Appendix 2 Date Reference 2015-02-16 2014/2657 Scope of accreditation DEKRA Industrial AB. 4390 Den ackrediterade OFP verksamhet kan utföras både i Dekras egna lokaler samt i fält. De egna lokalerna finns på följande platser: / The accredited NDT activities can be performed both at Dekras permanent facilities as well as in field activities at the customers sites. Dekras permanent facilities are located at the following addresses: Fanérvägen Norra Kungsgatan 5 Gamlestadsvägen 2 Kompanigatan 5 Pumpgatan 4 Torpslingan 25D Flintrännegatan 21 Torsgränd 15 Formaregatan 1 S. Järnvägsgatan 47 Hantverkaregatan 14 Hemvärnsgatan 11 B Tegelvägen 22 Industrigatan 6 Port-Anders Gata 3 Blomstermåla Gävle Göteborg Jönköping Karlstad Luleå Malmö Norrköping Oskarshamn Skellefteå Stenugnsund Solna Sundsvall Trollhättan Västerås Oförstörande provning/Non destructive testing Metod/Method Standard/Standard Radiografering/ Tillämpbara acceptanskrav enligt standard/Applicable acceptance requirement according to standard Radiography Svets/Weld SS-EN 12517-1 SS-EN 13445 SS-EN 13480 SS-EN 12952 SS-EN 12953 SS-EN ISO 10675-1 SS-EN ISO 10675-2 IIW Reference radiographs ASME sec III EN 13458-2 SS-EN 13530-2 SS-EN 1251-2 SS-EN 13133 SS-EN 13134 SS-EN 12517-2 ASME sec VIII SS-EN 1435 ASME sec V SS-EN 14784-1, 2 SS-EN ISO 17636-1 1(5) Appendix 2 Date Reference 2015-02-16 2014/2657 Scope of accreditation DEKRA Industrial AB. 4390 Metod/Method Standard/Standard Ultraljud/Ultrasonic Svets/Weld Plåt/Plate Stång, smide/Bar and forging Gjutgods/ Casting Tjockleksmätning/ thickness measurement Metod/Method Tillämpbara acceptanskrav enligt standard/Applicable acceptance requirement according to standard SS-EN ISO 17640 SS-EN 1714 SS-EN ISO 10863 SS-EN 15617 ASME sec V SS-EN 10160 SS-EN 10307 ASME sec V SS-EN ISO 11666 SS-EN 1712 ASME sec III ASME sec VIII SS-EN 10160 SS-EN 10307 ASME sec III SS-EN 10228-3 SS-EN 10228-4 SS-EN 10308 ASME sec V SS-EN 10228-3 SS-EN 10228-4 SS-EN 10308 ASME sec III SS-EN 12680-1 SS-EN 12680-2 SS-EN 12680-3 ASME sec V SS-EN 12680-1 SS-EN 12680-2 SS-EN 12680-3 ASME sec III SS-EN 14127 SS-EN 14127 Standard/Standard Magnetpulverprovning/ Tillämpbara acceptanskrav enligt standard/Applicable acceptance requirement according to standard Magneticparticle testing Svets och material/ Weld and material Smide, Stång/ Forging and bar Gjutgods/ Casting SS-EN ISO 23278 ASME sec III ASME sec VIII, appendix 8 SS-EN ISO 17638 SS-EN ISO 9934-1 ASME sec. V SS-EN 10 228-1 SS-EN 10 228-1 SS-EN ISO 9934-1 SS-EN 1369 2(5) Appendix 2 Date Reference 2015-02-16 2014/2657 Scope of accreditation DEKRA Industrial AB. 4390 Metod/Method Penetrantprovning/ Standard/Standard Tillämpbara acceptanskrav enligt standard/Applicable acceptance requirement according to standard Penetrant testing Svets och material/ Weld and material Smide, Stång/ Forging and bar Gjutgods/ Casting SS-EN 571-1 SS EN ISO 3452-1 SS EN ISO 3452-5 SS EN ISO 3452-6 ASME sec. V SS-EN ISO 23277 ASME sec III ASME sec VIII, appendix 8 KBM SS-EN 571-1 SS-EN 10228-2 SS-EN 571-1 ASME sec V SS-EN 1371-1 EN 1011-8 ASME sec VIII appendix 8 Metod/Method Standard/Standard Tillämpbara acceptanskrav enligt standard/Applicable acceptance requirement according to standard Virvelströmsprovning/ Eddy current testing Svets och material/ Weld and material SS-EN 1711 Metod/Method Visuellkontroll/Visual Svets/ Weld Standard/Standard ET - 101 Tillämpbara acceptanskrav enligt standard/Applicable acceptance requirement according to standard SS-EN ISO 5817 :2007 SS-EN ISO 10042 :2005 SS-EN ISO 17637:2011 3(5) Appendix 2 Date Reference 2015-02-16 2014/2657 Scope of accreditation DEKRA Industrial AB. 4390 Företaget uppfyller Strålsäkerhetsmyndighetens krav på tredjepartsställning och provnings-kompetens när det gäller återkommande kontroll med kvalificerade provningssystem enligt nedan (område 2.2 enligt STAFS 2003:12 § 5) / The company fulfills the requirements from the Swedish Radiation Safety Authority’s (SSM) on 3:rd party status and competence of testing for periodic inspection with qualified testsystem according to table below (area 2.2 in comments to STAFS 2003:12 § 5) Provningsmetod /Testmethod Radiografisk provning/ Typ av provning/Type of test Manuell och mekaniserad/ Radiographic Manuell and mechanized Provningsprocedur/ Test procedure Enligt procedur godkänd av ett kvalificeringsorgan godkänt av SSM. According to a qualified procedure approved by a qualification organisation approved by SSM. Ultraljudprovning/ Manuell och mekaniserad/ Ultrasonic Manuell and mechanized Enligt procedur godkänd av ett kvalificeringsorgan godkänt av SSM. According to a qualified procedure approved by a qualification organisation approved by SSM. Magnetpulverprovning/ Manuell och mekaniserad/ Magnetic particle Manuell and mechanized Enligt procedur godkänd av ett kvalificeringsorgan godkänt av SSM. According to a qualified procedure approved by a qualification organisation approved by SSM. Provning med penetrant/ Manuell och mekaniserad/ Penetrant Manuell and mechanized Enligt procedur godkänd av ett kvalificeringsorgan godkänt av SSM. According to a qualified procedure approved by a qualification organisation approved by SSM. Virvelströmsprovning/ Manuell och mekaniserad/ Eddy current Manuell and mechanized Enligt procedur godkänd av ett kvalificeringsorgan godkänt av SSM. According to a qualified procedure approved by a qualification organisation approved by SSM. Visuell kontroll/ Visual Manuell och mekaniserad/ Enligt procedur godkänd av ett Manuell and mechanized kvalificeringsorgan godkänt av SSM. According to a qualified procedure approved by a qualification organisation approved by SSM. Avgjutnings-VT Casting-VT Manuell och mekaniserad/ Enligt procedur godkänd av ett Manuell and mechanized kvalificeringsorgan godkänt av SSM. According to a qualified procedure approved by a qualification organisation approved by SSM. Ändringar sedan senaste beslutet är skrivna I fet stil / Changes from last edition of the scope are printed in bold text. 4(5) Appendix 2 Date Reference 2015-02-16 2014/2657 Scope of accreditation DEKRA Industrial AB. 4390 The accreditation does not cover sampling activities. If the laboratory, regardless of this, performs the sampling by itself, then the testing is not considered to be performed under accreditation. The accreditation does not cover opinions and interpretations. If the laboratory, regardless of this, expresses opinions and/or provides interpretations in the test report, then the testing is not considered to be performed under accreditation. The scope of accreditation is flexible according to specification in the terms of accreditation, annex 1 to this decision. - Changed methods where the changes are included in the flexible scope may, even if a new decision has not been issued, be used as accredited methods. - The accredited laboratory shall always have in readiness an updated list on methods, where it is clear what changes have been made in the flexible accreditation from the content in this decision. 5(5)
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