New Zealand Stockcar Championship 9th & 10th January 2015 CONDITIONS OF ENTRY 1. The event will be run according to the Speedway New Zealand Inc. Rule Book 2013. 2. All competitors must hold a current SNZ Inc. Licence and all vehicles must comply with the current Speedway New Zealand Rule book and supplementary regulations. 3. Noise level of 95dba will be enforced, as measured on the Nelson Track. (Please note - owing to the size of this track, noise levels can be slightly higher than on other tracks). 4. Electronic Lap scoring will be used. Please ensure you have a transmitter, it is working, correctly mounted for scrutineering and the number is entered on your Official Entry Form. Vehicles without a transmitter will not be permitted to race. The Nelson Speedway Association does not provide transmitters. 5. No telephone entries will be accepted and all entries are to be on the Official Entry Form. Confirmation of entry will be sent by 22nd December 2014, where possible by email, however a list of confirmed entries will be regularly updated at The closing date will be strictly adhered to. Late entries will only be accepted at the discretion of the promoter and if accepted will attract a non-refundable entry fee of $50.00, which must be forwarded to the promoter prior to participating in the championship. 6. The Promoter reserves the right to alter the format and closing date after consultation with officials, if deemed necessary. You will be notified of any such changes. 7. The Promoter reserves the right to issue temporary numbers to avoid duplication if necessary for qualifying and finals championships. Competitors will be advised of any such change to their racing number with their confirmation of entry. It is a condition of entry that competing vehicles arrive at scrutineering displaying the number allocated to them and that the numbers comply with the rules of Speedway New Zealand Inc. (No cardboard/paper numbers). 8. For promotional use, please complete the attached drivers profile form, include a clear coloured, non-copyright photograph of your car and a head/shoulders photo of yourself. These images may be e-mailed in JPG format to, please quote your name and usual race number. Photos need to be received by Tuesday 30th December 2014. 9. In the event that you have already forwarded an entry form and discover that you are unable to attend this meeting, you must notify to the Championship Coordinator as soon as possible. Any absentees will be referred to SNZ per Rule M6-8-2. 10. In the event of a rainout, the Promoter, reserves the right to hold the event on the next most opportune day and time and in accordance with SNZ rules and regulations. 11. It is a Speedway New Zealand Inc. requirement that competitors must obtain clearance from their home track to race in all National Championships, We require this regardless of whether your home track is holding a meeting or not. A completed clearance form must accompany your entry form, alternatively please ask your promoter to email a clearance to 11. To assist with pit parking please indicate on your entry form, the length of your tow vehicle and trailer/truck/bus and also if you must park next to another competitor with the reason. No private vehicles will be permitted in the Pit Area. Pit parking will be tight, please park where directed. 14. The championship sponsors advertising transfers may be affixed to each competitor’s vehicle. 15. Alcoholic beverages must not be consumed until after the conclusion of the meeting and may only be purchased from and consumed in the clubrooms. No BYO. 16. Nelson Speedway Assn. requires bank details for payment of any prize money won by the competitor. ENTRIES CLOSE ON: Wednesday 10th December 2014, 5.00 pm All correspondence and entries to: Any queries please contact: By Post: NZ Stockcar Champs, Nelson Speedway Assn. PO Box 3368, Richmond, Nelson 7050 Or Email: Or Fax: 03 542 4174 Shara Higgins Phone: 03 542 4174 or 021 213 4407 E-Mail: New Zealand Stockcar Championship COMPETITOR INFORMATION VENUE – ProKarts Top of the South Speedway, Lansdowne Road, Appleby, Nelson Turn at the traffic lights on Queen St, Richmond (right if traveling from north, left if from the south) and continue right along Lower Queen St approx 4km, turn left into Lansdowne Rd, pit entry approx 150m from intersection. CAMPING Nelson Speedway Association is allowing camping for competitors in fully self-contained accommodation only. Camping rules will be sent with the confirmation of entry and are also available on the website, to those that indicate on their entry form they wish to take up this offer. Non competitors are also catered for, details at FORMAT Thursday 8th January 2015 Official Practice – from 6.00 pm to 8.30 pm Scrutineering – At ProKarts Top of the South Speedway 3.00 pm to 5.00 pm Competitor’s Briefing – 5.30 pm – in the clubrooms adjacent to the pits Format - Cars will run on the track in groups of 10-12 cars. Lap times will be available for viewing for those that wish to run their transmitter. Free Admission. Friday 9th January 2015 Scrutineering - At ProKarts Top of the South Speedway 9.00 am to 5.00 pm Competitor’s Briefing – 5.30 pm – in the clubrooms adjacent to the pits. The marble draw will take place immediately following the meeting. Grand Parade – 6.15 pm – Competitors only on cars, only one person in car. Racing Starts – 7.00 pm Format - As per Speedway New Zealand Rule Book 2013, Rule M4-31 Qualifying, will consist of six equal groups, each group will contest three heats with accumulated points. The top four point scorers from each qualifying group will qualify for the 30 car championship finals. The next six highest point scorers (5th – 10th) from each qualifying group will contest one of two repercharges, in the event of any tied points, grids will be determined by a toss of the coin. The top three from each repercharge will progress to the championship final, the remaining repercharge competitors will compete for 30 car Tony’s Engineering Hustle (Tier 2). Competitors finishing 11th to 15th in their qualifying group will compete for 30 Car Sourced IT Recruitment Specialists RAMpage (Tier 3). Repercharges will take place on Saturday 10th January at 6.00 pm. Saturday 10th January 2015 Scrutineering - At ProKarts Top of the South Speedway 1.30 pm to 4.30 pm Competitor’s Briefing – 5.30 pm – in the clubrooms adjacent to the pits. - Finalists grid draw will be on the infield after the repercharges are completed. Tony’s Engineering Hustle (Tier 2) grid draw will be in the clubrooms after the repercharges. Sourced IT Recruitment Specialists RAMpage (Tier 3) grid draw will take place immediately following the briefing. Repercharges - 6.00 pm Racing Starts – 7.00 pm FORMAT - As per Speedway New Zealand Rule Book 2013, Rule M4-31. The two repercharges will be held at 6.00 pm, the top three place getters in each repercharge will progress to The 30 Car Championship finals, running accumulated points over three heats to determine the winner. The remainder will contest the 30 Car Tony’s Engineering Hustle (Tier 2) and 30 Car Sourced IT Recruitment Specialists RAMpage (Tier 3) will be run with accumulated points over three heats to determine the winner. A list of workshops, wash facilities and parts and service providers will be made available for all visiting competitors at the event. PRIZE MONEY QUALIFYING Per Heat (Six Groups) $100 1st 2nd $ 90 3rd $ 80 4th $ 70 $ 60 5th 6th $ 50 7th $ 50 $ 40 8th 9th $ 40 10th $ 30 11th $ 30 $ 20 12th 13th $ 20 14th $ 20 NEW ZEALAND STOCKCAR CHAMPS FINALS FINAL HEATS OVERALL PLACING 1st $125 1st $2,500 2nd $115 2nd $1,500 rd rd 3 $ 100 3 $1,000 4th $ 90 5th $ 80 6th $ 70 7th $ 60 8th $ 50 9th $ 40 th 10 $ 30 11th $ 20 12th $ 20 Sashes and Trophies will be presented to 1st, 2nd & 3rd places. Tony’s Engineering Hustle (Tier 2) & Sourced IT Recruitment Specialists RAMpage (Tier 3) HEATS 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th OVERALL PLACING 1st $800 2nd $600 rd 3 $300 $100 $ 90 $ 80 $ 70 $ 60 $ 50 $ 40 $ 30 $ 20 $ 20 $ 20 $ 20 Sashes and Trophies will be presented to 1st, 2nd & 3rd places ADMISSION TO VENUE Two adults in the tow vehicle will be given free entry each night, all others in tow vehicles pay normal rates. Admission Prices are:Adult $20 Child* $10 Family** $40 Pensioners $15 Under 5 free *CHILD = (5 to 15 years inclusive) **FAMILY = (Maximum of 2 adults and up to 3 children 5 to 16 years incl.) Presale General Admission tickets are available – details at Gate Sales will still be available ADMISSION TO PITS The Nelson Speedway Assn has a closed pits policy for the duration of the race programme. You and your crew will require an armband to gain entry to the pits during racing, every person wearing an armband must wear suitable enclosed footwear. The competitor and up to five crew members will be issued with armbands. No Armband, No Entry, No Exceptions. SOUVENIR T-SHIRTS Details available soon at with options to pre-order for delivery or collect at the track The clubrooms will be open for all competitors and crews at the conclusion of racing. There is a wide range of food and drinks, including non alcoholic beverages, available for purchase. Please note we do not have a BYO licence. We encourage a family atmosphere so children are welcome. Keen for more racing ??? Stockcar Hoopla! At AmPro Tools Woodford Glen - Saturday 17th January 2015 For more information see PLEASE RETAIN THIS COPY FOR YOUR INFORMATION New Zealand Stockcar Championship 9th & 10th January 2015 OFFICIAL ENTRY FORM NAME ______________________________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS _______________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ Postcode: _________________ CONTACT PHONE NUMBERS Home __________________________________ Mobile _________________________________________ E-mail address ________________________________________________________________________________ SNZ LICENCE No. ______________ TRANSMITTER No. _______________ No. OF CREW _______________ RACING No. _____________ TRACK CODE ____________ ALTERNATE RACING No’s _________________ TOW VEHICLE & TRAILER/TRUCK/BUS LENGTH ______________________________________________ PIT PARKING REQUIREMENTS ______________________________________________________________ CAMPING: YES/NO VEHICLE REGISTRATION No. _________________ PEOPLE: ____________________ PRIZEMONEY BANK DETAILS ___________________________________________________________________________ Account Name Bank Account Number Cheque payable to __________________________________________________________________________ I wish to enter the above event and by signing this entry form I declare that I understand the format and conditions of entry and agree to abide by them and also indemnify the track, their officials, SNZ officials and staff from all liability in connection with my practice or racing at this meeting. I agree to allow any details contained on this entry form to be used for promotional purposes. I enclose: Competitor's Profile Form Completed clearance form to race at Nelson Coloured non-copyright Photograph of Car Photograph of Driver (Head & Shoulders preferred) I will e-mail photos to (by Tuesday 30th December 2014) Signed ___________________________________ Date ________________________ ENTRIES CLOSE ON: Wednesday 10th December 2014, 5.00 pm PLEASE SEND ENTRIES TO: By Post: NZ Stockcar Champs, Nelson Speedway Assn., PO Box 3368, Richmond, NELSON 7050 Or Email: Or fax: 03 542 4174 Late entries will only be accepted at the discretion of the promoter and if accepted will attract a non-refundable entry fee of $50.00, which must be forwarded to the promoter prior to participating in the championship. Speedway New Zealand Inc. Competitor Release Track: ________________________________________________________________ (contract track) Releases: ___________________________________________Vehicle No: __________ (competitor’s name) To compete at: _NELSON, NZ STOCKCAR CHAMPIONSHIP, 9 & 10 January 2015_____ Signed: (track, event & date) _________________________ Print: _______________________________ (promoter/club position) PLEASE NOTE: If this competitor decides to race back at his/her home track on the above dates, a new release form from the away track must be given back to allow them to race at their home track. Also if a competitor’s class is being stood down for the night a release form is still required. NELSON SPEEDWAY ASSOCIATION INC COMPETITOR PROFILE/ANNOUNCERS INFORMATION SHEET The information you include on this form will be used for promotional purposes Competitor’s Name: __________________________________________________________________ Nickname: _________________________________________________________________________ Age: ____________________________ Marital Status: ____________________________________ Children: ___________________________________________________________________________ Occupation: _________________________________________________________________________ Interests/Hobbies: ____________________________________________________________________ Started Racing: ______________________________________________________________________ Classes Raced: ______________________________________________________________________ Favourite Track: ___________________________ Worst Track: ______________________________ Biggest Influence: ____________________________________________________________________ Most Memorable Experience: ___________________________________________________________ Most Respected Rivals: ________________________________________________________________ Likes About Speedway: ________________________________________________________________ Dislikes About Speedway: ______________________________________________________________ How You Got Started: __________________________________________________________________ Sponsors: ___________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Pit Crew: ____________________________________________________________________________ Titles/Achievements: _______________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Career Highlights: _________________________________________________________________ Career Disappointments: ____________________________________________________________ NZ STOCKCAR CHAMPIONSHIPS How many NZ Stockcar Champs competed at: ___________________________________________ How many NZ Stockcar Champs qualified at: ____________________________________________ Best Placing: _____________________________________________________________________ VEHICLE PROFILE Engine Make ______________________ Chassis ________________________ Body ___________________________ Race No. _________________________ CC Rating _______________________ Built By _________________________ Age of Car ______________________ Any other information you wish to include __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Competitor’s Signature: _____________________________________
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