“My Madeira” Madeira City Schools’ Ninth Annual Holiday Greeting Card Art Contest Three students will be chosen to have their art work featured on our district’s holiday greeting cards! Madeira students are invited to enter the contest by creating one (1) original color artwork to be considered for the Madeira City School Board District’s holiday greeting cards. Three winners will be chosen; one from Madeira Elementary School, one from Madeira Middle School, and one from Madeira High School. Using each of the three winning entries, an assortment of the cards will be printed to be sent out by the school board. Winners will receive twelve (12) holiday cards featuring their individual artwork when they are recognized at the December 15 school board meeting. To enter, illustrate YOUR story about Madeira Schools; the best part of your day, your favorite subject or school activity, a picture of you and your teacher or friends - show why Madeira is special to you! • The words “My Madeira” must be included in the design. The students’ name, grade and description will be printed on the back of the winning card(s) and should NOT be in the design. • Only one entry per student. • Art work will be 4.25” x 5.5” (horizontal or vertical) when printed and entries must be no larger than 8.5” x 11”. • Contest is limited to current Madeira City School District students only and is strictly voluntary. • All properly labeled entries will be returned to the student artists. • All entries must include the Parental Permission Form (below). Please submit student art work with this form by 4 pm Monday, December 1, 2014 to 7465 Loannes Drive, Madeira OH 45243. Artwork may also be dropped off at the same address. Entries sent to individual schools may not be considered for judging. Parental Permission Form This form must be completed, signed and attached to the entry. ____________________________________________ Student’s Name (printed) _________________________________ Home Address _____ Age _____ MES School (check one): MHS MMS __________________________________ Grade Home Phone Student’s brief explanation of their “My Madeira” story: _______________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ I give my permission for Madeira City Schools to reproduce my child’s artwork for the 2014 Holiday Greeting Cards and in contest publicity. ____________________________________ Parent’s Name (printed) __________________________________________ Parent’s Signature (must be signed) _____________________________ Date Please contact Diane Nichols at dnichols@madeiracityschools.org or 924-3707 with any questions. Thank you! My Mad eira
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