Workshop „SECA Compliance“ 1 Technology – schematic view Dry Scrubber • No water • No wash water • No caustic soda • No pumps • No tanks VDR/MARIKO Workshop „SECA Compliance“ 22 Technology Desulphurization is based on absorptive processes Lime based materials are in use Dry processes utilizing limestone or calcium hydroxide are established on the market RESULT Chemisorption Ca(OH)2 + SO2 CaSO3 + H2O Ca(OH)2 + SO2 + ½ O2 CaSO4 + H2O Ca(OH)2 + SO3 + H2O CaSO3 + H2O Calcium sulfate (CaSO4) = VDR/MARIKO Workshop „SECA Compliance“ GYPSUM 33 Classifier with heating unit Top part silo with heating unit Raw gas hood Cascade unit Clean gas hood Discharge hopper with heating unit VDR/MARIKO Workshop „SECA Compliance“ 44 System Integration Container - Vessel Length o.a. Breadth moulded Deadweight 106 m 19 m 7750 t 3.900 kW SOx ≈ 60.000 Am³/h ≈ 40 kg/h VDR/MARIKO Workshop „SECA Compliance“ 55 System Integration RoRo - Vessel Length o.a. Breadth moulded Deadweight 195 m 27 m 14000 t 10.800 kW SOx ≈ 115.000 Am³/h ≈ 100 kg/h VDR/MARIKO Workshop „SECA Compliance“ 66 System Integration RoPax - Vessel Length o.a. Breadth moulded Deadweight 185 m 28 m 6300 t 4 x 6.900 kW SOx ≈ 300.000 Am³/h ≈ 270 kg/h VDR/MARIKO Workshop „SECA Compliance“ 77 System Integration Engine Power [MW] 4 10 25 E-consumption [kW/h] 20 Compressed air [Nm³/h] 1,5 Light weight [t] 18 36 88 Full weight [t] 67 127 400 VDR/MARIKO Workshop „SECA Compliance“ 25 2 50 3 88 References DryEGCS for a mass flow of a 24 MW engine @ 3 % sulphur HFO (180.000 kg/h) VDR/MARIKO Workshop „SECA Compliance“ 99 References VDR/MARIKO Workshop „SECA Compliance“ 1010 References Length 210 m Breadth 29,6 m Draught 8,6 m Capacity 19300 t Main engines 2 x 8400 kW Aux engines 2 x 1780 kW VDR/MARIKO Workshop „SECA Compliance“ 1111 References VDR/MARIKO Workshop „SECA Compliance“ 1212 References Technology onboard the MV Timbus and MV Cellus DryEGCS® Installation on MV Timbus MAK 3,6 MW at December, 2014 VDR/MARIKO Workshop „SECA Compliance“ 1313 References Technology onboard the MV Timbus and MV Cellus VDR/MARIKO Workshop „SECA Compliance“ 1414 References Technology onboard the MV Timbus and MV Cellus First 2 Vessels worldwide equipped with both DeSOx and DeNOx systems Container - Vessel Length o.a. Breadth moulded Deadweight 99,91 m 17 m 6389 t 3.840 kW SOx ≈ 60.000 Am³/h ≈ 40 kg/h VDR/MARIKO Workshop „SECA Compliance“ 1515 Discharge of used granulate by silo truck VDR/MARIKO Workshop „SECA Compliance“ 16 Logistics – Production and Supply Northern Europe Kolari Verdal Lime Production / Supply Raahe Örnsköldsvik Logistic - Center Helsinki St. Petersburg Stockholm Landskrona Storugns Lübeck Wülfrath Kurevere Riga – Logistic - Center Siauliai Slawno Szczecin Berlin Miedzianka Rübeland Saal Harburg VDR/MARIKO Workshop „SECA Compliance“ 17 Logistics Manufacturer in Europe Granulate FELS-Werke GmbH Nordkalk Lhoist Balthazard & Cotte Carmeuse VDR/MARIKO Workshop „SECA Compliance“ 18 Logistics United States (Graymont, Lhoist, Carmeuse) Granulate British Columbia Exshaw, Alberta Coleman, Alberta Faulkner, Manitoba Joliette, Quebec Langley Topley Blind River, Ontario VDR/MARIKO Workshop „SECA Compliance“ 19 Logistics – Lime plants in Canada Graymont Lhoist Carmeuse British Columbia Exshaw, Alberta Coleman, Alberta Faulkner, Manitoba Joliette, Quebec Langley Topley Blind River, Ontario VDR/MARIKO Workshop „SECA Compliance“ 20 Different options for the supply and disposal Silo with a capacity of at least 50 tons; Silo accessable by trucks Special Bulk Containers Pneumatic discharge in ports with Silo Truck Discharge System Specialcontainer for the supply of fresh granulate and the discharge of used granulate (insists pneumatic transport system and a compressor for compressed air Transportation of Granulate by Train with Container Transport of Granulate with Container by Truck with a tipping chassi VDR/MARIKO Workshop „SECA Compliance“ 21 Logistic – Granulate Lime plant production of Ca(OH)2 Manufacturing of Granulate Transport to logistic center nearby harbour High temperature deluphurization in power plants Soil remidiation Land fill VDR/MARIKO Workshop „SECA Compliance“ Transport to logistic center nearby harbour Charging of Specialcontainer Residue transport from vessel Desulphurization onboard Retarding agent for cement Slag reduction in steel plant Transport onboard 22 NOx – Regulations: IMO – Marpol Annex VI Specific NOx emissions (g/kWh) 18 Tier I (present) Ships built 2000 onwards Engines > 130 kW 16 14 10 Retrofit: Ships built 1990 – 2000 Engines > 90 litres/cylinder and > 5000 kW 8 Tier II (global 2011) 6 Ships built 2011 onwards Engines > 130 kW Dry/Wet Methods 12 Selective Catalytic Reduction 4 Tier III (ECAs 2016) 2 0 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 Ships in designated areas, 2016 onwards Engines > 600 kW Rated engine speed (rpm) VDR/MARIKO Workshop „SECA Compliance“ 2323 DeNOx - State of the art of SCR System VDR/MARIKO Workshop „SECA Compliance“ 2424 Limiting Factors for SCR Systems Limiting Factors Clogging of pitch Reduced activity Frequent soot blowing Frequent maintenance VDR/MARIKO Workshop „SECA Compliance“ pressure loss increase NOx emission increase mechanical stress costs and mechanical stress 2525 Limiting Factors for SCR Systems Limiting Factors Operating Conditions for a SCR System Fuel with < 1,5 %, ideally < 0,1 % If low sulphur fuel not available => DESOx upfront (i.e. DryEGCS) Sufficient exhaust temperature = 300° C – 410° C Exhaust gas temperature after DryEGCS can be as low as 200°C Even distribution of gas flow across the ceramic elements Even distribution of urea across the gas flow Complete hydrolysis and thermolysis of urea Reliable ∆P measurement of SCR unit Functional soot blowing device Ideally combined with DryEGCS desulphurization VDR/MARIKO Workshop „SECA Compliance“ 2626 Advantages Environmental Exploitable residues Emissions comply with IMO No transmission of pollutants from the atmosphere into the hydrosphere but total removal from the biosphere VDR/MARIKO Workshop „SECA Compliance“ Technical Robust system and longterm proven system No corossion of downstream installed exhaust gas components Installation of a small sized SCR without reheating Combined particle precepitation low energy consumption Financial Return on Investment within 18 Month (ECA) Lower operational expenses (still use the cheap HFO) Higher charter rates possible 2727 For more information please visit our homepage Tel.: +49 (0)40 526 000 900 28
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