local citizen and business concerns. I was elected in 2010 for a 4-year term on the Board of Directors for the Lincoln Soil and Water Conservation District. During that period I have devoted my time to improving our soil and water quality programs working closely with the board and staff. DANA JENKINS – A PROVEN PERFORMER: Dana Jenkins has worked as your County Clerk to streamline procedures and eliminate unnecessary steps. He has maintained an excellent level of service with reduced staff. He replaced Lincoln County’s punchcard voting system with an Optical Scan voting system in 1995. He has designed, produced, and distributed a Local Voters’ Pamphlet for military, absentee, and local Lincoln County voters since 1994. He established Official Ballot Drop Sites for vote-by-mail ballots throughout Lincoln County, including convenient drive-up ballot drop boxes. Current projects include on-line (paperless) voter registration and on-line access to recorded deeds and images. In April 2014 I became President of the Oregon Association of Conservation Districts (OACD). In a brief five months I’ve lead the effort to acquire 10 million dollars to build the partnership between conservation districts and watershed councils and implement local Sage Grouse conservation agreements. Implementation of effective conservation agreements are necessary to avoid the federal Endangered Species Act (ESA) listing for Sage Grouse in Eastern Oregon. I must be reelcted to my local soil and water conservation board as membership on a board is a requirement for officers of OACD. DANA JENKINS – EXPERIENCED AND PROFESSIONAL LEADERSHIP: In addition to his 32 years of experience in the Clerk’s Office, Dana Jenkins is a member of the Oregon Association of County Clerks (OACC) and was President of this association in 2000/2001. He has been certified by the OACC as a “Certified County Clerk (C.C.C.)” since 2002. He has served on the Board of Directors of the Association of Oregon Counties since 2003. He was appointed to the Oregon Centralized Voter Registration (the newly implemented statewide voter registration database) Steering Committee in 2005. Prior Governmental Experience: Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife. Thirty-two years as a Marine Fisheries Biologist (16 years as a federal advisor). Educational Background: Oregon State University, B.S. Fisheries Science, 1979; Some graduate level coursework; University of Oregon, Sustainability Leadership Program Certification, 2008 I have 39 years of government service in environmental science, management and policymaking. I worked in the field, supervised projects of 20 people or more, administered biennial budgets of 2.5 million dollars and conducted program design and review. I have served on countless statewide, regional and international committees. With EPA’s renewed emphasis to review and overhaul the Clean Water Act and other federal legislation my background and experience is a key advantage for our small county. Dana Jenkins has the practical, professional, and technical experience to be a progressive leader for the Clerk’s Office. • DANA JENKINS – FAST, EFFICIENT, AND FRIENDLY PUBLIC SERVICE: Dana Jenkins will continue to make fast, efficient and friendly service to the public his number one priority: “Whether it’s for elections, recording, passports, or marriage licenses, the customer will always be #1”. • DANA JENKINS – WORKING FOR YOU: RE-ELECT Dana Jenkins and he will continue to be “YOUR WORKING COUNTY CLERK”. (This information furnished by Dana W Jenkins.) (This information furnished by Mark Saelens.) The above information has not been verified for accuracy by the county. The above information has not been verified for accuracy by the county. Official Lincoln County 2014 General Election Voters’ Pamphlet 21-9 Candidates City of Depoe Bay Mayor A J (Jim) Mattila Nonpartisan Occupation: Mayor Occupational Background: marine construction; commercial fishing Educational Background: Delake Grade School; Taft H.S.; graduated Roosevelt H.S., Portland Prior Governmental Experience: National Guard; U.S. Air Force Forward, Depoe Bay! Two years ago I promised the voters of Depoe Bay to chart a positive course of transparency and progress, to push aside personal agendas and return the town to its citizens. The result is progress. Depoe Bay is once again an exciting and progressive city whose government is working in the best interests of all citizens – not just a favored few. Here are some of the milestones of my first term: • We renegotiated a key telecommunication franchise to include fiber optic cable for city hall and other important locations as part of the deal; • We led the fight against budget uncertainties to secure dredging for Depoe Bay Harbor, which will begin in September; • We have erected a beautiful new bridge that serves as the gateway to the City Park and nature trails. The multi-purpose bridge will also support emergency and city vehicles, allowing us to protect assets and lives; • We have laid plans to restore the municipal fish plant as a viable seafood facility and replace aging harbor infrastructure that has been neglected; • We have made improvements to parks, roads and sewers and have projects underway throughout the city; • We provided funding for Kids Zone, Chamber of Commerce and Depoe Bay Food Pantry, organizations that provide critical services to our town. • As mayor, I have reached out to people that can help us: county and state officials and elected representatives at all levels. From the governor’s office to Congress, just about everybody knows who “AJ” is. If I am elected again as your mayor, I pledge to work even harder to keep Depoe Bay on track for the future. Please join me on this exciting journey. Vote for “AJ” for mayor. (This information furnished by A J (Jim) Mattila.) The above information has not been verified for accuracy by the county. Official Lincoln County 2014 General Election Voters’ Pamphlet 21-10 Candidates City of Depoe Bay Council Member, Position 5 City of Depoe Bay Council Member, Position 6 Steve Sparks Jo G Fisher-Brown Nonpartisan Nonpartisan Occupation: Non-profit Board Member, Unpaid; Vice-Chair, Neighbors for Kids, Depoe Bay, OR; Leadership Coach & Mgmt Consultant; Author, Paid; Blogger, Paid. Occupation: Occupational Background: Educational Background: Prior Governmental Experience: Occupational Background: Vice Pres. Sales, Transmission (fiber optics) Group, Nortel. My name is Jo Fisher-Brown, and I am running for Depoe Bay City Council Seat #6. Educational Background: BA in Mgmt, St. Mary’s College of Ca., 1989, Moraga, Ca. I was born in Tillamook and grew up in the Pacific Northwest. I graduated from Rainier High School in Rainier, Oregon in 1979, and joined the U.S. Army in August of that year. After my enlistment ended, I spent three years living in the Republic of Panama and nine years living in Ketchikan, AK before returning to Oregon in 1995. I moved to Depoe Bay in 2008, and have enjoyed the sense of community and the wonderful advantages that only small-town coastal living can provide. I am currently employed at Things Rich & Strange in Depoe Bay and Newport, where I interact with both local people and out-of-town visitors on a daily basis. This interaction provides me with a unique viewpoint, which I believe will benefit me, and the city as a whole, as a member of Depoe Bay City Council. Prior Governmental Experience: Univ. of Wa, Telecom Mgr.; Ed Svcs District, Chelan County Wa., Consultant; Chelan County PUD, Wenatchee, Wa., Consultant; Cascade Ed. Foundation, Leavenworth, Wa., Board Member, Elected; Village Art in the Park, Leavenworth, Wa., Pres. & Board Chair, Elected; Friends of the Fish Hatchery, Leavenworth, Wa., Pres. & Board Chair, Elected. I believe in the empowerment of community building outreach strategies through collaborations and partnerships with local, state, and federal government, public private non-profits, private sector, and volunteers, all critical partners for community growth and vitality. Effective team building and collaborative commitments in Lincoln County have proven to be a successful enterprise, enhancing the quality of life for children and families, especially in education. As a US Navy veteran from the Vietnam era and a post WWII military child growing up during the 1950’s and early 1960’s, I am passionate about caring for veterans and families as a commitment to their sacrifice of service to protect our freedoms during all wars past and present. We have an eternal obligation and debt that can never be fully paid back to those who have served America in the military, as a first responder or in a public private partnership role as an employee or volunteer. We can never thank appreciate enough the service of the hundreds of volunteers in Lincoln County who work tirelessly and passionately to make a difference in our community. As a City of Depoe Bay Councilor, I promise to be fair, objective, and compassionate about community service with the goal of achieving the very best quality of life and economic growth for all citizens for generations to come. It is my duty and heartfelt honor to serve. Having lived in several communities with economies based on tourism and local natural resources, I believe that I can provide those I represent in Depoe Bay with an independent outlook from the point of view of the average citizen. My priorities as a member of City Council will be based on positive energy in order to benefit the community as a whole. I support increasing livability, local employment, and helping to promote new business interests, as well as supporting and encouraging existing business with an eye toward a sustainable year-round economy. I also strongly believe in maintaining our natural resources and city infrastructure, so that future generations will be encouraged to consider Depoe Bay as a place to visit, live, and enjoy. To those who have supported and encouraged me to run for a seat on Depoe Bay City Council, and to those individuals who consider voting for me in November, I offer a heart-felt “Thank You”. (This information furnished by Steve Sparks.) (This information furnished by Jo G Fisher-Brown.) The above information has not been verified for accuracy by the county. The above information has not been verified for accuracy by the county. Official Lincoln County 2014 General Election Voters’ Pamphlet 21-11 Candidates City of Lincoln City Mayor City of Lincoln City Mayor Roger Sprague Don Williams Nonpartisan Nonpartisan Occupation: Retired Occupation: Owner/operator Nelscott Café, Lincoln City. Subway Sandwich Franchisee; Newport, and WA state. Occupational Background: 40 years in Insurance Business: 15 years in claims adjusting and 25 years as agency owner/operator marketing all lines of insurance. Occupational Background: Teacher’s Aide, Portland Public Schools and Evergreen School Educational Background: College of Puget Sound - 3 years; University of Washington - 1 year; Insurance Institute of America District Special Needs classrooms as one on one aide to children with Autistism, Down’s syndrome and Cerebral palsy; Medical - 3 years with degree coordinator, Center for Continuous Improvement (Portland); VoPrior Governmental Experience: Lincoln City Council - 4 terms cational Instructor, Portland Habilitation Center (Portland) -Current City Councilor; Chair - Urban Renewal Agency; Chair Goal 5/17 Committee; Lincoln County School Committee; Fire Educational Background: Mt. Hood Community College; University of Oregon; Oregon State University Commissioner; Lincoln City Budget Committee - 16 years ROGER SPRAGUE - EXPERIENCE Founding member and treasurer of Angel Anonymous Prior Governmental Experience: Current: Chair of Lincoln City Planning Commission; Member, walking and biking plan committee Past Kiwanis three term Lt. Governor and current Pacific “A mayor for all of us” That’s what I want to be for the people of Northwest District Risk Manager Lincoln City. Elks Scholarship Chariman - 15 years As a small business owner I know how tough the last years have Past Church Moderator, current board member and choir singer been. Businesses are failing and not a single plan has been put forward by your city council. ROGER SPRAGUE - YOUR VOICE OF REASON My priorities: Jobs, Businesses, Families, Making city government As a 35 year resident and business owner in Lincoln City I’ve more accountable to you. seen what works and doesn’t work. I want a greater focus on public arts with an emphasis on our I have a vision of a place where people take pride in their comnative American heritage. munity - a community that will become more attractive to visitors. We need to help our younger citizens find meaningful work or We need to streamline government processes and make them create small businesses here so they won’t leave us for the Valley. more transparent and accessible. We need to increase support for our Senior citizens and the I support a strong budgeting process with continued five year programs on which they rely. projections. My governmental experience is new. I’ve become involved in the I will work to address ways to preserve and protect our streets city’s working because I’ve grown tired of excuses why things can’t and roads and will continue to do what is necessary to assure we get done. I work for a living, just like you. I’m running for mayor have a pure drinking water source. because we deserve better. This city and it’s people have so With a new City Manager and three new councilors our council much potential. I want to make sure the city government gets out will, more than ever, need experienced leadership. of the way of the people that want to grow this town’s economy. ELECT ROGER SPRAGUE YOUR MAYOR - YOUR VOICE OF I’ve served on the Lincoln City Chamber of Commerce board, REASON AND EXPERIENCE Buy Local of Lincoln County board and served as President of the Bay Area Merchants Association. I know the people of this town and what they want from their mayor. I’m asking for your vote to bring some fresh, new ideas to the city. Thank you. (This information furnished by Roger Sprague.) (This information furnished by Don Williams.) The above information has not been verified for accuracy by the county. The above information has not been verified for accuracy by the county. Official Lincoln County 2014 General Election Voters’ Pamphlet 21-12 Candidates City of Lincoln City Council Member, Ward I City of Lincoln City Council Member, Ward I Nathan Long Susan Wahlke Nonpartisan Nonpartisan Occupation: Transfer Station Operator for North Lincoln Sanitary Service. Occupation: Legal secretary; Secretary/Treasurer of Lincoln City Chamber of Commerce; Treasurer of Business of Excellence in Youth Occupational Background: Operations Manager for USA Waste of Oregon, Portland Occupational Background: Oregon; Self employed, NRL Chair, Lincoln City Chamber Construction. Ambassadors; Assistant to Chief of Police, Lincoln City; Assistant Educational Background: Sandy Union High School; Mount to City Attorney, Lincoln City; Planning Department Administrative Assistant, Clatsop County Hood Community College. Prior Governmental Experience: Planning Commissioner for the Educational Background: BA, University of Oregon; Ford InstiCity of Lincoln City: President for the Roads End Improvement tute Leadership Program Prior Governmental Experience: Lincoln City Budget Committee I believe the art of listening has been lost. It’s not just what’s good (present); Devils Lake Water Improvement District Budget Committee (present); Local School Committee for the City; it’s also what’s good for the citizens. Accountability and fiscal discipline are key to a healthy City. I I am asking for your vote to fill the open position for Lincoln City will demand accountability, and help the City focus more on its City Council, Ward 1. Association; Commissioner for the Roads End Water District. citizens. I am employed by a small business, my husband owns a small Tourism is Lincoln City’s only industry. The citizens of Lincoln City business, and I have been an active participant in the Lincoln City and tourism can blend together by having accountability, and by Chamber of Commerce for several years. I support small businesses and economic development in our community. having fair decisions made by Council in a timely manner. It is time for the City to listen to the people, take responsibility, I have lived in North Lincoln County for 22 years. I have worked make Staff accountable, and make sure that the tax payer’s money for Lincoln City in the City Attorney’s office, the police department, and filmed planning commission and city council meetings is spent with purpose. for many years. I am a member of the board of Business for Excellence in Youth, a non-profit that provides services for students in north Lincoln County. I served as secretary for several years, and presently serve as treasurer. My many volunteer efforts were recognized when I was named Woman of the Year for 2013 at the annual Community Days banquet. As a long time resident of Lincoln City, I know people with a variety of views on issues currently challenging us. I listen with an open mind to various viewpoints and respect the process of exploring many options for the best solution to the many issues we face (homelessness, workforce housing, lack of living wage jobs, and many others). In our seasonal economy we need to focus on attracting living wage, year round employment. As a City Council member I will be able to do more to enhance the image of our City and improve livability for all of our citizens. (This information furnished by Nathan Long.) (This information furnished by Susan Wahlke.) The above information has not been verified for accuracy by the county. The above information has not been verified for accuracy by the county. Official Lincoln County 2014 General Election Voters’ Pamphlet 21-13 Candidates City of Lincoln City Council Member, Ward II City of Lincoln City Council Member, Ward II Jim Davis D Riley Hoagland Nonpartisan Nonpartisan Occupation: President/Owner of Central Coast Builders, Inc. and Coast Drafting & Design, Inc. Occupation: Goodwill: Supervisor Occupational Background: Over 40 years in the Construction Business Occupational Background: Chinook Winds Casino Resort: Table Games: Supervisor Educational Background: Purdue University: Calumet Educational Background: James Lick High - Graduated; IBM Prior Governmental Experience: Appointed: Lincoln City Onsite College San Jose, CA - 2 Years; San Jose City College Budget Committee, Vice Chairman - Apprenticeship Program - 4 Years; Butte Community College I am running for City Council as the next step into becoming more Real Estate - 1 Year involved in Lincoln City. My four years in the Budget Committee Prior Governmental Experience: Urban Renewal Advisory has offered me a window into city politics. I can bring a new Board; Lincoln City Building Code Appeals Board; Currently - perspective to City Council. Lincoln City Planning Commissioner - 20 Years Lincoln City Chamber of Commerce Member with 2 Businesses - Served on Lincoln City Chamber of Commerce Board for 3 years - Served as President of the Lincoln City Chamber of Commerce for 1 Year - Served on BAMA for Numerous Years - Served as Chair of Community Days For 5 Years - Served on the Board of Angels Anonymous, Inc. Since It’s Inception 15 Years Ago - Serving the Past Five Years as President of Angels Anonymous, Inc. - Instrumental in the Production of the Angels Ball and Fantasy of Trees for 15 Years - Supporter and Contributor to the North Lincoln Hospital Foundation - Recipient of 2013 Community Lifetime Achievement Award - I just enjoy working for the Betterment of Our Community - ENDORSED BY: - Mike Holden, Former Mayor and Police Chief of Lincoln City - Henry Quandt, Current Lincoln City Councilor - Roger Robertson, Owner - All Ways Traveling (This information furnished by Jim Davis.) (This information furnished by D Riley Hoagland.) The above information has not been verified for accuracy by the county. The above information has not been verified for accuracy by the county. Official Lincoln County 2014 General Election Voters’ Pamphlet 21-14 Candidates City of Lincoln City Council Member, Ward III Kip G Ward Nonpartisan Occupation: Owner Historic Anchor Inn Occupational Background: CICS Employment Services Inc. Educational Background: B.S. Economics Western Oregon State Prior Governmental Experience: Director Devils Lake Water Improvement District I look forward to serving on the City Council. This is a period of unique opportunity for our community. With a new mayor, Council, City Manager, and VCB Director, we have the chance to try some new directions. I hope to be able to work with our new council and the community to seek positive change. I’m excited for the challenges ahead. (This information furnished by Kip G Ward.) The above information has not been verified for accuracy by the county. Official Lincoln County 2014 General Election Voters’ Pamphlet 21-15 Candidates City of Newport Mayor City of Newport Mayor Sandra N Roumagoux Dean Sawyer Nonpartisan Nonpartisan Occupation: Artist; Art instructor Occupation: Emergency Management Planner, Siletz Tribe Occupational Background: 1981-1983, Graduate Faculty, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville; 1985-1986, Adjunct Faculty, art, Linn-Benton Community College, Albany, OR; 1987-1992, Dean of Instruction, Oregon Coast Community College, Newport, OR; 1992-1998, Adjunct Faculty, art, Oregon Coast Community College, Newport, OR; 1995-2002, Instructor, Summer Art Institute, Portland Community College, Portland, OR; 1992-2014, Faculty Art Creative Arts Community at Menucha Portland, OR Occupational Background: City of Newport, Retired Police Sergeant; Los Angeles County Deputy Sheriff Educational Background: Linn-Benton Community College, Administration of Justice; Department of Public Safety Standards and Training, Middle Management Certificate Educational Background: Corvallis High School, Corvallis, OR, 1958; Bachelor of Arts, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, 1977; Master of Fine Arts, University of Arkansas, 1981. MY GOALS AS MAYOR: Prior Governmental Experience: Elected, 2003-2012, Board of Education, Oregon Coast Community College,Chairman, 20042006; Elected, 2010-2012, Newport City Councilor; Elected, 20122014, Mayor, Newport, OR; Appointed, 2013, Board of Oregon Mayors Assoc.; Appointed, 1990-2012, Ambulance Service Review Committee, Lincoln County. Newport is on the cusp of exciting times. As mayor I have worked to build and maintain relationships with the Port of Newport, Hatfield Marine Science Center, Oregon Coast Aquarium, Oregon Coast Community College, NOAA and wave energy organizations. I participated in the search for a new city manager that led to the hiring of Spencer Nebel, and I will continue to encourage improvement of the City’s infrastructure and support the city manager to keep the city’s budget sustainable. If re-elected, I will continue to work on the dramatic changes taking place in South Beach, including the building of the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry’s Coastal Discovery Center, Oregon State University’s expanded campus and commercial and residential growth. I will continue my office hours at City Hall, the first and third Tuesday of each month from 3-5 p.m. Prior Governmental Experience: Newport City Council, Council President, Newport Police 30 years as Officer, Sergeant, and Interim Chief of Police, Lincoln County Local Emergency Planning Committee To establish a regional economic development director position to bring jobs and businesses to Lincoln County paid for by all local governments. • To increase residents participation by establishing social media and twitter for residents to get current information and to give feedback to the city. • To work with the Marine Science Center, the Community College, OSU, OMSI, NOAA and the local school district to bring marine science professionals to our local schools. To encourage and support the School District’s Ocean Literacy Initiative. • To work with the businesses and residents of South Beach to move to increase traffic flow and access to areas including the new OMSI camp. • To move forward on the under grounding of overhead power lines for beautification in the north Highway 101 and Highway 20 corridors. To find grants and other funding sources to establish caches of food, water, and shelters around town in the event of a disaster. I believe that my experience in over 30 years as a police supervisor with the city gives me an understanding of the work that can be accomplished by the city’s great staff. Serving on the council the past four years has given me the knowledge to handle the more complicated and sometimes politically tough decisions. I have also worked hard at building consensus when dealing with complex issues to find the best solution for everyone. I will not be seeking any endorsements from any special interest groups for my campaign. Please visit my Facebook page “Elect Dean Sawyer Mayor” (This information furnished by Sandra N Roumagoux.) (This information furnished by Dean Sawyer.) The above information has not been verified for accuracy by the county. The above information has not been verified for accuracy by the county. Official Lincoln County 2014 General Election Voters’ Pamphlet 21-16 Candidates City of Newport Council Member City of Newport Council Member David N Allen Wendy C Engler Nonpartisan Nonpartisan Occupation: Attorney, private practice Occupation: Retired Occupational Background: Newport Business Owner; Nutritionist: WIC, Lincoln County Extension & Food Share; Zookeeper: City of Seattle; Volunteer: Oregon Coast Aquarium; Oregon Coast Council for the Arts Occupational Background: Attorney, Oregon Department of Justice; Volunteer firefighter Educational Background: Lewis & Clark Law School, J.D. (Environmental and Natural Resources Law); University of Puget Sound, B.A. (Biology); Portland Community College, A.A.S. (Fire Science) Prior Governmental Experience: Newport City Councilor, 2001-2004; 2011-present: President, Newport City Council; Chair, Newport Audit Committee; Chair, Newport Infrastructure Task Force; Newport Site Selection Team, Pacific Marine Energy Center; Oregon Coastal Zone Management Association; League of Oregon Cities, Legal Advocacy and Energy Policy Committees; Oregon Cascades West Council of Governments, Executive Committee; OSU Coastal Oregon Marine Experiment Station, Advisory Board; BOEM / Oregon Intergovernmental Renewable Energy Task Force State Ocean Policy Advisory Council (governor appointment), 2005-present: Vice-Chair and Coastal City Elected representative; Chair, OPAC Territorial Sea Plan Working Group; LCDC Territorial Sea Plan Advisory Committee Newport Urban Renewal /City Budget Committees, 2005-2010: Chair and citizen member Other Volunteer Service: Newport Fire Department; Oregon Coast Aquarium; Yaquina Bay Economic Foundation City stability The city is now at a more stable point than in past years. In large part, this is due to the current council working well together in helping the city move forward productively in a number of areas. Some examples include using recommendations from the Infrastructure Task Force to keep utility rates in check, an increased focus on planning for infrastructure both near-term and long-term, community outreach and engagement on a wide variety of issues, and a continuing commitment to the Visual Arts Center location in Nye Beach. Educational Background: University of Washington: BS – Nutritional Science and Experimental Food Prior Governmental Experience: Newport Wayfinding Committee – Chair; Nye Beach Design Overlay Work Group; Lincoln County Solid Waste Advisory Committee; Newport Transportation Plan Update Work Group; Newport Futures Committee I’ve always been fascinated with the diversity of Newport: its neighborhoods and districts, harbor, lighthouses, beautiful coastline and wildlife. Since moving here 20 years ago, I’ve seen many positive changes: NOAA, OCCA, the Rec Center and the PAC, to name a few. Yet we still face tremendous challenges. We are battling to update our infrastructure. Our finances demand on-going attention. We struggle with employment and housing issues. Our natural and cultural resources need stewardship. Your vote for City Councilor will determine the future of our city. As your City Councilor, these will be my guiding principles: PLANNING What will Newport look like in 10 to 20 years? Excellent work has been done on visioning Newport’s future. Let’s use those studies, listen to citizens and get to work on progressive planning and development that honors our heritage and invigorates our future. LIVABILITY Let’s balance economic development with livability and a sustainable future. A thriving community with great neighborhoods, sustainable businesses and quality medical care will result when there is access to employment, housing, culture, shopping, recreation and viable transportation options. Coastal representation With nearly 10 years of experience as a coastal at-large representative at the state and regional level on ocean, natural resource, and other related issues, I look forward to continue to represent coastal interests on such things as further planning and mapping of our coastal waters so as to make more informed policy choices. EFFICIENCY Campaign expenditures I also support less money in election campaigns and will spend less than the $750 campaign finance threshold. I ask for your vote. Thank you! Let’s strive to make the best use of time and money to help our city be more efficient and effective. As your City Councilor, I will listen to you, be willing to weigh all sides and work as a team member with other councilors. Please visit: (This information furnished by David N Allen.) (This information furnished by Wendy C Engler.) The above information has not been verified for accuracy by the county. The above information has not been verified for accuracy by the county. Official Lincoln County 2014 General Election Voters’ Pamphlet 21-17 Candidates City of Newport Council Member City of Newport Council Member Dennis Reno Mark Saelens Nonpartisan Nonpartisan Occupation: Retired Occupation: Lincoln County Solid Waste District Program Manager and Sustainability Coordinator Occupational Background: Inspector/project coordinator Mike Mayes Engineering for 2 years Alaska; City Administrator/Department head Newport Oregon for 8 years; President and CEO of Mining and Engineering Company 18 years Arizona; Project Engineer Mountain States Mineral Enterprises 5 years Arizona. Educational Background: Graduated Flowing Wells High School, Tucson Arizona; Completed a five year apprenticeship with Stanley Tools Fortune 500 company, (Pecosteel Precast Division 1972-1977), Tucson Arizona. Prior Governmental Experience: Nye Beach overlay Committee; Chairman Airport Committee; Governors Task Force on Air Services; Astoria Newport Air Service Consortium ; OAMA Past president Newport is a unique Coastal city, pleasing to all the senses. I am proud to have resided here for the past twenty years. I appreciate our continually evolving government, effective strong citizen participation and most importantly our City employees. I am in solid support of the protection and enhancement of our natural local environment while managing a strong economic development of our area. As a City Councilor, I would continue to focus on the preservation of our area’s natural resources and work to find solutions to challenges presented by growth. As our city grows, our top priority must remain quality of life for all. We can achieve that goal through environmental protection, quality education for our youth, respecting diversity, and supporting our local economy. As a former employee of the City of Newport I brought to the General Fund more Federal and State Grants than any other administrator before or since. I believe more revenue ideas and less taxes is what grows a small community. I am aware of the challenges facing all coastal entrepreneurs. Together we must continue to develop and strengthen our economic base. Revenue generating ideas, aggressive pursuit of Grant resources, collectively supporting our local business and recruiting other businesses is our catalyst to economic development. I hope you will allow me to serve on your council. I will work hard and passionately to make Newport the quality place where we live. Occupational Background: As a state and county government employee I worked tirelessly to protect our natural resources while carefully considering the social and economic needs of communities that rely on those resources. I developed unique approaches to solving environmental issues and I have found effective ways to work with local citizen and business concerns. I was appointed to the Newport City Council in January of 2013. I felt my strongest qualification for my appointment was my environmental science background and a great deal of experience reviewing, writing and implementing both state and federal policy. With EPA’s renewed emphasis to review and overhaul the Clean Water Act and other federal legislation my background and experience continues to be a key advantage for our small city. Environmental issues are clearly my expertise, but my interest in contributing to and promoting more effective and transparent city management also extends to infrastructure, project management and budget oversight. I am interested in all aspects of providing a clean, safe, economically viable and enjoyable place to live. I am currently the council liaison or serve on the following committees: 1) Audit, 2) Bike and Pedestrian, 3) Business License Review, 4) City Manager Review Process, 5) Parks and Recreation, 6) Pool Construction, 7) Wayfinding and 8) the Visual Arts Center. Educational Background: Oregon State University, B.S. Fisheries Science, 1979; Some graduate level coursework; University of Oregon, Sustainability Leadership Program Certification, 2008 Prior Governmental Experience: Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife. Thirty-two years as a Marine Fisheries Biologist (16 of those years as a federal advisor). I have 39 years of government service in environmental science, management and policymaking. I worked in the field, supervised projects of 20 people or more, administered biennial budgets of 2.5 million dollars and conducted program design and review. I have served on countless statewide, regional and international committees. (This information furnished by Dennis Reno.) (This information furnished by Mark Saelens.) The above information has not been verified for accuracy by the county. The above information has not been verified for accuracy by the county. Official Lincoln County 2014 General Election Voters’ Pamphlet 21-18 Candidates City of Toledo Mayor City of Toledo Mayor Ralph E Grutzmacher Billie Jo Smith Nonpartisan Nonpartisan Occupation: Mayor, City of Toledo Occupation: Retired Occupational Background: Legislative Officer, Prince George’s (Maryland) County Government; Director, President, Treasurer, Attorney, Prince George’s Community FCU Educational Background: US Naval Academy, BS, 1972; George Washington University, Juris Doctor, 1979 Prior Governmental Experience: Toledo City Councilor; Trustee Supplemental Pension Plan; Associate County Attorney; Case Examiner, BCNR, SECNAV; Naval Officer Toledo is a wonderful place to live and work, and potentially has an even better future. I believe that my more than 30 years in local government has been of help in moving us forward in the last three years, as local issues can be complicated and we need to make the most of our resources in everything we do. Since becoming mayor, I have worked on issues including: • Lobbying local and national railroads to get Toledo’s railroad crossings fixed; • Leading the city council and staff to obtain the least-expensive revenue bonds possible to fund vitally needed water system improvements; • Going to Salem to lobby state agencies on finishing Hwy 20 improvements and for the Port of Toledo’s expansion grant; • Leading City efforts to make best use of Toledo’s industrial property for economic development while protecting our environment; • Using correspondence and social media to promote Toledo and our events. Occupational Background: Educator and biologist for 37 years (24 in Lincoln County). Classroom teacher in Missouri; Minnesota; Washington D.C.; and in Yachats and Toledo, Oregon. Developed curriculum and provided professional development for the Minnesota Environmental Sciences Foundation, Minneapolis Public Schools, the Oregon Department of Education, and the Lincoln County School District. Educational Background: BA (Biology & Education) William Jewell College; MS (Biology) University of Michigan Prior Governmental Experience: Lincoln County School District Board of Directors Chair; City of Toledo Budget Committee; Precinct Committee Person, Toledo. Community Involvement: Georgia Pacific Community Advisory Committee; Lincoln Community Dispute Resolution Board; Lincoln County Democratic Central Committee Chair; Central Coast Stand for Children Chair; Children’s Trust of Lincoln County Board. Billie Jo Smith: Qualified Leadership for the Citizens of Toledo Knowledgeable: In all of her endeavors, Billie Jo does the background research necessary to thoroughly understand an issue. Her years of experience on the Budget Committee have kept her informed on the financial status of the City. A Listener: Billie Jo believes that Toledo needs a Mayor who will listen to and value the opinions, questions, and experiences of its citizens, employees, commissions, committees, and City Council members. The advice of those who will be affected is critical to the understanding and resolution of any issue. I also regularly • Serve on two advisory committees of the League of Oregon Cities; • Serve on the Yaquina Bay Economic Foundation; • Act as building manager for the Flowerree Community Center; • Now act as a member of the Newport Airport Commission; • Work in the Lincoln County Food Network, seeking to promote better nutrition for all area residents. For me, the service and time commitment that I feel are needed to be a good mayor are continuations of my life-long career. I am proud of Toledo, our professional staff and services, and look forward to continuing to help bring expanded opportunities to all of our community. Gets Results: Billie Jo initiated and successfully lobbied for State legislation that provides small schools funding to Toledo and three other small high schools. Without this funding, Toledo High School would have been closed. She has the confidence and skills needed to stand up for Toledo. (This information furnished by Ralph E Grutzmacher.) (This information furnished by Billie Jo Smith.) The above information has not been verified for accuracy by the county. The above information has not been verified for accuracy by the county. Official Lincoln County 2014 General Election Voters’ Pamphlet 21-19 Candidates Billie Jo taught at Toledo High School from 1994–2000, and her husband, Peter Vince, has been teaching there since 1988. They have lived in Toledo since 2000, and appreciate the history and traditions of this wonderful community. Since her retirement, Billie Jo has been a leader in support of schools, children, and families. VOTE for Billie Jo Smith – She’s Ready to Work for YOU City of Toledo Council Member City of Toledo Council Member Julie Rockwell Jerry Seth Nonpartisan Nonpartisan Occupation: Owner J Rockwell Quilting Occupation: Retired Occupational Background: Marketing AT &T Retired: Admin Asst Toledo Chamber of Commerce; Customer Service Fred Meyer Educational Background: Graduate St Paul High School; East Los Angeles Community College Prior Governmental Experience: Toledo Planning Commission; Toledo Budget Committee; Contribution Committee Occupational Background: Bank Operations Officer; Corporate CEO, CFO, President, Director; Computer System Designer; Computer software system designer; Realtor & Real Estate Manager; Small Business Owner; Corporate Budget & Financial Statement Analysis; Commercial Construction Superintendent Educational Background: Newport High School; Linfield College Freshman; American Bankers Association Prior Governmental Experience: 18 years of government experience. Chief Bank Examiner for the State of Oregon; President Toledo Planning Commission; Toledo Budget Committee Toledo Needs Jerry Seth Experienced: Jerry Seth’s extensive background in financial management, especially his experience as the Chief Bank Examiner for Oregon, will bring necessary expertise to the City Council. Through his service on the City Budget Committee and his diligent leadership on the Planning Commission, Jerry has already contributed greatly to Toledo’s viability. Knows The Needs Of The City: Jerry has spent many hours working on the City’s recently approved Transportation Plan. His knowledge of the City Codes and myriad of long range plans is unique and gives him a perspective that few individuals in city government possess. Pays Attention To The Details: Jerry reads the fine print. He led the Planning Commission through an extensive analysis of the Transportation Plan which identified and corrected flaws that could have cost the City millions of dollars and seriously disrupted the businesses and properties along Business Hwy 20. He carefully reads and considers the City codes and recognizes wording and revisions that need to be made. These details, which are often overlooked, are vital to the functioning of the City. Jerry Seth grew up in Lincoln County and graduated from Newport High School. His parents owned the Newport A&W Drive In, which he managed for two years after his father suffered a heart attack. He left the area for 40 years, as he pursued his professional career, but returned after he retired and has lived in Toledo for over 10 years. There is work to do, and Jerry Seth is up to the task! (This information furnished by Julie Rockwell.) (This information furnished by Jerry Seth.) The above information has not been verified for accuracy by the county. The above information has not been verified for accuracy by the county. Official Lincoln County 2014 General Election Voters’ Pamphlet 21-20 Candidates City of Waldport Mayor Susan Woodruff Nonpartisan Occupation: Retired Occupational Background: Treasurer, assistant comptroller, president and owner of several transportation-related businesses; staff to corporate turnaround consultant for projects in San Francisco, Syracuse, NY, and Japan; executive secretary. Educational Background: Santa Rosa Junior College, Santa Rosa, CA, 14, A.A.; Parks School of Business, Portland, OR, diploma; University of Colorado, Denver, 1 semester; Portland Union Academy, Portland, OR, 12, diploma Prior Governmental Experience: Mayor 2011-Present; Waldport City Council 2001–2010; Waldport Urban Renewal Agency Board 2001-Present; Waldport Planning Commission 2000–2001; Lincoln County Economic Development Alliance 2001-Present; Samaritan Pacific Communities Hospital Board 2010-Present; K.I.D.S. Committee (Treasurer) 2010-2011; So. Lincoln County Tourism Committee 2011-Present Waldport’s beautiful setting is just one of many factors that brought us here twenty years ago. I am very grateful to live here, serving as your mayor, and I’m asking you to reelect me to that position. Under my leadership, in cooperation with our strong council and excellent staff, we will continue to: • Provide essential city services through wise planning and spending so that we remain financially sound yet prepared for future needs. Examples: stabilized utility income while lowering most homeowners’ bills; paid off some loans early, saving interest costs. • Seek grant funding whenever possible and cooperate with other public/private partners to maximize opportunities yet minimize costs. Examples: Woodland Trail, new public restroom facility, and new applications for Lint Slough and Bridgeview Trails. • Meet community safety concerns by purchasing enhanced policing from Lincoln County Sheriff ‘s Office, support the great work of Waldport’s Citizen Patrol, and increase emergency preparedness and education. • Keep our community clean and attractive while encouraging and planning for sustainable growth. • Listen carefully and respectfully to all while working constructively and responsibly on each issue that comes before us. Thanks again for allowing me to serve our great community. As your mayor I will continue to work diligently and cooperatively to make our city even better! (This information furnished by Susan Woodruff.) The above information has not been verified for accuracy by the county. Official Lincoln County 2014 General Election Voters’ Pamphlet 21-21 Candidates City of Waldport Council Member City of Waldport Council Member Dann Cutter Greg Holland Nonpartisan Nonpartisan Occupation: Network Analyst, Oregon State University’s Hatfield Marine Science Center since 1996 Occupation: Retired. Occupational Background: IT Computing systems management for HMSC for 18 years, previously Nuclear Electronics Technician, US Navy. Occupational Background: Licensed California Attorney. Educational Background: JD Law Degree from University of West Los Angeles Law School, 1991. MS Degree in Political Science, Pittsburg State University, 1983. BS degree in Political Science, Missouri State University, 1981. Educational Background: HBS (Finance) Oregon State University; HBS (Env. Science) Oregon State University; BS (Economics) Oregon State University; MBA (in progress) Oregon State University; Masters of Engineering (in progress) Oregon State University; Stanford Fellow (2008). Prior Governmental Experience: Former Waldport Planning Commissioner and Current Waldport City Councilor. Prior Governmental Experience: Waldport City Council, since 2007; Council Of Governments Exec. Board member, since 2011; Rural Health Coordinating Council, 2008 to 2012; Waldport Planning Commission, 2000 to 2006; Area Commission on Transportation, since 2007. I have had the privilege of serving as Waldport City Councilor for the past 5 years. I again ask for your support for another term. Born on the Oregon coast, I have lived and served in Waldport for over 15 years. In the last decade I have put myself through college and my wife though OCCC’s Nursing program, all while working full time for the Marine Science Center. Additionally, as a parent of a young child, I understand the difficulties in raising children on the coast, and the lack of resources, childcare and accessible healthcare for our families. Personal. Married Carlos Lazaro last year after 26 year domestic partnership. Parent of two rescue dogs, Yogi and Maddy. I wish to serve to insure that the Open Space Project (the former HS grounds) is transferred to the city. I am a strong advocate for the construction of softball fields, which will allow softball tournaments to be brought to Waldport, a real economic boost for the city. All these participants will need a place to stay, eat and play. I also volunteered to lead the effort for a portion of the future park is set aside for resident gardens. These small patches would give flower and vegetable beds to residents who reside in housing without gardening space. Representing the younger working families on our Council, I have strived to improve park equipment, prioritize traffic safety, speed control and sidewalks. I support the effort to relocate critical services outside of the tsunami danger area, and the commitment to continue to improve all Waldport schools. I am concerned about the growth of graffiti in Waldport. This scourge can be extremely detrimental to a city. I have taken the lead, calling for a permanent reward program to those who provide information leading to the arrest and conviction of those responsible. I want to toughen the punishments for those found guilty, including mandatory community service doing unpopular tasks, full restitution and fines. We need a tough stance to keep youth from reoffending. If it continues, I will help form an anti graffiti group. I have supported increased law enforcement levels, and better reporting so we can understand the difficulties our town faces. Additionally, I have worked with the Council of Governments to help bring needed economic devlopment resources to our area. I will continue my progressive voice, such as strongly supporting the voter approved medical marijuana dispensaries. We cannot keep this true medication from cancer patients, MS sufferers, or those, like me, who suffer from endless chronic pain. In short, I serve Waldport to the best of my ability – I hope that you will consider allowing me to continue to do so. I welcome your ideas. Please email me: Please consider re-electing me to serve you and our wonderful city. Thank you. If you have concerns, questions or issues - please e-mail me at: (This information furnished by Dann Cutter.) (This information furnished by Greg Holland.) The above information has not been verified for accuracy by the county. The above information has not been verified for accuracy by the county. Official Lincoln County 2014 General Election Voters’ Pamphlet 21-22 Candidates City of Yachats Council Member City of Yachats Council Member Barbara E Frye Greg Scott Nonpartisan Nonpartisan Occupation: Retired Registered Nurse; Yachats City Councilor; CASA Volunteer; Member Lincoln Community Health Council; Member - Central Oregon Coast Rural Health Network Screening Committee Occupation: Retired Occupational Background: Registered Nurse, Nurse Manager OHSU and Harbor View Medical Center/UWMC; Director of Labor Program for Washington State Nurses Association Educational Background: Portland Community College - ADN -RN; Southern Oregon State College - BSN Program; Portland State University - Pre-Nursing Prior Governmental Experience: • Yachats City Council Appointed Nov 2013; Member - Lincoln Co. Community Health Council; Yachats Parks and Commons Commission - 2012-2013 I am a Registered Nurse and understand what accountability, responsibility and compassion are. I know how to listen, ask questions, assess a situation and develop a plan. I know how important it is to have measurable goals and to evaluate progress and outcomes. I have over 35 years experience working with volunteers; elected Boards; City, County and State agencies; members and community stakeholders. I serve on the Lincoln County Community Health Council in order to play an active role in health care in Lincoln County and represent the interests of Yachats. Mayor Brean and I have spent the last year working with a network of Central Oregon Coast providers to identify health access needs and potential options, and to obtain grant monies that could eventually fund an innovative and effective method of meeting basic health care needs in our communities. This has great potential, but much work needs to be done to make it a reality. Issues that affect the entire community such as, vacation rental policies, the proposed “101 sidewalk” project, future water resources, infrastructure, and fiscal realities, are just a few of the challenges that face the Council that I would like to continue working on. I pledge to listen with an open mind and serve you with honesty and integrity. Occupational Background: Deputy Financial Services Manager, City of Corvallis; Information Services Manager; College of Business Oregon State University; Comptroller MS Systems Inc. Educational Background: Oregon State University, BS in Business-accounting Prior Governmental Experience: Yachats City Council; Planning Commission; Budget Committee; Capital Improvement Program Committee; Trails Committee; Urban Renewal Committee; volunteer database project manager for the city of Yachats Reflecting on community issues of the past couple of years and the divergent desires of Yachats constituent groups, it is clear that what is needed is leadership with a sense of balance. In many instances balance means seeking middle ground between the desires of a residential community and the economic needs of local businesses. I am committed to seeking the balance that is in the best interests of the entire village. If I am reelected I am committed to continue focusing on the public process of governance that includes input from all constituent communities. Decisions will be guided by documents like the Yachats comprehensive plan, master plans for utility services (water, sewer, and drainage) and other public documents approved by previous councils. My bias will continue to be to act based on observable and measurable data as much as possible. My personal objectives for the next four years will continue to focus on the Yachats database which will include the property inventory for public works services; an upgrade of the city’s main web site; a new service request system that tracks where city services are needed, how long it takes to complete requests and an assessment of citizen satisfaction. The search area for the city’s document library needs to be updated and simplified and we need to have the ability to store historical images and other records from the Log Church museum. These projects are designed to improve communications, provide data for decision making, and measure the effectiveness of city service delivery. I ask for your vote. Thank you. (This information furnished by Barbara E Frye.) (This information furnished by Greg Scott.) The above information has not been verified for accuracy by the county. The above information has not been verified for accuracy by the county. Official Lincoln County 2014 General Election Voters’ Pamphlet 21-23 Candidates Democrat, Independent, Working Families Democrat, Independent, Working Families Christina Jean Lugo Terry N Thompson Christina Jean Lugo County, OR - November 4, 2014 Central Lincoln State Measures Christina JeanOfficial Lugo Ballot - Lincoln Terry N Thompson Terry N Thompson Pacific Green Pacific Green Write-in Pacific Green A B Official40Ballot - Lincoln James County, OR - November 4, 2014 Dick Anderson Director, At Large (2) E Leuenberger Dickof Anderson See Full Text Measures on Separate Sheet James E Leuenberger Dick Anderson Instructions Voter Constitution Constitution Four YearTo Term A B C Use A Pencil or Pen Referred to the People Vote For One County, OR - November 4, 2014 Stateby the Legislative 41 41 11 Monica WehbyOfficial41Ballot - Lincoln Monica Monica Wehby Wehby Assembly (Blue or Black Ink) Instructions To Voter Write-in Write-in Write-in Republican Republican Republican A B C Use A Pencil or Pen 86 Amends Constitution: To ensure your voteSaelens counts, completely State Lincoln County SoilRequires and 42 42 Lincoln Mark ClerkWater 11 Lincoln County Clerk fill in the creation State Representative, 10th District (Blue orCounty Black Clerk Ink) ofLincoln fund forCounty Oregonians Instructions To Voter Write-in Write-in oval R toWrite-in theFour left ofYear the response Conservation Districtpursuing Vote For One Four Year Term Four Year Term Term of your post-secondary education, authorizes Use A Pencil or Pen choice.Lincoln County Vote For One Vote For One Vote For One State Soil and Water To ensure your vote counts, completely fill in the state indebtedness to finance fund 43 11 US (Blue Representative, District US Representative, 5th District US Representative, 5th District State Representative, 10th District Director, Zone 1 or Black5th Ink) Write-in For One Conservation District oval R to the left of the of your Vote For One Vote Forresponse One Term To write in a name,Vote write the name on the solid Official Primary Nominating Ballot for the Republican Party “Yes” vote amends Result of “yes”Four vote: Year Official BallotLincoln -To Lincoln County, ORcompletely - November 2014 Vote For One to establish ensure your vote fill in the4,choice. Utility constitution David and requires legislature County, ORcounts, - May 18, 2010 to the the lineCentral and fill inLincoln theDirector, oval R Zone 44 Dana W Jenkins10th Dana W Jenkins Representative, 2left ofDistrict Dana WPeople's Jenkins Gomberg Official BallotState - Lincoln County, ORDistrict -44November 4, 2014 oval to the left of the response of your R fund for Oregonians pursuing post-secondary Democrat, Independent, Republican write-in line. Vote For One Four Year Term A C2014 A -B Lincoln County, OR - NovemberB 4, Official Ballot To write Bin a name, write the name on the solid C education, career training; authorizes state to incur choice. A C Vote For One A B C and fill inRaymond A B debt to finance to the left of the line the oval R Director - Subdivision Raymond Baldwin Raymond Baldwin 2 Baldwin DavidAttention! Gomberg Nofund. Candidate Filed A B C Instructions To Voter Write-in Write-in Instructions Write-in ConstitutionTo Voter Constitution Democrat, Independent, Republican write-in line. Constitution Four Year Term Instructions To Voter To write in a name, write the name on the solid to inspect your ballot for Result of “no” vote: “No” vote rejects Use A Pencil or Pen Use A Pencil or Official Pen - Lincoln County, OR November 4, Remember 2014 Vote For One City of Depoe City ofextend Toledo Lincoln County Soil-Bay and Water City Newport Nonpartisan State State A Pencil Pen to the leftorof Ballot the line and fill inDaniel the Use Instructions To Ink) Voter R for state to credit and incur 21 KState Souza KofPrecinct Souza David Gomberg Candidate Filed Daniel K Souza mistakes! Daniel IfNoLincoln you make a mistake 11 46 (Blue or Black (Blue oroval Black Ink) State County Soilorand Water authorization Attention! 11 write-in Conservation District debt to create dedicated fund for Oregon students Libertarian Write-in Write-in Democrat, Independent, Republican Libertarian (Blue or Black Ink) line. Libertarian Use A Pencil or Pen A B C damage your ballot, call your County 11 Conservation District State Lincoln Countyyour Soilballot and for Water pursuing post-secondary education and career Remember to inspect (Blue or Black Ink) To ensure your vote counts, completely fill in the Elections Office to Mayor ask for State a replacement Nonpartisan To ensureState your vote counts, completely fill in the training. Conservation District Mayor Kurt Schrader Larkin Kaliher Mayor Kurt Schrader Representative, 9th District Director, Zone 1 21 Kurt Schrader 12 mistakes! If you make a mistake or District Attorney, Lincoln Director, Zone 2 County Governor Precinct ensure your voteTo counts, completely fill in the Voter Attention! oval R to the left of the response of your oval R toToInstructions Write-in Write-in ballot. State Representative, 10th District Director, Democrat the Democrat left ofVote the response of your Democrat One VoteYear For One Two Year Term Two Term Four Year Term Two Year Term Zone 1 Vote For OneCounty Four Year Term callVote your Committeeperson--Male oval toPencil theFor left ofor thePen response of yourdamage your ballot, To ensure your vote counts, completely fill in the R Use Remember to A inspect your ballot for For1One choice. Four Year State Representative, 10th District Director, choice. Vote ForforZone One State Lincoln County Soil andTerm Water Vote For One Vote For One Nonpartisan State Two Year Term Elections Office to ask a replacement 11your choice. oval R to the left of the response of21 (Blue or Black Ink) mistakes! IfTootie you Vote make a mistake or Smith Tootie Smith 22 Director, At Large (2) Tootie Smith Yes DistrictConservation Attorney, Lincoln County Vote For One For One Four Year Term District Vote For Three Write-in ballot. Republican Republican Republican choice. Vote For One Four Year Term damage your ballot, youronCounty Vote For One To write in a name, write the name on the solid To write in a name, write thecall name the solid ensure vote counts, completely fill on in the To your write in a name, write the name the solid State Representative, 10th District Vote ForZone One 2 Elections Office asktofor replacement National line and fill in the oval R to the left of the line To Director, thealeft of the and fill in the oval to R Marvin Sannes A J Candidate (Jim) Mattila Marvin Sannes Ralph E Grutzmacher Caddy McKeown No Filed County District Attorney, Lincoln Marvin Sannes Sandra N Roumagoux Michelle Branam No Candidate Filed Bill Sizemore Jonathan Saturen oval to the left of the response of your to the left of the line and fill in the oval To write in a name, write the name on the solid R R ballot. David Gomberg NoYear Candidate Independent Independent Democrat Vote For One One Independent write-in line. Four Term Filed Vote For write-in line. Democrat, Independent, Republican choice. write-in line. Gomberg line and fill in the oval R to the left of the David No Candidate Vote For One National Filed Attention! Referred to theJo People by the Legislative Billie Smith Official Ballot Lincoln County, OR November 4, 2014 Democrat, Independent, Republican Guy S Rosinbaum Mark Saelens Dean Sawyer write-in line. US Senator Michelle Branam John Lim Alan Canfield Attention! Write-in Write-in Write-inVote For One Write-in Write-in Assembly Remember yourthe ballot foron the solid Libertarian To write intoainspect name, write name Attention! Write-in Write-in ARemember to inspect your ballot for B C mistakes! Iffillyou make aR mistake orleft ballot Official County, OR - November 4, 2014 State State Filed National to inspect your to the ofBallot the for - Lincoln line and Remember inCasey the oval State Nonpartisan County Attention! David Gomberg No Candidate Write-in Write-in mistakes! If you make a mistake Council Member, Position 4 Runyan Director, Zone 2 State Michelle Branam 21 or Constitution: Permits US Senator Director, At Large (2) Darren Karr 87 Amends Nonpartisan damage your ballot, call yourmake County 21 Democrat, Independent, Republican Write-in mistakes! If you a mistake or Write-in write-in line. Director, Zone 2 Remember to inspect your ballot for Write-in Republican Write-in A B C employment of state judges by National Four Term VoteYear For One damageInstructions your ballot, call To yourVoter County Four Year Term 21 State Elections Office toNonpartisan ask a replacement FourCounty Year Term damage yourforballot, call your County mistakes! If you make aor mistake Director, Zone 2 Guard (military service) and state public Vote For One Vote For One Elections Office ask for a replacement Use A to Pencil Pen or State Measures Nonpartisan ballot. 53 Governor Governor Council Members Position 3 US Senator Governor Council Members Lincoln County Commissioner, Mike Montchalin State Lincoln County Soil and Water Clark Colvin Vote For One Elections Office to ask for a replacement Four Year Term damage your ballot, call your County Attention! Instructions To Voter universities (teaching) Write-in Write-in ballot. (Blue or Black Ink) Write-in Write-in District Attorney, Lincoln County Write-in Libertarian Vote For For Oneballot for VoteYear For One Vote One Vote One Four Four Terms FourYear YearTerms Term Conservation District VoteFor For One ballot. inspect your Elections Office to ask for a replacement Remember UsetoA Pencil or PenCounty Vote For One District Attorney, Lincoln State Lincoln County and(2) Water Nonpartisan State Vote For Vote For Three Vote“Yes” ForThree One State Nonpartisan County vote amends vote: 21 IfNonpartisan youor make a One mistake Director, AtSoil Large 54 54 (Blue Black Ink) or See FullCounty Text ofMerkley Measures on Separate Sheet 3 Result of “yes” Jerome Grant NoDirector, Candidate Filed Toballot. ensure your vote counts, completely11 fill in the mistakes! Jeff Lincoln Commissioner, Position Mike Montchalin Saelens William Ames Curtright Vote For constitution Mark to permit state judges to be employed Conservation District Zone 1 Stateyour Representative, 10th District No Candidate Filed Write-in Democrat, Independent, Working Families Libertarian Four Year Term damage ballot, call your County Four Year Term oval R to the left of the response of your by Oregon National Guard for military service Vote For One Year Term NoFour Candidate Filed Referred to the People by the Legislative Vote ForOne One To ensure your votetocounts, fill in the Elections Office ask forcompletely a replacement Vote For National purposes, state public universities for teaching choice. National 22 State Representative, 10th County District Director, Zone 2 District Attorney, Vote ForLincoln One Dennis Dennis Richardson Julie Rockwell District Lincoln Lincoln County Commissioner, Position 3 Montchalin Dennis Richardson Reno Christina Jean Lugo N Thompson Chris Dudley Precinct Jeff Merkley Assembly NationalCounty ballot. oval toMike theAttorney, leftVote ofRichardson the of your purposes. Terry R Write-in Michelle Branam Republican, Independent Republican, Independent Write-in Libertarian Vote For One One Vote For Republican, Independent Pacific Green Democrat, Independent, Working Families Four Year Term Forresponse One Four Year Term Committeeperson--Female Write-in National choice. Michelle Branam To write in a name, write the name on the solid Vote For One 86 Amends Constitution: Requires Vote For One Two Year Term “No” vote retains existing Result of “no” vote: Central Lincoln People's Utility District Write-in Mark Saelens Chris Henry Council Member, Position Chris Michele Johnson US Senator Director, At Large Jeff Merkley Chris Henry David N Allen James EThompson Leuenberger Dick Anderson United States Senator Bob Forthan Christina Jean Lugo(2) 405 Terry Nfor line and fill in the oval creation of fund Henry Oregonians pursuing R to the left of the constitutional restrictions on employment of Oregon Vote For Three David Gomberg No Candidate Filed US Senator Director, At Large (2) Progressive Progressive Independent, Working Families Progressive Constitution Pacific Green Vote For One Vote Forname One Four Year Term To write in a Democrat, name, write the on Democrat, Independent, Write-in post-secondary education, authorizes state court judges by the Oregon National Guard write-in line. Vote ForRepublican Onethe solid4, 2014 Four Year Term US Senator Director, At Large (2) Official Ballot - Lincoln OR November Vote For One National to the left of the line and fill County, inChristina the oval and by the state public university system. R state indebtedness to finance Write-inAuer David No Candidate Michelle Branam 41 Aaron Aaron Auer Terri L Strom Michelle Branam Jean Lugo 40 Terry NGomberg Aaron Auer Beemer Allen Alley Jeanne Canfield VoteFiled Forfund One Monica Wehby Director - Subdivision 2 James EThompson Leuenberger Dick Anderson Vote For One Nonpartisan Four Year Term County Write-in Democrat, Independent, Republican Write-in Constitution Constitution Green A Bwrite-in line. Pacific C Republican Constitution Attention! Four Year Term Write-in Write-inVote For One Nonpartisan County Result of “yes” vote: “Yes” vote amends Measures Remember to inspect your ballot for Vote For One constitutionJohn and State requires legislature to establish US Senator 40 John Kitzhaber Steve Sparks 42 Kitzhaber Jerry Seth Mike Montchalin Mark Saelens 41 James E Leuenberger Dick Anderson John Kitzhaber Mark Saelens Tom Stutzman Rex O Watkins Yes Lincoln County Clerk Monica Wehby Nonpartisan State Attention! Instructions Voteror Write-in Write-in Write-in Mark mistakes! If you makeTo a mistake Director, Zone 2 Lincoln County Commissioner, Position Mike Saelens fund3forWrite-in Oregonians pursuing post-secondary Write-in Write-in Democrat, Working Families Democrat, Working Families Libertarian Constitution Vote ForMontchalin One Democrat, Working Families Republican Four Year Term Remember to inspect your ballot forPosition 3 Use Aballot, Pencil Pen Libertarian education, career training; authorizes state to incur Four Year damage your callor your County FourTerm Year Lincoln County Commissioner, Mike Montchalin Mark Statea mistake City ofSaelens Depoe Bay Term Nonpartisan State Nonpartisan County Vote For One Nonpartisan County 21 debt to finance fund. mistakes! If you make or See Full Text of Measures on Separate Sheet Director, At Large (2) (Blue or Black Ink) 41 Libertarian Vote For OneFor One43 PaulSFour Grad Paul Grad Jeff Merkley Monica Wehby Paul Grad Wendy CCounty Engler Robin Parker Vote No Elections Office to ask for a replacement US Representative, 5th District Lincoln Clerk Larkin Kaliher Term County District Attorney, Lincoln JeffYear Merkley Write-in Write-in Write-in Write-in Write-in Libertarian Libertarian Write-in Democrat, Independent, Working Families Republican Libertarian Four Year Term damage your ballot, call County Vote For One Year Term ballot. Vote Foryour One Write-in Democrat, Independent, Working Families Vote For One “No” vote Result of “no”toFour vote: Referred the People byrejects the Legislative Vote For One To ensure yourJeff vote Merkley counts, completely fill in the Elections Office to ask for a replacement Vote For One State Measures State County Representative, Council Member, Position 6 for state toState extend Measures credit and incur Write-in District Attorney, Lincoln County County Commissioner, Position 3 authorizationJason Mike Montchalin Democrat, Independent, Working 42 Families Lincoln Assembly Jason Levin 10th District Levin Commissioner, Position 3 Lincoln Christina Lugo 43 Lincoln County Clerk Jason Levin Later State Treasurer Dana W Jenkins US Representative, 5th District oval R to the left of theJean response of your ballot. Loren NoFour Candidate Filed Libertarian Christina Jean Lugo Terry N Thompson Write-in debt to Write-in create dedicated Write-in Vote For Write-in Pacific Green Pacific Green fund for Oregon students Pacific Green Vote For Term One Year Pacific Green Four Year Term (2 Year Term) Vote For One Four YearOne Term Four Year Term State Measures Pacific Green choice. pursuing post-secondary education and career Christina Jean Lugo TerryVote N Thompson Vote For One 86 Continue Amends Constitution: Requires Vote ForFor One Voting Continue Vote One For One Vote For One Nonpartisan State State Voting Measures training. Jeff Merkley Mark Saelens Pacific Green 40 See Full Text of Measures on Separate Sheet James E Leuenberger 44 US Representative, 5th District G Shane Dinkel Raymond Baldwin Dana W Jenkins National creation of fund for Oregonians pursuing 40 Michelle Branam See Full Text of Measures on Separate Sheet James E Leuenberger Dick Anderson Democrat, Independent, Working Families Write-in Write-in Write-in Write-in Constitution Constitution Vote For One To write in a name, write the name on the solid 40 post-secondaryWARNING education, authorizes Write-in WARNING Constitution See Full Text of Measures on Separate Sheet James E Leuenberger Dick Anderson Referred to the People by the Legislative Any person who, by to use of force or other National Any person who, by use of force or other line and fill in the oval R to the left41of the state indebtedness finance fund City of Waldport David Gomberg Jo G Fisher-Brown Michelle Branam Christina Jean Lugo Terry N Thompson Referred to the People by the Legislative Constitution 62 Monica Wehby Terry NIndependent, Thompson Dana WAssembly Jenkins Superintendent Publicto vote means, Jim Huffman Chris Telfer Yes influences See Fullunduly Text ofinfluences Measures on Daniel K Souzaanofelector Raymond Baldwin means, unduly an Separate elector toSheet vote Write-in 41 Democrat, Republican US Senator Director, At Large (2) 41 write-in line. Republican Monica Wehby Pacific Green Assembly Write-in Libertarian Constitution Referred to theWrite-in People by the Legislative Instruction inResult any particular manner or toamends refrain from in any particular manner or to refrain from Write-in Republican “Yes” vote of “yes” vote: Vote Wehby For One FourAssembly Year Term Monica Referred to the People by the Legislative 86 Amends Constitution: Requires voting is subject to a fine. (ORS 254.470) State Measures Vote For One voting is subject to a fine. (ORS 254.470) constitution and requires legislature to establish City of Siletz 40 Write-in James ESenator Leuenberger Dick Anderson Republican 42 86Kurt Amends Constitution: Requires Vote For One Dick Anderson Raymond Baldwin Walter HUS Woodland No Mayor Schrader Daniel K Souza Nonpartisan County Attention! Assembly creation of fund for Oregonians pursuing Write-in Write-in fund for Oregonians pursuing post-secondary Write-in 42 Lincoln County Clerk Constitution Write-in Write-in Write-in Constitution Vote For One Democrat Libertarian creation of fundauthorizes for Oregonians pursuing 42 86 Amends Constitution: Requires A A B Two YearSeq:0008 Term AB post-secondary BC education, C Remember to inspect your ballot for Write-in Seq:0016 education, authorizes career training; state to incur Four Year Term Lincoln County Clerk post-secondary education, authorizes 86 Amends Constitution: Nonpartisan State Lincoln County Soil and Water Nonpartisan County creation of fundoffor pursuing Requires Vote For One City Lincoln City debt to Susan finance fund. state indebtedness toOregonians finance fund mistakes! If you make a mistake Write-in See Full Text of Measures Separate Monica © Election Systems &Smith Software, Inc. 1981, 2002Sheet Referred toindebtedness the People byon the Legislative 43or 41 © Election Systems & Software, Inc. 1981, 2002 US Representative, 5th District Daniel KWehby Souza Vote For OneBallot Keith Waldron State Representative Castillo Vote Both Sides of Both Sides ofpursuing Ballot Tootie Mayor Kurt Schrader Vote Both Sides of Ballot Year state to finance fund Conservation District education, authorizes creationVote of fund for Oregonians 16 -Term 01 5th 31 03 43 Lincoln County Write-in 08 01 Montchalin Mark Saelens Commissioner, Position 3 post-secondary USFour Representative, District Republican Write-in Libertarian Assembly damage yourMike ballot, call your County Republican Democrat Vote For One 43 10th Vote For One Two Year Term Libertarian “No” vote rejects Result of “no” vote: state of indebtedness toDistrict finance fund post-secondary education, authorizes “Yes” vote amends Vote For One Result “yes” vote: Four Year Term Referred to the People by the Legislative US Representative, 5th District Elections Office to ask for a replacement Vote For One “Yes” Result ofstate “yes” vote: Vote One authorization forConstitution: toFor extend creditvote andamends incur DistrictMike Attorney, Lincoln County Director, Zone 1 42 constitution and requires legislature to establish state indebtedness to finance fund Lincoln County Commissioner, Position 3 Montchalin Lincoln County Clerk Vote For One Assembly Ron Maurer Lincoln County Clerk Mayor Kurt Schrader Amends Permits Vote For One Marvin Sannes Susan Woodruff Tootie Smith 87 constitution and requires legislature to establish ballot. debt to create dedicated fund for Oregon students Write-in Jeff Merkley Dana W Jenkins Libertarian “Yes” vote amends Result of Republican “yes” vote: fund for Oregonians pursuing post-secondary Write-in Vote For Democrat Four Year Term Independent Four Year Term Four Year Term employment state judges byand National Four YearOne Term Write-in forofOregonians pursuing post-secondary Democrat, Independent, Working Families pursuingfund post-secondary education career constitutioncareer andVote requires legislature tostate establish education, training; authorizes to incur Result of “yes” vote: “Yes” vote amends DanaVote W Jenkins For One 86 Amends Constitution: Requires Vote For One Vote For One Guard (military service) and state public For One education, career training; authorizes state to incur training. fundtofor Oregonians pursuing post-secondary debt finance fund. Jeff Merkley US Representative Representative, District constitution and requires legislature to establish 48 51 in5th Congress Becky Lemler Raymond Jean Baldwin Tootie Smith Marvin Sannes John S Robinson State Measures creation of fund for Oregonians pursuing universities (teaching) debt to finance fund. Christina Lugo Terry N Thompson Raymond Baldwin education,Independent career training; authorizes state to incur Democrat, Independent, Write-in Write-in education, authorizes Write-in pursuing post-secondary fund for Oregonians Constitution Republican Vote For One Working Families 5th District post-secondary Pacific Green Baldwin Constitution debt tooffinance fund.Write-in “No” vote rejects Result “no” vote: education, career training; authorizes state to incur Raymond National Vote For One “No”amends vote “no” state tovote: finance fundrejects Nonpartisan State Judiciary “Yes” vote Resultindebtedness ofResult “yes” State Write-inW Michelle Branam No Candidate Filed authorization for state toJenkins extend credit and incur Christina Jean Lugo 51 Terry NW Thompson Dana ConstitutionSouza Yesofvote: debt to financeCouncil fund. Edward Johnston Daniel Dana Jenkins Marvin Sannes Roger Sprague Members Ron Hervey City of Waldport authorization for state to extend credit and incur constitution to permit state judges to be employed See ofvote: Measures onrejects Separate Sheet James K E Leuenberger Dick Green Anderson Daniel K Souza “No” vote Pacific Result ofText “no” debt toFull create dedicated fund for Oregon students Write-in Libertarian Independent Four Year Terms to create dedicated fund for Oregon students CityLibertarian of Waldport Constitution by Oregon National Guard forvote military service “Yes” amends Result ofdebt “yes” vote: authorization for state to education extend credit incur pursuing post-secondary andand career of “no” vote: “No” vote rejects Daniel K Souza pursuing post-secondary education and career Result VotetoFor Three purposes, state public universities fortoteaching constitution and requires legislature establish State debtReferred toGeorge create fundbyforthe Oregon students 40 US Senator training. todedicated the People Legislative James E Leuenberger Dick Anderson Libertarian Raymond Baldwin No authorization for state extend credit and incur 51 Judge of the Supreme Court Scott Bruun Goldstein Kurt Schrader Don Williams Governor Gail F Johnson training. Write-in purposes. fund for Oregonians pursuing post-secondary Write-in Assembly Monica Wehby Mayorand career pursuing Write-in post-secondary education Constitution Constitution Write-in Kurt Schrader Write-in Vote For One debt to create dedicated fund for Oregon students Democrat Forauthorizes One 5 state to incur Position Write-in Democrat Republican education, career Vote training; training. Two Year Term pursuing post-secondary education and career Mayor Kurt Schrader Nonpartisan County Vote For One City of Lincoln City City of Yachats “No” vote retains existing State Result of “no” vote: debt to finance fund. 41 Director, Zone 2 Referred to the People by the Legislative Democrat Monica Wehby Daniel K Souza training. Jack Christenson 86 Amends Constitution: Fred Thompson Vote Requires For One Tootie Smith Yes Governor Two Year Smith Term constitutional restrictions on employment of Oregon Write-in Tootie Lincoln County Clerk Yes Republican Libertarian Write-in Assembly Write-in Write-in Republican Four Year Term creation of fund for Oregonians pursuing Vote For One Vote For One Write-in Republican state court judges by the National Guard “No”Oregon vote rejects Result of “no” vote: Four Year Term Tootie Smith YesVote For One authorizes education, County and by the state public system. authorization for state touniversity extend credit and incur 42 Lincoln County Position 3 post-secondary Mike Montchalin 47 Republican Lincoln County Clerk Mayor KurtCommissioner, Schrader Amends Permits Jack LConstitution: Landau 87 Vote For One Mayor Marvin Sannes Governor Council Member, Ward I No Dennis Richardson Dann Council Member, Position 1 Yes Cutter state indebtedness to finance fund debt to create dedicated fund for Oregon students Write-in Libertarian Marvin Sannes Woodruff US Representative, 5th District No Write-in Democrat Independent Four Year employment of state judges National Republican, Independent Four Year FourSusan Year Term Term Vote ForTerm One Two Year Term Four Year Termby Independent pursuing post-secondary education and career VoteSannes For One Marvin Susan Woodruff No vote: Vote For Guard (militaryVote service) and state public Vote For Vote“Yes” For One One Vote ForOne One vote amends Result of No “yes” For One training. Jeff Merkley Candidate Filed Independent Tootie Smith 51 US Representative, 5th District Referred to the People by the Legislative Lincoln County Commissioner Allan J Arlow Yes Chris Henry Greg Dennis Richardson No Holland universities (teaching) constitution and requires legislature to establish Referred to the People by the Legislative Democrat, DanaVote W Jenkins Republican Write-in Independent, Working Families 51 Assembly For One Progressive Republican, Independent 51 Position 1 Sample Ballot–Lincoln County, Oregon 11 11 21 21 21 22 11 21 11 40 40 40 41 41 41 42 42 42 21 43 43 44 40 41 42 43 51 51 51 Write-in Write-in State Christina Jean Lugo Pacific Green Baldwin Raymond Constitution State James Governor E Leuenberger Constitution Daniel K Souza Vote For One Libertarian Governor MonicaVote Wehby For One Republican Kurt Schrader 41 IndependentIndependent Republican, November 4, 2014 DennisSmith Richardson Write-in Tootie Republican, Independent Republican Dennis Richardson 54 US Representative, 5th District Republican, Independent Chris Henry Marvin Vote Sannes For One Progressive Independent Chris Henry Progressive Aaron Auer Constitution Write-in Aaron Auer Constitution Raymond Baldwin John Kitzhaber State Constitution Democrat, Working Families John Kitzhaber Democrat, Working Families Daniel K Souza Paul Grad Libertarian Governor Libertarian For One PaulVote Grad Libertarian 53 Kurt Schrader Jason Levin Democrat Pacific Green Jason Levin PacificSmith Green Tootie 61 Republican Dennis Richardson Write-in 46 Democrat, Working Families Four Year Terms City ofAuer Depoe Bay State Write-in Aaron Vote For Three Constitution Write-in Paul Grad Libertarian Write-in Mayor Governor John Kitzhaber Jason Levin Jack Christenson Democrat, Working Families Vote ForTerm One Two Year Pacific Green A Republican, Independent Pacific Green Progressive B B B 62 Democrat, Working Families 01 - 01 Governor PaulVote Grad For One A Libertarian 54 A Write-in Write-in Progressive Write-in B Council Member, Position 4 Aaron Auer-2 01 Vote Both Sides of Ballot Constitution Four Year Term01 - 01 Write-in Vote Both Sides of Ballot Vote For One John Kitzhaber Pacific Green Dennis Richardson B Write-in Libertarian Constitution B John Kitzhaber 01 - 01 Democrat, Working Families Paul Grad A Steve Sparks Vote Both Sides of Ballot Write-in Libertarian C Vote For One Seq:0001 C B © Election Systems & Software, Inc. 1981, 2002 Vote Both Sides of Ballot 19 - 01 Jason Levin Pacific Green Continue Voting Write-in ➞ WARNING Any person who, by use of force or other means, unduly influences an elector to vote in any particular manner or to refrain from voting is subject to a fine. (ORS 254.470) Official Lincoln County 2014 General Election Voters’ Pamphlet A 21-24 Index 16 - 01 B C Vote Both Sides of Ballot Seq:0016 © Election Systems & Software, Inc. 1981, 2002 Seq:0020 © Election Systems & Software, Inc. 1981, 2002 ➞ Any person who, by use of force or other Write-in means, unduly influences an elector to vote in any particular manner or to refrain from voting is subject to a fine. (ORS 254.470) Vote For One Aaron Auer A Full Text of Me Write-in Referred to the P DirecA Four 86 Amends Cons Vo creation of fund fo post-secondary ed state indebtednes No Can Result of “yes” vote constitution and requi fund for Oregonians Write-in p education, career trai debt to finance fund. Directo Four Result of “no” vote: Vo authorization for state debt to create dedicat pursuing post-second training. Mark S Yes Write-in NoState See Full Text of Me Referred to the P A 86 Amends Cons creation of fund fo post-secondary ed state indebtednes Result of “yes” vote constitution and requi fund for Oregonians p education, career trai Continue debt to finance fund. WA Result of “no” vote:b Any person who, authorization for state means, unduly influ create dedicat indebt anytoparticular m pursuing voting is post-second subject to training. C Yes © Election Systems & No Referred to the P A 87 Amends Cons employment of sta Guard (military se universities (teach Result of “yes” vote constitution to permit by Oregon National G purposes, state public purposes. Result of “no” vote: constitutional restrictio state court judges by and by the state publi Yes Write-in No Write-in Continue ➞ WA Any person who, b means, unduly influ in any particular m voting is subject to C © Election Systems & ➞ Continue Voting WARNING Council Member, Position 5 Write-in Four Year Term Progressive Director, Zone 1 NoFour Year Term No Candidate Filed Continue Voting Jason Levin Write-in Chris Henry ➞ Vote Both Sides of Ballot - 02 Write-in Pacific Green Republican, Independent NoState Can C See Write-in Write-in restrictions on employment of Oregon constitutional court judges the Oregon “Yes”byvote amendsNational Guard Continue Voting Result ofstate “yes” vote: No Judge ofstate the Court ofbeAppeals andto bypermit the university system. constitution statepublic judges to employed Write-in Guard Position 3 service by Oregon National for military WARNING For One Continue Voting purposes, state publicVote universities for teaching Any person who, by use of force or other Director Subdivision 2 Don Williams D Riley Hoagland Jim Hoover No Candidate Filed Yes purposes. means, unduly influences an elector to vote Yes Constitution: Permits 87 AmendsFour Year Term Write-in WARNING A Bin any particular manner or to refrain from employment of state judges by National YesVote For One vote existing Any person who, use of retains force or other Result of “no” vote:by“No” voting is subject to a fine. (ORS 254.470) Darleen Ortega GuardKelly (military service) and state public NoJ Hockema Vote Both Sides of Ballot constitutional restrictions on employment of to Oregon means, unduly influences elector vote No01 Write-in Write-in -an01 Incumbent universities (teaching) Write-in state judges by the Oregon National anycourt particular manner or to refrainGuard from A Bin C Seq:0029 NoCounty and by the state public university system. Lincoln Soil and Water voting is subject to a fine. (ORS 254.470) Larkin Kaliher Member, Ward III © Election Systems & Software, Inc. 1981, 2002 “Yes” vote amends Result Write-in ofCouncil “yes” vote: Vote Both Sides of Ballot Conservation Write-in 29judges -District 02 Four state Year Term to be employed B constitution to permit C Seq:0021 WARNING by Oregon National Guard for military service Vote For One Continue Voting Continue Voting Zone for 1ofteaching Yes © Election Any Systems & Software, person who,Inc. by1981, use 2002 of Vote Both Sides Ballot purposes, stateDirector, public universities Write-in force or other means, unduly Continue Voting Four Year Term purposes. WARNING influences anWARNING elector to vote For One Any person who,Vote by use of force or other Any person who, bymanner use of force Kip vote: Ginfluences Ward inNo any particular or to or other WARNING “No” votean retains existing Result ofunduly “no” means, elector to vote means, influences an elector to vote refrainunduly from voting is subject who,manner by use of to force orofother constitutional restrictions on employment Oregon inAny anyperson particular or refrain from in any manner or to refrain from to a particular fine. (ORS 254.470) Continue Voting means, influences anNational elector to vote state court judges by Oregon Guard voting is unduly subject tothe a fine. (ORS 254.470) voting is subject to a fine. (ORS 254.470) No Candidate Filed in particular manner or to refrain from andany by the state public university system. Write-in (ORS 254.470) C WARNING Seq:0001 Cvoting is subject to a fine. Seq:0005 B C Seq:0001 Any person who, by use of force or other Lincoln County SoilInc. and Water C B © AElection Systems & Software, Inc. 1981, 2002 & Sides Software, 1981, 2002 C© Election VoteSystems Both ofSides Ballot means, unduly an elector to vote Seq:0001 © Electioninfluences Systems & Software, Inc. 1981, 2002 Vote Both of Ballot Conservation District Write-in Yes © Election Systems & Software, Inc. 1981, 2002 in any particular manner or to refrain from © Election Systems & Software, Inc. 1981, 2002 voting is subject to a fine. (ORS 254.470) Democrat, Working Families Jerome Grant Paul Grad 20 Jason Levin Vo Write-in ➞ Chris Henry A Constitution State 05 - 02 John Kitzhaber - 01 ADennis J (Jim)Levin Mattila Richardson Jason Greg Holland Write-in Aaron Auer Guard (military service) and state public Yesof “no” Result vote: “No” vote retains existing Dave Button universities Write-in(teaching) ➞ ➞ Vote For One Paul Grad 21 Dann Cutter Libertarian Write-in Write-inSannes Marvin Independent Chris Henry A A A Write-in Working Families “Yes” amends Result of Democrat, “yes” vote: by Oregon National Guard for vote military service constitution to permit state judges to be employed purposes, state public universities for teaching Lincoln County Soil and Water Mark Saelens Mayor Council Member, Ward II Paul Grad by Oregon National Guard for military service purposes. Dann Cutter Write-in Yes Conservation District Term Four Year Term purposes, Libertarian stateFour publicYear universities for teaching Vote For One Vote Forvote One purposes. “No” retains existing Result of “no” vote: Lincoln County Commissioner Director, 1 Jason Levin Write-in constitutional restrictions onZone employment of Oregon Greg Holland No Green Position 3 existing Year Term “No” vote retains Result of Pacific “no”Four vote: state court judges by the Oregon National Guard Central Lincoln People's Utility Four Year Term constitutional restrictions onOne employment of Oregon Vote For and by the state public university system.District Roger Sprague Jim Davis state court judges the Oregon Guard For Referred to thebyVote People byOne theNational Legislative Write-in and by theWrite-in state public university system. Assembly Write-in Constitution Write-inHenry Chris Write-in JohnMembers Kitzhaber 62 Write-in Council Progressive Write-in Republican, Independent 62 Runions John Kitzhaber training.Tom constitution to permit state judges to be employed Jack Christenson Write-in Larkin Direc Four ➞ Assembly Result of “yes” vote: “Yes” vote amends Yes No Aaron Auer Jeff Clark constitution toAmends permit state judges to be Permits employed Constitution: Write-in 87Constitution by Oregon National Guard for military service employment of state judges by National purposes, state public universities for teaching Guard service) and state public No (military Judge of the Supreme Court John Kitzhaber purposes. Write-in Working universities (teaching) Democrat, Families Position 4 Vote For One “No” vote retains existing Result of “no” vote: Referred toof the People byPosition the Legislative “Yes” vote amends Result “yes” vote: Paul Grad Council Member, 4 constitutional restrictions on employment of Oregon Assembly Libertarian constitution permit stateNational judges to be employed Four Year Term state court judges bytothe Oregon Guard by Oregon National Guardsystem. for military service and by the state public university Vote For One Constitution: Permits for teaching Rives Kistler 87 Amends purposes, state public universities Jason Levin Incumbent employment of Green state judges by National Pacific purposes. Progressive employment of state judges by National Four Year Terms Constitution: Permits 87 Amends Guard (military service) and state public “No” vote rejects Result of “no” vote: Director, At Vote Large (2) Don Williams Jerome Grant For Three Susan Wahlke employment of state judges by National Aaron Auer authorization for state to extend credit and incur universities (teaching) Write-in Four Year Term Constitution Guard (military service) and state students public debt to create dedicated fund for Oregon Vote For One universities (teaching) City of Lincoln City pursuingofpost-secondary education and career vote amends Result “yes” vote: “Yes” Write-in Council Members Dick Anderson Raymond Baldwin Chris Henry Four Terms City ofYear Waldport Write-in Governor Constitution Progressive Vote ForVote Three For One Daniel KState Souza Council Members Aaron Auer Write-in Libertarian Constitution Four Mayor Year Terms Two Year Term Jack Christenson Vote For Two Lincoln County Clerk Kurt Governor Vote For One JohnSchrader Kitzhaber Dennis Richardson Democrat Democrat, Working Families FourVote Year ForTerm One Republican, Independent Dann VoteCutter For One Tootie Smith Greg Scott Paul Grad Chris Henry Susan Woodruff Republican Libertarian Greg Progressive Holland Dana WLevin Jenkins Marvin Sannes Dennis Richardson Barbara E Frye Jason Aaron Auer Independent Republican, Independent Pacific Green 47 51 Write-in fund for Oregonians pursuing post-secondary Referred to the People by the Legislative Four Year Term education, career training; authorizes state to incur Assembly Dana W Jenkins Roger Sprague Nathan Long Constitution: Permits Chris 87 debt Amends to finance fund.Henry Vote For One Write-in Council Members Write-in Terry N Thompson Marvin Sannes Ronald L Brean Dennis Richardson State Democrat 42 Director Four Vo Lincoln Cou Conser Constitution ➞ 40 C James E Leuenberger40 40 11 Write-in Write-in Democrat, Independent, Working Families ➞ WARNING Any person who, by use of force or other means, unduly influences an elector to vote in any particular manner or to refrain from voting is subject to a fine. (ORS 254.470) C Seq:0019 © Election Systems & Software, Inc. 1981, 2002 C © Election Systems & allot for take or21 berger r County replacement Four Year Remember to inspect yourTerm ballot for Vote For One State or mistakes! If Nonpartisan you make a mistake damage your ballot, call your County Elections Office to ask for a replacement District Attorney, Lincoln County Terry N Thompson ballot. Vote For One 5th District Sample Ballot–Lincoln County, Oregon Nonpartisan State Four Year Term Zone See Full TextDirector, of Measures on 2Separate Sheet National Michelle Branam win Working Families City ofJean Yachats Christina Terry N Thompson Lugo Pacific Green 11 erger 40 Write-in Republican Lincoln RonaldCounty L BreanClerk Write-in Four Year Term Vote For One November 4, 2014US Representative, 43 h District 5th District Write-in Vote For One C Dana W Jenkins Council Members Four Year Terms For Two City Vote of Depoe Bay Raymond Baldwin 21 n son 21 Write-in Constitution ent City Scott ofSouza Waldport Daniel K Greg 0th District Council Member, Position 6 Libertarian Four Year Term Vote For One November 4, 2014 Mayor Kurt Schrader Barbara E Frye Democrat Two Year Term C Vote For One Tootie Smith November 4, 2014 Jo G Fisher-Brown C Jack Christenson No No Candidate Candidate Filed Filed Write-in B 40 , Republican 41 unty ateCounty oln 42 ner,County Position 3 oln 43 m Write-in Constitution 41 42 43 Write-in Mark Saelens No Candidate Mark Saelens Filed Write-in Write-in A B Bay Clerk m Larkin Kaliher Ron Benfield Write-in Clerk m m Central Lincoln People's Utility District Write-in Write-in State- Subdivision Measures 2 Director Four Year Term Vote For One See Full Text of Measures on Separate Sheet Bay Referred to the People by the Legislative Larkin Assembly Kaliher rt sition 4 m 86 Amends Constitution: Requires creation ofWrite-in fund for Oregonians pursuing post-secondary education, authorizes state indebtedness to finance fund m Result of “yes” vote: “Yes” vote amends constitution and requires legislature to establish fund for Oregonians pursuing post-secondary education, career training; authorizes state to incur debt to finance fund. agoux sition 45 m Result of “no” vote: “No” vote rejects authorization for state to extend credit and incur debt to create dedicated fund for Oregon students post-secondary education and career training. Apursuing ers ms e sition 5 m No Continue Voting Any person who, by use of force or other means, unduly influences an elector to vote in any particular manner or to refrain from voting is subject to a fine. (ORS 254.470) © Election Systems & Software, Inc. 1981, 2002 Continue Voting WARNING ➞ ➞ Any Continue person who, by Voting use of force or other means, unduly influences an elector to vote in any particularWARNING manner or to refrain from voting is subject fine.of(ORS Any person who,tobya use force254.470) or other means, unduly influences an elector to vote Cin any particular manner Seq:0016 or to refrain from voting is subject toSoftware, a fine. Inc. (ORS 254.470) © Election Systems & 1981, 2002 21-25 Mark Saelens Department of Transportation Write-in to issue “driver card” to eligible Oregon No resident without requiring proof of legal presence in United States. State ➞ Yes No Referred to the People by the Legislative Assembly Council Members YearDistrict Terms Lincoln CountyFour Library Yes 87 Amends Constitution: Permits employment of state judges by National Guard (military service) and state public universities (teaching) Vote For Three No Option Tax For Library 21-156 Local Jack Christenson Services by“Yes” Initiative Petition state vote amends Result of Proposed “yes” vote: Dennis Richardson constitution, prohibits state and any political Republican,State/political Independent 89 Amends subdivision fromConstitution: denying or abridging equality of subdivision not deny oforsex. abridge rights under theshall law on account District renew levy of 9¢ Question: Shall Library Dann Cutter per $1,000 assessed value for five years, beginning 2015-2016, to fund your library? Result of “no” vote: “No” vote retains current prohibition on laws granting/denying privileges “Yes” vote amends stateor Result of “yes” vote: Aaron Auer immunities accountstate of sex, justified by constitution,onprohibits andunless any political Constitution specific biological differences betweenequality of subdivision from denying or abridging men/women. rights under the law onJohn account of sex. Kitzhaber Question: Shall Library District renew levy of 9¢ Write-in per $1,000 assessed value for five years, beginning 2015-2016, Yes to fund your library? Democrat, Working Families Result of “yes” vote: “Yes” vote amends constitution to permit state judges to be employed by Oregon National Guard for military service purposes, state public universities for teaching purposes. Lincoln County Library District Tax For Library 21-156 Local Option Greg Holland Result of “no” vote: “No” vote retains existing constitutional restrictions on employment of Oregon state court judges by the Oregon National Guard and by the state public university system. Services This measure renews current local option taxes. Yes This measure renews Write-in current local option taxes. No No Write-in Yes Pacific Green Proposed Yes by Initiative Petition Continue Voting No Write-in election nomination 90 Changes general by“Yes” Initiative Petition general vote replaces Result of Proposed “yes” vote: election nomination processes for most partisan A candidates general election nomination 90 Changes offices; all listed on one single primary processes: provides for single ballot; two advance to general electionprimary ballot. - 01 ballot listing candidates; top 01 two advance ➞ WARNING processes:No provides for single primary ballot listing candidates; top two advance B Result of “no” vote: “No” vote rejects authorization for state to extend credit and incur F debt to create dedicated fund for Oregon students pursuing post-secondary education and career Vote Both Sides of Ballot training. E which does not requireWrite-in “genetically engineered” 51 food to be labeled No as such. subdivision Noshall not deny or abridge equality of rights on account of sex current Result of “no” Yesvote: “No” vote retains prohibition on laws granting/denying Paul Grad privileges or immunities on accountLibertarian of sex, unless justified by specific biological No differences between men/women. Jason Levin Result of “yes” vote: “Yes” vote amends constitution and requires legislature to establish fund for Oregonians pursuing post-secondary education, career training; authorizes state to incur debt to finance fund. Yes Governor Chris Henry equality of rights on account of sex Progressive See Full Text of State and Local Measures on Separate Sheet 86 Amends Constitution: Requires Included In Your Ballot creation of fund for Oregonians pursuing post-secondary education, authorizes Packet state indebtedness to finance fund Referred to the People by the Legislative Assembly No Proposed Yes by Initiative Petition VoteState/political For One 89 Amends Constitution: See Full Text of Measures on Separate Sheet such; state, citizens may enforce Write-in © Election & Software, Inc. 1981, existing 2002 “No” vote retains law, Result of Systems “no” vote: YesBoth Sides of Ballot Vote State Measures 43 © Election & Software, Inc. 1981, law 2002 “No” vote rejects directing Result of Systems “no” vote: ➞ Write-in Dana W Jenkins food manufacturers, retailers 92 Requires State Measures to label "genetically engineered" foods as Any person who, by use of force or other means, unduly influences an elector to vote in any particular manner or to refrain from voting is subject to a fine. (ORS 254.470) C B A Vote Both Sides of Ballot © Election Systems & Software, Inc. 1981, 2002 C Seq:0001 © Election Systems & Software, Inc. 1981, 2002 Result of “no” Yesvote: “No” vote retains current general election nomination processes, including party primaries for major parties; separate primary ballots; multiple No candidates can appear on general election ballot. Proposed Yes by Initiative Petition of marijuana Noby/to adults, subject to state licensing, regulation, taxation by“Yes” Initiative Petition vote allows Result of Proposed “yes” vote: possession, authorizes in-state manufacture, possession, 91 Allowssale processing, of marijuanamanufacture, by/to adults; sale of marijuana by/totaxation adults,bysubject to state licensing, regulation, state; retains current medical marijuana taxation laws. licensing, regulation, vote retains Result of “no” “Yes” vote allowslaws “yes”vote: vote:“No” classifying as in-state a controlled substance; possession,cannabis authorizes manufacture, prohibiting most possession, of Official Lincoln County 2014 General Election Pamphlet processing, sale sale, of marijuana by/tomanufacture adults; Voters’ cannabis; permitting production, possession of C Vote For One 91 Allows possession, manufacture, sale Seq:0016 C s of Ballot s of Ballot ➞ WARNING Director, At Large (2) Four Year Term Yes by“Yes” Initiative Petition the Result of Proposed “yes” vote: Cityvote ofrequires Waldport Dlabeling of raw and packaged foods produced Requires food manufacturers, retailers 92Continue entirely or partially by Voting “genetic engineering,” to label January "genetically engineered" effective 2016; applies to- retailers, 01 Mayor 01 foods as suppliers, manufacturers. such; state, citizens may enforce WARNING YearorTerm Any person who, by useTwo of force other Vote For One vote existing law, Result of “no” “Yes” vote requires thevote “yes”vote: vote:“No” means, unduly influences anretains elector to does not and require “genetically engineered” labeling of raw packaged produced in which any particular manner orfoods to refrain from food to be labeled as such. entirely or partially by “genetic engineering,” voting is subject to a fine. (ORS 254.470) effective January 2016; appliesWoodruff to retailers, Susan C suppliers, manufacturers. Seq:0001 Result of “no” vote: “No” vote retains current general election including vote replaces general Result of “yes” nomination vote: “Yes”processes, party primaries for major parties; primary election nomination processes forseparate most partisan ballots; multiple candidates canone appear general offices; all candidates listed on singleonprimary election ballot. ballot; two advance to general election ballot. Yes Write-in Proposed by Initiative Petition Referendum by Petition of the People vote directs Result of “yes”Order vote: “Yes” DanieltoKissue Souza Department of Transportation “driver card” Libertarian Provides Oregon resident 88Oregon to resident meeting specified“driver eligibility,card” Continue Voting withoutrequiring requiring legal presence without proofproof of legalofpresence in United Kurt Schrader States. in the United States WARNING Democrat Any person who, by use of force or other vote rejects law to directing Result of “no” “Yes” vote directs “yes”vote: vote:“No” means, unduly influences an elector vote TootietoSmith of Transportation “driver card” inDepartment any particular manner or toissue refrain from Republican to eligible Oregon without requiring proof of Oregon residentresident specified eligibility, voting is subject tomeeting a fine. (ORS 254.470) legal presence in United States. without requiring proofMarvin of legal presence Sannesin United B C States. Seq:0001 Independent Central Lincoln People's Utility District Both Sides of CentralVote Lincoln People's Utility District 51 01 - 01 Director, At Large (2) Ballot Four Year Term Vote For One Director Subdivision 2 Director - Subdivision 1 Four Four Year Year Term Term Vote For For One One Mark Vote Saelens 51 s of Ballot Constitution Vote Vote For For One One No Candidate Filed Write-in 91 Allows possession, manufacture, sale No by/to Nonpartisan of marijuana adults, subjectCounty to state Vote For One without requiring proof of legal presence No Raymond Baldwin Write-in in the United States Write-in Jason Levin Director, At Large Director, Director, Large2(2) (2) Pacific Green AtZone Four Four Year Year Term Term Vote For One Referred to the People by the Legislative “Yes” Commissioner, vote allows Result of “yes” vote: Lincoln County Position 3 Assembly possession, authorizes in-state manufacture, Libertarian Fourby/to Year Term Continue Voting processing, sale of marijuana adults; Members Constitution: Permits Amends Constitution: Permits Vote For One 87 AmendsCouncil 87 licensing, regulation, taxation by state; retains Jeff Merkley employment Four of state judges by National employment state judges Year Terms current medicalofmarijuana laws. by National WARNING Democrat, Independent, Working Families Guard (military service) and state or public Guard (military service) and state public Vote Three Any person who, byFor use of force other universities (teaching) (teaching) means, unduly influences an Jean electorLugo to vote universities “No” vote laws Result of “no” vote: Terry Christina N retains Thompson in any particular manner or to refrain from classifying cannabis as a controlled substance; Pacific Green votingofis“yes” subject to“Yes” a fine. 254.470) prohibiting mostvote: sale, “Yes” possession, manufacture of vote(ORS amends vote amends Result vote: Result of “yes” Christenson cannabis; permitting production, possession of constitution Jack to permit state judgesEtoLeuenberger be employed constitution to permit state judges to be employed James Dick Anderson C 40 medical use.for military service by Oregon National Guard forSeq:0005 military service bycannabis Oregon for National Guard Constitution purposes, state public& universities for teaching purposes, state public universities for teaching © ElectionDann SystemsCutter Software, Inc. 1981, 2002 purposes. purposes. Monica Wehby D E F 41 Write-in Republican “No” vote retains existing Result of “no” vote: Result of “no” vote: “No” vote retains existing Greg Holland constitutional restrictions on employment of Oregon constitutional Yes restrictions on employment of Oregon Lincoln County Clerk 42 Write-in state court judges by the Oregon National Guard state court judges by the Oregon National Guard Four system. Year Term Measures Stateuniversity Measures and by the state State public university system. and by the state public Vote For One No US Representative, 5th DistrictE Write-in D F Oregon resident “driver card” 88 Provides State Measures Write-in Libertarian Write-in unty Director, Zone 2 Four Year Term licensing, regulation, taxation Referendum Order by Petition of the People Yes Write-in Paul Grad mon Write-in ➞ John KitzhaberFiled No Candidate Write-in Democrat, Working Families ilies No Candidate Filed Referred to the People by the Legislative Write-in Assembly Mike Montchalin 40 Dennis Dann Cutter Richardson Lincoln County Soil andof Water Vote Both Sides Ballot Republican, Independent Write-in Conservation District Write-in Chris Greg Holland Henry Director, Zone 122 Progressive Four Year Term For AaronVote Auer Vote For One One Vote For One Michelle Branam Vote For One Index Seq:0009 © Election Systems & Software, Inc. 1981, 2002 licensing, regulation, taxation by state; retains cannabis for medical use. laws. current medical marijuana Result of “no” vote: “No” vote retains laws classifying cannabis as a controlled substance; prohibiting most Yessale, possession, manufacture of cannabis; permitting production, possession of cannabis for medical use. C Director, Zone 1 Four Year Term Proposed Yes by Initiative Petition US Senator B Lincoln County Soil and Water Conservation District 11 Susan No No Woodruff Lincoln County Soil and Lincoln County SoilPosition and Water Water Council Member, 6 Write-in Conservation District Conservation District Four Year Term State Vote For One 1 Council Members Director, Zone Director, Zone 1 Four Year Terms Four Year Term Four Year Term Vote For Three Vote For Governor Vote For One One Jo GVote Fisher-Brown For One Republican NoState Measures State Vote For One Yes Yes Marvin Susan Sannes City ofWoodruff Depoe Bay oln 0thCounty District 01 on November 4, 2014 Question: Shall Library District renew levy of 9¢ per $1,000 assessed value for five years, beginning 2015-2016, to fund your library? Four Year Term National Two Year Term Write-in Republican ate 51 0th District unty ner, Position 3 m Clerk oner, Position 3 m m on Result of “yes” Write-invote: “Yes” vote amends state constitution, prohibits state and any political subdivision from denying or abridging equality of Director, Large (2) rights under the law on At account of sex. Attention! Write-in amends vote amends Result of “yes” vote: “Yes” vote Result of “yes” vote: “Yes” vote retains current Result of “no” vote: “No” to inspect ballot for constitution “Yes” vote amends Result ofRemember “yes” vote: constitution and requires legislature toyour establish and requires legislature to establish Dana W Jenkins Nonpartisan State general election nomination processes, including constitution to permit state judges to be employed or fund fund for Oregonians pursuing post-secondary for Oregonians pursuing post-secondary mistakes! If you make a mistake party primaries for major parties; separate by Oregon National Guard for military service education,damage career training; authorizes state to incur education, career training; authorizes state 21 toprimary incur your ballot, call your County ballots; multiple candidates can appear on general purposes, state public universities for teaching debt to finance fund. debt to finance fund. Elections Office to ask for a replacement election ballot. purposes. Write-in District Attorney, Lincoln County rejects Result of ballot. “no” vote: “No” vote rejects Result of “no” vote: “No” vote Vote For One ofto“No” Waldport votecredit retains existing Result of “no” vote: authorization forCity state extend and incur authorization Yes for state to extend credit and incur constitutional restrictionsfund on for employment of Oregon debt to create dedicated fund for Oregon students debt to create dedicated Oregon students state court judges by theeducation Oregon National Guard pursuing post-secondary and career pursuing post-secondary education and career and by the state public university system. training. training. Mayor No Write-in Independent Write-in nt 21-156 Local Option Tax For Library Services equality of rights on account of sex Proposed by Initiative Petition Sheet See FullTo Text Measures Separate Sheet fill in See of Measures on Separate Dick Noof Anderson ensure your voteoncounts, completely theFull Text State Representative, 10th District oval the People to the left of the response of your Referred Vote One general nomination Referred toR by the Legislative to the Peopleelection by theFor Legislative 90 Changes choice. Referred to theAssembly People by the Legislative Assembly processes: provides for single primary Write-in Assembly ballot listing candidates; top two advance 86 Amends Constitution: Requires 86 Amends Constitution: Requires To write in a name, write the name on the solid County Clerkpursuing 87 Amends creation ofLincoln fund creation fundvote: forDavid Oregonians pursuing “Yes” vote replaces general Result ofof“yes” to the left of the line andConstitution: fillforinOregonians the ovalPermits R Gomberg Yearjudges Term employmentFour ofeducation, state by National election nominationeducation, processes most partisan post-secondary authorizes post-secondary authorizes Democrat,for Independent, Republican write-in Vote Forfinance One Guard (militaryline. service) and state offices; all candidates listed on onefund single primary state indebtedness to fund public state indebtedness to finance ballot; two advance to general election ballot. universities (teaching) 42 on ate 02 89 Amends Constitution: State/political No shall Candidate Filed subdivision not deny or abridge Instructions To Voter State Measures Use A Pencil or Pen Terry N Thompson Yes (Blue or Black Ink) 11 James Dick Anderson E Mayor Leuenberger Constitution Two Year Term Vote For One Monica Wehby 41 milies Republican Lincoln County Library District This measure renews current local option taxes. Vote“No” For vote Oneretains current Result of “no” vote: prohibition on laws granting/denying privileges or immunities on account of sex, unless justified by Result of “no” vote: “No” vote rejects specific biological differences between authorization for state to extend credit and incur 3 Ballot Lincoln County Commissioner, Position 3 Lincoln County Commissioner, Position Mike Mark Saelens Mark Saelens Yes DanaMontchalin W Jenkins Official - Lincoln County, OR - November 4, 2014 men/women. debt to create Four dedicated fund for Oregon students Libertarian Four Year Term Year Term pursuingApost-secondary education and career B C Vote For One Vote For One A B training. C A Jeff Merkley Yes No Write-in Write-in Write-in Independent, Working Families Democrat, ugo e Vote For One Write-in Result of “yes” vote: “Yes” vote amends constitutionDirector, and requires to establish Atlegislature Large (2) Write-in fund for Oregonians post-secondary Four pursuing Year Term education, careerVote training; state to incur For authorizes One Nonpartisan County debt to finance fund. Write-in US Senator Lincoln County Clerk Write-in Vote For Four YearOne Term Vote For County One Nonpartisan No Four Year Term Proposed by Initiative Petition Vote For One 86 Amends Constitution: Requires Candidate Filed pursuing creation No of fund for Oregonians post-secondary education, authorizes state indebtedness to finance Michelle Branam fund Dick Anderson e Director, Zone 2 No Referred to the by the Legislative VotePeople For One District Attorney, Lincoln County Assembly See Full Text of State and Local Measures on Separate Sheet Included In Your Ballot See FullPacket Text of State B C © Election Systems & Softwar Sample Ballot–Lincoln County, Oregon STATE MEASURES Referred to the People by the Legislative Assembly 86 Amends Constitution: Requires creation of fund for Oregonians pursuing post-secondary education, authorizes state indebtedness to finance fund Result of “yes” vote: “Yes” vote amends constitution and requires legislature to establish fund for Oregonians pursuing post-secondary education, career training; authorizes state to incur debt to finance fund. Result of “no” vote: “No” vote rejects authorization for state to extend credit and incur debt to create dedicated fund for Oregon students pursuing postsecondary education and career training. Summary: Amends Constitution. Oregon constitution generally prohibits the state from extending credit or incurring debt. Measure requires the legislature to create dedicated fund for exclusive benefit of Oregon students pursuing post-secondary education, including technical, professional and career training. Measure authorizes state to lend credit and incur debt to finance fund. Indebtedness incurred may not exceed one percent of real market value of all property in state. Moneys in fund not subject to constitutional limitations on investment. Generated earnings must be retained by fund, unless used to provide financial assistance to Oregon students pursuing post-secondary education. If governor declares an emergency, legislature may pass a bill to use the fund’s money for any lawful purpose, provided the legislature also has approved a plan to repay the fund. Estimate of financial impact: There is no financial effect on either state or local government expenditures or revenues. Referred to the People by the Legislative Assembly 87 Amends Constitution: Permits employment of state judges by National Guard (military service) and state public universities (teaching) Result of “yes” vote: “Yes” vote amends constitution to permit state judges to be employed by Oregon National Guard for military service purposes, state public universities for teaching purposes. Result of “no” vote: “No” vote retains existing constitutional restrictions on employment of Oregon state court judges by the Oregon National Guard and by the state public university system. Summary: Article III, section 1, of Oregon Constitution (“separation of powers” clause) prohibits person from serving in more than one branch of government at the same time; Oregon Supreme Court has ruled that provision prohibits state court judges from teaching at institutions of public education. Article II, section 10, prohibits state court judges from being compensated for military service in National Guard. Measure amends constitution to authorize any public university as defined by law to employ state court judges for purpose of teaching at Oregon public universities. Measure also authorizes employment of state court judges by Oregon National Guard for purpose of military service. Measure provides that such educational or military employment shall not preclude person from serving as state judge at same time. Other provisions. Estimate of financial impact: There is no financial effect on either state or local government expenditures or revenues. Referendum Order by Petition of the People 88 Provides Oregon resident “driver card” without requiring proof of legal presence in the United States Result of “yes” vote: “Yes” vote directs Department of Transportation to issue “driver card” to Oregon resident meeting specified eligibility, without requiring proof of legal presence in United States. Result of “no” vote: “No” vote rejects law directing Department of Transportation to issue “driver card” to eligible Oregon resident without requiring proof of legal presence in United States. Summary: Current law requires any applicant for an Oregon driver license or permit to provide proof of legal presence in the United States. Measure directs the Department of Transportation to issue a “driver card” to an applicant who does not provide proof of legal presence in the United States, but who has otherwise complied with all Oregon requirements for the type of driving privileges sought, has provided proof of residence in Oregon for more than one year, and has provided proof of identity and date of birth. The driver card may not be used as identification for air travel, to enter a federal building, to register to vote or to obtain any government benefit requiring proof of citizenship or lawful presence in United States. Other provisions. Estimate of financial impact: This measure will require the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) to issue an Oregon Driver Card to an applicant without requiring the applicant to provide proof of legal presence in the 16United 01 States, if that individual D complies with all the requirements for the driving No to be sought; privileges provides proof of identity Yesof birth; (3) and date provides proof of residing in Oregon in excess of one that permit regulated medical use of marijuana. and delivery marijuana; statutes year asofof the retains datecurrent of the and criminal laws prohibiting cultivation, possession application; (4)vote provides Result of “no” vote: “No” retains existing civil arestrictions Social Security on hemp (defined). number unlicensed adult personal cultivation/use; (SSN) assigned to thatprohibits adults through state-licensed stores; allows individual by the United commercial marijuana (cannabis) cultivation/sale to Result of “yes” vote: “Yes” vote allows States Social Security regulate commercial marijuana cultivation/sale Administration (SSA) or to cultivation/use without license; commission 80 Allows personal marijuana, hemp provides a written statement that the individual has not No been assigned a SSN; and (5) pays any fees Yes with the type of associated driver card being sought. The cost to provide these cards islegislature estimated allowing state to impose at such taxes/fees. estate transfer taxes/fees (with exceptions), $2,794,802 in the prohibiting local governments from2013-15 imposing real Result of “no” vote: “No” $2,677,144 vote retains existing law biennium and 2009. in the 2015-17 biennium, property, except those operative December 31, but revenues are expected assessments on transfer of any interest in real state/local governments fromto imposing taxes, fees, to be sufficient offset Result of “yes” vote: “Yes” vote prohibits these costs to ODOT. The those operative on December 31, 2009 transfer taxes, fees, other assessments, except revenue in excess of the 79 Amends Constitution: Prohibits real estate costs will be deposited Proposed by Initiative Petition within the State Highway Fund. No constitutional authority to declare “catastrophic Result of “yes” vote: “Yes” vote grants Governor Sample Ballot of the right to apply for driving privileges after a delay under ORS 809.280 (10) (1997 Edition), which is the same as the fee for reinstatement of suspended driving privileges. The referendum provides that the fees charged for an Oregon Driver Card would be used for administrative purposes and distributed to the Highway Fund in the same manner as fees charged for an Oregon Driver License. It is anticipated that this measure will generate $3,510,437 of revenue in 2013-15 and $4,333,562 in 2015-17. There are no anticipated effects on local government. Proposed by Initiative Petition Proposed by Initiative Petition 90 Changes general election nomination processes: provides for single primary ballot listing candidates; top two advance Result of “yes” vote: “Yes” vote replaces general election nomination processes for most partisan offices; all candidates listed on one single primary ballot; two advance to general election ballot. Result of “no” vote: “No” vote retains current general election nomination processes, including party primaries for major parties; separate primary ballots; multiple candidates can appear on general election ballot. 89 Amends Constitution: State/political subdivision shall not deny or abridge equality of rights on account of sex Summary: Currently, each major party has a separate primary election ballot. Major party’s registered voters nominate party’s candidates; others’ Vote Sides of Ballot Result ofBoth “yes” vote: E “Yes” vote amends state F primary ballots include only nonpartisan candidates; all constitution, prohibits state and any political subdivision vote for one candidate per office. General election from denying or abridging ballot may include multiple equality of rights under the candidates per office: law on account of sex. unaffiliated, major, minor Result of “no” vote: party candidates. Measure “No” vote retains current replaces that system for prohibition on laws granting/ most partisan offices, denying privileges or including many federal immunities on account (not Presidential), all state, of sex, unless justified county, city, district offices. No by specific biological Single primary ballot lists differences between men/ all candidates for each Yes women. office. Voters may vote for In Your Ballotregardless Packet any candidate, Summary: Under Article I, of voter’s Sheet or candidate’s more. Separate Included section 20,collections of the Oregon exceeds estimated by two percent or party affiliation. Only top requires refund to corporations whengranting revenue Constitution, laws and Local Measures on corporate income and excise tax “kicker” that two candidates per office Result of “no” vote:or “No”immunities vote retains existing privileges appear onText general election See Full of State must12 apply equally to all through public education. ballot; may be from same the General Fund to provide additional funding for K persons. The Oregon corporate income and excise tax “kicker” refund to party. Primary, general Result of “yes” vote: “Yes” vote allocates the Supreme Court has held election ballots must additionally fundprovision K through 12 public education that that prohibits income/excise tax "kicker" refund to contain candidates’ party 85 Amends Constitution: Allocates corporate laws treating people registration/endorsements. differently based on sex Eligible person, regardless unlessNojustified by specific of party, may be selected biological differences. to fill vacancy. Other Yes provision in No current provisions. constitution expressly statesproperty thattransfers. prohibition. Estimate of financial intra-family least $1 million; taxamends on all income-producing Measure Article impact: This measure estate/inheritance taxes on estates with value of at I byofcreating section changes statutes relating to Result “no” vote: “No”new vote retains existing The referendum establishes revenue. 46, which provides that primary elections. Except Yes certain intra-family transfers; reducesthe state the following fees: (1) $64 equality ofproperty rights under for the office of President, death-related property transfers, and taxes on for issuance of a Class law inheritance/estate shall not be or it requires that the two existing taxesdenied on large estates, government); retains misspelled, other language. Result of “yes” vote: “Yes” vote phases out government (rather than three “branches” of C driver (2) $5offor abridged by the state or candidates receiving the powers betweencard; three “departments” property transfers constitutional language describing the knowledge testseparation for a of anyestates, political subdivision highest number of votes large and all taxes on intra-family on Result of “no” vote: “No” vote retains existing 84 Phases out of existing inheritance taxes on Class C driver card; (3) account sex. Measure advance to the general grammatical, spelling changes. $9 for the skills test for authorizes legislature to election regardless of party “departments”) of government; makes other No to referC to three “branches” (instead of three apowers Class driver card; enforce that provision by affiliation. The measure constitutional language describing separation of (4) for issuance of a appropriate legislation. Result$64 of “yes” vote: “Yes” vote changes provides criteria for listing Yes restricted Class C driver Measure provides that candidates on ballots. It makes grammatical and spelling changes governmental system of separation of powers; card; (5) $44 for renewal nothing in section 46 “shall establishes procedures for constitutional language describing 78 Amends Constitution: Changes of a Class C driver card; diminish a right otherwise filling vacant Congressional authorized pursuant to gaming compacts. (6) $30 for replacement of available to persons under offices through special privately-owned casino within state; tribal casinos No state of the law,20 whichof does not authorize any or a Class C driver card; (7) section this Article elections and allows Result of “no” vote: “No” vote maintains current $6 for the Student Driver any other provision of this appointment to vacant state Yes revenue to State Lottery for specified purposes. Training Fund; (8) $75 for Constitution.” offices regardless of party requires casino to give percentage of monthly single privately-owned casino in Wood Village; reinstatement of revoked affiliation. Result of “yes” vote: vote authorizes a No The initiative Estimate of“Yes” financial without exception for emergency. driving privilege; (9) $75 for contains statutory criteria for constitutional restrictions on legislative authority payable to dedicated state fund impact: There is no retains constitutional spending and reinstatement of restrictions suspended casino; mandates percentage of revenues establishing minority parties 83 Yes statutory authority to declare state of emergency; Authorizes privately-owned Village financial effect on Wood either driving privileges; andGovernor’s Result of “no” vote: “No” vote retains and retaining their status. It state or local government (10) for toreinstatement requires the Legislature to spendingfee restrictions aid response, recovery. No $1,000 assessed value beginning FY 2013-14? expenditures or revenues. legislature may suspend specified constitutional District and adopt permanent rate levy of $0.11 per pass implementing statutes. Question: Shall County form Animal Services disaster” (defined); requires legislative session; restrictions Official Lincoln County 2014 General Election Voters’ Pamphlet suspending specified constitutional spending 26 November 4, 2014 requires legislative session; authorizes declare “catastrophic disaster” (defined); Amends Constitution: Governor may 77 Referred to the People by the Legislative Assembly Separate Sheet See Full Text of State and Local Measures on Yes authorized pursuant to gaming compacts. privately-owned casino within state; tribal casinos state of the law, which does not authorize any Result of “no” vote: “No” vote maintains current purposes. monthly revenue to State Lottery for specified requires such casinos to give percentage of constitution to authorize privately-owned casinos; Levy District/Establishment of Permanent Rate 21-147 Formation of Animal Services No Yes Sample Ballot–Lincoln County, Oregon The Secretary of State Elections Division estimates start-up costs of $362,640 to modify computer systems. The most likely funding source would be revenues from the General Fund. Because of the estimated mix of costs and savings, the financial impact to counties is indeterminate. Proposed by Initiative Petition 91 Allows possession, manufacture, sale of marijuana by/to adults, subject to state licensing, regulation, taxation Result of “yes” vote: “Yes” vote allows possession, authorizes in-state manufacture, processing, sale of marijuana by/to adults; licensing, regulation, taxation by state; retains current medical marijuana laws. Result of “no” vote: “No” vote retains laws classifying cannabis as a controlled substance; prohibiting most sale, possession, manufacture of cannabis; permitting production, possession of cannabis for medical use. Summary: Currently, cultivation, possession, delivery, sale of marijuana are unlawful, excepting regulated production, possession, use of medical marijuana. Measure allows production, processing, delivery, possession, sale of marijuana to adults, licensed, regulated by Oregon Liquor Control Commission (OLCC). Marijuana producer, processor, wholesaler may deliver “marijuana items” (defined) only to/on licensed retail premises. OLCC collects tax imposed on marijuana producer at different rates for marijuana flowers, leaves, immature plant. “Homegrown marijuana” (defined) not regulated, taxed. Tax revenues, fees fund OLCC suspense account, Oregon Marijuana Account distributed: 40% to Common School Fund; 20% for mental health/ alcohol/drug services; 15% for state police; 20% for local law enforcement; 5% to Oregon Health Authority. “Marijuana paraphernalia” (defined) excluded from “drug paraphernalia” laws. Other provisions. Estimate of financial impact: This measure legalizes, regulates and taxes the manufacture, sale and use of marijuana in Oregon. State and local expenditures and revenues will be impacted by passage of this measure. The measure requires the Oregon Liquor Control Commission (OLCC) to license and regulate the distribution of marijuana. The revenue estimate from taxes when fully implemented may range from $17 million to $40 million annually. The OLCC estimates that the start-up costs are about $300,000 in state fiscal year 2015, about $2.5 million in state fiscal year 2016, and $1.0 million in 2017. OLCC annual operating expenses are estimated to be $3.2 million per year. New revenues are expected to be sufficient to offset these costs. year 2016 and ongoing expenses of $400,000 per year beginning in fiscal year 2016. New revenues are expected to be sufficient to offset these costs. The Oregon Judicial Department expects additional court costs to address OLCC rulemaking and licensing authority of between $21,417 and $55,902 in the 2015-17 biennium and between $13,068 and $47,190 per year in later biennia. Passage of the initiative may result in the reduction in the number of persons entering the public safety system for marijuanarelated violations, thereby reducing state General Fund expenditures on community corrections. The remaining revenue Passage of the initiative beyond expenses would may result in a reduction be distributed as follows: in the dollar value of fines 40% to the Common School collected by state and local Fund, 20% to the Mental governments for convictions Health Alcoholism and of marijuana-related Drug Services Account, 16 01 the violations. Therefore, 15% to the State Police Dimpact for state and local Account, 10% to cities governments, district for law enforcement, attorneys, and the courts is No 10% to counties for law indeterminate. enforcement, and 5% to the Yes created will Oregon Health Authority New jobs for alcohol and drug generate an indeterminate abuse prevention, early amount of income tax that permit regulated medical use of marijuana. intervention and treatment and delivery of marijuana; retains current statutes revenue. and criminal laws prohibiting cultivation, possession services. Result of “no” vote: “No” vote retains existing civil Proposed by Initiative restrictions on hemp (defined). The Oregon Health Petition unlicensed adult personal cultivation/use; prohibits Authority estimates adults through state-licensed stores; allows commercial marijuana (cannabis) 92 Requires foodcultivation/sale to $200,000 per year in Result of “yes” vote: “Yes” vote allows manufacturers, retailers additional expenditures regulate commercial marijuana cultivation/sale to label “genetically cultivation/use without license; commission to for two positions to license 80 Allows personal marijuana, hemp engineered” foods as marijuana facilities that test such; state, citizens may marijuana products. This No enforce estimate assumes 20 such facilities. New revenues are ResultYes of “yes” vote: expected to be sufficient to “Yes” vote requires the offset these costs. labeling of raw and packaged foods produced allowing state legislature to impose such taxes/fees. The Oregon Department estate transferor taxes/fees (with exceptions), entirely partially by of Agriculture estimates prohibiting local governments from imposing real “genetic Result of “no” engineering,” vote: “No” vote retains existing law $100,000 per year in effective January 2016; 2009. additional expenditures property, except operative December 31, applies tothose retailers, for one position to assessments on transfer of any interest in real suppliers, manufacturers. state/local governments from imposing taxes, fees, provide rulemaking Result of “yes” vote: “Yes” vote prohibits related to marijuanaResult ofon“no” vote: those operative December 31, 2009 “No” transfer taxes, fees, other assessments, except infused food products, vote retains existing 79 Amends Constitution: Prohibitslaw, real estate engage in outreach to which does not require Proposed by Initiative Petition the food industry, and “genetically engineered” assist members of the food toNobe labeled as such. food industry to achieve Current law compliance with rules. New Summary: Yes does not require labeling revenues are expected to government); retains misspelled, other language. of “genetically engineered” be sufficient to offset these government (rather than three “branches” of powers between three “departments” of food. Measure requires costs. constitutional language describing separation of retailers Result of “no” of vote:genetically“No” vote retains existing Oregon State Police engineered raw food grammatical, spelling changes. estimates that passage of “departments”) of government; makes other to include “Genetically powers to refer to three “branches” (instead of three the initiative would create Engineered” on packages, constitutional language describing separation of Result of “yes” vote: “Yes” a need for three additional changes display bins, or vote shelves; Highway Interdiction makes grammatical and spelling changes suppliers must label governmental system of separation of powers; Team detectives as well constitutional language describing shipping containers. 78 Amends Constitution: Changes as training of all sworn Requires manufacturers of members in Advanced packaged No food produced Roadside Impairment entirely or partially by Driving Enforcement and geneticYes engineering to training of some members include “Produced with to join the existing pool of Genetic Engineering” or without exception for emergency. Drug Recognition Experts. constitutional restrictions on legislative authority “Partially Produced with retains constitutional spending restrictions and The associated start-up Genetic Engineering” statutory authority to declare state of emergency; Result of “no” vote: costs for additional staffing “No” vote retains Governor’s on packages. Defines and training are estimated spending restrictions toengineered” aid response, recovery. “genetically legislature may suspend specified constitutional at $400,000 in state fiscal food food produced disaster” as (defined); requires legislative session; constitutional authority to declare “catastrophic Result of “yes” vote: “Yes” vote grants Governor restrictions Official Lincoln County 2014 General Election Voters’ Pamphlet suspending specified constitutional spending 21-27 Index requires legislative session; authorizes declare “catastrophic disaster” (defined); Amends Constitution: Governor may 77 Referred to the People by the Legislative Assembly Separate Sheet See Full Text of State and Local Measures on November 4, 2014 from organisms with genetic material changed through in vitro nucleic acid techniques and certain cell-fusing techniques; exempts traditional plantbreeding techniques like hybridization. Does not apply to animal feed or food served in restaurants. Directs agencies to implement law. Permits state, injured citizen to sue manufacturer, retailer for knowing/intentional violation; attorney fees for prevailing citizen. Other provisions. Estimate of financial impact: The measure requires the State Department of Agriculture and/or the Oregon Health Authority to prescribe, enact, and enforce rules necessary to ensure that food manufacturers and retailers properly label raw and packaged food that is entirely or partially produced with genetic engineering. The measure Vote Both Sides of Ballot is expected to result in E direct expenditures by State agencies for initial one time start-up costs estimated at between $550,000 and $600,000. Costs associated with ongoing enforcement have variable assumptions about the level of administrative oversight. There are potential indirect economic effects that may be offsetting. Therefore, the direct No financial impact and indirect economic impact is Yes indeterminate. There is no anticipated more. effect on local government. exceeds estimated collections by two percent or requires refund to corporations when revenue corporate income and excise tax “kicker” that Result of “no” vote: “No” vote retains existing through 12 public education. the General Fund to provide additional funding for K corporate income and excise tax “kicker” refund to Result of “yes” vote: “Yes” vote allocates the COUNTY MEASURES LINCOLN COUNTY LIBRARY DISTRICT 21-156 Local Option Tax For Library Services Question: Shall Library District renew levy of 9¢ per $1,000 assessed value for five years, beginning 20152016, to fund your library? This measure renews current local option taxes. Summary: This measure will renew the expiring local option tax. Approval of this measure continues providing funding at its present level for the Lincoln County Library District and the funding it provides to libraries in Lincoln City, Newport, Siletz, Toledo and Waldport. F It is estimated that this measure would raise approximately $326,281 in tax revenues for 20152016, $332,807 in tax revenues for 2016-2017, $339,463 in tax revenues for 2017-2018, $346,252 in tax revenues for 20182019, and $353,177 in tax revenues for 2019-2020. The estimated tax cost for this measure is an ESTIMATE ONLY based on the best information available from the county assessor at the time of the estimate. In Your Ballot Packet Separate Sheet Included and Local Measures on See Full Text of State additionally fund K through 12 public education income/excise tax "kicker" refund to 85 Amends Constitution: Allocates corporate No Yes intra-family property transfers. least $1 million; tax on all income-producing estate/inheritance taxes on estates with value of at Result of “no” vote: “No” vote retains existing revenue. certain intra-family property transfers; reduces state death-related property transfers, and taxes on existing inheritance/estate taxes on large estates, Result of “yes” vote: “Yes” vote phases out property transfers large estates, and all taxes on intra-family 84 Phases out existing inheritance taxes on No Yes authorized pursuant to gaming compacts. privately-owned casino within state; tribal casinos state of the law, which does not authorize any Result of “no” vote: “No” vote maintains current revenue to State Lottery for specified purposes. requires casino to give percentage of monthly single privately-owned casino in Wood Village; Result of “yes” vote: “Yes” vote authorizes a No payable to dedicated state fund casino; mandates percentage of revenues 83 Authorizes privately-owned Wood Village Yes No Yes authorized pursuant to gaming compacts. privately-owned casino within state; tribal casinos state of the law, which does not authorize any Result of “no” vote: “No” vote maintains current purposes. monthly revenue to State Lottery for specified requires such casinos to give percentage of constitution to authorize privately-owned casinos; $1,000 assessed value beginning FY 2013-14? District and adopt permanent rate levy of $0.11 per Question: Shall County form Animal Services Levy District/Establishment of Permanent Rate 21-147 Formation of Animal Services No Yes REMEMBER! All ballots must be received at an official drop site or the Lincoln County Clerk’s Office no later than 8 pm, November 4, 2014 Postmarks Do Not Count!
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