Big Red News (November 2014) We are Strong - We are Proud - We are Big Red The purpose of this email is to share information regarding Steubenville High School. It is a monthly newsletter featuring Big Red news and current events. FACTA NON VERBA What's Happening in November! Message from the Principal Sadie Hawkins Dance - Saturday, Nov. 1st - SHS Commons, 8:00 p.m. 11:00 p.m.; Country style attire encouraged, Admission Cost $5.00 per student, SHS Students only. Permission slip (Sadie Hawkins) Daylight Savings Time (Fall Back) - Sunday, Nov 2nd., Remember to set your clocks back one hour. SHS Open House -Tuesday, Nov. 4th., 5:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. We invite you to attend. Fall Sports Banquet - Wednesday, Nov 12th, 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. SHS Commons. SHS Blood Drive - Thursday, Nov. 6th, 8:00 a.m. - 1:30 p.m., New Gym; Give the gift of life. Make-Up Picture Day - Thursday, Nov. 6th, SHS Diner, 8:00 a.m.-11:00 a.m. No School - Friday, Nov. 7th., Parent Teacher Conference Day. Special Olympics - Satuday, Nov. 8th., 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon, School of Bright Promise Swim Meet. The Valley's Got Talent 2014 - Sunday, Nov. 9th., 6:00 p.m., SHS Auditorium. Election Day- Tuesday, Nov 4th. Get Out And Make Your Mark! Veterans Day- Tuesday, Nov 11th. quote by Dan Lipinski; Greetings Parents and Families of Steubenville High School, It is hard to imagine that November is already here and the 1st quarter is about to close. The school year is passing by quickly. We are starting a tutoring program in the school. It's called the Big Red S.T.A.R. (Student Tutoring and Resource) Program. We are hopeful that the STAR program will benefit those students in need of intervention. Also coming, November 4th is our Open House from 5pm - 8pm. I want to remind families that these conferences are a powerful tool in better understanding the needs and strengths of your daughter/son. The more parents choose to participate in these discussions, the more knowledge you will gain. Please feel free to bring a list On this Veterans Day, let us remember the service of our veterans, and let us renew our national promise to fulfill our sacred obligations to our veterans and their families who have sacrificed so much so that we can live free. OVAC All Star Volleyball - Sunday, Nov. 16th, 12:00 noon - 3:00 p.m., SHS New Gym. JVS Sophomore Visit- Wednesday, Nov. 19th., for any sophomore interested in attending the JVS next school year. Big Red Boys Basketball (scrimmage) - vs. Meadowbrook, Saturday, Nov. 22nd., New Gym. Thanksgiving Vacation - No school, Wed., Nov 26th - Fri., Nov. 28th. School will resume Monday, December 1st. Enjoy! Big Red Boys Basketball (scrimmage) - vs. Indian Valley/Southern, Saturday, Nov. 29th. 10:00 a.m., New Gym. Visit our website, for additional information regarding news and events happening at Steubenville High School. OHSAA Leadership Conference of questions that you may have regarding your daughter/son or the academic program that is being offered in your child's classroom. Write down any questions that you have. Your child's teacher wants you to become more informed about their education and what you can do at home to help continue their academic success. In order to continue our great start here at school, it is important for our students to be constantly motivated and to work hard throughout the school year. Please check with your child daily on homework assignments and be sure to follow up on Progress Book to verify assignment completion. A student prepared for class each day has an excellent chance for high achievement in the classroom. I would also like to encourage parents, guardians and family members to attend as many student-related functions as possible in order to show your support towards your daughter or son. If you would like to contact me, my e-mail address is can also reach me by phone at Steubenville High School, (740) 282-9741. Quick Links SCS District Website These students attended the OHSAA Leadership Conference in Columbus; Anthony Zorne Kennedy DiMarzio Haley Stamps Tariq Wilson Congratulations!!! Congratulations to 2014 Big Red graduate, Dominic DiCarlo. He has been accepted as a member of the Ohio State University Men's Glee Club. Sport Schedules SHS Activity Calender STEUBENVILLE CITY SCHOOLS MISSION STATEMENT To educate, motivate and inspire all students to achieve excellence, personal growth and social responsibility. VISION STATEMENT Transforming lives by inspiring every student in every classroom every day. The Valley's Got Talent Contest! MOTTO Educate, Motivate, Inspire The Red Zone School Store The Red Zone School Store, has been brought back to life. Sunday Night Nov. 9th 6:00 PM Big Red HS Auditorium Admission: Free (all ages are welcome to attend) $1000 Prize Money Will Be Awarded General Rules Ages: 10-23 (bands/choirs/soloists can have people over age 23 accompanying/backing the vocalists/musicians but only the vocalists/musicians ages 10-23 will be judged in the competition) Residence: Contestants must live within 40 miles of Steubenville OH. Categories: Bands/Vocal Groups, Choirs, Soloists, Miscellaneous (non-vocal) talent Deadline: Songs must be submitted via YouTube, CD, e-mail link, video or audio tape and received by November 1st. The songs/performance must be Christian/Inspirational in terms of its content and be five minutes or less. Contestants/acts chosen to perform will be informed on or before Nov. 4th. Only twenty acts total (five per category) will be chosen to perform at the "Valley's Got Talent" Night at the Steubenville High School Auditorium on Nov.9th at 6:00 PM Send Entries to: or Bobbyjon Bauman 1706 Oregon Ave. Steubenville, OH. 43952. Grand Prize Winner: (Best Overall Regardless of Category) $500 First Place In Each Category: $100 Opened in 2005 and 2006 is now back open and is your one stop shop for all of your spirit needs! Whether you're looking for a shirt for a sporting event or a gift, you will find everything you need at the Red Zone Store! Do all your shopping on-line to support our students who run the store on a daily basis. The Red Zone School Store Second Place In Each Category: $25 Judges Abby Andresen - Drama & Music Teacher at Harding Middle School Albert Macre - Steubenville High School Assistant Band Director Rick Hicks - Steubenville High School Band Director First Lady Charlene Dawkins - Gospel Singer/Music Instructor Greater Zion Temple Church Dani Carroll - Edison High School Choir Director Go to or call 740-264-5309 for more details or to sign up to compete Sponsored by the Valley Youth Workers Network Forward this email This email was sent to by | Update Profile/Email Address | Rapid removal with SafeUnsubscribe™ | Privacy Policy. SCS Foundation | 1400 West Adams Street | Steubenville | OH | 43952 Big$Red$News$(October$2014) We are Strong - We are Proud - We are Big Red The purpose of this email is to share information regarding Steubenville High School. It is a monthly newsletter featuring Big Red news and current events. FACTA NON VERBA Homecoming Court 2014 Message from)the Principal Bottom Row-Marlee McHugh, Isabella Biasi, Alyssa Potenzini Top Row-Ashlee Taylor, Natori Wicker, Amanda Nodianos, Melissa Magyer. What's Happening in October! HOMECOMING)DANCE!"!Fri.,!Oct.!3,!2014,!8:00!pm!"11:00!pm,!SHS Commons,!D.J.,!Casual!Dress,!Tickets!are!$!5.00!in!advance!or!$10.00 at!the!door. !!! CLOSE.UP)PASTA)DINNER"!Support!this!event!during!the!following home!football!games;!Fri.,!Oct.!17th,!Fri.,!Oct!24th,!&!Fri.,!Oct.!31st, 4:30!pm"6:30!pm!HMS!Cafeteria! ! OVAC)Annual)Showcase)of)Bands"!Oct.!18th!&!Sun.,!Oct.!19th!at Martins!Ferry!High!School !! Honor)America)Assembly"!This!year's!theme,!"Women!in!the Military",!Guest!Speaker,!SHS!Alumni,!Lieutenant!Junior!Grade!Amy N.!Hockenberry,!of!the!U.S.!Coast!Guard,!Fri.,!Oct!24th,)10:00!a.m., SHS!Auditorium ) Begin)2nd)9)Weeks!"!Monday,!October!27th. ) Varsity)Show!"!Come!and!enjoy!an!evening!with!the!Big!Red!Band Greetings!Parents!and Families!of!Steubenville!High School, ! I!can't!believe!that!September is!almost!over!already.!!We just!finished!the!mid!term point!of!the!first!9!weeks.!The school!year!is!going!well. ! The!first!phase!of!the!STEM program!is!under!way.!!We have!over!200!students working!in!the!program.!!We are!excited!about!the opportunity!for!our!students to!have!so!many!choices!in coursework!and!programs. ! We!have!many!activities happening!in!October,!starting with!the!Homecoming!tailgate and!parade.!!Please!come!out and!support!these!programs. ! If!you!would!like!to!contact me,!my!e"mail!address!is! can!also!reach!me!by!phone!at Steubenville!High!School, (740)!282"9741. Quick Links SCS District Website Sport Schedules SHS Activity Calender STEUBENVILLE)CITY SCHOOLS MISSION)STATEMENT To!educate,!motivate and!inspire!all students!to!achieve "The!Best!Band!in!Buckeye!Land"!7:00!p.m.,!Wed.,!Oct.!29th!&!Thurs., Oct!30th,!SHS!Auditorium ) OGT's!"!For!any!junior!or!senior!needing!to!pass!the!required!Ohio Graduation!Tests,!Mon.!Oct.!27th!thru!Fri.,!Nov.!7th,!beginning!at!8:00 a.m.!each!morning. ) Urban)Mission)Food)Drive"!September!2014,!Urban!Mission!Food Drive!was!once!again!a!success.!Thank!you!to!all!SHS!students!who contributed! Visit our website, for additional information regarding news and events happening at Steubenville High School Homecoming Events 2014 excellence,!personal growth!and!social responsibility. ! VISION)STATEMENT Transforming!lives!by inspiring!every!student in!every!classroom every!day. ! MOTTO Educate,!Motivate, Inspire The Red Zone School Store We are again going to have a tailgate an Parade for this year's homecoming! The tailgate is going to start at 4 pm at South West Hollywood Plaza and next to Scaffidi's. The Big Red Band will be performing starting at 5 pm. The parade will start at 6pm and travel on Sunset Blvd. to the top parking entrance at Harding Stadium. This year we are having floats from each of our elementary schools Please come and support our schools and the Homecoming Candidates. Urban Mission Annual Coat Give-a-way Each year the Urban Mission hosts a free Coat give-a-way. We are asking for clean, gently used coats that may be given to someone in need. Bring coats you no longer need to Steubenville High School! The last day to donate will be Friday October 14, 2014 The Annual Coat Give-A-Way will be held: October 20, 21, 22 Urban Mission Warehouse 311 North 6th Street, Steubenville, Time: 9:00 am to 12:00 pm 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm Thank you for recycling your winter coats to help others! Honor America Assmebly (Amy Hockenberry) Welcome Honor America Guest Speaker SHS Graduate - Class of 1998 - Amy Hockenberry Lieutenant Junior Grade (LTJG) Amy N. Hockenberry joined the Coast Guard in 2006 and is a graduate of Officer Candidate School, (OCS) 1-13 earning her Commission in December 2012 and originally from Steubenville, Ohio. LTJG Hockenberry graduated Coast Guard Basic Training in November 2006, Zulu-174 and received her first set of orders... Read More The Red Zone School Store, has been brought back to life. Opened in 2005 and 2006 is now back open and is your one stop shop for all of your spirit needs! Whether you're looking for a shirt for a sporting event or a gift, you will find everything you need at the Red Zone Store! Do all your shopping on-line to support our students who run the store on a daily basis. The Red Zone School Store BIG RED NEWS (SEPT. 2014) MISSION STATEMENT To educate, motivate and inspire all students to achieve excellence, personal growth and social responsibility. VISION STATEMENT Transforming lives by inspiring every student in every classroom every day. MOTTO Educate, Motivate, Inspire Message from the Principal NO SCHOOL – Monday, September 1, 2014 – LABOR DAY SCHOOL PICTURES – Thursday, September 4, 2014. Students will get packet in homeroom. Greetings Pa rents and Families of Steubenville High School, NEW WEB PAGE – we are excited to introduce our new web page. Go to to check it out. Al though we enjoyed our s ummer break, it is nice to s ee all of the s tudents back at s chool a gain. This yea r we have a very l arge freshman class joining the Bi g Red fa mily. I know I speak for the staff when I say tha t we l ook forward to seeing these students grow a nd mature over the next four years. CLASS OFFICERS – Encourage your child to get involve and be one of the leaders in their class. They have to go to the Main Office for an application. Elections will be held in Homeroom on Friday, September 12. Thi s year we are introducing the new STEM curri cul um. We are excited about this innovative progra m that will benefit our s tudents and community. September 12th will be the official ki ckoff date. Information will be distributed to those fa mi lies of students interested in participating. FACTA NON VERBA with Heart – This means, Deeds Not Words. We are going to continue our mission of doing good deeds for our school and our community. Please support this important endeavor. See page 2 for the list of themes. URBAN MISSION CAN FOOD DRIVE – As part of our FACTA NON VERBA campaign, we are going to have a can food drive from Sept. 1 - Sept. 19 for the food pantry of the Urban Mission. We are asking every kid in the SCS District to get involved. Please bring your cans to your school. The Key Club is also going to collect cans at the football game on September 5 vs. Glen Estes. The tea chers and administration of SHS a re dedicated to preparing our s tudents for graduation a nd beyond. We offer a n a rray of academic progra ms and extra curricular a ctivities to meet many di verse i nterests. Our goal is to create student l eaders who are college a nd career ready. To create wel l rounded indivi duals the s chool realizes that we mus t partner with fa milies. Please do not hesitate to communicate any questions or i nformation with your chi l d’s teacher, other s taff members or the a dministration. We are all here to s upport you a nd your chi l d i n the pursuit of academic success. CLOSE-UP PASTA DINNER - Support this weekly event during all home football games from 4:30pm - 6:30pm in the Harding Middle School Cafeteria. KICK OFF TO STEM - Friday, September 12 (see page 2 for more details) I i nvi te you to visit our website often as it will serve a s a good resource regarding i nformation about news and events happening a t Steubenville High School. BMX ASSEMBLY – All school assembly on September 17 at 1:30 p.m. in the New Gym. ALL SCHOOL ASSEMBLY – Former Major League All Star Darryl Strawberry will share his ups and downs in his life and his baseball career on Monday, September 22 at 1:30 p.m. in the SHS Auditorium. Bes t Wishes, Ted Gorman, Principal 1| Pag e WE ARE STRONG - WE ARE PROUD - WE ARE BIG RED 2014-2015 Facta Non Verba with Heart Deeds Not Words Game Activity Date Game 1 THINK August 28 th Game 2 Food Drive September 5 th Game 3 STEM (Free Community Classes) September 12 th Game 4 Sexual Violence Awareness September 19 th Game 5 We play Away September 26 th Game 6 Breast Cancer (Homecoming) October 3 rd Game 7 Senior Citizen Thank You October 11 th Game 8 Elementary Night – Fitness/Sports October 17 th Game 9 Red Ribbon Week October 24 th Game 10 Collection for Hats/Gloves/Scarfs October 31 st KICK OFF TO STEM - Friday, September 12, 2014 Steubenville City Schools is excited to have you join us for our 2014 Kickoff to STEM event on Friday, Septembe r 12, 2014. The event will begin at 9:00 am in the Diner of Steubenville High School. We will have a full day planned including a tour of the Steubenville High School STEM Lab, and Harding Middle School’s four technology labs. Dr. Appu Kuttan, Founder and Chairman of the National Education Foundation (NEF) & Cyber Learning will speak to Steubenville High School and Harding Middle School students on the importance of 21st century skills in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) to close the skills gap and to train one million U.S. jobseekers. 2| Pag e WE ARE STRONG - WE ARE PROUD - WE ARE BIG RED Big Red News (August 2014) We are Strong - We are Proud - We are Big Red The purpose of this newsletter is to share information regarding Steubenville High School. It is a monthly newsletter featuring Big Red news and current events. Message from the Principal Greetings Parents and Families of Steubenville High School, My name is Ted Gorman, I'm the new Principal at Steubenville High School. It is my privilege and honor to be named the principal for this upcoming school year. I'm getting ready to start my 22nd year at SHS. I was the assistant principal here for nine years. I am looking forward to an exciting year of learning and growing with our students and working with our professional staff and you, our parents and community members. My main goal is to ensure that every student is provided the highest quality of education possible in a safe and supportive learning environment. Working together as a team with our staff and parents, I am committed to helping each student achieve their very best. Every student is valued and worthy of our best effort. I hope each of you have been enjoying these past few weeks of summer, and now looking forward to a great school year. The year will be busy, exciting, and hopefully very rewarding for each student. If you would like to contact me, my e-‐mail address is can also reach me by phone @ Steubenville High School, (740) 282-‐9741. We want to welcome our new staff for this school year. Mrs. Alede Filtz - Guidance Department In This Issue Message from the Principal New Staff Back to School Rally Freshman Orientation STEUBENVILLE CITY SCHOOLS MISSION STATEMENT To educate, motivate and inspire all students to achieve excellence, personal growth and social responsibility. VISION STATEMENT Transforming lives by inspiring every student in every classroom every day. MOTTO Educate, Motivate, Inspire Quick Links SCS District Website Sport Schedules SHS Activity Calendar Important Dates Mr. Todd Filtz - Weight Training Instructor. Dr. Shana D'Aurora - STEM Director Ms. Katrina Morrow-Science Teacher, coming to us from Harding August 20 -Begin 1st 9 Weeks - 1st Semester Middle School Mr. Brian Pruitt - Guidance Department Mr. Kyle Patrick - Athletic Trainer Back to School Rally BACK TO SCHOOL RALLY - will be on Thursday, August 14th from 11am - 4pm at the Urban Mission. Freshman Orientation We will hold our annual Freshman Orientation on Tuesday, August 12th at 6:00 P.M. in the high school auditorium. Please bring your schedule. Tours will be available. August 20 - Board of Education Meeting (McKinley)
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