Document 413291

Sun 16th Nov
Tues 18th Nov
Wed 19th Nov
27th-29th Nov
Sun 30th Nov
Sun 30th Nov
Young at Heart Lunch, 12.30pm
Biscuit Cooking Marathon in the hall
Women’s Fellowship, 7.30pm
Christmas Tree Festival
Congregational AGM
Sherrin Jackman’s Ordination, 1.30pm (Adel West)
Tea Tree Gully Uniting Church
Sun 16th November, 2014
Reading: Genesis 37: 1 - 28
8.30am: Rev Richard Banham
EB 6pm: Rev Richard Banham
Tea Tree Gully Uniting Church
592-600 Milne Road, Banksia Park, 5091. PO Box 30, St. Agnes SA 5097
Office hours: Mon-Thurs: 10.00 am–3.00 pm Fri: 10.00 am–2.00 pm
Ph. 8396 3252 Fax: (08) 8395 2932
Internet Tithing: Bank details BSB 105:117 Acct. 040804740
0403 972 395 Mon-Thurs. Off Friday
0438 823 677 Mon PM, Tues, Thurs, Sun
Mostyn 0419 822 548 Mon, Thurs & Fri
Mon, Tues
Kerry 0417 606 255
Info Sheet Submit articles by 9am Thurs
Prayer requests
Alida & Richard will process
Roster availability & queries
web-site at
Staff email & office times
Serving Jesus Christ, Serving The Community
A Sneak Peek at Next Week’s Message
Sunday 23rd Nov: Theme: Serve the Lord with Gladness
Reading: Psalm 100
Connect with Soul Food
Given the close connecon between TTG
UC and Soul Food you may be interested
in this special upcoming event...
The Soul Food Community Café (formerly
Soul Food Espresso) is a local café in
Redwood Park which is owned and
operated as a not-for-profit by the Soul
Food Chrisan Community Inc.
The café is all about shining God’s light in
the local community and showing them
the love of Jesus in a welcoming, familyfriendly community space. There are
many people who would never set foot
inside a tradional church building, and
the soul food community have felt called
to go to those people!
Soul Food are organising an aAer-hours
event, ‘Soul Sunday’, where local
believers can come along to see what
they do and meet some of the team.
8.30am: Peter Folland
10.00am: Andrew Kieselbach
EB 6.00pm: Martyn Smith
Our Congregational AGM is being held Sunday 30th Nov.
Nominaons are being sought for members of Church Council.
If you wish to nominate someone, forward their name to the Office. Please
do not contact the person yourself, as this will be done by Church Council
following due-process. Thank you.
Sherrin Jackman’s Ordination
Ordinaon will be on the 30th November (same day as the AGM) at 1.30 pm
at Adelaide West Uni+ng Church. Everyone is welcome.
Young at Heart Lunch TODAY
Our last Young at heart Lunch for this year is Today,
Sunday 16th November at Jan and Rob Partington’s
home,25 Cassia St. Surrey Downs, commencing at
12.30pm. Jan’s Christmas tree will be up and decorated with all her
beautiful hand -crafted decorations.
So why not come along with a plate of food for a shared lunch
and enjoy some fellowship with others of our church family. If you
haven’t been before, we would love to see you at Jan and Rob’s.
Women’s Fellowship
Our next meeng will be on Wednesday 19th November, 7.30pm at the
Church. We’re going to be very busy finishing off all our contribuons for
the Christmas Tree Fesval. Please bring along any donaons for the smallsized baskets we are going to fill. Devoons and supper—Group 3 (Marg
Paech’s) Enq. Helen Sheppard 8264 6202
House Si0er needed from the 20th Nov, please see Sue Anderson
St Lukes Cra5 Fair, Sat 29th Nov, 9am-3pm—50+ cra5 tables
Ride for Faith - Glenelg—Mt Barker, Fri 23rd Jan SUSA
The ladies prayer group would love to fit in with the
needs of the church. Alida and Kelli would love to
know when would best suit you to come along to the ladies prayer
group. Please fill this out, cut on do0ed lines and return to
Alida Kramer’s pigeon hole. Many Thanks
DAY/S AVAILABLE: (Please Write)_____________________________
TIME OF DAY: (Please Circle or Write Time)_____________________
As part of the musical program of Christmas Tree Fesval our
choir is planning to sing some excerpts from the "COLOURS
OF CHRISTMAS" musical we sang a few years ago. There
were numerous people involved in presenng this musical
and we are hoping to retrieve some books that may sll be
outstanding. So, if you have a copy of the book that we could
use, please get it back to Sandra Olafsen or drop it into the church office. It
would be much appreciated. We will also be singing some other music.
P.S. If you would like to join us for the Christmas Tree Fesval choir please
speak to Sandra.
Christmas Tree Festival
It is not long unl 27 November, and many of our Church
Families have been/are busy making things for the craA,
Produce, Garden and Cake Stalls. However, if you have not
been able to make things there is an opportunity to help, by
donang money so that cakes and biscuits can be made.
Valerie Healey is going to make some small Christmas
cakes, assemble gingerbread houses, bake biscuits etc. She is approaching a
small group of helpers to do the cooking, but they will need ingredients. To
enable all items to be of equal quality and standard, a donaon of money
would be most gratefully received.
During the fesval quite a large number of
volunteers will be required. If you have not been
approached, and have an hour or three that you could
help, please see Mostyn.
Thank you. Helen Sheppard, commiKee member
VERSE OF THE WEEK: Be strong and brave! Don’t ever be afraid or
discouraged! I am the Lord your God, and I will be there to help you
wherever you go! Joshua 1:9
Nominations for 2015 Church Council
The following nominaons for role of Elder have been received for prayerful
Mary Manglesdorf 3 years term ending 31/12/2017
Kevin Moodley 1 year term ending 31/12/2015
Lisa Ventrice-Smith 2 year term ending 31/12/2016
Vong will take place at the AGM on Sunday 30th November, aAer the
9:30am combined service.
There will be no ladies prayer meeng in November
and December because in November there will be the
Christmas Tree Fesval and December will be
Christmas, but I pray that on the fourth Thursday of
the month we will come refreshed to seek the Lord
together for the church and all other things that need to be prayed for.
Christmas Tree Festival BAKING & CRAFT
Women’s Fellowship have been collecng coffee jars! Tues 18th
there will be a biscuit cooking marathon all day hoping to fill
them. Also finishing some craA items. If anyone has craA
arcles they have made for the fesval please bring them on that day or to
church on a Sunday! Val Healey Coordinator, CraA Stall
Christmas Tree Festival
27th—29th Nov
An opportunity for us all to show our hidden talents.
Create a tree on the theme
“Christ For All Nations” with your study group.
or make some craft items for sale.
Pray for the festival, that it will have the desired effect
of presenting Christ to the community & muchneeded fund-raising for our CPSW’s.
An event of combined-churches in the TTG area.
Book Reviews
‘Dateline Jerusalem’ by Chris Mitchell
The Author is Jerusalem Bureau Chief for CBN news and has been
living there since 2000. He has first- hand accounts of events
unfolding in the Middle East. It is a fascinang, but disturbing and
somemes surprising book. It was wriKen in 2013 (Current Issues)
‘In God they trust?’ The religious beliefs of Australia’s Prime
Ministers 1901 –2013 by Roy Williams
Roy Williams examines the spiritual life of each of our Prime
Ministers and explores the ways their beliefs shaped the history
of the naon. It is easy to read and provides interesng
background not oAen reported (Biography)
In the Library Now
Christmas Tree Festival FITNESS PROGRAM !!
No Charge or contracts, Nothing to store under the bed
Just collect some flyers from the foyer, mark your area
off on the map and deliver flyers to local letterboxes.
Easy-As !!
Knitted Toys Fundraiser
Judy Sturrock has been knitting toys in order to raise money for our Sudanese students. Toys will be on display in
the foyer this Sunday and next, priced at $10 and under.
She is also happy to take orders if you can no longer see
the toy you want!
Kidz Biz Snack Supplies:
Our Kidz Biz cupboard is looking a little bare!
Donations of biscuits; shapes, tiny teddies or other
bickies would be much appreciated, especially by the
Kidz! Thank you!
Christmas Carols Practices @ Tea Tree Gully Uniting
All Musicians and singers welcome to join with Banksia
students in celebrating Christmas.
Wednesday November 19th from 4pm-5.30pm
Wednesday December 3rd from 4pm to 6pm
Nursing Home Services for November and December
Italian Village
Monday November 17th 2.00pm
Leader: Raelene WaKs
Music: Barbara Turner
Monday December 15th 2.00pm
Leader: Raelene WaKs
Music: Sandra Olafsen
New team members welcome.
Sunday November 23rd 10.30am
(Please note a change of date to avoid the AGM)
Leader: Bill Alexander
Music: Carolyn Oors
Sunday December 14th 10.30am
Leader: Raelene WaKs
Music: Sue Pryzibilla
With the end of the year approaching, and as we are looking forward to further
ministry at the Nursing Homes, I ask that you prayerfully consider becoming a part
of this ministry. It only involves making the hour available to support others in the
team, and to give love and encouragement to the residents. If you find you would
like to become more involved at a later date, just ask!
Contact Raelene (8263 2042) if you want any more informaon regarding our
Nursing Home Ministry
Pastoral Care: Any pastoral care issues arising during Mary's absence
(4 - 16 Nov) should be directed to the office to be passed on to a member
of the Pastoral Care team.