Central Queensland Offroad Club Inc. Bulletin 211 November 2014 Inside this issue: Affiliated with Four Wheel Drive Queensland and Australian National Four Wheel Drive Association Note from the Editor ......................... 2 Meeting Report ............................... 3 Membership Spotlight ..................... 4 Trip & Event Calender .................... 5 Trip Ideas ....................................... 6 20 Year Anniversary Pics ................. 7 ‘CQ Offroad Club’ ........................... 10 A Poem by Bob Pacey Camping Families ................................. 12 13 Boasty Bit ! .................................... 14 Spotlight ....................................... 15 Tech & Safety ................................ 16 Advertising Supporters ................... 17 Contacts-- Who’s Who ................... 18 What’s the Difference between AWD and 4WD .. 20 Year Anniversary PARTY A W O RTY N d A An AS P d !! ne M n X a Stay Tuned Pl PICS Central Queensland Offroad Newsletter Submissions *As a general guideline for all wishing to follow and contribute... Stories, For Sale items,.. etc.Submissions for CQ Offroad newsletter close the last day the month. Email Alison on editor@cqoffroad.org.au All submissions are reviewed prior to monthly meeting (Held on the First Tuesday of the Month) any further additions by committee are made and publication occurs to the website www.cqoffroad.org.au by the first Friday of the month. Central Queensland Offroad Newsletter Shall in no way be held responsible for misprints,so please check all details are correct before submission. CQ Offroad also reserves the right to not publish any inappropriate submissions. Note from the Editor Welcome to the November issue it's a brief debrief of the 20 Year Anniversary Party we celebrated, and being almost Christmas time, yes the year has almost driven past, that if you must check your tyre pressure and stretch your legs then do it now, so you are ready to climb aboard for the next lap, as we are turning 21! I have almost wrapped up this 20 year leg through some pictures I and a brand new member collected from the Anniversary night.. the only ones submitted so far..So come on guys, get your pics and stories in for our Christmas Edition. It was a great night and I think everyone had a good time and enjoyed the stories shared and the nostalgia of the pictures that decorated the tables and stage backdrop. Thank you to Karen Westgarth for her marvellous attention to the organisation of the layout for the evening, the ambience was relaxed and easy and well set out. The fabulous festive mood was enhanced by the very talented and funny Bob Pacey. Bob is A bush poet who you can employ for a wonderful addition to any event. His poems are like long winded jokes that can be totally related to by most people. Thank you Bob for the unexpected humour you are highly recommended! Bob has produced a book, ‘Bullshit, Bulldust and Bob’, and copies can be ordered or his services booked, by contacting him directly on 07 4939 8168, or writing to him at 31 Ivey Street West, Yeppoon, Qld 4703. The night also had the sophisticated musical entertainment from one of the coasts most talented and experienced bands the ‘Aristokatz’ This 3 piece Act masterfully plays songs from Johnny Cash to Johnny Diesel and are a guaranteed reliably wonderful inclusion for a night of entertainment with a sound that is beautifully spot on! Again they can be booked by calling Damian Clark on 0488 081 235. Yes we were all spoilt by the evening. Happy Birthday to us! Please send in photos and stories members as the newsletter will be a bit lean with out them... and with Christmas coming no one likes empty stockings! ps... come to the next meeting and stay tuned as there is a Xmas party brewing it seems! and it's a perfect time to join the club as three cheers for us Our Membership Fees have NOT increased! Ain’t that a first in today’s terrain ! See you then. ed. Page 2 C.Q. OFFROAD CLUB – Meeting Report Remember to A Club is a Group of People who Like the same stuff! With a New Year hurtling toward us at speed it is worth jumping on the brakes to remember why we joined this fun club and what do we exactly gain or want from it? Remember A Club is an association of like minded people who gather to participate in a shared interest or activity. So 4wd touring and camping is what we make it! If we want to go on a trip ... then ‘we’ as an individual must create and go on one. As a club you can ask others who you know like it too, to join you. We have a pool of knowledge and skills to then call on and associate with, alongside our humour.. oh yes and goodwill and Then we then have exactly the club we want! This club is yours so join in and be it! Ask others to join you on your camping and adventuring trips or if you have outdoor activities planned that you want company for. Exploratory drives? yes include others. Afterwards you can then share your tales and send your stories and pics to our new facebook manager Paul or myself, the editor@cqoffroad.org.au, so we can all share the mud together! After all, we are all in this sand-pit together and no one is getting out alive! This is Life I am speaking of. Anyway sharing toys, spades and tears can be a lot more fun when you look back and recall the event after a shower and with a dirt free drink with someone who was actually there! As we all love talking about ourselves and true stories are where the fun really is! This is living .. so join the club, Join Into the club and bring your friends ... the more the messier .. and the funnier ! ed. Relay For Life and Financial Support for the Queensland Cancer Council Our Meeting this month was graced at short notice by Sue Neaton a representative of the Queensland Cancer Council, (QCC). Sue dropped in to explain the many roles and services the council fulfills and offers, and to let us know of upcoming and future ways those people interested in fundraising can continue to help gather donations. Delivering a passionate and informed talk on the ‘Centralised Form of Assistance’ that the QCC, has developed and is noted for, Sue continually attributed this to all the years of community and personal, monetry and time, donations, through events and fundraising such as the notable ‘Relay For Life.’ Here in Rockhampton this event since its inception 13 years ago, has been supported by our very own club ‘The Central Queensland Offroad Club,’ and she thanked us all for this ongoing effort. Armed with figures that Sue uses to bring awareness to the plight of cancer sufferers and their friends and families, we were given valuable information on Exactly how the fundraising we do as a club such as ‘Relay For Life’ directly assists many aspects of those affected by the disease of cancer and the greater community at large such as The ‘No Hat No Play,’ policy for children and the‘No Smoking’ attitude and policy in shared Public spaces and buildings. Counselling Services ph: 131120 and various support groups for the different forms of cancer, eg; prostrate and breast cancer. Assistance with homes and lodging such as the lodge here in Rockhampton, where at the time of the talk, 8 families were housed, each going through their different personal plights with the disease. Over $8 million was raised in the first 5 years of the Queensland Cancer Council being established and education of the community as A whole through promoting No Smoking, less drinking, healthier diets with more fibre and exercise, are benefits We All see the effects of. Currently there is new club called the ‘100 club’ where for a neat $100 you may win naming rights to next years ‘Relay for Life’ being held at the Central Queensland University. A great incentive for businesses and clubs who may be in need of some advertising and are interested in the continued support of the wide and varied benefits of this established and much appreciated centre of assistance, The Queensland Cancer Council. Please call the Centre here in Rockhampton to buy a ticket at 43 Upper Dawson Rd, Allenstown QLD 4700 on (07) 4932 8600. Page 3 Membership Corner We welcome past and present members stories and experiences and of course trips and monthly 4wd awareness days provide tales to tell Text or email pictures and words to 0448 426 733 or editor@cqoffroad.org.au Members Spotlight and Introductions This Month I have Profiled our Deputy President Ulf. I forgot to ask the mandatory questions yet I need not have worried as Ulf Niederwemmer truly discovered this Central Queensland Area through his four wheel driving Adventures! Displaying a fabulous and notable pioneering spirit Ulf shared exactly how that came about.... Ulf I caught the 4wdriving bug in 1998 when I visited Yeppoon as backpacker and discovered 5 Rocks in old rented Land Rover Troopies. Whilst living in Sydney, my wife Solange and I bought our first 4WD, a Mitsubishi L200 and did a fair bit of driving around Nelson Bay and amazing Stockton Beach. After the L200 we had a Pajero 1993 Turbo Diesel, followed by a Prado 120 series D4D five speed auto. We discovered a few great places up and down the coast in those cars but we kept coming back to the great Byfield National Park and 5 Rocks. We acquired our blue Prado 90 series off my wife’s dad, which he bought brand new, so it's a true family car and still going strong. Then last year in June I bought the FJ Cruiser, my first new car, and never looked back. I was involved in organizing two FJ Cruiser summits here in Yeppoon and I eventually found the CQ Offroad Club which i joined last year in October. I very much enjoy the club and it's great members and hope to become a bit more active next year. My FJ and our little Toyota collection Page 4 CQ OFFROAD CLUB TRIP & EVENT CALENDAR TRIP EVENT Working Bee Leydens Hill 3 Car Challenge Clarkeys Lowmead First Aid Course CPR Refresher $50 Full $100 4WD Fun/ Awareness Day Members Only Visitors by Prior Arrangement Last Sunday Monthly DATE Sunday 9th November 2014 MEET TIME & DEPARTURE 7.30am Duckponds Sat 15th Nov. 2014 North Street Annexe 9am - 3-30pm 8am Seeonee Park LEADER/ CONTACT Kev 0488 942 241 Paul 0413 731 341 8am Duckponds November 14th,15th &16th November 2014 Sun 30th REGISTRATION CLOSE RATING N/A 7th Nov 2014 Monies in NOW Paul Ryan 0400 361 216 Kev 0488 942 241 N/A Paul Westgarth 0413 731 341 General Meeting All Welcome Once Monthly Tuesday 2nd December 2014 7.30pm Rockhampton Leagues Club N/A Joy 0412 634 184 Christmas Party Sat 20th- Sun 21st December 2014 Glendale Camping N/A Joy 0412 634 184 Notch Point Take Everything Fri 26th December 2014 - Sun 4th January 2015 Highway Opposite Heritage Village N/A Dean Pearce 0438 122 123 Tuesday 3rd February 2015 7.30pm Rockhampton Leagues Club N/A Joy 0412 634 184 February 2015 Sun 22nd 8am Seeonee Park N/A Paul Westgarth 0413 731 341 Tue 3rd March 2015 7.30pm Rockhampton Leagues Club N/A 2015 General Meeting All Welcome Once Monthly 4WD Fun/ Awareness Day Members Only Visitors by Prior Arrangement Last Sunday Monthly Annual General Meeting Relay For Life Fraser Island Clean Up Sat 16th- Sun 17th May 2015 11am Central Queensland University Sat May 30th,31stJun 1st 2015 Nominations In for New Committee Members 2 weeks Prior N/A Joy 0412 634 184 Paul & Karen Westgarth 0413 731 341 4934 2062 N/A Join the club ... Come to our meetings, follow us on facebook, and read our newsletter for updates. http://www.cqoffroad.org.au/ CQ Offroad Notes: Please Advise our Trip Co-ordinator Paul Westgarth 0413 731 341 For Any Trips to be run under the CQ Offroad Title for Insurance purposes Fun Days 4WD awareness days held last Sunday of each month, are for members ONLY. Visitors are welcome by prior arrangement with the Trip Leader. Page 5 Trip ideas Day Trips Trip Coordinator Paul Westgarth – 0413 731 341 Weekend Trips (2-3days) Longer Trips 5 Rocks Byfield King Solomon Spur Copper Climb Night Run Mystery Trip Kroombit Tops Mt Scoria Lady’s Day Comp at Seeonee Barefoot Bowls Clean Up Australia General Clean-ups Styx River Blackdown Tablelands Canarvon Gorge Cania Gorge Kroombit Tops Kalpower State Forest Frazer Island Deepwater National Park Cap Palmerston Notch Point Country Meetings Goodnight Scrub Salvator Rosa Ka Ka Mundi Eurimbula National Park Mt Moffit Baffle Creek Eungella Cape Hillsborough Isla Gorge Landcruiser Mountain Park Relay For Life Copper Climb / St Lawrence Fraser Island Desert Trips Cape York High Country of Victoria Tasmania Birdsville Races Gemfields Porcupine Gorge Undarra Lava Tubes Kimberley’s Lake Eyre NB. If you have any suggestions or are interested in organising a trip or event, whether it is a 4WD event or just a social day out, please forward your ideas to TRIP COORDINATOR Paul Westgarth tripcoordinator@cqoffroad.org.au http://www.4x4earth.com.au/trackslist.html?state=QLD Page 6 The Central Queensland Offroad Club’s 20 Year Anniversary Celebration After 20 Years of Officially being a Club it seemed appropriate to hold a bit of a gathering and celebrate the 4wdriving and camping in the only fashion that suits..... by camping and 4wdriving . Talking, singing, drinking, eating and generally playing around was for those that chose and know how to relax and have fun a fabulous natural event! Gathering at Seeonee Park the dust was washed away by the younger fun lovers... who in the creek .. fished, swam and made the most of the setting. Others set up tents and campers and assisted with all the odd jobs around the venue whilst beers began to flow and the shadows lengthened. Page 7 The Central Queensland Offroad Club’s 20 Year Anniversary Celebration The pretty setting of Seeonee Park is an enjoyable one, .. and the afternoon light steadily darkened off as showers were had and frocks were donned. Pictures and memories were shared and wonderful place mats of adventures decorated the tables where the food and wine were enjoyed, and as the food was served the first class nights entertainment of Poetry and Live music began. Page 8 The Central Queensland Offroad Club’s 20 Year Anniversary Celebration We were all treated to brilliant Bush Poetry by ‘Bob Pacey,‘ and perfectly played tunes by the band ‘Aristokatz,’ ‘one’ of whom is now a welcomed new edition to this fabulous club..., so Yes!.. the night had something for everyone. Page 9 A Poem For the CQ Offroad Club by Bob Pacey C Q Offroad Club Sometimes it only takes a dream to start and set us on the road and good friends to join together to help to share the load. The dream comes to fruition and though its progress seems so slow from such a solid firm foundation does it flourish build and grow. Such was the case in question way back in Nineteen ninety four When Anthony and Tracy brought their passion to the fore. With Sue and Graeme beside them they set the wheels in motion a club for four wheel drivers a tribute to their devotion. Who would have thought it would become what we see here today everyone has played their part in their own special way. You could not hope to cover all that’s happened through the years but some of the bloody antics would bring grown men to tears. There’s one thing about Australians that everyone should know when Aussies congregate together funny things get on the go. Then throw in a four wheel drive and any model or make will do and ya gonna see some funny sights, yeah mate I’m telling you. Nicknames seem to be the go and most times they really stick so when you drink cooking oil your mates are gonna call you Slick. Oh and most eskies are disposable but losing one can really hurt especially when you squash em flat into the dirt. And Slick, Patrols run best on diesel mate but filling up can be a trick. and a tank full of pure unleaded can stop them like a brick. Some blokes are into electronics to make the trips a breeze But Dave and Go Go Gadget Jeff can put your mind at ease. They have the so many bits and pieces and I don’t want to sound cruel but the extra weight would chew up a tonne of bloody fuel. But all the gadgets in the world won’t help Jeff when get your Nissan stuck and it takes a dammed Landcruiser to pull you from the muck. Page 10 cont. A Poem For the CQ Offroad Club by Bob Pacey When you go camping in the country way out back of Burke ya gotta be prepared mate and cover every quirk. So get yourself a duplicate of everything that you may crave or just go and get a loan of one from old mate Double Dave. Some blokes attract real trouble and Grant is living proof his FJ cruiser submarine can handle water to the roof They tell me Precious Micks a trooper and will drive straight through a flood but I have been told his weak point is the slightest hint of blood. Then we’ve got Ray who’s called Slim Dusty, he hates the slightest smear like dust that covers everything when you follow up the rear. And don’t you mess with Steve or he’ll tear you all apart yeah you’ll really find some trouble if you meddle with Old Fart. Our away trips are always rippers and Fraser Island is in reach but Taavi always check ya battery before driving on the beach. Cause Landrovers can be fickle when they’re not on even terms and if you jump start them with a Cruiser they could pick up some germs. When you’re camping out at Kroombit Tops you can loose yourself if you just try but you will never find The Southern Cross in the bloody Northern sky. And Paul high speed on Fraser’s beaches will make ya mates all stare when you hit a hidden washout and put all four wheels in the air. You see some sights when on the road or camping in the scrub and the crew had stopped at Coopers Creek to have a bit of grub. They looked across the bloody creek and near brought up their food there was a bunch of oldies strolling round their campsite in the nude. Oh yes adventures by the dozen and fun times by the tonne a club that suits all people great times for everyone. Twenty years have flown by quickly but with so many places to explore sure as hell I betcha many more adventures lie in store. Page 11 Member Submission - Camping Families Are Happier, Healthier and Wealthier http://www.ausleisure.com.au/news/camping-families-are-happier-healthier-and-wealthier/ September 18, 2014 Recreation / Tourism The Caravan Industry Association of Australia is highlighting that caravanning and camping holidays not only offer great value, but that they also help build and nurture the close relationships that are essential to a happy family life. Whether a simple weekend away, or a long-term planned escape, the Association is flagging up how caravanning and camping holidays can combine a variety of activities and the ability to create a real home away from home together, with the sense of community so treasured in caravan and holiday parks. The ability to easily customise a caravanning and camping holiday according to needs is extraordinarily valuable. Campers and caravanners come in groups of all shapes and sizes, and this is indicative of a holiday as flexible as they come. Caravan Industry Association of Australia’s research says that 85% of Australians have gone caravanning or camping in their lifetime, and with industry growth at an all time high (caravans are the fastest growing motor vehicle by registrations), this number is only set to grow. Not only is a camping holiday good value, but research shows it will actually make families happier. Caravan Industry Association of Australia Chief Executive Stuart Lamont explains “there is more to the value of camping and caravanning than the cost. “Camping and caravanning provides Australian’s with the opportunity to connect, not only with each other but with the world around them. And that’s something guaranteed to make you smile.” A 2011 report from the UK titled Real Richness concludes that campers are more happy, energised, optimistic and satisfied than non-campers, and those families that go camping feel closer and wealthier. In the report, 79% of children who had never camped said they would like to, and 88% of campers said it was something every child should experience. The report also found that campers have a higher than average fitness level for their age, that children were happier when camping, and suggested that camping makes parents happier too – 80% of children who camp said they felt their parents were less stressed when camping. The Caravan Industry Association of Australia is the national peak body for the Australian caravanning and holiday parks sector (caravan holiday parks, caravans, motorhomes, camper trailers, tent trailers, camping, cabins, plus other RVs and industry suppliers). The Association is a member of the National Tourism Alliance, a category sponsor in the National Tourism Awards, runs an industry accreditation program, and coordinates committees in areas of marketing, research, and industry training. Click here to visit the Caravan Industry Association of Australia. 6th August 2014 - CIAA RESEARCH EXPLAINS AUSTRALIA’S LOVE OF CARAVANNING AND CAMPING - See more at: http://www.ausleisure.com.au/news/camping-families-are-happier-healthier-andwealthier/#sthash.N21WfQcL.pv25T4XM.dpuf Page 12 Member Submission What is: The difference between 4WD and AWD The popularity of four-wheel-drive and all-wheel-drive vehicles has boomed in the last decade What is the difference between 4WD and AWD?: Three basic systems available: full-time 4WD, part-time 4WD and all-wheel drive Differences in how and when torque is supplied to each wheel. Important to choose the correct system for the typical vehicle use. Most mainstream manufacturers have released 'offroad' vehicles to take advantage of the public's obsession with four-wheel drive. But it's not just the traditional SUV and 4x4 vehicles that have contributed to the boom. More and more cars have been offering all-wheel-drive drivetrains from high-performance sports cars to luxury sedans and family-oriented people movers. But why do manufacturers use different terms. Isn't four-wheel drive (4WD) and all-wheel drive (AWD) the same thing? Let's have a look at the different terms in use and what each of them should mean. Although each manufacturer tends to use its own name for its chassis systems for branding reasons, we are generally able to separate 4WD/AWD drivetrains into three basic groups. full-time 4WD part-time 4WD all-wheel drive (AWD) Full-time 4WD operates as the name suggests. At all times torque is supplied to all four wheels, all of the time. The driver usually has several options available to them which affect the operation of the drivetrain depending on the conditions that are encountered. In normal operation (such as driving on a bitumen surface) the front and rear axles are split by a differential which allows them to operate at different speeds when required -- for example, when cornering. In most vehicles there will be the option of 'diff lock'. This locks up the centre differential and restricts any rotational difference between the front and rear axles. It's a feature that is commonly used when offroading to gain maximum traction. There may also be the option of 'low range'. Usually used in extreme offroad conditions and on steep inclines, this changes the gearing of the drivetrain to provide a torque multiplying effect similar to the lowest gearing on a mountain bike. Part-time 4WD is the original 4WD system and the most basic. As with Full time 4WD there are several options available to the driver. In normal conditions the vehicle is driven in two-wheel drive, usually powering only the rear wheels. 4WD mode can be selected either by a separate mechanical lever or by an electronic switching system. When 4WD is selected, torque is split evenly between the four wheels. Part time 4WD vehicles tend not to have differentials between the front and rear axles. This limits the use of 4WD to offroad use because use of this feature on bitumen surfaces (where tyres have good traction) can cause excess stress and damage to the drivetrain (often called wind-up). Most vehicles of this type have the option of 'low range' for extreme off-road conditions. All-Wheel Drive is in some ways similar to the full-time 4WD system in that it also sends torque to all four wheels constantly. These systems never have the option to operate in two-wheel drive, and unlike the 4WD systems, the differential between the front and rear axles cannot be locked. The differentials do, however, have ability to limit slippage between the axles if a low traction situation is encountered. Usually this ability is provided with a differential known as a viscous coupling although more recently a similar outcome has been achieved by using electronically-controlled hydraulic or electro-magnetic 'clutch' systems. AWD systems also lack the 'low range' feature which is common in most 4WDs. The AWD system is less effective and more fragile than the 4WD system in a situation where high torque is required. Indeed, the viscous coupling units simply cannot satisfy high torque demands when the vehicle is offroad. AWD vehicles tend to be more 'car' like than obvious offroaders. http://www.motoring.com.au/advice/2010/what-is-the-difference-between-4wd-and-awd-7530 Page 13 C.Q. OFFROAD CLUB – Boys Boasty Bit Lets have some fun and ENJOY Calling for Submissions of photos and words where you can ..... Brag A Bit... Bout your Beast ! EXACTLY WHY ? DO YOU LOVE YOUR 4WD Come on Guys don’t be shy.. For this Section to be here Next Year You Must Join In ! Send and submit pics of why you love your 4wd? As often as you wish! Tell me....in a text to 0448 426 733 with a picture .. or email editor@cqoffroad.org.au Page 14 Spotlight Smile Life is what you make it CQ Offroad Page 15 Technical and Safety Information FYI If it can be greased, Grease it ! http://www.landroversonly.com/forums/f40/broken-u-joint-54785/ Page 16 0488 132 855 Opposite Saleyards Gracemere Quality Custom Fabrication Iron Shadow dennis@ironshadow.com.au * Body & Bar Work * Panel * Specialist Fabricator * Plastic Welding * Paint * Aluminium * Stainless Welding Restoring Classic Cars Advertise Here Customers receive a FREE Link on our website Advertise Here Customers receive a FREE Link on our website NEW CQ Offroad Shirts available for purchase from Totally Workwear Khaki Button Up JB $29.95 for Long Sleeved and $22.95 for Short Sleeved Take to Raptor Embroidery on Richardson Rd For Offroad Logo NOTE * ON DRIVES HIGH VISIBILITY VESTS TO BE WORN Supplied By Trip Coordinator OR Yellow CQ Offroad Shirts available for purchase $50,Black Caps $20 please call the merchandise officer Joy on 0412 634 183 Advertising fee - Pro- Rata Rates with FREE link on our website. email the treasurer@cqoffroad.org.au and the editor@cqoffroad.org.au for ad size and specs on Behalf of Central Queensland Offroad Club Central Queensland Offroad Newsletter Shall in no way be held responsible for misprints,please check all details are correct before submission. CQ Offroad also reserves the right to not publish any inappropriate submissions. Page 17 CLUB COMMITTEE 2014 E-mail contact: info@cqoffroad.org.au Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/cq.offroad Phone contacts President: Joy 0412 634 184 president@cqoffroad.org.au Vice President: Ulf Niederwemmer - 0414 973 986 vicepresident@cqoffroad.org.au Secretary: Christine Cameron - 0409 261 874 secretary@cqoffroad.org.au Treasurer: Karen Westgarth - 0413 201 249 treasurer@cqoffroad.org.au Trip Coordinator: Paul Westgarth 0749 342 062 tripcoordinator@cqoffroad.org.au Public Liaison Officer: Jeff Winter - 0407 NISSAN - (0407 647 726) publicliaisonofficer@cqoffroad.org.au Editor: Alison Clarke - 0448 426 733 editor@cqoffroad.org.au SUPPORT OFFICERS Paul Westgarth 0413 731 341 MEMBERSHIP Please email applications to memberships@cqoffroad.org.au INFO TECH. Viv Murphy SOCIAL CONVENOR Paul Westgarth MAINTENANCE MERCHANDISE Joy PROPERTY Paul Westgarth INSURANCE Jeff Winter HISTORIAN Karen Westgarth FUNDRAISING COORDINATOR Naomi Brook TRAINING COORDINATOR Kev MARKETING COORDINATORS Dennis Frahm Dean Pearce 0438 705 592 0749 342 062 0412 634 184 0413 731 341 0407 647 726 0413 201 249 0408 197 710 0488 942 241 0488 132 855 0438 122 123 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 9568 PARK AVENUE, NORTH ROCKHAMPTON QLD 4701 info@cqoffroad.org.au E-MAIL: www.cqoffroad.org.au Web Page: Public Contact: Jeff Winter 0407 NISSAN (0407 647 726) memberships@cqoffroad.org.au Membership: General Meeting :- The First Tuesday Night of the Month next 2nd December 2014 7.30pm Rockhampton Leagues Club, George Street, Rockhampton. Committee Meeting:- 6pm Monday Eve Prior to Above General Meeting Page 18
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