Mission Statement:
IIDA is the leading network of proven design professionals committed to
the highest educational and professional standard. Our members bring
innovation to the living and working environments that they create.
we make designers better....
board of directors
Valerie L Jardon, IIDA, LEED® AP, ID+C.......................................................................................................................................... President
Whitney Architects
Hillary O DeGroff, IIDA, LEED® AP, ID+C...............................................................................................................................President-Elect
Perkins Eastman
Peggy Hoffmann, IIDA, LEED® AP, ID+C...........................................................................................................Immediate Past President
FGM Architects
Felix V Martinez..........................................................................................................................................................................VP Membership
Whitney Architects
Michael Ciranna.....................................................................................................................................VP Communications & Technology
Geiger International
Raegan Porter, IIDA, LEED® AP, ID+C.........................................................................................................VP Professional Development
Whitney Architects
Sarah Kathro, Assoc. IIDA...............................................................................................................VP Government & Regulatory Affairs
Farnsworth Group
Ellen Lieder, IIDA, LEED® AP, ID+C..........................................................................................................................................VP Partnership
Jane Kielb .............................................................................................................................................................................VP Student Affairs
College of DuPage
Thomas Brackett, IIDA, LEED® AP..................................................................................................................................VP of City Centers
Whitney Architects
Heather N Ricketts, IIDA...................................................................................................................Central Illinois City Center Director
Business Furniture, LLC
Mindi DeVries..................................................................................................................................................Chicago City Center Director
Harley Ellis Devereaux
Paula Lutz, ASID, IIDA, LEED AP®..............................................................................................Northern Illinois City Center Director
Whitney Architects
letter from the president
get to know us
2014-2015 calendar
chapter partnership program
event sponsorship program
commitment form
sponsorship events
commitment form
letter from the president
Dear Valued Industry Partners,
With every new year, we create new resolutions in the effort to better ourselves and the world around us. Here at the IIDA
Illinois Chapter, we are doing the same thing, and have been working tirelessly over the last few years to constantly improve
our offerings, add value to our members and educate the public about Interior Design. 2013 was a huge year for us in terms
of events. We added the first ever Recognizing Exemplary Design (RED) Awards, introduced the newly overhauled Stitch
Fashion Show and honored our 14th Industry Leader at Leaders Breakfast. We won our 2nd Chapter award from IIDA
Headquarters for our CEU and Educational offerings and have started taking on the challenge of redesigning our website to
improve how we communicate with the design community and feature our partners. So as we prepare to move into 2014,
we are thrilled to unveil our new approach to Chapter Partnership and Event Sponsorship.
Flexibility and choice is something we wanted to grant our trusted supporters. As you begin to browse the 2014 Partner
Package, you will see the new format is meant to provide you with options. You may still chose to support IIDA Illinois
through the typical Chapter Partnership you are used to, with similar benefits as in previous years, however, please note a
la carte options have been added to help fit everyone’s budgets and interests.
If you are fond of a particular event, you can now select to sponsor that event – or events – before everyone else. Select a
set amount as listed in the Platinum, Gold and Silver levels or write in your own donation level to become a bronze sponsor.
Specific event sponsorship can be added above and beyond general Chapter Partnership or can be a standalone selection.
It’s your choice!
We want to minimize the number of times our board and volunteers have to knock on your door for monetary support and
allow you to get first dibs on all of the events we offer. (Please note, this new format will be set up in a first come, first serve
basis with only a few levels available for each event so do not delay with your registration. We want everyone to get what
they want.)
As a reminder, your contributions to IIDA Illinois, go to support the following:
Without your support, we would not be able to offer 3 signature events, countless learning opportunities and tours, 12 social
events and cover our day to day operating costs. Our board and committees consist of 100% unpaid volunteers, however,
all of these great events and required communications with our members is far from free.
Thank you for the opportunity to present our newly envisioned Partnership Package. Please consider supporting the IIDA
Illinois Chapter in 2014. The success of our chapter and the future of Interior Design are built from the contributions of its
members and the continued support of its Industry Partners. Please complete the attached registration form and become an
active participant in the IIDA Illinois Chapter today!
For further questions, contact our VP of Partnership, Ellen Lieder, elieder@wharchs.com at 312.356.7994, or the IIDA Illinois Chapter Office at 815.464.0785.
Valerie Jardon, IIDA, LEED AP ID+C
IIDA Illinois Chapter President
get to know us
IIDA strives to create a strong niche for the most talented and visionary
Interior Design professionals, to elevate the profession to the level it
warrants, and to lead the way for the next generation of Interior Design
IIDA provides a forum to demonstrate design professional’s
impact on the health, safety, well being and virtual soul of the public,
balancing passion for good design and strategy for best business
What is IIDA?
The International Interior Design Association (IIDA) is a professional
networking and educational association of more than 13,000 Members
in 10 specialty Forums in 31 Chapters around the world committed to
enhancing the quality of life through excellence in Interior Design and
advancing Interior Design through knowledge.
The History of IIDA
IIDA was founded in 1994 as a result of a merger of the Institute of
Business Designers (IBD); the International Society of Interior Designers
(ISID); and the Council of Federal Interior Designers (CFID). IIDA
embodies the merger’s goal to create an international association with
a united mission that would represent interior designers worldwide and
speak on their behalf with a single voice.
IIDA stands to:
Nurture the global design community; Provide superior information
about interior design and related issues, using its own rapidly developing
knowledge center as a resource; Advocate for design excellence;
Maintain educational standards; Respond to trends in business and
design; and Celebrate the profession.
get to know us
IIDA is the leading edge of research, development
and growth of our professions.
As designers we owe it to our profession to
guide young and future designers. We enjoy
sharing our knowledge with the younger
generation, and we are truly inspired by the
energy that students bring to us!
IIDA is an international organization, with members
in 58 countries. IIDA continues to grow our network,
and connect with our partners around the world.
We all know that networking is key in
moving and shaking in the community!
This is true for individuals, as well as
for firms.
IIDA has a great design award
programs that celebrate and recognize
design excellence at local and global
levels with IIDA RED.
Interior Designers, Architects, Landscape
Architects, Facility Managers, Real Estate Brokers,
Marketing Professionals can connect and learn
from one another through partner associations and
their events.
2014-2015 calendar
ccc planning meeting
cicc planning meeting
red planning meeting
ceu event
red awards
what goes around
ccc planning meeting
cicc planning meeting
ceu event
tbd ccc planning meeting
tbd cicc planning meeting
tbd ceu event
15 first rounds
tbd ccc planning meeting
tbd cicc planning meeting
first rounds
leaders breakfast
ccc planning meeting
cicc planning meeting
cicc sketchtoberfest
ceu event
ccc planning meeting
cicc planning meeting
red planning meeting
ncidq prep session
ceu event
iida/usgbc boat cruise
frankly speaking
ccc planning meeting
cicc planning meeting
ncidq prep session
board retreat
first rounds
ccc planning meeting
cicc planning meeting
red planning meeting
ceu event
new member event
ccc planning meeting
cicc planning meeting
chapter partner appreciation
cicc artiture
designed to find
ccc planning meeting
cicc planning meeting
ceu event
bizarre bazaar
portfolio review night
ccc planning meeting
cicc planning meeting
cicc festival of trees
ceu event
tbd ccc planning meeting
tbd cicc planning meeting
chapter partner program
Your partnership contribution supports every facet of our chapter, from the creation of new CEU’s to
our day to day operating costs. As a chapter partner your money gets spread evenly across all events
and you will receive recognition at every program the IIDA Illinois Chapter hosts.
On the following pages you will find a number of specific benefits for each Partner level. Key benefits
include tickets to events, special rates for additional tickets at events, company logo and contact
information on our chapter website, recognition at all events and programs, feature in our chapter
newsletter and much more!
Platinum Partner
Gold Partner
Silver Partner
* $2,500
Bronze Partner
chapter partner program
Platinum Partner Benefits
Leader’s Breakfast Local Benefactor and Premier Table for 10 ($3,000 value)
Four (4) tickets to RED, additional tickets available at Member Pricing
Two (2) tickets to Stitch, additional tickets available at Member Pricing
Six (6) tickets to Annual Chapter Partner and Member Appreciation Event
Company logo on homepage IIDA Illinois Chapter website.
Bi-Annual e-blast to members from President of IIDA Illinois Chapter listing 2014 Partners and encouraging members to support the Chapter Partners through specification of products and services.
Recognition of Platinum Level Partner with logo and link to your website on Partner page of chapter website
Company representative contact information on partner page of chapter website
Company name and logo at Platinum Level listed in all quarterly Chapter Newsletters
Full page ad in two quarterly Chapter Newsletters
Opportunity to write a two (2) page feature article for one issue of the Chapter Newsletter about your company or topic of your choosing including photographs
Company logo on every Chapter Event and CEU e-mail blast
Company logo on signage displayed at most Chapter and City Center Events
Illinois Chapter Partner Badge displaying Platinum Level
An e-mail blast to IIDA Illinois Membership on your behalf four (4) times per year
Gold Partner Benefits
Leader’s Breakfast Table for 10 ($2,000 value)
Two (2) tickets to RED, additional tickets available at Member Pricing
Two (2) tickets to Stitch, additional tickets available at Member Pricing
Four (4) Tickets to Annual Chapter Partner and Member Appreciation Event
Company logo on homepage of IIDA Illinois Chapter website
Bi-Annual e-blast to members from President of Illinois IIDA Chapter listing the 2014 Partners and encouraging members to support the Chapter Partners through specification of products and services
Recognition of Gold level Partner with logo and link to your website on Partner Page of Chapter website
Company representative contact information on Partner page of the Chapter website
Company name and logo at Gold Level listed in a quarterly Chapter Newsletters
Full page ad in one (1) issue of the quarterly Chapter Newsletter
Opportunity to write a one (1) page feature article for one issue of the Chapter Newsletter about your company or topic of your choosing including photographs
Company logo on every Chapter event and CEU e-mail blast
Company logo on signage displayed at most Chapter and City Center Events
Illinois Chapter Partnership badge displaying Gold Level
An e-mail blast to IIDA Illinois membership on your behalf three (3) times a year
chapter partner program
Silver Partner Benefits
Five (5) Tickets to Leader’s Breakfast ($1,250 value)
Tickets to RED, available at Member Pricing
Tickets to Stitch, available at Member Pricing
Two (2) Tickets to Annual Chapter Partner and Member Appreciation Event
Company name on homepage of IIDA Illinois Chapter website
Bi-Annual e-mail blast to membership from President of Illinois IIDA Chapter listing 2014 Partners and encouraging members to support the Chapter partner through specification of products and services
Recognition of Silver Partner with logo and link to your website on Partner page of Chapter website
Company representation contact information on Partner page of Chapter website
Company name and logo at Silver Level listed in all quarterly Chapter Newsletters
Half page ad in one (1) issue of the quarterly Chapter Newsletter
Opportunity to write a half page article for one (1) issue of the Chapter Newsletter about your company or topic of your choosing.
Company logo on every Chapter event and CEU e-mail blast
Company logo on signage displayed at most Chapter and City Center Events
Illinois Chapter Partner badge displaying Silver Level
An e-mail blast to IIDA Illinois Membership on your behalf two (2) times per year
Bronze Partner Benefits
Ability to purchase individual Leader’s Breakfast tickets and tables at last year’s prices
One (1) Ticket to Annual Chapter Partner and Member Appreciation Event
Company name on homepage of IIDA Illinois Chapter website
Bi-Annual e-mail blast to members from President of Chapter listing 2014 partners
and encouraging members to support the Chapter Partners through specification of products and services
Company name at Bronze level listed in all quarterly Chapter Newsletters
Company name on every Chapter and CEU e-mail blast
Quarter Page ad in one (1) issue of the quarterly Chapter Newsletter
Company name on signage displayed at most Chapter and City Center events
Illinois Chapter Partner Badge displaying Bronze Level
One (1) e-mail blast to IIDA Illinois Membership on your behalf
event sponsorship program
In an effort to help our organization and our activities become more streamlined... to communicate
more effectively with both members, and help our sponsors stay informed, we present our event
sponsorship program. Its all about the options.... you pick the event or events you want to sponsor
and decide what level. All event sponsorships can be added to any chapter partnership level. Think
“a la carte”, “buffet style”, whatever you want. Pick away!!
leaders breakfast
IIDA Illinois
bizarre bazaar
festival of trees
what goes around
first rounds
iida/usgbc boat cruise
designed to find
frankly speaking
portfolio review night
event sponsorship program
USGBC/ IIDA Boat Cruise August TBD signature events
September 18, 2014 The IIDA Leaders breakfast series began as a single event, launched in New York, and in
2001 expanded into what is now an international program. In 2013 the Leaders Breakfast
were held in nine cities across the U.S. and Canada. We hope that you’ll continue
to be inspired by our keynote speakers as they share leadership secrets and insight, and by
our honorees, true industry leaders
and innovators.
Past Honorees include:
GaryNovember 5, 2014 Wheeler, FIIDA, Gensler
2002 Eva Maddox, FIIDA, Perkins+Will
2003 Cary Johnson, FIIDA, Gensler
2004 Neil Frankel, FIIDA, FAIA
Gary Lee, Assoc. IIDA, Gary Lee Partners
2006 Mark Stenftenagel, Assoc. IIDA, Whitney
2007 Donald Powell & Robert Kleinschmidt, Powell/ Kleinschmidt
October TBD 2008
Nicholas J. Luzietti, FIIDA, AIA, VOA
Chris Kennedy, President, Merchandise Mart Properties, Inc.
Carlos Martinez, IIDA, Gensler
Gina Berndt, IIDA, Perkins+Will
Jaime Velez, FIIDA, Skidmore, Owings & Merrill
Nila R. Leiserowitz, FASID, IIDA, Gensler
Benefit Detail:
Platinum: (10) person table, company logo on powerpoint and mention in introduction by Masters of Ceremonies.
on the detailed proceeding event pages. Contact Mindi DeVries, IIDA Chicago City Center Director Gold: (10) person table, company name in powerpoint and mention in introduction by Masters of Ceremonies
November 11, 2014 @managementservices.org) with any questions. ts and entries, and all other opportunities are offered on a first come‐ first serve basis and are ONLY ministration upon receipt of registration form and payment. For any event payment questions, please mentservices.org). CELEBRATE with IIDA Illinois by taking part in the second annual Recognizing Exemplary
with networking, cocktails and hors d’oeuvres
before entering the auditorium to recognize the winners from the Illinois design community
competing in multiple categories including: contract, retail, educational. healthcare, hospitality,
ge prior to the publication of the official event registration forms. This document is intended only as a municipal and residential. Plan to end the evening with a champagne toast and pictures on
calendar details. the RED carpet while surrounded by the best of the best. Join us in Recognizing Exemplary
Design and be part of a new Illinois tradition.
or any 2014 event as early as September 1, 2013. Upon sponsorship confirmation, sponsor’s logo will Design - RED Awards! Kick off the evening
.E. The earlier a sponsor signs onto an event, the more materials will showcase their sponsorship Benefit Detail:
Platinum: (10) tickets with VIP auditorium seating, Emcee Selection of an award category and First or Final
Awards (Designation of 1 or 2 people of their choice to perform as one of the IIDA RED Awards Emcee),
Company Logo featured prominently in Contract Magazine, (1) Highboy cocktail table to decorate in company
goods, Custom Ad and Company logo that will rotate on event screens, be printed in program, shown on digital
promos and on event Step & Repeat
Gold: (5) tickets with VIP auditorium seating, Mention in Contract Magazine, (1) Highboy cocktail table to decorate
in company goods, Custom Ad and Company logo that will rotate on event screens, be printed in program, shown
on digital promos and on event Step & Repeat
Silver: (2) tickets with VIP auditorium seating, Mention in Contract Magazine, Company logo that will rotate on
event screens, be shown on digital promos and on event Step & Repeat
Bronze: Mention in Contract Magazine, Company logo that will rotate on event screens and be shown on digital
All the world is a stage and on Thursday, February 13th 2014, The Great
White Way comes to the newly renovated VenueOne Curtains up, Light the lights, let your
creativity take you to Broadway. Will your mask evoke drama, will it bring comedy, or is
passion to take center stage with your creation?
Join IIDA Illinois as we take our masquerade event to NY and experience
the sights and sounds of The Great White Way!
Benefit Detail:
Platinum: (10) event tickets, (1) mask entry, (1) large table reservation
Gold: (8) event tickets, (1) large table reservation
Silver: (4) event tickets, (1) large table reservation
Bronze: (2) event tickets, (1) small table reservation
Mask Entry: $400/mask, (2) event tickets, mask and model
event sponsorship program
philanthropic events
April 10, 2014 Artiture is the “fine art of giving old furniture a new twist.” The idea is to turn used items
(furniture or otherwise) into works of art and give them a new life. Local artists donate art
pieces that we then auction off at a silent auction. Past charities that we have given to as a
direct result of this event are Make A Wish Foundation & Habitat for Humanity
Benefit Detail:
Platinum: (10) event tickets, Company logo on all banners and printed material, company name announced on
WBNQ radio
(6) event tickets, Company logo on some banners and printed material
Silver: (4) event tickets, Company printed large scale on back of event program
Bronze: (2) event tickets, Company printed small scale on back of event program
*cicc event
September 18, 2014 Join the IIDA Chicago City Center as we welcome dozens of local artisans and crafters to
display their unique, handmade items for purchase. Shop the newest trends while sipping
wine, mingling with your peers and supporting a great cause.
If you have a hobby or hidden talent and would like to sell your products at the event or know
someone with a hidden talent, contact us at BIZARREchicago@gmail.com
November 5, 2014 Benefit Detail:
Platinum: Showroom host including food and beverage for the evening
2014 Activities & Events You are invited to kick-off the holiday season at the Festival of Trees! Come enjoy the sights
In an effort to help our organization and our activities become more streamlined, to communicate more effectively with and sounds with the spectacular Christmas trees, entertainment to suit every taste, and
both members and non‐members, and help our sponsors stay informed, we, the Chicago City Center Committee, present a special events for festival-goers of all ages.
summary of 2014 Activities and Events. We look forward to a fantastic year! t Mindi DeVries, IIDA Chicago City Center Director IIDA CICC sponsors a tree, and decorates it. Once decorated, the trees are auctioned off
a silent auction and proceeds benefit The Baby Fold. In past years, sponsors have even
donated a chair or small item to be auctioned off with the tree.
red on a first come‐ first serve basis and are ONLY in
payment. For any event payment questions, please Upon sponsorship confirmation, sponsor’s logo will he more materials will showcase their sponsorship Benefit Detail:
*cicc event
Platinum: Allows the CICC to purchase decorations for the tree
Bronze: Any small item that a sponsor would like to include with the tree auction
stration forms. This document is intended only as a February 6, 2014 March 4, July 15, October 7,2014 April 10, 2014 Chicagoland designers hail from all walks of life creating diverse and interesting skill sets.
And while we enjoy the ability to create beautiful spaces, having the chance to make the
lives of one deserving family better is a priceless opportunity. The IIDA Chicago City Center
is offering
designers and manufacturers an
opportunity to showcase their home renovating
a daylong volunteer event. Scheduled for the last
skills while getting their hands dirty at
week in USGBC/ IIDA Boat Cruise April, the event coincides with Earth Day and kicks off the start of warm
weather to come. For the 4th year in a row, IIDA will partner with Rebuilding Together and
make one home warm, safe and dry for a deserving family in the Chicagoland area. Space
is limited
and dependant
on the home size so sign up
early! Won’t you join us? For as the
August TBD September 18, 2014 saying goes....What Goes Around...well, you know the rest.
April TBD, 2014 Benefit Detail:
Platinum: Choice to be a Room Captain, logo on event banner and T-Shirts
Gold: Choice of Room to work in on event day, Logo on event banner and T-shirts
Silver: Logo on event banner and T-Shirts
Bronze: Logo on T-Shirts
September 18, 2014 October TBD November 5, 2014 10
event sponsorship program
& Events social events
& Events and our activities become more streamlined, to communicate more effectively with nd help our sponsors stay informed, we, the Chicago City Center Committee, present a ts. We look forward to a fantastic year! nd our activities become more streamlined, to communicate more effectively with d help our sponsors stay informed, we, the Chicago City Center Committee, present a Designers, architects, and industry members gather a few times a year for an evening of
ts. We look forward to a fantastic year! networking at IIDA’s First Rounds event. With networking games, meet and greets, and
prizes, it’s always bound to be a blast! Come join in on the fun – the first round is on us.
Benefit Details:
Platinum: Food and Beverage
Food and Beverage
Silver: Food and Beverage
March 4, July 15, October 7,2014 Bronze:
April 10, 2014 Food and Beverage
March 4, July 15, October 7,2014 USGBC/ IIDA Boat Cruise August TBD August TBD April 10, 2014 If you missed it last year, don’t miss it this year! The cruise was a blast and SELLS OUT
so beSeptember 18, 2014 sure to get your tickets early! This is an excellent opportunity to network and
mingle with other industry professionals. The cruise includes three hours of food, soft drinks,
beer and wine.
We are partnering with the USGBC Illinois Chapter for the 7th Annual Networking Boat
USGBC/ IIDA Boat Cruise Cruise!
October TBD October TBD September 18, 2014 Benefit Details:
(5) tickets, mention in opening remarks and recognition at podium at start of event, company
logo on event program-specific registration web page, handouts and flyers, display table at event
Gold/Maple: (4) tickets, recognition at podium at start of event, company logo on event program-specific
web page, handouts and flyers, display table at event
(3) tickets, recognition at podium at start of event, company text on event program-specific
November 5, 2014 registration web page, handouts and flyers,
display table at event
Bronze/Birch: (1) ticket, recognition at podium at start of event, company text on event program-specific
web November 5, 2014 page, handouts and flyers, display table at event
Sketchtoberfest is an annual networking/social event for local design professionals. Aside
from great company, food & drinks – there is also a sketching competition for prizes. It is a
ties on the detailed proceeding event pages. Contact Mindi DeVries, IIDA Chicago City Center Director Halloween themed event and is definitely a Central Illinois favorite.
atz@managementservices.org) with any questions. November 11, 2014 ickets and entries, and all other opportunities are offered on a first come‐ first serve basis and are ONLY November 11, 2014 r Administration upon receipt of registration form and payment. For any event payment questions, please Benefit
ies on the detailed proceeding event pages. Contact Mindi Details:
DeVries, IIDA Chicago City Center Director nagementservices.org). tz@managementservices.org) with any questions. Platinum: Company logo carved on pumpkin, Company logo on poster and table tents, Company logo displayed
ckets and entries, and all other opportunities are offered on a first come‐ first serve basis and are ONLY onsor any 2014 event as early as September 1, 2013. Upon sponsorship confirmation, sponsor’s logo will prominently
on T-Shirt
Administration upon receipt of registration form and payment. For any event payment questions, please t. (I.E. The earlier a sponsor signs onto an event, Gold:
the more materials will carved
showcase their sponsorship Company
on pumpkin,
Company logo on table tents, Company logo displayed on T-Shirt
agementservices.org). Silver: Company logo painted on pumpkin, Company logo displayed on T-Shirt
onsor any 2014 event as early as September 1, 2013. Upon sponsorship confirmation, sponsor’s logo will hange prior to the publication of the official event registration forms. This document is intended only as a . and calendar details. (I.E. The earlier a sponsor signs onto an event, the more materials will showcase their sponsorship *cicc event
ange prior to the publication of the official event registration forms. This document is intended only as a and calendar details. CITY CENTER 2014 EVENTS
event sponsorship program
USGBC/ IIDA Boat Cruise educational
April TBD, 2014 August TBD September 18, 2014 Join us for ‘Designed to Find’ as the Chicago Architecture and Design community gather
for an urban architectural scavenger hunt! Teams of 2-5 solve clever clues and face fun
challenges all while navigating downtown Chicago via foot or on public transportation.
& Events d, to communicate more effectively with e Chicago City Center Committee, present a It’s a scavenger hunt, with all the thrills of The Amazing Race, mixed in with Trivial Pursuit,
got ‘Designed
throw in a mini foot race and add a dash
of cat-and-mouse. And voila! You’ve
nd our activities become more streamlined, to communicate more effectively with to Find’. The final clue will send all of the teams to a celebratory location for team awards and
d help our sponsors stay informed, we, the Chicago City Center Committee, present a like ‘Best Team
September 18, 2014 October TBD prizes
Costume’, ‘Highest Team
Points’November 5, 2014 and more. See you there!
s. We look forward to a fantastic year! April 10, 2014 Benefit Details:
Platinum: (1) free team, option to be an event judge and logo on all graphics
Gold: (1) free team and logo on all graphics
Silver: Logo on all graphics
Bronze: Mention at after party
November 11, 2014 Please note the event sponsorship opportunities on the detailed proceeding event pages. Contact Mindi DeVries, IIDA Chicago City Center Director (mrdevries@hedev.com) or Chris Glatz at (cglatz@managementservices.org) with any questions. March 4, July 15, October 7,2014 April 10, 2014 1.
Sponsorship opportunities, event tickets and entries, and all other opportunities are offered on a first come‐ first serve basis and are ONLY Join
us for the 3rd Annual
Frankly Speaking Lecture Series! Each year we highlight the
guaranteed by the Chicago Chapter Administration upon receipt of registration form and payment. For any event payment questions, please career of one talented individual who proves that the Power of Design can cross disciplines,
contact Chris Glatz at (cglatz@managementservices.org). definitions, cultures, and continents and enrich our profession and our lives. Their experiences
Sponsors are able to sign on to sponsor any 2014 event as early as September 1, 2013. Upon sponsorship confirmation, sponsor’s logo will inspire and teach us all how to unwrap ourselves
from our immediate sphere of influence and
(I.E. inThe appear in materials for that event. a sponsor signs onto viewpoints.
an event, the more materials will showcase their sponsorship soak
theearlier benefits
of different
commitment and logo). 3.
Sponsorship levels are subject to change prior to the publication of the official event registration forms. This document is intended only as a Guests will enjoy cocktails beginning at 6:00 pm, followed by a lecture and reception. The
USGBC/ IIDA Boat Cruise reference guide for 2014 budgeting and calendar details. 2.
September 18, 2014 speaker this year will be announced in the spring of 2014. Be there, or be square!
August TBD September 18, 2014 Platinum: (6) VIP seats and VIP reception with speaker, option to purchase up to (2) additional VIP seats at
regular member price
Gold: (4) VIP seats and VIP reception with speaker, option to purchase up to (2) additional VIP seats at regular
member price
Silver: (2) VIP seats, option to purchase up to (2) additional VIP seats at regular member price
(1) VIP seat, option to purchase up to (2) additional VIP seats at regular member price
November 5, 2014 October TBD November 5, 2014 Create, Inspire, Network….Attend ‘Portfolio Review Night’ for design professionals. Show
off your talent, get critiqued by Chicago’s most influential designers and architects, and
learn ways to improve your professional portfolio.
The evening is formatted as a “speed dating” setting, where each reviewer has their own
act Mindi DeVries, IIDA Chicago City Center Director station and reviewees jump from one to the other on 15 minute intervals. Along with a
closing Q&A panel discussion and cocktails and mingling, this is an event not to be missed!
fered on a first come‐ first serve basis and are ONLY November 11, 2014 d payment. For any event payment questions, please ies on the detailed proceeding event pages. Contact Mindi DeVries, Benefit
Details:IIDA Chicago City Center Director tz@managementservices.org) with any questions. Platinum:
Showroom host including food and beverage for the evening
ckets and entries, and all other opportunities are offered on a first come‐ first serve basis and are ONLY . Upon sponsorship confirmation, sponsor’s logo will Gold: Thank you bag sponsors
Administration upon receipt of registration form and payment. For any event payment questions, please the more materials will showcase their sponsorship agementservices.org). onsor any 2014 event as early as September 1, 2013. Upon sponsorship confirmation, sponsor’s logo will gistration forms. This document is intended only as a . (I.E. The earlier a sponsor signs onto an event, the more materials will showcase their sponsorship ange prior to the publication of the official event registration forms. This document is intended only as a and calendar details. CITY CENTER 2014 EVENTS
commitment form
Personal Information
Contact Name: _______________________________________
Company Name: ______________________________________
Address: _____________________________ City: ___________ State: ____ Zip Code: _________
Email: ___________________________________
Company Website: _________________________
Corporate Tax I.D. Number: __________________
Payment Information
Credit Card Information
CHECK (enclosed)
Form Submission
Complete and mail, fax or email this form along with payment to:
IIDA Illinois Chapter
Christine Glatz, Chapter Administrator
19244 Blackhawk Parkway, Unit 73
Mokena, IL 60448
Phone: 815.806.4908
Fax: 815.469.1901
Email: info@iida-ilchap.org
Payments can be made in two installments. Please submit the first installment no later than January 31,
2014 and the second payment no later than June 30, 2014.
Partnership Opportunities
Please choose an overall partnership level
commitment form
Sponsorship Opportunities
Please indicate the programs in which you have potential interest for sponsorship. IIDA IL will contact
you to coordinate your commitment and details regarding the indicated event(s). Specific Benefits can
vary greatly depending of the event. Please contact Ellen Lieder for a full explanation of benefits at
elieder@wharchs.com or 312.356.7994.
Leaders Breakfast
Bizarre Baazar
Festival Of Trees
What Goes Around
$7,500 (Max 2)
$4,000 (Max 2)
$2,500 (Max 2)
First Rounds-03.14
First Rounds-07.14
First Rounds-10.14
Boat Cruise
$500 (Max 2)
$500 (Max 2)
$500 (Max 2)
$250 (Max 2)
$250 (Max 2)
$250 (Max 2)
Designed To Find
Frankly Speaking
Portfolio Review Night
You Pick$____
You Pick$____
You Pick$____
Showroom Host including Food and Beverage for the evening
Donation of an item for auction
$100 (Max 5)
$50 (Max 20)
You Pick$____
$500 (Max 2)
$4,500 (Max 1)
$3,000 (Max 2)
Showroom Host including Food& Beverage for evening
You Pick$____
You Pick$____
You Pick$____
You Pick$____
You Pick$____
You Pick$____
Sponsorship opportunities, event tickets, entries and all other opportunities are offered on a first come-first serve basis and are ONLY
guaranteed by the Chicago Chapter Administration upon receipt of registration form and payment. For any event payment questions, please
contact info@iida-ilchap.org
Sponsors are able to sign onto sponsor any 2014 event as early as November 1, 2013. Upon sponsorship confirmation, sponsor’s logo will
appear in materials for that event only. (I.E. The earlier a sponsor signed onto an event, the more materials will showcase their sponsorship
commitment and logo).
Sponsorship levels are subject to change prior to the publication of the official event registration forms. This document is intended only as a
reference guide for 2014 budgeting and calendar details.
Thank you for your contribution! If you have any questions, please contact info@iida-ilchap.org or the VP of Partnership, Ellen Lieder at
312.356.7994 or elieder@wharchs.com
“IIDA stands at the intersection
of passion and strategy where
designers create extraordinary
interiors and experiences.”
- from IIDA Value Manifesto