SUBJECT: November e-Delivery In this posting 1. A Note from the President 2. A Message from the Headmaster 3. News from the Assistant Headmaster 4. SHP HIB Policy 5. Yearbook Orders 6. Yearbook Ads 7. SAT Prep Courses 8. Parent Chaperones for Sophomore Retreat 9. Kairos Registration (2 pages) 10. MA Newsletter 11. Fathers Club Newsletter SUBJECT: Note From the Preside ent nt Msgr. Michael E. E Kelly FROM: Presiden Novembeer 2014 Note from m the President Novembeer is truly a wo onderful timee of the year. God’s gift off nature provvides us with b beautiful coloor on our trees and cool dayss. Thanksgivving Day rem minds us to exxpress our gratitude to Godd, church, paarents, family and friends aand to share our o gifts with those in need d. I thank God G and I than nk you for alll that you do for me and foor Seton Halll Prep. May God bless you, SUBJECT: Thanks sgiving n, Headma aster FROM: (Rev. Msgr.) Robert E. Harahan The First Trim mester is moving quickly. It’s hardd to believee we are on the doorsteep of winter. But as we move on it is time to o say thankk you, to exxpress our ggratitude an nd to acknowle edge the go oodness of God and others. o I tthank you ffor welcom ming me as your Headmasster. TThis trimeste er has been ffull of learniing and activvity for me. There is mu uch to be graateful for in we elcoming ou ur new dire ector of Grifffin Bridges,, Mr. Horton Sears, an alumnus o of the program. Progress is taking plaace with the e Athletic C Complex. O Our first KAIR ROS Retreatt was great. Th he Mothers Auxiliary and Fathers Club have celeebrated Masses and takken on this yyear’s challenge es. At A this time of year we e pray for the t Holy Soouls in purgatory. Ourr loved ones are remembe ered at the Eucharist, and a our prayers accom pany them on their jou urney to heaaven. We pray for all our lo oved ones, ffamily memb bers and frieends. At Setton Hall Prep p we pray fo or our deceased d students, teachers, allumni, friends, parents and benefaactors. Mayy they know w the peace of God’s Kingd dom. Thank you prrofoundly fo or all you do o and have done for th he Prep. Pleease know o of my thanks ass we look ah head to prep paring for Christmas in thhe holy seasson of Adven nt. Happyy Thanksgivinng, SUBJECT: November Items FROM: Kevin McNulty, Assistant Headmaster November 2014 Dear Parent, I would like to take the opportunity to thank everyone who has called and offered helpful advice on ways to make the website work better. We have been implementing changes based on your input as quickly as possible. And I thank you for your patience. Our goal in the first month was to make the site work as well as possible for students, and that seems to have been a success. Our recent professional development day focused on making sure that teachers are using the site appropriately. I know that many of you have been experiencing frustration, as have we, with the slow state of progress. Trust me that we are doing all that we can to make things work well for everyone. If you have any more specific suggestions for how we might make the website work better for you, please email Adam Haczyk (, our assistant webmaster. Over the next week will be testing our Emergency Contact System, and I hope that everyone has taken the opportunity to update their profile so that we can contact you should there be an emergency. This information needs to be placed on the parent or guardian’s profile, and not the student’s. Students need to update their own profiles. There is a drop down box on the front right hand corner of the web site that will be activated in the event of an emergency as well, just in case your contacts did not work, or if there is a failure from the company we hired to provide you with notification. We are testing that on Friday with a Halloween message. Trimester Testing begins November 20th, and continues until November 25th. We have an adjusted schedule, and there are never more than two tests scheduled for any one day. Of course, if someone is absent for a Trimester Exam, they may need to make an arrangement to make that up that would involve more testing. It is very important that students take these exams seriously. Still, not all students will have exams all days. Please check the teacher web sites for details, or email your son’s teacher directly if you have any questions. Please do not ask teachers to schedule an alternative exam for family vacations. As always, see the web calendar for more specific details. We will be mailing home Report Cards and posting them on the website in early December. If the posting process works as we anticipate, we may well, like most other schools like us, discontinue mailing them home in the future. I wish you, in anticipation, a happy and blessed Thanksgiving. Kevin McNulty Assistant Headmaster SUBJECT: Seton Hall Prep’s Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying (HIB) Policy FROM: Michael G. Gallo, Assistant Headmaster October was recognized as National Bullying Prevention Month. The entire freshmen class was given a presentation on SHP’s Bullying Policy and Social Media responsibilities. Please ask your son about the presentation that was given by Mr. Gallo. At the start of each sport season, coaches, assistant coaches, and captains attend a meeting regarding their role in preventing harassment, intimidation, bullying, cyber-bullying, and hazing. Each year our Student Council and Peer Leaders review and make suggestions to our HIB Policy. Seton Hall Prep’s bullying policy was established using Assemblyman John McKeon’s policy as a model, a group of senior class Peer Leaders modified his work to fit the needs of Seton Hall Prep and our Mission Statement. The SHP HIB Policy is in effect 24/7 in school and out of school. The policy applies to school-related functions and non-school-related functions. The current policy is posted in the SHP handbook, and on our SHP website. In addition, the Assistant Headmaster and the Dean of Men will review the policy with each class. SHP HIB Policy Summary Harassment, intimidation, bullying and cyber-bullying is any act of unwanted physical, verbal, sexual, and emotional abuse. Members of the SHP Community who witness or have knowledge of an act of harassment, intimidation, or bullying are required to report the incident to the Assistant Headmaster or the Dean of Men. Seton Hall Prep’s HIB Policy is expected to be adhered to by all members of the Seton Hall Prep Community. The Seton Hall Prep Community includes: Students, Faculty, Staff, Administration, Moderators, Coaches, Volunteers, Parents and Guardians. SHP Social Media Guideline Summary Protect your Identity. Pause, think before you post. Nothing that you post or send is private. Use good judgment when visiting any social media website and when posting on such sites. Students are not to post, send tweets or retweet information, photos, or other representations of inappropriate behavior, sexual content or items that could be interpreted as demeaning or inflammatory. Students will continue to be disciplined accordingly for misuse of social media. Be respectful and mindful knowing that you represent yourself, your family and Seton Hall Prep. SUBJECT: Yearbook Orders FROM: Lisa Sgaramella – Yearbook Moderator THERE ARE TWO WAYS TO ORDER A YEARBOOK… (all grades) 1. Online: Go to and follow the instructions for ordering a Seton Hall Prep yearbook. Personalize it, order accessories, and pay with your credit card. 2. In School: Order using the Jostens Envelope – one was placed in your son’s portrait package or pick one up in the College Placement Office. Return the completed form with a check payable to “Seton Hall Prep” to Mrs. Sgaramella’s mailbox in the main office. Note: with this option, you may only personalize with your son’s name/graduation year – you may not add icons to the front cover or order accessories using the envelope. Cost: $80 before 1/16/15 and $100 after 1/16/15. (No orders will be taken after 1/24/15) These prices include one line of free personalization (student’s name and graduation year). Icons and accessory packages will be extra. If you wish to have a yearbook, you must order one – we will not have books at the end of the year for purchase. SUBJECT: Yearbook Orders FROM: Lisa Sgaramella – Yearbook Moderator TO ORDER A SENIOR AD… Go to and follow the instructions to upload your photos and create your ad. Cost: Full page: Half page: Quarter page: $375 $225 $125 These prices do not include a yearbook. If you purchase a senior ad, you must also purchase a yearbook. No ads are created through the school – they must be created and purchased online or through the mail to Jostens (instructions for this are on the website) Deadline for creating your senior ad: January 1st. SUBJECT: SAT Prep for Juniors FROM: Mr. John Henrikson Mr. Henrikson is running an SAT prep course for Juniors who choose to take the January exam. Sessions will start the first week of November. Please email Mr. Henrikson ( for information and availability. SUBJECT: Sophomore Service Retreat FROM: Sharon Rondinella, Director of Campus Ministry On Tuesday, November 11, 2014, all sophomores will attend a service retreat day. In the morning sophomores will travel to the Community Foodbank of NJ, Hillside. The Foodbank is the largest source of donated food in NJ for 1,500 non-profit charitable organizations. Sophomores will sort donations and stock the shelves. Sophomores will return to the school in the afternoon for a guest speaker who, for his thesis project, spent time living with the homeless on the streets of NYC. This will be followed by presentations on service opportunities and a commissioning prayer service. Parent Chaperones are needed for the morning trip to the Community Foodbank of NJ. Chaperones are asked to arrive at SHP at 8:30 a.m., travel with us by bus to the Foodbank, and return to SHP by 12:00 p.m. Parents are welcome to stay for the afternoon portion, but it is not necessary. Parents interested in chaperoning are asked to email Sharon Rondinella, Director of Campus Ministry, at or to call 973-325-6643 Ka airoos “The Lord’s L Tim me” Dettails…. Wew willtravelto otheretreatccenterbybu us. Park king your car at SHP P is not a an optiion. Paren nts will pick k you up o on Frid dayevening.Theywillreeceivealetteer hfurtherinfo ormation. with Tueesday morniing: bring yyour suitcasse Maintenance e. toM Regisstratiion Spend d time with the Lord th hrough peerr preseentations, co onversations and prayer. The Kairos K retreaat begins after school on n Tuesd day and ends e on Friday latee aftern noon.Studen ntswhoregistermustbee able to attend th he full retreaat and be in n n of Men and d good standing wiith the Dean AssistantHeadmaasters. UpcomingKairosRettreats: Octoberr21‐24,2 2014 Decembeer9‐12,2 2014 January y27‐29,2 2015 How wtoapply: teaarofftheregiistration&p permission porrtionofthisb brochureand dreturnit witththe$150feeetoCampusMinistry. Scho olarshipsava ailable–nooneturned awaydu uetofinancces. Keepthisp portionfordeetails. Formorein F formationccontact: 6664 Mr.Ward–973‐325‐6 Mrs.Rondine M ella–973‐32 25‐6643 Tueesdayaftern noon:Lockyyourbackpacck all in y our locker. Meet in thee Dining Ha 3:05. by3 Brin ng toiletriess, comforta able clothes, and a snack orr drink forr the sharin ng mitted in th he tablle. Snacks aare not perm room ms.Fullbedd dingisproviided. BefooreTuesday,tellyourfriiendsyouwiill beu unreachable ebycellpho one.Whileo on Kairros, turn it off! Trust us – it wiill greaatlyaddtoyo ourKairosexxperience.Iffa pareentcontacts uswithanemergency,w we will informyouiimmediatelyy. Dru ugs and a alcohol will not b be toleerated.Therrewillbeassecurityguarrd duty each nigght, walkingg the hallwayys on d for your prottection and d to ensurre peration. Sttudents fou und guilty o of coop illeggalactivitiesswillbe(an ndhavebeen n) prossecutedtotthefullexte entofthelaw w ‐saad,seriousan ndlastingconsequences. Kairros is a raree opportunityy to focus o on spen ndingtimew withself,otheers&God.B Be prep paredtoLov veandBeLo oved! Love & Be Looved ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ (tearoff–keeptoppo ortion) Kaiiros Regist R tration Oct.21 1‐24,‘14 Dec c.9‐12,‘1 14 Jan n.27‐29,‘15 (DueOctt.1) (DueeNov.19)) (DueJan.7) LiebenzellRetreatC Ctr. LongVallley,NJ DonBoscoRetrreatCtr. Ston nyPoint,NY Y Do onBoscoRe etreatCtr. Sto onyPoint,N NY dent’sNam me:___________________________________________________________________G Grade:_________________ Stud Address:________________________________________________C City/Town:___________________________________Zip:__________________ Stud dent’sCellphone:________________________________________Emailaaddress:____________________________________________ Moth her’sname:_______________________________________CellPh hone:____________________________email:__________________________________ Hom meAddressifdifferentfro omstudent:_____________________________________________________________________________________________ Father’sname:________________________________________CellPh hone:____________________________email:__________________________________ Hom meAddressifdifferentfro omstudent:_____________________________________________________________________________________________ Pleaseattach$1 150–checckpayablleto“Seto onHallPrrep.” Sch holarships& &paymenttsplansava ailable.Con ntactMr.w ward–973‐‐325‐6664.. Nooneisturned dawaydu uetofinan nces. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (tearoff–keeptopportion) Seton Hall Preparatory School Parent/Guardian Permission Form I/We the parent(s)/guardian(s) of _______________________________________ request that Seton Hall Preparatory School allow him to participate in the school sponsored trip to Kairos from Tuesday, ______________ through Friday, _______________ at the _________________________________ Retreat Center in ________________________________. I/we understand that transportation will involve a school or Murphy bus. I/We acknowledge that the School’s policies and regulations remain in effect on the field trip. I/We also acknowledge that the student is responsible for all work that he may be missing in his regular classes including, but not limited to, class notes, long term assignments, work to be turned in and tests. In consideration for the arrangements for this activity, I/we hereby release and save harmless the School and all its employees from any and all liability arising to __________________________ as a result of this activity. In the event of a medical emergency arising during this activity please contact: Name: ________________________________________________Relation:___________________________ Cell Phone: __________________________________Home Phone:_________________________________ I authorize the School and its representative to authorize emergency medical treatment in the case that I/we or the above designee cannot be reached. Signature(s) of Parent(s)/Guardian(s): ___________________________________________________________________ Date: _____________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Date: _____________________ Student’s Signature: ___________________________________________________________________ Date: _____________________ SUBJECT: Mothers Auxiliary November 2014 Newsletter FROM: Rita Mughetto - President, SHP Mothers Auxiliary Another successful general meeting was held in October thanks to almost 100 attendees. How fortunate are we to have a terrific sisterhood filled with compassionate and dedicated volunteers. In this month of thanksgiving, I am especially grateful for you ‐ the heart and soul of the Mothers Auxiliary. Many thanks to Peter Durning, Director of Activities, who informed us of all the wonderful activities and opportunities available to our sons at The Prep. Welcome home Peter. ►Genevieve Magazine and Gift Wrap Sale ‐ This annual fundraiser has concluded. Enormous thanks to repeat Chairperson Diane Russo,, for all her work in organizing and heading up this fundraiser. Delivery to SHP is December 3rd. Your support was very much appreciated. Thank you. ►SHP Open House ‐ Thanks to the Hospitality committee and volunteers for helping to host prospective families on October 19th at SHP's Annual Open House. Over 400 families graced SHP for an informative and memorable day. Special thanks once again to the Getz family for their donation of many delicious baked goods. ►Step in Style with The Prep Dinner & Fashion Show, November 6, 2014 at 5:30 pm Mayfair Farms After six months of dreaming, planning and organizing by an incredibly spirited Fashion Show Committee, our largest fundraising event of the year is here! The Mothers Auxiliary has worked very hard to insure the success of this fun‐filled and important occasion. A $10,000 American Express Gift Card awaits one lucky winner of the Grand Raffle, so please return your completed pink ticket stubs today. Winner need not be present to win. Contact Carolyn Brosius at or Patti McNamara at with questions or to obtain additional chances. Thanks to your continued generosity and work on securing donations we have over 140 themed Gift Baskets and Deluxe Baskets plus a Silent Auction beach vacation property. Get ready to drop those Raffle Tickets, to bid and to have a fantastic time. We will also offer a “What’s in Your Closet” Wine Pull and 50/50 Raffle the night of the event. All proceeds go directly back to SHP benefiting our sons. It is truly a hallmark affair for the Mothers Auxiliary and SHP. Contact our dedicated Co‐Chairs Cathy DeCarlo‐Egan, or Paula Galvano, for further information or visit the Mothers Auxiliary website at ►Christmas Social ‐ Tuesday, December 9th at 7:00 pm in the SHP Dining Hall. This is not a formal meeting but a joyous celebration of Christmas spirit. Please bring a wrapped ornament for our Christmas ornament exchange. More information to follow at our November 11th general meeting by Co‐Chairpersons Lisa Yarosz, and Sue Kominiak, ►Next Mothers Auxiliary Meeting ‐ November 11, 2014 at 7:00 pm for Social; 7:30 pm Call to Order Step in Style with The Prep Thank You Party. Please plan to attend. We will recap the show, provide information on December activities and then adjourn to enjoy a Thank You party for our Fashion Show Co‐ Chairs, Committee Chairs and many Volunteers ‐ all who helped make Step in Style with The Prep a great success. Come toast and enjoy tasty appetizers as we thank everyone for their hard work and dedication! Please contact Elizabeth Sules at if you can bring a treat or bottle of wine/champagne. j|á{|Çz lÉâ t [tÑÑç 9 UÄxááxw g{tÇ~áz|ä|Çz4 F Club, November N 201 14 Newsletter SUBJECT: Fathers FROM: Thom mas Young, Jrr. – President The Fathers Club C is having a great start to the new school year! Particip ipation and invvolvement by bboth new and old members is ex xciting to see and is always appreciated. We’ve been aactive in the Piirate Cove conncessions tent at each of this season’s s homee football gam mes and, for th he first time, ssupported the O Oct. 19th Openn House with a cookout. Please join uss on Sunday, Nov. N 2nd at 8:30am at Mayfaair Farms for thhe Annual Fam mily Communiion & Breakfaast hosted by the SHP Fathers Club. C In conju unction with th his annual evennt there will bee a presentationn of the Thomaas A. Reynolds Award. Mr. Reynolds wass one of the founders f of thhe Fathers Cluub and we honnor his memorry annually at th his event. The Thomas A. Reynolds R Awarrd is presentedd to individualss who exempliify the Christiaan tradition, havee remained acttive members of o the Prep community, and have given off themselves bbeyond the usuual degree of invo olvement for th he benefit of our o student bod dy. This year we’re proud too announce thiis award will bbe given to John n L. McDermo ott, Esq’48 and d Msgr. Michaael E. Kelly ’ 57. Both of these individuuals embody thhe precepts of thee Award. Regiistration may be b made in advvance or paymeent may be madde at the door. Volunteers aree always need ded for a multiitude of activitties. If you arre not sure how w to help, pleaase reach out to either Tom or me at the conttacts below. We encouragee all Prep fatheers to join us att the monthly meetings m (wherre dinner is alw ways served) annd to participaate in our activitiees to support th he Prep. Each meeting includ des updates onn current topicss of interest at the school andd a presentation by b a guest speak ker, including faculty and staaff at SHP. Mark your ca alendars for th hese upcoming g events: Nov 2nd (S Sunday, 9am) Mass & Fam mily Breakfast (Mayfair Farm ms) Nov 5th (W Wed, 7pm) Monthly Meeeting Dec 3rd (W Wed, 7pm) Monthly Meeeting Apr 25th (Sat, 6pm)) Annuaal Car Raffle & Pirate Auctionn Thank you forr your continued support of the t 50/50 Mon nthly Raffle. T The pot gets laarger each monnth. Packets are available at eaach meeting or through Mr. Baggitt’s office. Larry Bagggitt is the Athhletic Directorr and is also thhe Faculty Moderator for the Faathers Club. THLY MEET TING NEXT MONT The next mon nthly meeting will w be held in the t Dining Halll on Wednesdday, Novemberr 5, 2014 at 7pm m. Please com me join us for din nner and a fun evening e out wiith the Fathers Club. C Contactss: Key Fathers Club Thomas Youn ng, Jr. (SHP Faathers Club, Preesident) at tyo1 Scott Haines (SHP ( Fathers Club, C Treasurerr) at o the school website. w Check us out on The Fathers Club C supports the spiritual, accademic, culturral and physicaal aspects of SSeton Hall Prepparatory Schoool. We carry on a proud traditiion of providin ng supplementa ary financial asssistance to thhe educational, social, culturral and athletic activities a that challenge and d enrich our sons. s We suppport student activities, runn the food/drinnk concessions fo or school playss and football games, g and meeet every montth to hear schoool-related speaakers. We worrk actively “For the Good of th he Prep” with fundraising f and d other efforts..
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