Document 412463

Typhoon Haiyan: One Year Later
On November 8, 2013, the most powerful typhoon to
ever make landfall struck the Philippines. With sustained
winds at over 230kph milions were displaced, thousands
were killed. Entire communities lost their homes, their
crops, their schools.
Around the world, people watched the newscasts, and
Anglicans in Canada responded with compassion and
generosity through PWRDF to provide relief. Over the
ensuing weeks, over $800,000 was donated to PWRDF
for our work through the ACT Alliance and through our
Philippine partners who were already providing food,
water, shelter, sanitation and more to affected communities.
It is now one year later, and the work of rebuilding after
Typhoon Haiyan continues. The work of distributing food
and water, medicine and tents has ended. Now, the
focus is on rebuilding homes, jobs, and communities.
Communities like Kampingganon, where over 90% of the
houses were damaged or destroyed in the typhoon,
where 61 people have joined together to form a people’s organization working with the Farmer’s Development Center (FARDEC), a PWRDF partner already active
in the region. The members of the organization are
working together to repair each other’s houses with
supplies provided by FARDEC. By working together, they
can repair a house in about a week.
A longer-term problem facing the fisherfolk is the damage to spawning grounds. Many mangrove trees, which
provided shelter to spawning fish, were destroyed by
Haiyan. The sandy seabed was also altered by the
storm. Today, fisherfolk catch 2-3kg of fish per day when
before Haiyan they could catch 5-10kg. They do not
know when the fish populations will recover. In order to
supplement their income, many women from the
community now make seashell necklaces to sell
to merchants or to the nearby tourist resort
The work of recovering will continue for years in the Philippines, and PWRDF will be there alongside its partners,
working with and supporting the Filipino people in rebuilding their lives, their communities, and their future.
“I am a Canadian, free to speak
without fear, free to worship in my
own way, free to stand for what I
think right, free to oppose what I
believe wrong, or free to choose
those who shall govern my country.
This heritage of freedom I pledge to
uphold for myself and all mankind.”
― John G. Diefenbaker
Readers for November 16
1st Reading: Judges 4. 1-7
Wilf Fournier / Mallory Rzeznik
2nd Reading: 1 Thessalonians 5. 1-11
Sheila Forster / Richard Rzeznik
Matthew 25. 14-30
Lottie Knapp / Helen Hall
Ray Bray / Helen Hall
Comm. Asst.: Dan Forster / Helen Hall
Eva and Katie Strohm
Lois Roberts / Hilda Williamson
Daphne Bray / Linda Samland
Pentecost 22
The Anglican Church of
St. James and St. George
The Diocese of Kootenay
November 9, 2014
The Most Rev. John Privett - Bishop
Living Faith - Proclaiming Christ
Growing Churches - Empowering Mission
Watch and be ready,
for you do not know on what day
your Lord is coming.
Matthew 24.42, 44
Daily Bible Readings
Nov. 10
Nov. 11
Nov. 12
Nov. 13
Nov. 14
Nov. 15
Nov. 16
Zechariah 9.1-17
Isaiah 11.1-16
1 Thessalonians 5.1-11
Judges 4.1-16
Matthew 25.14-30
Psalm 122.1– 23.4
Psalm 128.1-6
Our thanks this week to:
Worship Schedule
Nov. 16
Nov. 23
Nov. 30
Dec. 7
Dec. 14
Dec. 21
St. George and St. James: HE
Bishop James Cowan
St. George: MP—Wilf Fournier
St James: MP-Maureen Karran
Advent 1—Year B
St. George: MP—Wilf Fournier
St James: MP-Helen Hall
St. George and St. James: HE
Bishop James Cowan
St. George and St. James: HE
Lessons and Carols
St. George and St. James: HE
Bishop James Cowan
Parish Office Box 21
Armstrong, BC V0E 1B0
1st. Reading: Sheila Forster / Ed Cummings
2nd Reading: Lottie Knapp / Eryn Kados
St. George, Enderby, 9:30 am
St. James, Armstrong, 11:00 am
Sandy Fournier / Maureen Karran
Incumbent: The Rt. Rev. J. Cowan
L. Vancoughnett/ B. Stratford
Eryn Kados
Daphne Bray / Linda Samland
Lois Roberts / Betty Stratford
Maureen Karran 250-546-3622
Laura Courtemanche 250-838-7790
Ken Chapman 250-546-6937
Sheila Forster 250-838-6721
Comm. Asst.: Dan Forster / Katie Strohm
Armstrong-Enderby Parish
November 9, 2014
Service of Holy Eucharist
Gathering of the Community …………... BAS p. 185
Processional Hymn
Common Praise 5
Parish Music Book 81
Collect of the Day
Eternal God,
who caused all holy scriptures
to be written for our learning,
grant us so to hear them,
read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest them,
that we may embrace and ever hold fast
the blessed hope of everlasting life,
which you have given us
in our Saviour Jesus Christ,
who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever. Amen
Proclamation of the Word
1st Reading:
Joshua 24. 1-3a, 14-25 OT p. 215
78. 1-7 ……………..…
p. 806
2nd Reading
1 Thessalonians 4. 13-18 NT p. 204
Gradual Hymn
CP 455
Matthew 25. 1-13
NT p. 28
Creed (said)
p. 189
Prayers of the People
Confession ………………………………………. p. 191
The Peace
Celebration of the Eucharist
Offertory Hymn
CP 354
Prayer over the gifts
Gracious God,
your word to us is food indeed.
Receive all we offer you this day,
and let your loving-kindness be our comfort,
for the sake of Jesus Christ, your living Word.
Eucharistic Prayer
CP 719
Lord’s Prayer ..……………………..…...……... p. 211
CP 504
Prayer after Communion
Living God,
in the eucharist you fill us with new hope.
May the power of your love,
which we have known in word and sacrament,
continue your saving work among us,
and bring us to the joy you promise.
We ask this in the name of Jesus Christ our
Lord. Amen
Doxology ……………..………………………….. p. 214
Closing Hymn
CP 659
Dismissal …………………………….................... p. 215
Thought for the Day
There is a wonderful mythical law of nature that the
three things we crave most in life -- happiness, freedom, and peace of mind -- are always attained by
giving them to someone else.
- Peyton Conway March
In Our Prayers:
God of love and liberty, we bring our thanks today
for the peace and security we enjoy, we remember those in our armed forces who faithfully have
served and now serve their country. We pray for
their families, and for ourselves whose way of life
was won at such a cost. Make us a people zealous for peace, and hasten that day when nation
shall not lift up sword against nation neither learn
war any more. This we pray in the name of the
one who gave his life for the sake of the world:
Jesus Christ, our Redeemer. Amen.
In the Diocese of Kootenay we pray for John
Privett: Archbishop of Kootenay; St. Paul's, Golden;
Kootenay School of Ministry; EfM Canada: Cathie
Hall, Director; Robin Graves, Administrator; Gale
Quesnelle, Diocesan Co-ordinator.
In the World Wide Anglican Communion we pray
for Bermuda The Rt Revd Nicholas Dill.
ACC: The faculty, students, and staff of the Vancouver School of Theology.
ELCIC: The faculty, students, and staff of Waterloo
Lutheran Seminary.
ACIP: Pray for the congregation of St. Michael and
all Angels, in the Diocese of Edmonton, the Rev.
Stephen London, and the ministry of all its members. Amen
Prayers for the sick: We give thanks for the many
ways in which we are returned to health and
strength in Christ's name. Today, we remember in
our prayers: Eleanor, Elinor, Evan, Doreen, Nancy,
Gerrie, Anthony and Pauline, Dorothy, Faith,
Rhianna, Marie, Lois and Alex. We give thanks for
the safe delivery of a baby girl to Anthony and
Pauline. We pray for all who are sorrowful in body,
mind or spirit, may they know of God's love for
them in their difficulties and loss. Amen
In our parish we pray for our Incumbent James
Cowan; and In our parish we pray for lay people
who lead worship and preach: Wilf Fournier,
Helen Hall, Laura Courtemanche, Maureen Karran and Betty Stratford. May God grant them wisdom and grace in their ministry. Amen
We pray: God of captives and pilgrims, you
brought your people home from despair and
gave them a land of freedom and plenty. Look in
mercy on us your servants, deliver us from the
prison of selfishness and sin, and bring us home to
justice, sharing, and compassion, the realm you
promised all the world in Jesus Christ the Savior.
Nov. 10: Armstrong-Enderby Bible Study, St.
George’s, 1:30 pm. A ride will leave St. James’ at
1:00 pm. All are welcome.
Nov. 22: Meditation Workshop. See notice.
Nov. 22: St. George’s Fall Tea. 1-3 PM at the Enderby Seniors Complex. $5.00 at the door.
Meditation Workshop There will be a workshop on
Nov. 22nd from 9:00 to 3:00 at All Saints Vernon in
the Preschool Building. New to meditation: 9-12.
For those with more experience: 1-3.
For registration or information, please contact
Jane Bourcet at or leave a
message at 250-542-9035. The cost of the workshop is $20 total for full or part day and will include a simple lunch. Please let Jane know if you
wish to share in the meal as numbers are needed
for lunch supplies.
God has called many Canadians to share His love
with children around the world through Operation
Christmas Child -- and He has equipped us "to do
good works, which God prepared in advance for
us to do" (Ephesians 2:10b)
Operation Christmas Child National Collection
Week is Nov. 17 to 23 so it is once again time to
think of this project. Although over 100 million children have joyfully received this gift since 1993
there are still so many children that we could help
put a smile on their faces this
year. Please help once again to
make an effort in giving a shoebox to a child and bring some
joy into their lives. it is time to
begin collecting. The deadline
for our parish will be Sunday,
Nov. 21.
Reminder: for those who are unable to shop for
these boxes, please speak to Betty Stratford. She
and Maureen Karran will be “bulk shopping” and
can fill a box for you.
Seniors’ Drop-In
Seniors' Drop In (55 +) is held every Wednesday 12
noon - 3 p.m. in St. James’ Church Hall. Come
and bring your friends and neighbours for board
games, good conversation and fellowship. Please
also bring a bag lunch. Coffee and tea are provided. For further information, contact Betty at
Please remember to bring donations for our food
bank hampers. All items collected will be blessed
the last Sunday of each month and taken to the
food banks.
Here’s an idea! Buy an Askew’s gift card and
then donate that to the Food Bank.
Garage Sale!
St. George’s and St. James will each be holding a
garage sale in the spring. Please think ahead
and set to one side any item(s) you may have to
donate. Dates to be announced.