OUR CHURCH PASTOR: Eddie Fulford Sunday School Schedule OUR WORSHIP MINISTRY STAFF: Children & Youth Sunday School Classes at 9:30 AM Lay Assistant to Pastor: Debbie Wright Financial Secretary: Malinda Claffey Music Director: Cory Stroup Pianist: Cindi Rankin Youth Leader: Travis Peebles Admin. Assistant: Sharon Gane Secretary: Carolyn Guenthner Organist: Joyce Gabel Facilities Manager: John Jones Media Room: Rachelle Small This Week at Dunnellon First United Methodist TODAY 3:00 pm: Dunnellon Chorale—Presbyterian Church 6:00 pm: Church Visionary Mee ng—Pastor’s Office Mon.—Nov. 10, 2014 10:00 AM 12:30 PM 2:00 PM 4:30 PM 6:00 PM 6:30 PM Stephen Ministers—Behind Sanctuary Quilters—Friendship Hall (FH) Church Visionary Meeng—Pastor’s Office Bell Choir Rehearsal—Sanctuary Stephen Ministers—Behind Sanctuary Boy Scouts—FH/Cub Scouts—Educ. Bldg. VETERAN’S DAY—REMEMBER TO THANK A VETERAN FOR THEIR SERVICE! Tue.— Nov. 11, 2014 10:00 AM Adult Bible Study—FH 12:30 PM “Forget Me Not” Elder Care—FH 6:00 PM Pastor’s Bible Study—Sanctuary 6:30 PM Cub Scouts—Educ. Bldg. 7:00 PM SPRC Mee ng—Behind sanctuary 7:30 PM College Age Bible Study by Lee Whitson and Debbie Wright—Library Wed.—Nov. 12, 2014 12:00 PM AA Meeng—Youth Building 2:00 PM Mission Commi1ee—Educ. Bldg. 3:00 PM Evangelism Commi1ee—Pastor’s Office 3:45 PM “Somebody Cares” Prayer Mission—Chapel 4:00 PM Soulful Singers Rehearsal—Choir Room 5:00 PM “12-Step” Overcomer’s Class—Educ. Bldg. 5:15 PM Dinner—FH 6:00 PM Communion/Worship—Sanctuary “Trouble” 6:00 PM Adam & Eve Circle—Chapel 6:00 PM G.A.P. Class—Educ. Bldg./Youth—Youth Bldg. 7:00 PM Chancel Choir Rehearsal—Sanctuary 7:00 PM Interest Group Classes Preschool; 1st-4th Grade; 5th-6th Grade; (all held in Education Bldg.) Adult Sunday School Class at 9:15 AM & 9:30 AM 9:15 New Class: Fri.—Nov. 14, 2014 Sat.—Nov. 15, 2014 Sun.—Nov. 16, 2014 9:00 AM Ugly Quilts—FH 10:30 AM Worship at Quiet Oaks Facility—Ocala 11:30 PM Pet Blessing—(please see next page) 12:00 PM AA Meeng—Youth Building 2:00 PM Peggy Stacy Memorial Service—Sanctuary Pastor Eddie speaking at all 3 services. Disciple I Class taught by Don Holsipple—Chapel 9:30 “Pairs & Spares” /’Bob Wood, Sr.” classes taught by Barbara Keller in FH Children’s Church at 11 AM (will be released from sanctuary) Taught by Irene Brugh in Education Building Youth Sunday School Classes at 11 AM “Family Matters” classes for children & parents in Friendship Hall Youth taught by Travis Peebles in Youth Building YTD Financial Update as of 11/05/2014 Annual Budget $ 492,703.00 Monthly Budget $ 41,058.59 MTD November Budget Gifts $ 11,545.19 YTD Budget Gifts YTD Budget Expenses $ 413,456.83 $ 437,197.10 “OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD” BOXES ARE IN NARTHEX You are invited to take one or boxes, instructions are included. Boxes must be returned no later than Sunday, Nov. 23. PARTICIPATING IN TODAY’S SERVICE Liturgist: 11:00 Ushers: Thu.—Nov. 13, 2014 11:00 AM Harmony Preschool Chapel—Sanctuary 4:30 PM Cer fied Lay/Ordained Ministers (CLOM) 6:00 PM Square Dancing—FH 6:00 PM Praise Team Rehearsal/Sanctuary/’l 9pm 6:00 PM Stephen Ministry Training—Behind Sanc. November 9, 2014 Marilyn Holsipple 8:00 Joyce & John Marks, Dan Rutkowski, Dick Stroub 9:30 11:00 Dave Weimert and Assistants Howard Carpenter, Ron Dodds, Claire Manning, Pat Martin, Carrol Meredith, Jim Oakes 4th Annual Pet Blessing Saturday, Nov. 15 @ 11:30 By Pastor Eddie under porco. You are invited to bring pet food /treats for local shelters. shelters. First United Methodist Church A Stephen Ministry Congregation Rev. Eddie Fulford, Pastor “Building the Kingdom In Everything We Do” 21501 W. Highway 40 Dunnellon, FL 34431-6322 (352) 489-4026 Website: www.fumc-dunnellon.org E-mail: fumccandle@bellsouth.net 22nd Sunday After Pentecost November 9, 2014 8:00 a.m. COMMUNION WORSHIP SERVICE Prelude Joyce Gabel “Sarabande in F Major” 22nd Sunday After Pentecost 9:30 a.m. PRAISE SERVICE November 9, 2014 Opening Worship Prayer Time at the Altar Recognition of Veterans and Prayer Recognition of Veterans and Prayer Pastor Welcome and Announcements *Hymn of Praise Pastor Welcome and Announcements Offering No. 462 (all verses) “”Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus” Pastor Communion Hymns 177, 347, 378, 381, 393, 415, 473, 480, 530, 599, 640, 389, 140, 171 All gifts left on the altar rail go to the Pastor's Discretionary Fund. Liturgist Matthew 25: 1-13 Meditation “Foolishness” Rev. Eddie Fulford Thank You Moment for Flagpole Project Ryan Rowles (Dedication at Flagpole—10:45 today) *Song of Praise/Benediction ********************************************** INTERCESSIONS: Pat Angiulo, Trish Bannister, Nell Barrett, Marge Morning Prayer and Silent Prayer Liturgist Singing of the Lord's Prayer *Holy Scripture Liturgist Matthew 25: 1-13 Offering Offertory “Living for Jesus” *Doxology and Prayer of Dedication Meditation Soulful Singers Rev. Eddie Fulford “Foolishness” *Hymn of Benediction No. 548 (all verses) “In Christ There Is No East or West” Thank You Moment for Flagpole Project Ryan Rowles (Dedication at Flagpole—10:45 today) *Benediction *Postlude “Cantabile” Joyce Gabel *CONGREGATION PLEASE STAND Hearing devices for the hearing impaired are available from the Ushers. In Honor of Danny & Debbie Simpkins’ 36th Wedding Anniversary Bradley, Bob Breffle, Karen Brown, Don Brummett, Jason Bunce, Don Burch, Rosemarrie Charles, Barry Clayton, Cathy Cochran, Jessica Colgan, Carolyn Combs, Alex Covey, A.B. & Sally Crass, Marie Crum, Tom Cummings, Paul Dungan, Calin Fly, Zack Fox, Thomas Freiheit, John Givens, John Gronda, Edith Harding, Caroline and Victoria Hayes, Linda Holt, the family of Randy Holthusen, Robert Hughes, Gene Hutchinson & family, Ron Kimberly, Mary Ann Lang, Caroline McConnell, Patricia McKinley & family, Isaac McMullin, Jr., Rev. Mike Murphy, Kathy Niblock, Bill Perry, Pam Piper, Audrey Plaza, Kyle Randolph, Gary Ritchey & family, Herbert Rubright, Jr., Lisa Fox Simmons, Don Slaughter, Opal Slaughter, Sylvia Sommers, the family of Peggy Stacy, Kody Stamper & family, Sharon Stewart, Thomas & Elizabeth Tarkenton, Cindy Tyson, Barbara Van Ness, Jean White, Dale Wright, Charlie Wright, Linda Yeatts. Names in Bold Type are New Intercessions. *Praise the Lord HOMEBOUND/REHAB: Sally Ahl, Mary Austin, Irene Belanger, Audrey and Jack Bergstrom, Cecil Boggs, Juanita Buck, Alice Campbell, Jayne & Carl Carlberg, Elaine Carter, Bev Connell, George Duley, Adam French, Bob Holm, Mary Ann Lang, Virginia Lee, Edith Mack, Juanita Mercer, Nick Nickless, Red Skelton, Janet Small, Fred Small, Clarita Spitznogle, Frank Stohler, Isabelle Vollmer, Willie Willis. Attendance for November 2, 2014 8:00 AM— 115 Prelude “Sarabande in F Major” Recognition of Veterans and Prayer Joyce Gabel Pastor Welcome and Announcements Thank You Moment for Flagpole Project *Praise & Worship *Holy Scripture Consecration of the Elements Holy Communion 22nd Sunday After Pentecost November 9, 2014 11:00 a.m. TRADITIONAL SERVICE 9:30 AM— 175 11:00 AM—221 *Call to Worship *Hymn of Praise Ryan Rowles Chancel Choir No. 462 (all verses) “”Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus” *Psalter Psalm 107: 1-9 No. 830 *Apostle’s Creed No. 881 *Gloria Patri (Please focus on the cross) No. 70 (Children are invited to go to the Educ. Bldg. next door for activities) Morning Prayer and Silent Prayer Singing of the Lord's Prayer Liturgist *Holy Scripture Liturgist Matthew 25: 1-13 Offering Offertory Anthem “Home” *Doxology and Prayer of Dedication *Hymn of Preparation Chancel Choir No. 463 (all verses) “Lord, Speak to Me” Meditation Rev. Eddie Fulford “Foolishness” *Hymn of Benediction No. 548 (all verses) “In Christ There Is No East or West” *Benediction *Choral Amen *Postlude “Cantabile” Chancel Choir Joyce Gabel *CONGREGATION PLEASE STAND Hearing devices for the the hearing impaired are available from the Ushers. November Mission Focus: “Annie Johnson Medical Prescription Assistance”
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