Tuesday November 11th
Wednesday November 12
2:00 p.m.
6:00 p.m.
7:30 p.m.
CASA – Drop-In
Brownie Guides
6:00 p.m.
Brownie Guides
7:00 p.m.
7:30 p.m.
7:30 p.m.
Chapel Allerton Rangers
Choir Practice
Welcome to
12:30 p.m. Chapel Allerton Town Street Lunch Club
6:30 p.m. Totally Tuesday
Chapel Allerton Methodist Church
Chapel Allerton Methodist Church
Minister: Rev. Robert A. Marsh B. D.
120 Stainbeck Lane
Chapel Allerton
Leeds West Yorkshire
Ministers: Rev'dTel:Andrew
0532 681757 Atkins
120 Stainbeck Lane
Leeds LS7 3QS
Tel. 0113 268 1757
Thursday November 13th
Friday November 14
Sunday November 9th
Remembrance Sunday
Spud and Pud – through until 2:30 p.m.
Sunday November 16th
Prisons Week
10:30 a.m.
10:30 a.m.
3:30 p.m.
6:30 p.m.
Peter Howdle
Star Centre
Bereavement Thanksgiving Service
Section Service at Lidgett Park
The Lectionary readings for today are:
Zephaniah 1 vv 7, 12 – 18
1 Thessalonians 5 vv 1 – 11
If this is the first time you have worshipped with us, you are invited to sign
The Visitor’s book which is on the table in the Church Vestibule
Saturday November 15th
10:30 a.m.
Rev'd. Palo Tshume
52 Nursery Lane
Leeds LS17 7HW
Tel. 0113 212 1096
Psalm 90 vv 1 – 12
Matthew 25 vv 14 – 30
Before the service begins please pray for:
all who have made the ultimate sacrifice
10:30 a.m.
10:30 a.m.
The Lectionary readings for today are:
Wisdom 6 vv 12 – 16 or Amos 5 vv 18 - 24
Psalm 70
1 Thessalonians 4 vv 13 – 18
Matthew 25 vv 1 – 13
4:00 p.m.
An induction loop is provided for the benefit of hearing aid users.
To use switch your hearing aid to ‘T’
Ministers e-mail: - rev.andrew07@btinternet.com
Church Bulletin e-mail: - paul_chaplin@hotmail.com
Circuit Website: - www.leedsnandemethodist.org.uk
CCL 90026
MRL 500451
PRS 487330
PPL 1690023
CVL 1414443
Rev’d. Palo Tshume
Star Centre
NA or OT Page 869
OT Page 543
NT Page 202
NT Page 27
Circuit Service at Seacroft
Flowers today are provided by
Pauline Fish
Our next meeting is on Thursday November 20 at 8:00 p.m. in the Centre
Lounge. ‘The Day that Changed Everything’, Robert Morphet of Joseph Hey &
Sons speaks about planning of a high profile funeral. All are welcome.
This short annual service will be at 3:30 p.m. next Sunday. It provides an
opportunity for remembering and giving thanks for those who have played a
significant part in our lives through words and music, stillness and candles. All
are welcome. If you would like a lift to this service, please ask Angela or one of
the stewards. The section service at Lidgett Park that evening will take place
at 6.30 p.m. as planned.
This event is NEXT Saturday November 15th from 10:30 a.m. for coffee (£1)
until 2:30 p.m. Lunch will be served from 12 noon and costs £5 for a Jacket
Potato, a variety of fillings will be available, and a pudding. Various stalls will be
there including Jams and Marmalades, Cards and Handicrafts, Christmas, Books,
Cakes, Toys, etc. Tickets for the Lunch are now available from David Barnfield
and Paul Chaplin. Contributions for the event such as puddings, books, cakes,
toys, etc. will be most welcome. If you would like to run a stall for your own
organisation this is also very welcome. Please contact Paul  268 2513 or David
 266 1502 for details.
Volunteers to help serving and clearing tables will also be very
welcome. Please contact Jennie Barnfield or Vivienne Chaplin if you
can help in anyway.
This year’s concert takes place on Saturday November 29th at
7:30 p.m. in Church. Tickets, £7.00 are now available from
Paul Chaplin and David Barnfield.
To commemorate the Centenary of the start of the First World War, St.
Matthew’s Choir, with the West Yorkshire Symphony Orchestra and workshop
singers, will be performing Mozart’s Requiem on at 7:00 p.m. at St. Matthew’s
Parish Church. Entrance free, with retiring collection.
CHRISTMAS CARDS - The Nigeria Health Care Project is selling Christmas
cards in aid of the project which provides health care to rural Nigeria. The
2014 cards are for sale at 10 for £3. There are older sets for sale at 10 for
£1 so they are a real bargain. Notelets are also available for 8 for £3. Cards
can be purchased from David Laycock  269 0173
Pam is now at Flat 14, Rosewood Court, 4 Cranmer Close, Moor Allerton, Leeds,
LS17 5PU
Shared Taize prayer at Stainbeck URC 8:00 p.m.
Stephen Wakefield’s annual walk took place last week. If you sponsored him
please see him today to pay him. If you haven’t sponsored him yet it is still not
too late.
If anyone would like to order a 2015 Diary please let me know. The price is
£2.50 and the colour is Black this year. Molly Denham
St. Mary’s Church. Whitkirk at 6:00 p.m. with the Wesley Singers and St Mary’s
Church Choir. A service of music and reflection commemorating the 100 th
anniversary the First World War featuring Karl Jenkins Choral Suite ‘The
Armed Man’, a Mass for Peace, plus ‘Greater Love’ by John Ireland with
appropriate Hymns, Readings and WW1 poetry. Retiring Collection.
FOODBANK - Thank you for your continued support, at present we are in need
of the following: Biscuits, Juice, Sugar, Sponge Puddings Custard Rice Pudding
and Jam.
We sold quite a lot of FoRP calendars last year which helped to support the
work of our award winning local park. Calendar sales make a big impact on FoRP
funds, so please support this project by buying one for yourself, or for friends
and family. Although I think the calendar last year was great and showed
how many activities for young and old happen there, this year I think it shows
the beauty of the park in all the seasons, in all its glory! The cost is £6.99
(cheques should be made payable to "FoRP". If buying to send to someone in the
UK you can post (2nd class) for £1.17. If anyone would like to order some
calendars to sell at Church or individual ones please contact Lynda Pickersgill lyndapickersgill@gmail.comor 0113 808 5703. I will then organise delivery.
Items for next week’s Bulletin MUST be with
Paul Chaplin by 10:00 p.m. on Wednesday November 12th
Following the Circuit Meeting on Monday September 15th, members of
the CLT have been present at the church councils of those churches
that were expressing disquiet about the stationing profile that was to be
submitted for stationing in 2015, and the pastoral reconfigurations that
were implied by that profile. This process allowed further listening and
explaining to take place, building on the conversations that had already
taken place between Circuit Stewards and Church representatives during
the summer months.
The CLT then met on Monday October 27th, to consult together further,
and it was unanimously agreed by those present, to leave the profile for
a new presbyter as originally presented to the September Circuit
Meeting. (It was noted that it would be helpful for a statement to be
made to the circuit explaining the different ways that Methodism deals
with the stationing process for circuit appointments, and the
appointment of ministers to connexional positions.)
On Tuesday October 28th, a third meeting took place with
representatives of Alwoodley Park, Chapel Allerton, Moortown and
Shadwell. There was an open and creative atmosphere at that meeting,
where it was agreed by those present that these churches now needed
to go forward with a positive attitude, creating this section under Rev
Palo Tshume’s pastoral oversight. It was agreed that this should begin in
the New Year, when our Covenant Services normally take place, as a way
of using our cherished Methodist spirituality of covenantal commitment
to one another, in which to ground this new beginning.
In the meantime further consideration is being given to the nature and
level of lay worker support required for this section.
Rev Robert B. Creamer
(Circuit Superintendent)
November 1st 2014