Statement on Competition Commission Meeting of 4 November 2014

Statement on Competition Commission Meeting of 4 November 2014
To: All Media
Date: 06 November 2014
1. Key decisions on mergers and acquisitions
1.1 Approved mergers
Metropolitan Health Corporate Proprietary Limited (MH) and CareCross
Health Proprietary Limited
The Commission has recommended to the Competition Tribunal the approval of
a large merger between Metropolitan Health and CareCross Health and two of
CareCross’ subsidiaries, namely, Workerscare and Onecare. In addition
Metropolitan Health will acquire a 51% stake in Occupational Care South Africa
and a 20% stake in Nu care.
Metropolitan Health provides closed and open media scheme administration
services, including administration and management of membership applications
and administration of claims by scheme beneficiaries.
Care Cross and Onecare provide managed healthcare services to medical
schemes who offer the CareCross option to its beneficiaries. Managed care
services include among others; pathology and radiology services, afterhours
and emergency visits, optometry and dental benefits for medical scheme
clients. Workerscare is a wholly-owned subsidiary of CareCross that is used to
market its products.
Post-merger, Metropolitan Health will have sole control over CareCross,
Workers care and Onecare. The Commission found that the proposed
transaction is unlikely to substantially prevent or lessen competition in any of
the relevant markets, and did not raise public interest concerns.
Mergence Africa Property Investment Trust and Redefine Properties
Limited in respect of a portfolio of 6 property letting enterprises
The Commission has approved the intermediate merger between Mergence
and property letting enterprises of Redefine Properties. The properties
comprise of 6 retail centres of which 4 are classified as convenience centres
and the remaining 2 are classified as neighbourhood centres. These properties
are located in suburbs within Soweto and in Hammanskraal. In terms of the
proposed transaction, Mergence will have sole control over the properties
The Commission found that the proposed merger is unlikely to substantially
prevent or lessen competition in the market for the provision of rental space in
convenience centres, and does not raise public interest concerns.
The Commission identified a concern in the existence of exclusivity clauses in
Lease Agreements of 5 of the Target Properties, namely Meadowpoint
Shopping Centre, Proteapoint Shopping Centre, Dopsonpoint Shopping Centre,
Pimville Square Shopping Centre and Kubube Shopping Centre. The Lease
Agreements are between Redefine and the respective anchor tenants, namely,
Shoprite and PnP.
The Commission is of the view that the exclusivity clauses have the effect of
precluding small businesses and competitors of the anchor tenants, as it is
unlikely that the anchor tenants will give permission to lease space to its
competitors. In order to alleviate the concerns, the Commission approves the
proposed transaction subject to the condition that the merging parties
undertake to use reasonable commercial endeavours to negotiate with their
anchor tenants, in utmost good faith within sixty (60) days of the Commission’s
decision, to remove the exclusivity clauses contained in the respective Lease
Approval of the proposed purchaser of the Arkema Resins business in
the Ferro/ Arkema Resins merger
The Commission Meeting has approved Atlin Chemicals as the purchaser of
the Arkema Resins (Pty) Ltd business as envisaged by the Conditions imposed
by the Competition Tribunal in its order upon approval of this merger. On 4
August 2014, the Tribunal approved the Ferro/ Arkema Resins merger subject
to a certain divestiture condition. After evaluating the information submitted, the
Commission is satisfied that Atlin meets the criteria specified in the Tribunal
order for a suitable purchaser of the divested Arkema Resins Business. The
Commission recommended that Atlin be approved as the purchaser of the
Business subject to Ferro filing a statement of accuracy under oath as provided
in the Conditions.
In terms of the conditions, and once the sale agreement has been concluded
between the parties, the transaction must be notified to the Commission.
Proposed merger between Second Chapter Investments Proprietary
Limited and Lodestone Brands Proprietary Limited
Commission has approved the intermediate merger between Second Chapter
Investments (SCI) and Lodestone Brands (Pty) Ltd. SCI does not control any
firm, however, it holds a 21,10% non-controlling interest in Lodestone.
Lodestone is active in the categories of confectionery, specifically sugar
confectionery, non-alcoholic beverages and baby care. The Commission
considered the activities of the merging parties and found that the acquiring
group does not have investments in firms that are active in the categories of
confectionery, specifically sugar confectionery, non-alcoholic beverages and
baby care. The Commission found that the proposed transaction is unlikely to
substantially prevent or lessen competition, as there is no overlap in the
activities of the merging entities, and does not raise any public interest
Proposed merger between Devoscope, Devowize and Pilovert and
Mediclinic Kathu Hospital, Ferro-Chem Pharmacy and immovable
Property Erf 1427 Kathu
The Commission has approved a small merger involving three “Acquiring
Firms,” namely, Devoscope (Pty) Ltd (Devoscope), Devowize (Pty) Ltd
(Devowize) and Pilovert (Pty) Ltd (Pilovert). The “Target Firms” comprise of a
private hospital business operating as Mediclinic Kathu Hospital (Kathu
Hospital), a pharmacy business operating as Ferro-Chem Pharmacy (Ferro
Pharmacy) and an immovable property (Target Property) on which the Kathu
Hospital and the Ferro Pharmacy operate.
The Target Firms comprises of a hospital business that provides healthcare
services, a pharmacy that provides pharmaceutical retail services and the
property in which the hospital and pharmacy are situated. The Acquiring Group
comprises of firms that own a vacant land (zoned for residential property), office
property, a golf estate, a commercial development land, a farm and mining
operations. There is no overlap in the activities of the merging parties, as the
Acquiring Group does not provide services which are substitutable to those
provided by the Target Firms.
The Commission found that the proposed transaction is unlikely to substantially
prevent or lessen competition, as there is no product overlap in the activities of
the merging parties, and does not raise any public interest concerns.
Proposed intermediate merger between Ntinga Investment Trust and
Calulo Investments Proprietary Limited
The proposed transaction is divided into two legs.
Leg one: In terms of the Share Buy-Back Agreement, 376 (25.75%) ordinary
shares held by Investec in Calulo will be bought back by Calulo. This means
Investec will not hold any interest in Calulo. Post the Share Buy-back, Calulo
will be jointly controlled by the Ntinga Trust, Riverdeep, the Nozala Trust and
Leg two: In terms of the Re-allocation of Shares Agreement, the Ntinga Trust
intends to increase its shareholding in Calulo from 47.67% to 64.21% and as
such, the Ntinga Trust will own more than half of the issued share capital in
Calulo. Post implementation of the proposed transaction, the Ntinga Trust by
virtue of majority shareholding will control Calulo.
The Commission considered the activities of the merging parties and found that
there is a horizontal overlap insofar as the Ntinga Trust had joint control in
Calulo pre-merger. However, this overlap does not change the structure of any
market as there will be no accretion in market share. Therefore, the
Commission is of the view that the proposed transaction is unlikely to
substantially prevent or lessen competition in any market, and does not raise
any public interest concerns.
1.2 Termination of conditions
The Commission has considered and approved the following cases for
termination of conditions:
Merger between Clover Juice S.A. (Pty) Ltd and Real Juice Company
Holdings (Pty)
In approving the merger between the parties, the Commission had earlier
imposed conditions on public interest issues. Upon examining the information
subsequently received from the parties regarding compliance to these
conditions, the Commission is satisfied that the merged entity has complied
with the conditions in that no retrenchments occurred as a result of the merger
and the distribution agreements with the Independent Distributors were
Merger between SCAW SA (Pty) Ltd and Ozz Industries (Pty) Ltd
In approving the merger between the parties, the Commission had earlier
imposed a condition that the merging parties should not increase their prices of
grinding media (high chrome or standard grinding cylpebs or eclipsoids
products) in a disproportionate manner and required Scaw to use the actual
ferrochrome, ferromanganese and ferrosilicon price adjustments received from
their suppliers in its calculation of its pricing.
Upon examining the information subsequently received from the merging
parties regarding compliance with that condition, the Commission is satisfied
that the merged entity has complied with the condition.
Termination of conditions imposed in the merger between Eveready (pty)
ltd and House of York
The meeting noted the compliance with the conditions imposed in the merger of
Eveready (Pty) Ltd and House of York (Pty) Ltd. The purpose of the conditions
was to ensure that the merged entity provided a training fund for the affected
employees to ameliorate the harm suffered by the affected employees, through
training and skilling them.
The reports submitted by the merging parties and the Commission’s
engagement with CEPPWAWU and the merging parties indicate that the
affected employees who were interested in being trained were afforded the
necessary funding by the merging parties and in fact proceeded to procure the
training. Upon examining the information subsequently received from the
merging parties, the Commission is satisfied that the merged entity has
complied with the conditions.
2. New complaints
Philip Mabona Enterprises vs.
Growthpoint and Matthew McCormick
The Commission has received a complaint from an advertising company based in
the East Rand (Ekurhuleni). The complainant buys exhibition space within the
shopping malls with the aim of erecting indoor digital advertising billboards. It
alleges that it was denied such due to the fact that there is an agreement between
Primedia and Growthpoint in terms of which any available space within the
premises of Growthpoint is solely reserved for Primedia.
The complainant alleges that a company like Pick n Pay applied for the space and
were told that every retail space at the mall was only reserved for Shoprite Group.
It alleges that by not allowing other companies to advertise, the conduct of the
respondents prevents competition in the market for advertising space. The
Commission is investigating the complaint.
Mantellis Biscuit Factory vs. Air Chefs (subsidiary of SAA); Snackworks
(subsidiary of Anglo Vaal Industries and Ciro (another subsidiary of Anglo
Vaal Industries)
In this new complaint, the complainant (Mantellis Biscuit Factory) alleges anticompetitive behaviour against Air Chefs (SAA’s wholly owned subsidiary) and AVI
(and its subsidiaries Snackworks and Ciro). The complainant is involved in the
business of inflight catering. It alleges that the Respondents are preventing it from
supplying SAA in terms of a tender awarded early February 2014. The
Commission is investigating the complaint.
2.1 Finalised Complaints
Mr Karl Upshon vs. Fleetwood Café
The Commission has decided to non-refer a complaint by Mr Karl Upshon in
the matter concerning Fleetwood. The complainant alleged that the respondent
exploits his (the complainant’s) employees by charging exorbitant prices for
certain items of food. The Commission found that within a 3km radius of the
respondent’s shop there are three independent general dealers providing
services similar to the complainant and 18 supermarket chains. It was
therefore found that the respondent is unlikely to be able to raise their prices
without encountering competition from the alternative stores.
3. Announcements
The Commission noted the satisfactory number of submissions received on both
the market inquiries into the private healthcare and Liquefied Petroleum Gas
sectors. The call for submission for both inquires closed on Friday, 31 October
2014. The teams will now assess the submissions and publish non confidential
information on the website.
For more information:
Mava Scott, Spokesperson
012 394 3527/ 076 095 2350/
Themba Mathebula, External Communication Coordinator
012 394 3325/ 084 896 0860/